Evening at the Opera, An by MythMaker,MythMaker

Silfr had a notion firmly planted in her mind that her elder sibling was only as popular with Snjorland’s subjects as she was for precisely two primary reasons, and her bony mitts were currently and strenuously glommed onto both of them, with the consideration that just perhaps it was more to do with Eir’s sunnier – if simpleminded – disposition in comparison to her own antisocial nature not even crossing younger twin’s conscious thoughts…although it would not be entirety truthful to say Eir’s voluptuous shape was not a more-than-small factor contributing to her public favour, predominantly when it came to the male demographic. Regardless of the extent of this belief’s accuracy, it was still an impression being brought to the forefront of Silfr’s thinking from her continuous intense massaging and glaring of the accountable articles in question.

Only succeeding in frustrating herself further with such suspicions, Silfr would then dart her hands off and away from Eir’s chest to next snatch fast onto her shoulders, lifting up the perplexed elder princess completely off her seat until she stood just as tall as her younger twin, looking into her narrowed, glacial eyes with her bugged bewildered equivalent for but a silent second only for Silfr to then manhandle her copper-haired sibling across the booth before vehemently shoving on her back, impelling her upper body to bend completely over the balcony with her tits still hanging bare and free!

“Seeing as you are finding the production oh-so-tedious, why don’t you demonstrate a more absorbing diversion for the groundlings, yes? Allowing them to bear witness to your overstuffed udders dangle from on high ought to be enthralling enough for these dull-witted plebeians, wouldn’t you concur?” Silfr stated, although she knew it was extremely unlikely that anybody in the general audience was going to abruptly look upwards this deep into the opera without good reason, yet part of the silver-skinned sister was wishing somebody would indeed catch a glance of Eir and her denuded bosom hanging halfway out of the loge if only for the fleeting satisfaction of mortifying her more admired twin.

Even Eir was starting to feel self-conscious in how the situation had escalated now that she had been put into such a compromising position, her entire face burning beet red as she was looking down upon the tops of the indistinct heads of what must have been at least five hundred other people, her hands affixed onto the barricade’s edge out of frightful instinct that she should tumble straight over onto the heedless theatregoers below, which overrode any try she may have otherwise made to readjust her bra and neckline to contain her chestular globes once again. For once, Eir was considering expressing her concern Silfr was taking their fun a mite too far this instance, though when the auburn sibling looked behind over her shoulder, she caught sight of her younger sister lifting her gown up again before sinking down into a crouch out of the elder’s view.

Eir did not have to wait long before she next felt the angles of her twin’s gaunt countenance burying straight into the centre of her backside between her plump buttocks (the auburn princess’ bloomers by now having dropped to her ankles). Silfr’s mouth immediately latched onto her older sister’s sex – lips and all – her tongue lapping at the slit still moist from the earlier laving it was subjected to with a mixture of the raven-haired princess’ saliva and the copper-haired one’s seeping vaginal fluids, the lingual muscle rolling at a significantly more rapid rate than before like Silfr was a woman dying of thirst, and Eir’s privates were the only source of hydration for miles. In addition, Silfr was also actively and audibly slurping the pussy’s dribbling juices, sending pleasing vibrations through her sibling’s sensitive folds that caused her to quiver and sigh, the younger twin’s features so embedded in the elder’s rear crevice with avidity by this stage that her sharp nose was now prodding directly up against the latter’s tender anus just above where she was eating out (it was fortunate Eir had decided to take a thorough rosewater bath just prior to leaving the palace earlier that evening!).

Silfr’s hands snaked up the backs of Eir’s naked legs before wrapping halfway around the circumference of her thighs to further cement herself in her placement, oral organ wedged robustly within the copper-haired one’s vulva as if attempting to snog with the private parts, repeatedly dipping the tip of her tongue in and out of the gooey vaginal cavity itself, which had since somewhat widened from the accumulated and continued stimulation its owner had been/was enduring that was further reflected in the elder twin’s ongoing bleating from her opposite end, her dangling boobs swaying in accordance to her uncontrollable shivering from physical delight.

Silfr seemed unbothered by her nostrils now nuzzling against her sister’s sphincter during all this…and in fact – after the brief but fierce period the pale princess spent snacking on Eir’s cunt from behind – she next dragged her mouth upwards and away from the elder twin’s juicy genitalia, licking along her smooth perineum (an act that caused Eir to shudder her skin into a series of goose pimples) before her tongue arrived at the copper-haired princess’ puckered hole just a little above where her womanhood ended. Without hesitation, Silfr started tracing her tongue around the rim of her sibling’s sensitive back-door, naturally making Eir flinch and squeal, her bent-over body shuddering for a second before the younger twin lifted her left hand from the elder’s thigh to bring to the latter’s saturated pussy, bunching together her three longest fingers and putting the tips to the drenched gash before then inserting the trio of aforementioned digits deep into the dripping orifice with absolute ease!

Although her quim had been substantially readied over the course of the evening, Eir nevertheless let out a great groan from this immediate, knuckle-deep stuffing that was fortunately masked by a coinciding key change of the exact same tonality from Sa’ir’s actor, her thick thighs clenching themselves together by reflex though only succeeded in trapping Silfr’s hand precisely in its intended destination. As best as she was able, the raven-haired twin pushed and pulled her paw against the squeeze of her elder sister’s hamstrings, struggling to make much leeway, though compensated with wiggling and fanning her digits within the limited, elastic space they occupied, stirring up and spreading out Eir’s erogenous interior that caused sticky vaginal sap to trickle down both the auburn princess’ inner thighs and her younger sibling’s fingers, all while her rectal exit involuntarily twitched from being tongued by Silfr almost as if it was trying to kiss back in response to the rimjob it was receiving.

With simultaneous incitement on both her back and front holes, Eir was very quickly reaching the end of how much sexual spurring she was able to endure before arriving to an orgasm, and Silfr was certainly not shewing any sign of letting up her techniques for the sake of prolonging her sister’s pleasure, rather blitzing her sibling with as much concentrated gratifying arousal she could manage to haste her carnal culmination with an eruptive outcome that she would not forget anytime soon. It was when Silfr dipped her tongue’s tip directly into the very centre of her twin’s winking arsehole that the final straw broke the camel’s back, Eir hitting her climax coincidentally at the precise moment the opera’s leading lady made a shrill crescendo that just barely managed to drown out the auburn princess’ decisive yell of utmost euphoria that would have otherwise resounded around the walls of the auditorium for all within to plainly hear.

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