Caprice: Permission to Fuck Dad! 01 by Daddysgirlfl,Daddysgirlfl

Over the song on the radio, the door opened. The strap disappeared between my ass cheeks and the tiny strings made it appear that I was naked. I pretended to be asleep but could hear the rhythmic movement and heavy breathing.

I pressed my hips down, contracting my ass muscles, then pushed up a bit, which spread my legs wider. He couldn’t stifle his low moan. The door closed but didn’t muffle his shout and grunts when he orgasmed.

I began to do much of my studying and any time I had between classes on the balcony. I always made sure I faced away from his door so he wouldn’t fear getting caught.

Mom’s health was deteriorating, and we knew it was only a matter of time. I wanted to give him what bit of pleasure he could have.

Mom passed and not long after that Dad quit pleasuring himself because he was dating.

Soon he brought Sunny home and they married shortly after. I held no resentment because I wanted him happy again. I appreciated that he waited until Mom’s passing before he began seeing another woman.


One morning at breakfast I asked Sunny, “Are you seeing someone?”

She plucked at her robe belt and nodded. “One of the women at my last job. She’s married and has no intention of leaving her husband nor have I. I love Christos, Caprice. Love him with all my heart.”


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I nodded. “I’m glad you found someone and are happy. We must be true to ourselves.”

That day I started my period. There was no baby. There wouldn’t ever be.


The next morning, early, before it was light I felt his body slide into bed and against mine.

“Mmmm,” I moaned softly.

“Good morning, baby,” he whispered, his hand sliding under my nightie.

“This is bad timing. I started my period yesterday.”

“I don’t care… If you don’t,” he said.

“No, I don’t care. Some men do.”

“I’m not one of them. I’ll just get a towel, so we don’t soil your sheets.”

I rolled to my knees while he was gone.

“Oh Cap, you do know how to drive me crazy don’t you,” he growled, moving in behind me.

“Look,” I said. He looked over at our image in the closet mirror. I saw him swallow hard at my pendulous tits hanging below me. “Fuck me, Daddy.”

His balls slapped my clit while he pounded into me. My tits swinging, he reached under and supported my tit in his hand. I moaned. I loved his hands on me. He pinched and twisted my nipple and I jerked and drove back on his cock.

Neither one of us took our eyes off the mirror. It was even more stimulating to watch. As though we were in our own porn movie.

His balls slapped my clit into orgasm after orgasm. My back arched as I wailed loudly. It felt so fucking good. His thick ropy cock abraded my slick canal as he stroked in and out. His fingers dug into my hip, and he plowed me harder and faster.

“Cum for me, Daddy. Cum deep inside me. Your cock feels so good in my cunt,” I moaned.

My words sent him over the edge, and he locked in deep exploding his heat inside me.

“God damn, Cap. You make me cum so hard. It just gets better and better. You keep me hard and needing you constantly.”

We showered and kissed and caressed into another toe-curling orgasm and he left for work.

~to be continued~


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