Discord Pt. 01 by Lydra,Lydra

“Anyway, I guess all I’m trying to say is you shouldn’t worry so much about trying to be perfect. Just be your usual goofy, cute and quirky self, because she likes that.”

Sylvia felt herself smiling wide, Emma’s words clearing the butterflies from her stomach better than anything she’d managed to do for herself. “You know, I think you might be right.”

“Wait, hold that thought, bro,” Emma’s teasing smirk returned. “Be yourself except for one thing.”

Sylvia’s smile curved knowingly. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a dress picked out that even you’ll approve of.”

“I somehow doubt that. Don’t forget, we shared a room.”

“It’s the high cut black and red one you bought me a few birthdays ago.”

“Oh!” Emma said, visibly relieved, then grinned again. “I’ll take this as an invitation to buy you more hot outfits.”

“It is no such thing!”

“At least some heels to go with that dress.”

“Fuck off bitch!”


June 30th. 30 days without an orgasm. 720 hours of getting progressively more and more desperate, her dreams getting more erotic, her fantasies getting more fucked up and her clit’s constant throbbing becoming more insistent. 43,200 minutes — Or at least, it would be at midnight. Even though what she’d been telling everybody was a semi-joking evasion, it was basically true. She was a stubborn bitch, and the storm raging inside her only made Sylvia more determined to beat this game.

Also, if she set aside the entire mountain of crap, being this wound up did make masturbating feel fucking unreal good, even without cumming. That did help justify dealing with perpetually wet panties a little.

Sylvia lay in her bed watching the minutes creep by on her phone towards midnight and July 1st. The original plan had been to edge herself into a frenzy and then have the biggest chain of orgasms of her life at 12:01, but Violet had changed that. Whenever she let herself cum now, it would be with Violet, and the explosion would be bigger and more special because of it.

Still, 12:01 July 1st was a fucking huge milestone for her, and she wanted to see it arrive.

Sylvia traced her fingertips along her thighs, smiling in the darkness at just how wet they were. Maybe schlicking right now was playing with fire. Maybe it was safer to keep her hands off her insanely sensitive clit and just go to sleep.

Fuck that. Where’s the fun beating a game on easy mode?

Simply running the length of her fingers along her clit pulled a moan from deep inside her. Running them back down her clit and plunging them into her pussy made her eyes roll back in her head. So fucking good! Just a few thrusts while her other hand circled her clit and she could feel her toes pointing and her core tightening.

Violet’s coaching kicked in. Slower, deep breaths into her belly. Tense muscles lead to accidental orgasms. Force her muscles to relax and let the heat radiate through her, and there was almost no limit to how much the pleasure could build.

Without Violet’s tips and tricks, Sylvia doubted she would have made it this far without an accident.

Gently, still marveling at how slippery soaked she was with so little stimulation, she grabbed a toy and felt inside herself for her g-spot, sighing contentedly at the way her body responded. She made a V with her other hand and nestled her clit inside it, ignoring its demands for direct stimulation and gently rocking it instead.

Go easy on the body so it’s easy to pull back from the edge, but go hot and hard on the mind! In retrospect, the little giggle in Violet’s voice when she’d said that probably meant she knew exactly who Sylvia would be fantasizing about.

Even so, the places her mind went when she let it loose to indulge the depths of her sadism… Well, there was a time for worrying about how fucked up her fantasies were, and that time was anytime but now!

And, as if it had been waiting for permission to open the floodgates, her mind kicked into overdrive.

It was a little like watching a slideshow of menu options. She’d imagine something, see it in her mind’s eye for a few seconds, then flash onto something else. One after the next in a blur, until eventually one stuck with her and she dove in deep on that.

Violet tied on all fours with her ass in the air and mouth on Sylvia’s pussy, sucking on her clit and shuddering whenever Sylvia’s crop marked her skin.

Violet draped over Sylvia’s legs, squirming into her thighs, her ass gradually warming under Sylvia’s hand as she spanked her.

Violet standing still, struggling to obey Sylvia’s command to keep her arms behind her back and her chest out while Sylvia squeezed and pinched her nipples, stopping only to smack her breasts hard enough to leave a jiggling red handprint behind.

Sylvia wrapping Violet’s breasts in rope, bound to a pulley above them, and slowly pulling her up, lifting Violet by her tits up onto her toes and beyond.

Violet bound on her back, her legs spread wide open, her pussy as vulnerable as possible to the strap Sylvia held ready to smack down into her.

Back again to torturing Violet’s boobs — Sylvia imagined watching pain slowly overcome Violet’s endurance, her face shifting to show the strain, her arms instinctively jerking as she tried to keep them under control. Heat spread through Sylvia’s core, blossoming in her thighs and chest as she struggled to keep her breathing under control. Letting her nails dig into Violet’s hard, sensitive nipples, then watching pain blossom in her eyes as Sylvia twisted —

Sylvia let her hands fall to her bed, her clit throbbing angrily right at the edge of explosion. Just a few seconds, just enough time to get the control back, then right back in.

The leather strap smacking right on target in the center of Violet’s pussy, leaving it red, flushed, and swelling slightly, making Violet jump and writhe against the bonds.

“You know,” Sylvia would whisper in her ear, “I’ve tried that on myself, I know exactly how much it hurts. The way it makes your skin and lips sting so hot you think they’re on fire, just for a second, before you realize your clit is screaming at you…” She’d trace a finger around Violet’s eyes, collecting up the tears and licking the salty moisture away. “I know how much it hurts, baby, and I absolutely love you for suffering so beautifully for me… but you know it only makes me want to hurt you even more.”

The heat inside Sylvia built to a storm, thundering at her will power, raging to be released. This was the part she couldn’t get the hang of. Violet said to lay back and relish the intensity, let it overwhelm her and enjoy the feeling. Part of her kind of got it… Sort of. The raw pleasure ripping through her veins with every heartbeat was unlike anything she’d felt any other way. But not cumming was absolute, pure torture! It was so frustrating, so painfully, agonizingly frustrating, it made her want to curl up in a ball and scream.

Good thing for Violet she’d found a way to love this, because if anything long term did happen with them together, she’d be suffering like this a whole hell of a lot!

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