Carrie teases Mike at the gym by Fitfuncpl90,Fitfuncpl90

Carrie and Mike walked through the open bay garage door and onto the heavy rubber mats of the gym. Others were already loading plates onto bars, while a coach led a small group in the corner through basic movements. Carrie was a regular, and quickly staked claim to one of the many squat racks and platforms, adorned with every accessory you could imagine: pullup bars escalating from the top, a target for medicine ball throws, and stacks of bumper plates next to several different types of barbells.

Mike finally caved to Carrie’s insistence that he tag along one day, changing up his routine from a different functional fitness program at his gym for hers. He was instantly impressed at the quality of the facility, noting the long turf inside, with several sleds and apparatus for dragging, carrying, and pushing. Mike also took note of the other athletes, slightly more women than men, and all wearing less than would be accepted at his gym. Overall, this was an impressively fit and serious-looking group, which didn’t surprise Mike at all: Carrie fit right in. She has been training for years and always ate extremely healthy; she’s earned thick, powerful legs, broad, muscular shoulders, an impressive set of abs, and yet retained her femininity with a few softer curves and a beautiful, somewhat fierce face and piercing eyes. Likewise, Mike’s efforts and naturally lean frame resulted in an equally fit and impressive physique, very often noticed by women (and some men) when he was out.

It’s been several weeks since Carrie overheard Mike watching porn in his room, and let herself in. What happened next was a fantasy come true for Mike, and exhilarating for Carrie, who only then realized her attraction to Mike. She was worried she had crossed an unwritten, unspoken line when she asked to watch Mike masturbate, however seeing the most beautiful erection she’d ever seen focused her attention only on physical gratification. She intended to stop their game of “show and tell” after they both climaxed, however watching how dirty Mike could be, having back-to-back orgasms all over himself, drove her wild until she couldn’t resist, pushing her over the edge of rational decisions to sinking herself onto him. What happened next began as purely physical lust; the mess Mike wore on his face after his first and second orgasm was too alluring to ignore her needs. But that messy kiss, the first she’s had sharing a man’s cum with him, quickly turned into one of passion, not just lust. She rode him until they collapsed back, her begging him to finish deep inside her so she could feel that gorgeous, thick, and long cock pulse and throb as he filled her, setting her off one last time in a loud, clenched moan.

As Mike came down from his orgasmic high, he too was worried about the change of dynamic in their otherwise platonic relationship. Showering and trying to keep to himself, really to give her space, he wandered to the kitchen. She was already there as he walked in, pulling a bottle of wine from the cabinet, a large glass already in hand. Sheepishly, all he could muster was “hey,” with his typical Mike smile, unsure of what else to say.

“Hey yourself” Carrie replied, their standardized greeting.

Both stood still for a moment, faces reddening, both unsure of their next move, or even if there was a move to make.

Without warning, and almost without her control, Carrie blurted out “That was fucking amazing!” with a giant smile, then seemed to catch herself with a hand over her mouth.

Mike’s instant broad grin confirmed that she hadn’t made a mistake. He beamed “It was… it was fucking hot. You… you were incredible… I didn’t know you would be into any of that… and you’re beautiful…”

“You’re not so bad yourself there, mister. And your dick! Had I known what you were packing, I wouldn’t have waited so long to ride you!” She joked, all the tension and ice in the room vanishing.

Carrie offered Mike a glass and to share the Cabernet in hand, as they wandered to the couch as two roommates and friends, who just discovered an erotic, lustful, and even romantic spark between them, both aware of its magnetism and playful tension.

Both fell into the routine of playful flirting, even it was a lot of shit-talking, waiting for the other to finally act.

Back at the gym, Carrie set up the rack and loaded her bar with a decent warmup weight. Mike stepped over to the turf and started to go through his routine, swinging his legs high as he walked before pulling his ankle to his glutes for a stretch. He couldn’t help noticing the women clad only in short gym shorts and sports bras; his glances weren’t so much sexual as they were admiration for these trained athletes. The men, too, mostly shirtless, exuded strength and power, accented by each cut and visible muscle across their bodies. Mike admitted to himself that while he wasn’t quite as bulked out as they are, his definition and strength was still impressive, if not much leaner. Finishing his warmup, Mike trotted to Carrie’s platform in time to catch her tossing off her shirt. She was gorgeous. The straps from her sports bra seemed to accentuate her traps and delts; she wasn’t bulky, but her physique was powerful and sexy. Her messy ponytail fell into place, pulled tight enough to reveal her high cut, the shaved sides of her head adding an element of boldness and edginess only when revealed.

“Are you fucking joining me or what, Mike” Carrie snapped as he approached, smiling.

“Yeah, yeah… I just had to admire you from behind is all,” he replied, adding another line to the growing spark of tension between them.

“Surrrreeee you were…” then, lowering her voice, “Just don’t let that big fucking dick of yours get hard in here, alright?” She teased, demurely, knowing the effect it would have on him.

“I’m not sure about that, it might be kind of fun,” Mike said as his eyes obviously fell to her chest, her cleavage revealed by her low-cut sports bra. He instantly recognized it as the same bra she stripped off the first time he saw her, which helped immediately push him over the edge as she came, now topless. He might be in trouble as he felt himself swell behind his boxer briefs and his gym shorts.

Carrie started her first working set with practiced, disciplined form. Mike did everything he could to ignore the shape of her ass through her shorts as she went “ass to grass” in squat depth, and the sight of her smooth, powerful legs. She racked the bar as Mike stepped up; Carrie’s height was almost his own, simplifying repping in, and making Carrie seem even more powerful than she already was.

“Was I getting my ass low enough?” Carrie asked.

“Looked great, good form.” Mike responded with, not realizing the double entendre she intended. She smiled at herself, amused by how dense and clueless her roommate could be.

After his set, Mike racked the bar, asking how much weight Carrie wanted to add, and added another plate until they hit 225. A respectable amount for her, that she planned to rep out with. She took form, planted her feet, took a few deep breaths, and hoisted the bar off the rack, taking a few steps backwards to start her set. Almost making it look easy, she started making small, grunting noises, almost moans, as she reversed her squat to come back up. Initially, Mike respected the work she was putting in, until he caught her looking at him through the corner of her eyes. She dropped for another rep, and now smirking, let out another moaning grunt. He then realized she was teasing him again… he’s heard those grunts before, as she rode herself into bliss while he was bottomed out in her, no small feat. As she finished her last rep of the set, she dramatically, and a bit louder, repeated her sexual moan as she racked the barbell, smiling broadly at him and winking.

“How’s that dick now, Mike?” She said, catching her breath.

He softly but firmly grabbed her arm as they traded places, their faces now inches apart, and whispered hoarsely yet playfully, “Fuck you…”

“That’s the idea, Mike, glad you caught on, buddy,” Carrie snapped back licking the corner of her mouth briefly and winking at him as she left his grip and continued to the edge of the platform.

Mike again felt himself swell, pulsing in his shorts as he watched her turn around, eyes glued to her tits, so seductively athletic and hidden, wishing he could release his tension all over them. How sexy she’d look covered… he had to snap out of it, these thoughts were only making him throb more. He attempted to refocus on the barbell loaded with a weight that should be easier on him than it was on Carrie, despite her pretend grunts. Carrie watched, delighted in seeing him so distracted, noticing his discreet rearrangement of his erection in his shorts. She loved being able to control his arousal like this, knowing that he was trying his hardest to resist, but she was winning. Her mind raced back to when he removed the towel from his lap, exposing his cock to her for the first time. The warmth she felt in her own shorts now mimicked her arousal at that first sight. Seeing him pulling it to the side as he leaned under the bar, she couldn’t help but imagine how he’d look with his shorts down, his massive cock curved painfully upward and throbbing, ready and waiting for her. Maybe this backfired she thought, as she became acutely aware of her own arousal.

Mike grunted through his reps, albeit these were legitimate and earned grunts from high reps, not Carrie’s teasing. She knew this, but she still imagined him, behind her, his hands on her hips driving into her, making those same grunts. Maybe grunts of pleasure, maybe grunts from exertion from fucking her hard. She felt herself flush, and the unmistakable dampness in her shorts, though not from sweat. Fuck, she thought again, this bastard has me wet and he didn’t do a damn thing. Mike racked the bar, turned and walked towards Carrie, now lost in thought. He immediately noticed how red her chest was, flush with excitement, and her nipples outlined through her sports bra. He knew.

“Not so funny now, is it?” He whispered to her, breaking her trance.

“At least I can hide it better,” she replied, smirking at him, delighted in their tit for tat.

“True,” Mike conceded, and finally playing along, now whispering again “but at least with you turned on, your fucking tits look amazing.”

Carrie made a very slight audible noise at this compliment, and at confirmation that Mike was as drawn to her as she was to him.

Turning the table, “My tits would look so much better if they were absolutely drenched in your cum…” she calmly uttered before walking to the bar for her last set.

Now, she was thoroughly excited, her mind racing to determine how to handle the situation; the situation at the gym, how to calm herself, how to continue the lift, all of it. Mike was struggling to conceal his cock, which was no easy chore. Her last words hit on his biggest fetish, cum. Carrie knew this, and she played the hand well. Her goal was achieved, as Mike could feel the first hints of precum dribbling out from his erection. Fuck… he thought to himself, assessing the same course of options Carrie was simultaneously.

She racked the barbell, breathing heavy, almost panting. Her eyes immediately darted to Mike’s obvious erection, now barely concealed under his shorts. She assumed he was dripping already, just as turned on as she was. They met eyes, both recognizing their desperate need to release the tension that had been building for several weeks, since their first- and only-time fucking, and the tension built in the gym. Mike’s eyes involuntarily dropped to her chest again, then down her entire body, imagining everything he wanted to do with her- to her. She knew what he was thinking and felt powerful and sexy and feminine at the control she had over him, the lust she could ignite in him. She loved that she could illicit such an involuntary reaction from his body… his cock. The magnificent cock she obsessed over. The cock she imagined as she plunged her fingers in herself as her other hand worked her clit. The cock she told her closest friend about, and the cock she wanted to fuck her senseless right now. The cock she needed right now.

Without a word, Carrie started stripping the weights off the bar, followed immediately by Mike on his side, both knowing that the workout must wait, that as soon as the bar was empty, they’d be walking to the car, driving home, and fucking… hard.

Mike hopped in the driver’s seat, followed quickly by Carrie in the passenger seat. Both out of breath, hearts racing, and moving as quickly as they could.

“Holy fuck, I’m soaked, Mike” Carrie laughed, knowing she’s responsible for their state.

“I’m throbbing, thanks to you!” Mike returned, glancing over at Carrie, rubbing her legs anxiously.

“I can’t wait to get home, I need you to fuck me,” She stated, as a matter of fact. Mike could swear her felt the words pulse in his erection as she dragged her hands up her torso, seeming to defuse the tension.

“Until you beg me to stop,” Mike said, surprising Carrie, with a hungry, unfamiliar yet sexy snarl. Carrie returned his words with a quiet, desperate gasp.

Pulling out of the parking lot, Mike knew the five minute drive would feel like forever. He plunged his hand into Carrie’s lap, pressing his three middle fingers into her pussy. She let out a moan and rocked her hips forward as he cupped his hand, firmly rubbing her up and down in her shorts.

“Fuck yes…” Carrie slid out, turning her head to Mike with half-closed eyes, before leaning towards him, grasping his cock through his shorts. Even this blunted squeeze felt like heaven for Mike, who could tell he dripped even more precum out. She felt his throbbing through his shorts and continued rocking her hips forward searching for her release. Mike continued to drive, thanking God that their place was so close. His right hand continued its work on Carrie, who now could only squeeze his confined cock through his shorts, her eyes closed tight and hips rocking. Mike knew she was close, and was determined to ensure she came before they parked. Without warning, he forcefully removed his hand, eliciting a struggling and disappointed groan from Carrie, who snapped her head at him with a look that could have killed. Only a second later, his hand found its mark. Slipping it under her shorts, he reached his prize. She was soaked. As soon as his hand made contact with her bald pussy, he slid two fingers into her, meeting no resistance through her arousal. Her head snapped back and eyes squinted again as she moaned even louder. His palm applied pressure to her clit as he made slow, deliberate circles with it as his middle and ring fingers curled and massaged her from inside.

Carrie suddenly leaned forward, ripping her hand from Mike’s shorts, grabbing his working arm with both hands, holding it in place as her hips thrust forward. Her mouth opened, her breath rapid but sporadic as her entire body clenched tight. Her hands gripped Mike’s arm tight as he did his best to keep moving his fingers inside her pussy.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkk” she exhaled, finally meeting her release as she came on his fingers. He could feel her clenching on his fingers, savoring the sensation, understanding exactly what it felt like around his thick cock. His erection throbbed harder, the wet spot growing larger as he pulled into the driveway, Carrie slowly releasing her grip and looking wide eyed and aggressively at him. He looked over as he put the vehicle in park, appraising her heaving chest, still shirtless, nipples erect and obvious, and her ruffled hair. She returned his gaze with a lustful look, as both, as if on queue, lunged at each other in a passionate kiss, hands pulling each other’s sweaty and panting bodies together, sharing a moment of lust, pleasure, and passion. Carries tongue seemed to be everywhere, surprising Mike at how aggressive and wanting she was as her hands cupped his face. Both let desperately pleasured sounds eliminate the confined space, as Mike hands traced their way up her body to her throat, his thumbs extending either side of her airway, holding her in place as she was, but dominantly. The feeling of being under his control, Mike’s, who always seemed too shy and easy-going but now driven wild with lust for her, was intoxicating. She moaned even louder onto his tongue. Despite just climaxing, she needed more. The demand from between her legs was too loud to delay further.

“Inside,” she stammered through the kiss, “I need your cock fucking me.”

Without a word, Mike broke the kiss as they both scrambled out of the car, fumbling for the house keys as he went, followed closely by an impatient Carrie. They swung open the door and pulled each other close again, kicking the door closed as they resumed their kiss. Her hands immediately stripped his shorts down, struggling to grab his boxer briefs with them. She broke the kiss to watch her work as she pulled them around and over his erection, now finally free. It sprung out, bouncing at it’s freedom, staring directly at her above it, slick with an hour of unmatched and unreturned arousal. Despite Mike nibbling and licking gently at her ear, she dropped to her knees, struggling to pull her bra off her muscular body. Mike watched in rapt attention as she freed herself, exposing her beautiful tits to him before quickly grasping his throbbing cock with both her hands and shoving her mouth over his wet head with a loud moan. Instantly, feeling the heat of her mouth and the frantic needy stroking of her hands and tongue, Mike was in heaven. Pure ecstasy.

She sucked him as if she could orgasm just from feeling him in her mouth, hungrily devouring every inch she could, pulling him out only to lick his entire impressive length to savor it. Her eyes were closed in pleasure as she listened to him pant in response, loving his quiet “fuuucckkkk…. Yessss…” and “fucking suck itttt…” feeling each plea in her pussy. She knew she controlled him. She controlled every once of him through her mouth on his throbbing cock. He knew it, and she knew it. Her hands explored his body, massaging his balls and tracing back to the muscle just behind those, applying pressure; an area Mike had never explored. His cock seemed to swell even more, if that was possible, and he surely dripped more excitement into her busy mouth. She loved the taste and texture, knowing it was all because of her. He needed to cum because of her.

“I’m getting close… ugghh” Mike stammered, warning Carrie that she was about to be rewarded.

She only looked up and met his dreamy stare, and he could sense a smile around her mouth which could barely fit his girth. She froze, painfully denying Mike of his climax, and slowly withdrew his erection from her mouth.

“You don’t get to cum in my mouth yet… you teased you were going to fuck me, remember?” Carrie said in the first intelligible statement since the gym.

In stunned, pleading silence Mike watched as Carrie stood, and stripped her shorts, revealing every inch of herself to him again. Mike gulped sheepishly, as if still unsure of himself. Carrie turned around, still in her lifting shoes, and bent at the waist, grabbing the couch and laying her bare tits against the leather.

“Fuck me… use me…” Carrie seemed to beg.

Mike found himself again, shaking off any hesitation, and grabbed his wet cock stepping towards Carrie’s exposed pussy. He carefully lined himself with her wetness and slid all the way in without any resistance. Both marveled the sensation: Mike, with how tight, hot, and wet Carrie was, and Carrie at she sheer size of Mike’s cock crudely fucking her. He sunk himself all the way in, both crying out, fueled by the other’s response, and paused when he couldn’t push any further. He could feel her pussy contracting around him, as she muttered breathlessly “fuuccckkkk yesss… give me your fucking cock!”


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