Fire and the Redhead Pt. 04

An adult stories – Fire and the Redhead Pt. 04 by Antipod,Antipod Continuing my story of Tim and Cindy, loosely based on events in the early 1970’s. I strongly suggest readers read previous parts of this Novella as I build the characters.

Comments are always appreciated and help this author greatly.

We woke the next morning to the song of a Tui bird in a flax bush next to the bedroom window.

“Tell it to shut up Tim.” Cindy was spooned into me exactly how she must have slept all night.

“Do you want me to tell it in English, Māori, or song language?”

“Don’t care…just make it go away.” I loved Cindy when she was like this, muffled by her pillow, drowsy and not wanting to open her eyes.

“How about we get up, have a nice shower, then coffee and toast on the deck.”


“Why not?”

“Because you didn’t mention peeing…I need to pee first. Want to come and watch?” She rolled over eyes wide open, smiled then gave me a kiss before throwing off the sheet and jumping out of bed.

I hadn’t had a shower yet, where Cindy hadn’t tried to attack my cock. I pushed her hands away yet again.

“No Cindy…I need it to re-load before tonight.”

She pouted. “Okay…so I suppose you won’t want a cuddle in case my tits poking into your chest gives you a Stiffy.”

“A ‘Stiffy’, haven’t heard that expression for a few years, who uses that?”

“Ali. She used to tease her brothers by walking around in her under wear until they got wood in their pants.”

“That Cindy, is out and out cock-teasing…a cuddle would be nice, but I’ll have to stop if I get a ‘Stiffy.”

Cindy made the coffee but realising there was no milk wandered over to the cottage, she wanted clean under wear too.

“What took you so long?” she wandered back with a grin on her face.

“Those two were bonking so I sort of had a listen.” She laughed. “Ali was telling Davey to fuck her arse. She’s such a dirty bitch.”

I was keen to get the boat work out of the way for the day, so we headed along to the boatyard and headed straight back again. As we pulled into Howard’s drive, parked in front of us was Dana’s white Honda car.

“Oops,” I said and reversed back out.

Cindy was grinning at me as we headed back. “We did that…we got them together…that is so cool.” She lightly punched my arm.

Davey was down at the boatshed working on the new door.

“Just in time bro, you can give us a hand to hang this. How did the boat go?”

“It didn’t, arrived there to find Dana’s car in the driveway. Made a discreet exit.”

Davey laughed. “Howard eh…the cunning old dog.”

“I think Dana might have been the instigator there, amazing what a haircut, and shave can do. Cindy’s tickled pink, thinks she’s a regular match maker.”

“So what about tonight mate, is it all on?”

“Yeah, guess there’s no turning back now. Like I said before… I’m just going to keep an open mind and go with the flow. You haven’t got any dope have you Davey, that might take the edge off things?”

“Great minds brother, I was thinking the same thing. Yep…got a couple of joints. Let’s have a look and see what timbers around. If Howard turns up he can help with the barge boards and corner trims while you hop back on the saw if we find what we need. Hopefully Howard is not too stuffed.”

“There’s a ton of timber under Roger’s house and Dad’s got a bit under our boatshed.”

Davey checked through the timber stack, and we pulled out what he wanted. On the back of an offcut of weatherboard, he drew out his design for the workbench and wrote in rough dimensions.

“Reckon you can handle that?”

“Soon find out.”

The familiar rumble of Howard’s truck heralded his arrival.

“Morning Howard.”

“Morning.” He did look a bit tired and a little sheepish. “Ahh…I heard you pull up Tim, sorry about that.”

“No problem mate, guessed you were a bit busy.”

Howard grinned at us, then shook his head. “Long time since I’ve had a night like that. That was something else.”

“Good for you mate, Dana’s a good lady. You here to help again?”

“Yeah…if I fall asleep just throw me in the lake. I’ve rubbed down and I’ll spray the boat tonight.”

“Hey mate, if you want to take the day off, there’s no obligation here.”

“No that’s all good. I like the company round here.”

I made up a cutting list and fired up the saw while Davey and Howard borrowed it every so often to make their own cuts.

Cindy and Aliesha wandered down with coffees and scones.

“Hi Howard, how are you today?”

“Fine thanks Cindy.”

“You look a bit tired; did you get enough sleep last night?” Cindy stood with her hands behind her back swinging her hips smirking.

“Don’t be such a smart-arse Cindy.” She stuck her tongue out at me before the girls both came forward and gave Howard a hug.

“If you need any advice Howard, you come and see Aunty Cindy and Aunty Aliesha.”

“Don’t Howard, take it from us, they’re a couple of conniving hussies who’ll lead you astray.”

Aliesha removed the tea towel that covered the scones. “This one’s for Tim. It’s the one with the arsenic.”

“See what I mean mate. Ruthless, conniving hussies.”

We worked through the rest of the morning putting finishing touches to the outside, then building the new bench and some shelving inside.

“Bit of paint and she’ll be better than new. I’ll measure up for new roofing iron and there’s those two purloins we should replace before it goes on, other than that we’re just about done and if I have to say so myself, bloody good job, looks awesome. The fuse board and wiring are going to need checking out and a new outlet fitted over the bench.”

“I’ve got an electrician who does my boats for me on the side. I’ll give him a call if you like.”

“Cheers Howard.”

A car pulled up behind the house and Dana gave us a wave as she headed to the cottage carrying a box. Ten minutes later Cindy yelled out that lunch was ready. As we sat on the deck, things were surprisingly quiet. Dana and Howard seemed to avoid looking at one another.

Davey broke the silence, his question directed at Dana “So Dana, did you find what you were after?” Everyone stared at him, a look of confusion on Dana’s face.

“The boat plans…what did you think I was talking about?” Whether or not Davey was having her on or being serious didn’t matter as the six of us burst out laughing.

“Actually, we didn’t get that far.” The comment from Howard set us all off again.

“How about you lot coming to the café for a meal tonight? It’s on me.”

“Ahh…thanks Dana, but we’ve been invited to a dinner party in town tonight, could we make it another night.”

“Okay, how about tomorrow night then, I’m a bit busier Saturdays, but I’m sure we can manage. Maybe the girls could help. I might have a new chef by then.” Dana raised her eyebrows at Aliesha who laughed.

“We haven’t even discussed it yet, but I promise I’ll let you know by tomorrow night.”

“Are us slaves allowed to have the afternoon off so that we can get ready for tonight.” Cindy directed the question at Davey and me.

“What, all afternoon?…that’s pushing it. Are you sure you want to employ these two Dana? seems to me they’re a couple of shirkers.”

“Shirkers…I’ll give you ten seconds to take that back mister, or you’ll be sleeping in your van. You can play with your tools.” Dana thought this was hilarious.

Davey grinned at Aliesha. “We’ve done so well guys that how about Tim and I have a clean-up and we all have the afternoon off.”

“Goody,” said Cindy. “Tim will you set up the bath for Ali and me please?”

“Yes Madam. Will Madam be requiring bath attendants as well?”

“No thank you, we’ll call if we require anything.”

Howard and Dana headed off; they seemed in a bit of a hurry.

I was filling the bath and turning on the water heater for the girls. “Why is it that girls need hours and hours to get ready to go out.

“It’s alright for you guys…you just give it a bit of a wash and stick it back into your pants already to go. Us girls have to prepare.” Cindy was grinning at me.

“Like what?”

“Wash our hair, we’ve got to shave, armpits, legs and if you’re lucky fannies. Nails and make up, then we have to decide what to wear. All takes time you know. We could always go out like a couple of bush pigs if you like. Besides…it’s fun playing dress-up. You can go now, but make sure you shave. Don’t want face or fanny rash thank you Tim.”

“Sure you don’t want me to stay…I’m an expert with a razor you know. By the way, isn’t that my razor you’re holding?”

“No, go away, we’ll manage, thank you very much.” Cindy pulled a face and poked out her tongue.

Davey and I spent the next couple of hours relaxing with a couple of beers and catching a few rays, after having a swim. The girls seemed to be having a good time as we heard occasional faint laughter drift down through the bush. An hour before we were due to leave, we shaved and showered. I had to borrow Tim’s razor as mine had been seconded. Davey re-applied dressings to my back and luckily he had a spare Hawaiian style shirt that I borrowed from him. With jeans it looked good, and I decided I probably wasn’t going to give it back. The frizzled bits of hair on my head and eyebrows had started to grow back out and the burnt flakes of skin had finally disappeared from my ears. The best part though, was that apart from an occasional itch, my back seemed to be relatively pain free.

The girls had been in Mum and Dad’s room for the last hour and a half and finally emerged. They left Davey and I with mouths resembling goldfish. I’d never seen Cindy wear make-up and the transformation was stunning. Cindy was gorgeous anyway, and if she’d asked me if she should wear make-up I would have told her not to bother, but Aliesha as with most things she did, had transformed her into something stunning. No point in me telling you what Aliesha had done to Cindy because I wouldn’t have a clue, other than to say she had peach coloured lipstick on and something above her eyes that matched it. She wore the green sun dress that she had at the beach and raised heel sandals that accentuated her long legs.

Aliesha looked just as stunning, but she wore red lipstick and a black mini skirt that was so short I was convinced if she bent over just a fraction I’d have an eyeful of panties, plus a tight white top, low cut to emphasize her tits.

“Well what do you think, will we pass?”

“Fifteen out of ten girls…you both look hot as hell.”

“Just as well, otherwise we might go alone.”

We decided to take Cindy’s Mini, as Tim still had tools in the van and the station wagon didn’t have a back seat. Cindy drove and was an excellent driver paying full attention to the road while Aliesha and Davey were crammed into the back seat with Davey’s head touching the roof. We stopped at a bottle store to buy wine and beer not wanting to arrive empty handed.

“Well here we are boys and girls, no backing out now.” Cindy pulled into the driveway.

Colin met us at the door. I think he was as taken aback as Davey and I had been with how stunning the girls looked. I introduced Davey and Aliesha, Davey shaking hands and Aliesha kissing Colin on the cheek before she smiled at Cindy with raised eyebrows.

“Jan’s in the kitchen, please come in.” Jan was making a salad and wiped her hands on an apron before removing it.

“Oh my goodness, I was expecting one young stud and look what walked in, two of you, and Wow!… look at you girls, you both look gorgeous…aren’t you guys lucky. I’m sure she was including Colin in that. I introduced Davey and could see his interest almost immediately as Jan eyed him up. Once again I was in the presence of the woman who just oozed sex in an undefinable way. Aliesha gave Jan a kiss on the cheek after Cindy gave her a hug, as did Davey and I. Jan wore a skirt that was split up the side so high, that it was obvious she wore no panties, but it was her blouse that caught my eye. It was semi see-through, and the sheerness of the fabric perfectly outlined her tits.

“Right drinks. Who’s for wine, who’s for beer? I’m just firing up the barbeque if you guys want to join me out the back.” Colin loaded our beer and wine into the fridge.

I’ve got to admit Colin was a good host. He was easy to converse with and didn’t try and dominate the conversation showing a genuine interest in Davey and I, our surfing, Dave’s sailing and his building career. The conversation moved on to music when I mentioned Colin’s No 1 hit. I didn’t consider throwing guitars into the car, they wouldn’t have fitted anyway, and it wasn’t exactly on the agenda. Colin finished cooking the steaks and we moved into a dining room where the girls were chatting away as they set up the table.

Colin sat between Cindy and Aliesha and Jan between Davey and me. The conversation was easy despite the elephant in the room. To say sitting next to Jan didn’t have an effect on me would be telling a lie. I was well aware of her dress with the split on the side having ridden right up to expose her naked hip. She was teasing and she knew it. As I snuck a glance, her hand unseen, patted the top of my thigh. I’m sure Jan would have been more than happy for me to slip my hand inside her dress.

The steaks and salad went down well, as did the beers. I noticed that Aliesha had downed a couple of glasses of wine already, but Cindy was just sipping hers, her beautiful green eyes seemed to be bigger than normal and every so often she would glance at Colin.

The conversation changed to the repairs on the boat shed, and I told Colin of the need to replace the end sheets of roofing iron.

“No. We won’t muck around with a few sheets, let’s replace the whole thing. I’ll send out our preferred contractor and they can do it. You lot have done enough Tim. Davey…we’ll expect an invoice for your hours and don’t be stingy, I know you’ve all contributed. Include your travel too Davey. I guess you’ve taken a couple of days off work to help out. Like I told Tim the other day, the company owe you heaps.”

The Dining table was a big square wooden one and there was no way to see what might be happening on the other side of it, but something was going on as Aliesha closed her eyes and opened her mouth for a few seconds. Colin had one hand holding a beer and the other I’m picking was between Aliesha’s legs. Cindy glanced down to watch what was going on.

“We’ve got a few house rules guys that I want to run over with you. Firstly, whatever happens here stays here. We need to be discreet as this is a small town and rumours can wreck reputations. The girls get to call the shots and it’s important that we respect their wishes, so we need a safe word. If it’s used we stop whatever is going down and that goes for everyone. No rough play unless it’s requested by someone. Respect is the key to having fun and everyone feeling comfortable at the same time. Trust Jan to instigate and guide proceedings, she is very good at judging people’s emotional and sexual needs. Sorry to sound so formal but we need to be on the same page. Do you girls want to choose a safe word? Something that your familiar with and won’t forget.”

What Colin was saying brought out the reality of the situation we had agreed to be a part of.

“How about ‘Blouse?” Cindy said.

“I wasn’t expecting that. Is that okay with everyone?” We all agreed.

“Right,” said Jan. “Now’s the time to give me a bit of direction as to how you might want things to evolve. I’ve got a lot of toys, dress up clothes, uniforms. Most of us have fantasies and this is the place to realise them. It’s up to you, but hopefully you’ll take the opportunity get rid of any inhibitions. Please don’t be embarrassed by telling me…anything goes. Cindy do you have any fantasies you’d like to play out?” This was a leading question from Jan, she already knew about Cindy’s daddy fetish.

“Cinders has got a daddy fetish and wants to be fucked by lots of cocks.” Aliesha had a silly grin on her face.

“Ali!!. You bitch…Ali likes to be fucked in the arse and have guy’s come over her bum.” Cindy poked her tongue out and pulled a face at her best friend. We all laughed.

“Well that’s a good start, what about you guys?”

“Umm…we’re probably happy just to supply the dicks Jan.” Davey smiled at her.

“Does anyone have an issue with getting it on with someone else’s partner?”

“No…we’ve discussed that Jan, at least for tonight we’ve agreed anything goes.”

“Great, and what about you guys, is there anything you’d like to try or maybe you’d like to see, remember we’re open to everything.”

Davey and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.

“Come on boy’s…how about one each, what turns you on?”

“Right now Jan it’s your tits. I’m not that big on tits, but I can’t keep my eyes off yours in that top. If I have a fetish it’s probably a pair of long legs spread wide showing a pair of wet panties.” Cindy grinned at me.

Davey’s turn. “Umm…nothing turns me on more than a chick on her knees and elbows with her arse pointed into the air inviting me to fuck whatever hole I want.”

“Tell me about it,” quipped Aliesha, raising her eyebrows to the ceiling.

Jan laughed. “Okay I think we might be able to manage all that. Now if you girls give me a hand to clear up, I’ll show you some of my wardrobe, and maybe there’s something there that might take your fancy.”

“Just got a question for you. Occasionally we smoke a bit of dope, usually when we play a gig. I figure it might be a good way tonight to help us relax. How do you feel about that? Doesn’t matter if you’d rather we didn’t.” Davey looked between Colin and Jan who smiled at one another.

“Not a problem. Jan and I have tried it before and have been thinking about getting some ourselves.”

“Cool, what I’ve got is pretty strong, so maybe only a couple of hits each. Don’t want to get smashed or we’ll all fall asleep.”

“Do we do it now or later?”

“Maybe a bit later, can we smoke in the house or maybe outside?.”

“Better we smoked inside I reckon, just in case the neighbours get a whiff of it.”

Colin, Davey and I headed down into the playroom where Davey checked out the drums and ‘National’ guitar. Like me he had never played one. Colin pulled an acoustic out of a cupboard and handed it to me so that I could tune it, then hopped onto the drum set.

“Youngs ‘Old Man’ do you know that Colin?”

“I think so, play a couple of riffs.”

Colin soon picked up on what I played. “I’ll go base,” said Davey.

We’d been listening to laughter and squeals coming from upstairs which stopped as we started playing. Colin had a grin on his face when he heard Davey’s rendition of Neil Young’s voice. He once again didn’t overpower the guitars and voices by belting the beat out on the drums.

The girls must have quietly snuck onto the top of the stairs because as we finished there was clapping, cheering, and Aliesha let out a piercing wolf whistle. “Play another one.” Cindy called out.

“‘Only love can break your heart.’ Know that Colin?”

“Yep. Started to listen to a bit of Neil Young after you mentioned him and sang the other night…becoming a bit of a fan.”

This was a slower song, and I was able to join Davey in the chorus. Aliesha made her way down the stairs grinning at us. I think Davey and I missed a couple of notes. Aliesha was wearing a baby doll lingerie set of black lace panties and bra with a see-through short lace jacket. The panties and Bra were just triangles of lace with strings holding them together. Davey was ginning like the proverbial cat. She did a twirl in front of us and then started dancing to the song.

Next down the stairs came Cindy. What I saw took my breath away. Cindy had transformed into a schoolgirl. Her hair was pulled back into two pony tails. She wore a blouse that was tied in a knot at her navel and a plaid pleated skirt that was so short it didn’t fully cover her crotch. She was grinning as she twirled in front of me so that her skirt spun up to her waste showing brief cotton panties, before her and Aliesha came together and started to waltz to the song.

I glanced up the stairs to see Jan slowly and deliberately descending the stairs one at a time. She still wore the sheer see-through blouse that seemed to hug her tits and a pair of red satin panties. They were crotchless, and the slit in them went as high as the top of those neat pussy lips I had seen just days before. She was staring at me with that same intense ‘Fuck Me’ look, the corners of her mouth turned up into the slightest of smiles as she made her way down the last of the stairs.

Davey stopped singing and playing, causing Colin and I to do the same. Now he started into the ‘Pretty Woman’ song. This was my song to sing, and tempted as I was to use it on Jan I gave Cindy my most intense stare after she and Aliesha stopped dancing to turn and sway as I sung. ‘Fuck.’ I said to myself. What Cindy was wearing was hot and she knew it too. She had her hands behind her back as she swayed her hips and was acting shy, her head down slightly as she looked up at me. I couldn’t hold that stare any longer and we grinned at one another.

“Stop. That’s enough…man I enjoy jamming with you guys, but we’ll be here all night if we keep going and three gorgeous women need attention.” Colin beat out a short Staccato before putting down his drumsticks.

As we laid down our instruments Jan came up to me. “I kept the top on just for you Tim.” She reached out and took my hand and laid it onto one of her breasts. Colin totally ignored what was going on.

I cupped Jan’s tit and tweaked her nipple. “Thanks Jan…I like your panties.” I wasn’t going to let her intimidate me.

The conversation pit dominated the middle of the room. It had oval shaped seating around it and a coffee table in the middle. Colin grabbed wine and beers from the fridge, also he placed a lighter and ashtray on the table.

“Cindy, how about you sit between Colin and me over here and Ali between the boys on the other side.” Jan obviously had something in mind.

Davey took two joints from his shirt pocket, lit one, took a couple of puffs and passed it to Aliesha who followed suit and passed it on to me. “Be warned…this stuff is quite strong…not too much.” I passed it across to Colin and it went around the circle again.

“You look very pretty Cindy, doesn’t she Colin?”

“She sure does, but I think Cindy’s skirt is way too short.”

“Did you hear what Daddy said Cindy, he thinks your skirt is too short, but I don’t. I think he really enjoys you in a nice short skirt. I bet he likes your nice long legs and probably hopes he gets a glimpse of your panties. Does that make you feel naughty? knowing that your daddy might see your panties.”

“Aha.” Cindy relaxed back into the seat and closed her eyes, rolling her head to the side in the same way she had when I role played her fantasy in the cottage. The dope, like the other night obviously having an effect almost immediately.”

“Do you know why Daddies like to see panties Cindy? It’s because Daddies aren’t supposed to do that. But Daddies are men too Cindy, and they like to look at pretty girls dressed in pretty things. That’s why we like to dress in short skits and nice revealing blouses, because it makes us feel good when the men want us. If you want your daddy to like you Cindy, why don’t you pull your skirt up a bit so that he can see your panties.” Cindy nodded her head reached down and slowly pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist.

“Good girl, look at those pretty panties and now Daddy can see them. Does that make you feel nice and rude?… showing off your panties. Guess what happens to the men and boys when they can see naughty things they’re not supposed to? It makes their cocks grow bigger, that must make you feel good knowing that you can make their cocks grow bigger just by showing them your panties. I wonder if Daddy’s cock has started to grow bigger yet. Let me see.” Jan reached across and placed her hand on the front of Colin’s pants and rubbed it up and down a few times.

“Oh yes Cindy, you’ve managed to make your daddy’s cock grow. Clever girl.”

The dope was having the desired effect on me too and I felt nice and relaxed. Listening to Jan’s sexy voice and watching Cindy with her panties exposed as she was quietly talked too, soon had my own cock stirring.

“How about we put your hand on your daddy’s cock so you can see what you’ve done to him.”

Jan took Cindy’s hand and placed it over Colin’s cock, gently pushing it up and down his pants. When Jan took her hand away Cindy continued to slowly rub his cock. Now there was a hand over the crotch of my own pants as Aliesha reached across and simultaneously started to rub Davey’s and my rapidly hardening cocks. Aliesha pulled her feet up onto the seat and spread her knees apart.

“Girls can be naughty too Cindy, not just men and boys, but we like to pretend that only the men and the Daddies are the naughty ones. I bet your daddy’s cock would get bigger again if he saw more of your girlie bits that he’s not supposed to look at. How about we show him one of your titties and see what happens then. It’s okay to do that because I said you could. I think maybe it’s time for Daddy to see what he’s wanted to for a long time, and that Cindy’s a big enough girl to show him her private bits because I think deep down she really wants to. Keep your hand on Daddy’s cock and let’s see if it grows bigger.” Jan reached up and slowly pulled across one side of Cindy’s blouse exposing her tit.

“Oh Cindy…look at your gorgeous titty. Aren’t your mommy and daddy clever making such a beautiful girl. Has Daddy’s cock got bigger Cindy…now that he’s seen your titty?”

“Aha” Cindy rolled her head over, then lifted it up before she momentarily opened her eyes and glanced down at her hand which continued to rub Colin’s obviously growing length. Her eyes closed again, and her head rolled back.

“I’ll show you what men like to do now Cindy and it’s going to feel so nice, but don’t let Daddy know it feels so good, us girls have to have our secrets.” Jan reached up and caressed the exposed tit before tweaking and rolling the nipple between finger and thumb. Knowing how sensitive her tits were, I wasn’t surprised to see her nipple become instantly rock hard.

My own cock was uncomfortably jammed into my pants as it continued to grow. Davey was having the same problem and suddenly stood up dropped his jeans to the floor and sat down again, his cock tented his underpants. Aliesha giggled then turned to nudge me. Following suit, I quickly had my jeans off relieving the pressure, and as we sat down again Aliesha slid her hands into our underpants, wrapping her fists around our dicks and ever so gently and slowly started to wank Davey and me. She had the sense not to get carried away.

Aliesha quietly whispered into my ear. “This is so cool. Look at Cinders, she’s away with the fairies, I bet she’s getting wet. I am. Your cocks are getting wet and nice and slippery. I want my tits out too. Good enough for your dicks, then good enough for my tits.” She giggled again, stood up and removed her lace jacket. Davey pulled the string on her miniscule bra, which she tossed away before she sat again with her feet spread wide on the edge of the seat so that they touched our thighs, before reaching out and holding our cocks again. Like mine Davey’s cock was poking out the top of his underpants. Aliesha pushed them down almost fully exposing our cocks and balls. “Jan’s really good at this, wonder what she’ll do next.” I was staring at Aliesha’s tits and saw her nipples harden under my gaze. “Whatever they do to Cindy, I want the same.”

Davey started to caress one tit and I did the same to the other. I’ve got to admit, much as I loved the small perkiness of Cindy’s tits, the firm fullness and weight of Aliesha’s as I cupped it, was a real turn on. Aliesha sighed as we went to work on her nipples, tweaking and rolling them out. They became big and erect.

Colin must have been in agony having his cock confined in his pants rubbed slowly by Cindy.

“This is what you did to your mommy once upon a time.” Jan got onto her hands and knees kneeling over Cindy and started caressing Cindy’s tit again, then took her nipple between her lips and started to suck. Cindy groaned as Jan lightly took the nipple between her teeth.

“Daddies like to do this too Cindy, do you think we should let your daddy do this? We shouldn’t really, but maybe just this one time so that he can see how his girl’s titty feels as he sucks on it. Let’s get rid of this. Jan undid the knot on the front of Cindy’s blouse and pushed it back off her shoulders, exposing her other tit. “Come on Daddy, suck on Cindy’s titty, it’s alright, we’ll let you this time but only if Cindy says it’s Okay. Would you like that Cindy?”


“No…if you want it, ask Daddy properly.”

Cindy rolled her head and groaned. “Yes please Daddy, suck on my titties please.”

“Good girl. If we want Daddy to do naughty stuff to us we need to ask him nicely, then he knows he’s allowed to do it. We don’t want him to get carried away darling, because men will do that if they are given a chance.” Jan reached across and pulled Colin’s head onto Cindy’s tit. “Suck Cindy’s titty Daddy… make her feel good.” Jan started back on the other side. Cindy moaned and snuggled further down into the seat; her legs fell open slightly so that I could see the gusset of her panties. I thought I could see where a damp spot was starting to discolour the white of her cotton panties. Jan was kneeling side on to us with knees slightly spread. I imagined myself behind her looking at her pussy through the slit in her crotchless panties and wondered if her arsehole would be exposed too.

“Come on Boys suck me for fucks sake!” Aliesha sounded desperate and pulled our heads onto her tits, before resuming her slow wanking. She threw her head back and gritting her teeth quietly said, “Yes…suck hard boys, if you want me to suck your dicks, then suck my titties for me.” Aliesha’s foot pushed harder against my thigh, her toes curling up and the grip on my cock tightened. Davey’s and mine heads were touching as we both caressed, kneaded and sucked Aliesha’s tits.

“That’s it…my pussy’s getting nice and wet…ready for you boys to fuck…hope your cocks are ready for a good fucking.” Aliesha was going to make me cum real quick if she kept talking like that. I shifted her hand off my cock and she got the message by removing the other from Davey’s.

Jan was making sure we could hear what she was saying to Cindy. I was waiting in anticipation as to what would come next. She lifted off Cindy’s tit and glanced across at the three of us, smiling when she saw the size of Davey’s and my cocks. Cindy didn’t like that and pulled Jan’s head back onto her tit. Her legs opened further. I stopped licking and sucking but continued playing with Aliesha’s nipple. I wanted to watch Cindy.

Jan pulled off again. “Daddy’s cock must be so hard by now Cindy…now that he has been allowed to see and play with your titty. Poor Daddy having his cock stuck in his pants. Do you think he’s been a good enough daddy that we should let his cock out of his pants?, otherwise he might hurt it and we don’t want that do we. Have you seen your daddy’s big cock before Cindy?”

“No Mommy.”

Bringing ‘mommy’ into her fantasy confirmed to me that Cindy was in a world of her own. The three of us on this side of the pit might as well not exist. It was almost as though Cindy had been hypnotised.

“I’m sure you have Cindy. Maybe you’ve snuck a look when Daddy didn’t know. It must have been a big thrill for you to see your daddy’s cock. I bet you thought about it for a long time afterwards. You probably wondered how Daddy manages to get that big cock into mummy’s pussy and it wasn’t even hard. Maybe you thought about it when you touched your pussy.”

Cindy squirmed momentarily, closing her legs before relaxing and letting them fall open again. This time I definitely saw the dampness on the crotch of her panties.

“I’m going to let Daddy’s cock out Cindy. You can have a look at it if you like.”

Jan stood, then knelt in front of Colin, her backside pointing straight back at the three of us. As she shifted her knees apart she looked back at us. It was the same look that I’d seen in the photograph when she was being fucked in her pussy and arse at the same time. Now I could see the split in her crotchless panties as it pulled open. Jan’s pussy lips were surprisingly tight, hiding her hole and I could almost make out her arsehole. Colin lifted his backside so that Jan could pull off his jeans after she undid his fly. She shuffled to the side so that we could watch as she pulled down the front of his underwear, reached down and lifted up his cock. Colin’s cock was no longer than mine or Davey’s but was definitely thicker. Jan stroked it a few times.

“Daddy’s cock is out of his pants now Cindy, you can have a look if you like, but that’s alright if you don’t want to…it is a bit naughty. How about you just keep your eyes closed and then you can touch it. Mommy doesn’t mind…here I’ll help.”

Jan took Cindy’s hand and placed it on top of Colins cock. Cindy gave an audible gasp. “If it’s a bit wet Cindy, that’s because Daddy got excited when you let him see your titties and panties. Feel how big Daddy’s cock is. Put your hand around it and I’ll show you how we can make Daddy love his girl even more than he does now.”

Jan should have been an actress or maybe a psychologist. She was obviously enjoying playing her ‘mommy’ role, but she was also ensuring that we were getting a show. I was surprised that considering she had a couple of tokes on the dope, she still managed to keep her act together.

All three of us were turned on. Davey and I were rock hard and now Aliesha slid her hand onto her tiny panties that hardly covered her pussy lips and started to play with herself. “If it’s good enough for me to play with my pussy, you guys should play with your cocks, because then I’m going to suck them. But I want them big, and I want you to finger me when I do it.”

I had no problem with Aliesha’s suggestion, nor did Davey as we slowly stroked our dicks while watching Aliesha masturbating, then checking out Jan’s pussy and looking at Cindy’s crotch which I’m sure was getting even wetter as Jan wrapped her hand over Cindys’ and guided it up and down Colin’s length.

“That’s the idea darling…now you’re getting it. We can’t do this too much Cindy, or Daddy might make a mess over our hands. Now tell me darling… do you touch your pussy? It’s okay to tell your mommy and daddy. All girls do it, even Mommy does it. Sometimes Mommy thinks about Daddy’s big cock when he’s not here and touches her Kitty. Mommy takes off all her clothes except her panties and lies on the floor then she opens up her legs nice and wide and puts her fingers on her pussy hole, then she pretends her fingers are Daddy’s big cock poking into her panties. Why don’t you open your legs up nice and wide Cindy and Mommy can show you what she does with her pussy? It’s very naughty, but so is touching Daddy’s cock. Open your legs Cindy, nice and wide. Put your feet up on the seat darling.”

Jan sat back down next to Cindy who jerkily opened up her legs. Reaching forward she pulled Cindy’s leg across her lap before nodding to Colin who did the same with Cindy’s other leg. Cindy was lying back with legs stretched wide open. her panties stretched across her crotch, which were so damp now that they sucked around her pussy lips.

Jan smiled at me and quietly said, “There’s your wet panties Tim.” Then she opened her own legs as much as she could due to having Cindy’s leg draped across hers, and with two fingers divided the two sides of her crotchless panties. Her pussy was open now and it glistened with moisture. Jan had a contented grin on her face as she stared at the three of us.

“Fuck that looks hot. Stand up you guys.” Davey and I stood, and Aliesha grabbed my cock pulled it a couple of times then licked the head before running her tongue down my length. “Hmm…you taste just like Davey.” Next she turned to Davey and did the same to him but then placed her lips around his cock head and slid them down his shaft and back again. Davey put his hand on the back of her head and guided her mouth back and forward along his shaft before playing with her tit again. I kept slowly wanking, and seeing Aliesha’s hand still playing with her pussy ran my hand down her belly under the front of her tiny black panties and slid two fingers between her lips. Aliesha pulled off Davey’s cock and sat back, her legs wide open.

Davey and I now kneeled beside her aligning our cocks with her face. “Stick them in Tim, stick fingers into me. Cop a good feel.” She started sucking my cock before turning back to Davey’s. Aliesha’s pussy was slick, and my two fingers slid in easily while I worked the palm of my hand massaging her smooth shaved vulva.

“Shall we let Daddy touch your secret girl place Cindy? Mommy can do it if you want and show you how good it feels or would you like Daddy to do it? It feels so nice when someone else touches it. Have you ever let any boys feel you up or have you been a good girl? It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me. You shouldn’t have secrets from your mommy though, but you can from your daddy…things like how it would make you feel so naughty if he touched your kitty or maybe other stuff. Mommy does some really dirty things for Daddy, she puts Daddy’s cock in her mouth and sucks on it. I could teach you how to do that, but are we going to let Daddy touch your Kitty?”


“Yes please Daddy, touch my Kitty… You must let him know it’s okay to do it, otherwise he could get hot and flustered and just use you Cindy. Instead you must only let Daddy do what you want. Some men like to use girls so they can get hard cocks and do dirty things to them.”

Cindy sounded anxious and frustrated as she blurted out her reply while rolling her head from side to side. “Yes Daddy please touch my kitty. Please…please touch my Kitty.”

Colin laid his finger in the middle of the wet spot in her panties and gently pushed the material into her hole up to the first knuckle of his finger. The wet cotton of her panties stretched across Cindy’s pussy lips. Cindy moaned and thrashed her head from side to side. She had to be close to cumming and I knew what she would do when that happened. Colin ever so slowly dabbed his finger in and out of her hole, if they were wet before, now her panties were soaking.

Jan spread her own panties and pussy lips again, dabbed at her now exposed clit then pushed a finger into her own hole. She looked from Cindy’s pussy to me as if to say, ‘how is this Tim?’

I still had two fingers pushing in and out of Aliesha. She was alternatively wanking and sucking on both of our cocks while Davey continued his assault on her tits. Due to Jan finger fucking her own hole, and Cindy with her legs stretched wide with a hand around Colin’s cock, I had to mentally focus elsewhere and stop my cum building to the point where I just wanted to paste Aliesha’s face with a load. If Aliesha kept up her now rapid fire sucking I knew I couldn’t stop myself, so I gently pushed her face off my cock. Aliesha pulled my hand out from her crotch and guided it up to her mouth then sucked onto the two fingers that seconds before had been thrusting deep inside her hole. “Hmm…fuck I taste good…don’t you guys want to taste me? I want my pussy eaten and I want to see naked bodies with hard cocks so get rid of the clothes boys, I want to have a perv.”

Davey and I threw off our shirts then dropped our underpants. Davey immediately got down between Aliesha’s legs, pulling aside the little triangle of black material, exposing Aliesha’s shaven cunt and started licking her clit which poked out between her lips. Aliesha pulled her knees back to allow Davey as much access as she possibly could. Man she had a cute pussy. I guess my perception was that she would have a big wide pussy due to Davey telling me that she might have had more fucks than him, but that wasn’t the case.

“There’s a girl and two boys over there Cindy. The boys have been doing rude things to her. They saw your titties and panties and you made the boys so horny that their cocks got big, then the girl took off her bra so they could play with her titties. She played with their big hard dicks just like you are with your daddy’s. After that, the boys put their cocks next to her face and she sucked them Cindy, just like Daddy makes your mommy do sometimes. That girl was playing with her pussy too and one of the boys put his fingers in her kitty. Guess what happened next? She sucked the fingers that had been in her pussy. That was so dirty. Now she’s got her legs spread as wide as yours are, and a boy has pulled her panties to the side and is licking her pussy.” Jan giggled. “The boys have got no clothes on, and that girl has got no hairs on her kitty. She must have shaved them all off so that the boys could see all her pussy bits. Shall we get the other boy to come over here Cindy so that he can watch you play with your daddy’s cock and maybe look at your panties. It’s very naughty though. Maybe we should ask Daddy if the boy can watch…you don’t have to look if you don’t want to see his cock, because it’s quite big and he’s got his hand around it. It’s all wet and shiny on the end. Is that alright Daddy if the boy comes over and watches?”

Colin grinned. “Aha.”

“What if I pull your panties to the side just like that girl, so that Daddy and the boy could look at your Kitty.”

Cindy, eyes still closed, thrashed her head from side to side again and tried to close her legs, but Jan and Colin held them firm till she relaxed again.

“Yes…yes Mommy do it…I want them to look at my pussy.”

A grinning Jan cocked her head at me, and I moved across to sit next to her. Conscious of my state of arousal I wondered how silly I looked, naked and hard as hell. As soon as I sat, she placed a hand on my chest then let it slide down onto my midriff she drummed her fingers up and down my stomach then up onto my chest and whispered to me “I love abs and I love muscles. I bet you can fuck like there’s no tomorrow. What are we going to do about this?” Jan placed the palm of her hand over my cock head then smeared my copious amount of precum down my shaft. “You look after this for me while I deal to your girlfriend”. Fuck she had a sexy voice. “What else does Cindy like to do?”

“She likes to feel used.”

“Good…let’s use her then. Does she cum a lot?”

“Oh yeah…I’m surprised she hasn’t yet…you’ll know about it when she does.”

Colin’s finger had Cindy’s panties jammed so deep into her hole that her pussy lips were exposed on either side of them.

“Let’s have a look darling, let’s show Daddy and the boy what a pretty pussy looks like.” Jan pushed Colin’s hand aside. The soaked material of her panties remained stuck in her hole until Jan slowly pulled one side of the gusset towards her. As the panties were pulled from her hole Cindy came. She let out a huge groan and jammed her thighs together trapping Jan’s hand against her crotch. Her eyes flew open, and she bent forward yelling out ‘Fuck,’ while her knees beat together as her orgasm continued. Davey pulled his head from between Aliesha’s legs, turned and watched along with her, as Cindy continued to cum.

Finally Cindy stopped her jerking, her knees fell open, and her head slumped back. She closed her eyes again. Jan and Colin lifted and spread her legs back across their thighs.

“Oh Darling…you’ve just had a big cum. It feels so good doesn’t it. Mommy likes cumming, it’s the best feeling in the world isn’t it darling. Now…I think we can get rid of these; they are so wet that the boys might think you’ve peed yourself. Close your legs and lift your bum Cindy.” Jan knelt in front of Cindy and pulled off the panties which she handed to Colin, then pushed Cindy’s knees apart.

“Cindy!!” Jan’s voice sounded shocked. “You’ve got no pussy hair. You naughty little girl…you’ve shaved your pussy. Look Daddy…look what your little girl’s done. Now Cindy…I want to know. Did you shave yourself because you know Mommy does it for Daddy or did you do it for some other man or boys. Answer me Cindy…now!”

“Umm…for the boys Mommy.”

“Oh my God. I thought you were such a good girl and now your daddy and I find out your just a filthy little hussy who likes to show her pussy around.”

Davey sat back up next to Aliesha. She had her legs spread again with her feet up on the seat and was slowly wanking him, while he fingered her hole. They looked on in anticipation at this new development.

“And tell me young lady…exactly what do you let these boys do to you?. Feel you up, play with your titties…and what do you do for them…wank their cocks or suck them off. Do you let the boys fuck you Cindy?” Jan’s acting skills were awesome, she was able to switch from a loving but cajoling mommy to a somewhat angry mother.

“Yes Mommy. I let all the boys do me…and…I like it.”

“You dirty little slut, Daddy do you believe what she just said.?”

Jan took my hand and placed it between her legs then whispered, “Make me cum stud, but don’t you cum yet…there’s something I want you to do for me.” She opened her legs allowing me access to her pussy and her clit which poked out of the top of the slit in the panties. I started by dabbing a finger at her clit which was soon rock hard.

“I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree Mother. I knew she’d turn into a slut.”

“I’m very angry with you Cindy. I can’t believe you could be so naughty. Right young lady, if it’s good enough for you to randomly go around fucking boys, then you can fuck your daddy, and I hope he fucks some sense into you. Maybe we should let the other boys fuck you too you filthy little cock loving whore. Make her suck your cock Daddy.”

Colin smiled at his wife. “Get on the floor Cindy, get on your hands and knees.”

I trusted Colin and Jan enough by now to know that they knew what they were doing, as Cindy knelt in front of Colin who dropped his underpants and kicked them away then his shirt. He took her hand up onto his cock then placed his other hand on the back of her head, pulling in so that his cock head was just an inch from her mouth. Cindy had her eyes wide open as she looked up at him then his rigid member.

“Open your mouth Cindy, lick it then use your lips and suck. No need to act shy and innocent now that we know you’ve done it before.”

I was so turned-on watching Cindy with big wide eyes licking the shaft of Colins cock that when she placed her lips around it and slid down his length I found myself following her by pushing two fingers slowly into Jan’s hole.

“That’s nice Tim…you’re a lover aren’t you. Nice and slow to start please and I’ll tell you when I’m going to cum. Most guys just want to get their rocks off straight away by fucking me. I want you to fuck me but I’m not going to waste my time with you by doing it yet. Tim…when I’m about to cum will you touch my arse?”

“Happy to oblige Jan, anything else, do you want your top off and have me deal to your tits?”

“No not yet, I know you like perving on them while I wear this. I’m pleased you don’t mind arse play, some guys do. Have you fucked a girl’s arse, have you fucked Cindy’s?”

“Yes and yes, I usually can’t last out when I do. It’s the tightness and extra warmth that does it for me.”

“Hmm…it’s the feeling of being so full that does it for me, plus the thought that it’s about the dirtiest thing you can do…maybe with the exception of being pissed on.”

” You’ve had guys piss on you?”

“And girls. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I guess being a lover it would be hard for you to do, but plenty of guys like to degrade girls as much as possible after they’ve fucked them, and that’s probably the best way of doing it. Lots of girls like to be treated like shit though, sometimes I feel like that, but not with you Tim…Just looking at your eyes almost makes me cum…in fact I think I’m about to. Wank my pussy faster now…touch my arsehole.”

I drove two fingers in and out of Jan’s slick pussy. When my index finger was coated in her juice I pulled it out, found the pucker of her arsehole and smeared the slippery juice around it. Jan pulled me into an embrace and started to passionately kiss me. As I drove the tip of my finger into her arse past the first barrier of resistance she shuddered then relaxed pushing down on all my fingers and driving them up into her holes.

“Oh fuck Tim…keep fucking me.”

Her arse and pussy clenched onto my fingers, relaxed and clenched again another half dozen times as her climax ran it’s coarse while she just continually groaned in my ear. Some of her cum juice ran down my fingers and into the palm of my hand. She was unbelievably wet. Jan kissed me passionately before giggling in my ear. “God that was good. I get wet…very wet. I was going to ask you to eat my pussy, but I didn’t want to drown you.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t have minded. You’re right…I guess I am a lover. I love women and I love making them cum, probably more so than getting my own rocks off. I could never piss on you or anyone else, that would be disrespecting myself as well as them.”

“Oh my…how some of my friends would love to get their hands on you. You will come back won’t you Tim? please don’t make this a one off, even if it’s just you and me. Colin doesn’t mind as long as I don’t care who he fucks.”

“Maybe Jan. No promises. Right now Cindy is my priority and we’ve got a lot on our plate.”

“I understand. God she is so cute just look at her. Do you think she would mind if I played with her?”

“No, don’t think so…her and Aliesha get in on a bit.”

Jan stood up, looked down between her legs then across at me. She grinned as she skimmed off her panties and threw them at me, before wiping her hand through her pussy, then licking her fingers one by one. When she knelt next to Cindy, she made sure her bum was facing back towards me.

I shuffled across on the seat to get a better view of Cindy as she continued sucking Colin’s cock.

“Is she doing it properly Daddy, does she know how to make her daddy feel good like her mommy does?”

“She’s doing just fine; I think she’s doing her best.”

“Move over Cindy. I’ll show you what Daddy likes. He might end up doing this to you a lot if you continue to need cock all the time. I’d rather Daddy fucks you than some random man or boys. Daddy likes his balls held when you suck him off.”

Cindy wiped her mouth as she sat back on her heels. She looked across at me then Aliesha and Davey, before turning back to watch what Jan was doing. Jan had a hand up under Colins impressive balls and was gently squeezing them. Her other hand held the base of his cock.

“Try to make your mouth feel like your pussy would when he pushes his cock into it. Like this.”

Holding the head against her lips, Jan pushed forward forcing it between them which she held clenched tight as she took in the first inch. She moved her head from side to side as though she was struggling to get it in before taking another couple of inches. Colin closed his eyes and threw his head back with an audible groan. I watched Jan’s cheeks concave as she sucked hard on a couple of up strokes before she stopped, took a deep breath then drove all of Colin’s length down her throat.

“Fuck.” Aliesha called out, and Davey and her got up to come over and watch. Jan slowly moved back and forward, her nose and Colins balls only stopping her from going deeper. Ater thirty or so seconds she pulled off, sucking hard as she did and still forcing her lips around the head until it popped out. A stream of drool fell off Colin’s cock as Jan took deep breaths and wiped her mouth.

“Your turn Cindy…if you want to suck cocks, learn to do it properly.”

“Yes Mommy.”

I was surprised at Cindy’s reply. I thought with her eyes wide open and the reality of what she was seeing and doing, that she would by now have left her fantasy behind, but that wasn’t the case.

“Can I have some of that?…that was frigging unbelievable.” Jan grinned up at Davey.

“Don’t expect that from me mister…you know I can’t deep throat you.” Aliesha lightly punched a grinning Davey’s arm.

“It’s just a case of practise Ali…took me a while. “Come on Cindy…don’t worry, Daddy won’t cum down your throat. He’s saving that for later.”

Jan shuffled on her knees over towards Davey and took balls and cock in hand. Cindy must have been paying attention to Jan. I doubted that she would be able to take Colin’s cock down her throat but after a couple of failed attempts finally managed to swallow and take nearly his full length but for just a few seconds. She rocked back onto her heels wiping away a string of drool that had fallen onto her chin.

“I did it Daddy…just like Mommy. My mouths getting sore though.”

“That’s Okay…it’s just like the ‘stitch’ when you go for a run. You’ll get over it.” Colin pulled her head back towards his cock.

Davey kept saying ‘fuck me’ as Jan deep throated him. “Watch this Ali, this feels fucking awesome.”

“Shut up Davey, you know I can’t do it.”

I felt a bit sorry for Aliesha and as she turned to look at me, I inclined my head inviting her to have a seat. She kneeled beside me, then started talking quietly in my ear. “Cindy told me about your lovemaking and how you taught her to slow down instead of just bonking. I knew what she was talking about when you had your fingers in my pussy. You were caressing it and my clit ..I was so close to cumming I had to think of other things, but I could only think about what Cindy told me you did when you licked her pussy. Davey just wants to stick his tongue in my fuck hole, but I make him lick my clit. Cindy said you even lick her arse, nobody’s ever done that for me. If we get the chance and it might only be tonight, would you do that to me?”

“What’s wrong with right now then? I’m just sitting here playing with my dick like the spare prick at the wedding.”

“Really, you’ll do that for me. let’s do it.”

“Listen Aliesha! You’ve got to slow down a bit if you want me to make love to you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mind over matter. Just enjoy the moment. Don’t think about what you want next by shouting it out. That’s why God created moaning Aliesha…so that we could enjoy the moment.”

Aliesha laughed. “You’re deep Tim aren’t you? Okay I’ll practise my moaning.” Now she whispered in my ear. ‘If I decide to stay and Davey is okay with it, would it be alright if I joined in with Cinders and you in bed? Cinders said she thought it was a neat idea, but she said I had to ask you. I love Cinders Tim and you’ve already seen what we do together. She told me you’ve opened up a whole new world to her and I want to see what she’s on about. I know I’m a bit of a nympho and I get really excited and just want to start bonking, but I’d really like to experience what you and Cinders have got going. Before tonight I wouldn’t have suggested it, but now I know we can have fun without it interfering with our feelings for each other. What do you think?’

“Lie on your back. Pull your knees right back and I’ll give you my answer.”

“Okay,” she laughed.

“Okay Cindy that’s enough or Daddy might cum. It’s time for him to fuck you. Lie down on the floor. No foreplay Daddy, just fuck that dirty little slut. I hope you boys are ready…your turn next.”

Cindy lay on her back leaning on her elbows, a look of apprehension on her face.

“Davey, grab an ankle, we might as well show the world what she likes to flash around.”

The two of them lifted her legs straight into the air forcing her onto her back, then Davey followed Jan’s example as they spread her legs apart.

“There you go boys. One freely available hot wet young pussy just waiting for cock.” Cindy twisted her hips from side to side and groaned, Davey and Jan had to hold her ankles firmly in case she broke their grip. I was unsure if she didn’t like being put into that position or she was getting turned on by what Jan said.

Either way, it was a sight to behold. Her bald pussy stretched back and open and I could see her arsehole, totally exposed. I stopped licking each side of Aliesha’s pussy lips. She had moaned as soon as I started.

We both watched as Colin knelt between Cindy’s outstretched legs, aimed his cock at her hole and pushed into it. Cindy let out a huge groan, then another as he forced the next inch in and continued moaning at every inch following that, until all his length was buried inside her. As Colin started to hump in and out of her, Cindy closed her eyes again and let her head loll to the side. I knew she was sinking back into her fantasy but wasn’t expecting what came next. Up until now she hadn’t said more than half a dozen words but now she started to talk softly, but loud enough for us to hear.

“Oh yes Daddy, I knew you wanted to put your thing in my Kitty. It’s so big Daddy that I didn’t think it would fit. When Mommy made me suck it, I didn’t think it would fit in my mouth, but I tried really hard for you Daddy. Did it feel nice?” The question was grunted out between Colin’s thrusts.

“Yes Cindy, your mommy is a very good teacher isn’t she?”

“She was being mean to me Daddy, she called me lots of nasty names just because I let some boys play with me. I don’t mean to be naughty Daddy; I just can’t help it because I get these funny feelings in my Kitty when I see boys cocks.”

“That’s alright Cindy, I think your mommy does too.”

“Is that boy watching us Daddy? That boy who pulled my legs open with Mommy so that you could get your thing in my Kitty hole.”

“Yes Cindy, everyone’s watching your daddy fucking you.”

“Am I making the boy’s get big hard cocks Daddy?”

“Yes honey. I think Mommy wants the boys to fuck you too. Do you want that?”

“But Mommy’s being mean to me, if I said I wanted more boy’s cocks, she might not let me.”

“No. Mommy’s trying to teach you a lesson. She wants everyone to fuck you now Cindy. Now Daddy’s going to start fucking you hard because that’s what Mommy wants him to do. Are you ready for that, do you remember what to say if you want him to stop?”

“Yes Daddy…are you going to make your stuff come out of your cock?”

“No Cindy. Daddy is going to stop before he has a cum, so that your pussy is nice for the next cock.”

“Okay Daddy, but I’m allowed to have a cum aren’t I? When Mommy and that boy pulled my legs open I had a little cum Daddy, it was the rudest thing ever, because I knew everyone was looking at my Kitty and could see my bum hole.”

“Yes Cindy…that will keep you nice and wet because you’re going to get more cocks in your Kitty. Now, Daddy is going to start.”


It was obvious that the girth of Colin’s cock was being squeezed by Cindy’s pussy. Her pussy lips were being pulled and pushed as Colin started to move his cock back and forth. Gradually he was able to increase the rate as Cindy got used to the size and relaxed. Colins cock got wetter as Cindy’s juices started to flow again and she moaned every time Colin pushed deep into her.

We were being distracted watching Cindy, but now I went back to the job in hand. Aliesha’s nubbin of a clit was almost totally hidden by her tight pussy lips. My face was just a few inches from her pussy, and she wasn’t being shy pulling her thighs back and wide. I could smell her arousal. Momentarily I felt a bit of guilt…this was my brothers girlfriend, and I was about to eat her pussy. I glanced across at Davey who was holding Cindy’s ankle. He was grinning at me. Jan had stretched one arm across Colin as he continued pumping into Cindy and was wanking Davey’s cock.

Aliesha’s pussy was tight and compact. She snaked a hand down across her Vulva and using two fingers pulled apart her pussy lips exposing her clit while at the same time she straightened her legs and then laid them further back so that they formed a vee with her head between them.

“Were you a gymnast?” I grinned up at her.

“Twelve years until I found boys.” She laughed back. “Watch this. Davey likes it.”

She pulled her knees back so that they were tucked in behind her head. Then she crossed her ankles.

“Holy hell.”

I circled Aliesha’s clit with the tip of my tongue then ran it up and down the creases of her pussy, but she was spread so wide they hardly existed. I was looking for a reaction from her as to which part of her pussy was most sensitive and found it as I flicked the tip over her clit. It stiffened, and she moaned and reached down with her other hand to gently pull my hair. When I put my lips over her clit and gently sucked, I pushed my chin into her hole. She wiggled her hips trying to get it to go deeper.

“Cumming Tim…I’m going to cum,” She whispered hoarsely.

Unlike Cindy who would have jammed my head between her thighs, Aliesha seemed to spread her thighs even wider and pulled my chin further into her soaking wet hole as she came, groaning out loudly, head back and eyes closed she wiggled her hips trying to force more of my chin into her.

“Oh fuck…yes, yes big cum.” My chin was now soaked with her juice as she released the pressure on my head. “Make me cum again…do it again, do my arse.”

Hearing this might have been a trigger for Cindy. I was surprised she hadn’t cum already with Colin’s relentless pumping of her pussy. She cried out something illegible and tried to clamp her legs around Colin’s backside. Davey and Jan struggled with her legs but had firm grips on her ankles. Cindy resorted to growling and throwing her hips from side to side. As she relaxed again Colin pulled out of her, leaving her groaning, legs open, feet on the floor as Davey and Jan let her ankles go.

“You didn’t cum did you Daddy?. I’d hate you to waste good cum in the little sluts pussy.”

“Nearly Mother…our girls a nice tight little fuck.”

“Good, who’s next?…Davey. I don’t think your brother is available right now.”

Davey glanced in my direction, but I was more interested in Aliesha’s pussy.

“Hell yeah. I wouldn’t mind doing her Doggy.”

Jan knelt next to Cindy.

“Your daddy enjoyed fucking you Cindy, and Mommy enjoyed watching Daddy pushing his cock in and out of your pussy. Mommy had her own cum with one of the boys who wants to fuck you. Now you’re going to get more cocks than you know what to do with. The boys are going to pull a train on you. Do you know what pulling a train means Cindy? It means they are going to line up one after another and fuck you silly. They’re going to use your holes how they want, and Mommy and Daddy are going to let them do it because you decided that you want to be a little slut…and that’s what happens to little sluts who tease men and boys by flashing their Tits and Pussies around. Now get on your hands and knees and spread your knees apart.”

“Okay Mommy, but how many cocks will they put in my pussy?”

“That depends on if they keep coming back for seconds…and I’m going to let them fuck your other holes too if they want, so get used to the idea Cindy…you are about to become a little cock whore. Hands and knees Cindy.”

If ever Cindy was going to object to what was being proposed, now was the time, but she did what she was told and spread her knees apart giving Aliesha and I a view of her exposed arse. Her pussy was slightly red and glistened with juice. Davey had a grin on his face as he knelt behind her, and Jan grabbed hold of his rigid cock and guided it to the entrance of Cindy’s vagina. She rubbed the head of his cock around Cindy’s hole covering it with her pussy juice the then guided it in. Jan kept her hand around Davey’s cock pumping it a few times before Davey grunted and pushed himself up and into Cindy. She let out a sort of mewling sound as Davey started to fuck her hard. Harder and faster than what Colin did. Cindy dropped onto her elbows which meant her arse was poking higher into the air so that Davey with his cock still jammed up her pussy, held onto her waist to support himself and with bent knees got to his feet squatting while continuing to ram into her. Jan still kneeling, got behind them so that she could watch and put a hand around Davey’s balls massaging them as he drove into Cindy.

“Make the little bitch take it Davey show her what fucking’s all about. Daddy why don’t you use your daughter’s mouth?”

Colin had been standing next to them, slowly stroking his impressive cock and now smiled at Jan before kneeling in front of Cindy lifting her chin and pressing his cock against her lips, Davey’s thrusting, bumping her mouth against him. Jan shuffled around and held his cock.

“Open up Cindy, Daddy wants to fuck your mouth.” Cindy who had her eyes closed again, was probably somewhere deep inside her fantasy world, but opened them briefly to glance at Colin’s cock before opening her mouth, allowing Colin to slide it in. She started to cum, her back arching up and down but unable to close her legs because Davey had his feet inside her thighs. She let out a muffled yell around Colins cock. Colin took the opportunity to push more of his cock into her mouth stifling her voice. To my amazement Cindy pushed forward allowing Colin’s cock to enter her throat, bobbed her head a couple of times and then pulled off him. A stream of saliva once again followed his cock as Cindy let loose with several guttural groans humping her hips around Davey’s cock. Davey was in his element, there was nothing he liked better than having his cock ramming into a pussy and he had a satisfied smirk on his face.

“Fuck that’s a turn on…look at Davey go. He’s like a frigging dog with a bitch on heat.” Aliesha pushed my head back to her pussy. I started again by licking along the outside of her pussy lips. Once again she pulled them apart with her fingers, her little clit poking up and unable to resist I started sucking on it. “Fuck Tim that feels so good, but don’t forget what you said you would do.” She pushed my head down further into her crotch. I licked around her pussy then drove my tongue down into it at the same time forcing my chin against her arsehole. She gasped and wriggled her hips so that her bum cheeks were pushed apart allowing my chin to settle deeper into her hole. With my nose between her lips my tongue deep into her pussy and my chin against her arse I wondered when she would cum again, she was starting to groan. Taking my tongue from her pussy I shifted down to the pucker of her arse and ever so lightly licked a circle around it before licking from top to bottom. Her cheeks clenched closed then opened again, and as they did I drove my tongue in, holding the tip there as she slowly accepted the intrusion allowing me to push past the entrance and force more inside her.

Each time she clenched I thought she would push me out but then each time she relaxed she allowed more in, until she finally accepted it, and I was as deep inside her as I was able to go. “You dirty prick Tim, that feels so good, just hold it there. Hope you can breathe.” Her words were gasped out. Then I felt another hand on the back of my head. It was Jan gently running her hand through my hair before pushing down. I glanced up over Aliesha’s pussy and saw that Jan was massaging one of Aliesha’s tits. Suddenly Aliesha yelled out and she too was holding and forcing my head deep into her crotch. As she came I felt her arse muscles pulsate around my tongue while my nose was pushing deep into her pussy which was covered in a new flow of her cum juices. Unable to breathe I had to jerk my head up and watched Aliesha go through her massive orgasm, her head thrashing back and forth, hips rocking from side to side and a trickle of her cum leaking from her pussy to her arsehole.

“Well done Tim.” As I knelt up, Jan pulled my head into a pash, poking her tongue into my mouth and circling mine uncaring of where it had just been and stroking my cock at the same time.

Davey was still fucking into Cindy who was also dealing with Colin’s cock being shoved in and out of her mouth.

“Don’t cum Davey, I’ve still got plans for that.”

“Okay…I’d better stop then.” He grinned back at Jan and then pulled his wet rigid cock from Cindy’s hole.

“Lie on your back Cindy, take a rest…you’re going to need it. I’ll get you something for your pussy, so you don’t get sore, and we don’t want the boys to get sore cocks do we.”

“Are there more cocks to come Mommy?”. Once again I was amazed at Cindy’s complete oblivion of the reality of what was happening and her ability to exist within her illusion.

“Oh yes Cindy…none of the boys have had a cum yet. I’ve been holding them back so that they can use you for as long as they want.”

“Are you being mean to me Mommy?”

“Daddy and I are trying to teach you a lesson. If you get all the cock you can handle now then maybe you won’t be so eager to flash your pussy around and keep it in your pants where it belongs.”

“But I like it, and I made Daddy happy and that other boy, what’s wrong with being nice to people?”

“I guess you’re not getting the message Cindy. Get back on your knees, resume the position. Tim you’re up next and Davey your turn to fuck this little slut’s face.”

There is a fine line and just two letters between ‘use’ and ‘abuse’. I was putting my trust in Jan and Colin, that they knew what they were doing. So far Cindy had cum a couple of times, and she always had the safe word if she needed it, there was nothing to indicate she was having anything other than a good time fulfilling her fantasies. Jan had been extremely clever in how she had catered to Cindy’s daddy fantasy and the other one of being used. Jan had managed to weave the two together which must be making them more believable to Cindy. My fantasy was one of perving on a pair of crotch-soaked panties and Jan had even done that. Davey’s was a girl on her hands and knees with her arse pointed in the air and the way he had fucked into Cindy must have satisfied him. That just left Aliesha who supposedly liked being fucked in the arse and having guys cum over her bum. Maybe that was why Jan was insistent that we didn’t blow our loads.

Aliesha sat on the edge of the seat her legs partly spread like she had just been fucked. She had a contented look on her face. “Now I know what she was rambling on about. Davey you need to take lessons from your brother.”

“Taught him all he needs to know Ali.”

“Well you must have forgotten some of it yourself then.” She poked her tongue at him. “Fuck you guys are lucky having dicks to poke in holes, wish I had a dick.”

“In sailing terms Ali, there are two types of humans, those born with a centre case and those born with an outboard bilge pump. You happen to be the former.”

“Tim hold off will you. Ali how about you come with me for a minute. Colin why don’t you give Cindy another good reaming and Davey I’m sure Cindy would like to have a close-up conversation with your cock.” Jan took Aliesha by the hand, and the two of them headed up the stairs.

Once again I felt like the spare prick at the wedding as Colin knelt behind Cindy who grunted as he inserted his cock into her again, before slowly getting into his rhythm. She dropped again onto her elbows. Davey took hold of Cindys pigtails, shuffled up so that his cock was at her lips and as Colin pushed her forward she opened her mouth and engulfed his length.

Aliesha was giggling along with Jan as the two of them descended the stairs. She laughed at us as she waved something around in her hand. “Look what I’ve got. I’ve got my own ‘outboard bilge pump’ Davey.” She poked her tongue at him again. “I’ve got my own cock.” She held up a black rubber dildo that had black straps attached to it. It was about ten inches long.

There was something different about Jan too. She was wearing a pair of what looked like white satin panties. “Here…I’ll help you Ali.” Standing behind Ali, Jan arranged the dido. It had a triangular curved base and on the lowest part of the triangle, another small dildo pointed up in the opposite direction. “You’ve got to get this just right. Open your legs and get the little dildo comfortable in your pussy before I do the straps up.” Aliesha giggled as she opened her legs and with Jan’s help pushed the little dildo inside her. “This will feel so nice against your shaved pussy. Hold the dildo once you’re comfortable.” Jan clipped together and pulled the waist strap tight then reached between Aliesha’s legs and pulled back two other straps that ran along either side of her pussy, under her butt cheeks and all the way forward onto each hip. “Needs to be tight and firm. How does it feel?”

“Wee,” said Aliesha as she spun in a circle, the dildo flying out in front of her. She walked over to Cindy holding her cock in front of her and knelt down sitting back onto her thighs then pushed the end of the dido against Cindy’s cheek. “Look Cinders, I’ve got a big cock. Bugger off Davey, Cinders is going to suck my cock. Mines bigger than yours.”

Davey pulled his cock from Cindy’s mouth and fell on his side laughing while Colin grinned. Cindy opened her eyes and hardly hesitated as she licked the length of the dildo spat some saliva onto the end of it, wrapped her lips around the head and sucked. “Hope you like big black cocks Cinders, because I’m going to fuck you with this one.” Cindy, who still had Colin’s cock thrusting into her, managed to put a hand around the dildo, pulled it from her mouth, looked along its length, gave it a couple of strokes then grinned up at her friend.

Jan lifted up the top of one section of the seat and took a jar of Vaseline out of the compartment under it. Walking behind Cindy she scooped a finger full of the jelly from the jar and tapped Colin’s chest so that he pulled his cock from Cindy’s hole. “Here you go Daddy…I don’t want you to get a sore cock from fucking your daughter. Mommy might need it later.” Jan pushed her finger up into Cindy’s pussy. Scooping some more from the jar she put her finger to Cindy’s arse pucker which made Cindy buck. Jan suddenly screwed her finger up to her second knuckle into Cindys arsehole. She held it there for a second and Cindy started to cum, bucking back against the rude intrusion and shaking her backside pushing it deeper onto Jan’s finger. When her orgasm subsided Jan took her finger out and wiped it on Cindy’s bum cheek,

“Will you just look at this dirty little girl of ours Daddy…if it wasn’t bad enough that she likes fucking, she likes it in the arse too. She’s all yours Ali… give her some of that big black Mamba snake you’ve got poking out from between your legs.”

“Come with me Tim.” I had no choice as Jan reached down and pulled my cock towards her. She lead me up out of the pit and over towards the bed in the corner. “I’ve got something I want you to do for me.” She rubbed her hand up over my chest then around my abs before interlocking the fingers of both hands and placing my cock between them, sliding her palms up and down my length. I felt the remains of the Vaseline on my cock. Then she reached up and kissed me.

“Ever since you told us about that little fetish of yours…about the wet panties…I keep thinking about it. So I was thinking maybe you might want to watch if I pissed my panties for you but then I had another idea and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I want you to fill my panties up with cum while I’m still wearing them. Would you do that for me?”

“If I told you, that was a new one for me. I’d be lying. I had a girl in Australia who got off on that. (Carol and Gwenda). Okay… it was a turn on.”

“Good. I can still piss my panties for you if you want though, but if you do this, I promise I’ll get you nice and hard so you can cum again. You haven’t had a fuck yet, and I want everyone to go away happy. Ali still needs some attention.”

“I’ve got to hand it to you Jan. You’re the perfect hostess. How do you want to do it…on the bed?”

“No I just need the extra height. You don’t need to do anything.”

Surrounding the platform bed was a step and Jan stood on it then turned to face me. She hooked two thumbs into the front of the waist of her panties and pulled it down exposing her crack.

“Just put your cock between my legs and I’ll do everything. I kept the top on for you because I know you like it. I like it too, the way it hugs my tits, and you can see through it, but you can take it off if you want.” I’m sure Jan’s nipples hardened and pushed against the see through material as she talked to me. She was using that voice again that oozed of wanton sex. I was staring at her tits and realised I had inadvertently started stroking my cock. Moving up to her I pressed my cock head against the crack of her pussy lips, wiped some precum up and down it, then pushed in, sliding my cock into the space between her lips and upper thighs.

“Stay still.” She said to me and slowly started to move her hips back and forth. She still had her thumbs hooked into the front of her panties and I felt the satin material sliding along the underside of my length. Jan had already shown me how wet she could get and as she started to lube up, the top of my cock started to slide effortlessly along her lips. We kissed and I placed my hands under her tits and gently traced their outline with my fingers, before circling her already hard nipples.

I think what attracted me to Jan’s tits was the perfect symmetry of their roundness. There was no sag and her nipples seemed to be placed perfectly in the centre of each globe. I loved the perkiness of Cindy’s tits with their slightly upturned nipples, they were fun, and Aliesha’s were larger, but Jan’s just seemed perfect. I would love to sketch her and contemplated asking, but for the moment was quite content playing with and admiring them. If I was to dream up the perfect pair of tits in my head and draw them, they would look like Jans’, and they perfectly suited the sexiness of her personality. I’m not a tit man… I’m a leg and pert body man, but Jan’s made me horny as hell and my cock was responding accordingly.

“Blouse.” Cindy called out. Colin pulled his cock from her pussy and Aliesha stood up.

“Are you okay Cinders?”

“Can I just have a ‘blouse’ on my mouth. My jaws getting sore.”

“Not surprised, look what you were sucking.” Aliesha waved the dido in her face and laughed.

“Cindys mouth is out of bounds guys.” Jan said.

“Does that mean she’s not allowed to talk or moan and groan?” Aliesha said cheekily.

“We’ll just have to use you instead then Ali.” Davey quipped in.

“No…can’t you see I’ve got important work to do.” Aliesha had her hand on her hip and was swinging and waving the dildo around. All of us were laughing as she walked behind Cindy and bumped Colin with her thigh.

“Move over rover…I’m taking over. Now how does thing work?” Aliesha knelt behind Cindy took the dildo in hand and rubbed it around Cindys pussy. Cindy groaned as Aliesha started to penetrate her pussy.

Jan was serious as she said to Aliesha. “Be very careful Ali…that things not like the boys cocks where they can feel the end of Cindy’s pussy. Cindy…let Ali know when you reach the limit and can’t take any more.”

“Are you speaking from experience?” Aliesha was pushing slowly into Cindy and the cock which was longer and as thick as Colins was gripping the sides of Cindy’s pussy despite the Vaseline lubricant.

“Oh yes. Sometimes we have a girl only night, no men allowed. That toy is everyone’s favourite. If you want to see something funny, it’s grown women having a cat fight over who wears it on the outside and who wears it on the inside.”

“Enough.” Cindy called out. There was at least two inches not buried up her pussy. Ali put her hand around the base of the dildo as a guide to how far she could go and started to fuck Cindy.

Jan meanwhile, was slowly sliding back and forth along my length. Now she pulled the elastic of her panties forward and hooked it up and behind my balls holding it with fingers and thumbs. As her pussy got wetter Jan moved her hips and spread her thighs so that my cock was as snug up into her lips as it could be. Now she closed her thighs forming a tight secure tunnel for my length to slip along.


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