Destination – Relaxation

An adult stories – Destination – Relaxation by Rebel_Scum,Rebel_Scum *****All events and characters are entirely fictional.*****

*****All characters are eighteen years of age or older.*****

Chapter 1:

The passenger jet began slowing as the engine noise dulled slightly. Gradually the nose declined just a bit, signaling the start of the landing procedure. Stanley Gilmore, gazing expectantly out the window, continued to silently hold his wife’s hand. Searching for islands, or land of any sort, was a waste of time. Their destination, a warm island getaway, would not be visible until the plane touched down on it, or at least until the aircraft maneuvered in preparation for it’s final approach. Stan gave his wife’s hand a gentle squeeze to call her attention.

“Well, Tiff, we’re almost there.” He turned to face her.

“Finally! What should we do first?” Tiffany asked, the volume of her voice elevated by excitement.

“I guess… we should check in to the resort. I’m sure it’ll be easy to find something to do once we get there.”

Stan felt like an idiot for lacking a better answer. In most areas he knew exactly what to do. Everything was pretty well thought-out and planned in advance. He and Tiffany had the day-to-day events down to a routine, perhaps too much so. Vacations, however, were shockingly unfamiliar territory for the Gilmores. They never seemed to find an opportunity to step away from it all and try anything new together.

“It’s on the beach, right Stan?”

“Uh, yeah. The hotel description said ‘seaside’ somewhere in it. I’m pretty sure it’s on the beach.”

“Pretty sure?” Tiffany was concerned. “Didn’t you read everything? Did you look at any of the pictures of the place?”

“I tried to scan through it all.” Stan calmly replied. “I was in a hurry. As it was, I barely managed to set aside the time to book our reservations at all.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I just really want this trip to be special. I can’t remember the last time we took a vacation, just the two of us.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure it will be special. The resort looked top-notch! And they cater to classy couples such as ourselves.”

“Oh, really? How so?”

“I’m honestly not sure, but I definitely got the impression that Ver el Océano is considered the premiere destination for couples. It seemed like all the reviews I found everywhere were from couples who felt they couldn’t possibly recommend it enough and who said that words could not possibly do it justice. ‘You have to see it for yourselves to understand!’ was basically the message.”

“Sounds lovely, Stan. I’m looking forward to our romantic getaway.”

“Me too. And while we’re off enjoying ourselves here, Zack and Kayleigh will have a chance to catch up.”

“That will be great for them. I’m glad Zack drove all the way back from Victory University for the week.”

“Me too. I know Kayleigh can handle watching over the house while we’re away, but it’s still nice to know that she won’t have to be there by herself.”

Tiffany was rather young when she had Zack. At least, she was younger than she intended to be when having children. Stan and Tiffany never thought of the pregnancy as an “accident.” As they liked to say, he was an unexpected gift. Nonetheless, their lives were profoundly and irrevocably changed when they realized that Tiffany was pregnant.

She had met Stanley early in her Freshman year at the nearest four-year college, Victory University. Stan, already in his Senior year by this time, padded his fall schedule with a physical education elective, just to keep his coursework down. An athletic, dark-haired young man with solid shoulders and well defined arms, Stan figured the class would also help him easily bump up his grade point average. He never expected that a cute, bubbly underclassman would catch his eye. Tiffany’s curly red hair announced the warmth of her personality even before she spoke. She had caught Stan glancing her way a few times during the first week of the semester, flattered by the attention she commanded with her fit body. She had no idea the beefy upperclassman would soon approach her and introduce himself. His calm and stable mannerisms made Stan so appealing. Tiffany was instantly comfortable opening up to him. Suddenly they were talking every day before class, before finally deciding to see each other outside of class.

It truly was a whirlwind romance, culminating in a pregnancy well before the end of Tiffany’s first year of college. She and Stan had many impromptu discussions about their future, both near and long-term, and how to proceed. Ultimately, they agreed that Tiffany would disenroll from Victory and stay at home to raise the baby. While they had never ruled out the possibility of her return to school or eventual employment, it didn’t matter. After graduation, Stan struggled to find a job that would be sufficient to support his new family. The first couple months were rough, but together he and Tiffany weathered the storm. Their luck turned around when Stan was able to leave his job for a better paying and more promising one with another company. Now they weren’t just surviving, they were really living.

Tiffany was accustomed to caring for Zack and doing the household chores, and it was all too easy to be consumed by these responsibilities. Months went by like they were days. It suddenly dawned on her one day — she would not be going back to school, nor looking for a job. This was her life now. She talked it over with Stan, and he was completely supportive. With that decided, they felt it was time to expand their family. Both hoped for a daughter. Two children seemed reasonable to them and they’d likely have the full parenting experience covered. Dolls and action figures, sports and dancing, shopping and video games. Not that another son would have been unwelcome, but they were glad when the ultrasound technician confirmed that their second child was a girl. Born 16 months after her brother, they named her Kayleigh.

Looking out the airplane’s window the couple watched as the ocean’s surface appeared to be just below the aircraft’s landing gear. A strip of sand briefly passed by, followed by a short stretch of grass, and finally the runway’s pavement. They touched down and started to taxi toward their gate. At last, they made it! They had reached their tropical paradise retreat. The anticipation was palpable. If only they could shove everyone out of their way and go running through the airport. Instead, they tried to be patient as they made their way into the line to exit the airplane. Though it felt like hours, it wasn’t long before they were walking down the corridors to the baggage claim. Once there they had no choice but to watch one bag at a time parade down a sloped conveyor to join the others circling the pickup area.

“There it is!” Tiffany exclaimed.

“Got it!” Stan proclaimed, sneaking through the crowd and grabbing it.

Giddy as school children on the last day before summer vacation, the couple bounded off, hand-in-hand, to wait for the ride Stan had arranged. Ever the planner, Stanley couldn’t help but review the details of the trip in his head. Why was Ver el Océano so special? Would the room be ready? He hoped nothing went wrong with the reservation. Tiffany smiled at her husband, knowing the concerns he must have. This vacation is just what he needs, she thought. Once he has a chance to settle in, surely Stan will loosen up and have the time of his life on this romantic getaway with his adoring wife. A dark silver luxury sedan swooped in gracefully to the curb of the pickup area, snapping the couple back to reality.

“Ah, looks like our ride is here.” Stan recognized the vehicle from the ride service’s details. “After you, my love.”

Chapter 2:

Stanley waved to the driver, signaling him to pull away from the curb and proceed to his next customer. Gripping the handle of their shared suitcase, Stan led the way through the automatic sliding doors and into the resort’s grand lobby. He and Tiffany were immediately surrounded by the most posh decore they’d ever seen. From the leather couches and chairs in the sitting area to the paintings on the walls to the elaborate lighting fixtures, everything was top-notch. They slowly advanced through the lobby, taking time to absorb the details and appreciate how much money and effort was invested in providing such opulence to welcome them.

The couple slowly made their way toward the reservation counter. The clerk, a slender woman who appeared to be in her early or mid-twenties, was occupied looking down at a tablet on the desk in front of her, occasionally dragging a fingertip across the screen; her long, straight brown hair pulled back and secured by a plastic clip. The clerk’s outfit, a uniform of sorts, almost seemed out-of-place in a tropical resort — a light gray blazer with black trim worn over a white button-up top and a roughly knee-length skirt to match the blazer. Before Stanley and Tiffany could approach the desk or announce their presence the woman glanced up instinctively. Straightening up in her office chair, she enthusiastically greeted them.

“Welcome to Ver el Océano! You must be the Gilmores.”

“Yes…” Stan was caught off guard. “I’m Stanley and this is my wife, Tiffany.”

“Perfect! We’ve been expecting you. My name is Jen. I’m the resort’s ‘Guest Satisfaction Liaison.’ If you have any questions about our facilities and amenities, please let me know. Or if you’d like recommendations for restaurants or activities in town, I’d be happy to assist you with that as well.”

“I do have one question.” Stan looked over into Tiffany’s grayish blue eyes for a moment before continuing. “The resort is on the beach, right?”

“Why, yes it is!” Jen smiled warmly at the couple, glad to alleviate their concern. “The beach is conveniently accessible through the doors behind me, just past the elevators. While guests may visit the beach freely, it is not actually owned by the resort. It is public land owned by the island, therefore I always advise guests to read and follow any rules posted there.”

“Fair enough.” Stan was taken aback.

“Now let’s get you two checked in. No kids — excellent. I see you’re already aware of our exclusive ‘Couples Only’ policy.”

“I didn’t actually notice…” Stan trailed off, puzzled.

“It’s really the only way to leave behind all the routines, stresses, obligations, and restrictions that our guests face in everyday life and to have the type of experience we provide.” Jen elaborated. “Let’s see… how does the fourth floor sound?”

“That’s fine.”

“Great! Room 412. Here are two room keys, and you’re all set!”

“Thanks.” Stan and Tiffany responded in unison, still dumbfounded.

“If there is anything else I can do to make your stay more enjoyable, don’t hesitate to ask. Remember, no matter how simple or demanding the request, I’ll do my best to assist you two.”

Chapter 3:

Up in their room, Tiffany and Stan were settling in. Stan carried his toiletries bag into the bathroom. Eyeing the dual sinks, he eventually laid out his things by the left one. Returning, he watched his wife look through the suitcase, for what he wasn’t sure. Tiffany eventually pulled out a casual dress and placed it on one of the hangers provided in the room’s wooden clothing closet/dresser combo. Facing away from her husband, Tiffany squatted down and continued her search. Stan’s heart nearly skipped a beat. Filled with a palpable glee, he took in the sight of his lovely wife’s round ass, hugged tightly by the jean shorts that barely covered it.

“What should we do first?” Stan inquired absentmindedly.

“I was thinking we could go to the beach.”

Stan imagined Tiffany’s butt, covered by a smooth bikini bottom; her wet skin glistening in the sunlight. “Yes! Yes, let’s do that.”

“Great!” She stopped digging through the clothes. “I can’t wait to try out my new bikini!”

Before long, the couple had changed and were on their way to the beach. Stan couldn’t keep his eyes off his wife. The aqua bikini top looked extremely supportive — it contained and emphasized her breasts like a push-up bra. He caught himself staring down at Tiffany’s cleavage more than once, desperately wishing he could bury his face between her luscious tits right then and there, onlookers be damned. The bottom revealed as much as it possibly could without exposing her butt cheeks. She really knew how to pick a bathing suit!

As the couple made they way down the sand, Tiffany spotted a sign and pointed it out to Stan. Carefully studying it, he didn’t see anything unusual. There certainly wasn’t anything that would normally warrant a disclaimer. It simply stated that they were entering a public beach, bathing suits were mandatory, all trash must be placed in the trash cans, and that unruly behavior could result in being asked to leave or potentially in arrest. Confident that they would be able to abide by these rules, they looked around for some space to claim as their own.

Not too far from the water’s edge they found an open spot. Tiffany laid out two large beach towels while Stan planted the beach umbrella they had borrowed from the resort into the sand for shade. Looking around, Tiffany noted that everyone on this section of the beach seemed to be from the resort. They were surrounded by couples, from young to old, but no children. The families were all far away, near other hotels. No wonder it was so quiet and peaceful. There were no screaming kids being chased after by their exhausted parents. She turned to her husband, who was preoccupied with something in the sand.

“Hey, Tiff.” He started. “Did you see this?”

“That? It looks like the outline of someone who was lying there, why?”

“I know. But did you see these ovals by the sides? They look like knee marks.”

“Oh my god!” Tiffany chuckled knowingly. “You think someone was getting freaky on the beach?”

“It seems like it.” Her husband grinned back.

“Maybe we could try that tonight. I’ve always wanted to find out what it feels like to have sex on the sand!”

“Well, we could really get into trouble.” Stan automatically responded. Knowing how much it meant to Tiffany, he tried to remain open to the idea. “Maybe we could come back tonight and at least scope things out. Sound good, hun?”

“Okay. I’ll hold you to it, too.”

“Alright. For now, what do you say we go for a swim?”

The water was the perfect temperature. They needed no time to adjust. As they ventured shoulder deep into the water the gentle waves carried them off their feet, only to set the couple back down again. Stan ducked his head under the surface and swam behind Tiffany, startling her as he breached the surface. She splashed his face playfully in response. They were playing like newlyweds. Thoroughly refreshed, they decided to take a break in the shade of the beach umbrella.

As they relaxed under the cover of the umbrella, Tiffany and Stan watched the other couples around them. Some were sipping drinks in the shade. Others were laying out in the sun. A fit younger couple to their left were putting on sunscreen. Tiffany couldn’t help but watch the man’s shoulders and biceps flex as he massaged the lotion into the woman’s skin. A surge of excitement ran through Tiffany as she watched the man publicly touch and caress nearly every part of the woman’s body without showing even a hint of modesty. Working his way up her thighs, he pulled aside the edge of her lavender bikini bottom, sliding it inward toward the valley between her firm cheeks, and vigorously rubbed sunscreen into the freshly revealed skin. Before long, he was at her shoulders. The man squeezed a generous portion of lotion onto his hand and proceeded to spread the white goo all over her collar bone, the exposed upper flesh of her breasts, and even her cleavage. The woman tipped her head back; eyes closed in delight. Tiffany, wondering if she was alone in seeing this suggestive display, turned to her husband, who had the same shocked expression on his face that she felt on her own.

“I can’t wait for you to cover me in white stuff tonight.” She joked.

“Don’t worry — I definitely will. I always do.” Stan replied in a hushed tone.

Together, they watched the man rather aggressively force his fingers under the snugly tied bikini top, before withdrawing them and working them back under from another angle. The woman’s eyes shot open. Placing her hand on the man’s forearm, she quietly said something to him through a forced smile. The man paused momentarily, only to confidently whisper something in her ear, then resumed his lewd touches. Curling his fingers, the man cupped his entire hand around the woman’s breast, resisting the tension of the bikini top. Suddenly, the tied strings slipped through and the bathing suit top flew open from the back. Propelled further by gusting winds, it flew several feet in front of the unsuspecting woman, landing in the sand. The man pulled his hand back and froze for a moment. The woman shrieked and lunged forward for the missing top without thinking. Her breasts bounced and swayed with the abrupt movements. As she bent forward, her breasts hung down freely, further emphasizing the size and weight of them. Horrified by the realization that the entire beach was seeing her topless, the woman brought her arm across her chest for cover while grasping frantically for her bikini top with the other. The man was apologizing profusely while helping her put the top back on. They walked off toward a nearby parking lot, engaged in what appeared to be one intense argument.

“Well, that was something!” Stan broke the silence.

“Yeah. It sure was.”

“That must have been humiliating, to be seen like that — exposed to everyone. Complete strangers seeing so much of her body.”

“I suppose so.” Tiffany was holding back. “But in a way, it might also be really thrilling.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. It could be very empowering, having everyone’s attention. Knowing that all eyes are on your body, and everyone wants to see and admire you.”

“I suppose you have a point.” Stan conceded.

Chapter 4:

Stan finished buttoning his shirt. As usual, he was ready first. Bored, he peeked around the corner. Tiffany was leaning over the counter, carefully applying eyeliner. From his vantage point Stan looked into the mirror, gazing at the reflection of his wife’s luscious cleavage. His eyes drifted to her rear. The hem of her dress rode up from her knees to her mid thigh. Stan studied her smooth, creamy thighs, dreaming of planting kisses on them before working his way up. He envisioned pulling up Tiffany’s dress to her waist and burying his face between her plump butt cheeks, treating her puckered asshole like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

“Where are we going for dinner, Stan?”

“I’m not sure, Tiff.” He fumbled. “Hopefully there’s someplace nice within walking distance, although I guess I could get us a ride anyway.”

“We could ask Jen what’s around here.”

“Good idea, my darling. Are you ready?”

“Almost.” Tiffany adjusted a strand of red hair. “Now I am!”

The lobby was virtually deserted that evening. Stan approached the counter, his wife in tow. Jen was reading a paperback novel of some kind. Waving his hand to get her attention, Stan called out as he stepped up to the counter.


“Mr. Gilmore! What can I do for you and your lovely wife, this evening?”

Tiffany blushed.

“We were wondering where you would recommend going for a nice dinner.”

“Well, there are many fine dining establishments in town. However, I personally suggest trying our very own 5-Star rated dining room. It’s down that hall, through the double doors on the right.”


The dining area did not disappoint. It had a classy modern, semi-formal atmosphere. There were no booths. All tables were covered with expensive looking table cloths. Napkins were intricately folded and placed by an array of perfectly laid-out silverware. A handful of couples were currently dining there; the occupied tables generously spaced with one or more empty tables between them. A short blond woman with a ponytail welcomed the couple and escorted them to a table. Looking over at the table immediately to their side, they were disappointed by the lack of privacy.

A sharply dressed Asian couple were seated there. The man, embracing the fashion sense of his generation, wore a pastel suit. Despite her youth, the woman favored a more traditional style. She was covered in a shiny, form-fitting, red silk dress with accent designs. Her hair was gathered up in a bun, anchored in place by two jade pins. The two talked quietly between bites of food.

“You know, Tiff,” Stan started, “I can’t remember the last time we went out someplace this exquisite.”

“Neither can I. Especially just the two of us.”

“It really is nice to have this time to reconnect. This is a great opportunity to make sure we’re bonded on the deepest possible level.”

“Mmm. Sounds sexy, when you put it like that!”

Their banter was briefly interrupted when the waitress came over to take their orders. As she left, Stanley was distracted by movement at the nearby table. The woman had kicked off her heals and was kneeling down on the floor by the side of the table. Stan looked back into Tiffany’s eyes, then tilted his head a couple times in the direction of the other table, indicating that they both should turn and see what was going on over there. They watched as the petite woman poked her head under the table cloth and crawled under; her small ass swaying a few times before disappearing entirely from view.

The man leaned back in his chair, slouching. His eyes closed, in concentration. The table cloth swayed lightly in the air, like waves tickling the sandy shore. Before long, he tensed, then relaxed, exhaling a long, slow breath while opening his eyes. The woman gracefully emerged from under the table, slipped her heals back onto her feet, and took her place at the table, across from the man. The woman’s lips were puckered. The man silently nodded. Following his cue, she obediently took one large gulp, completely emptying her mouth. A satisfied smile crossed the man’s face as the woman scooped a shiny trail from her chin with her index finger and sucked it clean. When the waitress returned with Stan and Tiffany’s dinner, the couple ordered dessert and continued as though nothing had just happened.

Tiffany stared at her plate. Neither she nor Stan could think about eating after what they had just witnessed. They couldn’t believe it had actually happened. And to think, the couple was just sitting there, casually sharing a dessert after what they had done. First everything at the beach, now this. What was it about this place?

“I guess we figured out the mystery of who left those imprints in the sand.” Stan awkwardly jested.

“It certainly looks that way.”

They finished dinner and returned to the lobby. The couple from dinner were already there, unfortunately, blocking the elevator call button with their passionate make-out session. Stan had to admit, he admired how freely and openly they expressed their affection. Just barely finding enough space, he blindly felt around the wall until he was able to press in the metal circle. He and Tiffany boarded the elevator, relieved to finally be alone. Their elation didn’t last long. Before the doors could respond to the “Close Doors” button, the amorous couple tumbled in to join Stan and his wife.

Crashing into the wall of the elevator, the strangers didn’t miss a beat. They kissed deeply as the man flattened his back against the side of the elevator and swatted one of the numbered floor buttons. Their hands danced all over each other’s bodies. Tiffany and Stan couldn’t resist the urge to stare. This type of behavior was so outlandish to them. They were surprised to notice, for the first time that evening, the man clearly looking in their direction. It was as though he wanted to make sure they were watching. Redirecting his attention back to the woman, his hands drifted down. Slowly, he brought up the back of her dress, revealing shiny white panties. Holding the dress in place with one hand, he rubbed and squeezed the woman’s tiny butt with the other, all the while peeking around her head to take in Stanley and Tiffany’s stunned, yet fascinated stares. The elevator’s chime abruptly sounded as it slowed to a halt on the third floor. The two swiftly rolled out into the walkway and out of sight, leaving Stan and Tiffany alone, at last.

Chapter 5:

Stanley took a deep breath and stepped out into the darkness, greeted by the gentle crash of waves on the shore. The sand yielded to his footsteps. Turning to his wife, he waited for his eyes to adjust. Glowing dimly in the reflection of a full moon, Tiffany walked beside him. As far as he could tell, no one was around, at least.

“I told you I’d hold you to this.” Tiffany whispered over the tumbling of water.

“You did. Just remember, all I said is that we’d have a look. If anyone shows up, we’re only having a night swim. That’s all.”

“Relax, Stan. It’s just you and me out here.”

“You’re right, Tiff.”

Looking down the shoreline in either direction, Stan verified that they were indeed alone. It was time to step up and get out of his comfort zone. Stan leaned in and placed his arm across the small of his wife’s back, drawing her closer. Their lips met. Tiffany’s tongue pressed against his, initiating a dance between their open mouths. Stan’s palm found her ass. He gave it a couple playful squeezes, then slid his hand under Tiffany’s bikini bottom, relishing the feel of her bare flesh. It was so smooth and soft to the touch. Stan felt himself harden, pushing into his wife’s thigh. Backing away, he reached behind Tiffany with both hands, tugging at the strings of her bathing suit top. Her breasts eased down slightly, no longer confined. The warm ocean breeze ran over her nipples, teasing them. Wasting no time, Stan bent down and took one into his mouth. Bringing up a hand to gently massage his wife’s perky tit, he suckled loudly. The caress of his lips combined with tender, deliberate suction sent waves of pleasure through Tiffany.

“Oh, Stan!”

“I love you, Tiff.” He managed to utter, momentarily pulling away.

“I love you too Stan.”

As Stan lavished attention on her breasts, Tiffany reached down and gripped Stan’s rigid cock through his swim trunks, abundantly filling her hand. Slowly, she rubbed up and down along its length, massaging her husband’s member. She loved the way it felt, and how Stan’s body responded to her touch. The course material of the swim trunks might chafe if she continued, Tiffany thought. Untying the waistband, she carefully pulled his swimsuit out and slid it down, freeing Stan’s meaty cock. Without the cloth material to interfere, it was much easier for her to wrap her fingers around it and pump away. She enjoyed the sensation of her husband’s cock jumping and twitching as she pleasured him.

“I need you, Tiff! Let’s get in the water.”

“Yes! I want you inside me so badly, Stan.”

Tiffany slid her bikini bottom off and followed Stan into the water. They waded as deep as they could, while still being able to stand comfortably. Facing his wife, Stan cupped both of Tiffany’s butt cheeks with his hands and pulled her toward him. Swept off her feet, literally, Tiffany wrapped her legs around Stan’s waist and hugged him tightly. Releasing her ass with one hand, Stan guided his rock hard cock toward his wife’s delicate pussy. Her soft outer lips rested on the head as he slid it back and forth. Lifting Tiffany up, he firmly drove his cock into her warm, velvety cunt. Her tight, steamy womanhood enveloped him, welcoming him inside.

“Oh, fuck!” She cried out.

“Your pussy is so tight and wet!”

“You feel so good!”

“So do you. Your pussy is massaging my cock with every thrust!”

Tiffany reveled in the sensation of weightlessness. Stan effortlessly bounced her on his prick as he pummeled away. She had never felt anything like it before. There was something primal about it. Tiffany felt so small, so fragile, so feminine, being handled this way. Stan was big and powerful in comparison, taking what he wanted without even exerting himself. Even his cock felt different in some difficult to identify way, forcing its way into her deepest recesses while the couple semi-floated in the ocean.

“Oh, Stan!”


“I don’t want to come yet!”

“Neither do I. I want to fuck you all night!”

“I mean, can we try doing it in the sand?”

“Of course! Anything for the love of my life!”

They disengaged and scrambled ashore, Stan following his wife onto the beach. Eagerly, he watched her ass rock side to side with every step. Tiffany was truly the most beautiful and seductive woman in the world, he told himself. Stan smiled, looking forward to slamming into that butt of hers. Tiffany lowered herself onto her elbows, making sure not to let her pussy or ass touch the sand, then flopped onto her back. Legs held back against her body, Tiffany looked up at Stan.

“Like this?” She asked.

“That looks good to me!”

Kneeling in front of her, Stan slapped his cock onto his wife’s pubic mound. He teased her by rubbing the underside in circles on her clit. Rocking back, Stan lowered the tip and pushed it back into Tiffany’s waiting cunt. His hands, now free, found their way to her ass cheeks. Making space in the sand below, Stan clutched the rounded pillows of his wife’s ass cheeks. The feeling drove him absolutely wild.

“I love this ass of yours!” He declared.

“And I love that you love it!”

Stanley increased the pace of his pumping.

“It feels amazing to plow into it like this!”

“Yeah. Really let me have it!”

Tiffany felt her pussy getting more sensitive. Squishing sounds began emanating from between her legs with every thrust of Stan’s mighty cock. She was overwhelmed by the realization that her husband was helping her live out a life-long fantasy of hers. The pleasure kept building until it could no longer be resisted. Tiffany was gripped by the most intense orgasm of her life. Tensing and spasming uncontrollably, she called out to her beloved husband.

“Oh, fuck! Yeah! Stan, I’m coming! I’m coming!”

Stan eased up his pace and gave his wife time to recover, before laying into her again. Soon, he was pounding away at her with abandon.

“I want to cover you in cum!” He proclaimed.

“Oh, yes! Do it, Stan! Cum all over me!”

As if by command, Stan pulled out, ready to climax. Pushing Tiffany’s legs apart, Stan unleashed a massive spurt of cum on her neck. The next blast splattered directly on her right nipple. Another hit the underside of her left breast. The last of Stan’s load sprayed his wife’s taught belly and dribbled toward her pubic mound. Spent, he collapsed onto her, kissing her forehead.

“I love you, Tiff.”

“I love you too, Stan.”

“You were right — this was a great idea!”

Chapter 6:

Lying in bed together, Stan and Tiffany contemplated how to begin the day. Their first day at the resort had certainly been eventful. How could they top that? Maybe it was time to slow things down. After last night, it couldn’t hurt to keep things simple and just relax. They decided to get dressed and head downstairs for a late breakfast. Stan ordered his usual pancakes. He could never pass them up on a special occasion. Tiffany chose avocado toast. Both were happy with their selections. On the way back to the room, they put more though into their plans for the day.

“You know what we should do?” Tiffany inquired.

“What’s that?”

“See if the hot tub is busy.”

“Sure, it should be right over there.”

Rounding the corner, they looked in through the long window to the pool and spa area. What they beheld stopped them dead in their tracks. Several couples were making use of the facilities. All were completely naked. One couple was stepping into the pool. Another was in the middle of performing sixty-nine on one of the lounging chairs, while a man and woman, presumably a third couple, stood nearby, watching them and pleasuring themselves. Stan and Tiffany couldn’t tear themselves away from the scene, at first. Unsure whether they were intruders or if they were at risk of being whisked into something they weren’t willing to be a part of, Stan took Tiffany by the hand and dragged her out to the lobby.

“I can’t believe that!” He exclaimed.

Tiffany was speechless.

“I don’t normally get involved in other peoples’ business, but I think I need to say something.”

He spotted Jen at the counter, reading her novel.

“Jen!? What the HELL is going on here!?”

“What do you mean, Mr. Gilmore?”

“I mean, why are there naked couples in the pool area? And why are some of them having sex in there?”

“Well, it’s not exactly an uncommon sight around here.” Her amusement was evident.

“Why is that?” Stan was perplexed.

“Oh, my goodness!” Jen’s smile instantly faded. “I’m terribly sorry, but I believe there may be a misunderstanding. Ver el Océano is THE premiere destination for exhibitionist and voyeur couples.”

Stan backed away from the counter, stricken by panic.

“Oh, god! Tiff, let’s get back to the room, NOW!”

“Okay, Stan. Calm, down.”

Back in the safety of the room, Stan was able to think. How could he be so careless, overlooking the defining aspect of the resort? How could all these people so comfortably expose themselves to complete strangers? How could they reveal their most intimate moments to one another? They seemed so odd to him. What about the rest of their vacation? Had he ruined it for Tiffany? What if he couldn’t find another place for them to stay? Stan was reeling.

“I can’t believe it.” He lamented. “What do we do now? Should we look for another hotel? It might not be as nice, but I’m sure we could find SOMETHING else.”

“I don’t know.” Tiffany hesitated. “I really like this place. It’s so fancy! Maybe we should just try to make the best of it.”

“Make the best of it? But what about all the public nudity and sex? Who knows where these people draw the line on their behavior.”

“Honestly, I’m a little curious what it would be like to experiment with it ourselves.”

“Tiffany! You’re not suggesting we strip down and ask those couples around the pool if they’d like to have an orgy with us, are you!?”

“Of course not! I was thinking that we could do some things at our own pace, just the two of us.”

“What exactly do you have in mind?”

“I thought maybe we could go out onto the balcony and fool around outside, in the sun.”

“Out in the open? Where anyone could see us?” Stan sighed. “I have such a naughty wife, don’ I? Alright, I’ll give it a try… for you, my love.”

They removed their clothes and stepped tentatively out through the sliding door to their balcony. Stanley eyed the lounging chair, then placed a bottle of lube on the small patio table next to it. It was always best to have it within arm’s reach, just in case, even though it was rarely needed. Tiffany took her place on the lounger, legs apart so that her feet laid flat on the concrete patio. Gazing down at his wife’s pussy lips, Stan nearly forgot his surroundings and was instantly more at ease. Kneeling down, he began running his tongue along his wife’s delicate folds.

“Oh, Stan! Your mouth feels so nice!”


Stan continued licking up and down, focused solely on Tiffany and how her body responded. Every jump encouraged him to continue. With her juices running down his chin, Stan worked his middle finger into her sopping cunt, easing in to the last knuckle. Slowly, he pulled back, then firmly thrust in again. Over and over, his digit pummeled away. Unbeknownst to them, their neighbor was walking out onto their own patio.

A dark-haired, muscular man with a flames streak tattoo down his left arm emerged from his room and turned toward them. He waved back into his room, motioning toward himself. Occupying himself in the meantime, the man started rubbing his cock, engorging the stout member. With his erection complete, it pointed defiantly skyward. A short, thin woman with sandy brown hair joined him on the patio, pressing up against his rippling back muscles. Struggling to fully wrap her fingers around the impressive girth of the man’s cock, she began stroking it with her small hand. Returning the favor, the man slipped a hand back between the woman’s legs and curled a finger up into her.

Stan finally noticed the other couple.

“It looks like we have an audience.” He informed his wife.

“Oh, yeah?” Tiffany opened her eyes and looked over. “It looks like they like what they see.”

The man next door nodded silently.

“That gives me an idea, Stan!” She gently pressed on Stan’s shoulder, interrupting him. Gathering herself up, Tiffany got on her knees and turned away from her husband. Holding her hair back from her face, Tiffany scanned the adjacent balcony for the couple’s reaction.

“I like the way you think!” Stan responded, climbing to his feet.

The excitement of eating out Tiffany was all Stan needed to be ready. He placed his left hand on her hip, leaving a shiny trail of pussy juices on her skin, and grabbed his cock with his right hand. Playfully, he rubbed the head up and down the soaked entrance to his wife’s cunt, preparing it with her intimate fluids. Doing his best to embrace this unfamiliar situation, Stan looked directly over at the couple next door. If he and Tiffany were going to do all of this around anyone else, he was going to be damn sure they appreciated it.

The petite woman released the bulky gentleman’s stubby cock, sending it momentarily bouncing. Stepping out from behind her lover, the woman let Stan and Tiffany view her small, perky breasts and hairless snatch. Making her way around, she turned and squatted down in front of him. Rhythmically, her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked and slurped away at the man’s chubby cock. The man glanced over at Stan, briefly, before fixing his gaze on Tiffany. No one was being bashful here.

Stan drove into Tiffany, bottoming out. The walls of her pussy held on tightly to his member. Using both hands to steady himself, Stan chose a slow pace to start. His cock glided effortlessly against Tiffany’s slick insides. Stan concentrated on the growing heat and firm caresses Tiffany’s pussy was treating him to. She felt so amazing. He wanted this feeling to last forever. Beyond that, Stan caught himself getting self-conscious. With other people watching, he felt obligated to put on a good show. He placed his thumb on Tiffany’s clit and rubbed in circular motions.

“Oh, fuck! Stan! Yes! Keep doing that!”

“You got it, darling!”

“Just like that! Ah! Fuck, yes!”

“Come for me, Tiff! I want to make that pussy feel so good.”

“Fuck! I’m coming, Stan! I’m coming all over your cock!”

That’s when Stan noticed that they had a bigger audience than he had realized. Tiffany’s screams of ecstasy must have caught their attention.

The balcony on the other side was now occupied by its residents. A somewhat tall man with a moderately fit build and close-cut hairstyle was excitedly looking back and forth between the two balconies of amorous couples. Beside him stood a slightly chubby blond woman of average height. They hurriedly stripped out of their clothing and took in the erotic scene before them, touching each other tenderly all the while.

After some deep kisses, they were ready to join in the fun. Mirroring Tiffany and Stan, the woman turned the head of her lounger to face their balcony, then climbed onto it, resting on all fours. Her sizable breasts hanging down and swaying with the slightest move. Holding her head up, she watched Stan pummel his wife’s cunt while her own man took his place behind her. Watching along with his partner, the man slapped her ass cheeks with his cock a few times. He slowly began to slip it in to her. Pumping away, he matched Stan thrust for thrust.

Feeling a bit competitive, Stan went still. Leaning in, he whispered in Tiffany’s ear.

“I bet we could show them a thing or two.” He motioned toward the couple on the lounger.


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“Oh, yeah?”

“I want to fuck your ass while they watch!”

“Oh, Stanley! Let’s do it!”

Stan reached for the bottle of lube on the patio table and applied it thoroughly to Tiffany’s asshole. Next, he coated every inch of his prick. Finally, he dispensed more of the lubricant onto his middle finger. Firmly pressing into her tender ass, Stan breached the hole with his fingertip. Overcoming the resistance, he gradually worked it onward. Once to the knuckle, Stan carefully backed out until on the fingertip remained inside. He squirted plenty more lube directly onto the puckered ring that held his fingertip so snugly, then slowly worked it into her as his finger disappeared inside. Slowly withdrawing his finger, Stan replaced it with the tip of his cock. Tiffany’s ass resisted at first, but before long it relented to Stan’s insistent cock.

“Oh, fuck! Your ass is so tight!” He announced, for all to hear.

“Yes! Your big cock is filling it up!”

“You’re just massaging my cock with the little ass hole!”

Stan gently thrust away inside Tiffany’s ass. Using smooth, slow strokes he buried himself deep in his wife’s most private opening. He marveled at how giving Tiffany was, to share it with him. To enjoy his wife like this was something truly special. Stan caressed and squeezed Tiffany’s plump, firm butt cheeks as his manhood slid in and out between them. He was enjoying her ass in every possible way at once. Stan wasn’t sure how long he would last. He needed to finish. He needed to fill her ass with his cum. He needed to leave his mark — to show everyone that she was his.

“Fuck! I’m gonna come!” Stan grunted.

“Fill my ass with your cum, Stan!”

“Oh, god, I’m coming!”

Stan unleashed torrents of cum inside Tiffany’s ass. It seemed like the spurts would never end. Stan was exhausted. Waiting for his erection to subside enough to remove it from his wife’s ass, Stan checked in on the other couples. On one side the taller man was muttering something. Every time his hips collided with the blond woman’s rump, her breasts were sent jiggling and flopping. Suddenly, the man slipped his cock onto the woman’s back, the underside resting between her large butt cheeks. Following a couple feeble thrusts, ropes of cum splattered across the small of the woman’s back, some of it getting stuck in her hair. On the other side, the beefy man reached out his flame tattooed arm and placed his hand behind the petite woman’s head. She obediently took his cock as deeply into her mouth as she was able. The man groaned loudly. Abruptly, the woman pulled back, making slurping and coughing sounds as she tried to devour all the man’s cum.

Tiffany and Stan stopped looking around at the strangers and repositioned themselves to face one another. They gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes, feeling closer than ever. This unexpected experience had done more to bring them together than anything they might have deliberately planned. They considered themselves very fortunate.

“Well, Stan, what did you think?”

“I think I could get used to this.”

“That’s great! I really like it too.”

“Just think, our vacation has only just begun!”

-The End


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