Tess-O’Meter — Green.
I woke up slowly and grumpily.
But then, I always do.
Opening one eye to check it was actually daytime, and then stretching like a cat and reaching for Mike.
The bed was empty. Apart from me, obviously!
I felt a slight pulling across my belly when I stretched, so I dug myself out from under the covers and had a look.
The welt from yesterday was much calmer. A little sore, but it was mostly tenderness from a very clear bruise that was forming.
Oh Joy!
I sighed and closed my eyes, remembering the scuffs, scrapes, cuts, and bruises that Tim had left my attacker with when he tackled him to the ground and used him as a skateboard.
Two minutes of visualizing that and I felt much better.
Sitting up properly I looked around. There was no man noise (as in bumps, stuff being dropped, cursing, or running showers) so I assumed that Mike had gone out.
Looking at the clock, I saw it was gone nine, so he had probably woken up hours ago and headed for the gym.
There was also a note. I squinted at it for half a minute, and then swore and clambered out of bed to find my glasses.
Sitting on the edge of the bed I turned the note upside down. Nope.
Tried one side, then the other, still nope.
You would think that someone who was ambidextrous would be able to write clearly with at least one of their hands, but apparently not.
Giving up I wandered into the bathroom, did my stuff (none of your business — nosy) cleaned my teeth, forgot my towels.
Went back for towels and Mike came in, “What are you doing?” he demanded.
I blinked at him, then raised the towels, “Shower.”
He came over and gripped my shoulders, “I said to wait for me before you hit the shower, are you steady?” he was peering at me like I had a concussion or something.
“I don’t remember that conversation,” I said, “was I sleeping?”
In answer he picked up the note and held it up.
I took it from him, turned it upside down then handed it back, shrugged and ambled back into the bathroom.
Behind me he snorted with laughter, and then followed me in, stripping off his clothes and letting them fall wherever, pretending to be mad.
(No I didn’t pick them up, I’m not his mother, even if I am old enough to be!)
“Are you suggesting my writing isn’t crystal clear?”
I just laughed.
Giving in he laughed as well and wrapped his arms around me, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, just a little tender.”
“Are you still okay to play today?”
“Oh,” I feigned super happy excitement, “It’s my turn to be in charge today isn’t it?”
“No, it’s mine,” he said, looking stern.
I frowned, “Are you sure?”
“Emily!” he warned.
“Maybe you’re confused,” I suggested brightly.
“That’s it!”
I squealed as Mike grabbed me and held my wrists behind my back as he kissed me.
“I’m in charge,” he growled as he bit my lip, “say it.”
“You’re in charge,” I breathed against his mouth.
“You’re mine today.”
Mike held both my wrists in one hand and gripped my hair, tugging my head back, “Say it, you know what.”
I pouted, “I haven’t even had breakfast yet!”
Mike gripped my hair harder, making me gasp, and hissed aggressively (although I noticed he was being careful not to rub against my bruise) “Say it.”
“I’m yours today, Master.”
Smiling with satisfaction, he softened and ran his hands through my hair. I practically purred and melted against him, “Good girl.”
Pulling me into the shower my head rub continued as he shampooed and rinsed, I returned the favour and soon we were both clean but shaking with lust.
Then Mike pulled a seat out from the wall and gripping my hair again pushed me down.
The little seat put me at the perfect height to take a cock in my mouth, and shocking surprise, that’s exactly what I found myself doing.
Yummiest breakfast ever.
Mike held my hair in his fist and cupped my face as I licked, kissed, and worshipped him.
I added my hands and stroked him, massaging his balls, and teasing his hole until he was panting with desire.
He fucked my mouth, carefully, but thoroughly and I whimpered with every withdrawal until he thrust back in.
When he couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled out and splattered his cum all over my chest and stomach.
“Ewugh!” I hadn’t been expecting that.
We both laughed breathlessly and let the water clean us off and cool us down again.
Post shower Mike applied a thick layer of Will’s balm as directed, and I let it sink in a bit before I finished dressing.
I knew that we were meeting Kerry and Will for a late breakfast picnic, but I had no idea what Mike had planned for his day in charge.
When I bent to my case to dig out some clothes, Mike cleared his throat behind me and turning, I saw him holding up a dress.
It was nice enough. A lightweight, floaty navy-blue summer dress, with a full skirt and buttons down the front, but I never wear dresses.
“I’m in charge today, remember?”
“Where’d it come from?”
Mike just tapped the side of his nose in response. Rolling my eyes I allowed him to slip the dress over my head.
“It looks nice,” he said.
“Do I look like a lady?”
“No, you look like a tomboy who’s been forced into a dress.”
I laughed; he was probably right. It was a nice dress though, and the full skirt was more comfortable around my sore belly than jeans would have been.
Mike had run his hands down my bare arms after he had pulled the dress down and was now holding my hands in his.
“Em,” he started, sounding serious.
“About today. I just wanted to say that what I have in mind might seem extreme. It might seem too much. But I want you to think, before you safe word out okay?”
“You think I’m going to safe word out?”
Mike pulled me a little closer and kissed me, “I think your first reaction will be that it’s too much, too unlike you,” he kissed me again, “too naughty. But don’t knee jerk, that’s all I’m asking. We have an opportunity this weekend to be out of ourselves, to be things and do things we would never normally be or do, and that’s okay.”
He sighed and rested his forehead against mine, “Just try to trust me and enjoy, that’s all I’m asking, because no one but us is ever going to know what happens here today.”
“I trust you, Master,” I said, because it’s true, and because Mike really likes it when I call him Master.
His thumbs rubbed my wrists, “I know you do.”
“May I ask a question?”
“Of course,” he agreed.
“Am I allowed to repeat all of this back to you tomorrow when it’s your turn?”
Mike cracked up, “Absolutely!”
Mike’s warning did make me wonder about what the day was going to bring, but when we met Kerry and Will in the lobby and made our way through the formal gardens and into the countryside beyond, I let it slip to the back of my mind.
The estate was beautiful, we went through fields of wildflowers, through ancient woods, and over a stream.
Every now and then we had to skirt around some play going on. We passed some subs being flogged at one point.
Also some rather scary breath-play happening at the stream. Will pointed out that there was both a minder and one of the medical team standing by for that one, but he also said they played every weekend when it was warm enough, and in one of the public bathrooms when it wasn’t.