Blond Exhibitionist Neighbor MILF by Sneakimeet,Sneakimeet

Anyways, her amazing show was over.

I had to come up with something clever to text her right away but my cock was throbbing and wasn’t going to behave anytime soon! I was so horny I couldn’t think straight and was worried I’d fuck up the delivery! I wanted to fuck so bad! I had to take a few minutes to calm down.

After I took the time I needed, this was our chat:

Me: hey, did you get a kitty cat?

Her: lol, no have you seen a cat around?

Me: Yeah! Every once in a while I see this kitty over there. She was in the sun a few minutes ago.

Me: She moves around a lot so i’m hard getting a good look but she’s posh and blonde… a great looking little kitty.

Her: Not yet but I’m going to look, I love kitties!

Me: This one really looks good. Want me to let you know when I see her?

Her: yes!

Me: Cool! Sunny mornings like this are the best times. She kinda glows in the sunlight and looks spectacular! 😛

With the tight deadline and as smutty as my thoughts were, I thought I did alright. I was breezy. She engaged. I dropped some really good hints and even snuck in the “mistake” that I was hard. God, I was a steel rod! Anyways, since our chat was only minutes after she pranced around naked in the sunlight plus all the hints I was dropping, I was hoping she’d connect the dots. That said, I’m pretty sure she just thought I was chatting about some freaky, homeless cat! Haha!

I think my silly word game was too clever by half. And even if she did get it, she could just play along as if she didn’t which gets us nowhere. Ok, lesson learned. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Next time would be no bullshit, less chatty, and more straightforward. If I was lucky enough to catch another special exhibition, she’d know I had a front row seat!

After that, things went right back to normal. When she got home from work, there was a pretty good chance I’d see her taking her clothes off. She was living her life and I was admiring. I really am thankful for this beautiful woman!

An April Tuesday morning

Then, as luck would have it, about three weeks after my cat fiasco her car was still in her driveway on a weekday morning … it was her day off. Her days off are bursting with potential! I’m in my office working and she’s home all day … and she loves changing outfits! She has a little free time for herself, she’s more relaxed, she can slow down a bit and enjoy herself. And if it happens to be sunny, especially in the morning, that really brightens up her room and heightens my anticipation. The chances are good my favorite neighbor will distract me from work, sometimes more than once. She was off. It was a sunny morning. I was optimistic.

I just started a work meeting when her movement caught my eye. She just came out of the shower and was walking around in her robe with her towel on her head. The way she moved I could tell she was in a great mood.

I was expecting her to futz around in her robe for a bit before eventually trying on outfits but that’s not what happened. She threw off her robe suddenly and hopped up on her bed completely naked. She was checking herself out head to toe in the mirror and I was seeing everything she was! Hands on hips, she rotated her torso checking out her firm little titties from both sides then gave them a little squeeze. She has the nicest tits and I think she’d agree. Then she did a spinning hop and, when she landed, looked over her shoulder and pointed her ass at the mirror. She playfully wiggled her tight little ass at herself then smacked it, obviously pleased with what she saw. She was in such a great mood that she even jumped up and down on the bed a few times before hopping off and bounding into the bathroom! I think she was laughing! The whole thing didn’t last long but what a show! God, her tits and ass are just so tight. Every time she jumped they bounced just right. So firm! She definitely had the best time up there.

Within a minute of her jumping naked off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom, I texted her:

Me: 😍

Me: Love it!

I told her. Short and sweet.

If she read it right away, she understood. She’s attached to her phone so she probably did see it right away. Her drapes didn’t slam shut and she didn’t try to be coy or deflect or deny anything by replying with something like “Love what?”

She never responded. She. Just. Took. It. She was perfect!

After she read my message, I hope I boosted how confident and hot and sexy and fun and playful and naughty she felt on top of that bed because those were the vibes I was sending!

For the next few days, I paid attention to see if her drapes closed or if I could tell her habits changed for additional privacy. I didn’t notice anything different. I hadn’t seen her in the buff for those few days but that wasn’t totally unusual. She was still just doing her thing … including on the day she finally came home and stripped off all her work clothes!

Oh, that felt so good! She was OK with us, with me. Was she more than OK? That was such a horny moment she gave me! She gave me permission! Plus, now she controlled when and how much we played. Our game could be played on her terms and that’s how it should be. God, she’s such a great neighbor!

We got right back to our routine where her getting naked after work would catch my eye. She wasn’t doing anything different but our routine was so much hotter now just knowing that she knew I might be watching and she was still taking her clothes off anyways.

A May Saturday night

About a month later I was folding laundry in my bedroom around 11pm on a Saturday night when I noticed she was in her bedroom, too. She was going in and out of her brightly lit walk-in closet. I could see her clearly. She’d take a piece of clothing off the rack, walk it over to her mirror (which I can’t see from my bedroom) then walk back into her closet and hang it back up. I didn’t pay her too much attention. I had a mountain of clothes to fold and it seemed like she was just playing fashionista while not getting naked. About 10 minutes later, I finished putting my clothes away and looked out my window. She was in her closet completely naked!


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