Day by Day Ch. 01

An adult stories – Day by Day Ch. 01 by Clancy15,Clancy15 Day by Day Chapter 1

This is an incest story with a twist. If incest stories are not your thing, then please move on. Otherwise enjoy the play between twins. This also a longer story (8700 words) so sit back and enjoy the buildup.

Steven Day – 21 years old, older twin by 10 minutes. Five foot eleven, athletic, brown hair kept short. Currently enrolled in University as a Junior studying Sociology.

Sarah Day – 21 years old, five foot seven. Brunette with hair to her shoulders, athletic with a toned body, C cup boobs, tight ass. Currently enrolled in University as a Junior studying Biology and would like to be a Vet someday.

Sarah and Steve shared an apartment at school to save their parents money. They had an arrangement that if either of them wanted some privacy, they would try and arrange it ahead of time so no one would be embarrassed. Every once in a while, there was a mix up in communication and one or the other would interrupt their twin’s fun. They got used to living together and didn’t mind walking around in their underwear or their PJ’s.

This story will be told from each of the twin’s perspectives as we go along. Pay attention to who is talking.


It was my turn to have the apartment by myself. Well, not by myself but with a woman that was more of a friend with benefits. We liked each other but knew we would not be in it for the long term. However, the sex was really good, and we both knew how to push each other’s pleasure centers. Amy looked a little like my sister and I always wondered what would happen if Sarah and I ever did the deed.

Amy was licking and sucking on my cock as we lay naked on my bed. I watched her slide her mouth down my cock and suddenly I imagined that it was my sister sliding her tongue all around my erection. My cock suddenly got harder as she stroked my balls and suckled on the head. She looked at me and the harder I got the wider her eyes got.

“Steve, are you thinking about Sarah again?”

I nodded my head as she told me to come in Sarah’s mouth. We had fantasized about this before as Amy had expressed a desire for my sister. Thinking about Sarah and Amy and I naked in the same bed tightened my balls and I started coming. Amy drank it all down and when finished, she had a big smile on her face.


It was Friday night, and I was studying at the library since Steve had invited Amy over for some private time. I had one of the private study rooms all to myself as I thought about what they might be doing in my absence. The thought of Amy’s mouth on my brother had my nipples hard. I knew that it was taboo to think of my brother like that. I also wondered if Amy liked women, because I often caught her looking sideways at me. Sometimes she would brush up against me, especially if we were in our galley kitchen together. I had never had a relationship with another woman and would probably never start one on my own.

I had been assigned a paper on the dual sexuality of animals. How some animals at times can change their sex to suit the situation. This usually happened more in the lower species such as worms. About 33% of all species (not including insects) can be hermaphrodites of one kind or another. The three main groups include:

Protandry: Where an organism develops as a male, and then changes sex to a female.

Protogyny: Where the organism develops as a female, and then changes sex to a male.

Bidirectional sex changers: Where an organism has female and male reproductive organs but may act either as a female or as a male during different stages in life.

I wondered what it would be like to have a penis and penetrate another female and experience a male ejaculation. Would the feeling be as intense as the orgasms I have as a female? What if I became my male twin and my brother became my female twin? I let my mind wander about all the possibilities. If my twin were the same sex as myself, would we enjoy it? I knew what it was like to suck a cock, would it be the same if I had a cock also? Or the opposite, what if we were both female and enjoyed licking each other pussies?


As the Norse God of Mischief looked down on the ramblings of Sarah, an idea came to mind. Here were two very curious individuals who might make good subjects for one of his mischievous ideas. How about we make changes to these two individuals to see how they would handle a complete change of body types. I will change them for a 24-hour period and observe their thoughts and actions. If successful, I will change the period of time to longer and longer periods of time. Would they appreciate the changes, or would they balk? Only time will tell.

Steve (female)

I awoke Sunday morning and felt like I had a hangover. My body didn’t feel right. I was lying in bed thinking about Amy and my sister. Would it not be fun to get the two of them together and watch Amy seduce Sarah? I lay there thinking about the two of them licking each other’s pussies while I watched.

I felt a strange tightness in my chest, and I felt like I needed to get up and pee. It was still dark out and the room was very dimly lit. I reached up to brush the hair out of my eyes. Wait, I had never had to do that before. My hair was across my forehead, and I brushed the silkiness out of my eyes. My skin on my forehead felt much softer. I slid my hands over my face and felt the same soft skin.

I had only worn a pair of boxers to bed, so my chest was bare. I ran my hands over my neck and down to my chest. Gone were the muscles that I had so carefully cultivated. All I felt was soft mounds capped by large nipples. What was happening to me? I continued to explore following the small waist and then over what appeared to be very womanly hips. Shocked, I quickly reached for my manhood but all I felt were female lips and my hand came away wet. I smelled and then licked my fingers tasting the most glorious pussy juice. Again and again, my fingers collected more of the familiar flavor as I savored it. What had happened to my cock? I felt like I was still me in my mind, but my body had been transformed into a female shape that was quite pleasing.

I rubbed my newly found clitoris, and my body tingled all over. I felt the ache deep inside me as I continued playing with my newfound toys. My breasts ached to be touched so I took one hand and grasped the flesh that was firming up nicely. As my palm crossed over my nipple, I let out a gasp of pleasure that seemed to travel straight to my pussy. Within minutes, I could feel the wetness grow between my legs. I spread them and inserted a finger into my new pussy. Oh, my, that felt so good. With one hand stroking my fingers in and out, I took the other hand and rubbed my clit.

All of a sudden, I felt my whole-body tense. My breathing came in gasps and my tummy tightened while my legs shook. It felt like my whole body was having an orgasm. Wow, this sensation was so different then when I had come as a man. As I calmed down from the intensity, my hands continued to explore and within minutes, I came again in a more powerful orgasm.

I curled up in a ball and lay there panting while my body slowly returned to normal. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the feeling of ejaculating as a man, but this was so pleasurable, I could not make up my mind which I preferred. Eventually I was exhausted and drifted off to sleep again.

Sarah (male)

I had been up late researching for my paper. I feel asleep on my bed in my bra and panties. I had taken my hair and put it in a ponytail for sleep. In the morning, I got up and half asleep, I headed to the bathroom in the dark. I pulled my panties down and sat down on the toilet seat. Something was not right. I felt like my pussy was different and when I let out the stream from my bladder, it felt like the urine was not coming from between my legs. Finishing up, I took some toilet paper to wipe myself. When my hand went to wipe, it was not me. I had an appendage where my vagina should be. Shocked I stood up and flicked the light on. Standing there in the mirror was my brother, short hair and all. I quickly removed my bra and panties as I stood there staring at myself in the mirror. My brother was looking back at me, and I had to shake my head to clear it.

When I opened my eyes, here was his male body, although I had never seen him completely naked since we were four. His penis certainly had grown in that time. While I examined his muscles, I felt a stirring in his cock. It started to lengthen and thicken. Wow, my brother was well built. I was staring at a cock almost eight inches in length and thicker than any I had sex with over the years.

My hand started stroking my cock as if it had a mind of its own. I was achingly hard now. My balls were growing larger, and the head of my penis was getting very sensitive. I kept stroking and stroking, and the pleasure kept increasing. I was hooked on the way it felt. Rubbing faster and faster, my balls tightened, and my cock vibrated as ropes of sperm shot out of the head and into the sink. I kept stroking until I was too sensitive to continue. Gasping in pleasure, I sat down on the toilet for a moment of rest.

What the hell had happened to me? Where was my body? I still felt like a female in my mind but the obvious male body before me was not mine. How did this happen? I had studied about lower life forms adapting their bodies from male to female of vice versa. But I knew of no known cases of it happening in humans. I tried to think back to what I had done differently before going to bed, but nothing in my routine changed except for not wearing a nightgown to bed because I was tired.

If I had become male, what happened to my brother, had he been affected by a change as well? I pulled my panties over the still semi-hard cock and went to my brother’s room.

Opening the door, I saw myself laying curled up in bed. The room smelled of a female in heat. I recognized the smell as one when I have masturbated in my own bed. I walked over to the bed and shook the feminine shoulder to wake my brother. Brushing the hair out of his eyes he looked at me in shock.


As I observed the two people making themselves come as the other, I felt my plan had a good start. Let’s see how the day would go and I would change them back in the middle of the night again.

Steve (female) and Sarah (male)

“Sarah, is that you? How did we change bodies?”

“Steve, I have no idea. I was researching hermaphrodites in nature for a paper I have to write and then went to sleep. And I woke up in your body, but with my mind.”

“Sis, I still feel like a man but now I am trapped in a female body. I must say I did enjoy exploring your body.”

“Yes, I know. I could smell me when I walked into your room. I, too, had some fun in the bathroom with your body this morning. Surprised me when I came. So different from what I am used to.”

“Sarah, do you think this is permanent and if so, what are we going to do?”

“I do not know, but no matter what, we need to get ready for brunch with the parents tonight. Can you pretend to be me for the day, so the parents don’t know what happened to us. I will try and figure out what is going on. I am going to take a shower now.”

“Don’t forget to shave.”

“I shaved my legs last night; I am sure you can feel how smooth they still are.”

“I meant you have to shave your face as a man.”

“Oh, my. That will be a new experience for me.”

Sarah looked down at Steve and his naked body with the breasts exposed and the hint of female flesh between his legs. His cock started to harden as she admired Steve’s cute body. Her panties did little to contain her cock as it grew harder and harder despite coming only a short while before.

Steve just stared at Sarah’s cock growing, wondering how it would feel in her pussy. He could feel himself getting moist as the two of them stared at each other.

They both were wondering what it would be like to kiss and touch each other. However, cooler heads prevailed as they had to clean the apartment and get ready for the parents to take them to brunch.

Despite the problems of Steve learning how to dress like a woman and walk in heels, they managed to fool the parents at brunch. Although there was a time or two that Sarah had to nudge Steve under the table when he started sitting like a man forgetting he had a dress on. Their father asked if they were both feeling okay. Sarah waved it off as the stress of academic pressure amidst papers and finals coming up.

When the parents went to go back home, their mother hugged both of them. Steve felt his breasts against his mother’s breasts. He was still getting used to the extra weight on his chest and his nipples seemed to get hard at a moment’s notice. Sarah weakly shook her father’s hand and kissed her mother on the forehead. When they finally left, Steve and Sarah sat down in the living room on the couch.

Steve crossed her legs and flashed her panties at his brother. Sarah raised her eyes and could feel a stirring in her loins. Both of them looked at each other with a little lust in their eyes.

“Sarah, what are we going to do?”

“Steve, I have no idea at the moment, but we need to find a solution and quick. We have classes tomorrow and neither of us can attend the other’s classes. Let me go through my notes for my paper and see if I might have missed some important clue as to why this happened.”

Both of the twins went back to their rooms to catch up on some course work.

Steve (female)

I got back to my room and lay down on the bed to read the next chapter for tomorrow’s lecture in Sociology. It was boring compared to the changes that had happened in the last 24 hours. I thought about calling Amy and talking things out with her but then realized that if I called her I sounded like Sarah and that would really confuse her.

All I could think about was my female body. If I was me as a male, I would definitely do me as a female. I took a few moments to explore further, and I could feel the pleasure rising again. The sensitivity of my nipples along with the deep-down feeling of desire were so different from the concentrated pleasure of stroking my cock. I was at a loss to decide which I liked best. I continued on and played with myself running my fingers around my clit and feeling the wetness start seeping out of my pussy. Every time I ran my fingers over my clit, it was as if my body was being strummed like a guitar. I could feel the strings of my soul singing in response. I just wanted the feeling to last. My hips started rising with each caress. My moans got louder as I approached my orgasm. It would be the third come of the day for me. As it hit me, I screamed out in silence.

Sarah (male)

As I watched my brother make her way to her room, I stopped to admire her walk. Damn, I look like that, no wonder the men kept approaching me for sex. I had a few men who had given me pleasure but no one serious enough to persuade me away from my goals in life of being a vet.

I sat down at my desk and started to gather my notes for the paper I had to write. I thought about the changes that had happened today and wondered if I preferred my male body over my former female body. My thoughts started to wander as I pictured my brother in my body.

I could feel my penis start to rise. Without realizing it, I was rubbing my cock softly through my pants. I had never felt such immediate feelings of being turned on. I took my clothes off and lay on the bed, stroking my cock now as I thought of Amy and Sarah in bed with me. It was only a few minutes of imagining the three of us naked together and here I was shooting my second load of the day. My semen collected on my stomach and chest. Then I did something that shocked me. I ran my finger thorough the mess and collected some and brought it to my mouth to taste. I actually liked the slightly salty taste of it.

This day had turned much stranger than I had ever expected.


As I watched the twins go through their day, I was pleased with the experiment so far. I could not wait to see their reactions when they awoke the next morning.

Steve (male)

I awoke in the morning and stretched my body. I immediately reached down and felt a familiar presence of my cock. However, in the back of my mind, I was somewhat disappointed as I felt like starting off the day by playing with my pussy. I had spent the better part of my teenage years waking up to an erection and here I was disappointed that I didn’t have a pussy. What a weird way to wake up and what the hell happened yesterday?

Sarah (female)

I woke up this morning and immediately grabbed for my cock only to find it was not there. I was back to my female self. I was still trying to figure out yesterday and all the things that happened. My attraction as a man to my brother’s female body preyed on my mind. Was I turning into a lesbian or was it the male hormones just playing havoc with my mind?

Despite the changes back to their normal selves, the twins went on with their day like they would any normal day at college. Both were grateful that they could attend their classes as themselves. Coming home to dinner that evening, they sat down as normal and discussed their day.

“Sarah, did you have any clue as to what happened yesterday?”

“No, Steve, I have been racking my brain trying to figure it out. How did you feel this morning when you woke up?”

“I felt normal and yet not quite all there. Within 24 hours, I was getting used to having breasts and a vagina to play with.”

“If you were female all the time, would you prefer women to men?”

“Sarah, I don’t know but then as a female, I have not had intercourse with a man to know what it feels like. What about you, how did you feel about being a man?”

“To be honest, Steve, as a man, I looked at you with my body and I was very curious what it would feel like to stick my penis in your vagina. Shame, we are back to normal and will never find out.”

The twins went through the rest of the week as themselves. With the weekend approaching, Steve decided he needed some relief and called his friend, Amy, and asked if she wanted to get together. Amy said she was free on Friday night and would be over around dinner time. Steve told Sarah, Amy was coming over and would probably stay the night. Sarah said she would study at the library until closing at 11 PM, and then would head home to her own bed.


Looking down on the conversation between the twins, I saw another way to mess with the twins’ minds and bodies. I wonder what will happen when Steve wakes up as a woman with Amy in her bed Saturday morning?

Steve (male)

Friday came around and Steve was looking forward to playing with Amy’s body. He showered and shaved. On a whim, he decided to shave his cock and balls to see what Amy would do. He was very careful to groom himself in the shower and enjoyed playing a little with his cock in anticipation. At the end of the shower, he turned the water to cool, in order to calm his raging cock.

Sarah (female)

Since the school library was halfway across campus, I decided to grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria rather than to go home for dinner. Besides, I didn’t want to cramp Steve’s style with Amy coming over. I enjoyed Amy’s company, but in the back of my mind I was a little jealous that she got my brother’s cock. I can’t figure out why the attraction to Steve has been so strong recently. It was taboo in our society to think of a family member that way.

Steve (male)

I heard the knock at the door while I was still pulling on my jeans after the shower. I answered the door shirtless, and I could see a smile on Amy’s face. She commented on my attire and said she could see I was raring to go.

We sat down to eat the Chinese she had bought for dinner. We spread the containers out on the coffee table and started to munch down while we watched a rom com, she had brought with her. It was quite steamy and after we finished eating, Amy straddled my lap on the couch facing away from me and watching the movie. I had always felt that Amy and Sarah looked much the same from behind, although Amy had slightly larger breasts then Sarah.

I let her lean back against me as I fondled both breasts at the same time. I closed my eyes and pictured myself doing this with my sister. Why was my head constantly thinking of sex with my sister? Amy must have felt my arousal and rubbed her ass on me much the way it would have felt if I was getting a lap dance. When the movie was over, Amy swung around and knelt between my legs.

“Steve, are you thinking about sex with your sister again?”

“I was, Amy. I can’t seem to get her out of my head these days. It is all your fault for planting the idea in my head when were last together.”

“Hmm, we might have to do something about that soon. Would you like to put this nice smooth cock into your little sister’s pussy? Would you like to stroke it in and out until she has an orgasm? Would you like to lick her pussy? Would you do hers as well as you do mine?”

I grabbed Amy’s wrist and took her into my bedroom. Quickly removing her clothes and mine, we got on the bed in a classic 69 position and tongued each other’s genitals.

“Steve, you are quite turned on right now. Close your eyes and pretend I am Sarah and lick your sister’s pussy for me.”

My excitement skyrocketed and soon I was tonguing Amy as if she was Sarah. And Amy was no slouch either as she took my length deep. Soon we were coming together, and I was slurping all the juices spraying from Amy’s pussy as her body tensed and relaxed, over and over.

“Wow, Steve, that was special. Maybe someday, I can get to taste Sarah’s pussy when the three of us make love together.”

After a brief period of rest, we had intercourse twice more before Sarah got home from the library. Amy got out of bed and threw on a robe she kept here for the times she needed modesty in the apartment. I was dozing when she left the bedroom to greet Sarah.

Sarah (female)

I came home to find the apartment quiet, and a bunch of boxes tucked into the fridge as the leftovers from their meal earlier. Feeling a little hungry, I warmed a couple of eggrolls in the microwave and was eating them when Amy came into the kitchen. She was dressed in her robe which was open slightly. Enough for me to see her cleavage and a flash of her pussy as she walked. Normally, I would have turned away in modesty, but tonight for some reason, I looked at her body and wished it had been me making love with my twin, not her.

We talked about a few things, mostly gossip about mutual friends while I finished the two egg rolls. Amy kept brushing against me as we stood there in the kitchen talking low. I was feeling more turned on by her then I ever had in the past and was wondering what evil was lurking in her mind.

The front of her robe kept parting as the tie loosened. More and more of her body kept being exposed. Her nipples looked aroused, and I could feel my pussy getting moist. At one point, she leaned into me and told me that my twin wanted to go to bed with me. I was certainly not expecting that from her. I looked at her in shock as she kissed me on the cheek and told me she would love to go to bed with me too.

I made some sort of lame excuse and went into my bedroom and shut the door.

This last week had been a real eye opener. I undressed and laid down on the bed. Taking my vibrator out, I ran it over my pussy with thoughts of making love with the two of them. After several small orgasms, the crush of the week got to me, and I fell asleep.

Steve (female)

I awoke Saturday morning with my arm cuddling with Amy in the bed. Last night’s dreams had been quite explicit. For some reason, I ended up in bed with both Amy and Sarah.

I stretched and rubbed my groin against Amy’s backside, but something felt off again. I panicked as I reached for my erection which was no longer there. OMG, I was back to being a woman again. I lay there trying to figure out what to do when Amy rolled closer, and her hand went to reach between my legs. When she didn’t get the expected erection, she opened her eyes and smiled at me.

“It’s about time we ended up in bed together, Sarah. I have been looking forward to this for a long time.”

She promptly brushed her lips against mine. Since I had kissed those lips many times as a guy, I figured that it wouldn’t make any difference as a woman. I kissed her back as she wrapped her arms around me. We rubbed our bodies slowly together as we kissed and nuzzled each other for at least 15 minutes. I could feel my pussy starting to leak and my nipples getting very erect. I ran my hands all over her body as she started kissing down my body, paying attention to all the spots that excited me. My neck, my breasts, my nipples all begged for more.

As a man, I would sometimes be in a rush to get to screwing, but as a woman, I was content to just let things play out. Amy kept kissing down my body, my bellybutton became an erogenous zone as she lightly caressed the lips of my pussy with her fingers. Constantly touching my body with her lips and fingers, I gasped as my pussy was first invaded by two of her fingers. It was almost as if I was a virgin. I knew Sarah was not a virgin but, in my mind, this was the first penetration by anyone other than me.

I ran my hands over her back as her face approached my pussy. I wanted to make her feel excited as well. I captured her left breast in my hand and felt the pebbled skin on her areola. Her nipples seemed to stand up higher then when we played together as male and female. I know Amy, on occasion, had female lovers but obviously this was the first time for me. I nudged her hips over my head, and we settled in a classic 69 position with her on top. I reached down and tweaked her nipples, then slid my hands up her back and gripped her ass. I buried my face in her pussy as I had done countless times before.

I could barely control myself as her lips and tongue started making love to my pussy. I felt the juices leaking copiously as she spread my lower lips with her tongue. I felt the now familiar desire deep in my womb as we licked and sucked on each other’s pussies. As I tongued her clit and pussy back and forth, I could feel the desire building within me. She wrapped her arms around my ass and inserted two fingers in my pussy as she attacked my clitoris with her lips. I was pushed over the edge quickly as my body tensed and relaxed and tensed again with every swipe of her tongue on my clit. The orgasms that followed left me breathless for a few minutes.

I pushed Amy off of me and onto her back. Quickly, I attached my mouth to her nether regions, desperately wanting to bring her the same pleasure I had received. I sucked her clit and flicked it with my tongue as she came for me. I could feel her body tense like mine and soon her juices were spraying my face.

I crept up beside her and we started kissing and caressing each other as we came down from our excitement.

“Wow, Sarah, you lick pussy just like your brother does and he is pretty good at it.”

“Amy, I have a confession to make. And before you panic over what I am about to say, please listen carefully and do not judge. This is going to sound really strange.”

I told Amy about the previous Sunday where Sarah and I ended up in each other’s bodies. I related the whole story of going out to lunch with the parents. Amy chuckled at the embarrassment of the whole ordeal. When I told her about the abrupt switch back on Monday morning, she asked if we knew why this happened.

“Amy, we have no clue, Sarah was researching a paper on animals that can change their sex. Usually lower life forms like worms, etc. But she has no clue as to why we suddenly changed and then changed back.”

“Wait, so Sarah right now has your body?”

“If it happened like last time, then yes she does. and if it is just like last time, we will turn back to ourselves tomorrow morning.”

“Does that mean she can screw me as you but with a female mind?”

“Yes, Amy, although she has not used her newfound penis other than to masturbate.”

“Which do you prefer? making love as a man or a woman?”

“They both have their advantages, although as a woman, my orgasms seem to affect my body and are deeper than one’s I had as a man. They both have their place but the female one’s seem more loving.”

We lay there a while longer, just gossiping and talking about the sudden changes in our lives. I wondered what it would feel like to have a man’s penis penetrate my vagina. And of course, my first thoughts were of my sister making love to me as a male.

Sarah (male)

When I awoke on Saturday morning, I just knew that I had been transformed again. The ache in my cock (I found out later, they called this morning wood) made me hurry to the bathroom to relieve myself. I discovered very quickly that my cock when erect would not allow me to sit on the toilet. I stood up and removed my panties which no longer fit me in order to pee. I was not very good with my aim, and I now knew why men sometimes miss the bowl. It took a few stops (ouch) and starts (ahhh) for the flow to hit the bowl properly. When I was finished, I stood in front of the mirror admiring my cock. It was then I realized that Amy was still here and that she was in bed with Steve (who of course, looked like my female side). I wondered if the two of them had made love this morning. I knew Amy would not hesitate, but I was curious to see how Steve would react.

Sneaking back to my bedroom, I grabbed the only available thing to wear that would fit over my cock, a pair of tap pants that I forced myself into. They fit loosely in the hips, but I had to squeeze my cock into them in order to cover up. Since I didn’t need a bra or a top for that matter, I set off to the kitchen to get the coffee started. As I passed Steve’s bedroom, I could hear the giggles coming from the room. I knew Amy’s voice but when I heard Steve giggle, I was taken aback. We often don’t sound in real life; what we think we sound like in our heads.

I went and got the coffee started and while I was waiting, I started stroking my penis absentmindedly. I was thinking about Amy and Steve laying there together. I did not hear someone come up behind me. Two arms wrapped around my waist from behind and caressed my erection through my panties.

“Hmmm, is someone turned on this morning? How does it feel to wake up with an erection? Is that for me or your brother, whom I might say is a very sexy lady.”

“Amy, you know? Did Steve tell you the whole story about last weekend?”

I turned around and faced a very naked Amy who was smiling from ear to ear. She grabbed my tap pants and yanked them down, freeing my erect cock. Wasting no time, she knelt down and proceeded to inhale my cock in her mouth. I had never felt such bliss as she attempted to deep throat me. I looked down at her breasts swaying as she went up and down on my cock. The sight and feel of her mouth on me brought me to bliss as I shot my semen down her throat. No wonder men love being sucked. The feeling of her sweet mouth on me as I grabbed the back of her head and painted the last of my seed down her throat. It was like I lost control and all I wanted was to come.

I sat down on the stool as my legs were shaking from the orgasm. Amy was cleaning up any sperm that had escaped her mouth and was licking the very sensitive head of my cock.

“Usually Steve lasts longer, but since this was the first time you had been sucked, I can completely understand. Next time, we will make it last longer.”


“Of course, you now have two women to pleasure you. I know for a fact that Steve is very turned on every time I mention you and your hard body to her. As well as this last night when he expressed a physical desire for your female body. He is going to be so jealous that I got to suck you off first.”

I sat there stunned at this revelation. My brother wanted me whether I was male or female. I never expected it would happen but something deep inside stirred and my erection started to return.

“Hmm, I see that the thought of making love to your twin is getting you hard again. Let’s get dressed and go out to breakfast and we can explore this further.”

“I will grab something for him to wear from my clothes. And I need some of his clothes to wear as well. Tap pants are not going to cut it as underwear.”

Steve (female)

Amy came back into the room with a big smile on her face. I looked at her face and just knew she had been naughty.

“Quick, Sarah, we are going out to breakfast with Steve. We need to get dressed, she is bringing some clothes for you to wear and I need you to pick out something nice for him to wear.”

“Wait, what did you do to Sarah in the kitchen? You are far too pleased with yourself this morning.”

“I gave her the first blowjob of her male life. It was fun. The rest we will explain over breakfast.”

At that point Sarah walked into my room, wearing only a pair of my tap pants. She looked so sexy as a male with her cock stretching the material. She had brought some underwear for me as well as a nice blouse and skirt. Amy looked at me and I looked at her. She gave me a wink and then shooed Sarah out of the room.

It was so much easier getting dressed with another woman to help me. Although she insisted, I go commando under the skirt. She wanted me to go without a bra as well, but I nixed that idea as the silkiness of the blouse would have shown my erect nipples. Amy did help apply some light makeup appropriate for the daytime excursion. I was learning things I never thought I would need to know.

Sarah (male)

I jumped into the shower quickly and rinsed off after Amy had given me the blowjob. I only nicked myself once when attempting to shave the stubble on my face. I slid on some nice pants and button-down dress shirt. I went without underwear as I wanted the sensation of my pants rubbing directly on my cock. I did not know what the rest of the day would bring but I wanted to be prepared for anything.

There was a nice diner about three blocks away from our apartment and the two ladies and I walked there for our breakfast. Usually on Saturday morning the place was crowded but with the football team out on an away game, there was not the normal crowd to be found. We got a booth near the back and the ladies insisted I sit in the middle with Amy on my left and Steve on my right. Both looked very pretty this morning and I found myself sitting closer to Steve then I normally would.

I was hungry but I was amazed that Steve ordered his huge, big breakfast while Amy and I went more for fruits and eggs. To see her plate piled high with eggs, pancakes and sausage reminded me that some things never change like appetites. Although my appetite today was more for the physical pleasures rather than food.

Steve (female)

Amy started whispering about the physical changes that had come over us and I had to lean even closer to Sarah to hear what Amy was saying. She asked a number of pointed questions about how we felt with the changes. I could feel his hard body against mine and my nipple that was rubbing on his arm got very erect as my thoughts strayed to wondering what it would feel like to take his cock and suck on it. I even went so far as to wondering what it would be like to make love with him.

I would like to think it was the male hormones still lingering in my body that made me take the bold step of running my hand on his thigh. Sarah looked at me when I did this. as I took my hand higher, I encountered Amy’s hand directly on top of his bulge. She chuckled and removed her hand, telling me to go ahead and explore. I gingerly placed my hand on his bulge and could feel the heat of him thru his slacks. I rubbed lightly as I could see Sarah’s eyes just stare at my hand.

Sarah (male)

I had not expected this show of desire in public. But Steve’s hand on my cock felt so good. I whispered in my twin’s ear and asked if she knew what she was doing. She replied that she had no idea why but felt the need to know more intimate things about me.

After a while, I had calmed down somewhat through sheer willpower and the three of us took a walk to let our breakfast settle. I was quite willing to walk arm in arm with my twin and Amy.

After we got home, Amy said she had to leave soon but wanted to see the first real kiss between twins. I took my arms and wrapped Steve in them and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. As we pulled apart, Amy brought the two of us back together. She said she had kissed both of us now and that we needed to do a better job of kissing. I again kissed my sister and whispered in her ear that I loved her.

Amy smiled and gathered her things to leave. Kissing us both passionately at the door, she soon left, leaving both of us slightly out of breath.

Steve said he needed to work on his studying, and I needed to work on my paper so we separated and said we would meet later for dinner. It was difficult to concentrate after kissing my twin but I somehow managed to make a little progress over the next 5 hours.

Steve (female)

My pussy tingled after Sarah kissed me. My legs felt a little weak and my nipples got hard. I couldn’t shake the feeling of what it was like to kiss my twin. When Sarah wrapped her arms around me, I felt totally different than when I had held a woman as a man. I loved my brother but knew if we kept this up, it could lead to dangerous things in the future.

I successfully turned my mind to schoolwork. I hoped by tomorrow that things would be back to normal like last time. I was confused about how I felt about being intimate with Sarah, either as a man or a woman.

I went back to reading for school and passed the next couple of hours without thinking about my twin.

Sarah (male)

It was my turn to make dinner. Neither of us had any plans for Saturday evening, so we would probably eat and then watch something on TV. I made a salad with chicken for dinner and called out to Steve when it was ready. We sat at the kitchen counter and ate.

“Steve, how did you feel when we kissed earlier?”

“Sarah, it is hard to describe. Normally, I would be more of the aggressor when kissing, but I must admit it was pleasant letting you take charge while I was in your arms. Do you think we were wrong to do that?”

“I don’t think we had much choice since Amy was pushing us to kiss. I am conflicted by all the things happening to us. I want to do more but know it would be wrong in the eyes of society. And yet, I want to try it again just to see if I felt the same.”

“Sarah, that could be extraordinarily dangerous. What if we like it too much?”

Both of us sat and stared at each other, still not used to seeing the other person as someone other than a twin we had grown up with, albeit in a different body. I know my body and my cock were telling me to continue exploring but my female mind was hesitant to try. Talk about conflictions.

After the dishes were cleaned up, we sat down next to each other on the couch, something we had often done in the past but this time we were a little closer. I let Steve pick a film. I was surprised when she chose a rom-com. As the movie progressed the sex scenes got more and more explicit. I felt my cock rise and without thinking, I adjusted my pants to allow for more freedom.

“Gee, is someone uncomfortable? You need to be a little sneaky when you make that adjustment.”

Steve was looking at my crotch and my erection which was very prominent down my pants leg. She seemed to have trouble looking away. I got bold.

“I could take my pants off and you can look all you want.”

She nodded her head as I unbuckled my belt and slid my jeans down. I wasn’t wearing any underwear since Steve as a male rarely wore any. When the pants reached my ankles, I just kicked them off which made my cock wave in the air. Just the act of taking my clothes off in front of my twin made me hard.

Steve (female)

I was shocked by several things. First, Sarah offering to exposing herself, then my accepting and finally when revealed her cock looked larger then when I remembered it. I guess I had taken it for granted as a male. Now as a female, I was admiring its length and thickness. I had never sucked a cock as a male but now as a female, I was very curious about trying.

I watched as Sarah griped it in her hand and stroked it while the couple on the screen were obviously having sex under the sheets with an occasional peek from a nipple or a hip. I could feel my pussy responding as it started to become wet. I was so turned on right now, my nipples were scratching my t-shirt with every movement. I stopped watching the movie and just watched Sarah as her hand movements sped up a little.

I wanted to touch her cock. I even thought about sucking her cock as well. I started squirming in my seat and I know I had a wet spot on my panties. I pulled Sarah’s hand away and replaced it with my own, my fingers barely fitting around the circumference. He gasped as I squeezed his manhood and slowly started stroking up and down. I knew that this was once my cock, and I knew the sensations that Sarah was now feeling. I had the desire to make him feel even better.

It was almost as if I was watching myself from a distance as I got up and knelt between his legs, all the while stroking. I brought my mouth close as I felt the blood pumping into his cock. I tongued the head and tasted his maleness. It only goaded me on. I had to suck this beautiful piece of meat. I wrapped my lips around the head as I drew him deeper into my mouth. Stroking him with a twisting motion as my saliva ran down his cock to lubricate him further.

I sucked harder as I saw his testicles pull up into his groin. not wanting this to be over too soon, I pinched his cock near the base and waited for him to relax. Soon, I was back to sucking and licking the head of his cock. Taking more of his length in my mouth on each down stroke until I felt the head touch my throat. The sensation was totally different than any I had experienced, of course, this was my first time sucking a cock.

I bobbed up and down, feeling him throb as I pulled back. I wondered if I would let him come in my mouth. I could taste the slightly salty taste of his precum.

“Sarah, how am I doing?

“OMG, Steve, don’t stop.”

Sarah (male)

I could hardly speak when Steve asked me how he was doing on my cock. My brain cells seemed to be concentrated in my cock. I just needed to come and soon.

My hips started moving higher with each downward movement of her head on my penis. I know once or twice I felt her throat constrict as my cock hit the back of her mouth. My balls constricted again, and I was suddenly shooting ropes of cum. I felt as if my whole being was concentrated in the head of my cock. No wonder men liked blowjobs so much. I could see the semen running from the corners of her mouth. As a woman I liked the taste, and I was curious if it was different tasting it as a man. I scooped some from the side of her mouth and tasted it. Nope, no difference. It was an acquired taste.

I pulled Steve off the floor and sat her on my knees and proceed to kiss her again. We shared my come and I licked the excess off her face and fed it to her. She greedily accepted what I could give her and wrapped her hands around my neck as we made out.

I ran my hands down the insides of her thighs and discovered she had no panties on. When I was a female, I rarely went without panties. I rubbed lightly on her pussy, exactly the way I want mine rubbed. I could feel her juices seeping out of her vagina. We continued kissing as she squirmed in my lap. My cock recovered quickly, and it felt wonderful rubbing against her bottom as she tilted her hips to let me have full access to her pussy. I inserted two fingers into her to rub her G-spot while my thumb lightly caressed her clitoris. We continued to kiss until she started gasping. Her body started to shake, and I knew she was having a full body orgasm. We both cuddled in each other’s arms for a while.

Tomorrow we should turn back to our more normal selves. Had we crossed a line? Was this the result of finding out how the other twin felt? We held each other as we whispered our thoughts to each other. Finally, it was getting late, and we split up and went to our bedrooms, still with lots of questions.


Hearing the twins talking to each other made me laugh. They would not turn back Sunday morning. How would they handle it? Would they ever attempt intercourse with each other? So many delicious possibilities.

To be continued..


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