Casino Sex, behind closed doors by BethanyBDSM,BethanyBDSM

“That’s a good slut. Now crawl back a few feet and place your face on the floor. Face down, ass up.” Veronica instructed and was pleased to see Alicia obey.

“Wow, that is one wet pussy.” Veronica said after walking behind Alicia to inspect the situation. “Do you want an orgasm? Or are you ready to get dressed and go to work?”

Alicia bit her lip whimpering.

“Answer me!”

“Y…yes, pleeeaaassee.”

“Very well. I assume Beth informed you that submissives like you are only allowed orgasm while having sex with a person or masturbating for a superior’s entertainment. So rub that wet pussy. Just tease it, slut. I have a surprise for you.”

Alicia teased herself with her fingers and was soon oblivious to being watched in a few short minutes. She didn’t even know that Veronica had slipped her dress back on.

The knock on the door startled Alicia. “Don’t move slut.” Veronica said on the way to the door.

“Harold so nice of you to help out. I have another slut in need of a cock. She is little more than a bitch in heat at the moment.”

“Slut, stay in this position until told to move by Harold. He is the door man for my building and is gracious enough to fuck a slut like you to allow you to orgasm.”

“Harold her mouth, tits and pussy are yours. No anal. I’m going to powder my nose.” Veronica said as she left the room.

Alicia was frozen in place. She had masturbated numerous times to being fucked by a complete stranger but never thought it would happen. She heard the rustling of pants coming off.

“Spread your knees a little.” the gruff voice behind her said. Then she felt a tapping on her ass. His cock made a slapping sound as he smacked her right ass cheek. The soft fleshy globe jiggled as he continued to smack it with his hard cock.

Next came a tearing sound as he opened the condom. Seconds later she felt the thick cock pushing into her wet sex. Alicia exhaled causing the stranger to laugh.

“You are a horny slut.” he said gabbing her hips to pull them back toward him as he thrust his hips forward. He immediately started pounding into her. Hard forceful strokes. Grunting and moaning.

Alicia felt the sexual energy jolt through her. This scenario had her on the verge of orgasm before he entered her. Now the waves of energy were building in her. She moved a hand under herself to stroke her clit. Her fingers ignited an immediate eruption.

“Uuugggghhhhhhh, GOD YES!! Fuck me.” she growled at the stranger behind her.

“Take this cock slut. Take it!” he growled back as he continued to pound away.

In moments her skilled fingers and the relentless pounding of her needy pussy had her exploding again. Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhh, MY GOD!! MMMmmmmmmmm.

This second explosion was the most powerful of her life. She couldn’t control her body as the waves of climax ran through her over and over. She barely heard the stranger say, “You are going to make me cum, slut.”

Alicia was flat on her stomach when the fog of her massive orgasm cleared. She felt a weird sticky feeling on her lower back as she listened to the rustling of the stranger getting dressed.

“Well done, slut. You surpassed even my expectations. Now before you move, you need to know, you have a condom on your lower back. That’s how men that wear condoms discard them after fucking a slut.”

“Now collect yourself and get cleaned up. We have to get you back to Beth so you can learn how to be a waitress. You know, the job you will do when you aren’t being a submissive slut.”

In the bathroom things were a struggle. The bra was too tight, underwire cutting in deep under her massive breasts and the clasp on her back barely hooked closed after a few minutes of trying. Although Alicia had to admit, once the lowcut black dress was added, her boobs looked like two giant mountains jutting out in front of her. She felt sexy. In an overly exposed kind of way.

Both Vernoica and Beth seemed happy with the amount of fleshy white cleavage Alicia’s dress presented.

Alicia was introduced to Kelsey. A young woman in her early 20s. She was beautiful and had the “it” factor like Veronica and Beth. Petite and much prettier than most of the other waitresses.

Beth closed her office door after the introductions. “I’ll be brief as we all have work to do. Kelsey will be training you today. You will work the entire 3 to 11 shift with her. She keeps ALL tips earned today and you will thank her properly for helping to train you. Kelsey is a superior and you will obey her as you have me.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” Kelsey said with a smirk.

“Kel be smart about this. Keep her near your Asian male high rollers. They don’t see natural tits like hers often so show those puppies off and get some big tips. As for you, keep those tits pointed directly in the face of whomever Kel is talking with at the time. If they lean forward their nose should land in your cleavage. HOWEVER, you NEVER look at them. Hold your tray out to your side and straighten the napkins on it. Or turn the bottles of water so all the labels face the same way. Anything to keep your eyes looking away from the men.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Good. Now you two keep the drinks flowing.” Beth said opening her office door letting the pair get to work.

It was clear Kelsey knew her job. Working the Asian men at the high limit card tables with just the right amount of sexy flirtation. Alicia did as she had been instructed and kept her massive chest on display. Never standing behind Kelsey, always beside her, while keeping herself busy so she wouldn’t look at the men.

It was getting close to their lunch break on a trip from the tables to the bar for more drinks when a guy at a slot machine said, “Nice Tits, Babe.” as they passed him.

After a few more steps Kelsey stopped. “What’s wrong with you? Come on.” she said walking directly over to the man.

“I’m sorry sir. Alicia here is training and evidently not learning very well. What’s your name?”

“Uh, um. Tim.” the man said unsure of himself all of the sudden.

Kelsey kept the cheerful smile on her face as she spoke. “Well Alicia, you owe Tim an apology for being a stuck up bitch and ignoring him.”

Alicia’s body flushed red with embarrassment. Was she really supposed to apologize for not acknowledging a “Nice tits, Babe” comment? She gathered her senses quickly. “I am sorry. Thank you for the compliment.”

“Oh my God, how pitiful.” Kelsey chuckled. “Now let’s do this right. Stand in front of Tim. Good. Now lean forward so he can get a good look at the goodies.”

“That’s better. Tim what do you think? Is your view nice?”

“Oh Yeah. Hell yeah.” the stranger said grinning from ear to ear.

“Great. Now try that apology again Alicia. Or better yet, repeat after me.”

Alicia was mortified as she stood leaning forward with her tits just a couple of feet from this stranger’s face. Looking at him with that big shit eating grin on his smug face.

“Tim I am so sorry for acting like a stuck up bitch when you gave me that compliment. I hope giving you this view of my tits will help make it up to you. Please accept my apology.”

Alicia repeated the words while the stranger stared down her dress smiling.

Alicia followed Kelsey without speaking as they went straight to Beth’s office door. It was 7:00pm and Beth was gone for the day. Kelsey pulled out a key and unlocked the door allowing them to enter.

“Don’t look so surprised. I’m the heir apparent to Beth when she gets promoted so she gave me a key so I can use the office when I work nights. Now lift the front of your dress.”

Alicia obeyed the order feeling a little comfort since the lights were off. But mortified that her wet crotch was about to be discovered. Kelsey’s dainty fingers swept across the front of the exposed thong.

“I knew it! Your pussy is dripping wet. You liked that humiliation, didn’t you, slut?”

“Y…Yeah, I guess.” came the whimper.

“Is that how you address a superior? What kind of lack of respect is that?”

“I’m… I’m sorry Ma’am.” Alicia said feeling awkward calling a woman 15 years younger than her “Ma’am”.

“We’ll see what Beth thinks about your lack of respect for a superior.”

“Pleeaase don’t involve Beth.” Alicia pleaded. “Can’t I make it up to you some other way. I respect you I promise. I did that apology exactly the way you told me to, didn’t I?”

An evil grin spread across Kelsey’s face. “Ok. If you will suck the cock of any man I choose tonight I will drop it.”

Alicia was stunned. What an outrageous request from the young woman.

“We both know the humiliation will turn you on. Hell, what can be more humiliating than fucking a stranger at lunch and then sucking off another stranger for dinner?” Kelsey laughed letting Alicia know that she was aware of Alicia’s debasement early in the day.

“Let me explain why I want you to suck a cock for me. I owe this really nice guy a favor and thought this arrangement would kill two birds with one stone. So I’m not going to pick a random man like Tim for you to suck off. Being a Superior requires better judgement than that.” Kelsey scoffed.

Alicia figured “What the Hell” it would be extremely arousing to think back on a day like this when she was home alone and in need of an orgasm. “O..Ok. I’ll do it for you, Ma’am.”

“Great. A real trooper. So let me tell you the plan. Jonathan is a REALLY nice guy that would never go for a BJ from a stranger. He is young and inexperienced so he will be nervous. I will talk him into letting you pull your tits out and give him a hand job. And once you get him worked up and his cock throbbing, you will lower your face down and suck him off.”

“And Oh yeah. Swallow his load. Can’t have stains on your dress. We still have half of a shift to work. And we both know swallowing is the only way to keep cum from splattering everywhere.”

Alicia agreed to do her best and followed Kelsey through employee only areas winding around to a back hallway with a lone door. The plate on it said “SECURITY”

A short fat guy opened the door. He wasn’t much taller than Alicia and must have weighed 300 pounds. His oily skin added to Alicia’s assumption that he was a virgin.

“Hi Kel. It’s great to see you.” he beamed.

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