Cate Tales Ch. 11 – Morning Glory

An adult stories – Cate Tales Ch. 11 – Morning Glory by d0br0,d0br0 Morning Glory

What a way to greet the day

Both couples slept the sleep of the dead thanks to the energetic and lengthy sexual activities from the night before and didn’t wake until well into mid-morning on Sunday. When Sasha arose, she donned a slinky little baby doll, crossed the hall and gently tapped on her guest’s door.

“Hey. Are you guys up? What’s going on in there?” she asked with a chuckle. “Are you decent? Is it all right if I come in?

A quiet voice on the other side of the door beckoned her in and she entered to find her guests cozily snuggled together in the middle of the king-size bed.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt you two but I thought we could all go down and have brunch together. It should all be laid out for us in about an hour or so. Jason and I have to go into town afterwards to run a couple of errands and will be gone for about an hour or so… tops. If you like, you guys can hang out by the pool, explore the facilities or go for a hike if you feel energetic. I know you’re heading home this afternoon but please wait for us to return so we can say a proper goodbye. It’s a shame you can’t stay another night but we understand and hope to get you back here again soon.

“In any event… Cate, if you’re game to work up a bit of an appetite, Jason was sporting some substantial morning wood when I left him and he more than hinted that he would dearly love some assistance in dealing with it. I hope I’m not being too forward or presumptuous in suggesting that you might be interested in providing that assistance. My pussy is far too sore from last night’s abuse, despite Tom’s soothing oral ministrations, so count me out. I considered blowing him but I thought I’d offer him up for grabs instead. Do you think you might like to go for a little ride, Cate? Tom, would you allow your wife to go for a tumble with my horny hubby this morning if she expressed a desire to do so? No pressure here on either of you of course. Just thought I’d put it out there. I’ll leave the room if it’s something you want to discuss in private,” Sasha said to her houseguests.

“No, not at all. There’s no need for you to leave Sasha, I think we’re way beyond secret discussions when it comes to things like that with you two,” replied Tom. “If Cate feels that she’d like to go visit with Jason and help him with his situation, she is free to do so with my blessing. What do you think, honey? Do you want to go and have some more playtime with our host?”

“Well, that sounds very appealing. But would you mind?” Cate asked, softly. “I don’t want you to feel that I’m spending too much… um… intimate time with our host. You could come with me and watch if you want. I know you’d like that. It would be an exciting way to start the day for all of us. I could always blow you as well if you want,” Cate said, as she headed towards the en suite for a quick shower and clean up.

“No baby, you go,” Tom said. “Go and have some alone time with him if you think you’d like that. I’m okay with it. If you really need me to come with you, of course I will, but remember the weekend is yours to do with as you please. You can tell me all about it later. I’ll just chill here and wait for your return. Sasha, are you going to join her and help out?”

 “No, I think I’d like to climb in and cuddle with you if you don’t mind the company,” Sasha said, in her sultriest voice. She assumed that he would welcome her and had already started to slide into the bed beside him. “We have an hour or so before the brunch bell rings so that should be enough time for everyone to…uh… work up an appetite and get cleaned up. You’re sure it’s okay if I stay here with you?”

“Sasha, I will always welcome your company. How could I say ‘no’ to a cuddle with such a delightfully delicious hostess,” Tom said. 

After a few minutes, Cate came out of the bathroom slightly damp and positively glowing. Her hair was brushed out into a beautiful mass of curls, her freshly shaved pubis looked as smooth as candy and her inviting little clit stood out proudly at the top of her slit. Eschewing any undergarments, she slipped into her beloved peignoir with the soft marabou collar and cuffs. Before turning in last night Tom had laid out the elegant, floor-length, see-through negligee for her. He had been sure to pack it as it was Cate’s favourite piece from her vast collection of vintage lingerie. His too, as it happens. She slipped on her sexy mules and walked over to her husband as Sasha snuggled up tight against him. She gave him a soft, warm kiss, did likewise to Sasha and turned towards the door.

“Thank you again, my love,” Cate said. “How did I get so lucky to snag such a perfectly wonderful and perverted soulmate? You are the best husband a woman could wish for and I hope I’m not overstepping and taking advantage of your generosity and good nature.”

“Don’t be silly. Enjoy yourself. I want you to have has much fun as you can,” Tom said. “It’s all good. We’ll talk when you’re done.”

Cate left the suite, clicking the door closed behind her. 

“Do you think they suspect anything? Should we feel at least a little bit guilty?” Sasha giggled, plastering herself to Tom’s side and reaching for his penis. “I hope you’re going to allow me the pleasure of taking this beautiful member of yours in my mouth and draining you while my husband and your wife get up to no good across the hall.”


It was almost an hour later when the foursome met by the pool where brunch had been laid out buffet style by Josie, the Sinclair’s chef. It was a glorious day, the sun was shining, the food was fantastic, and the two couples ate ravenously. They recapped the previous night’s activities and joked about how unexpectedly out of control they had all gotten and how much they had enjoyed the encounters. There were no regrets, guilt, remorse or awkwardness and they all felt totally comfortable in discussing the events of the previous day, evening and night. Everyone expressed their love, affection, admiration and even gratitude towards each other. It was apparent that a very special relationship had been forged between the four of them. 


The Sinclairs had gone into town to deal with their errands so Cate and Tom had the run of the place. They went to the gym for a quick workout, sat in the sauna for a while and then decided to just hang by the pool and relax instead of going for a hike. Cate was wearing a tiny nothing of a bikini thong, her rubber nipple chokers, and nothing else. Her big, pillowy breasts with their long, strangled nipples remained bare to the warm, welcome rays of the sun. 

“Better not burn those melons baby, you’ll regret it,” Tom warned his mostly-naked wife. “And thank you for putting on the nipple rings. You know how I love it when you wear them.”

“You’re so welcome. I’m really starting to love them. The constant pressure is delicious. And SPF 50, my love. Already slathered all over everything, my tits and nipples included. You can do the honours when the next application is required. Feel free to mix in some of your own creamy concoction if you want, that’s if you have any left after your morning in bed with Sasha. My guess is that she molested you and emptied the jewels while I was across the hall cavorting with her husband this morning. Am I right?” Cate asked, with a knowing smile.

“A gentleman never tells,” Tom responded. “Well, maybe sometimes they do. Ask me again later and we’ll see. Why don’t you tell me about your morning encounter with our well-endowed host?”

“Heheh. Yeah, you’re a gentleman all right.” she said, ribbing him good-naturedly.

“Well, after I left you two cozy cuddlers I crossed the hall, opened the door quietly and strutted in. I was swinging my hips, letting my boobs bump together as I walked, and was generally just playing the horny seductress part to the hilt. Jason was sitting up against the headboard, completely nude, his cock stiff and his legs spread wide. He was slowly jacking it up and down all the while looking directly at me and he didn’t look at all surprised to see me,” she said, with a fake wide-eyed shocked look.

“So then he said to me in that deep, sexy voice of his, ‘Good morning, Cate. Good gawd, you look lovely as always. Where is everyone else? Will Tom be joining us? ‘”

I chuckled and said, “No. He’s staying in the room and Sasha’s keeping him company. They’re just gonna do whatever they’re gonna do. Who knows, maybe they’ll talk about backgammon. But I doubt it. They seem to think you and I should have a little alone time before brunch and I agreed that it might be a nice way to start the day. So, for now it’s just you and me. What would you like to do? Do you have any ideas? Apparently, brunch is in an hour or so, so…

“He interrupted me and told me to stand at the foot of the bed.

“I moved to the foot of the bed and was looking straight at him while he continued to masturbate. He was stroking that big pole of his and I could see the thing leaking from where I stood. And you know how big that bed is.

“Then he said, ‘Remove the robe, please Cate. I want you to strip for me’. 

“There wasn’t much to strip so I untied the peignoir, slipped it off and rubbed it over my chest some, giving my boobs a little shake. Then I just held it out, dropped it, and let it float to the floor. It was pretty showy if I do say so myself. The only other thing I was wearing were the heels so basically I was now just standing there naked in front of him. He eyed me up and down for a few moments and I know he liked what he saw. I mean, fuck, he was almost drooling. Then he told me to play with my tits. I guess my free-hanging jugs were the big attention-getters for him.

“I cupped my boobs and started to weigh them and squeeze them. I began to pinch and pull my nipples getting them nice and hard. I tugged them out pretty far and I could feel little electric jolts shooting from my tits to my pussy. I knew I was going to be getting very wet… very quickly. Sure enough, that’s what happened. I could feel my snatch start to leak and a drop or two of my juice started to run down my leg.

“He kept stroking his cock the whole time he was issuing these instructions to me. I have to admit that I loved putting on a show for him and seeing the effect it was having.

“Then he said, ‘Push one of your tits up to your mouth. I want to see you suck your nipple’.

“I thought to myself… ‘Okaaayy… sure… why not? ‘ So, looking him right in the eye, I took both hands and pushed one of my boobs up to my mouth and licked my nipple a few times before I sucked it in. I sucked it and licked it and bit it a little, and saw how much he loved to watch me do it. He started to stroke his cock a little faster and I could see he was getting harder and leaking more pre-cum.”

“Were you getting anxious to fuck him at this point?” Tom asked. “You must have been getting super horny looking at that big hard dick of his.”

“I was actually getting lost in my little performance and was enjoying the feeling of pleasuring myself for his entertainment, so no, I wasn’t in a hurry to fuck him, but yes, I was definitely super horny. But I wanted to see how this little scenario was going to play out.”

“What happened next?” Tom asked, curious for more lurid details from his sexy wife.

“He told me to keep sucking my nipple but to start playing with my pussy. Only he called it my cunt. My cunt. You know how I love that. I was really enjoying having him instruct me. So I squeezed my boob really hard with one hand, pushed it farther into my mouth and slid the other down to my snatch. I did it nice and slow. Teasingly. Down over my belly, over my fat bald mound and then to rest at my swollen, moist slit. My puss was really starting to drool by this point so I got my fingers nice and wet and began to draw circles around my ripe little clit. It was like being hit with a Taser. My body spasmed as soon as I touched it and I came so suddenly I bit my nipple. It wasn’t the biggest climax but it took me by surprise. Almost knocked me off my feet.”

“What was he doing at this point?” Tom asked, “Did he move towards you?”

“Nope. He stayed where he was. Same position as when I came in. He just lay back against the headboard and jerked that big prick while watching your slutty little, big-titted wife put on a solo show for him. He seemed to really enjoy it, and if I’m being honest, so did I. 

“And then he told me to put two fingers in and fuck myself for him. 

“So I spread my legs a little wider, still sucking my achy nipple and crushing my boob, and slipped two fingers into my box. I plunged them in nice and deep and began to saw them in and out. Right when I did that we both groaned at the same time. Really loudly. Kind of funny now that I think of it. He was obviously digging controlling me with his… commands, I guess they were, and I’m sure the visual was doing it for him as well. There I was, standing naked in heels, my tit in my mouth, my fingers in my puss and lust in my eyes. You would have loved it, baby,” Cate told him.

“No shit. I would have for sure but I think the whole dynamic of that little scene might have changed if I had been in the room too.”

“That’s probably true. It would have been different but still really hot. You know how I love performing for you. Anyway, I pulled my nipple out of my mouth with a purposely loud pop and kept mauling my boob while I fingered myself. At this point, I was getting ready to blow and picked up the pace. I let go of my boob and used that hand to apply pressure to my clit. I started really jamming my fingers into my cunt and could feel my legs start to quake as a tsunami of an orgasm began to hit me like a ton of bricks. I spanked my clit a bunch of times while I scratched my G-spot and that was all she wrote. I let out this loud, gravelly scream, which you may have actually heard… fuck, they might have heard it in town… and almost collapsed to the floor. When I opened my eyes and looked at him he was still pulling on that big cock and smiling from ear to ear. 

“Then he asked me if I wanted to take a little ride before we went down to eat and if my husband would be all right with it if I did.

“I told him that I’d love to and that you’d be completely fine with it. I said that you knew when I crossed the hall that we were going to, as Sasha put it, ‘work up an appetite’. Plus, you were happily communing with his wife at the moment.

“I slipped off my heels, again making a bit of a show of it, climbed on the bed and crawled slowly up the bed towards him. I settled in between his legs and took that big, stiff cock in my hands. It was all slimy with pre-cum and I just had to have a taste. I lowered my head and stroked it, rubbing it on my lips and cheeks before I took him in my mouth. He tasted so good. His cock jumped when I lowered my mouth and took him down to his balls. I almost gagged when his knob ended up partway down my throat but like the world-class cocksucker I am, I was able to take him deep again and again. 

“Is my horny little story turning you on my love? I hope so,” Cate said, while she absentmindedly traced circles around her excited nipples.

“He grabbed handfuls of my hair, moved my head up and down on his dick and pumped his cock in and out of my throat with more and more urgency. I could feel him starting to crest so I pulled my head off and just climbed aboard. I positioned my cunt over his prick and basically impaled myself on it. I gasped out loud as his big mushroom head split my lips, drove deep into my cunt and stretched out my tight hole. That fat cock felt so good as I bounced up and down on it. My tits were flopping around like crazy and he grabbed them in his hands and mauled them roughly. I bounced on him for a while and then changed it up by leaning forward, rocking back and forth and rubbing my clit on his pubic bone. He kept manhandling my dangling tits, tugging on my nipples and digging his fingers into my boob flesh. I squeezed his cock with my cunt muscles and my warm, cushiony walls tightened against him, pushing both of us closer and closer to the brink. I could feel another orgasm building in me and figured that I could probably bring him off at the same time so I just started to grind on him. But he knew what he wanted and it wasn’t that. He grabbed my waist, lifted my ass up and really started to fuck the shit out of me. He just pounded into me from below. My head was thrown back and my tits were bouncing up and down as he drove into me. Pretty soon he stiffened and started to wail and groan and I felt his cum surge into my cunt. The volcano was erupting. He pumped squirt after squirt of cum into me and that did it for me. It put me into overdrive. I began to cum right along with him and milked his meaty prick for all I was worth. The walls of my pussy squeezed him tighter and coaxed every drop of semen from his balls. My body literally quivered and buzzed from the sensation. I actually had a little trouble breathing after.”

“I’m so glad you had a good time, my love. Sasha was nice enough to give me a fabulous blow job and talk dirty to me while you were occupied. She was going on about what she thought you two were doing in there. She was totally off the mark but accuracy certainly wasn’t the point. She just wanted to get me hot and bothered by putting visions of you two in my head. You know, all the stuff I love… you on your hands and knees, ass up, getting pounded doggy, having your big, hanging tits slapped, getting a messy facial, etcetera. It worked by the way. She has quite the filthy imagination. Maybe that’s why we get along so well.

“So was that the end of it? What a way to start the day!” said Tom, excitement in his voice.

“That’s for sure. Yeah, when we were done I just dismounted and took him in my mouth to clean him off. Seriously, he was barely starting to soften. Still stiff as a board. The guy must have Viagra in his bloodstream or something. It really is uncanny. I knew if I didn’t get out of there right then we’d end up fucking again so I kissed him, told him I appreciated his hospitality and gave his balls a little goodbye squeeze. I scooped up my robe and shoes and returned to our room. By then Sasha was gone and you were lying there semi-comatose.”

Once story time was over, Cate and Tom showered, packed and dressed for the drive home. Their hosts arrived back late in the afternoon, purchases in hand in time to see their guests getting ready to leave.

“Too bad you two have to head back, it would have been great for you to stay another night,” said Sasha after hugging both Tom and Cate. “But hopefully we’ll get you out here again soon. Know that you are always welcome here. In fact, you can come out anytime you like, whether we’re here or not. Just let us know and we’ll give you the security codes and the place is yours. You don’t get Josie though, you’re on your own for cooking. And you just have to call the cleaning service when you leave. Bring guests if you like. Have a party.”

“Oh, Sasha… Jason. That is so kind of you and we may take you up on your offer sometime in the near future. And we also wish we could stay another night but Tom has some work he has to get to and I have to connect with Ruby and hammer out a few burlesque things. Speaking of which… hopefully now that your construction foreperson duties are over you can get back to classes. We should work on a group piece and perform it for our men one evening. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“It certainly gets my vote,” Jason said, chiming in. “Tom. Cate. It was so good to have you both here. I hope you had a good time and please, don’t be shy, you are welcome to visit here anytime. Please drive safely and stay in touch.”

With that, the foursome kissed and hugged each other goodbye with promises to get together again soon and Cate and Tom started to make their way home.


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“Whew. Well, that was sure a getaway from the everyday. Quite an experience. Lots of firsts for us. And it appears that we now have the use of a ritzy vacation spot whenever we want as a bonus. I’d put this weekend in the win column. How about you?” said Tom, enthusiastically.

“Oh, definitely. I had a wonderful time. I can’t believe how much you let me get fucked. I’ll say this… you and Sasha sure know how to put a plan into action.” 

Tom’s jaw dropped and he looked at her in wide-eyed amazement. 

“What? Seriously? Did you think I didn’t know? “she asked, first grinning from ear to ear and then laughing out loud. “You’re hilarious… and nowhere near as clever as you think. But you have my eternal thanks, my love. It was really thoughtful of you two to arrange this festive little weekend for us all. I had the time of my life and hope you did too. I will have to remember to thank Sasha again as well. 

“Close your mouth, baby, you’ll catch flies. Now keep your eyes on the road and your hands up on the wheel.”

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