Demons and Angels Ch. 01: Bodies by milklynx,milklynx

Thanks to everyone who’s reading this, it’s my first time posting anything on here, so please bear with me! I also wanted to point out:

Italics = inner thoughts of the character

Bold names = the character who’s POV the story is being told from

Chapter I: Bodies


Mya already knows it’s him before turning around, but when she does her gaze travels from his hand to his sculpted biceps and finally lands on his lips. Their cupid bow shape is emphasized as he smiles and grabs her hand.

“Want to dance with me?” he asks. His voice is deep but very soft. She almost can’t hear him over the music.

Her heart beats faster as she looks around. On one side is a grinning Kristin, who keeps nodding her head in silent encouragement. Her earlier words echo in Mya’s mind:

You have to start somewhere.

On the other side stands Ryder and another friend, both of whom look at Mya expectantly. And somehow Al has also joined the group, watching intently.

Why is he here and when did he get here?

It’s all too much for Mya and she begin to shake her head.

“No, thank you,” she says rapidly.

The mystery man drops her hand quickly, as if she burned him and glares at her. A strong feeling of embarrassment washes over Mya, rooting her to the spot.

“I mean—,” she stumbles out, but it’s too late. His friends laugh loudly and pat him on his back mockingly. Kristin throws her hands in the air in exasperation and Al smirks at Mya before walking away.

The mystery man pointedly glares at her, before walking away as well.

Why is this happening to me?


Following the party and her embarrassing interaction with the mystery man, Mya felt terrible.

Why can’t I just live in the moment?

Why can’t I be free to do whatever the hell I feel like?

Not to mention, since that fateful night, every time she left her dorm room, she found herself obsessively hoping for a glimpse of him. When she was in her dorm room, she constantly fantasized about him.

It’s now Friday morning, a week after the “incident” and Mya sits in Philosophy class. There have been no sightings of her newest obsession.

“Okay everyone, how about we start with some partner work? Discuss your thoughts on the assigned readings with the person next to you,” Mr. Robins says, setting his small briefcase on the table.

The seat next to Mya is empty.

Using this time to herself, she starts to dig in her bag for paper. When she looks up, she sees the seat next to her is now occupied by a guy with dark brown hair.

Ooh, guess I do have a partner.

“Hi, I’m Allen!” He says enthusiastically.

“Hey, I’m Mya,” she says.

“What are we supposed to be doing?”

“Just discussing the readings from last class.”

He nods and pulls a notebook from his bag.

“Do you have a pen?”

She fishes in her bag and hands him one.

“Thanks. I had to jump out the window this morning and I forgot to grab one,” he says nonchalantly.

What the fuck?

She instinctively cocks her head to the side.

“You had to jump out the window?” she asks.

She knows what he said but she wants to be sure what he said was really what he said.

“Yeah, my friends locked me in my room last night. It’s a long story. Just happy I’m only on the third floor,” he says, again with a casual shrug.

The third floor?

“I like your bracelet,” he quickly adds, pointing at her wrist.

“Oh, uhm thanks!”

By the end of class, Mya has grown fond of Allen. They have similar views in terms of philosophy, and even though he has a crazy streak, she enjoyed talking to him.

It didn’t hurt that he is handsome, too. But not in an overwhelming, cocky sort of way like her mystery man. Allen has a more boyish, classic look.

At the end of class, Allen walks out of the building with her. It’s a gorgeous day, the sun is shining and warming up the usually frigid late January air. The pair walk along the brick sidewalk amongst numerous other students rushing out of the academic buildings.

“What are your plans tonight?” He asks.

“Probably going out. What about you?”

“My frat’s having a party on Sicily Terrace. You should come by!”

Oh, he’s in a frat. That explains the window jumping.

“Okay, what’s the addr—”

“Allen, where’s Thaddeus?’

Mya is interrupted by a soft, deep voice that she knows immediately belongs to him.

No fucking way.

She stops walking and slowly turns her head.

His sandy blonde hair reflects the afternoon sunlight, while his smooth, tanned skin is accentuated by his navy-blue sweatsuit. Ryder stands next to him and upon seeing Mya, he smiles softly.

Meanwhile, mystery man’s eyes shift from Allen to her, then narrow. He squints angrily at her and even though she wants to look away, for whatever reason she cannot. Her eyes are glued to his as her anxiety skyrockets and something in his eyes change.

Are his pupils…vibrating?

Somewhere, far away, Mya hears Allen respond to the mystery man as her chest tightens.

He shifts his gaze from her eyes to look at Allen after what feels like forever, and only after he looks away can she also finally look away. Yet, looking away brings little solace, her vision is blurry and her hearing fuzzy. She feels like she’s moving through water, all of her senses are dulled. Time seems to slow down, and only her thoughts are clear.

He can’t be that mad about one dance!

But why wouldn’t he be mad, you embarrassed him in front of his friends!

But don’t I have a right to say no to a dance?

His glare is so piercing, and his eyes…they just don’t look right.

What is going on with my body?


Suddenly she feels completely fine, and she finds herself looking into Allen’s big, brown eyes.

She looks around and sees the back of the mystery man a little bit in front of her. Even the back of his head was attractive.

“Sorry, what did you say?” she asks embarrassed.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just a little dizzy. I think I had too much coffee this morning.”

You don’t even drink coffee!

“You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah! I feel okay now.”

He smiles nervously before changing the subject. “I’ll send you information about the party tonight if you give me your number?”

They exchange numbers and part ways. Mya races to her dorm, music blasting through her headphones as she continuously replays the two second interaction. She’s always been boy shy, but this was a different level. Between his intense glare, strange vibrating pupils, and the weird fog that enveloped her a few minutes ago, something seems very off with this mysterious man. Not to mention, she was growing more and more aggravated by how defective she becomes in his presence.

And why couldn’t I look away?

She bursts into her room.

“What took you so long?” Kristin asks from behind her desk.

Mya didn’t have an assigned roommate, but Kristin has essentially become an honorary one.

Sighing deeply, Mya explains the situation to her friend, starting from meeting Allen and ending with the party invite.

Kristin sighs. “Okay, so what are you feeling? Do you want to go out tonight?”

Mya pauses.

She enjoys staying in and relaxing sometimes, but the mystery man has been heavy on her mind, as much as she didn’t want to admit. She wishes she danced with him. A subtle feeling of regret creeps into her mind every time she thinks about it, and she can’t deny how interested in him she’s become in such a short amount of time. The lonley part of her that always seeks approval from others wants to remedy the situation. She wants to show him what she’s like and convince him to like her. Even though she knows nothing about him, her daydreams of what he might be like have artificially sweetened her view of him. The person she built him up to be in her head made her crave him, romantically, sexually, emotionally…in any and every way possible.

Yet, there are two glaring issues. First is that he, of course, is most likely nothing like her crafted version of him. Secondly, there is his behavior. Mya knows any man that gets that upset about a girl turning him down is not the type of man to fawn over. Her logical side is telling her to cut her loses and move on.

As if reading her mind, Kristin begins to speak.

“I mean, he’s hot yeah but he’s been an ass both times you’ve interacted with him. There are so many other guys on this campus.”

Mya ponders over Kristin’s words. Her friend was right, she owes it to herself to be with someone who respects her and is much more mature.

But this story would not be interesting if our characters did what was logical and healthy.

“No, I want him.”

Kristin sighs again.

“Well, I guess we have plans tonight,” she says.

The rest of the day flies by without incident. Mya studies, eats, and takes a nap before getting ready with Kristin and the other girls in the dorm. They aren’t going to the same parties, but they do share the same mindset when it comes to excessive alcohol consumption.

“Do you think we’re alcoholics?” Mya slurs to Kristin.

“No, you have to drink like this for years to be an alcoholic. We’ve only been doing it for five months.”

“I’m not sure that’s how it works, but okay.”

Once the girls are boozed up, they make their way to Allen’s party, which was on Sicily. Everyone knows about Sicily Terrace, a short street right next to campus that’s famous for some of the wildest parties. The most popular house is 106 Sicily. Built in the late 80’s, the house was falling apart, but that was part of its allure. The girls go through the back, chatting along the way with the different guests. After a few minutes, the pair make it into the house and go to the dance floor. Mya’s eyes scan the crowd. Up front, next to the speakers, she sees Allen.

“Follow me,” she says to Kristin, making her way over to him. He sees her and smiles widely.

“Mya! You made it!” he says giving her a warm hug. She revels in it, something about him makes her feel calm and at ease.

“Thanks for the invite, Allen. This is my friend, Kristin.”

Kristin and Allen share some words as Mya scans the crowded room some more. She tells herself she’s just browsing, but deep down she knows she’s searching for her mystery man.

“Do you want a drink?” Allen asks.

“Yes, please!” Kristin and Mya say in perfect unison.

Allen nods his head and smiles, motioning for the girls to follow. They meander through the party to the kitchen. Allen pulls two solo cups from a bag before opening the fridge, revealing a big punch bowl.

“You guys are lucky, only VIP guests can drink this juice. I made it myself and it’s much better than what’s in those kegs,” Allen says proudly, handing them their cups. They stand in front of the open fridge, taking sips and chatting lightheartedly before the fridge door is slammed shut.

The three jump in surprise. Standing on the other side of the fridge is the mystery man in all his glory. He doesn’t look angry this time, but he also doesn’t look happy, either. Without a word and at the speed of light, he grabs Mya’s arm and pulls her down the hallway into a dimly lit bedroom. Her mind is reeling as she tries to register what is happening.

Inside the room, he lets her arm go but pulls her close to him. Miraculously, being this close doesn’t have much of a negative effect on Mya. She certainly feels her heart in her throat, but no weird trance or blurry vision. Instead, she felt a strange surge of confidence.

Maybe it’s the alcohol.

“Why are you always with him?” he asks calmly.

No way he’s jealous of Allen?


He shakes his head as if to negate what he just said.

“Do you want to fuck?” he asks matter-of-factly. Considering the extremely emotionally charged situation, his voice is significantly devoid of any emotion.

There are many things wrong with this moment, but for once in her life, Mya decides to abandon all logic and make a decision purely based on her feelings. She has spent the past week fantasizing about the man, building a pedestal, and hoisting him on top of it. Even though she knows nothing about him, she feels like she knows everything. And most importantly, in this very moment, she feels extremely turned on.

“Yes,” she confesses.

Without a word, he takes off his shirt, then pulls her to the bed in the center of the room. They take turns kissing and pawing at each other as they remove each other’s clothes. He all but rips her underwear as his body molds hers into the bed. He starts to descend lower, kissing a trail to her sex. She gasps as she feels his hot tongue confidently exploring the most intimate part of her body. He digs into her, slurping and lapping at the juices she is leaking. The pressure of his spongey tongue drives her crazy. In no time at all, her body tenses, toes curling and hands manically grasping at the bed sheets as a tidal wave of an orgasm hits her. Even with all her squirming, moaning, and bucking, he tightly grasps her thighs to keep them planted on either side of his head, his tongue still exploring her folds. After her orgasm, he sucks on her some more before finally pulling his head from between her legs.

She looks at him, his hair completely ruffled and chest heaving slightly from his rapid breathing. He crawls up the bed.

“Can I return the favor?” she asks grabbing at his sex. He was big. And hard.

“No,” he says.

He doesn’t give much time to ponder over his coldness as he plants himself firmly between her legs. He slides himself up and down a few times before finally thrusting all the way into her. She feels breathless, the wind partially knocked out of her from the swiftness and power behind his thrust. He barely gives a second to adjust before he begins to pull out, then push himself as far into her as he can. He doesn’t say a word, but something about his heavy breathing makes her even wetter. They continue for a while, him steadily pounding into her as she eagerly accepts every thrust. He keeps the same tempo, as she closes her eyes in absolute bliss. She revels in the feeling of his body weight pining her to the bed. She is at his mercy, his large frame spreads over her entirely, and she feels for his hand that’s planted firmly beside her ear. He has on a leather bracelet, and she grasp onto it in ecstasy.

She looks up at him, all shyness completely gone, and their eyes meet. Just like earlier, his pupils look like they are vibrating. Except this time, instead of going into a fog, everything feels heightened. She can hear her heart racing, feel every ridge and vein of his as it rubs against her, and smell the woody scent of his cologne. The sheets rub against her back in soothing circles, as her body is firmly pushed up and down with each thrust. He lowers his head to her neck, planting warm kisses as he continues pumping into her aching core. She’s taken aback by such an affectionate gesture, and that’s all it takes for that familiar, tickling feeling of a building orgasm to begin from deep inside her body. She clenches down on him, moaning hurriedly. She needs more of him inside of her.

She wants all of him.

Noticing her rapidly approaching climax, his thrusts become frenzied as he picks up the pace. At this point, the wetness of their combined sex squelches louder and louder. She’s so close.

“Open your eyes,” he says huskily.

She does, only to find herself in bed alone.

“Mya, are you in there?” she hears in the hallway outside her room.

“Uhmm, yeah,” she says strained.

“It’s Rain. Just reminding you the new semester hall meeting is in five minutes,” her R.A. says from the other side of the door.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a second, sorry.”

After Rain’s footsteps disappear down the hall, Mya lets out a loud groan into her pillow. She remains in bed for a few minutes to steady her racing heart.

The meeting is quite uneventful. She sits on the musty hall couch, trying her best to act like she cares about the other girls’ complaints.

“I’m just trying to understand, like, it’s not that hard. Throw your hair away when you’re done showering is all I’m saying,” Linn says to the group.

Mya forces herself not to roll her eyes. She can’t stand Linn and her constant complaints. Sometimes they are valid, like when someone stole her peanut butter from the kitchen, but most of the time she complains about the smallest things that are bound to happen when twenty girls live in one building.

“Thank you for sharing your concerns, Linn,” Rain says calmly.

Mya looks at Rain.

I bet she also doesn’t give a fuck.

As the meeting continues, Mya’s mind drifts back to her raunchy dream. She mentally prepares herself for how to behave if she sees him tonight. Should she channel her dream Mya and fuck him in someone’s bedroom mid-party, or nervously run away from him like she almost always does when it comes to men?

Maybe a happy medium, I’ll talk to him a little and maybe we could dance together?

The meeting finally ends around nine, giving Mya enough time to get ready before the pregame at Kristin’s dorm. She pulls on a tight red and black dress and looks at herself in the mirror.

This will have to do.

By eleven, Mya finds herself sitting on Kristin’s fancy butterfly chair in her room.

“Drink up, this was specially made!” Kristin says, handing a filled cup to Mya.

Mya takes a sip and is pleasantly surprised.

“You would make a good bartender,” she says to Kristin.

“Oh, I didn’t make this, Al did.”

“Al makes drinks?”

As if on que, Al walks into the room carrying a jug. Kiylo, his roommate, walks behind him carrying a portable speaker blasting some heavy rap music. They’re both shirtless, and Mya can’t help but admire their physiques.

These football players, man.

“Mya, drink some of this,” Al says holding up a jug of pinkish fluid.

“Well, what’s in it?” Mya asks, cautiously. She feels a little uncomfortable, largely because of the way Kiylo is smiling goofily next to Al.

But Kiylo is always smiling like that.

“Just try it first.”

Against her better judgement, Mya throws her head back as Al waterfalls the drink into her mouth.

“Wow, this is actually pretty good!” she says surprised.

“Thanks baby girl. I’m gonna call it Pinkie. It’s for all my sweethearts.”

Kristin snorts. “What sweethearts? Don’t you have a girlfriend?”

Al raises an eyebrow and smirks.

“Girlfriends. Plural, baby girl.”

Kiylo shakes his head.

“I just want you ladies to know, I have one girlfriend and I am faithful to her. Don’t associate Al’s actions with me.”

Mya laughs. She knows the only reason Kiylo said that is because he’s scared of his girlfriend. A few weeks ago, someone started a rumor that he was cheating on her and when she caught wind of it, she broke down his door and tried to fight him the night before a pretty big game.

“Have some more, Mya,” Al says, this time filling up a cup.

Forty minutes later, the four were very drunk and Al’s jug of Pinkie was gone.

“Damn, I didn’t expect to get this lit tonight,” Al says.

“Are you guys coming to Sicily?” Kristin asks.

“Nah, we’re gonna just get high on the docks. Sicily is for single people,” Kiylo responds. Al looks at his friend.

“I might come through,” he says.

Kristin, Mya, and Kiylo shake their heads at him.

They hang out for another hour before parting ways. The girls get to Sicily and make their way inside. It’s already very crowded.

“I need to pee so badly,” Kristin says to Mya.

“Okay, lead the way, Mya replies.

Mya weaves through the crowd trying to keep an eye on Kristin, but her attention quickly shifts when she sees the mystery man. Her heart starts beating faster, as it always does when she sees him but she’s also excited.

There he is.

He’s lazily leaning against the wall with one hand in his white, shorts pocket and the other holding a cup. Next to him, Ryder and their other friend with the flowing blonde hair talk to a group of girls.

It could be Al’s Pinkie going to her brain, or maybe the erotic dream she had of him not too long ago, but Mya feels more confident than usual. Surely the distance between them may be a contributing factor, but she still felt a little powerful.

Deciding to act on this newfound power, Mya starts to walk towards him. Almost immediately, his eyes lock with hers.

This is it.

Suddenly, Mya’s ears pick up on a strange cracking sound. It grows louder by the second and as she searches for the source, everyone in the party begins to look around, too.

What is that?

Her question is quickly answered as the very floor she’s standing on begins to give way. Parts of the floor to the right of her has already caved in, as screaming surrounds her. She looks hopelessly at the door. She is too far away to make it in time, not to mention it would require her to climb over the hole. The cracking is defining at this point and Mya decides to brace for impact the best way she could.

No one really knows what lies underneath the old wooden floors of 106 Sicily Terrace, but everyone was about to find out.

Mya squeezes her eyes shut and drops her cup, her arms wrapping around her head to offer protection. But as the screaming intensifies and the splintering of wood becomes defining, Mya feels someone wrap around her body as she is lifted instead of dropping.

“Open your eyes,” she hears a familiar voice say.

Mya’s eyes bulge open to see the mystery man directly in front of her. He’s loosened his grip around her waist but is still very close. So close that she has to crane her neck upwards to see him. They’re standing on stable ground, but inches away from her feet a huge hole has opened up where the dancefloor use to be, and bodies are strewn about. She stares at him, and he stares right back. And in that moment, she notices his leather bracelet. The same bracelet she was grasping onto in her dream. He follows her gaze.

“What? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he pauses.

“Or maybe just someone from your favorite wet dream,” he says, smirking.

Before she can react, he’s walking around the gaping hole in the floor. She watches as he scales the perimeter, and leaves right out the front door. People are groaning and trying to pull themselves out, but somehow, the speakers didn’t fall and are still blasting music.

“A little sinkhole never hurt anyone, this party will go on!” a guy yells over the beat. His declaration is met by cheering as people crawl out of the hole to stable ground.

This cannot be real life.


Vonne shoots up in an unfamiliar bed, drenched in sweat. He scans the room and his eyes land on a slumbering feminine figure.

It was just a dream.

He walks nude to the connected bathroom before deciding to take a shower.

Girls always have the best body washes.

He covers the girl’s loofah in a sudsy concoction before scrubbing his body down.

Maybe I should get one of these.

Getting out the shower, he wraps a towel around his waist and strolls back into the bedroom.

Drops of water fall from his body onto the warm, stone floors.

She’s awake, perched on the edge of the bed, waiting for him.

He smiles at her. “Good morning, sweetheart,” he says.

She smiles and opens her mouth to respond, but his phone starts to ring loudly on the table. He glances at it and sees that Allen is calling.

Sighing, he answers the phone.

“Hello?” he says.

“Vonne! Where are you? There is a huge fucking situation over at Sicily, man. You gotta come, like right now!” Allen all but yells.

“What type of situation?” he asks, pulling his pants on and looking around for his shirt.

“Like, a police situation. I don’t know what to do and I can’t find the other guys!”


“Okay, just hold on, I’m on the way,” he says before hanging up. Grabbing his shirt, Vonne turns to the girl.

“I’ll call you, okay love?”

She nods with a smile as he winks at her and runs out the door.

It takes him ten minutes to get to 106. He counts three police cruisers parked out front, one with the lights still flashing.


He walks into the house, to where the dancefloor used to be, but is now replaced by a gaping hole. The entire place is trashed, solo cups and pieces of clothing littering the rest of the floor that managed to not fall through.

He makes his way to the kitchen, passing multiple police officers scanning the room. They look at him but say nothing.

In the kitchen, one officer is talking to Ryder and Allen.

“Unfortunately for you, young men, you are going to be fined by the city for violating occupancy standards. That floor would not have caved in if you didn’t have people in here the way you did,” the officer says.

“But fortunately for you, it seems there are quite a few skeletal remains under this house, which is much more of a priority for us to investigate than your little party. Unless, that is, one of you are responsible for the dead bodies, too. In that case, you majorly screwed up.”

“Maybe this house was built on top of an ancestral graveyard? There must be a decent explanation for this!” Allen says hastily.

What the fuck?

Dead bodies?

Vonne looks at Allen and Ryder. Allen is sweating profusely and tapping his feet quickly as the police officer prattles on. Ryder, on the other hand looks indifferent.

What dead bodies?

Vonne walks back to the living room and peers into the hole. It’s hard to see anything amongst the darkness and broken flooring. He turns on his phone flashlight and shines it down. When his eyes finally adjust, he is taken aback by what he sees.

“What the fuck?” he says softly.

One of the officers comes to stand by him.

“Don’t look too much at them, son. It’ll give you nightmares,” the man says.

Too late.

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