Family Freud by YKN4949,YKN4949

KASSIE: Oh fuck, internet, don’t you want to see more of me! Fucking god!

ASHLEIGH: [smiling with evident pride] that’s it, we are done!

FILIA SOROR: Woah. I honestly did not believe that you all could even come close to the first team. But that was…that was something else. We have never, ever had lactation on the show. I don’t even know what to say. All I know is that whether it was a brilliant strategy or a nasty mistake is not up to me it is up to the voters. And the polls are open…now! Remember everyone, you have five minutes to vote! I am certainly glad I am not voting, I don’t know who I’d choose.

[While the votes come in, the camera just lingers on the family members. Some of them collect their clothes. Some of them talk excitedly. Ashleigh and Kassie talk together and laugh, not bothering to get dressed. Zach says something to them and they smile, he walks back over to his mother and says something to her. She looks nervous and smiles, nods. Alexis and Freddy, still naked, stand facing one another, their arms around one another. Their bodies are pressed close together and Freddy’s cock is hard again. They whisper to each other and smile, seemingly oblivious to the entire world around them. Eventually, a buzzer goes off].

FILIA SOROR: Alright, that is five minutes! And the vote is in! Now, before we get to the final results, I can say for certain now that the Lincoln family will go home with a combined $19,500.00! That is not too shabby for third place. Now Amber, can you tell us the results

[The screen now splits. On one side, it shows Ashleigh and Kassie, looking nervous but happy. On the other side it shows Alexis and Freddy, looking sort of dazed and satisfied].

AMBER: Filia, I can confirm that this particular show had more voters than any other show in our history! There were over 10,000 votes worldwide. And in addition, it was one of the closest votes of all time. With that said, we do have a winner. Coming in second place with 49.2% of the vote…

[The screen shows the Morgan and MacLeod families looking pensive, waiting. The set is entirely silent].

AMBER: Is the MacLeod family. Winning $43,000.00 Which means that the Morgan family has won with a total of $46,500.00. Congratulations to all of our contestants.

[The screen shows the Morgan family jumping up and down excitedly and hugging one another. The MacLeod family shrugs sheepishly and then walk over to Morgan family to congratulate them].

FILIA SOROR: Well ladies and gentlemen, Family Freud thanks you for joining us tonight! I think this was one of the greatest shows we have ever done! The Morgan family was willing to do anything to win! And they had to beat the challenge put up by our other competitors. We really hope to see you all back again next week! Be sure to subscribe and if you want to pay more than is required, well we won’t send it back. From everyone at Family Freud, have a good night, you pervs!

[Credits Roll. As they roll, in the background, a small square appears. It contains the Lincoln family, just from the head up].

AMBER: So, Zach, how did you enjoy the show?

ZACH: This was…I keep waiting to wake up or something. This was just absolutely nuts. But it was a lot of fun too. I feel closer to my mom! I had fun with two beautiful girls. I mean…this was the best day of my life.

AMBER: Candace, what did you find to be the most rewarding part of this experience?

CANDACE: Oh yes, I think I definitely feel closer to my son. When do the checks go out?

[Credits continue to roll. The Lincoln family fades out and the MacLeod family fades in]

AMBER: Freddy, are you disappointed you were unable to win?

FREDDY: Oh I…I hadn’t even really thought of that! I mean we went home with some money…a lot of money, I guess I am not even really thinking about that right now. This is so much bigger than money.

AMBER: Alexis, what do you plan on doing with your winnings?

ALEXIS: Well, some of it for school I guess. But I would like to take my little brother on a trip maybe too. Some place quiet and secluded where we can…talk about this experience.

[Credits continue to roll. The MacLeod family, smiling, fades out and the Morgan family fades in]

AMBER: Ashleigh, are you proud of winning over some really stiff competition?

ASHLEIGH: I don’t know that I am proud of anything that happened today. But I have to admit, I don’t regret it! It was a lot of fun, and I can’t believe I am saying that.

AMBER: Kassie, what do you plan on doing next?

KASSIE: This is just the beginning, Amber. You are going to be seeing my face and hearing my thoughts for a very, very long time!

[The Morgan family fades out. Credits end].

The End

Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Seriously, don’t complain to me about it. The only way you can change my mind about this is if you say, “I will pay you to proofread.” So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don’t really care that much. Don’t complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don’t sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.

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