Edward's Halloween Costume by nudedude03,nudedude03

Cora had to stifle a giggle when she first caught sight of Edward. The costume that the seamstresses had revised hid very little of the 19 year old boys body. The front flap just covered his penis and the tip of his left ball hung below it.

When she circled around to check out the back she had to cover her mouth as she nearly laughed out loud. The back flap only covered about half of his butt. His crack was visible up to his mid butt.

Beth had similar reactions when she saw him for the first time.

“Well how does it look? I mean is it…does it cover…is it suitable to wear to the party?” He asked.

“It looks exactly the way your mother designed it. She wanted it to be as close to what the real cave boys wore as possible. I do believe she will be impressed, as well as all her other guests,” Cora answered.

“Beth please turn that fan up to high, our, ‘model’ here is sweating profusely,” Cora suggested.

After Beth turned the fan to high Edward could immediately feel the air swirling around him. He was sweltering from the heat and the fact that he was nearly naked in this ridiculous costume. “How much longer is it going to take to finish this…fitting,” he asked.

“It shouldn’t take too much longer.” Cora said. “We just need to make sure the redesign fits as it should.”

As Cora and Beth squatted down in front of him to check the fit the fan caught Edwards front flap. The air flow from the fan lifted the flap enough to display the pink head of Edwards penis, giving both girls a front row close up panoramic view.

Edward felt the breeze on his penis. It felt erotic like a warm tropical wind blowing across his naked body. Once again his penis twitched and started to fill out. He deterred it from any further movement knowing the two girls were inches from it.

Snickering between themselves at having seen the head of the snotty boys penis, Cora composed herself enough to ask, “Ok Edward can you turn around so we can check the fit in the rear?”

As he turned the side view was spectacular. They could see the side of his penis and his ball sack. Now facing away from the girls Edward felt more at ease.

Beth blurted out, “Wow!”

Edward immediately asked, “What…what’s wrong?”

“Oh it’s nothing,” Cora jumped in to say. “Beth was just excited about the new design of the back flap, that’s all.”

“Why, what’s different to cause that kind of reaction?” Edward asked.

“It’s nothing really. Seems the flap got tangled up somewhat. No big deal, here I’ll adjust it,” Cora said. With that said Cora took hold of the flap and raised it up. Edwards butt was now completely exposed. The girls could see all of his hairy butt crack. After a few tugs and pulls the flap fell into place.

“That’s better,” Cora said. “That’s the way it’s supposed to look.”

Edward, still concerned, brought his right hand back to feel around and try to discover what he wasn’t able to see. Just before he was about to feel his naked butt cheek Beth caught his hand and said, “Oops, let us finish our fitting before you start rearranging you costume, please.”

“Fine but can we get on with it, I don’t have all day,” he said.

“I need something cool to drink,” Beth said. “Can I get anybody anything?”

Cora chimed in with, “Sure I’ll take whatever you’re having sis.”

Edward just grunted “Noooo.” Beth left the room to fetch their drinks.

“You can turn back around now Edward,” Cora instructed. She tried to adjust the sash but was having difficulty. She then had him remove it so she could fiddle with it better. “While I’m doing this let’s see how the accessories work with your costume.”

“Accessories, what are you talking about?” Edward asked.

“Your mother found these accessories for you and wanted to make sure they complimented the costume,” Cora explained. She handed him a long spear type pole and a club made of plastic but looked real. “It seems cave boys carried these items with them most all the time.”

Beth rounded the screen with the two drinks just as Cora instructed Edward to raise his weapons up in the air to test them. When he complied, anything to speed things up, his front flap lifted up enough to show off the majority of his penis and balls.

When Beth saw this she lost it. She dropped her drink, a chocolate milkshake. It landed atop Edwards’ discarded pile of clothes and spilled all over them.

“You stupid fucking cunt! Look what you’ve done. You’ve ruined my designer clothes. You fucking klutz, “Edward spouted.

Beth apologized over and over again every time he took a breath and stopped calling her names.

“Hold on, it was an accident and she said she was sorry,” Cora said, taking her sisters side.

With all his clothes soaked in chocolate goo, Beth grappled them and rushed out of the room.

Edward was still ranting on and on about Beth’s clumsiness and how dare she do this to him.

Beth returned to the room and announced, “Everything’s going to be ok. I’ve taken care of it. I wiped off as much liquid as possible and put everything into the washer.”

“Telll me you didn’t put my clothes into a washing machine. Are you stupid? All my clothes are dry clean only. If you put them in water it ruins them,”Edward shouted. He continued with, “I can’t believe you people don’t know the difference between expensive clothing and the garbage you evidently wear.”

With Beth in tears and Cora in somewhat of a state of shock Mrs. Webster entered the room. “Young man you have no right to speak to my daughters like that! I will not tolerate such behavior in my home. Your mother is a lovely person and a friend but you on the other hand are nothing but a arrogant spoiled brat.”

The look on Edwards face was a cross between disbelief and confusion. He couldn’t believe she was speaking to him in that manner.

He felt Mrs. Webster grab his arm and start pulling him. “You need to leave my home, NOW! I will not allow your kind of rudeness for one more second,” she demanded.

Basically dragging him through the house they reached the door. Just as she opened the door Cora grabbed his costume and said, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be seen in ‘garbage’ like this,” as she unsnapped the waist and jerked it off him. Both Cora and her mother then pushed him out the door onto the front porch, naked.

Bewildered, Edward quickly moved his hands to cover himself. At the same time he realized his naked butt was facing the street. He moved one hand to cover as much of his butt as possible. Not knowing what to do he looked around to make sure no one near could see him like this.

He started softly shouting, as not to arouse attention, for them to open the door. “I’m completely naked out here, let me in, NOW! He demanded.

Open this damn door! I’ll…I’ll…when I get my hands on you, you’ll be sorry! Come on, someonnes going to see me like this.”

“You should have thought about that before you trash talked us, “Cora said. “I think you need a dose of humility. Maybe if some folks saw your very average manhood, it might bring you down a peg or two.”

He started banging on the door demanding they open it immediately. “You bitches let me in right now! Do you hear me? Now!,” he bellowed.

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