Claustrophobia Cure by RisiaSkye,RisiaSkye

Orgasm took her almost immediately; Steve didn’t know whether he was impressed or disappointed that she was so easily pleased. He could feel her inner walls contract, effectively holding him in place as her body thrashed in release. Even if he could have moved more, it was all he could do to hold her flailing body up without letting her fall off of him and onto her ass, which hardly seemed sporting. Besides, he was definitely going to get his, and dropping her in a heap on the floor didn’t seem like the best way to go about it. But, the clenching of her cunt walls was driving him insane, making it very difficult to concentrate on holding her. He was relieved when she began to come down from the heights, expecting her body to relax in his hands. Instead, she became rigid and nearly motionless, her panting breath the only sign that she was still conscious of him.

As her adrenaline-soaked body pushed past the limit and into the swell of orgasm, her mind found a blissful peace she’d been missing since the moment the metal box stopped in its path. But as her body filled with the glow what should have been post-orgasm satisfaction, her mind turned away from the lust that had been her distraction. She found herself tensing up, her mind again fixated on the possibility of their death, her claustrophobia making the already close quarters seem smaller, coffinlike. She let out a single sob of fear and frustration.

“Help me,” she choked into his ear, begging him to do something, anything to quell the fear that once again threatened to steal her sanity. “Please…the walls…,” she tried to explain, but her panic was making her incoherent, making it impossible to explain what had to seem like some kind of rejection of him.

When she cried in his ear, he finally thought he understood. She was afraid. He wasn’t sure exactly what she was afraid of, and still thought she might be a loon, but at least she knew she was over the line. That was comforting somehow. Her plea for help aroused his desire to help her, while it also inflamed his desire to fuck the daylights out of her. He’d never before been in a situation anything like this, and now she was begging him to take control, to do something to help her.

He gently set her back on her feet, spinning her around on shaky legs before they could give out under her. Pulling her body back against him, he held her by the hips, allowing her to stay upright, and giving him an angle to resume their disrupted coupling. His strong hands and firm hold on her reawakened her body, bringing out a side of her she’d never seen before. When he moved to penetrate her again, her body burned with the desire for more, wanting stimulation strong enough to quench her desire and silence her panicking cries for good.

She leaned forward slightly, not thinking about it, just allowing him to rub his length along her slickness. It wasn’t enough, but she didn’t know what would be. He took her body’s hint, however, and changed his angle of attack, moving to spear her ass with his cock.

Before she could react or tell him no, the head forced its slick way past her puckered sphincter. The searing pain of that initial invasion killed any plans she might have formulated to protest. All thought of close quarters and plummeting death fled before that white-hot blast of pain, which took her whole body. He held motionless, letting her adjust. As she began to move against him, moving with the pain rather than against it, her reached around her hip to stroke her clit.

That did it; she was pushing back against him with everything she had. Her ass hurt, but the pain began to subside into a dully radiating, aching pleasure. The contact with her clit drove her lust and she pushed back at him, pulling him into her ass with every muscle in her body as another orgasm began to build.

For his part, Steve couldn’t believe the turn his day had taken. Her coquettish pull away from him had seemed like an invitation, one that he seized. Before he could rationally process it, his cock was making its way into the luscious ass his hands had previously enjoyed. Her tightness was unbelievable, almost painful. But the heat, oh god, the heat! Her ass was on fire, molten lava around his stiff prick, and he was lost in it. He restrained himself by an act of enormous will, the gentleman in him trying to let her adjust to him, trying to make it pleasurable for her too.

As she began to relax, and her sphincter muscles allowed him to resume motion, he reached around her to stroke her clit, hoping that if he couldn’t erase the pain of his initial penetration, he’d at least give her body something else to focus on. To his mind’s surprise and his body’s great satisfaction, she began to move against him, panting and moaning constantly as they picked up the pace and he began really fucking her ass.

The burning sensation faded, spreading across her whole body in waves of pleasure as she pushed back against him, fucking him for all he was worth as his reaching hand struggled to keep contact with her clit. His hand wove into her hair, pulling her head back as he used it as leverage to increase his thrusts, driving her insane with desire to submit to his crazed lust as he pounded her, drove her toward the brink he was also finally approaching.

Candace was reaching the point of no return when she dimly registered a jolt of movement. Too far gone to think about it, the sudden drop in her stomach pushed her over the edge, sending her body into another gut-wrenching orgasm, threatening to take her off her feet as her knees buckled.

Steve felt the elevator begin moving a split second before the woman’s body clenched in orgasm, her strong ass muscles milking his seed from him as his body’s immediate and instinctive reaction to the elevator’s resumed motion was overriden by her body’s demand that he cum with her. Her knees buckled, and he pulled away from her sex to hold her up with both big hands as he poured his lust into her shaking body.

She finally understood that the elevator was moving downward again as their mutual orgasm came to an end. Suddenly horribly embarrased, she pulled away from his body, their disentanglement making an audible squelch which further mortified her. She smoothed her dress down over her hips quickly, trying to collect herself, in case there were other people downstairs, waiting for the elevator to get there.

Steve felt a mixture of bewilderment and amused ambivalence as she pulled away from him. Now that their lusts were served, the whole thing seemed surreal. If it weren’t for his pants around his ankles, he could almost believe it had never happened at all. With that thought, he quickly pulled his pants up and struggled to right his appearance, preparing for the end of their strange ride together. The only thing he regretted was that she wouldn’t meet his gaze, was avowedly avoiding eye contact with him, in fact.

There was a hard thunk as the elevator reached its base desination, the doors sliding open just as they got themselves mostly composed. She moved to step from the elevator and flee before facing his judgement, or having to explain her inexplicable behavior. Before she could get away, though, he grabbed her arm.

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