Charlie and her Crazy Father by pappybones95,pappybones95

Jeff stood and moved to the TV. He turned up the sound using the remote lying on the stand. Duane Kuiper announced the plate appearance of Brandon Crawford. The former second baseman did his best to make it seem like a good thing for the Giants, despite the stats graphic showing the shortstop was batting.221.

“Fuck! Turn the fucking sound down. I don’t need to hear another fucking strike-out,” came an angry voice from the bed.

“No, uncle Jeff. Turn it up so I can hear. My brother will hit a home run for me. He is so hot,” Charlie called out.

“In your fucking dreams, girlie,” said Hank.

Since he owed something to the young woman, Jeff turned the volume up slightly. He looked down at the couple, a father and daughter joined mouth to pussy. They seemed to be getting along just fine despite their difference of opinion on Crawford. The words of Charlie’s rejoinder were totally incoherent.

Needing to piss, Jeff padded naked to the head. His dick, slick with pussy juice, swung limply. Modesty made him shut the door, which took a while. ‘Why do motel bathrooms always have pocket doors that are never easy to close?’

He flicked on the light and turned to the toilet. Propped up on the tank lid stood his prized photograph. The glass-covered frame held an 8×10 glossy of his daughter Karen. He gazed at it as he emptied his bladder.

She appeared radiate in the pink satin gown she wore to her prom. She showed no embarrassment posing for her daddy. Her generous bosom, aided by a pushup bra, stood out proudly. The daring low-cut front displayed her cleavage to her father’s lust-filled stare. Not that he stared lustily at the time he took the photo, at least, hoped he didn’t. Unlike Charlie’s, Karen’s body was all generous curves.

Jeff’s dick showed signs of reviving. Looking at the picture always had that effect. Something about the picture bothered him, though. It looked blurry in spots, and a glob of some sort pooled on the bottom edge of the glass.

He held it up for a closer look. It was covered with cum. Hank’s comment about finding his own pie came back to Jeff in a flash. ‘I suppose he thinks I’m going to lick it off,’ he thought.

The call of strike two to Crawford came through the door. Kuiper’s voice could barely be heard above the girl’s moans of pleasure. Her dad’s tongue and bearded face certainly seemed to be getting the job done.

Jeff had to hand it to the crazy bastard. Hank seemed to be better at eating pussy than he was. ‘Maybe if I had been as good at it as Hank, my wife might not have gone lesbian,’ he thought.

Jeff stared at the picture in his hand. His other hand grabbed his semi-hard dick. Because of his recent ejaculation, it would take some time to get really hard. But the tangible evidence of another man’s lust for his girl turned him on. He knew he should be angry, but he decided to cut the guy some slack. Hank had only done what Jeff did almost every night, cover Karen’s image with a load of cum.

“Crawford hits a high drive to right. It is OUT OF HERE!” Kuiper’s familiar home run call preceded the loud screams from Charlie by a split second. She finally climaxed, and it was a doozy.

Jeff wished he’d taken note of the score and men-on-base situation before entering the bathroom. Charlie’s ecstatic vocalizations were loud and long enough, he couldn’t hear the rest of the commentary. It would be nice to know if Crawford’s heroics meant something or not. Crawford may never be the GOAT shortstop, but for this one at-bat, he wasn’t the goat. That made Jeff happy because it made Charlie happy very happy.

He decided to check the score.

By the time Jeff’s struggles at opening the door were over, the couple was quietly relaxing on the bed. Hank sat back against the headboard while Charlie leaned back against him. Expect for being naked and the two massive hands tweaking the girl’s stiff nipples, they might have been any father and daughter watching baseball together.

“Did you fucking clean it up?” Hank asked when he saw the picture frame in Jeff’s hand.

“I’m saving it for later,” Jeff lied, still in his humor the crazy bastard mode. He sat the picture face up on the dresser. “What’s the score?”

“Fucking tie ball game. Two to two in the fucking bottom of the fucking fifth.”

“My brother tied it up with a two-run blast. I knew he would,” Charlie said in delight.

Hank scowled but didn’t comment on Charlie’s remark. Instead, he made a polite request. “Fucking go get some fucking burgers and fucking fires for the girl and me. Fucking, please. Oh, and a fucking diet coke for her too. A fucking large one, not a fucking small.”

Since Hank managed to squeeze a please into the order, Jeff figured it wouldn’t be beneath him to make the food run.

While waiting in the line at the drive-thru, Jeff realized he could escape from the crazy man. He had everything he absolutely needed in the car. This included his laptop. He told Hank he needed to check his email to answer the question, “Why the fuck are you taking that fucking thing?” His keys, wallet, and phone were in his pockets. He was free as a bird. Except he left the picture of his daughter on the dresser. He could replace it, but he wouldn’t allow Hank to keep it, to use it.

Strangely the thought aroused him. ‘How sick is that?’ he asked. ‘Pretty fucking sick, fucker,’ replied his conscience. It bothered Jeff that his conscience had picked up Hank’s vocabulary, if not the crazy man’s morals.

His debt to Charlie won out in the end. Much to the harried worker’s annoyance, he even added a dessert for her to the food order at the pick-up window. Jeff knew the teenager would be all smiles if Charlie sat in the passenger seat and made the request herself. He often asked his daughter to request items for him to avoid causing similar scenes. It worked like a charm.

The cashier handed Jeff a bag with the dessert with a forced smile. Jeff thanked the teenager sincerely. ‘It must be a tough job dealing with jerks like me,’ he thought.

His phone pinged, announcing the arrival of a text. Trained to check them out immediately in case of emergencies, he dug the phone out of his pocket. The kid in the window coughed loudly and, when that didn’t work, shouted, “Could you please move out of the way, sir!” The car behind Jeff honked its horn as its driver showed impatience.

Jeff pulled out of the drive-thru and found a spot in the parking lot. Safely stopped, no longer distracted, he read the text. Serendipitously, it came from Karen. It read:

“Sure thing Daddy! Can’t wait to see you.

How exciting. I will send a pic of me

wearing it when it comes. Xoxoxoxo …”

“What the heck is she talking about?” he asked himself out loud. Obviously, his daughter’s text responded to something from him, but what? He didn’t have a clue.

It must be a prank by Hank. On a hunch, he checked his email on his phone. That’s where he found the answer to the puzzle. The crazy, hairy bastard emailed Karen from Jeff’s account. He used two pet names, Pumpkin and Berry, to pretend it came from her father. In it, he told

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