Brit Cums… Rick's Confession

An adult stories – Brit Cums… Rick's Confession by MJs_Story,MJs_Story This is a sibling story from the series Brit Cums Out of Her Shell, as told by her coworker, Rick. Enjoy!

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 7:57pm

Okay, I promised not to tell anyone about this. But I think I’ve kept quiet about this long enough and I literally can’t not tell anyone anymore.

I know none of you believed me about the 4th of July, but this is the same girl I uploaded that video of me banging in the bathrooms back in August. Seriously, check that out, too. I actually might have another video to upload soon, but I don’t know. It might cause trouble for the place I work for.

Anyway, about a month and a half ago, that hot blonde girl I work with – I’ll just say ‘B’ – invited me out to a little boat party again. If anyone didn’t already know, I went out with her and some other guys for a 4th of July party, and… well just check out my post about it if you want to hear about that one. Yea that was wild, but this time? Holy shit.

So our 4th of July outing was already crazy. Some real life-long memories were made that day. But right at the end of August, I get a text from her boyfriend. It said his girlfriend, B, couldn’t stop talking about how much fun she had, and how she wanted to go out again before the end of summer. Now I don’t know if he was aware of everything that happened that day, because he was pretty sloshed at the end. But still, he had to know something was up. And here he was, asking if I wanted to go out again?

You know what? Absolutely, I’m down for another party. Whether he knows what’s up with his gf or not. So we set up all the specifics, and land on a date for the next weekend. He says he’s hoping a few more people than last time will show up, which kind of puts a damper on my expectations. But when I showed up at his place to hitch a ride, his girlfriend, who I’ll just call ‘B’ said they were already one person down.

Hell yeah, one less person to get in the way, am I right? We made the long-ass drive up to this lake, and stopped halfway at a gas station. The boyfriend, ‘H,’ went in to prepay for gas, and I was just sitting in the truck with B. To be honest, I’d been staring at her tits from the middle seat in the back of H’s truck. Then I glanced up.

Through the little mirror on her flip down sun visor, she locked eyes with me. We just stared at each other for a second. She arched an eyebrow at me, with a little smile. Totally gave me ‘come hither’ vibes, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, H came back out, gassed up, and we finished the trip up to the lake. Only, when we show up, there’s no one else from the group there. The boyfriend, ‘H,’ finds out that a family emergency dragged off his buddy, and another couple was having car trouble and decided not to show up.

So guess who gets the blonde bombshell all to himself? ME, motherfuckers!

It was hot that day, like still 90 degrees when we rolled up at 4 o clock. We jumped out of the truck and B wasted no time at all. She’s like, “Aw this weather is perfect, right, H?” And without waiting for her bf to answer, she pulled off her tank top. BAM, those big ole’ titties pop out, barely contained in a little yellow bikini top.

H piped in, “Yeah, babe! Better soak up that sun while it lasts, right?” He looked at me. “No worries that no one else made it. We’ll have some drinks, enjoy the sun and just chill out, if that sounds good to you.”

B looked at me, too, which meant her back was turned to her boyfriend. She looked me straight in the eye, and shimmied out of her booty shorts, giving me a perfect cleavage shot as she bent down to pick them up. I get a full frontal view of her fanning her hair behind her as she stood up, and her matching yellow bottoms look like they were pulled up tight, and the spaghetti straps were stretched up over her hips. Finally, she says over her shoulder at her bf, “I don’t know, babe, It probably would have been more fun in a bigger group.”

Without missing a beat, he shoots back, “We’ll just have to give you more fun ourselves, I guess.”

I had to really fight the urge to say something stupid. She rolled her eyes with a little smile. Her boyfriend already had a few drinks in him, but I knew I had time, so I just kept my mouth shut.

The boyfriend, H, gave me a grin like, “Yeah, that’s right. She’s hot as hell.” B gave me that same look as she did at the gas station.

I grinned right back at her boyfriend. I could already see where this was going, and H already looked like he had a buzz. So I figured I’d bide my time, wait for the right moments.

We hit the boat, and just like last time, H took it slow out of the docks and into the lake, and just like last time, B asked for help getting the tanning oil on her back. Only this time, it was only me and her.

The water was glimmering from the afternoon sun, the wind was blowing through her hair, and I had a raging hard on already. She passed me the tanning oil and said, “Use as much as you like. I might not get to use it much for the rest of the year.” She could have said that that plain as day, like talking about the weather, but the edge in her voice told me she wanted more than just oil on her back, if you know what I mean.

She laid down on her stomach, big tits pressed out to the sides, with her ass just begging to be touched.

So I looked up and saw we were floating along pretty slow, and we had some time before we hit the open water. H was like, laser focused on the water, so I looked back down to see B giving me a naughty little smile.

I kid you not, she saw me look down at her and wiggled her ass. “Gonna leave me hanging, Rick?” She was purring, guys.

I turned over that bottle of oil and sprayed it right on her ass. “Hey, that stuff doesn’t exactly wash out!” She was also almost whispering. And she didn’t even sound upset.

“You gonna take them off and wash them here?” I asked. She gave me this little disbelieving laugh and just relaxed into the bench seat again.

I sprayed that oil up, down, then gave both of her thighs a healthy squirt for good measure. I tossed the little bottle over to her bag and put both hands right on her lower back. I would call the oiling perfunctory, at least for her back and shoulders.

Then I remembered how the other guy had done it last time. He rubbed up her shoulders, but then inched down until he had a handful of her tits in each hand. They were definitely big enough, so I just went for it.

Shit I’m almost at the character limit. Let me really put on my writing hat for you losers.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 8:41pm

So, I reached down, one hand on either side, rubbing this oil into her skin. I was bee-lining for her tits, squished out on either side from laying on her stomach. She tensed up as my finger tips pushed into either breast, and gasped.

I almost stopped, but I felt like I could either take the gift I was given and just go for it, or puss out and stop. I grabbed her tits, pushed that oil around, pinched her nipples. I was like some Buddha priest, in rapture or enlightened or whatever, just kneading oil into this hot girl’s tits. Just pure bliss. And she was doing this little gasps and moans, I almost just dropped my shorts right there to bend her over the back of the boat.

I was still full hard, of course. I didn’t even care that my dick was pushing against the side of her ass where I was kneeling. She didn’t seem too bothered by it either.

But then, she murmurs, “Don’t forget my legs, Rick.” I could feel my grin going ten miles wide as I glanced down at her ass. The oil had soaked into her bikini a bit, and was making it kind of cling to her skin. So I leaned back, and put both hands right on that big, juicy ass.

She arched her back, the oil glistening in the sun. I grabbed her ass, squeezing and pushing that oil down. It was spreading all over her ass under the fabric of the bikini, and it wasn’t long before enough had soaked between her legs that the bikini was sticking to her pussy, too.

Seeing part of her pussy outlined in that oiled-up bikini was like looking at a masterpiece artwork. I dropped my hands to her thighs, rubbing the dripping oil down to her knees, then back up. Every time I pushed my hands up her thighs, I went a little further inside her legs. By the fourth time, she was squirming like she had a vibrator rubbing against her clit, so I just gave her leg a little push.

She didn’t even resist. Just panted and let me push one of her legs to the side, giving me a perfect view of her bikini sticking to her tight little pussy. I pushed my hands up the insides of her thighs, then pushed one hand up to her ass, under the bikini. From underneath, my hand tented the fabric up, and I could see her pussy lips pulling with the swimsuit.

There was no stopping me by that point. My other hand went straight to her lips. I slipped the fabric to the side and felt my breath hiss between my teeth as I stared at her pink, swollen pussy. I didn’t stare long, though – I slid two fingers down the length of her swollen lips. She was hot, wet with oil, and quivering from excitement.

I thought, with the oil and all the excitement, I could slip two fingers in no problem, but when I pushed against her, she was tight. Her lips spread around my fingers as I sunk them into her. Then I felt her squeeze my fingers, and I knew she wanted more.

Her fingers gripped the cushioned bench seat, her back arched her ass up toward me, and I pushed my fingers in deep and slow. It was a dream come true. Honestly, every time anything happened between B and I was a dream come true, and I was so in the moment, I physically jerked back when her boyfriend called back, “Yo, hand me another beer, Rick!”

B was lost in the moment, too, because she jumped. She sat up and fixed her bikini, and locked her legs together tight. I handed the beer up, though, and H asked, “You enjoying the view, Rick?”

Normally, that wouldn’t be at all unusual to ask. The lake, the mountains, the clear skies – the view was amazing. But the way he asked, I knew he was talking about B. So I just told him, “I enjoy the view more every day, H.” I sat down across from B.

“She has that effect on us guys, doesn’t she?” he called back, chuckling. He didn’t even glance over his shoulder to look at us, but Brit shot her boyfriend an expression that was surprised he didn’t tell me off and then shot me a look like she was actually impressed I had the balls to say it to her bf.

“Hmph. I do have that effect, don’t I, Rick?” she asked loudly.

I know her boyfriend heard, but I just responded: “Yep.”

Brit bit her lip and pushed her legs together, grinding her thighs. She glanced at Hal, then back at me. In a conspiratorial whisper, she said, “You’re feeling bold today, aren’t you?”

I spoke just loud enough to be heard over the motor, “I would say I’m getting it all from you, actually. Thanks for that, by the way.”

She shrugged, but I could still see her legs pressed tightly together. “A little fun never hurt, right?”

I bit back a laugh. “A little fun?” I glanced up at Hal, who was still focused on the water in front of him. “Your boyfriend – your boyfriend! – is right there!”

To my surprise, she just grinned. “He didn’t seem to mind. And it didn’t stop you either,” she said dismissively.

I sat back, eying her unabashedly. She just let me look, and right then and there, I started getting my hopes up for the possibilities the rest of the day could bring.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 9:11pm

We rode out onto the lake without much else happening. I watched B’s tits jiggle and bounce while we rode across the water, and she relaxed a bit more with her glass of wine. We all had a few drinks, Hal especially. Finally, we drifted to a stop somewhere on the far end of the lake.

By then, it was already early evening, probably going on 6 o clock, so we broke out some snacks and a had a little picnic. H scratched at the stubble on his chin and asked me, “So, Rick, how’s work? Last time, I think you said something about being top in the region, right?”

“Oh yeah, our service department is actually rated higher than the next Trey’s by like, 60 points right now.” Most of my attention was on H’s girlfriend, and I noticed her blush a bit. She had her legs crossed, and she was lounging with an arm over the side of the boat, facing the sun as she bit into a pear.

“Wow,” H said around a mouthful of sandwich. “That’s impressive… Is that impressive? I actually don’t know anything about the points thing.” He washed down the bite with three swigs of his beer, and tossed the empty bottle into a trash bag behind him.

B laughed, kind of exasperated. H popped the lid on another bottle of beer. “I’ve tried to explain it to you like, ten times, babe. But yeah, that’s really good.”

“Damn. Weren’t you saying it’s because you guys were a good team, or something?” He asked, taking a handful of chips.

I tensed up, not sure about the right way to answer. Did he say that because he suspected something was up? Or was he still just making small talk? B actually beat me to it though. In a sultry voice, she teased, “Oh babe, we make a very good team.”

My jaw dropped. And yet, H just gave his girlfriend a funny, ‘you got me,’ look, and laughed it off.

We sat and ate in amicable silence for a few minutes, but H caught me glancing at Brit once or twice. I felt like I had to say something, so I said to H, “You two seem so comfortable with each other. Like, with anything.”

He rose his eyebrows at me, but just took a drink of his beer. B glanced at me with a queer smile. I waited a beat and said, “It seems like you’re pretty cool with, um.”

I admit, I wasn’t sure how to say it. But H nodded, smiling, so I said, “Like, you’d be cool with B if she wanted to do anything. And I kind of bet she’d be cool with you, too. It seems like you have something really good going.”

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 9:40pm

Note – YES. I see in the comments that I dropped Brit AND Hal’s names above. I knew I should have just given them fake names. I’ve been drinking while I write this, and I guess they slipped in my excitement to share. Guess the cat’s out of the bag, now, so I’m just saying fuck it and using their names anyway for the rest of the story.

–Continue story (and stop commenting about coming up to see her yourselves, or you won’t get any more badass videos of me stuffing her hot cunt at work lol):

It wasn’t my best moment. Needing a reason to stop blurting awkward things out in pleasant company, I took a bite of my sandwich, chewing slowly. Brit and Hal shared a knowing glance, and then had a little conversation just with head nods and facial expressions.

Finally, Hal said, “You’re right, Rick. We do have a really good thing going. I’m happy, and Brit has never been happier, right babe?” She nodded. “As long as it’s all good between us, then yeah, I don’t see a reason to freak out over things that make us happy.”

Brit looked a little deadpan at her boyfriend. “Not too much fun, Hal.”

He didn’t look at her, instead just smiling with a shrug. “Whatever you say, babe.”

She scoffed. “Uh huh. You say that now,” she led, taking a sip of wine. It was her second glass. She must have been a lightweight, because she was already looking rosy in the cheeks.

“I do say that now. Do you have something in mind that will make me change my mind?” Hal asked, faking a concerned tone.

“We’ll see, babe. Or maybe you won’t see?”

Hal laughed in earnest this time. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

She just grinned, stood up, and said, “I’m going for a swim.”

Hal and I watched as she jumped in, and I finished off my beer. I’d been keeping a nice buzz through most of the afternoon. Hal finished another beer himself, and was starting to look pretty drunk.

“Hey,” I started. We were both sitting on the same bench seat, looking out at the water, where Brit had dove under, her light hair shimmering behind her.

“What’s up, Rick?” Hal asked, opening yet another bottle of beer.

“Do you remember the 4th of July? When you spilled your drink?” I tried to play cool, and just kept my eyes on the water.

“You know, Brit asked me the same thing. I tried to say how I remembered the fireworks, and I guess I kind of remember them. But, I mean, honestly? No. It’s pretty much a blank from like, 8pm to the next day when I woke up at home, in my truck. I felt like shit,” he chuckled.

“Man, you really missed a hell of a show,” I said it with a grin, and got an appraising glance in return as he took a few swigs.

“Seems like there was more to it than just fireworks.” I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty sure I heard approval in his voice when he said it.

“Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime,” I hedged.

“Hah! You should, because I haven’t gotten Brian to give me an actual explanation outside of saying, ‘uh, yeah, uh, you drove us in, and uh, then you spilled your beer and fell asleep, and um, we had a really good time, um, watching the fireworks.'”

I chuckled at Hal’s imitation of his friend. It was pretty good. Hal watched my face for a moment, and I think he was about to ask for more, but Brit started pulling herself up on the back of the boat.

Hal wasted no time commenting, “Goddamn, Brit. Watching you pull yourself out of the water is reason enough to make the trip up here.” His words were starting to sound slurred.

It was late enough that golden sunlight was streaming down just above the treeline on the distant mountains behind us. Brit lit up like some kind of Sports Illustrated front-cover model, and the two of us guys just stared. Brit took her time rearranging her hair and heading over to pick up a towel, and it was easy to tell she was giving both of us a chance to really look at her.

Hal glanced over at me, and I picked up on a mischievous smile. It was hard to tell, honestly. He was bobbing around, looking more drunk by the second. “So you and Brit make a great team, huh? I bet you two couldn’t knock me off the tube.”

I laughed at the half-baked challenge, glancing at the bulging trash bag on the floor of the boat. “You’re drunk, Hal.”

He laughed right back, and said, “So you don’t think you can?”

“Oh, I can!” I kept a light tone, and Hal leaned forward. “But if its a bet, what are the stakes?”

“Hmm,” Hal looked around the boat, and landed on the 2 beers left in my 6-pack.

“If I win, and you can’t knock me into the water in,” his brows furrowed. “-ten minutes, I get your last two beers!” He seemed pretty proud of himself, like he’d already won the bet.

I shrugged, knowing I needed to start drinking water anyway if we were going to have a sober driver for the trip home. “Okay, deal. What if I win?”

“Um,” Hal cast about again, and his eyes landed on Brit. “Wanna handjob from my girlfriend?”

Hal’s tone was a bit playful, but Brit blushed. He watched her until she finally said, “I mean, I think a handjob is worth more than two beers!”

Hal grinned. “Damn, babe, that would us-usul- normally get a rise out of you! You think I should also win his shirt or something, too?”

“Wow,” she mocked. “My handjobs are only worth two beers and a sweaty shirt, huh?”

Hal squinted, thinking about it. “No, I think more?”

She shrugged, sipped her wine, and said, “Maybe I should just give Rick one anyway, since you’re so unsure about how much it’s worth?”

“Hoho! Damn, it’s so hot when you talk dirty, Brit. Okay Rick, let’s do this.” Hal was starting to slur his S’s, but he confidently teetered up to the front of the boat and pulled the bright orange intertube without clarifying any of what they’d just talked about. The tube came out of the storage compartment and Hal tied the rope to a hardpoint sticking out at the back.

“Show me what you got!” He called at us as he flopped onto the intertube.

Hal drifted backward and started bracing himself. I looked at Brit and grinned. “Can’t wait to get this handy. Hal isn’t gonna know what hit him.”

Brit scoffed. “You know, you boys act like I wouldn’t deserve a little fun, too. Maybe I should get something, too, if our little ‘team’ wins the bet?”

I sat down in front of the steering wheel and paused. “Um, you know, I thought… I mean, the way like, uh,” The last thing I expected was a comment like that, but I couldn’t help but feel excited.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 9:59pm

Finally, I got my shit together and said, “So you’re saying we’d be better off doing something mutually, uh, enjoyable?” I piqued my eyebrows at her.

She shrugged noncommittally. “Sounds better than only one of us winning something, if you selfish boys ever stopped thinking about your cocks.” Her little smile made me sit up straighter.

“More like our cocks thinking about you.” She blushed and I grinned back back at Hal – the rope was starting to reach its full length. “Ready, loser?” I called back.

Hal flashed a determined grin and I saw his knuckles go white. I turned back around, put my hand on the throttle, and said, “Alright Brit, I’m going to knock his drunk ass of that tube, and when we reel him in, I’m going to see if we can’t change the deal a bit.”

Before she could respond, I hammered the throttle. The engine roared, and we took off, leaving a roiling white foam behind us. Brit gripped the side of the boat with both hands and the rope drew tight. Hal jerked back on his intertube, but didn’t lose his grip as we yanked the tube along behind us.

I gunned it for a solid 15 seconds, then turned the wheel in a sharp turn, aiming for the wake I’d left behind. The boat crested the wake and the intertube went flying over it like a sled off a ramp. The moment we crossed over it, I slalomed back and forth across the wake, sending the boat up and down at a steady rythym. I couldn’t help but glance back at Brit, who was staring back at Hal. Even though she’d spared a hand to hold them, her tits still bounced and jiggled with the boat, and her hair was whipping around her face.

I angled the boat back around again, aiming for the wake left by my first sharp turn. The wakes were forming into a big circle, and I shot us through the first part in a straight line, and then angled hard left.

I looked back as the boat cleared the rough water and watched as Hal’s intertube jumped, then flopped down so hard that Hal bounced back into the air. As the tube angled up through second wake, it began to overturn. Hal’s legs were off to one side from his rough landing, and the intertube turned like a coin on its side. Hal’s weight naturally pulled the tube the rest of the way over, and he was forced to let go as the tube landed on top of him.

Brit looked over at me, impressed. I winked at her as I turned the boat back around toward Hal. He was coughing and shaking his head as he paddled toward us. I kept the boat moving slow as I passed him by, and let him grab the rope attached to the intertube.

Once we pulled him in, I noticed Hal kept squinting. I clapped him on the shoulder as he shook water off himself. “For a drunk guy, you held on a lot better than I thought you would!”

“Dude, I was not ready for that hard landing,” he strained. “You knocked the wind out of me!” He was smiling, but he seemed sore. “Shit.”

“Hey, no worries, man. Have a beer.” I handed him one of my two remaining beers and he looked between it and me.

“Wait, did I make it the whole ten minutes?” He glanced at Brit.

Brit looked at her phone, shook her head, and showed him the screen as she looked out over the water. The timer on her screen was paused at 2.37.85.

“Two minutes? Seriously? I thought I was at least getting close.”

Brit chimed in without looking at her boyfriend, “You’re not the only who’s about to be getting close.”

Hal’s eyes went wide. “Ah shit! What did I say would happen if I lost? I don’t even remember, I didn’t think you’d knock me off!”

“You said-” I started.

“You said he could look at my tits,” Brit interrupted.

I looked at her, confused. Hal’s eyebrows scrunched up. “I did?”

“Dumb-dumb,” she scolded him.

“Huh. I guess that sounds like something I would say. Well, lucky you, Rick. That’s something I spent months getting to see! I’ll let you uh, you know. Do that. I’ll just start us heading back.” He seemed kind of defeated, and I felt a little bad. Then he popped the cap off my second-to-last beer and chugged half of it before the boat had even started moving.

Meanwhile, Brit was giving me a serious look. She kept her voice low as she said, “I’m not going to let him think he’s driving the boat back while his girlfriend jerks off her coworker right behind him. Or anything, for that matter. He’s an idiot, and he’s pretty easy going, but there’s still a limit.”

I looked back at Hal. He was slouched pretty heavily in the chair. I whispered loud over the engine, “But what about that whole thing about mutual enjoyment?”

A naughty smile crossed her lips. “So impatient,” she teased, and looked away.

I stammered something unintelligible, trying to figure out what that was supposed to mean. Then I noticed the intertube was still dragging behind us. I grabbed the rope and started hauling it in.

After a moment, I noticed Brittany was looking more relaxed. She and Hal had both finished their drinks – the empty beer bottle now sat in Hal’s lap, as if he might still drink from it, and Brittany’s glass was empty and wrapped in a wet towel. I finally asked her, “So, do I still get to see your tits?”

Brit laughed. “Rick! Do you-” She lowered her voice. “Do you want to see my tits now, or can you just wait until we won’t have my boyfriend checking on us and listening to everything you say?”

I felt my eyes go wide. “I… definitely want to-,” Brit’s finger went to her lips, shushing me.

“Look,” she almost shouted, as if trying to be heard over the engine. “I know you want to see my tits. Everyone does, ya pervert. But you have to admit, that bet you made with Hal wasn’t really a bet. You were just taking advantage of a drunk guy.”

I was about to correct her. I wanted to remind her it was Hal’s idea to give me a handjob, but something in her expression made me glance at Hal. He was sitting awfully still. Listening. I cleared my throat. “Yeah, yeah, I guess. But I better still get something out of this. Eventually,” I chuckled.

Brit rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 10:17pm

Hal seemed to relax, and I saw him start glancing around, looking out over the water. To my disappointment, Brit slipped back into her booty shorts, and put on a baggy t-shirt to boot. I couldn’t blame her, honestly – it was finally starting to cool off.

She made eye contact with me. I felt a spark of excitement between us, and I must have bit my lip because she glanced at my mouth. Then she asked Hal, “Hey, babe, it’s getting kind of late. Ready to head home?”

Hal took a moment to process that, then shook himself and awkwardly stood up. “Yeah. We’ve got a ways to go back to the docks.” He turned the boat back toward the city and glanced back at me. “So can I have that other beer, ol’ buddy ol’ pal?”

I laughed at the puppy dog expression on his face and passed my last beer to him. “You lush.”

“I like to make the most of my holidays!”

I opened a bottle of water and took a sip, hoping the mildly drunk state would wear off in the minutes it took to head back to the docks.

Hal got us moving lazily towards the nearest shore, then turned and kept us parallel with the land, dipping in towards the small bays and bowing out around the peninsulas, all the while keeping us heading toward the docks. I took a deep breath of the evening air, and glanced over (for probably the millionth time that afternoon) at Brit. She was perched on the bench seat across from me with one leg under her, and her wine glass was filled with a finger of wine.

We made eye contact, and she glanced up at Hal. He seemed to be doing okay, but he held the steering wheel lightly in his left hand, and his right hand rested in his lap, keeping his beer upright. “You okay up there, babe?” she called up.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, don’t worry about me. I’ll let you know if I need you to I, uh, to me, to, shit. If we need to swap. Just enjoy the uh,” He zoned out. “-the uh,” Brit looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. “The company. If you know what I mean.”

Brit smiled, shaking her head. “Oh, Hal. Just be careful, okay?” Her eyes made contact with mine, and I read a subtle determination in her gaze.

She stood up, and walked to the back of the boat. She sat down on the narrow rear seat. She looked at me, saw that I was still watching her, then turned and looked back over the water. I froze, then. I had no idea what to do. I felt like Hal had said his piece, and Brit was trying to tell me something now, too. But it wasn’t until Brit looked at me again and asked, “That massage earlier was pretty good, Rick. How about another?”

It was all I needed to set down my water and scoot down the seat until I was behind her. She was turned back toward the water with a dirty grin on her face.

I took a deep breath and put my hands on her back. She was hot to the touch, even through the t-shirt and I started pushing my thumbs into her shoulders.

She moaned, and I paused. When I continued, she sighed in relaxation. In one pull, she finished off her wine and gently set down on a towel nearby. “A little lower please?” She asked innocently.

I knew where this was going, and I felt my heart stutter in excitement. I dropped my hands to her mid back and pushed my thumbs into the cords of muscle next to her spine. Her tits must have made the muscles taught as a metal wire. But as my thumbs pushed into the muscles, her head dropped and she moaned again. “Oh wow, that’s really good,” she purred.

I kept silent, and kept rubbing – waiting, really. After a moment, she lifted her head up and looked back at me from the corner of her eye. “Lower, Rick,” she demanded softly.

I paused again. My heart was beating fast as I stumbled over the words, “I uh-” I cleared my throat. “It’s kind of hard to reach that low. Maybe you could, you know?”

She smiled. “I could…?”

“Get up a bit. On your knees. So I can reach your lower back.”

She turned and faced me. “So you can reach my lower back?” She asked slowly, a knowing smile spreading across her lips. They were full, pink, and I had to drag my eyes away to register what she said.

I nodded, totally shocked that I hadn’t been slapped a dozen times already. She turned back again, then got up on her knees, ass facing out. The bottoms of her pale feet winked up at me. She leaned her elbows on the backrest and looked at me. “Like this, Rick?” She murmured.

I nodded, and carefully stood up behind her. The boat rocked under me as her boyfriend slowly piloted us back across the lake, and I planted my feet behind her. Standing directly behind her ass.

Brit dropped her head, tilting it to the side. I couldn’t see her face through the screen of blonde hair, but I felt like she might be watching me. With shaking hands, I pushed her baggy shirt – probably Hal’s shirt, I realized – up to her mid back, bunching it so it wouldn’t slide back down. Then I grabbed onto her lower back and kneaded my thumbs into the muscles there. They were just as tight as the muscles in the middle of her back, and Brittany gasped as I pushed my fingers in.

It was so erotic, and intimate. Despite her boyfriend driving the boat behind me, and the other boats on the water, and all the waterside homes. Everything else stopped mattering. It was just me, behind Brit, and my skin against hers.

My cock was rock hard. And I was close enough that every time the boat rocked – up, then down again – my cock pushed against her ass. I didn’t force it, and I pretended to focus on her back. She moaned as I pushed my thumbs in slow, deep circles.

She didn’t seem to mind me rocking against her ass. I enjoyed the fantasy – the suggestion of pushing my cock against her ass and let the boat continue to bump my tented shorts against her.

After rubbing her back for a minute or two with the boat rocking me against her, her back tightened up.

I froze, thinking she was done teasing me and was ready to sit down again before Hal noticed. But instead, she pushed her knees back, closer to the edge of the seat. Her ass came close enough to my cock that I could just barely feel it pushing against the denim of her booty shorts. And then the boat rocked again, and I let the motion push my cock against her ass.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 10:35pm

She gasped from the contact. I finally unfroze. Holy shit. This is it, I thought. With one quick movement, I adjusted my cock downward, letting my shorts hold it down a bit so it didn’t jam directly into her ass. The boat rocked again, and I rocked toward her, grinding the tent in my shorts against the denim between her thighs.

I moaned, and I thought she did, too. Her massage forgotten, I just held onto her hips and let the boat rock me into her, grinding my cock against her shorts. My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, and I grew more confident, pulling her ass into my waist, keeping time with the rocking of the boat.

I heard a soft moan again, and grew bolder. Slowly, while keeping dialed into her body language, I slid off her booty shorts. She hadn’t buttoned them, and they slid easily over her ass. She didn’t tense or stop. Just kept rocking with the boat. I let the shorts drop down to her knees. I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity she was giving me, so I whipped my cock out of my shorts, pulling the front down just enough that the elastic waistband was supporting my cock at the base.

Raging hard-on free, I leveled it under her. The boat rocked, and I let it go, grinding my bare cock against her bikini bottoms. She gasped, and I moaned again. Her back arched, so I grabbed her hips again. The boat rocked, and I let my cock grind against her pussy. With my waistband pushing my cock up, I could really grind against her, and I didn’t waste the chance.

Up and down, gasping and moaning. Brit clenched her hands, and I could see her mouth was open through the screen of her hair. The steady drone of the engine underneath us and the constant rocking of the boat helped me shut everything else out, and all I could see or feel or smell was the girl in front of me.

I wanted to pull that bikini bottom to the side, and thrust my cock into her. I knew she was wet. I could see it on her bottoms, and I thought I could hear it over all the other noise as my cock rubbed against her pussy.

One layer of fabric. That was all that separated me from fucking my literal dream girl.

The boat rocked again, and Brit shifted her hips subtly. Rather than grinding against her, my cock plunged against the bikini, right against her pussy. I heard a soft, “Ugh,” and waited for the next wave.

Up, and down. I pushed my cock against her pussy again, and she pushed back, straining the bikini against her pussy. I watched the head of my cock disappear into the straining bikini, stretching it, teasing her more than it teased me as the fabric was pushed between her lips.

Up, and down again. She pushed against me, and I pushed back, holding my cock against her pussy instead of rocking away. Straining the bikini more. By the time the boat rocked again, we were still pushing against each other, and I pushed my cock just a little deeper.

“Oh, fuck,” she muttered. I sucked in a breath and released the pressure, pulling back.

“Do you want me to?” I asked. The boat rocked and I pushed against her bikini again. My cock slipped down, and I let it grind against her pussy, hoping I was rubbing against her clit as I pushed between her thighs.

“Fuck yes,” she whispered. My heart was hammering in my chest. I slowly slid my hand toward the top hem of her bikini, ready to pull them down and plunge into her bare pussy. The boat rocked again, and I pushed my cock against her the bikini again. With a fistful of her bikini, I began to pull the fabric down. She tensed. “But not yet.”

I almost groaned aloud at the rush of disappointment, but my cock slid against her pussy again, and she gasped. I bit my lip. My hand still held the hem of her bikini, and she continued to arch her back, mouth open.

The fact that she said ‘not yet,’ and not just ‘no,’ gave me the strength not to jump off the boat in sexual frustration. Instead, I gently pulled up on the fistful of bikini in my hand. It pulled tight over her pussy. I let the boat rock us back and forth. My cock found her pussy again, and I pushed against her like before.

With a fistful of the bottoms, her lips were showing on either side of the taut bikini. I pushed my cock against the fabric and saw her pussy swallow the bikini, and my head slid in along with it. A quick sigh left my lips, and Brit dropped her head lower.

The boat rocked again, and I let it pull me away before pushing against her pussy again. I couldn’t help it. I pulled the bikini a little bit tighter, exposing more of her pink, swollen cunt. I pushed. Her engorged lips parted around the swollen head of my cock again, and I held it against her, with her lips stretched around the tip of my cock and a tight strip of fabric blocking me from pushing any deeper.

Finally, my brain told me I could just relax, and enjoy it. My cock seemed to agree, because I felt my hand relax on the bikini. The fabric loosened again, and my cock plunged against it, deeper than before. I took a deep breath-

Suddenly we were plunged into shadow. I looked around.

We were entering the docks, which were covered by weather-protecting gabled roofs. I saw Hal, still facing forward. His head wobbled, like he might pass out, and it seemed he never even noticed what was happening right behind him.

It was like a spell had been broken. I looked down one last time at the pristine sight of my cock pushing against Brit’s bikini, released my grip on them hem, and stepped back. I pushed my cock back into my shorts and cleared my throat. “Back so soon?”

Brit easily slid her shorts back up over her hips and calmly sat down, but her face was flushed a deep red. She looked at me with the dirtiest grin I’d ever seen, then looked approvingly at the considerable tent in my shorts. “Good boy,” whispered, arching an eyebrow up at me.

I took a deep breath and sat down a few feet away.

Surprisingly, Hal had gotten us back into the docks without any issues. He was looking totally bushwhacked, though. “Phew,” he said, Slouching further back in his chair. “I feel like I almost didn’t make it at the end there.”

I shook my head, “You and me both, buddy.”

Hal lifted his bottle in a cheers and tipped back the dregs. “Here’s to going all the way,” he uttered.

I grabbed the water bottle from the seat next to me and lifted it. “To going all the way,” I chucked, taking a sip. I took a steadying breath and got out to tie up the boat as Hal lounged in the driver’s seat.

Brit packed everything up. She passed the trash bag and the mostly-empty cooler up to me, and gave me her hand. I helped her onto the dock and together we looked down at Hal, still sitting.

“Babe?” Brit asked, one hand on her hip.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Let’s hit the road!” Hal tried to stand, plopped back into the seat, then rocked forward. He stood up, wobbled, and shook his head. “Phew. I should definitely not drive.”

Brit giggled. “Obviously, babe. I can’t either, honestly. I feel um, a little more perky after that nice drive into the docks, but still probably too tipsy!”

Hal nodded, barely hearing her. “Okay, Rick. You’re up, buddy. Take me and my perky girlfriend home!” Hal held out a hand, and I grabbed it and pulled him up. He clumsily grabbed the trash bag, and I carried the cooler back to the truck.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 10:52pm

We hit the road a few minutes later. Hal was in the back seat again, and already laying down. “Oh, babe?”

“Yeah?” Brit asked, turning to look at him from the passenger seat.

Hal was slurring his words pretty badly, and managed to utter, “If I fall asleep again, just, uh, try to wake me up, I guess.”

Brit nodded. “Uh huh. Sure, babe.”

I glanced behind me. “Aaand he’s out.”

Brit sighed. “Well, I guess we saw that coming, huh?”

I grinned. “Do you see me coming, too?”

Brit giggled again. The sound was like an aphrodesiac. “Hmmm. I’m tempted to say no, after that boat ride. You barely held on, didn’t you?”

I wanted to say something witty, but an intense heat welled up in my chest. The words tumbled out of me: “The image of my cock pushing your bikini into your pussy will literally be a core memory for the rest of my life.”

Brittany looked impressed for a moment, then giggled again. “You’re such a pervert.”

“You knew that already.” I glanced in the back seat again. Hal was definitely out, and already drooling.

“Mm, I kind of wish I could have seen it, too, though. Did you take a picture?”

I looked over at her, totally surprised. “Hey, so you’re a pervert, too!”

She laughed a bit, then shrugged. “Maybe.”

It was silent for a beat. “Well, Brit. What happens if I start getting tired?” I tried to remember what she’d said the last time we were in this situation. “Hal would want you to help me stay awake, right?”

To my surprise, she socked me in the arm. “Hey, ow!” I laughed, rubbing my arm.

“That’ll keep you awake!”

“Oh, I see how it is,” I teased.

“Hm, I don’t think you do, Rick.” Her voice was giving me goosebumps, and I paused, not sure what to say.

Finally, I just said, “Well, I can’t wait for you to show me, then.”

I glanced over. She was biting her lip, and I nearly drove us off the road staring at her. I hit the rumble strips and focused back on the road.

The drive was tortuous. The traffic was fine, and I kept a clear head and didn’t have any problems, but it took forever. Hal snored, snorted, and was generally dead to the world. And the whole way home, Brit kept making little comments, or adjusting her clothes and making me look at her. The tension between us was palpable, and I couldn’t stop replaying the events of the day. I might have had an erection for most of the drive, and I’m pretty sure Brit noticed more than once.

About a half hour from home, she casually remarked that her bikini still felt damp. Without further explanation, she reached a hand under her shirt and pulled the string loose. She pulled the shoulder straps down by pulling her arms into her shirt. A moment later, she pulled the top out of her shirt and shimmied out of her booty shorts.

Suddenly her tits were pushing against the thin fabric, making two easy-to-see melons, even in the low light. I kept stealing glances as she pushed her booty shorts down to her ankles. Her baggy t-shirt covered mostly everything, but when she plucked the strings tying her bikini bottoms, I still saw a lot of skin.

With the bikini off, the booty shorts slid back up around her hips and she tossed the bikini on the dash. “Much better,” she purred.

Without the bikini and her tits pushed against the thin t-shirt, and I could clearly see her erect nipples, poking out toward the dash. I’d be lying if I said I noticed her grin right away, I was so distracted.

Then, as we were pulling into town, just a few minutes from her house, she looked over at me. “You know what I just remembered? I have like, half a bottle of wine left!”

Without waiting for me to respond, she unbuckled her seat belt, turned, and bent over, reaching into the back seat. Her ass was in the air, waving right next to my face. I glanced over. “Holy shit,” I whispered, staring at her ass as she waved back and forth..

“I heard that,” Brit teased. “Too bad my wine is just-” she leaned farther down, “out-” her ass pushed closer to my face. “of reach!”

“Uh, I got you,” I said, and planted a hand firmly on her ass. I gently pushed, but I couldn’t help but give her ass a little squeeze.

“Mmh,” she groaned. I felt my cock throb. “I’ve almost got it.” She was so close to my face that I could smell her, and it made me want to bury my face in her pussy.

I bit my lip and grabbed her ass wholeheartedly. Full palm. I squeezed. I heard Brit gasp, “Oh, a little more. I’ve almost got it.”

“Fuck,” I uttered. I shifted my hand over to the other cheek for a fuller grasp.

“Mmh,” she moaned, still padding around in the back seat. I couldn’t even remember seeing her put a wine bottle back there, but then, I couldn’t really think of much at all with her ass in my face and a handful of her left cheek in my hand.

I slipped my hand under her booty shorts. Grabbing, squeezing, and finally, I ventured my thumb inward. Her pussy was wet, and I rubbed little circles in her swollen lips beneath the denim. “No wonder your bikini was still damp,” I teased.

Brittany ignored the comment. She gasped. “Yes, right there!”

I could barely keep track of the road, and was thankful we’d slowed down to city speed. We pulled up to a stop light and I adjusted my body so the angle wasn’t so awkward on my arm. My thumb explored her pussy, rubbing little circles, pushing up toward her clit and back around her lips.

“Fuck, yes.” Brittany tensed, then began to pull back. “Oh wait,” she said, panting lightly. She pulled herself up over the back seat and I extricated my hand from her shorts. “I forgot I left it up here,” she grinned at me, and I groaned.

“Good god, Brit. My balls are going purple over here.”

With a Cheshire grin, she reached down and pulled up the half-empty bottle from the bag at her feet. “Don’t worry, Rick,” she said, then pulled the cork and took three long drinks. “We’ll be home soon!”

In the ten minutes it took to drive through town to get to their house, Brittany finished off her bottle of wine, offering me the last drink. I took it, if for no other reason than the fact her mouth had been on the bottle just seconds before.

By that point, my brain was barely operational, and my cock was in overdrive. We pulled up in her driveway, and she took a deep breath. “Come on, Rick.” She got out of the truck and started adjusting something. I got out and walked around to her side of the truck, not sure what to expect. More teasing? That handjob Hal suggested? I’d even take a kiss at that point, but Brit didn’t seem like the kissing type.

As I rounded the back of the truck, she opened the back door of the truck and peered inside. I saw a strip of tummy and her shorts were unbuttoned, low on her hips. In the low light from a nearby street lamp, I saw that she’d tied the loose shirt up, forming a knot above her belly button, and the remaining fabric was tucked up under her tits. “Hmmm,” she slowly enunciated the sound and waved her body slowly. “I’m going to try to wake up Hal,” she finally said slowly. “I… know he won’t wake up.”

She looked into my face, and I saw uncertainty. But also a calculating lust, like she could weigh her next move based on gratification alone. Finally, she said, “Maybe you could help… me?”

With deliberate movement, she slowly leaned toward Hal’s face. She planted both hands on the floor of the cab, bent over at the waist. Her feet were planted shoulder-width apart. Her hair cascaded over her face.

I walked up behind her. I saw her fingers curl from where she’d planted them on the carpet floor of the cab.

My cock was erect again, and it took the barest tug on her shorts for them to drop. She subtly shifted, and they fell to her knees. Moving her left leg in one lithe movement, she pulled her leg free, and the shorts hit the ground around her right foot.

My shorts followed suit, and my cock bounced against her ass. “Oh, baby,” she gasped, her head turned toward Hal’s face. “I’m so wet right now.” I couldn’t tell if she was talking to me or her boyfriend.

“Oh, fuck.” I took her hip in one hand, and grabbed the base of my cock with the other. Her pussy was so wet, it barely took a moment to lube the tip of my cock between her swollen lips.

She gasped. “Oh, fuck. I want that fat cock in me. You’ve teased me enough with it.”

“Yes,” I whispered, glancing at Hal. He was totally out, and a pang of guilt struck my chest.

“Can I have it, baby?” she uttered. She was grinding on my cock now, sawing her hips back and forth. “I’ve been waiting all day for this.”

“Um, Brit?” The tip of my cock pulsed inside Brit’s cunt, and I felt her squeeze it gently. I nearly forgot all about Hal.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 11:29pm

“Yeah?” She asked languorously.

“Um, with Hal right there, aren’t you, like…?”

“Mmm,” she moaned, pushing against me. My cock slipped deeper and Brittany lowered herself to her elbows. “Did he tell you not to?” she leaned farther toward me, and I closed my eyes as my cock sank deeper.

I gasped as her pussy gripped my cock. “Not even once.” I pushed deeper, and she rocked forward, not letting me go farther than an extra inch.

“Oh, baby. He’s so thick.” I lost all rational thought and finally grabbed onto her hips. Without wasting another second, I plunged balls deep.

Hot, wet, and tight. I heard myself gasp. Brit gasped, too. She was tense from the sudden thrust, and had pushed her ass back into my hips. I jerked a few times, trying to push deeper.

“Oh yes. Give me that thick cock,” Brit whined. Finally, I fucked her, pumping my hips hard against her ass. The truck rocked back and forth as I pounded her right there in the driveway.

Hal mumbled something unintelligible and I didn’t even stop. His arm, hanging off the side of the seat next to Brit’s head, waved back and forth with the truck’s rocking. Brit was on her tip-toes, but she must have gotten uncomfortable, because she put one leg up on the running board, tilting her hips up toward me.

I barely slowed down on her pussy as she adjusted. With her ass turned up a little more, I gave it a little slap. Brit gasped, and shot a challenging grin over her shoulder. “Is that all you got?”

I grunted at her, wild with lust and adrenaline, and really smacked her ass. “YES!” she exclaimed. I watched her ass jiggle as she recoiled her head and shouted right next to her boyfriend’s face.

The hand print showed up seconds later as I continued to pound the girl’s tight pussy. She was too hot, too tight. I felt my cock start to throb and tensed up. She stopped moving, and she grabbed the base of my cock in her hand. “Not yet,” she breathed heavily.

Hal grumbled something again, tried to flip his arm back onto the seat, and it immediately slid back to hang off the side. I stood tense, biting back the orgasm that was threatening to fill up my coworker’s hot cunt. She finally leaned forward, pushing me back by the cock as she did so.

I tensed up once more, but held myself together. After a moment, Brit had caught her breath. “Good boy,” she purred, finally releasing my cock. “Now it’s my turn to fuck you.”

With a simple gesture, she pointed toward the passenger seat. I quickly climbed in. My cock slapped against the dash as I sat down heavily in the seat right in front of Hal’s face. With a practiced motion, Brit climbed in and swung her leg over mine, straddling my hips.

I didn’t even think. Her head was over mine, and her chest was right in front of my face. As her hand snaked between us to guide my cock back into her pussy, I pushed her t-shirt over her tits. The hung down in front of me, the nipples angled slightly toward me. I grabbed one and pulled it toward my mouth.

Brit gasped as she pushed herself back down my cock and my mouth closed around her nipple. My other hand quickly found her ass, and squeezed as I spread one cheek wide from the bottom.

Gritting her teeth and squinting her eyes shut, Brit moaned. “Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped into my hair. She started riding me, and I arched my hips into her as she came down on my cock. I could feel her curving her hips and her entire core as she fucked me.

The truck rocked again, this time more vigorously as Brit gave me her all. Her ass slapped against my legs, her hair cascaded around my face, and I squeezed her ass and her titty simultaneously, pulling her closer, trying to take more and more of her for myself.

I focused as hard as I could on pleasing her, wanting to hold back cumming to give her every ounce of energy and concentration I could. I’d definitely fantasized about it enough. She came after two or three minutes. She stopped, gasping for hair, and squirmed full-sheath on my cock.

I let out a huge breath, dropped my other hand down to hold her ass, spread her cheeks, and bucked her up. She squealed, and I started pumping my cock into her like a piston in a block. Her knees squeezed tight around my hips, but I kept going, finally losing myself in the tight heat between her legs.

It only took me only a few seconds like that before I felt the orgasm come roaring back. Brittany was gasping like she had the wind knocked out her, saying, “A-Ag-Again! Oh fuck! I’m cum-ming again!” and then I was blowing my load deep inside her, pulling her hips down tight onto my cock. We both squirmed, and I felt my cock nudging the sensitive walls of her pussy as we came.

She kept twitching with every little thrust until the aftershocks of the explosive orgasm finally whittled down and I felt the last drop of cum get squeezed out. Her cunt continued to gently squeeze my cock. For a euphoric minute, she just laid across my body, panting her hot breath against my neck.

Her face was flushed red, the cab of the truck stank like sex, and I could hear Hal snoring behind us. I just leaned my head back against the seat and caught my breath. My hands kept Brit’s hips tamped down on my legs. I didn’t want her to get off my cock. In fact, I felt like, given a minute of her gentle squeezing, I’d be ready to go again.

“Mmmm,” Brit moaned into my ear. I felt her squeeze a little harder around my member.

Yep. My cock went rock solid again. I exhaled. “Shit, you are – you’re, fucking paranormal.”

Brittany laughed quietly. “I take it that’s good.”

I shook my head and bucked my hips against hers. She gasped. “Probably the best I’ll ever have.”

She groaned like she was about to start fucking me again, and I grinned. She raised her hips up. “Probably?” She asked, stopping once my cock had left her.

“Definitely. There’s no way I’ll ever have a better lay than you.”

“Mm,” she moaned, slipping back down onto my cock. I gasped, feeling sensitive. “Fuck,” she whispered. Then she pulled herself off me, and stepped down from the truck. She leaned against the door frame, and stared at my cock casually. “You’re not too bad, yourself, you know. Thanks for giving me a little release. I was feeling really pent up.”

“Oh man, you sure you don’t want to go again?” I begged. She looked up at my face and laughed.

“Oh, Rick. Those puppy dog eyes might actually work.”

I felt my face light up, and she laughed again. “-but not tonight. I think I’m ready for a shower and some sleep.”

We spent a few minutes cleaning up, and I offered to help her carry a few things inside. She called me a dog and told me she’d see me at work, so I headed for my car. Before I got in, I looked back at her house and saw Brit walking down the drive. She’d already changed into a tight little pair of gray night-shorts, but the t-shirt was still tied, tucked under her tits.

“Hey, Rick,” she said, sounding a little cautious as she approached my car.

“Hey, um. Thanks for everything, Brit. You really made my year, you know?” I laughed, and she just shrugged.

“I had fun, too. But listen, um. Don’t like, tell anyone about this. Okay? I had fun, and maybe we can have a little fun again someday, but I don’t want any drama from this, okay? And if there is drama, there’s no way I’m gonna be so, uh, friendly. Next time. Or whenever, okay? I just want to be able to have fun, and not worry. You know?”

I thought about it for a second, and I knew I had a chance to come back for more if I played my cards right. So I lied through my teeth. “I’d do anything to have another day like today. My lips are sealed.”

She relaxed a little and smiled. “Good boy,” she said again. I’m not gonna lie, I kind of went a little hard at the tone in her voice. She turned and strutted back into her house, and I watched her ass as she walked back up her driveway toward her home.

[DaddyRick03] Posted October 23rd, 12:01pm

Okay I read back through some of your questions. Let me answer a few for you. To those of you asking for her number, a hint about her street address, or any of that shit – NO. She’s mine 😛

But really tho, I think she was serious about the whole drama thing. If you happen to hit her up in a totally natural setting, in a totally normal way, and she’s into it, let us all hear it. But otherwise? No fucking way. I got a good thing going if I play my cards right.

@Gonzers, Her boyfriend just slept in that back seat, and I have no idea if he could smell the sex when he woke up, but for sure, he had to be suspicious of something. Like, that whole day was kooky, and even drunk, I think he was onto us.

@Tully2, Dude if I had a pic to share, I absolutely would. It was this whole experience that got me thinking about keeping my phone handy for situations like this in the future, so when it happens, I’ll share.

@Zetamin, No, Hal hasn’t brought it up at all. Like, it was just a cool day to him, and that was it. And I’m not about to challenge his view on it, either. Maybe it’ll give me another chance down the line, you know?

@RandyB, Girl – you know better than I do. I’ve read your confessions. I think she’s just a “free spirit,” and probably has a lot higher libido than most people.

Either way, I waited long enough (I think) and I’ve literally been thinking of it every day since then, so i figured it was time to spill. I’ll check for more comments in the morning, though.


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