Consequences Pt. 01 by bacchant2,bacchant2

Now in The Beginning

David Thurlow doesn’t think of himself as a paragon as people had referred to him. He has flights of fantasy including those of a sexual nature just like everyone else; well, he supposed everyone else. Perhaps I’m just shy, he decided, that was always his best excuse for holding back. Now why had he been thinking about that?

He should have been feeling proud; proud of the life he and his wife, Olivia had built together. They had put the early years of their married life into building up their business the Thurlow Architectural Design Company, and with connections in the local development world their business was now flourishing and paying dividends. It of course had helped greatly that it was David’s home city and his family were already well established in the industry locally which was why David had returned after graduating. David knew all too well that it didn’t matter how good you were if you didn’t have connections. It also helped that their home town was within easy commuting distance of the city. His wife, Olivia’s skills allowed them to widen the range of services they could offer potential clients and be one step ahead of their competition.

David knew that Olivia had given up much to leave her family and friends to try and make their life together a success. After nearly 10 years she had persuaded him that the time was right to start enjoying their success and start a family. She also had hopes that a change might re-ignite their sex life that had gradually waned as work had taken over both their lives. He in turn wanted her to enjoy the benefits of their success and spend more time organising their life outside of work, making friends, arranging fun things, and becoming a bigger part of the community. Olivia should be having some fun he believed and for that matter maybe it was time he eased up a bit too. On a whim he rang her but it went straight to answer phone, so he left her message telling her how much he loved and missed her, thinking if that if the message is playing loud anyone visiting will be that embarrassed.

They had hired an assistant Monica, several years ago. Monica had good experience working in the property development industry before she had given up work to be with her children during their early years. But she had been forced back to work earlier than she had hoped after a nasty divorce. She seemed to slip into their environment effortlessly to become an essential part almost overnight and had quickly taken charge of all the things that took the couple away from their core work. In actuality, David and Olivia didn’t take long to realise that after a while she was essentially running the place. She never took that approach though, more than happy to beaver away in the background, so all in all Olivia felt comfortable indulging outside the office.

Olivia was blossoming in her new found freedom from the day-to-day pressures and had big hopes for the future, putting more fun back into their lives and maybe exploring more of the sexual side of their love for each other; she wasn’t without a few ideas. At first, she dedicated herself to becoming a Mum; the sex was a bonus of course but after a few weeks of almost “sex to order” it started to become stale. The neighbours noted that on most days his car would arrive home at lunchtime, the curtains would close and then later his car would disappear back to work after his ‘lunch break’. There was no doubt to observers what was going on. This went on for a few weeks and then the regularity lately had fallen away. Gossips concluded that he was busy at work, getting home less and less and she presumably was back at work from time to time, helping out. Olivia began to explore potential fun things in life and contact people she had known, it had been a long while since she spoke to her family and friends from earlier lives.

David knew his City well, having grown up there and then gone off to Uni where he had proven a hard-working scholar coming out with his Architecture degree. Now at last he felt like it was time to live a little, he always felt that he had missed a lot during his early years, probably because his upbringing made him reserved particularly around women and his innate shyness held him back when meeting people. He’d grown out of his shyness to a great degree but was still overly reserved with women he thought, despite some hard lessons in his teens. If it was not for Olivia’s no nonsense boldness when they first met it was probable that they would have drifted apart.

Coincidentally, Olivia had earlier been musing over the past that had led them to be together. Olivia had met David during a summer break when they were both working in the same holiday resort, both working long hours in bar/restaurants but in different parts of town. On one fortuitous night off, they were both dragged by friends to a late nightspot where their eyes met across the room. He knew straight away that he wanted her perhaps more than any girl he’d seen before. She, being more worldly, thought he was better than above average on the good-looking ratings (which was pretty high on her experience scale), he was handsome she thought, perhaps boyish looking, belying his obvious manly attributes. He was tall and broad shouldered with abbs that just dared a girl to run her hands over them. His upper body curved down to a trim waist and she waited in anticipation to see his buns which from the front she thought had to be world class.

And so, even though he was painfully slow coming to ask, she demurely allowed him to dance with her. The couple danced a fast number and when it finished and a slow song began, she stood by him long enough with her eyes fixed on his to give him the courage to take her in his arms. They naturally fell into a closer connection and wonders of wonders he could actually dance without treading on her feet. One dance led to another and then several and then to arrangements for dinner on their next day off. Days went by as the couple grew closer and Olivia gradually found herself spending more of each day looking forward to their next date. He’d kissed her of course and she had been shocked at how breathless she felt afterwards; yet the weeks went by, and he never made a move on her.

Then the end of summer break was on the horizon, and they were both going back to see their families for a time, before returning to Uni, for their final year. She was beginning to wonder where this relationship was going, if anywhere; “perhaps it was just meant to be fun and then over,” she thought, but her heart ached a bit as that occurred to her.

She decided that she had to shake her shy man up a little and as they sat in a quiet and private place they knew, she decided after a particularly heavy session of passionate kisses that it was time. “David”, she said, “why have you never tried to make love to me or even touched me intimately?”

David had not known what to say for a moment. He stammered something about respecting her and not wanting to sour their relationship. She almost burst into laughter; of all the men she’d met in her life she was falling for someone who didn’t want to fuck her. “Why you lovely man, would you think that going further would upset me? even if I didn’t want you to, it wouldn’t sour our relationship.” “I have feelings for you David and I don’t want to lose you without at least having you once, or maybe more…” her words tail off with undisguised meaning. David now feels somewhat silly, he had held this woman in such high regard he’d put her on a pedestal and now they were about to part, how dumb is he… but he doesn’t want to lose her. So, he says “I think we have something special going on and I don’t want to lose you.” Then in a moment of shock to his old-fashioned thinking he dared to say “So, let’s go somewhere comfortable and let me help you never to forget me”. Olivia is not about to disagree; she is still waiting to have a good feel of those buns.

Their remaining time together became a torrid affair as David adored her body endlessly and was quick to pick up on all of her favourite pleasure points. Olivia began to agree with the saying that “the Quiet ones are the worst” as to her delight he couldn’t get enough of her. She began to realise that this may be the ‘One’ and made sure they exchanged contact details and promises to keep in touch. For the first time for her, it wasn’t just sex and therefore a passing phase, she actually liked this man and shared lots of interests and gaols in life; it was actually quite frightening and it gave her very mixed feelings.

As in all such distant relationships, they began their separation messaging every day and perhaps talking on the phone into the late hours; sometimes enjoying very naughty phone calls much to her roommate Ana’s delight. As they began to run out of things to say besides the banal “how was your day” which rarely requires much reply; while going through the motions of studying and preparing for exams, so the frequency of messages declined. Olivia soon found herself distracted and under pressure from her roommate at weekends. Ana wanted them both to be back out there partying, somehow playing without Olivia was never as much fun for Ana. At first Olivia resisted, knowing her best friends’ appetites, she knew where that would lead. But as the days roll by, she misses her fun weekends and starts to convince herself that she hadn’t really made any commitment in her assumed relationship with David. So, she began to think ‘why shouldn’t I have some fun and let the future take care of itself’ It was also easy to think that David must be having his own fun so far away, which, if she’d been honest with herself, she would have doubted. When one Friday, Ana her flatmate, said she was hoping to meet certain guys, Ana exclaimed, “Come on party pooper let’s get out there and see if those guys have grown since last term, you know you love it”

Olivia could do no more than laugh. Truth be told Olivia was feeling a bit needy, so she gave in, searched out her slutty party dress and threw herself back into their scene. Of course, her replies to messages from David began to become too difficult to contemplate and she was finding herself unable to reply for at least a couple of days after a weekend of debauchery led by Ana.

That could have been the end of Olivia’s relationship with David where it not for a totally unexpected, dumbfounding but wonderful shock she received. The days ran by in a fog of studying, sleeping, and partying until suddenly the exams were all finished. Graduation came along and brought everything to an end. The day before graduation, her parents and sister came down and stayed over at a hotel nearby. Her heart was full of congratulations from her family and friends. She and her Mum and Sister had gone shopping for a new outfit for her and they revelled in each other’s company and the sense of a bright freedom that the occasion seemed to imbue in them. At the presentation they managed to get seats not far from the front and she glimpsed Ana from time to time in close conversation with her own family. For some reason She and Ana hadn’t really discussed the future, as friends do when they feel that something will never end.

So, the day came, and Olivia is standing on the stage receiving applause and having photos taken, several flashes going off one after another. Looking out she could hardly see but eventually made out the shadow of her family applauding and her friend standing out in the aisle waiting to congratulate her. She could also see someone standing back just beyond Ana, also applauding and she wondered which of their many conquests he might be, was he with Ana? she wondered. Then she was walking up the aisle towards her family and friends; Ana is holding her hands towards her waiting to give her a hug, as Olivia had done for her. Then out of nowhere the figure behind Ana stepped past her, grasped her around the waist, lifted her up and gathered her in to his arms kissing her thoroughly. Then his voice whispered in her ear. “Where would you like to honeymoon?” Olivia remembers that she was stunned and delighted to be in David’s arms after such a long while but gathered enough of herself together to turn to introduce him to Ana and to her own family. Ana’s face was a picture she thought she would never forget, but right now it was proving elusive, was it sadness or surprise? She wasn’t sure.

Back to the Present

Olivia’s musings are annoyingly cut-off by her office phone ringing. She hadn’t got to the part of what happened next and there was something she was trying to remember that maybe hadn’t occurred to her at the time. Ohh well, it’ll come eventually, she thinks resignedly. Then ‘I think I’ll take some time off this afternoon and go shopping, maybe a bit of retail therapy would do me good, and one never knows I might meet up with a friend. She needed a new dress and maybe something naughty to wear with it for an upcoming party, it will be good for exercising David’s heart rate, she smiles to herself. The party host, Jane had explained with the invitation that it was to be a Tramps/Tarts and Vicars/Pastors event, so she was to feel free to dress as slutty as she liked. “Previous T&V parties that her group had held, had been quite uproarious after a few drinks”, she said, “with the Vicars behaving quite un-Vicarly, most definitely deserving to be defrocked!”, Jane joked. Olivia was delighted by the sexual connotations, and they uplifted her feelings about the event.

On the weekend, of the party at their friend’s house (just a short walk away); Olivia took an especially long time preparing for her ‘first time out’ so when she finished dressing and came down the stairs David was waiting at the bottom. He was so stunned that he thought his heart would stop, he definitely found his mouth was stuck open, she looked so beautiful and so very sexy. She was wearing a daring little black dress where ‘little’ was the key word. It accentuated her full breasts and was cut from the hip to the hem so that it gave glimpses of her shapely legs as she moved. The dress being so closely fitted that it leant no room for a bra and it was itself uplifting to compensate; at least that was the idea. Likewise, there was no scope for panties, so David found himself intrigued. He had never seen the dress, nor anything so revealing on her before and for a moment he wondered “who is this woman?” He wanted to grab her and rush her back up the stairs, but she giggled and protested that it would mess her clothes and make-up, so he savoured her as she slowly came down the stairs. David wondered whether she was indeed wearing a thong. She much approved of his stare and her eyes promised much…later.

“You look wonderful” he said “Did you get the dress especially for the party? or just me…?” he grinned

“No” she said, “I was just hoping for a suitable occasion when I might enjoy a little bit of attention. I wouldn’t wear this MUCH for you….”

“It will certainly get everyone’s full attention” he said, “you will be admired and flirted with all evening”

“Do you mind?” she asked trying unsuccessfully to mask a little slyness.

“What, that men are going to come on to you all evening wanting to get inside that dress?” He decides to sound unsurprised because he’d heard what Janes’ T&V parties could be like.

“Will that bother you?” she checks

David approves of her new boldness but thinks he should offer conditional support by saying “No, as long as it doesn’t bother or upset you. I am truly proud that you are my wife and happy for others to see how lucky I am.”

“Well, that’s ok then, I am sure I can cope with anything that might happen, as long as your happy with me dealing with it.” She says relieved that he quite likes the idea.

A little out of character he says “Of course” and thinks he should add “why wouldn’t I be?” just to make sure that she knew he wasn’t totally clueless.

Her head tipped slightly, and she gave a half smile, like something had teased her a little, but she quickly brushed the expression away, asking if he had the wine ready to take with them and reaching for her clutch-bag.

David’s is slightly bemused but excited by this new wife of his. But his protective instincts take over and he adds. “You just need to call if you need my help, after all it’s just a house.”

As they turn to go she strokes a hand across his chest, just to confirm that she’s his.


I felt really naughty on the afternoon leading up to the party. I knew I was going to put on the black dress that I bought especially for it and was looking forward to an evening of flirtation that would make me feel wanted. ‘It was perhaps not right but I felt like pushing my husband’s boundaries a little, to see where they might lead’

I feel safe though because I have a gorgeous husband and lover who adores me. But it’s been so long since I was out partying that I feel like throwing myself into it and enjoying it to the full. I had a delicious thought of describing to David what the men tried on to me, when we were in bed afterward, to make him jealous and hungry for me, Perhaps I would tease him after he came the first time so that he recovered quicker than ever. I really enjoyed the naughtiness of tasting our intermingled sex as I sucked and licked him back to life and this idea might give extra zest to him. You never know I might let him do something really naughty to me. A delicious thought that I savoured for the rest of the day.

Later, as I dressed, my thoughts wandered into my sinful musings and my nipples hardened at my anticipation, he was going to be such a lucky boy later. I knew I couldn’t wear panties or a bra with the dress, which made it extra naughty. I eased my thong on, and wondered at just how little it covered, I secretly hoped that David would try to get his fingers in there if we found a little private corner somewhere. My thoughts continued to get more wicked and erotic so that by the time I was walking down the stairs my thong was getting uncomfortable, and I was trying hard not to flash it. I could see that David was wondering what I could be wearing and dying to see between my legs, but I wanted to tease him a lot longer. By the time I reached the bottom of the stairs I knew my thong would not last the night and rather than being worried I found it a delicious thought; that it would have to go in my clutch bag as soon as I could. I felt like the old me resurfacing as I wondered if anyone other than my husband would try to work his fingers inside my dress, or perhaps I would give some of the good-looking ones a flash and give them a hard-on to hide. It could be exquisite fun my old self thought, but then my new-self reminded me that I would have to be more careful – this was about teasing David and I don’t want to be seen as a Slut, even if I’m dressed like one.

We walked to the Party so there was little opportunity to tease David further, especially in public. On our arrival Jane was as always trying to make us welcome and introducing us to people that we didn’t know.

I was thoroughly enjoying my show, as I was introduced to each couple, I did my best to put my bag down so as to greet the men especially and give them a little something to ‘admire’. Their admiration made me glow, especially if I caught them looking, so I gave them a wink if I thought them scrumptious. I would have to save the view of the slit skirt until later, especially if I can get this wet thong off, I thought naughtily. I wondered momentarily what David would say if he could read my thoughts. He trusted me so much and from our little tease earlier I sensed that he wouldn’t mind too much as long as he got the full story later, and that gave me a warm feeling. I looked forward to getting him home and telling him how naughty I had been. My, I would have to give him plenty to fantasise about if I was going to keep him up all night.

The Party

David and Olivia

Their friend’s house was not far away, a short walk that meant that weather permitting they could walk there and have a drink or two without fear of having to nominate a driver which would normally be her. They strolled amiably to the door and were greeted by their hostess, Jane, with her husband, Richard.

David had known Jane since before Uni and the couples had been on fairly intimate terms since David and Olivia had bought their house. Either David or Jane, Olivia couldn’t remember which, had commented once, that they had been a couple during former years. Olivia had reminded herself to question him later when she had his full attention in bed. He however had just shrugged it off as just a teenage crush despite a fair amount of her personal persuasion. It was very frustrating not to get any salacious details, but it made her reappraise any interaction between them. She thought there was something there but couldn’t work out what it was.

The party was in full swing and initially their host led them to the drinks bar before beginning to take them around introducing their friends. It seemed like the party was going well, everyone seemed out to enjoy themselves. It didn’t take David and Olivia long to relax as Jane made introductions. Then Olivia was in for a surprise, her host turned to her and said, “of course I’ve heard that you know Ana, but have you met her friend, Peter?”. Olivia was momentarily taken aback as she stared at the woman in front of her, “yes” she eventually replied hoarsely.

Olivia knew Ana very well of course but that had been years ago and now she was totally stunned to see her standing there, it wasn’t were she was supposed to be. But how did Jane know they knew each other. As far as she knew, Ana had never been to this town. At first when they went their separate ways, they had kept in touch telling each what they had been up to, but Ana seemed to fall on her feet in the city and to all intents and purposes appeared to have found a new highlife to enjoy. They had lost contact somewhat over the years although tried to send an update to each other on special occasions such as Birthdays and Christmas.

Ana was a stunning redhead who would stand out in any crowd and make all around her either drool or be envious depending upon their leanings, she was curvaceous and voluptuous, truly stunning even more so now as a woman than the girl she had known. Ana turned from looking at her momentarily and gave David a full body appraisal. Obviously approving, she then pulled him to give him a more than friendly introductory hug and kiss; she winked at Olivia as she did so and then reached forward to hug her, kiss her and whisper in her ear. This was all typical of the Ana she knew.

David was momentarily taken aback by the very personal hug from Ana who he had no prior knowledge of. Before he could gather his wits though, Jane was introducing him to Ana’s friend, Peter, who shook his hand warmly. So David asked him whether he’d known their host a long time. When he answered that they came to the area just a matter of days ago, David followed up by asking if they were staying far away and where they intending to live here permanently? Peter answered that they were staying in a house not far away short term. A street name was mentioned, and David recognised it to be no more than 5 or 10 minutes’ drive away. The introduction had taken some time and Jane wanted to move David on, so the second part of Peters reply was interrupted. They quickly rounded up by agreeing that no doubt their paths would cross again before long. Their host Jane was herself then delayed by a new dynamic in the inter-relationship of her friends and was paying a particularly keen interest in the interaction between Olivia and Ana.

Ana and Olivia seemed to be deep in conversation although David was only aware of their heads close together so he concluded that they must know each other well, much to his half-noted surprise. During his chat with Peter he made a note to himself to ask Olivia who she was and how she knew her. They certainly seemed to be entertaining each other with lots of laughter and giggling as well as the occasional whisper.

Eventually, Ana turned to introduce her friend Peter, to Olivia. Until then, Olivia had been totally taken up with their chat and only slightly aware of another male close by. She turned and looked up into the man’s eyes and was momentarily stunned by the penetrating blue eyes that seemed to take her in as if he was seducing her without a word. His eyes travelled across her body, and she felt she was being slowly undressed and then licked from her pussy lips to her mouth. She found herself heating up and her nipples grew, sending a wave of desire straight to her pussy as he also drew her slowly towards him, sliding his hands along her arms and then down her body to her waist. She noted him glance quickly towards her husband and seeing that Jane had drawn him away he quickly kissed her on the lips. Olivia felt stunned, rocking on her feet, and feeling like her entire body had heated and her cheeks would be glowing. She turned her face towards Ana who was smiling smugly, she simply shrugged then slapped Peter playfully on the arm.” I told you to behave” she laughed.

Eventually David and Olivia moved on to meet other people at the party and David found himself chatting to a previous acquaintance, James; a Lawyer, with whom he shared mutual outside interests as well as crossing paths from time to time in their business dealings. Olivia chatted to James’s partner Louise and so the evening carried on amiably.


David found the evening comfortable and enjoyable as he always did at Jane and Richards parties and at some point, he and Olivia parted, which was not unusual as they each sought out particular friends or acquaintances. After a while he found himself alone and wondered where she was, so he began wondering through the house and out into the garden looking for her. Along the way he was greeted by various people, so it was some time before he realised she wasn’t there, at least not on the first floor with everyone else. His first reaction was to start asking if anyone had seen her and then he began to worry that she was ok, surely, she wouldn’t have left without him. He decided that the only place he hadn’t searched was upstairs, so he went to the bottom and began to call out to see if she was up there and if she was ok. On not getting a reply he thought the party noise was probably drowning him out, so he started up the stairs. Almost at the top he called again as loud as he dared, but then his hostess noticed, and she also started up the stairs asking if he had a problem. He turned and explained his concerns to which Jane frowned and offered to search the bathroom for him, which he accepted since it was her house.

Just then Janes expression changed as she looked past him and then he heard movement above him and he turned to find his wife looking decidedly dishevelled.

“Are you alright, I was worried about you? Are you feeling, ok?” David asked Olivia

“I am fine, David, just a bit woozy, I think perhaps you should take me home.” Replied Olivia

Jane, concurred, although she looked puzzled.

Jane asked, “Is there anything I can get you Olivia?”

“No thanks, I’ll be ok once I can lie down at home.” Replied Olivia

“I’ll try and find your coats.” said Jane

David felt he’d been uncaring by losing her, not being there when she needed him and was feeling guilty and of course very concerned. So after they had said their goodbyes they stepped out into the cool night air. David hoisted her up onto his back without delay and proceeded to walk home.

“David my dress is pulled right up” she said, “I’m showing myself to everyone.”

“Don’t worry he said I’ll pick up the pace, no one seems to be around. If necessary, I’ll carry you, but I don’t think you should try to walk home.”


I was absolutely staggered to find Ana being introduced to me. We had history together before I was married, and my initial reaction was “ohh my god, what is she doing here! without letting me know”. Quickly I thought “I have to keep her away from David before I get a chance to gently and slowly fill him in on our exploits before he and I met”.

Ana and I had spent many a fun filled night together while at University; surrounded by gorgeous men or later in each other’s arms. I have never discussed my history with David unless he asked me a question for which I was always honest. I never volunteered additional information, lest it soured our relationship. I knew in my heart that his love for me over-rode everything I might have done in the past, but I thought, why risk it. If the time came, I would tell him as carefully as I can and hope that it wouldn’t affect his love.

Before I could think straight, she bent forward and whispered in my ear:

“You are more gorgeous than ever Olivia, I can’t wait to run my tongue along your gorgeous pussy and suckle that clit”

I knew she was just trying to get a reaction from me, but she pulled me in close and ran her fingers up the slit in my dress to become the first pair of fingers to penetrate it. Her fingers quickly and deftly found their way inside and stroked my pussy lips. My body went into hypersexual overload as I was already intoxicated with the idea of being naughty and all I could do was whimper, as if I was close to cumming. Of course, Ana being Ana couldn’t leave it there as she began to reminisce over our former life exploits whispering the naughty bits into my ear. Then she told me that her friend was super in the sack (of course Ana would) and that they had a very open relationship. I thought at the time that ‘open’ could have quite a few interpretations, but knowing Ana there was probably no limits to the word ‘open’ and I wondered what was in it for her friend. Then I realised that it would be the same as when she and I were together, she exuded ‘fun’ and ‘come get me’ and she was totally insatiable until she passed out. I had no doubts that if he was what she said he was, then he was having the time of his life along with Ana. “Don’t you have any rules in your open relationship?” I giggled to her, “Not much” she said. “We are like you and I were back in the day, but without the closeness we had. It suits us both to be together, at the moment.” she said, leaving the rest to my imagination.

At last Ana turned to the man nearest to her and whispered in his ear, presumably telling him my name. I suddenly had a panic that she had told him all the things about us that I had not told David. He turned to me appreciatively and of course he was all that Ana had said. His eyes burned into me as he undressed and caressed me with them; making me almost shriek with the charge it gave me; my nipples hardened so much I thought I should raise my hands to cover them. As I went to do so, he drew me in by the arms and slide his hand along brushing his fingers across my already hard nipples. Then his hands discreetly ran down my sides touching the top of the dress slit where his thumbs brushed caresses that seem to creep towards my pussy. I suddenly thought of David and looked to see him, but he was turned towards the next couple and then Jane was there ushering me to join him. I was so wet that I was sure it was running down my thighs and as soon as possible I was going to have do something.

The introductions moved on and I did my best to concentrate on chatting to the new people we were meeting and then David led me to a great couple we already know. I was getting one or two looks that seemed to hold meaning but it took a while before I realised that some might have seen the interaction between Peter, Ana, and I. My little black dress had indeed drawn attention but after what had happened it might not all have been for the good, if people were seeing me as some kind of slut, even if it was a V&S theme. But I was on a high now and wanted my fun evening to carry on, I still had my hubby to keep aroused into the early hours.

As we passed from friend to friend, I teased him about the attention I was getting and dared him shamelessly, perhaps too much, by saying “I wonder if you will be the first person to get their fingers in my pussy”

At first, he was shocked and then he saw the look on my face and came to his own conclusions about my teasing. I wondered what he would think if he knew what had already happened, would I be able to tell him later I thought.

Eventually, David and I got caught up with different friends we knew and found ourselves naturally drifting apart to be sociable. This I thought was a good time to test my teasing and to sort out my Thong, that was now so uncomfortable.

As I stood at the crowded bar waiting to get a drink, I felt people closing in around me and then suddenly I felt that there were hands and fingers touching; or was I so hyped I was imagining it. I decided that a drink could wait as I needed to clean up. But. as I dashed up the stairs, I suddenly wondered if I was getting carried away with this whole teasing thing. Then I glanced down to see eyes following my leg show and all common sense went out the window, I was soooo horny. I felt like I was 19 again.

Upstairs, I found the bathroom occupied so tried the first bedroom door, it might have been Jane and Richards room because it had a very large bed and a door leading into an ensuite wetroom. I dashed in there, my designer self, noting the jacuzzi fittings in the bath and the multiple shower heads. Wow! I thought this must be fun; definitely something to quiz Jane about when she has a glass of wine or 3. I quickly pulled the offending Thong off and took a tissue to wipe myself clean. I couldn’t resist stroking my pussy just a little to get that orgasm I so badly needed, perhaps then I could think straight.

With only one hand free whilst my other held up my dress I quickly brought myself to the brink and man it was going to be a big one. Then…Suddenly I heard the bedroom door open and close. OMG I thought! Then… perhaps it’s Jane, she wouldn’t mind me cleaning up in here, I was sure. I opened the door and was astounded to find Anna standing in front of the Wetroom door with a huge grin on her face. Did you cum, she smirked or do you need some help. “Noooo I groaned…I was about to.” “Let me help” she said and promptly joined me in the wetroom.

Ana was relentless, she quickly pulled my dress over my head and then pulled me into a luscious passionate kiss, so much as I remembered from back when, no one could kiss like she did, and I melted. Her fingers found my nipples and stroked expertly bringing me to the crest of the wave. As she felt my body starting to go rigid her fingers travelled to my slit, stroked the lips and penetrated to the full, then curling them up to pleasure me further, her other hand travelled to expose my clit and lightly, ohh so wonderfully, stroke it. I was back to my youth, cumming with such ferocity that I almost blacked out; but fell against Ana who held me up. I was breathing fast, my heart rate through the roof as I enjoyed the sensations that were reverberating through my body.

Then as I was about to come around, I heard the bedroom door open again, then the wetroom door. My heart nearly stopped in shock, but I recognised that it was Peter. “Ohhhhh so there you both are,” said Peter. “I wondered whether you were playing without me Ana.” “We needed a bit of ‘just us’ this time” Ana soothingly replied, “this is my special girl, and her pussy is fully occupied already. Thanks” “but come here baby and I’ll see if I can’t make you feel better.”

My mind reeled, this cannot be happening, what if David found out? Or suppose he came in, what would he think of this scene?… and then it felt like it was already decided, I was already bending forward into Ana and she had his beautiful hard cock out and was stroking it to full rigidity with one hand whilst her fingers did wonderful things to me with the other. I knew I was losing control again, but this felt so good. She was kissing me and holding me just like we used to and he was much too close.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, I heard David calling me, “Are you alright?” he shouted? ‘Was I all right’ I asked myself, ‘I didn’t know? I was cumming and he was spoiling it with a reality that I wasn’t ready for.’

“Fuck” I said, “he can’t know about this, he would never ever forgive me being unfaithful.”

I grabbed my dress quickly and pulled it over my head then turned to the others and said “stay in the bedroom until I am well and truly gone. I am sure you can find something to do together.”

What was I to do? I tried to tidy myself but knew I looked a mess. Luck (if it was that) was with me, David was turned away as I came out of the bedroom and he only turned around when I spoke. He immediately assumed I was ill and clasped me in his arms. Jane was there facing towards me giving a most strange and suspicious look and I wondered momentarily if she had seen them in the room behind me as I came out.

David couldn’t have been more loving and caring and suddenly I fully realised what I had done, and the guilt came down with a multi-story fall. What had I done! I shrugged into my coat, and we found ourselves outside, David picked me up and piggy-backed me the whole way home. It made me want to love him even more and my depth of despair at being unfaithful to my man totally overcame me and I wanted to be sick.

Finally, we got home, and I couldn’t look at him as I knew he must see the guilt on my face. David being David was being the ever-loving trusting man he is, so he just saw me as sick and carried me up the stairs and undressed me. As far as he was concerned, I was really, really, sick and I couldn’t disavow him of that idea. He didn’t even ask me what it was that made me sick. He knew I had drunk fairly carefully, at least until we split up and I would have had no other answer.

I was lying there naked wallowing in fear of our future when he looked at my pussy, looked down and I almost uttered “OHHH SHIT!” my pussy was still a little distended and my juices had dried up down into the valley of my cheeks. I readied myself for his explosion, but it didn’t come, he just went to the bathroom, and I heard the tap running.

All I could think to do was cover up and hope for the best, but he came back with a warm wet flannel and wouldn’t hear of my hiding. Lovingly he pulled me out of the covers, ignoring my arguments, and set about gently cleaning my vulva lips, pulling them apart just a little to get me properly clean then down between the valley of my cheeks. When he’d finished, he put the cloth aside and then kissed and licked all the parts he had washed travelling up my body, giving each nipple a lick and a kiss before giving my lips the gentlest caring kiss I could imagine. My heart was breaking as he returned to the bathroom and prepared himself for bed.

He got into bed beside me naked too and asked if there was anything I needed. Just a big hug I said, hoping that it wouldn’t be the last one he ever gave me. He spooned close to me, and I felt he was trying not to be excited by the proximity of our bodies. My guilt wouldn’t let me do anything but hide from him within myself. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t until he was asleep, and I could sense it was taking him some time. He must be worrying I thought but I didn’t dare think about what he was worried about.



At the front door I let her down to get to a key from her clutch bag. She didn’t look at me but as I looked into to her eyes I was struck by a look of great sorrow.

“There’s no need for you to feel guilty you know; I didn’t mind carrying you home. Let’s get you to bed, you must be feeling awful.”

“I do,” she said, “I do.”

I got her upstairs, undressed her, and put her on to the bed, she tried to stop me but I over-ruled as she looked so bad. I looked at her naked form feeling how lovely she looked even when she was ill and I couldn’t help myself looking at her beautiful breasts and vagina, then I noticed that her pussy looked like there was liquid that had dried on her. I went to the bathroom for a washcloth and when I came back, she had covered herself.

“Come now, don’t be shy” I said. “How many years have we been married, how can you be shy with me, I know your body intimately? What can there be that I haven’t seen before?”

I strongly uncovered her despite her objections and began to wash off the dried white liquid between her pussy and her anus. It reminded me of when she came for me, but that was a silly thought and anyway what could I say to her, it could be taken the wrong way and then there would be trouble. I kissed all the places I had washed and then up her body to her lips in the most gentle and loving way I could. Then I covered her and whispered that I hoped she would feel better in the morning.

“Is there anything else I can do for you, my love?” I asked

“Please hold me very close, I need you. Please.”

I quickly got into bed to spoon her tightly up against me.

She lay still in my arms, holding my hands against her and eventually I drifted into a light but worried sleep, I tussled with questions in my head but could not bring my mind to bear on them and eventually filed them for future consideration.

Olivia was quiet, her breathing almost inaudible as I drifted, and it can’t have been so long before I was woken from my doze with what seemed at first like she was shivering but then I felt sure she was crying. I hugged her tight, kissed her neck and asked her what the matter was.

Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I just feel like shit, go back to sleep my love.

The following morning seemed like any other Weekend at first; Olivia looked drawn but she wasn’t sick during the night so far as I could tell. So, I gave her a hug and a kiss and allowed my hands to stray along her body, but she didn’t react in her normal way on a Saturday morning when we had the day to ourselves. I was slightly peeved for a fleeting moment and said.

“Does that mean Baby making is off the agenda now?”

I immediately felt guilty as she burst into tears, and I quickly apologised, but concluded that the damage was done as her sobs grew in size and loudness. The best thing I thought was to bring her breakfast in bed and perhaps she might forgive me eventually. It would be a shame to ruin the whole weekend over one silly comment and I resolved to make it up to her as quickly as possible. While I was cogitating over the coffee machine and breakfast preparation, I noticed her clutch bag dropped in the hall after she had found her key. I picked it up ready to take up with me and noticed her Thong tucked inside. Now that, I thought should make a fun topic for discussion when she was in a better mood. I wondered ruefully when that might be, and something told me that it might not happen soon.



As always, the weekend flew by too quick, Olivia seemed withdrawn and although I sensed she was trying I soon realised that it was a lost cause and resolved to keep a much closer eye on her at parties in the future. I watched sport on TV as I kept half an eye on her, enjoying what pleasure I could get from watching her quietly moving around, but keeping an eye on how I thought she felt. I was trying to interpret little nuances from her face and tone of voice without any real conclusion whatsoever. Then I had an unexpected and somewhat strangely worded call from Jane on the Saturday afternoon.

“I didn’t want to interrupt you, but Richard said I should phone to check you were both alright”

‘Interrupt?’ and ‘Both?’ I thought… Then thought ‘I bet Richard said no such thing if he even knows what happened; last I saw he was in the garden having an intimate chat with a woman I didn’t recognise other than a vague recollection of being introduced.’

“No, we’re ok I think, Olivia wasn’t sick so that’s a good sign but she’s very down.” I replied.

She didn’t sound surprised, so I asked whether there was something I didn’t know. “Was there some reason you suspect of the way Olivia felt?” I wondered out loud.

“It’s not for me to say” she said.

“You don’t think it was something she might have eaten or drank?”

“Nobody else reported anything” she said a mite defensively.

“That is odd” I said, wondering if she was feeling somehow guilty and was trying to shrug off any responsibility.

“You will have to ask her what it might be?” she said. I thought, ‘what an odd thing to say – we are good friends after all, then on second thought perhaps she thought Olivia had drunk too much.’ Trying to lighten the conversation I asked how the rest of the party had gone and I told her how good it had seemed until we had to leave.

So, she asked “Have you heard from your friends? they asked about Olivia soon after you left, wanting to get in touch.”

“Which friends do you mean?” I asked.

“You know the one I mean, she had a full figure and was quite a stunner, I certainly had trouble keeping my husband’s eyes away from her. Would her name be Ana or something like that?” she explained

“I think I know who you might mean, but I hadn’t met them before.” I clarified “Olivia may have but I couldn’t say they were our friends, if I remember right they only came to the area very recently.”

“Your probably right,” She demurred. “I think they came with other friends of ours, checked with us before they came and I said, “why not, the more the merrier”. She thought they would love to come, and I have to say, “they certainly caused a stir.”

She continued, “I was sure you knew them well because of the way that the ladies greeted each other and then I noticed them talking to her just before she came down the stairs.” She commented to my surprise, then “Perhaps I have said too much.”

Mystified I retorted “I’m sorry!” “Too much about what?”

“I wouldn’t want to assume that you were very close friends if you weren’t.” Jane said, trying to recover from her meddling.

“Pardon?” David thought.

I heard a noise upstairs at that and turned to see Olivia at the top of the stairs looking down at me and obviously listening.

I thought perhaps it was time to wind up the conversation, “Well thanks for asking us to your party Jane it was great, I hope we didn’t spoil anything for anyone.”

“No of course not, I was just worried and thought I should check that all was well.” She said

“Of course, I look forward to meeting up with you both soon to catch up on the gossip. Thanks for ringing Jane.”

As I put the phone down Olivia came down the stairs, “What was that all about?”

David suspected that she had a fair idea but replied “It was just Jane checking up on you”.

“What was odd?” Olivia asked not really wanting the answer.

“She said it was not for her to say why you might be under the weather.”


“It implies that she knows something I don’t” David replied. “She also said that no one else was ill.”


“She said I should ask you what the cause might be, I thought that was odd too.”

“Yes, I guess so.”

“She talked about our friends, but I didn’t know what she was talking about. She described the couple and I remember now that you seemed to know the wife very well, I didn’t see you talking to the husband.”

“Ohh yes, we knew each other some time ago.” Olivia said, thinking she’d better come clean now rather than leaving it.

“I don’t remember you mentioning her… I am sure I would have remembered.” David said. “Jane implied that there was more to it than that.”

“Well she would, you know what Jane is like.”

“Like what?” David asked sharply “I have known Jane a long time and I don’t get what you mean.” More defensively than David perhaps should have been. He then said in an accusative tone. “She said you were talking to her in the bedroom just before you came down?”

“Yes she was, we’d been catching up.” Olivia not quite lied.

“In the bedroom?”

“It was quieter there.” Was true again

“I still don’t think Jane would expect people to go to her bedroom to talk, you could have gone to the Garden.” David was beginning to get slightly peeved now. Despite their early history he was very fond of Jane and didn’t see that she was at fault here.

Olivia spotted his defensiveness and commented sharply “Just how close are you two?” Then immediately regretted it upon thinking that she herself was hardly blameless.

David ignored her asking “How close friends were you with that couple? Jane said that afterwards they wanted to get in touch with you.”

“Look, it goes back a few years, we were at Uni together, I was surprised to see her there but right now my head aches a bit. When I feel better, I promise I’ll tell you.” She said, playing for time and hoping he would be distracted by something else for a while.

David suggested “You mean around the time we met?,” He thought he should push the point as far as he could get away with.

“Yes about then” she tried to answer shortly “You probably met her at the graduation but you obviously don’t remember her.”

David didn’t feel he could argue with that and what would be the point; but he’d thought he’d try to search his memory anyway.

Olivia slowly turned and made her way upstairs, her beautiful backside swaying ever so slightly as she went. “God, I need her”. He sighed

Then he chanced his arm “You sure I can’t help you ease that headache?”


Olivia suddenly realised that she had to make an effort if she was going to recover a little from her mess. She knew that there were few choices if she were to do something about the situation, she couldn’t go on allowing her guilt to sour her marriage, after all he hadn’t done anything.

Olivia had decided that her choices were few, either she had to come clean about the Party but that seemed a non-starter immediately or she had to tell David about her history and hope it blurred the party or she had to try to pretend that nothing had happened. She wanted to play for time and see how the situation with Ana and Peter would pan out. Would they do anything to make her husband suspicious or even get to know – surely not. The problem was that they were now staying in the area, who knows for how long and there was always a chance of coming across them again or, would they inadvertently say something during a drunken party? Ana was her best friend after all, so surely she wouldn’t. The problem was she hadn’t seen her for so long.

She had to pull herself together and forget for a while that anything had changed. She might as well enjoy him for a while if it was going to turn sour.

Olivia, pulled off her trousers undid a few buttons of her blouse then stripped off her bra and panties, made sure the bed was clear for action and then leaned out of the door, showing deep cleavage and then dangling a leg that gradually went on and on without any covering. “Got anything you want to help me with upstairs big boy?”

David rushed upstairs like all his bets had won at once, he picked her up and pulled her to him, enclosing him in his arms as his mouth found hers in a long passionate kiss. Ohh my she thought, I want this forever, he is soooooo… but words failed her as his hands started to divest her of her blouse. His lips trailed down her body as her blouse fell away. He knew how sensitive her nipples were and gave them special attention stroking, rolling, and tweaking gently until he thought she was close. Then his lips found the left nipple, first kissing then licking around, then licking back and forth or swirling around, all while his hand continued to stroke on the other nipple. Finally, when he knew he had her, he switched nipple and hand and began to suckle like a new born baby. Her back arched as the pleasure built up between her breasts, the sensitivity sending shots of pleasure down to her clit. She realised that she wanted this so much, wanted him to take her. Her back arched as her first climax reached a crescendo and promptly began to build up to a second, David worked with her, his mouth sucking harder and harder as his fingers began a slow walk down her body. This time as her sighs began to be louder, he reached her swollen clit and as she began to reach her peak his fingers started to strum her nub, drawing it out of its hood and setting it on fire. Her second climax was even stronger, if that was even possible and her nipples became ultra-sensitive. Her hands moved to stop his mouth. He gave her time, kissing her lips gently, exploring her mouth then giving tiny kisses, nibbles, and licks down her neck and around to that sensitive area he knew so well around her ear. When he’d kissed her for all she could take, he began to kiss and lick down her arms, stopping to lick across the sensitive spot on her wrist which made her raise her hips and signalled to David that she was ready for more.

Somehow, they had made their way onto the bed, David’s mouth had found its way to his place of worship between her legs, he had brushed his tongue up the inside of her thighs as she urged him to come to her, but he was determined this was for her. He lifted her legs over his shoulders so that she was as wide open to him as she could be and then his tongue devoured her, he started his lick up from her little puckered anus, twirling his tongue around her sensitive area until she shivered and then made a slow big sweep from below her puckered hole up and across her outer lips, pushing them aside to delve inside as he went. Then he continued up until he nearly touched her clit but instead blew hot breath across it before sweeping his tongue back down the way he’d come. Then quickly sweeping his tongue back and forth across her pussy lips as long as his tongue muscles would allow him, until her hand came down to his head and she urged him with her words and hands to eat her more, faster, longer, again, again, keep going, keep going, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. At this, his tongue abandoned her pussy, and his mouth went to her clit and he stabbed his tongue at it, then around, and around again as her moans became louder. Then his fingers began to caress her sex just as his tongue had done. She cried out then as he sucked on to her clit and his fingers pushed insider her, turned upwards to caress her G Spot and then fuck her in and out, slowly at first in time with his sucking. She came again hard, but he gave her no respite, sucking at increased speed as his fingers fucked her faster exploring her depths as far as he could reach with his longest fingers. He felt her wetness and her pussy open to him such that she might like more fingers, but something had to be kept in reserve and he wanted her pussy to be tight and ready for his cock later. She came hard again and spread like a doll, her arms across the bed, legs wide like a sacrificial cross and with a look on her face like a cat who’d finished off the cream. Mmmmm she felt like she would cream if he just touched her clit again. He raised on all fours looking down at her, devouring her and looking forward to what he would do to her next. His cock ached and looking down she saw how it strained for her. Recovering, she stretched a hand down and gripped it, then gently stroked, and admired it. She loved his cock more than any other she could remember, and she needed it now more than ever before. “Give it to me David, take me and make my pussy yours.” How was a Man to argue with a lady making such a request?

Sometime later lying there snoozing in each other’s arms, he wakes and feeling her warm body close to him, he decides he could ask if she is ready to tell him what teasing she got up to at the party. He had always treated her like his Angel, for him she was perfect, but he didn’t mind the idea of others being envious of him. Now he felt that their relationship was becoming more fun, and he liked the little devil in her that had come out to play and tease him. He knew she was very attractive and her recent dress for the party made him relax and imagine she was a hot Angel so perhaps they could expand their fantasies together. First though, he got up to get them some water and as he walks around the bed, he stops to look at her. She is spreadeagled across the bed thoroughly satiated and he reaches down to the bedding now bundled up on the floor and his eyes are drawn to her body from that revealing vantage point. Her pussy after their sex reminds him of how it was when she was unwell. She looks down to see him staring at it and she knows, but does he?

David fetches water and a warm washcloth as before, and again he gently ministers to her. As he finishs kissing her, knowing he has aroused her a little, he decides that now might be a good time to ask about her teasing at the party while she is totally relaxed. “So how was your teasing at the party before you got sick? Have you got lots of salacious things to tell me about, you sexy woman?”

Knowing she had intended to do so, she thinks quickly because the evening hadn’t quite gone as she intended. She remembered the teasing when they were being introduced and decides to use her imagination, thinking about what she had wanted to do had she not been waylaid. “How can it harm?” she thought although a part of her wondered if she wasn’t digging herself into a deeper hole.

“Well, the men did like to look down my dress when I picked up my bag, they might have had a glimpse of my nipples, do you think?” she asks then “I gave some of them a cheeky wink when I caught them in the act and if they were cute, I let them have a little bit of a longer look.

“You naughty Wench, I wish I had noticed.”

“You were probably too busy ogling the women in their Tart costumes” she responds with a cheeky grin.

“Guilty as charged” trying to give as good as he got “There was some very nice breasts bulging out of their tops and I was ready to help catch them” he tries it on.

“Yeah right” she quips “You want a short life huh?” she joins the game a little hypocritically

David decides ‘this a good time for me to look at her nipples and give there some more attention…’ His hands work according to his thoughts and she thinks this is going well.

“Anything else?” David aks.

“You really want to know?”.

“Of course, I’m liking this new you, why not?”

“Well, I stood in the crowd at the bar and it closed in on all sides”

“Sooooo?” he quizzes

“Well, I couldn’t see much, but I did feel very adventurous fingers caressing me.”

He asks with a cheeky grin whether she thought she could recognise the feel of the fingers if they touched her again, maybe in a greeting. She says that she doesn’t think she wants to know, and he has to agree.

Having forgotten her guilt momentarily, to herself she finds it intriguing to wonder who had been naughty and might be again in the future. Stop IT! she says to herself but can’t avoid the warm feeling at the naughtiness of it.

“hmmmm… now I have a mix of excitement and worry. The old me is getting out of control” she warns herself.

“It must have worried you?” David feels he should ask.

“No. What could they do?”

“Well, that gap in your dress went very close to your intimate parts…” David likes the idea of revving up the fantasy.

Playing along she replies, “What would you say if I told you someone went very close?”

“I’m not sure, I guess it’s a big tease”

“What if fingers touched my pussy?”

His cock twitched and showed some life again, but he was glade this was a fantasy.

“And suppose fingers were inside me?” His cock really enlarged now, contradicting his expression.

“And what if there was more than one fingering me? What if one felt like a woman?” She teased relentlessly

“Jeeze, that’s some imagination you have but very exciting.”

“You like the idea of a woman touching me?…”

David responds “That’s almost funny. I’m a male… of course I would, girl on girl has always been a fantasy of mine.”

He reaches over to stroke and finger her pussy, his cock now rigid… “I’ll have to remember that for future play fantasy together” she thinks. “Not that we need much to get us started.”

Later as they were relaxing together, he starts to think more on the last subject. He says, “Do you think I’m strange not to feel half as threatened by the thought of a woman being with you as I would a man?”

She thinks for a moment, now might be a moment to introduce a little bit of new information relating to her past. “You might be surprised when I tell you that I don’t have any hang-ups about sex, male or female. I wasn’t brought up with any preconceptions, my parents really didn’t do more than warn me about some of life’s pitfalls, mostly about unscrupulous types of men. They didn’t tell me what was right or wrong about sex like the devout religious folks do, they just loved me, and I have always thought that I was so lucky to have such parents.”

The long explanation was intended to mask the information she was leaking but David was astute enough to catch the main points and file them away. He had to think whether he wanted to know more.

Finally when she seemed to have said all she was going to, he thought and then said, “Hearing you say that makes me realise the threat is no different what the sex is, but somehow it doesn’t change my feelings about it, it’s the fantasy aspect I suppose”.

“I guess there are lots of people who have fantasies that might over-ride common sense if they were given a chance of fulfilment.” they agree.

“I suppose the main thing is that, if two people really love each other they have a relationship that makes them feel safe; up to a point. It’s where that point is I suppose.” David adds

Olivia sincerely hopes it’s true, and decides she has to unload her past as soon as she can. Right now, she just feels too guilty.

“Ok Mr Demon,” she says. “I’ve told you something, now it’s your turn, surely you had something in your past.”

David decides it’s a good time to tell Olivia that “Jane and I were once an item.”

“Before you met me?” She checks impudently

“Of course,” he says, giving her bottom a playful smack.

“OK and?”

We were boy and girlfriend for a couple of years I’d say.

Where you lovers?

“Nooo.” I was brought up much too ‘properly’ he says smarting at the thought.

“Just before I went to Uni, Richard moved into the area and swept her off her feet. He was the typical bad boy the girls go for. He always tries to give the impression that he is a paragon of virtue these days but who knows; I wouldn’t trust him though.”

She’s not convinced that’s the entire story any more than hers is, although she suspects that hers is a whole book where his might only be a chapter; albeit a very excellent chapter because he learned a lot from someone. ‘Might be fun finding out though’ she thinks. ‘Let’s just see if the dust settles and we can get back to where we were going with our lives, then maybe we’ll share more; she certainly would” she’d decided.


Olivia decided to go into work on Monday and it gives them a chance to go to Lunch together. Enjoying their brief break at a secluded table in a café, it occurs to him that it had been mostly

a fun weekend and suggests “maybe it is time to get out more and enjoy some fun evenings and weekends, visit friends and take in any entertainment we can find.” Then adds ‘We should do it while we can, what do you think?”

“Maybe we’ve been stressing ourselves too much trying to conceive, it sounds like a good idea, we have a lot of time to make up for, all the years we’ve been obsessed with work.” Olivia replies

David asks her if she would mind investigating. and she gives a big smile. Mean time “I’ll ask Jane who she knows that might still visit clubs and venues and be able to offer some suggestions.

“You know what you should also do..?” David teases and her eyebrows raise questioning.

“I think you know how much I enjoyed your new dress last weekend,” big grin. “Perhaps you should do some more shopping, he says suggestively, I wouldn’t mind helping with the choice of underwear and nighties. It might be hard work watching you trying things on, but I think I could cope. A fashion show might be needed too.” He grins.

She looks at him knowingly ‘Yehh right!” allowing a suitable pause before she says,” we’ll see…”

“I will hopefully,” he laughs.

Then keeping the mood going “Hey why don’t you start this afternoon, on the way back to the office” he suggests, “I’ll be able to pop down at short notice if you are desperate for my input!”

She gives him a knowing smile and says, “I think a bit of shopping would be a good idea, you better be available at short notice buster.”

After a silent moment while both consider, David broke their musings, hoping it was a good moment to ask, “Are you worried about getting pregnant?”

“I don’t think so yet, we can get ourselves checked by the Doctor if our fun doesn’t do the trick. I suppose we ought to discuss what other options there might be if we can’t conceive.”

“What are the options do you think?” he asks

Olivia thinks for a moment and then says, “Well I suppose it depends on which of us has the problem. There’s adoption of course, there’s drugs to increase chances, I believe there’s artificial insemination and I suppose there’s surrogate father or mother. Can you think of any others?

He catches the reference to surrogate and retorts “It’s one thing to adopt maybe not knowing who the parents are but there’s no way I am bringing up the child of a man who’s been inside you. I am not a pervert like those men who like being cuckolded.” his voice rising unreasonably sharply.

What’s got into me he thinks when he realises how he reacted and tries to soften his point by saying “Sorry love I over-reacted.”

“That’s OK, I think I might feel like that if it were the other way around. I’m sure it won’t come to something like that.”

Olivia decides that this conversation needs to get back to more pleasant things. At the next Lingerie shop she motions for him to stop to look in the window. Do you like that? she says pointing to a bra that showed pretty much everything behind a pretty pattern. His mood brightens noticeably as he approves, and his imagination pushes his eyes in search of other outfits that might be even more daring, if it were even possible.

Meeting Jane

One afternoon after the party, David finds himself less busy at his office in the afternoon and looking forward to going home. His mind starts to go over the party of the previous weekend and his wife’s teasing and he thinks again of how he likes this side of her.

He wonders about Olivia’s friend, remembering how little he knows about Olivia’s life before they became a couple. That aside, David decides he should speak to Jane and find out what she was talking about if he can, they were close once and it would be good to catch up with her one to one. He telephones and invites her to meet him for coffee when she’s in town. She is intrigued as to whether anything has happened and readily accepts. He suggests a day and a public cafe.

On the day, she gets Richard, her husband to drop her off, to take in some shopping before her meeting.

Settled into a quiet corner at the café, David eventually asks Jane “I know we go back a way and I don’t want to take advantage of the relationship we have or had before you met Richard. So, stop me if I step over the lines. I am concerned however about this friend that Olivia met up with. Olivia and I have talked a bit about it, but I feel that there’s more to it. Trouble is I don’t know where to start without seeming like I’m questioning her. If she’s got something to tell me, that’s up to her but I’ve never pressed her about her former life before she met me. As far as I am concerned, she is what she is to me, and I don’t care what her previous life was, unless it comes back to harm her in any way. Her being sick like that worries me in that way, I can’t put my finger on it though.”

“I can see where you’re coming from” Jane accepts. “I was just puzzled by the fact that she was coming out of the bedroom looking sick and dishevelled and then seeing her friend behind her just after she stepped out. It just seemed a strange place for them to talk and then she becomes sick. I know it sounds extreme, but I was just worried if something was said or done to her to make her feel that way.”

“So, David started, “this couple, who were at the party, can you tell me anything you can about them before I ask Olivia again, I don’t want her to think I’m overly worried or something.”

“Well, all I know from my friend is that Olivia and Ana were best friends, at Uni they roomed together, I think.”

“I wonder why she’s never mentioned that to me it’s innocuous enough. in all probability. I might have even come across her at their graduation, but I was so caught up in seeing Olivia after so long and then meeting her family for the first time that I don’t remember much.”

“Well, I don’t have much else I can add, but I’ll see what I can find out when I talk to my friend, if I can do so without showing any special interest” said Jane “It might not be soon though.”

During their meeting she receives a call to come home quickly, and he drives her there. It turns out to be just her house alarm going off, but there’s no evidence of what triggered it. He offers to carry her shopping in while she investigates and then she directs him to drop her purchases in her bedroom.

“Take a look at our new ensuite fittings while you are there David, I think you might find it ‘interesting'” “being in your line of work” she adds. After placing the shopping on her bed, he takes a look and can’t, but admit that it looks innovative and fun.

When he comes down, she offers him a coffee and they sit on the stools amenably around her kitchen bar. “Couldn’t resist your invitation to take a peek in your ensuite Janey, looks like you guys have some fun in there, and that bed, there’s room for 4 at least.” He laughs “If Olivia saw all that, she’ll want something like it.”

“Well,” she says, colouring slightly but unable to resist a barbed retort “we can’t all be Vanilla like you David, some of us like a bit of fun.” “You know that variety is the spice of life” she says winking at him. He finds himself heating up rapidly and remembering some hot but not very hot times they had had in their youth. “Can’t think what you mean” he says trying unsuccessfully to hide his embarrassment. “Well,” she says, becoming perhaps too bold “you were always such a prude, did you ever try to get past first base with me? you don’t know what you might have missed out on.” She laughs trying to cover up the attack she was making on his manhood.

David feels somehow robbed and gradually very annoyed. Jane sees his face and fast realises that she’s overstepped the mark. Why did it rankle with her that David was too much of gentleman back then, even after all these years?

Remembering how Olivia had once brought it up with him, David is realising not for the first time that being a ‘gentleman’ was not necessarily what women want, particularly when they were young and out to experience life. Still, it is too late now, so all he can do is make his marriage to Olivia as exciting as he can.

Jane realising she’s out of order, changes the subject slightly to try to rescue the situation before she put their friendship in more jeopardy. Back in the day she had really been hung up on him, and if only he’d been a bit more passionate and exciting. But then there was Richard, not as handsome but boy he was exciting, he literally swept her knickers off. She decides to try and pump David more for anything else that was troubling him.

“So, we haven’t discussed anything that earth shattering so what’s really troubling you David?” was her opening gambit

OH, I don’t know, I know she felt bad but she was so down all weekend. I kept worrying that it was something I’d said or done wrong. Now I’m wondering if that Ana woman said something or reminded her of something awful.

It doesn’t sound like you did anything untoward David, tell me more, I understand that you wouldn’t want to divulge deeply personal problems.

So having been warned against doing so, David feels like he can, (‘go figure’,) he passes on as much as he can remember aside from ‘personal’ observations which were just too much for his sensibilities! Jane begins to become deeply suspicious about the friend but is afraid to say anything more to David without knowing anything definite. Perhaps she thinks, I should meet this Ava, relishing the challenge and the chance to help David. She had always felt she made a mistake and may have hurt him badly.

Despite the life that she and her husband enjoyed she had always wondered if her young mind and body had led her to make the wrong choice at that time. Those of her friends who didn’t know her intimately would have been surprised at her secretly thinking, “I’d love to get my hands on David’s body; ohh well!”

David is given a lot to think about and decides it’s time to talk to Olivia about Ava to see if she’ll open up to him. Thinking “Maybe it’s time Olivia and I should explore our sex life more too, I am obviously boring” he worries and his mood sinks.



I didn’t have a lot of plans for Friday, a few chores around the house and some ongoing work, nothing urgent. I spoke to the office midmorning and David answered, we talked about what me might do over the weekend and I was looking forward to just time together, maybe a trip to the coast if the weather is good. I suggest this to David and he is enthusiastic about it. In such a good mood together, I say I will look out our swim gear, “shall I look out my tiny bikini?” I wonder out loud. “In that case” David suggests “we’ll find somewhere really private, as that bikini might get a helping hand to take off.”

I tease back, “ohh really! who’s hands would that be then?”. “You never know who will be on the beach” he quips back.

I love this teasing it somehow creates an electricity between us. Even after the years together it’s still there, we’ve just been slacking for a while but this feels new and exciting, I’m letting a little of my old fire come alight again.

Ana phones me during the morning and asks how I am. I reason that she wants to know how things are with David. I’m fairly pissed with her at the moment because she’d come on to me right off the bat, no thought to what my life might be like.

My memory kicked in this morning and I had realised that such thoughtless impetuosity was typical Ana. She was like that back in the day, a snowball gathering admirers but rolling over anything along the way. She wouldn’t have even thought of anything beyond her immediate needs except probably me, she was caring and adoring to me and I bathed in her glow. She hadn’t seemed that surprised that I was at the party and assumed I was the same person I was. The speed that I responded to her told me a lot about myself. I learnt during that evening that my old inbuilt fire hadn’t been shut out, just quenched, or overtaken by other interests.

Eventually after some catching up she got around to asking if she could see me. I refuse, but Ana offers to visit when David is most likely to be around. I mull it over for a moment, with the situation as it is, I am not feeling ready to meet them. Ana is very keen, and presses a little, as she says she feels guilty and wants to put things straight. I realise that it’s probably an inevitability and maybe time to deal with things head on. So, with some reluctance I decide that it’s probably time they met David. I decide that later today might work if they aren’t too early. I tell her to make it after work but ask if she could ring beforehand to confirm the time so that I can make arrangements with David.

I try to put the issue to the back of my mind and leave it to her to ring before she comes. They come too early of course without ringing, and I am immediately worried, but Ana quickly embraces me closely, bringing memories of all-night fun we enjoyed back in the day. Remembering how we drained the men and then played into the night, always finding ways to indulge ourselves using more and different toys to heighten our pleasures. Ana is insatiable and even with a clear head I could not resist the pleasures she brought me.

Ana caresses me now, murmuring words of concern and kisses, I knows this is wrong, but even after all the years my feelings are touched by this woman and my body betrays me. I want her closeness even though my mind is saying no, no, no. Then Peter comes up behind me, he hugs me too, caressing me like I have been bereaved, they seem to care what their tryst at the party may have done to me and my relationship with David.

But, soon the hugs become more, the hands travel along my body and they want more, I can feel fingers undoing the buttons of my top and the catch of my skirt, now they are falling away. Anna is kissing me passionately, her hands pushing eagerly inside my bra, teasing, and stroking my nipples. I’m lost to her even as my conscience is telling me how wrong this is.

The bra becomes loose as other hands from behind me undo the clasp. I am short of breath, gasping with pleasure and the feel of bodies encasing me; my body has taken complete control and my mind has lost the battle. Anas fingers have delved between my pussy lips, I am so wet that she has no problem as 2 fingers begin to fuck me, stroking my inner walls as she knows I likes the best. My pussy opens like a flower to her as hands from behind have completely undressed me, my own hands have not been idle, I have begun addressing her and her bra falls away. Her superb breasts remind me just how beautiful she is as I fondle them and stroke her.

Another hand joins the fingers in my pussy, I take a deep breath, trying to relax my pussy as two sets of 2 fingers begin working back-to-back in tandem fucking me like a very fat cock. then two fingers leave, and for a moment I feel a great sense of loss, but Ana drops to the floor below me and reaching up adds her tongue to the action as well as returning the 2 fingers and I feel wonderfully full again. A finger behind me is now wet with my juices and begins to stroke around the rim of my anus, around and around, teasing me open and pressing for entry.

I gasp at the invasion, but it only serves to heighten the ecstasy of the orgasm I am quickly reaching; it hasn’t happened to me this way for a very long time, his finger enters me and probes towards the most sensitive area, giving pleasing feelings higher than the initial discomfort. As I relax, he begins to fuck my arse with his finger which reminds me so much of my lusty history when Ana and I had tried and made sure we enjoyed every new sexual experience we could explore. Ana asks me if I remember their toys from their days together, but I am only able to nod as I am escalating to another shattering orgasm heightened by my completely wanton and perilous behaviour. My legs feel like rubber and Ana, aware of my state, helps me upstairs to the bed and Peter goes off to find the bag of toys in the car.


Come Friday, I decide I’m going to close the office early, send Monica home early for a change, get some champagne and flowers and book a table at an upscale restaurant. I will get home in time to surprise her, romance her and ravish her and then we can celebrate the evening. Perhaps, to save driving we should book into a hotel for more ravishing if we have any energy left, I wondered.

So, I arrive home nice and early and notice a different car on the drive; I hope that this friend visiting whoever she is, won’t spoil my plans for the rest of the day. I let myself in as normal, expecting to find Olivia in the living room or kitchen chatting to her friend. I am fairly quiet so as not interrupt any conversation going on and perhaps time my entry with the flowers in hand for maximum effect. It’s a pity that we can’t embrace as we might have done and I feel very disappointed. To my surprise, there’s nobody there so I’m very concerned that they might have gone out. I pop the champagne into the fridge and wander out into the hall to put the flowers down where Olivia can see them as she comes in. Strangely, I think I can he hear a sound from upstairs, maybe they’re doing a tour of our house, I wonder improbably. I decide I might as well go see what’s going on and wander up, anxious to find out how much my planned afternoon is likely to be ruined. As I near the top of the stairs, I hears Olivia groan a sexual sound of added pleasure. ‘That’s odd, what is going on’ I think. Sounds from our bedroom grow, ‘is that 2 voices?’ I go on full alert and peek through the crack around the slightly open door. I can’t see clearly and I’m getting really worried by the sounds I can hear,; moans of pleasure don’t take much interpretation of what might be going on. So I chance pushing the door very slightly and there I can see my wife, naked kneeling on the floor. ‘What’s happening,’ my mind wonders and I can feel my heart race with fear and expectation. Then I see another woman behind her…it’s that Ana I think, but what’s going on? Ana seems to be also kneeling but behind Olivia with her head between her legs. And what’s that Ana is wearing, dangling between her legs? A strap on he guesses. His heart is not just speeding up now, but his cock is going rigid. He knows it shouldn’t be, but this is so erotic. Then he suddenly sees the mirror beyond them, and he can also see a naked man, Ana’s friend he thinks.

Now this is no longer exciting, David’s head explodes with anger and betrayal. He wants to charge in and put a stop to this and smash this man’s face in. But wait his common sense warns, that could end my marriage in one go. What if Olivia says it’s what she wants, she might prefer them? He knows in his heart it can’t be true, surely, she loves him he’s sure.

However, his self-esteem has been taking a few knocks recently learning how he comes across to women. Maybe Olivia likes this man better? because he’s more, more what? He doesn’t understand women it’s how he was brought up. He didn’t have any sisters to destroy the inner picture he built of women, probably because his Dad treated his Mum so special, always cuddling and kissing and there was never anything he wouldn’t do for her.

But I have to stop this before it goes any further, if he fucks her now, David will never know if any child was his and he would never be able to trust her again, not that he would be able to anyway. Christ! maybe this has been going on longer than I know.

Not exactly knowing why, but I quickly snap a photo on my phone. Then dash downstairs, open, and then close the front door as loud as I dare, then shout out. “Hi Honey, I’m home, where are you?” Then there is a deathly silence for a while as the sounds from upstairs stop suddenly, then there’s some rustling and Olivia’s voice squeaks “Won’t be a sec, be down in a minute”

He shouts “We’re going to escape for the afternoon and have some fun. I just have to post a letter and I’ll be right back and looking for you on the bed.”

Very quickly he pens a note and places it prominently on the hall table with the flowers. The note says in large letters “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH”. Then I climb into my car and drive far enough away so I can still to see my house, giving just enough time for those inside to decide what to do.

As I sit in my car for a moment fuming, I consider what will happen next. ‘Will the Couple race out and drive off?’ I wonder.

Nothing happens so I drive back to the house, park on the drive and saunter as normally as possible up to and into the front door. The first thing I notice is that my flowers are still where I’d left them but I can see the note has moved slightly. Does that tell me anything? it doesn’t seem good, she has to have seen them as she came down the stairs, but maybe I’m over analysing, maybe it’s just my imagination.

I find Olivia sitting on one couch and the couple sitting opposite her on the other couch which doesn’t seem to me to be a good sign. My, my, I think, what game are they playing. All three look slightly dishevelled but not so bad as for a man to remark upon in normal circumstances. That was quick dressing he thinks. “Hello Darling,” Olivia says in a careful controlled tone, “you are home early. This is Ana and Peter; you may remember being introduced to them at the Party.” Despite his intense anger, he cannot help but admire his wife’s self-control, but that pinkness around her cheeks gives away what he already knows. “I was just showing them around when you came in.” She says.

“OH, that’s nice of you” I say, venom dripping with every word, “I hope that they liked what you were showing them.” Her face blanches, even her pink fades as she catches the double meaning. I can’t help sticking the knife in a little, asking “Did you like the flowers?” then “the champagne is in the fridge and I’ve booked a table for this evening.” I twist the knife.

Then, “Excuse me” I add before the couple can rise, “I just have to rush upstairs for a nature call and wash up. Won’t be a moment and then I’ll introduce myself properly.”

I dash up the stairs, open the Bedroom door and then stop to listen. I hear murmurings and can just make out “Do you think he suspects anything?” to which my smirk turns into an evil grin.

My heart is pounding as I swiftly pull out a large suitcase and then proceeds to throw in anything that Olivia might need short term until I’ve had time to work out what is to happen next. With everything including wash items, make-up and clothes squashed into the space I close the case with great feeling and finality.

I am beginning to feel crushed now and so betrayed that I need badly to be alone in the growing misery. But I straighten my back, take a big breath, and steel myself for just a little bit longer. I carry the case to the bottom of the stairs and drop it loudly in sight from the Living Room. “What are you doing David?” Olivia can barely ask, her face still white.

“Well first I’m going to ask your friends to go and wait for you in the car. Please take this case with you and put it in your boot/trunk and then wait in your car.” There is a silence in the room as everyone is in shock, but David’s tone and posture brook no question or argument, my face must say everything. Ana and Peter get up and leave, Ana giving Olivia a weak smile. Once they are outside, I force myself to look at Olivia.

I don’t think I can speak to you any more than I have to; I am so angry and hurt and betrayed. I have packed you some things to get by for now. Take your credit card so you can book in somewhere” then he says spitefully “But you’ll probably want to carry on fucking with them so you might as well stay with them” and “don’t forget your phone”.

“But David..”

I interrupted, “Don’t try to tell me it didn’t happen, I was here earlier and heard you upstairs and then saw what was going on in our bedroom.” I loudly emphasise the words “our bedroom” then I continue “God I’ll never get the picture of you with him out of my head, it’s like a recurring nightmare. I’ll get someone to contact you in few days to arrange for the rest of your stuff, make a list of things you’ll need.”

“God I feel such a fool” I utter, it all now makes sense. I could now guess at least something of what was going on at Janes but I’m not sure I could face it. “OHH GOD that’s why your pussy looked like it did” at which David can’t stop himself and begin to break down. GET OUT he shouts, GETTT OUT.

Olivia cannot think, there’s so much hitting her senses all at once, she doesn’t know what she can do and she blacks out and collapses on the floor. David picks her up and carries her outside. As he approaches, the couple get out of their car. “Open the back door” he orders and then he gently lays her across the back seat. “Well, here you are. you got what you were after, I hope you are pleased with yourselves.” David walks back into the house and slams the front door. He goes up to the spare room falls on to bed and finally his hurt takes over. He realises that once he gets everything out of their bedroom there’s no way he’s going to sleep there again.

SATURDAY A new Day for some and not for others.

David. & Jane

David woke fully dressed and he didn’t care. He’d drunk the previous night away and eventually passed out on the couch before waking with a terrible pain in the neck. The pain prompted him to climb the stairs again to the spare bed where he crashed unceremoniously.

In the morning, after several cups of strong coffee he finally made it into the shower and dressed to face a day he really didn’t want, especially the weekend when he would have too much time to dwell. He turns off his phone, turns on the TV and indulges in just feeling sorry for himself.

Eventually on Sunday, by now wallowing in self-pity, he has to tell someone, he can’t tell his family yet; and he thinks of Jane as the only person who might easily understand and be trustworthy, so he telephones. I can kill two birds with one stone he thinks.

Hi Jane

Hi David, is it an urgent call as I have my hands full at the moment, (he hears laughing and giggling in the background)

“OH sorry, sounds like you have visitors. Yep we have close friends staying over. (More noises in the background.. sounds like ohhhhs or maybe it’s mmmmmm’s)

It is urgent but it will wait, give me a call when you’re done. “OH, I will,” she coos and then she disappears and all he can hear is slapping of flash and moans and words like ‘don’t stop’. He wonders fleetingly if he recognises any of the voices, but only Jane’s. ‘Lucky Lady’ he thinks and disconnects the phone.

He spends the day trying to keep busy. He leaves his phone behind as he really can’t face anyone else, and does a bit of grocery shopping, making sure he is well stocked with alcohol. Time and again he has to stop himself from thinking about Olivia, ‘this must be close to what it’s like when someone close to you dies’, he realises. When he arrives back home, he cleans the car, tidies around the garden/yard and all the time keeps something playing over his earphones so that he doesn’t get time to think. Finally, it’s getting dark, and he goes into the Kitchen and finds his phone sitting on the side. There are several missed calls or messages, but his eyes are drawn to Jane’s name, so he returns her call.

David, she says in a worried voice, I’ve been so worried, I have been trying you all afternoon. What’s happened?

Sorry Jane, You didn’t disconnect your phone and from what I heard on the phone I assumed that you might have your hands full for quite a while, so I didn’t expect you to come back for some time. I might have been jealous if I wasn’t feeling so bad right now (Jane noted the wording but ignored it for now.) David continued, wondering why he’s half joked. Then he wonders why he was softening his first remark with the joke. but why should he!

“It’s nothing for you to worry about”, he continues “But I threw Olivia out Friday night and I just had to talk to someone.”

“Ohh no David, why?”

“Well, your unsaid suspicions proved correct, I came home early to spend some time together, but I found her upstairs with those people.” He didn’t want to explain further, he was sure she would get the drift.

“Ohh David I’m so sorry.” She seemingly interpreted correctly

Feeling sorry for himself he says “I guess I deserve it for being the boring man I am, as you made it clear when we talked at your house, but I was so angry and hurt and betrayed and everything else that I just threw them all out. My phones been off since then except to speak to you.”

Then “I packed up enough clothes and things to get her through a few days but if you can find the time could you come around and get anything else she might need and arrange to hand it to her; I told her to make a list. I can’t speak to her right now”

“Of course, David” she says, feeling so guilty now “anything I can do, I will, but you’ll understand I don’t want to interfere”

“Can you come during the week? I’ll drop a key through your door; in case I’m not there when you come. I send you her list when it arrives. I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I might take some time off and go away for a while. I’ll speak to our office manager, Monica, and see what she can handle. It doesn’t seem to matter much at the moment, anyway.”

“I’m sure you’ll think differently in a few days.” cautions Jane

Ignoring the common sense, he continues “If I go away, I might change the locks, but I’ll let you know. If I do go, perhaps you would pop in from time to time please, to make sure no one gets in.” then “No, that wouldn’t be right” He is overthinking it now, random thoughts going through his mind and his mouth running away with itself.

“David, aren’t you over-reacting and jumping the gun a bit?”

“Nope, I’ve got a bad feeling about that Ana and her friend. I wish I wasn’t so soft and I’d checked them out properly; but I’ve learnt my lessons, no more Mr NiceGuy.”

Janes heart sinks, she was really fond of her Mr NiceGuy.

In the mood he’s in he can’t resist a barb, “Anyway, don’t let me interrupt your fun, it sounded extremely naughty when you laid the phone down earlier. Lucky girl, have fun, speak to you later maybe.” with that he disconnected the call and shut the phone off and tried to lose himself for the rest of the evening.


David Jane

Come Monday, David was determined to get back to some sense of normality although he struggled to go into the office. He rang Monica and told her he was ‘under the weather’ and checked that she was ok with being on her own. “I’m absolutely fine” she said, so he told her he’d been thinking of taking a longer break, “What do you think? Should we get a Temp in for a while or maybe you know somebody suitable? Maybe someone you used to work with who is now a full time Mum and might be interested in filling in for a while?” Monica thinks for a moment and then suggests “I might know someone, as long as we can give her hours that fit around school times.”

“Sounds good” says David, So she continues “but we’d probably need to get her in beforehand to get her trained up on what we do.”

“Sounds possible” he says, “please let me know.”

“I hope you feel better soon” she say’s and they disconnect.

Then he posts a key through Jane’s door, not wanting to discuss his problems again so soon. In some sense, his mood had changed a bit, less self-pity, and more determination for revenge. He wasn’t sure what, because he could never harm Olivia, but there had to be consequences. He decided to start by investigating Ava and Peter. He needed to begin with some research. Later, he messaged Jane to ask her to find out their surnames and if possible, where they came from.

‘If it’s difficult for you’ he suggested, ‘the alternative might be if you give me the friends phone number. David thought he might talk to her friends direct; he was sure that he could think of a reason to ask if only because neither he nor Olivia knew Ava’s friend before the party (as far as he knew).

David doesn’t get the answers he needs straight away but he does start investigations on-line in the direction of Ana and Olivia’s Uni. He also looks on social media to see if there’s anything from the time they were there. It soon becomes apparent how close they were, several photos showing it clearly. There’s no sign of Ana’s current partner during that period. David does find her more recently though in what appears to be ongoing celebrations and partying. He’s astounded by the number of parties she’s linked to. He starts to mull over how he can question Ana’s previous associates. He decides to see if there’s anyone who might have a grudge against her, so starts to painstakingly go through her social media history looking for clues; “what else can I do?” he asks himself.

He considers asking his father to get a couple of hefty builders to visit Peter eventually and have ‘friendly’ words with him. He feels sure that with some persuasion Peter would consider his future might not look good in this town. But in afterthought, he’d need to take his father into his confidence which he knows he could. But he knows his family are very fond of Olivia and he wouldn’t want to jump the gun and spoil relationships if there are any other solutions. For a few moments he remembers some good family times.

He finds that he has become absorbed investigating the past, at one point he is almost inclined to instruct an enquiry agent, some of what he’s finding is hurtful. What was the name of that firm his golfing partner had mentioned, he wondered. He would put it to the back of his mind for the moment, give himself time for everything to sink in.

Later, he hasn’t received a list from Olivia but Jane arrives anyway. She’s tried him at his office and then confirmed that his phone is off. He checks who it is before he opens the door, spotting that it’s her car in the drive. Opening the door to her, she enters tentatively, not sure how he might be or where their relationship might stand. “I thought I’d come and get Olivia some more things, try to work out what she’s missing, I assume you haven’t received her list.” and then “I am a bit worried about her and I would rather contact her sooner rather than later” she says. “She might be in a bit of a state”

Despite everything, David can’t help but feel concerned and therefore feels he must help as much as he can. It raises an awareness in him of just how much he loves her and doesn’t want to lose her.

I haven’t looked at my messages since Friday he says, I just can’t face them. Would you look for me and see if there is anything from her. Jane isn’t too happy about getting this involved. But her own guilty feeling smakes her feel that she needs to help out this once; she dreads seeing more than she needs to. She scans the names of who his messages are from.

Jane finds just one relevant message, not from Olivia but from Ana, which David insists she read. In the message Ana describes the state that Olivia was in, and that Olivia had been adamant about being taken to a Hotel; where they had left her despite attempts to help in any way.

Privately, David is relieved that she hadn’t gone to their house, so is more inclined to help get her sorted out, as long as it is without giving any other indication whatsoever.

Despite his thoughts, David seems to ignore what is said about Olivia’s state and concentrates on what is needed to be done. David’s demeanour seems out of character to Jane and she worries that she really has seen the last of Mr NiceGuy.

They begin their search for Olivia’s things and David starts searching for any other storage cases they can use. David checks the main bedroom as fast as humanly possible. “I can’t bear being in there”, he says, as he heads back to the spare room. He finds Jane spread across the bed trying to pull a bag out from under. Despite his mood, David is momentarily taken by her pert bottom delightfully presented.

She hears him come in and can’t resist “like what you see?”

“It’s not a bad butt as butts go,” holding back on any praise

“Good job I know your too much of a softie” she goads him.

“Huh, so you don’t think I might have my way with you, if it suited me.”

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