Making herself a bedtime tea, she thought about that big cold bed and how she would love to fill it with people doing things you only see in x-rated movies. Just as she was walking up the hall the phone trilled into life, it would be Greg calling to say goodnight; Greg had been emailing her for ages after they had quite a steamy session on the web cam and as he lived in the states she didn’t mind giving him her number. They had been chatting to each other for about a year now and he always phoned about this time to wish her sweet dreams, picking up the phone Greg’s warm American accent came purring down the line ‘hello gorgeous, just thought I would call to say goodnight’
Sitting down on the stairs she let his words run over her body as he recalled his day, not really taking in what he was actually saying; when all of a sudden she heard the words ‘ill be at yours in about an hour then if that’s alright with you?’
‘Err pardon’ she stammered not knowing if she had heard right or not.
‘You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve been saying have you he laughed ‘I’m in London and I’m coming to see you, I know what train to catch and I have a good road map so I will give you a call when I get to Southampton, is that ok with you sugar?’ he asked a now extremely excited Charlotte.
A few minutes later she was pelting up the stairs and running a bath, Charlotte had calculated that if he was in London still and he was catching the last train down he wouldn’t get there until at least 2am, it was just after 12 now so that gave her an hour and a half for panic stations. Tipping a load of Dior, scented bath oil under the running taps she ran to the bedroom to find something suitable, she rummaged through her draws and found nothing but baggy old grey underwear that had seen better days; she would have to see if mum had anything better.
Going into her mum’s room she felt a bit weird, ever since she had died she left this roomkarina Currie well alone. Opening the top draw of the dresser she found a beautiful red corset and suspenders set with the skimpiest matching red g-string, she also found quite a few other skimpy sets but the red one was the best; looking in the other draws for some stockings she found some still in the packaging, ‘black as night 10 denier pure silk stockings with seam detail’ the sleeve read. ‘Wow’ she thought mum was a bit of a dark horse with all this stuff, she had always been a young, trendy mum but Charlotte had never recognised her as a sexual creature.
Jumping up she caught the bath just in time, the water was half way up the overflow and threatening to spill; she peeled off her oversized clothes and stepped into the hot perfumed water, soaping herself up she ran her hands over her slippery mounds and began to fantasise about Greg and his toned fit body. Opening her eyes she saw a massive mound of hair poking out of the water, she hadn’t done her bikini line in months and now it looked like you would need a machete to hack through it; grabbing her razor she sat on the edge of the bath and started to shave away the forest of hair. Charlotte must have started to daydream, when she realised what she was doing she had almost entirely shaved one half of her pussy bare, seeing no way to balance it out she decided to shave the lot off; looking down at her bald pink labia she started to slide her soapy fingers along the seam of her sex thinking how sexy it looked and felt, knowing she didn’t have long until Greg got there she rinsed the bubbles away and stopped herself, after all there would be loads of pleasure to come.
Emptying the bath Charlotte dried herself and rubbed lotion all over her body making sure she got every crevice, determined to be as soft as the silk stockings.
Back in the bedroom she picked up the lingerie and began to dress, she wasn’t a small girl but she wasn’t overly big either, she had good legs and an apple shape bum, her boobs, which were quite large made her waist look smaller then it was.
Not knowing whether the panties went over or under the suspenders she opted for under as it looked better, she slowly rolled the stockings up her newly shaven legs and attached them stroking the silk as went; now the corset she thought. It was a front fastening piece with built in breast support which when done up would push even the most miniscule of bust into a cleavage. She opened the wardrobe to take a look in the only full-length mirror in the house; what she saw pleased her but there was something missing, she grabbed the black spiked heels she’d worn once at mother’s funeral and put them on ‘there that’s better’ she thought to herself and pleased with the overall look went down to the kitchen to grab a drink.
It was 2:15am when the phone started to ring, Greg was calling from a service station not to far away and wanted to know if she needed anything, ‘nope I’m ok here, are you in a cab?’ she asked, trying to work out how far away he was ‘yeah hold on and I’ll ask how much further away you are from here’ she could hear him asking the driver and from what she could make out by his reply he was 5 minutes down the road ‘ hello baby, you still there; we shall be with you as soon as, see you soon sugar’ and with that he hung up. Getting up to check herself for the thirtieth time in the mirror she gave her shoulder length brown hair one more brush through, she really was quite attractive with big innocent brown eyes, a button nose and full pink lips; she never wore make-up and wouldn’t even know how to apply it if she had some, her skin was as clear as porcelain so she didn’t need any, anyway.
Hearing a car pull up outside butterflies started to flutter in her stomach, grabbing her long silk dressing gown she started to panic, what if she was over dressed and expecting to much, what if he didn’t want to even touch her when he saw her for the first time in the flesh, all of these kinds of thoughts went crashing through her brain as she heard him closing the cab door and coming up the gravel path. The doorbell gave its usual big Ben chime and Charlotte hesitated not knowing whether to answer or not, finally after the bell struck 5 she opened the door. ‘Well hello sugar! I’m finally over here’ Greg, very loud and very American came bowling in sweeping her up in his arms on the way. ‘Wow that web cam certainly doesn’t do you any justice, your amazing’ he said putting her down and admiring the view; Greg on the other hand looked no different to her, tall and stocky but toned with the lightest blond hair and baby blue eyes, absolutely gorgeous.