
An adult stories – Competition by RCPeterGabriel,RCPeterGabriel When I started writing this story, I thought it would be just a quick little tale of lust, but it grew to over fifteen-thousand-six hundred words. Please enjoy this slightly longer tale of lust and love.

Competition: A story by R.C.PeterGabriel: All rights reserved.

I sighed as I slipped my ID badge through the slot on the time clock. “At least it was Friday,” I thought to myself. Just a few more hours and I could put my feet up and rest my aching knees. Not that I’m in bad shape. It’s just that standing, mostly in one place, for forty hours a week takes its toll. I work out daily trying to keep my joints loose and muscles tight but at forty-three, my knees were starting to feel it.

I walked down the hall and punched in the code, allowing me access to the pharmacy.

“Hay, Boss!” was enthusiastically called by multiple voices as I entered. My name is Michael and I’m the pharmacy manager, but no one refers to me by either moniker except the customers.

I approached my station and began typing in my access codes and swiped my badge again before turning to my counterpart Howard, for a briefing. “No, issues, but I’m a bit backed up,” stated the day shift pharmacist. “I’d hang out and help you catch up but I’ve got a date.” With that, he quickly logged out and made a run for the exit.

I sighed again. He is always behind and he always had an excuse as to why he couldn’t help clean up his own leavings. I wasn’t sure if he had a date or not but I didn’t really care. I glanced at the queue counter at the bottom of my screen and groaned inwardly. Three-hundred-seventeen scripts, forty-five of which were in the rush queue. I was going to need my runners today.

Not that I was surprised. He left me with a mess almost every night. At least the part-time pharmacist made an effort. I could pull rank and claim the day shift but I’d let my younger colleagues have days in exchange for a guarantee of getting the weekends off. I didn’t really care which days I had off but I knew Howard wanted to be off on the weekends and I disliked him just enough to be petty.

There was one other benefit my younger and less wise underling hadn’t noticed yet. The techs that staff the day shift are all working-class wives and moms. All of whom have been abused by the ravages of time. You know, frumpy, empty nesters. None of them wanted to do anything but complain about their husbands, or their inability to lose the ‘baby weight’.

I wasn’t about to tell them that what used to be ‘baby weight’ didn’t count as such after two to three decades. Nor would I point out that it had multiplied by four or five times … at least.

On the other hand, the evening shift was staffed with nubile young co-eds that couldn’t work during the day because of their class schedules. I might have to take up someone else’s slack but I had nice scenery to look at while I did.

We all worked well together and having spent a lot of time in close proximity, we know almost every detail of each other’s lives. They also knew they’d have to step up their game as I started verifying scripts twice as fast as the day shift. Mostly because I didn’t have to look up what the imprint codes stamped into most of the pills mean. With just shy of twenty years in, I can glance at almost any ‘small, white, round, non-scored, numbered’ tablet and tell you what the drug and dosage are. If you add color or shapes … well that makes it too easy.

By the time my two hours of overlap with the midday techs came to an end, I had reduced the queue by a hundred-sixty and the drive time rush was trickling to a stop. As usual, we didn’t let up and pushed hard so that we could coast through our post-meal time.

We’re a small town pharmacy but owned by a major chain, so while we aren’t 24 hours, we stay open until 10 pm. The rest of town on the other hand rolls up the sidewalks by 6. I put out the lunch sign at 6:30 and pulled down the security gates. We’d have 30 minutes to sit down and eat at the snack bar out in the main store. Occasionally we’d actually buy something there but we almost always brown bagged it. And almost always I’d be the one providing the food.

These were college kids on a ramen noodle budget and looked to me as their surrogate dad. They even started calling me Dad when no one else was around. And once the Dad title started being used, they started calling each other sisters. Needless to say, I try my best to take good care of them. It didn’t hurt that I went to bat for them with corporate to keep their hours up as they weren’t needed after lunch. I agreed to let them get paid out of the last three raises I didn’t accept. They, of course, think it was the most selfless thing anyone could have done for them. In truth, it wasn’t a big deal because I don’t need the money.

My parents signed over the family house and lands when they abandoned me to my own devices at my high school graduation. They pushed me hard educationally so that they wouldn’t feel guilty when they dropped their big reveal on me. Along with the keys to the house, and a college fund, they informed me that they had never wanted kids, that I had been holding them back, and that they were leaving to explore the world. Admittedly, it stung and I hated them for the first few years before I realized I hadn’t been close to them anyway. They may have been cold-hearted and aloof but at least they took responsibility for me and raised me to be self-sufficient.

I received a total of three correspondences about their journeys. The first was an email about a year after they left, with photos and a ‘we’re having fun’ letter. The second was two years after that with about the same letter. Neither asked about how I was doing. The third was from a lawyer about ten years ago. It was a notice explaining that they’d visited the wrong country at the wrong time, ending their travels. I was amazed at the size of the inheritance but just left it in the portfolio that it had been in. Since I have no expenses other than food and utilities, my one-hundred-twenty-thousand dollar-a-year salary is far more than I ever needed. Anyway, in exchange for the extra hours, the girls do their absolute best for me and we’ve all become very close.

In truth, only my ability to recognize how beautiful all three girls are had separated me from having a genuine father/daughter relationship with them. I love them as if they’re my own and have often wished that I could have adopted them.

Of the three, I’ve known Eva the longest. She was barely two when I started working at the store. Her mom worked the snack counter and would bring her in to play in a pen tucked under a booth until she was old enough for school. (It’s a small town. We can get away with certain things.) She always smiled when she saw me and we eventually became close after her father died when she was eleven.

After that, her mom sank into depression and quit the store. According to Eva, she lives off of the work comp settlement and never leaves her house. Supposedly surviving solely on food deliveries and soap operas.

Eva had to learn how to take care of herself but would come to me for advice. She started working as a cashier up front on her sixteenth birthday and moved into the pharmacy on her eighteenth.

Sakura and Ruby started directly in the pharmacy during their senior years of high school but I’ve known them since about middle school.

Sakura never knew her father. He was a thirty-something Caucasian American with dark hair and dark eyes and is all her mother knows about the man who raped her. Her mother and grandparents had emigrated from Japan when her mother was seventeen. She hadn’t been here for two weeks when it happened.

Understandably, her mom doesn’t trust men. I’m amazed that Sakura seems well-adjusted. She is a little shy around most men but she doesn’t seem afraid.

Ruby knows all too much about her father. He’s a former coal miner turned alcoholic that likes to beat her mother. He’s never touched Ruby, but his refusal to fix either the bathroom or bedroom door locks left her feeling unsafe. The last straw was when she woke up with her nighty pulled up and her dad masturbating over her. She begged her mom to leave with her but couldn’t convince her. She hasn’t seen either parent since she was put into foster care at fourteen.

The store’s night manager, David, is what the girls describe as “a little rapey” and usually comes by at some time during our meal to engage in what he thinks is flirting, and to suggest I share my harem. I think he’s just awkward and is trying to be friendly without understanding how it comes across. They assume that he spends all of his time lusting for them, and always counter his offers by flirting with me. It got so bad a few times that at least one of them (usually Ruby) would shoot him down by implying that they were already sleeping with me and that I’m taking care of all of their needs. Although to their credit, they wouldn’t come out and say anything specific. They’re smart enough not to get us fired for violating company policies. Especially since I’m their boss.

Personally, I don’t think he’d care. Nor do I think he’s as bad as the girls believe. I just figure he’s like any other overweight, fifty-something, divorcé that wishes he could turn back the clock. He is mostly a nice guy but I’ll admit his normal expression is a bit creepy.

My life took a major turn the evening I’ve been describing. My girls had noticed that my knees were bothering me more than normal, so as we slid into our usual booth, Sakura, and Ruby, demanded I put my feet up between them. And as if they’d planned it they both slid their hands up the inside of my pant legs to pull down my elastic knee supports. I was shocked but not as much as when Eva reached under the table in order to massage my knees.

I should have put an immediate stop to it but “Sweet God in Heaven,” it felt good! I rolled my head back and groaned in appreciation, causing all three to giggle.

“Careful, Eva,” Sakura whispered, “You might make him cum.”

My eyes flew open and I raised my head at her comment, just in time to see David come up behind her. “What exactly is going on?”

“…uhm” I managed as my eyes shot to Eva. She was leaning forward with her upper chest against the table top so you couldn’t see what she was doing. That didn’t mean you couldn’t easily get the wrong idea as her arms continued to piston away.

She grinned and asked in a husky voice, “Why Dave? Does it look like I’m doing something wrong?”

His expression went from leering to lustful and back to his normal leer in about two heartbeats. He quickly glanced around the area to make sure no one else was observing the activity. “You can’t do that here!”, was stage whispered with near panic.

Eva sighed. “I’m just rubbing his knees is all. We could tell they were bothering him. What did you think I was doing?”

“Let’s just say that it looks far more intimate than that. Can you at least wait until you get home to touch each other, please?” He spun around and left looking somewhat worried that a customer would associate him with the visual at the table. Not that there were any customers to see it.

We all laughed quietly while I got our lunches out of my cooler and started handing them out. The conversation quickly turned from making fun of David’s assumption to the practicality of actually living together. All three girls lived separately in the only apartment complex in town. It’s situated literally at the farthest point in town from their college. Their school is in the next town over but doesn’t offer enough low-cost housing. I, on the other hand, live ten miles outside of town in the direction of the college.

My first thought was that there was zero chance that I’d allow them to move in. But as the evening progressed the girls continued to discuss it and practically begged me to take them in. They all agreed that it was more than fair for them to pay me almost the same rent that they’d been paying. Pointing out that I had been subsidizing their hours and the money should be mine anyway. Then they argued that A: It would help them out to save even a little on rent. B: I was already feeding them. C: They could save money on gas for school and to work by carpooling. And D: It would make getting together for study sessions easier, (even though they studied during most of the after-lunch work hours.)

They were all laying on the ‘Dad’ angle rather blatantly and I’ll admit their puppy dog eyes were wearing me down. And like I said, I cared for all three of them as if they were my own girls. So, I relented enough to agree to continue the conversation after work.

They followed me home and stood gawking at the sight of my house. After breaking through an eighth of a mile of trees to the acre of landscaped lawn fronting the impressive façade they were barely able to get out of their cars.

Now, I’m not saying that it isn’t a nice house. It’s just that it isn’t as big on the inside as you’d think it was from the outside. With four bedrooms and two full baths upstairs and a professional kitchen, pantry, dining room, living room, media room, and three lavatories downstairs, it’s set up more for entertaining than actual living. The side-facing, four-car garage with a bay for a bus-sized RV, very deceptively adds to the façade. Most people would guess the house had at least eight or ten bedrooms.

I finally coaxed them in and gave them a quick tour. When we settled in the living room, Ruby made herself at home behind the wet bar as she commented that it was a shame I had converted one of the bedrooms into a workout room. I asked why before realizing they were hoping to get their own rooms.

She started loading the top of the bar with beer until she noticed a case of bourbon that my grandparents bought when they got married. “Wow!” she exclaimed holding up one of the bottles and blowing the dust off. “Nineteen fifty-seven, Woodford Reserve!”

The statement caused Eva and Sakura to hop back up and head to the bar. “It’s a full case! Why haven’t you opened any?”

“It belonged to my father. I remember it always being there with strict instructions to never touch it. I have no idea what they were saving it for, but even after they left, I never thought to touch it.”

“Dad, they’ve been gone for more than ten years. Don’t you think we should use this to toast to our new living arrangement?”

“I never agreed that you could move in! I agreed to discuss it. Besides, as you pointed out, there aren’t enough bedrooms.”

All three girls leaned their heads together holding the bottle up and gave me their puppy dog eyes while saying “Pleeeeeease!” at the same time.

“I would have been a lousy father,” I thought to myself, as I sighed and nodded. “We can try some, I guess.” Inwardly I was cringing at the thought that I could get at least ten grand at auction for it. Probably a lot more. If I’d been in want of money there would have been zero chance I’d open one.

All three girls bounced in glee as they lined up four highball glasses, dropped a single ice cube in each, and proceeded to fill them almost to the rim. They giggled at my wide-eyed expression as they brought me my glass and sat. “To our new home!” Eva toasted while the other two joined her but paused while looking at me.

I studied each one, finding myself liking the idea of having someone around. Especially people I loved. I’d been more or less alone my whole life and the idea was melting my closed-off heart.

They all started to look a bit worried as my pause began to draw itself out but that too was working against me and I suddenly just knew. I’d never be able to disappoint my daughters. Yes, I had just realized that I had already adopted them in my heart and wasn’t about to turn them away. “To your new home!”

Squeals of joy went up, followed quickly by clinking glasses and the downing of too much liquor. I couldn’t believe how smooth the sixty-five-year-old bourbon was and I found myself draining my glass. I looked around realizing the girls had all done the same!

“Oh my god! That is sooo good!” exclaimed Sakura while Ruby ran to retrieve the bottle.

I’m not much of a drinker and could feel the warmth quickly spreading throughout my system. The girls all had youth on their side and hit the collage bars semi-regularly but I had at least seventy pounds on them. If I felt it that quickly, I assumed they were feeling it too. “Easy girls. This isn’t that watered-down stuff you get at a bar.”

As our glasses were refilled I was given surprisingly loving expressions. “Ah, Dad. That’s so sweet. Worried we’ll get drunk?”

“Driving drunk isn’t safe and you know it. I’m assuming you’re going back to your apartments until you can move your things.”

“Why? It’s Friday,” began Sakura. “We don’t need to get up for school. Can’t we enjoy the evening and just stay in our new rooms?”

I wasn’t sure why I was suddenly worried about being alone with them. After all, I’d spent the last several years alone with some or all of them for hours at a time. It might have been the fact that we weren’t in a public place. Or that we were drinking together for the first time and I didn’t want to do something to embarrass myself. Maybe it was that as their ‘father’ and I was supposed to look out for them. But subconsciously I think I was worried that three strikingly beautiful young women with adoring expressions might stir up ‘other’ feelings.

“Which is another thing,” I began. “I need to move all of my fitness equipment. There’re only two extra rooms at the moment. You’d have to share if you don’t wait?”

Eva grinned and edged closer to me while looking into my eyes. “That’s easy, Dad. I get the single room because I’m your favorite. Everyone knows that.”

“I’m his favorite!” exclaimed both Ruby and Sakura at the same time.

I knew I was in trouble when all three glared at the other two and then simultaneously turned back to me and asked, “Daddy, who’s your favorite?”

I had to laugh! Not only were they acting like I imagined real sisters would act in the situation but they had all called me “Daddy” for the first time as a manipulative tool! I was not going to throw myself on that grenade. Nope, uh -uh, no way!

“I don’t have a favorite, girls. This is something you’re going to have to figure out on your own.”

Again, all three whined as one, “But Daddy!”

I was laughing harder and shaking my head. The whole time trying not to spill my drink as I sipped it. “You three need to decide who gets the single room. The other two can move in next weekend and still get their own rooms. There’s no need to get competitive.”

As soon as I said the word “competitive”, I knew I’d stepped in it. All three girls were competitive, physically and academically. Not necessarily with each other but they were always trading stories about winning everything from bike races to board games and from soccer to classroom debates. I recognized that they were of one mind and that ‘the game was on’! They gave each other the stink eye, squared their shoulders, and chugged their drinks as if a verbal dare had been issued.

Within seconds the last of the bottle had been divided up between them and downed with the same determination as the prior glasses. They didn’t like it much when I quickly jumped up to prevent the retrieval of a second ten-thousand-dollar bottle of liquor. Nor when I forbade them from drinking anything else the rest of the evening except water.

Maybe I was catching on to the whole father thing after all. But, then again maybe not, since my tongue and fingertips already seemed a little numb. At least my knees didn’t hurt anymore.

Then it hit me that it had been a liter bottle! While I attempted to calculate how many equivalent drinks we had consumed in under five minutes, I tried to sound stern. “Find some other way to figure it out because I love you all equally and I won’t pick a favorite.”

They huddled together for several minutes discussing the rules of combat while I explained that I’d be right back. We were still wearing our work clothes and while the girls got to wear comfortable scrubs, I was in a tie and slacks. I went upstairs and quickly changed into sweatpants and a tee shirt. Then I detoured into the kitchen on the way back to gather some snacks. I figured food would be a good idea. Not giving the girls alcohol poisoning on their first night under my roof could be considered fatherly … Right?

When I returned, they seemed to have come to a consensus as to how the contest would be decided. Although, the explanation of the rules was paused when the food caused a distraction. During the break, I was made to promise that I would accept their method of choosing. And that the contest would continue until a clear winner had been determined.

I should have known something had been pre-planned, but I’d completely missed the identifying clue. While I’d been upstairs, they had all removed their shoes and socks. So, not being in the habit of looking at their feet, and figuring that I could no longer be blamed for the outcome, I agreed. My assumption, however, was quickly proven false as they had decided I would be picking my favorite particular traits instead of the overall individual. When I pointed out that I wasn’t going to choose a favorite, they said that everyone has personal preferences and that I had agreed to the rules.

I still tried unsuccessfully to get out of it by suggesting they just do ‘rock, scissors, paper’? Ultimately, I lost what few fatherly points I’d gained with the food and water by succumbing to their pleading. At least I held out for about five minutes. I’m guessing that was the remaining amount of time the alcohol needed to really hit our systems. Soon after that I was feeling a good buzz and was seated in a chair turned to face an open space where they lined up in front of me.

Ruby, started, “Which one of us is prettiest?”

My mouth dropped open as I found myself in the same predicament as before. “There is no way I can answer that question. You’re all equally beautiful in your own ways.”

Demurring slightly she countered with, “We know you think of us as daughters. If you didn’t we wouldn’t want to live here. We all love you just as much. And as our daddy, you’re supposed to say things like you have been. But that is against the rules of this contest. You have to pick.”

I shook my head. “I’m not just saying that. You each have striking features. You’re all a definite nine!”

“Nine?” was whined out from three pouting young women.

“Yes, nine! In my opinion, a nine is way better than a ten. You’re as good-looking as a ten, but tens are too … I don’t know, fake, unapproachable. With a ten you never know how much is plastic and their personalities usually suck. You each have a friendly quality that makes you ‘real’ even though you’re absolutely drop-dead gorgeous … you know, supernova.”

By the time I’d finished explaining, their blushing had me hoping the trap that they had laid for me was a dud. And just as quickly the hope died when Sakura took her turn. “In that case, we will start at the top. Who has the best hair?”

I shook my head again. “All of you take care of your hair. You all have thick, shiny hair that looks healthy and is cut to fit both your personalities and facial structures. I like all of your colors and styles equally.”

Eva jumped in next. “Your cheating, Dad! Now please just tell us what you like best about us. How about eyes? Who has the prettiest eyes?”

I almost deflected the question again but they had said the contest would continue until a clear winner was chosen. If I didn’t start answering, I’d just end up with them angry at me for not playing along. Then again if I chose someone definitively, two of them would be hurt and mad at me. In my numbed mind, I decided to spread out the praise. That way, I’d be playing along but wouldn’t be choosing one over the other.

“Well, I like how Eva’s huge bright blue eyes really pop with her blond hair. Ruby’s green eyes are nice too and complement her auburn hair. But, Sakura’s dark exotic eyes, really draw you in. I’m not the only one that thinks so either. Wearing scrubs makes it hard to tell what your figures are like but I’ve seen plenty of guys trying to figure them out. Sakura is the one that seems to keep their eyes on her eyes the most. If you go by that, I’d have to agree.”

Two daughters seemed to deflate slightly while Sakura grinned. “You like my eyes, Daddy?”

“Yes, Sweetheart. I like your eyes. That doesn’t mean I don’t like Ruby’s and Eva’s though.”

“How about noses?” Ruby asked.

“Well, Sakura’s match her other features the most. Eva’s is beautiful but draws the eye to her mouth, so it makes it hard to count it best. Ruby has that cute upturn with the sprinkle of freckles that makes me smile when I look at it. I guess I’m saying Ruby’s, although it’s very close.”

Ruby was beaming when she asked, “Smiles?”

My buzz almost caused me to blurt out my answer because it was a strong win but I forced myself to slow down. “Ruby always has that half smirk that says ‘I’ve got a secret’, and draws you to her so you can find out what it is. Sakura looks shy and makes you want to run to her to protect her. And Eva’s is just a great friendly smile until she looks at me. I’ve noticed she has a special smile that only I seem to get and it simply lights up my world when she offers it to me. So Eva wins for her smile.”

Of course, I got one of Eva’s special smiles and in my loose state, I almost lost myself in it. All three girls seemed both pleased with their individual victories but even more determined to get the decisive win. They moved behind the bar to huddle without me hearing. When they returned to their spots in front of me they nodded to each other before Eva was elected to speak for the group.

“We’ve agreed that you talk a good ‘Dad Game’ but we need a winner, so here goes. We know you love us as if we are your real daughters and we love you for lots of reasons. As daughters, as friends, as employees, but you’re a man. As a Dad, you’re too diplomatic. We want you to look at us as a man. Pretend you’re on a dating app and you want to find the perfect woman.”

“Why, I have three right here?” I blurted out before I could stop myself, causing all three to grin and giggle.

“Dad, be a man. If you saw us walking down the street and didn’t know us, who would you be watching with your eyes?”

“I can’t say. Not because I’m avoiding anything. It’s because I haven’t seen any of you in anything but scrubs for years. I remember what you wore in high school, but that was still years ago and all of you have matured since then.”

They turned to each other with the same determined looks of “Oh no you don’t! You’re not getting named his favorite if I can help it!” And before I realized what was happening, scrub tops were being lifted from their young bodies. In barely a blink, I was presented with a view I never dreamt I’d experience.

Two bras and a tight-fitting tee shirt instead of the third bra were exposed to my eyes as the girls took a step closer to me. They seemed extremely eager to win my approval. I’m not even sure if they knew what they were competing for. Or maybe I was the one that failed to see their goal. Either way, I couldn’t help but admire their tone torsos.

“Well?” encouraged Eva.

I was losing sight of being Dad and was slipping into the role of the guy they wanted the opinion of, but I hadn’t completely lost out to my little brain. “Girls … You, uh. You shouldn’t be doing this.”

Ruby thrust her chest out a little and pointed out that a bra wasn’t any different than a bikini. She and Eva then looked at Sakura and started gazing at her well-defined breasts. They may have been hidden behind cloth but there was no hiding their shape. Nor could Sakura hide her slowly forming blush as her nipples hardened under our scrutiny. I was guessing a B-cub. But with her being an athletic 5’1″, they were not only perfect in shape but sized perfectly for her physique.

Eva glanced at Ruby and then down at her bra and gave them both another stink eye, before an even more determined glair. I guess she realized that while her bra was a comfortable garment for housing her breasts, it hid them far more than her opponent’s.

While I was distracted by Sakura’s beautiful chest, Eva sought to regain my attention and discarded her bra. “What do you think, Daddy? I know you like mine better.” Of course, my eyes were instantly locked on Eva’s slightly larger breasts. Guessing, I put them still B-cup but closer to a C. Although with an extra inch of height, she and Sakura seemed to have matching torsos. I almost reached for the offering but managed to hold my reaction to a soft moan. Like Sakura’s, they’re of perfect shape but hers have hard pink nipples the size of gumdrops.

Not wanting to be outdone Ruby’s bra quickly hit the floor to expose two round C-cups sitting high on her chest. The perky mounds were tipped with slightly upturned nipples that begged to be tweaked.

“You guys are cheating!” exclaimed Sakura before losing her shirt to the pile on the floor. I was drawn to her brown nipples surrounded by quarter-sized areolas with tiny bumps on them. I must have moaned too loud because Sakura announced, “See, he chose mine! I’m his favorite!”

Not to be deterred, Ruby and Eva moved in close enough for me to be almost within licking distance. Although, to my credit, the last vestiges of fatherhood peeked out as I shook myself and told them to back up.

I was proud of my resolve until I stood and began walking around the trio. I just had to get the images burned into my brain from the height I’d normally be gazing at them. I assumed this was a drunken one-off and I wanted to get as much out of it as possible.

“Yes,” I thought a few seconds later, “I’m a lousy father!” For several minutes, I looked and kept looking from every angle until I finally shrugged. “I can’t choose. I like them all! Girls like you are the reason it’s so hard for men to stay faithful. Even as a guy and not as your dad, I can’t choose.”

“But Daddy,” Ruby cooed as she pulled my hands up to cup her magnificent orbs. “You know mine are the biggest, and more firm.”

“Most firm,” I corrected reflexively. Although I wasn’t sure, considering I was a touch drunk and the subject of her sentence was only implied. My words were followed closely by a sigh of satisfaction. They were firm alright! Her nipples tried to push through my palms as I began to gently squeeze the forbidden fruit in my grasp.

After about five moans and a bitten lower lip from Ruby, my explorations came to an end as Eva reminded us that I was supposed to be comparing. She pulled my hands away from Ruby, as she turned her back to me, leaned into my chest, and pulled my hands to her gorgeous mounds. I had no choice, I gave myself over to the sensations of her firm youthful flesh.

A minute or so later, a groan escaped me as I felt Eva grind her ass back into my very un-fatherly erection. I hadn’t even realized I’d gotten hard, but once I was aware of it, I tried to pull back. Eva on the other hand, wasn’t about to give up her sudden advantage and spun on me.

“Is that for me, Daddy?” was asked with a grin of victory. She quickly dropped to her knees and yanked my sweatpants down.

I guess my secret was out. I’m not a boxer or a brief guy. I like going commando much to the delight of my daughters.

Totally shocked, and not sure which brain wanted to take charge, all I could manage was a surprised, “Eva! You shouldn’t!”

I have to admit that while in school I’d been a rather horny young man. But it had been over a decade since my last date and the touch of a woman’s hand. When I felt Eva grasp me, I was both delighted and appalled with myself. How could I be allowing this? That, however, was before I heard Ruby giggle and proclaim, “Nice cock, Dad!” and Sakura gasp before saying, “It’s bigger than we hoped!”

I glanced at them, trying to process what was said. They had obviously discussed my cock before now. Not knowing what to say about that, I returned my eyes to Eva’s.

“I love you, Dad. We all do.”

That was when she lowered her head and took me into her mouth. I was lost! An involuntary groan of ecstasy escaped me as my hand reflexively settled onto Eva’s head. Moments later, Ruby and then Sakura packed in tight next to Eva and began caressing my legs, balls, and ass.

After maybe thirty seconds, Eva tried to swallow me but gagged with several inches remaining outside of her mouth. And as she pulled off to quiet her coughing, Sakura took over.

I couldn’t help loving the view of her tiny hand trying to wrap around my shaft as her very stuffed mouth engulfed my head. She could barely get any of my thick shaft in her mouth but stroked me to make up for it.

Ruby, not wanting to be left out, soon declared it to be her turn and guided my shaft into her mouth. I groaned again as the third warm mouth in as many minutes took me inside.

According to our conversations at work, Ruby was the only non-virgin of the three and the evidence soon showed itself. She started bobbing and stroking my shaft, spreading their saliva all the way to my balls. She then pulled off, paused, swallowed, cleared her throat, and took me back into her mouth. That time, however, she slowly sank down and didn’t stop. I had never been deep-throated before and gasped when I felt my head pop into her throat. Her nose mashing into my pubs came moments after.

As that was going on, Eva stood up and took my head in her hands, pulling my face down to her height. “We’ve wanted this for a long time, Dad. Me longest of all. When we say we love you, we mean that we actually love you. If you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re IN love with you.”

Four simultaneous things happened immediately after that. One was Sakura, guiding one of my hands to her breast and forcing it to squeeze much harder than I would have expected. Her cry of ecstasy let me know she liked it rough. One was Ruby, swallowing with a couple of inches of my shaft lodged in her throat. My entire cock was encased in a hot, tight, wet sheath that suddenly got twice as tight and caressed the spot right below my head … indescribable! One was Eva. She leaned in and kissed me with tender need, instead of drunken passion. Any doubts of this being caused by alcohol vanished as she mewed into my mouth. And the obvious one was that I exploded. I came harder and longer than I had ever cum before.

When I finally stopped pumping rope after rope of seed into Ruby’s mouth, I slowly broke my kiss with Eva and glanced at Sakura. She had her eyes squeezed shut and was biting her lip so hard I was afraid she would draw blood. So I twisted her breast until my thumb and forefinger encircled her nipple. Then I pinched as hard as I could and pulled. Her lower lip was released, as she cried out and shook through a violent orgasm. She grabbed at my arm, but not to stop me. She was holding on for dear life as her knees gave out and she almost went to the floor.

I looked forward to exploring her more now that I knew she had been hiding several dark secrets.

I glanced down at a very smug Ruby, as she licked a smear of cum from her lips and moaned. Then she opened wide and slid three fingers as far down her throat as she could and pressed down while wiggling them around a few times. “No gag reflex,” she informed me with a grin.

“I think the blowjob category goes to Ruby. While Sakura wins for having the most sensitive breasts. I’d say Eva wins for kissing but I haven’t sampled the other two yet.”

Eva gave me a slightly disappointed look but stepped back and motioned me on. “Feel free to explore them as much as you want. But just remember, I’m going to win in the end.”

Sakura was still breathing too hard for a real kiss so Ruby quickly jumped up on me. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and proceeded to very eagerly express her attraction to me. I had never tasted my own cum and found it a bit distracting although not really unpleasant. So I carried her a few feet and lowered her to the couch where we necked for several minutes until Eva cleared her throat.

Oh, yeah, I was supposed to be comparing. I let Ruby up and looked to Sakura who was blushing and couldn’t meet my eyes. I got the impression that she had just cum for the first time, or at least the first time with someone else. When I asked her if she wanted to kiss me, she blushed harder and nodded but didn’t make any moves to approach.

I’m no psychologist but I suddenly thought I understood her situation. She had been conceived in violence and fed a litany of stories and warnings about men and what they wanted. On top of which she had been raised old school. Respect for men and elders was one of the main cultural expectations that had been drilled into her. I decided that a few simple questions would let me know if those ideals had formed her sexual mindset.

“Sakura, when you put my hand on you, was that the first time you’d been touched?” She continued to blush but nodded.

“Were you trying to let me know how you want to be touched?”

Again, she nodded without looking up.

I smiled inwardly with extremely un-fatherly thoughts. I was her Daddy and she was about to become my ‘Baby-Girl’. “Come here!” I gently ordered her.

She stepped forward until she was mere inches from me but still hadn’t raised her eyes. She hadn’t had trouble doing it before but this was a sexual situation and a new dynamic for us. I watched as her chest rose and fell several times in obvious arousal before I told her to look at me.

She looked up with a mixture of emotions playing across her features. Not the least of which was hope. I think she was hoping that I finally saw her as more than just an employee and even more than just a daughter. She wanted to be owned by me.

I ran my fingers down her cheek and then back along her jaw to cup the back of her head. Pulling her close, I calmly spoke in her ear. “I am going to kiss you. When I do, it will mean that you are giving yourself to me. I will own you. You will be my sexual property from now on. You will follow my rules to the letter. Do you understand?”

She had started shaking as I spoke but nodded eagerly. “If you don’t want to be my property, all you have to do is step back. But, if you allow me to kiss you, your choice will have been made. You will belong to me and no one else for the rest of your life. Do you understand the significance of what I’m saying?”

She nodded against my cheek and whimpered quietly against my ear.

“I can’t hear you. You need to look me in the eye and let me know verbally that you understand what you’re agreeing to.” As I finished speaking to her I let go of her head so that she could stand straight and look at me.

Knowing full well the others were watching, she slowly met my eyes. “I understand, Daddy.” Glancing around quickly to acknowledge the others she continued after meeting my eyes again. “My … sisters, are aware of my desires. They have told me that they will be happy for me if I’m accepted in the way you have offered. As for me, I have wanted to be yours from the moment I first met you.”

I stood, forcing her to press against me or step back. She remained against me looking into my eyes and I smiled before leaning in for the kiss. By then she was trembling almost violently. I slid my hands around her, down to her ass, and squeezed to the point that I was sure it should hurt. Her response was to mew quietly and then sigh as if releasing all of the fears and anxiety that she’d built up in her life.

When I finally touched my lips to hers she gasped into my mouth and threw her arms around my neck. She became desperate to be pressed as tightly against me as possible. One leg wrapped behind mine as she tried to crawl into me. Our breath became one as she gave herself over to her boss, her Daddy, her owner.

The kiss lasted several minutes and when our lips finally parted we were breathless. Then I noticed that at some point, I had managed to get both of my hands down her scrub pants and under her panties. I was gripping both of her ass cheeks again but on her bare flesh. I also noticed both of her legs were now around my waist. We grinned and touched foreheads before I slowly lowered her to the floor and looked around.

Both Eva and Ruby were grinning and stepped forward to hug Sakura. They may have been competing but they were genuinely happy for her. That didn’t keep them from pointing out that just because Sakura was now my property, she hadn’t been declared my favorite.

I had to think about who was the best kisser and ultimately I gave each another twenty or so seconds of kissing to make up my mind. “It’s very close. But, like her smile, there seems to be something … I don’t know … more, to Eva’s kiss. I can’t explain it.” I got to see another special smile for my choice.

“Well that puts us even again!” stated Ruby. “I guess we move on to butts!” With that, she spun around and dropped her pants exposing an exquisite heart-shaped ass covered in boy shorts. She had about four inches on Eva and maybe ten to fifteen pounds on her. The extra weight was distributed nicely. She had larger breasts and womanly curves that allowed for an ass built for a porn star.

Eva smirked and nodded in acknowledgment of her competition before grinning at me and dropping her pants. I raised an eyebrow at her after seeing that she was wearing a lace thong over her well-trimmed mons. As she turned away from me she continued watching my reaction as she exposed her tight athletic rear, bisected by a single quarter-inch ribbon of silk. I don’t think she was disappointed by my reaction. I instantly wanted to run my hands over it, feeling the curve of those gorgeous round spheres. And … did I actually just think that? Oh, yes. Yes, I did. I wanted to spank her! I wanted more than that. I wanted to hold it, caress it, squeeze it, spank it, lick it, taste it, fuck it, and start over.

I had to shake myself and turn to Sakura. She was looking expectantly at me and asked, “Would it please you to see my bottom, Daddy?”

“Yes, Baby Girl. I would love to see all of you. Strip for Daddy.”

She turned her back to me and let her scrubs drop to the floor. I had to grin at her panties just before they too were lowered to the floor. The white bikinis were printed with “Daddy’s little girl” around the waistband, but the dark gusset drew my attention more. As the panties pulled free of her very wet and flowered lips, I could see that she was low-slung.

Her pussy was simply beautiful and I almost grabbed her hips and buried my cock in her with no warning. Instead, I moaned out my approval. When she stood back up my eyes were finally drawn to her ass. It was almost as athletic as Eva’s but gapped slightly at the base to allow her vagina to peek out. The combination was exquisite but the comparison was about asses and I turned back to Ruby and Eva.

I ran my hands gently over both different but delicious butts, carefully exploring them. I avoided touching Sakura on purpose, if I included her in the caressing, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from fucking her. As it was, I almost forced Ruby to her knees so that I could mount her. After exploring both of their asses with my hands I made myself step back before declaring a winner.

“Sakura your ass most definitely brings out desire in me. Now that I own it. I’m going to enjoy gripping it for hours at a time while I ride you. Eva, your ass is … perfect. No other words could describe it. Ruby, yours is also perfect but in a different way. Eva deserves to have hers immortalized in marble and makes me want to lose myself in its glory. Yours makes me want to do all of the same things to it but is slightly less firm. Along with its shape, you have a little bit of giggle when it moves and accentuates your femininity. It’s a very hard choice but I’m going to say Ruby wins the ass contest.

Ruby wiggled her ass at me before spinning and pointing out that she was now one up on the others causing Sakura to shrug. “I’ve already won. He wants me enough to have claimed me for all time. I know I’m his favorite.”

“In that case, you won’t mind proving it,” Ruby stated with more than a little dare in her tone, just before she lowered her panties.

“I’m telling you guys,” interrupted Eva, while stepping out of her thong. “I know you both think this is about looks. I have a secret weapon that I haven’t shared during our talks.”

Ruby scoffed. “Being a virgin doesn’t count. Sakura hadn’t even been touched by anyone before tonight. We all know you used to date until your sophomore year of high school. I bet you’ve done way more than you’re admitting.”

“That’s for me to know and Dad to find out,” Eva replied with a smirk.

“Girls. How about I say that you’re all my favorites?”

“NO!” was simultaneously shouted by three determined co-eds. They shared nose up, squinty-eyed glares, before sauntering to the couch where they sat, and looked at me. They all had expectant looks as if to say, “Well, are you going to judge us or not?”

They looked simply delicious. My head was spinning with the feeling that I must have died and gone to Heaven. They sat demurely in the same positions as if they had choreographed the situation. All three sets of knees were pressed together with their hands blocking my view of their most feminine parts. They followed my movements with their eyes and tried to look coy until one of them giggled. With the spell broken they all giggled.

I moved to the first in line and knelt in front of Sakura whose grin broadened at my choice. Although, she started blushing again as I gently laid my hands on her legs.

The others seemed to lean a little closer in anticipation as I slid my hands under her knees. But all three gasped when I suddenly pulled her forward to the very edge of the couch and yanked her knees apart. She had reflexively reached out to catch herself, leaving one hand on the arm of the couch and the other gripping Ruby’s thigh.

I chuckled at her being startled and began my inspection. She had a prominent mons which is something I enjoy. But, the low-slung position of her lips made me realize that eating her would be awkward.

Not to be deterred, I scooped her up and told Ruby to lay the couch’s back cushion in her place. Then I set Sakura on the arm, laid her back with her head in Ruby’s lap, and placed her knees over my shoulders. After that, I took the time to examine her very cleanly waxed nether region. It was so completely done that I could only guess that it had been done before her shift. “Did you three plan this?”

When Eva and Ruby both said yes but Sakura claimed that she hadn’t, I decided a little training was needed for my new pet. I bit her thigh very near her sweet-smelling pussy. Her reaction was to gasp but thrust her hips up trying to get me even closer. “Don’t lie to me! I know how long it takes to grow hair. You don’t even have stubble!”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to lie. We have been planning to seduce you for several months now, but I assumed you thought I shaved. My mother and grandmother told me how boys liked us naked down there. When I turned sixteen, they took me to a spa and had all of my hair removed. It took several days but you won’t find any body hair below my scalp. Were they right, Daddy? Do you like it?”

I answered her by diving in and feasting on her. She tasted as sweet as she smelled, which surprised and impassioned me. I especially enjoyed the feeling of my tongue swiping across her hymen. I was thinking, “What a wondrous and special gift.” I wanted to return the favor and kissed, licked, caressed, and bit her from her asshole to her clit, leaving her writhing and calling out things in Japanese.

When I knew she was on the edge of orgasm I sucked her clit hard into my mouth and gently bit down. Her back arched and she went completely silent as I was drenched in a spray of cum.

I didn’t let her come down though and jumped to my feet, took aim, and rammed my rock-hard shaft through her barrier. She squeaked out a gasp but fell silent again as her body continued to vibrate in ecstasy.

After a brief pause, I leaned my weight over her and sank into her very tight interior. I would have guessed that I’d have to work myself in but she was so wet that I just glided into her silky depths. Once buried, I held still for several seconds admiring the view of my twenty-two-year-old pet and how her lips looked being stretched wide. She was still trembling with orgasm and it felt like she was milking my shaft for cum that hadn’t spilled yet. As soon as I allowed my eyes to scan up her body, I noticed Ruby tugging her nipples, and Eva stroking her hair offering, “Congratulations!”

For some reason, a moment or two later, Eva and I looked up and our eyes locked. For a brief moment, I forgot that I was inside a beautiful and writhing, young woman. Without words, she seemed to inform me that I was allowed to fuck whomever I wanted as long as I came home to her. That I was as much hers as Sakura was mine. And strangely, I was very okay with that. I smiled and nodded before returning my attention to where it should have been.

Making sure I had a good grip on Sakura’s hips, I started pumping at a steadily increasing pace. It wasn’t long before I was pounding her harder than I had ever fucked a woman. Her vocalizations quickly returned to full volume. This time she was mixing a few English words in with Japanese but seemed to be lacking in variety. She only managed “Yes, Daddy!” or “God, yes!” between long moaned-out Japanese phrases.

I had cum once already, so I’m sure I rode her for quite a while. Although, it didn’t seem like very long before I felt myself getting close. Wanting to feel all of her, I grabbed Sakura under the arm and behind her neck and pulled her up against me. When her breasts mashed into my chest and our lips barely touched, she gasped once and went silent again as she started milking me. Only this time my cockhead was almost welded against her cervix and I was cuming too.

It had to be several minutes before either of us could regain our breath. When we could we were leaning our foreheads together again. Our eyes were locked and we were grinning like children that had just discovered the most amazing thing!

“Are you still okay with being mine?”

She giggled and gave me a quick peck, but her face seemed to freeze a second later and she clutched me tighter. A moment after that she was crying and I thought I’d ruined everything. As she squeezed me to her, she managed to whisper through her tight throat. “I am so happy! I cannot believe I am now your woman!”

I was elated she felt that way but I wasn’t sure what to do about her tears. I had no idea how to console her even though they were tears of joy. It didn’t help that in my uncertainty my cock chose that moment to slip from her oozing core. In an effort to cover my embarrassment, I sent her to wash up. I also told her to bring back a warm washcloth. I was hoping to use it to clean up the huge glob of cum that was now soaking into the arm of the couch. Although, my little brain hoped it would stain and be a reminder of our first night together.

“You seemed to know how to eat pussy, Daddy,” Ruby stated while returning the couch cushion to its proper place. “Have you been naughty without telling us? I’m sure you would have split Sakura in half if she hadn’t been so wet from cuming.”

“I haven’t been with a woman since before my parents died. Any skills I’ve acquired were from when I was your age.”

“Well, I’m next,” demanded Ruby. “You can compare my pussy, while I compare your skills. Not that many boys were considerate enough to return any favors. But, I’ll be able to tell if you were rocking Sakura’s world or if she was just excited to have you touching her.”

“Oh, well I guess I’ll have to bring my ‘A’ game then,” I replied, as I moved in front of her. I smiled as she scooted forward and kissed me before leaning back and slowly opening her legs. But I had the feeling she wasn’t just kissing me. She was tasting her sister. The worried expression she gave Eva and then Sakura as she returned made me wonder. “Why the long face? I thought you were looking forward to this.”

“Oh, I am! It’s just …”

I didn’t let her explain, figuring that I could raise her mood. I guess I was right. After only moments, she grabbed my hair and thrust herself forward, screaming, “Oh yeah! Daddy knows what he’s doing!”

That was the last coherent sentence she was able to get out for the next ten minutes. Although, she did manage a few understandable words now and then between the groaning, moaning, mewing, “Yehh”s, and “OOOh”s. They were mostly either “God!” or “Daddy!”

Admittedly, she didn’t taste near as sweet as Sakura, but she was far from unpleasant. By the time she started her second attempt to crush my skull with her thighs, I was hard again. Just as soon as I could pull free, I knee-walked closer to her and asked, “Do you want this?” while stroking my cock.

She actually growled while pushing me onto my back and in moments I found myself buried to the hilt. My second vagina of the day was being driven down on me as aggressively as I had pounded Sakura. Ruby’s nails were digging into my pecks and drawing little crescents of blood. Not only that, it wasn’t half a minute before I was worried she might snap my cock in half. She must have been religious about Kegel exercises because she squeezed me like a fist.

Out of self-preservation, I rolled her over and pulled out. “On your knees!”

I didn’t have to tell her twice. She was wide-eyed with need and flipped herself into position almost instantly. And there it was, her juicy ass, ready and wanton. I spanked it once before driving myself forward and we were off to the races. She met me thrust for thrust and in moments we were grunting louder and louder. I grabbed her hair and pulled back and started raining slaps down on her beautiful butt.

She was like a racehorse. The more I spanked her the faster she thrust. All too soon, the tight grip her pussy had on me was dragging cum from my balls. They pulled up so tight that I thought I’d need a Dr to pull them back out of my chest. I’m not kidding when I say that I was seeing spots. That girl can fuck as well as she sucks!

When we finally separated she had flopped onto her back and was gasping, but still managed a compliment. “Oh, my God, Daddy! That was, the best sex, I’ve ever had!”

I panted out my response while trying to clear my vision. “I’m glad you liked it. You weren’t too bad yourself.”

When I could focus, Eva offered me her hand. Which I took and she helped me get up slowly. In the process, I realized my knees hadn’t coped as well as my cock. They still didn’t hurt, but they were stiff and it took me a bit to stand.

Taking the washcloth from Sakura, Eva gently cleaned the worst of Ruby’s cum from my cock and then unceremoniously dropped it on her belly. “I’m calling a truce for the night. I think Dad needs time to recharge. I don’t think it would be fair to you guys if he got to have me for hours before he came again. You two can both have the bedrooms. I have something I need to get anyway.”

Sakura grinned. “So you’re quitting?”

“No. I am not quitting. I’m simply allowing you two to have the available bedrooms. I’ll take the weight room when it’s ready if that’s what Dad wants.”

By the time she had helped me up the stairs, my knees had mostly recovered. Eva informed me that she’d be back in the morning after she had gotten what she needed and left. I told Sakura to take the room next to the weight room and for Ruby to take the room on my side of the hall.

I have no idea if they were able to get to sleep or not. But, after a quick rinse off, I fell naked into bed and was asleep when I hit the sheets.

Despite the late night, I awoke at my normal 7:00 am. Albeit, I did so with a smile on my face. A smile that only grew when I realized that I wasn’t alone in bed. Despite not having opened my eyes, the honeysuckle shampoo told me it was Eva pressing her naked body against mine.

I took a few moments to wonder how my life had turned around so quickly. Mostly for the good but the potential for bad was looming just under the surface. I’d have to have a long talk with the girls about appearances. But even if David made me fire the girls, it wasn’t like I couldn’t support them. Which was something I’d be more than happy to do.

I kissed the top of Eva’s head, causing her to rouse. She inhaled deeply against my chest before looking up with a sleepy grin. “Good morning, Dad.”

I couldn’t help myself and called her by the name I used for her when she was in grade school. “Good morning, Evie. Did you get any sleep?”

She gave me one of her special smiles and nodded. “Almost as much as you. I only went out to my car. I snuck back in so the others wouldn’t get mad about me sleeping with you. I was surprised you didn’t see me. I saw you come out of the shower but before I could get the door to the hall closed you were already asleep. I was excited to be in your bed but laying against you was so comfortable, I was asleep in minutes.”

“I have to say, I like the idea but I’m surprised that I can sleep with someone else. It was the first time in my life. I hope it wasn’t just the alcohol.”

“Well, we’ll have to try it again tonight and find out. But can I ask a favor?”

I rolled towards her and scooted down a little so that we were face to face. Then I leaned in and kissed her gently. “As long as you can keep a secret from your sisters.”

I got another special smile. “I not only can, but I have been.”

“Ah, so Ruby was right, you’re not a virgin.”

She smacked me on the arm. “No. Or, I mean yes. Wait, Ruby was wrong, I am a virgin. But, I accidentally broke my hymen playing with myself. And she was right about the fact that I’ve done more than they know about. I’ll tell you the details if you want to know. But, it’s mostly petting.”


She looked embarrassed before worriedly meeting my eyes. “I’ve given head three guys but only once each. Ironically, that’s why I thought I could swallow you. The others weren’t long enough for a true deep throat but since they were all the way in my mouth they thought they were getting one. I only wanted to do the one but he turned out to be a jerk and invited his friends. When I said I wouldn’t do it they told me they’d spread it around that I was fucking all of them.”

“Who were they? I’ll put out a hit on them,” I said jokingly.

“You would not! Besides, it was a long time ago and they were just being boys.”

“I’m guessing that was why you quit dating?”

“No. Actually, I quit dating because I found out one of my mom’s secrets.”

“Really? That sounds serious if it affected your dating life. You don’t have something genetic that you’re worried about do you?”

“No, nothing like that. The timing was just coincidental. I did a lot of research to verify things and to be sure my mom wasn’t going to be affected any longer. It focused my attention in one direction and when it did, I knew dating was no longer an option.”

“I’m guessing you aren’t going to share her secret.”

“Oh, I’m going to tell you all right. Just not before we make love. Yes, I mean make love. And just so you know, I’m fine with you having sex with Ruby and Sakura in any way you want. But I refuse to let you fuck me. If you ever fuck me, we’re done.”

I studied her face for several moments, recalling the look we shared the night before. I watched her smile slowly increase as mine did. She somehow knew that I was figuring it out. Even though I hadn’t ever voiced my feelings for her, at least not since her father died, she somehow knew. She knew me better than I’d known myself.

I’d always loved her as if she were my own child. Well, at least in a way. As she grew into a woman, my feelings changed without my recognizing them. I still love her as deeply and completely as if she were my own, only now those feelings are for a woman.

When her smile broadened into her special smile, I knew that my eyes were saying the same thing back to her. I now knew what that smile meant. We had been in love for years! I had just been too worried about social conventions to recognize my feelings. I couldn’t believe that I had wasted so much time being obtuse. I wasn’t about to waste anymore.

“I love you, Evie.”

She chuckled, before cupping my face and whispering, “I know.” Then she kissed me and was soon trying to cuddle completely inside of me.

It was the most comfortable sensation I’ve ever experienced and I couldn’t help but try to pull her closer. Our sighs of completeness were shared, and soon we were tenderly kissing. Our cuddling evolved into exploration. But surprisingly, there was no urgency. We took our time and looked at, caressed, smelled, licked, and kissed every inch of each other.

I rejoiced in the symphony of her giggles and sighs and the little flinches as I found ticklish spots. Most of all I rejoiced over the love in her eyes. And then without conscious thought, we moved together and became one. And as one we deepened our joining. And as one we rode the waves of undulating bliss. Our eyes never left the other’s until the ecstasy became too much. As our eyes were forced closed, our mouths united and we came.

I’ve got to say that I’ve had many great orgasms in my life, some of them the night before. This wasn’t like any of them. I can’t explain the difference. Some are quick. Some are intense. Sometimes you release huge ropes of cum. This wasn’t strictly a physical orgasm. We seemed to have transcended ourselves as if we were no longer in our bodies and for a brief moment shared each other completely. It was just … more! So very much more!

I returned to the present and slowly opened my eyes. Eva was looking up at me with devotion and tears of joy. She whispered, “Oh, Dad. What took you so long?”

I was suddenly overcome with guilt for the hurt I’d caused her by withholding myself from her. If I’d only gotten out of my own way and ignored the social stigmas. The boss/employee thing, the age difference, and the fact that she is way out of my league!

“I am truly sorry, Evie. It certainly wasn’t you. I was blind. I guess it was like my dad’s liquor. I wasn’t supposed to touch it so I didn’t. With you, the rules said I couldn’t even consider you.”

She gave me a sad smile. “Dad, I would have waited until the sun burned out. I’m just glad Ruby and Sakura wanted you enough to push things forward. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the courage. We owe them everything.”

I kissed her and wiped the tears from her cheeks as her expression turned competitive. “That doesn’t mean that I’m letting them have this room. It will be my things in your closet, and only my scent on these sheets! You can fuck them anywhere but in this room … or our bathroom.”

I chuckled but tried to look as if she’d overstepped. “What makes you think you get to choose?”

She grinned and her eyes sparkled for several moments before she reminded me, “Because I’m your favorite.”

I laughed and kissed her again. “I’ll never admit it to them, Evie.”

She just smirked at me. “You’re so cute. I think they’re smart enough to figure it out when I move in here and my other secret is exposed.”

“Oh, really? I never said you could share my room.”

She giggled. “Are you saying I can’t?”

I kissed her and realize that I hadn’t gone completely soft. And with her moaning response to my kiss, I was hard again in moments. I pulled back from our kiss to meet her eyes while beginning a slow rhythm. We grinned at each other as she met my thrusts. “And what do I get out of the deal?” I asked.

She dug her nails into my ass, pulling me in until I was bumping her cervix. “You get me to say ‘yes’.”

I continued thrusting and nibbled her ear while I asked, “Yes, to what question?”

She moaned deeply and increased her pace. I matched her new rhythm only to have her gasp and speed up again. Between mewing gasps she managed, “I’ll say ‘yes’ when you ask me to marry you.”

I was momentarily surprised with her forwardness but I suddenly couldn’t conceive of my life continuing without her in that role. It was as if the universe would end if we weren’t ‘one flesh’. My life as a single man was over, and I knew it to my core. I kissed her quickly before meeting her eyes. Her face had started showing strain, and I could tell she was fighting to keep from cuming. I simply had to ask. Impulsive? Maybe, but it was an irresistible need. I pushed myself against her cervix and held still. When I did she paused as well, frozen in anticipation.

“I love you, Evie. Will you be my wife?”

Her response was to moan out and arch so hard that she lifted us both from the mattress. Her arms briefly flung out sideways to claw at the sheets, only to clamp back around me moments later. What seemed like a minute after that, she eased back to the bed and tried to focus on my face.

I realized I was holding my breath but the idea of breathing simply didn’t exist without her answer. When she could finally meet my eyes she gently touched my face and whispered, “Yes.”

My breath rushed from me. The relief that she had actually said ‘yes’ was overwhelming and my joy energized my hips. I began sawing into her as she smiled lovingly up at me still holding my cheek. We were as one. Within moments, I was thinking of how beautiful she would be carrying my children.

I wasn’t sure if she could sense what I was thinking, but a tear fell from her eye and she nodded ‘yes’ again.

The rest of the world went away. We were cast into the void and nothing else existed. I knew somewhere in my being that I was ejaculating into my future. Although, the pulsing of my shaft was somehow both a distraction and proof of what I was feeling. Love … pure and simple.

We didn’t stop with that mutual orgasm, nor the next. Although after that one I was spent, I continued to bring her with my fingers while we kissed. It was almost 11 am when we finally left the shower.

After Eva snatched the envelope she had put on my, or rather our nightstand, and tucked it in her purse, I made my way downstairs to see what was going on. I trusted Eva to sneak out long enough to make an obvious entrance and therefore hide her efforts to subvert the contest for as long as possible.

I found Ruby and Sakura in the kitchen making a huge mess that was supposed to be brunch preparations. Neither one was wearing anything but a matching set of my dress shirts that they’d found hanging in my laundry room.

Ruby almost greeted me, but I quieted her with a finger over my mouth and a shake of my head. I admired the view for a few moments, watching with amusement as Sakura seemed extremely happy and sang as she moved around trying to acquaint herself with my kitchen. When the opportunity arose, I darted in and gave her a hard slap on her very fine ass.

When she yelped and spun in surprise, I gave her a deep and thorough kiss that left her breathless. Turning away, I grinned and made my way to Ruby, giving her an equally passionate kiss. I didn’t swat her but I did give her glutes a good squeeze during the kiss.

“Good morning girls. I hope you slept well. How long have you been up?”

Ruby raised her cup as if for a toast and said, “Not long. Just finishing my first cup. I have no idea how long she’s been up.”

I looked at Sakura, who was grinning and pouring me a cup of coffee. I smiled as she started around the island while unbuttoning her shirt. She shrugged it off of her left shoulder and finished her journey with one breast exposed.

“Daddy, would you like to drink your coffee from a cup or lick it from my body?”

I raised an eyebrow as she leaned forward and carefully dipped her very erect nipple into my cup. She gave a slight gasp before sinking it farther into the hot liquid. She must have liked the sensation because she held it in much longer than necessary. When she moved the cup out of my way there was a drip ready to fall, so I dove forward to catch it on my tongue. A half second later I drew as much of her breast into my mouth as I could. I moaned my appreciation for her inventive delivery system and nursed until I was sure the coffee had been cleaned up. Well, maybe I nursed a little longer but can you blame me?

After reluctantly removing my lips from my pet, I stood, kissed her, and thanked her while taking the cup. “What are you making and how long have you been at it?”

“I’ve been up for several hours. I thought about waking you, but I didn’t know if it was allowed so I came down here and started breakfast. I realize I’ve made a mess, but I had to start over a few times. I was hoping to make a traditional breakfast of rice, salmon, miso soup, and seaweed but you didn’t have the seaweed or some of the miso ingredients. Anyway, I made pancakes and bacon. Those are in the oven staying warm. I cut up some fruit and will make your eggs as soon as you let me know how you want them.”

I glanced at Ruby and was about to ask how she took her’s when Eva called out from the front of the house as the door closed audibly. I knew she did it on purpose because the weather stripping makes it very quiet when closing.

“In here!” all three of us called at the same time.

Ruby grinned. “I’m glad she’s back, as soon as breakfast is over we can continue our competition.”

I just smiled and turned to Eva as she walked in wearing a pair of well-worn and baggy, terry cloth short shorts and a tank top. She just grinned at my confusion over her state of dress and commented on the pleasant kitchen odors. I gave her a kiss and whispered that I’d missed her. The coy look I got in response told me she felt the same way even though we hadn’t been apart for more than five minutes.

Sakura took our egg orders and we were soon seated at the dining room table for our first family meal at home. We talked about using Ruby’s Jeep to carry their things even if it took several trips. I thought that would be a waste of time and told them I’d rent a U-Haul. That way they could each pack up their things and we’d move it all in one trip. If we were fast enough we could stop by the post office and get all three of them a post office box as a new mailing address for work.

As we talked, I realized that all three girls were trying to play footsy with me and I laughed. But it allowed me to point out that the temptations of playing at work would be hard to suppress. I didn’t need the money but nor did I want to get fired with only twenty-six months left before I could pull my pension. Not only that, the girls would all have a black mark on their employment records.

I made sure they all remembered that we lived in a small town and everyone knew us. We couldn’t act any different towards each other outside of the house than we’d always acted. Otherwise, someone was sure to pick up on it. Certainly, David would, but there were plenty of others in town that would notice easily enough as well.

After we all cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen, we made our way back to the living room. Ruby and Sakura surprised Eva as one of them pantsed her while the other wrestled her tank over her head.

Suddenly naked, Eva was forced onto the couch with her arms held wide. She struggled a little but having stepped out of her shorts, I could tell she wasn’t really fighting.

As I grinned at the reward set before me, Eva implored me to wait. “Please, before you leave me begging for you to own me like you’ve managed to do with both of my sisters, I need you to read what’s in the envelope on the bar.”

“Worried you’ll lose Eva?” Ruby taunted.

She looked smug while saying, “I told you that I’d win. You’re both going to concede in just a moment.”

I knelt in front of her and pried her legs open. Although, this time she was actually fighting me. I teased her for a moment or two before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss. “I’ll never force you, Evie.”

She relaxed as I stood and retrieved the envelope. After sitting across from them I pulled the contents from the practically disintegrated manila envelope. Everything in it, including a few bent photos, looked as if they had been handled hundreds of times if not thousands.

“I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to give this to you. I hope you’re not mad when you read it. But first, tell me if you know who the woman in the photos is.”

I picked up the photos and found them all to be of the same women. I wish I could say that I recognized her immediately but it only took a few seconds. Like I said before, my college days were not lacking in companionship. I soon realized she had lived across the hall in our dorm and for about three months, we made regular nocturnal visits to each other’s rooms. She had suddenly dropped out and after a month’s worth of text messages, I never heard from her again. I hadn’t thought of her since then because we both knew it had been a no-strings relationship.

“Where did you get this photo? She’s someone I knew in college.”

“She was a close friend of my father’s. It doesn’t matter if you had remembered her or not. I was just curious.”

Sakura interrupted, “What does any of that have to do with me being his favorite?”

Eva grinned at her. “I’m glad you asked. Dad, please read the pages I copied from my mother’s diary.”

The photocopies were next in the stack, so I started reading. They started out from her college days and jumped ahead several times. I immediately got a sinking feeling at the first entry but I couldn’t stop reading. When I finished I met Evie’s eyes.

She smiled sadly. “I’m sorry, Dad. I’ve wanted to tell you for almost five years now. I didn’t because you didn’t seem to recognize Mom from the store. And she never acted like she wanted you to know. I found Mom’s diary when she had me clean out the attic just before my sixteenth birthday. She called it a ‘coming-of-age’ chore. I’m not sure if she intended for me to find it or not but that doesn’t matter.”

“So, I’m your real father?” I asked.

“Wait … What?” exclaimed Ruby, while Sakura looked stunned.

I was amazed and confused. Feeling the way I did for Evie, just got complicated. “This is … I mean how?”

Eva laughed. “I’m pretty sure you know how Dad. After you got her preggers, she moved home and started back up with her childhood boyfriend. As you’ve read, she never told him the truth because she didn’t love you, but loved him enough to let him think I was his.” She shrugged before adding, “Her ‘L’, my ‘W’.”

“Your mom is blond and isn’t pierced,” I said in half denial.

“Really. We sell black hair die on isle two and I’m surprised you never noticed the scar she has on her lip and nostril. The proof you need is in the folder.”

There were four DNA reports in it belonging to Eva, her mother, the man her mother married, and mine. There was no doubt. I was Evie’s biological father!

My mind was racing as Ruby jumped up and grabbed the papers from my hand. Sakura was close behind and she read the reports along with her. They started looking back and forth between us as Evie and I just stared into each other’s eyes.

While a hundred joys, worries, and plans tumbled through my head, Eva broke eye contact to look at her sisters and grinned. “I told you I’d win.”

“You’ve known all along! That’s cheating! How could you keep that from us!?!”

I stood before the claws started coming out. “Girls, I have a lot to discuss with Evie. Why don’t you both head back to your apartments and start packing? I’ll get a truck and we can have you moved in by tomorrow.”

They both looked peeved at their sister but pressed themselves against me for a deep kiss to hold them over for the day and started getting dressed. I gathered the papers, took Evie’s hand, and started leading her up the stairs.

Once in our room, I closed the door and looked at Evie as she sat meekly on the edge of the bed. “Are you mad?”

“Why would I be mad? I’m just a bit overwhelmed. My life has completely turned upside down in less than twenty-four hours. I do need to ask you though, why did you wait until after we made love?”

She stood, walked to me, and started drawing little circles over my heart with her finger. She bit her lip and looked coy for several moments before responding. “I’ve known you were in love with me for years. I’ve also known that you’ve been too hung up on rules to allow yourself to act on it. I knew that if you hadn’t already been inside of me when you found out, you’d never touch me out of fear of what the world might think. I did it for us.”

“Which is another thing. How can I marry you now? We won’t be able to get a license.”

She grinned and started dragging me towards the bed. “My birth certificate states that I’m the child of one Joseph Bello. They don’t check DNA when filling for a marriage license.”

“What if Ruby or Sakura let it slip, or your mother for that matter?”

“Believe it or not, my mom giggled herself into a fit at the idea. We’ve talked about it several times and she wished me ‘good hunting’. She said, and I quote, ‘He’s great in bed, but that’s all he is to me. He’s not my type, but if he’s yours, you can have him.'”

“Why didn’t she say anything when I started working with her? I feel like a shit for not recognizing her.”

“Don’t feel bad, she had completely transformed herself by then and didn’t want to stir up trouble. Especially since she was married with a child. I may have been your child but she claims to have gotten a perverse sense of pleasure watching us interact, and knowing that you didn’t realize who I was. Truth is, I think she’s been terribly cruel to both of us. But then again, if she hadn’t hidden our true relationship, I wouldn’t be trying so hard to get you naked.”

We grinned at each other as I started to strip at a deliberately slow pace. She continued while eyeing me hungrily. “As for my ‘sisters’, they would never tell. They love you too much to cause you pain, especially Sakura. You’re the air she breaths.”

“What about the DNA? How’d you get mine?”

“That was the easiest part. I just snagged one of your used straws.”

I nodded sagely as I crawled onto the bed pointing out that we’d just gotten out of it an hour before. That she should be at her apartment packing. And how I needed to head into the city to pick up some things. One of which was to get enough cash for the girls to put into their accounts so they could buy out their leases. After that, I’d rent a truck and help them all empty out their places.

Eva agreed that we should be doing those things but not until we’d made love again. I decided she was right.

It took until two in the morning for us to get the last of their things loaded up. When we got home I backed the truck into the RV bay and suggested we all shower and head to bed. Unpacking would take longer than packing but we’d have as long as we wanted. I kissed Ruby and sent her on before ordering Sakura to strip for me at the top of the stairs. She didn’t hesitate and I admired her body for a few moments before giving her a kiss goodnight as well.

As I watched her follow Ruby into the bathroom, I heard the shower come on and wondered at her lack of hesitation. I smiled to myself with images floating in my head of the two of them soaping each other. I was hoping that would be something else to explore.

After shaking myself free of the thoughts, I made my way into the master suite to find Eva leaning against the bathroom door frame. She was already naked and her coy look had me following as she turned away without a word.

We lovingly bathed and dried each other before heading to bed. We didn’t have sex that night but we did make love. It took the form of a single deep kiss before cuddling tightly together until we both fell asleep.

After breakfast the next morning, I walked the family out into the back garden where I let my left knee touch the ground. I already knew Evie’s answer, but I wanted Ruby and Sakura to witness me presenting her with the two-caret diamond engagement ring. When the squealing stopped I told them there was more.

I pulled out a collar and asked Sakura if she truly wanted to be my property. Her reaction was to drop to her knees and crawl the few feet to me. “Yes, Daddy. If you allow it, I will wear nothing but your collar for the rest of my life.”

“That might make going to work and class a little awkward,” I noted. “If you’re still sure. Take the collar from my hand and fasten it around your neck. It will represent your devotion to me and be a sign of your slave status to the world. But it will also represent my promise to you, that I will love you, care for you, and protect you until one of us dies. In exchange, you will be my property. You will do my bidding without question or delay.”

She took the collar and held it to her heart for several moments before kissing it. “I accept you as my lover, my protector, and most of all my owner. I swear to you, Daddy, I will do as you say without hesitation. If I fail, I will expect to be punished, and accept any that you deem necessary. My devotion and my body are yours to do with as you please.” With that, she fastened it around her neck. Afterward, I pulled her to her feet and kissed her long and hard. Then allowed her sisters to congratulate her again. Once the celebrations seemed to be slowing a second time I told them that I still wasn’t done.

Turning to Ruby, I pointed out that I hadn’t forgotten her. “Evie and I have agreed that you and Sakura are the catalyst that opened my eyes. Without you two, I wouldn’t have realized that I was in love with Evie. I now own Sakura, and I will soon marry Evie, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. And after Friday night, I couldn’t forget you if I tried. Anyway, society won’t allow me to marry you too. But, there isn’t anything that says I can’t take a mistress.” With that, I pulled out a rose gold neckless with a diamond and heart pendant.

“If you accept the title, I promise that I’ll take you into the city about once a month, and we can do whatever you want. We can see a play, go to a museum, or just spend the weekend in a hotel room getting room service.”

She stepped up close and held her hair up and out of the way while smirking at me. “Daddy, I will be very happy to be your mistress. But you do realize that every mistress has two jobs, not just one. Making her man happy is one. The other is to try to win him away from his wife.”

She glanced at Evie and grinned as I fastened the neckless around her neck and followed the chain down to her cleavage. Her grin turned smug as I cupped her breasts and kissed her.

I guess the competition wasn’t over.


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