Dick-Sucking Sisters Ch. 02 by jhealy55,jhealy55

**Author’s Note** The continued story of a 19 year old college boy, and his twin 18 year old sisters, in the late 50’s/early 60’s, as they learn the ancient tradition of dick-sucking as an essential element of high-society courtship in a bygone age.

As always, my stories tend to be slow to develop and focus on build up as much as the action. So this story won’t be enjoyable for those looking for a quick read, but hopefully gives a lot of pleasure for those who enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Enjoy!

Chapter Two

Trey and Cissy arrived home to find out that their Aunt Candace had just arrived that afternoon for a surprise visit. Aunt ‘Candy’, as Trey and his sisters knew her, had come early as she and their Uncle Phil wouldn’t be able to get away for the holidays. Their aunt had belated gifts for Cissy & Carol’s eighteenth birthday and would need help to unload all of the Christmas gifts that she had brought along to go under their tree.

Trey and the girls had always loved their Aunt Candace, and not simply because they had delighted at having an Aunt named “Candy” as small children. Aunt Candy always had gifts, a happy disposition and the looks of an angel. With her ash blonde hair, flawless fashion sense and striking good looks, she always brought a certain air of joy, sophistication and excitement wherever she went. She had modeled for a time in college, but had then quickly settled into the role of the socialite wife of a prominent surgeon, as soon as their uncle Phil had graduated from Medical School.

Despite having two children, Aunt Candy had maintained the same tall, slender shape that had served her well as a teen model and she delighted in wearing the latest fashions from New York, Paris and Rome. She had an air of glamour and sophistication that wasn’t diminished at all by her lively sense of humor, a penchant for quick, if slightly naughty, witticisms and a flirty disposition that made her a fawned-over favorite of waiters, store clerks, bellhops and doormen everywhere she went.

Aunt Candy rose quickly from the living room sofa to embrace Cissy and Trey in turn as they both set down their shopping bags in the foyer. They were genuinely delighted to see their aunt, but while Cissy was glad that she’d taken the time to touch up her makeup, Trey was aching to go upstairs to relieve himself after having just experienced his first dick-sucking. Trey could feel the spots of precum cold and wet on the inside of his boxers, which was understandable given how excited he had been while making out with his sister, even before Cissy began to experiment with taking his cock into her mouth.

Trey did his best to keep the images of his sister’s exposed breasts and the top of her head bobbing up and down in his lap out of his mind, but as he sat in the living room across from his aunt, he couldn’t help but remember his father describing how his lovely aunt had likewise sucked him off every chance she got when they were younger. As natural as he tried to act, Trey had the uncomfortable feeling that his aunt could tell that he and Cissy had just been engaged in similar activity. As much as she seemed her usual, pleasant self, it felt as if her eyes were looking right through Trey and were occasionally flickering to his lap as though she could tell that his cock was aching for release.

Trey’s mother excused herself to serve coffee and Trey used the interruption to also excuse himself to use the bathroom, leaving Cissy alone with her aunt. Reaching the bathroom, Trey was shocked to notice a small wet spot on the front of his trousers where his precum must have soaked through. Undoing his pants, he dropped his underwear and a small thread of clear precum trailed away from the tip of his dick. It wasn’t hard to understand how it had seeped through his trousers when he realized how much he must have released in his excitement, and how it must have drained out the tip while his erection had softened on the drive home from the park.

Even with the embarrassment of seeing the stain on the front of his trousers, Trey had no problem stroking himself to the first of two orgasms within minutes of locking the bathroom door. He had barely recovered from the sensitivity of ejaculating the first time when his memory of Cissy’s warm soft mouth ignited another round of furiously humping his hand, still slick with the cum he had released just a few minutes earlier. His legs had quivered weakly as he stood at the sink to wash his cum slick hand, his heart still pounding in his chest and the image of Cissy’s bare breasts still being savored in his memory. He couldn’t ever remember being so overwhelmed with desire as he was. He slunk guiltily out the now unlocked bathroom door and quickly made his way to his room, to savor the memories of the day.

Meanwhile, Cissy was doing her best to understand the cryptic smile her aunt wore as they made small talk about shopping, her eighteenth birthday and how excited she must be to have her brother home for the holidays. Cissy made every effort to appear nonchalant, but given what her brother had told her about the dick-sucking traditions in both branches of their families, she felt incredibly awkward that her Aunt Candy almost certainly knew exactly what she and Trey had been doing, only just a few minutes before they’d walked through the door.

The fact that her aunt’s demeanor seemed less accusatory, and more conspiratorial, did nothing to put Cissy at ease. As much as she wanted to project an innocent facade, Cissy had the distinct feeling that her aunt could tell that she had become a dick-sucker, as surely as if she had peered through the window of their mother’s station wagon while she and Trey had been performing the act. The fact that her panties were still wet between her legs, and that her pussy felt swollen and eager to be touched, did nothing to help Cissy feel more comfortable. She struggled to identify if she was more uncomfortable with embarrassment that Aunt Candy seemed to know that she could still taste her brother’s dick in her mouth, or the fact that her aunt seemed excited, almost eager, to acknowledge that they shared a similar secret bond with their brothers.

When her mother returned with coffee and cake, Cissy took the opportunity to excuse herself. Cissy’s mother called after her to, “Ask Carol to stop sulking in her room and come down to say hello to her Aunt Candy.” as she left the left the room to head upstairs. Cissy knocked on Carol’s locked door to relay her mother’s message, but after receiving no reply, she headed down the hall to her own room. After Cissy put her purchases in her closet until they could be wrapped, she took off her shoes, pulled down her damp cotton panties, kicked them off her foot and sprawled on her bed, feeling completely drained with excitement and nervous exhaustion.

As she lay there replaying the events in the car with Trey and the discomfort she felt in facing her aunt afterward, Cissy reflected just how much her life had changed in the last twenty four hours after she and Trey had exposed themselves to each other. From never having kissed a boy, to having been felt up, and even sucking a dick for the first time, within a single rotation of the earth, seemed like such an improbable turn of events that had she been asked a day earlier, she would have bet anything against it coming true. But it had. It was all happening very, very quickly and while she had enjoyed the discovery, excitement and intimacy of what she’d done with Trey, she realized that was completely unprepared for how others might see her if they ever found out what she had done.


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