Forgotten Memory

An adult stories – Forgotten Memory by DawnR,DawnR Strange how a tune, a particular smell or even a moment in a movie can bring memories to the surface that have lain hidden for years. That’s what happened here. As I wrote it down, I remembered more details, but I have used exaggeration and even a little invention to make a complete narrative. It’s a gentle memory of voyeurism, exhibitionism, and discovery, not sex, at least not for me. I hope you enjoy it.

All references are to people who are over eighteen. Many names have been changed.

My partner Matt and I were lying in bed watching a movie on tv. It was one of those just bad enough to watch romantic comedy mysteries where it won’t really matter if you doze here and there. Matt was doing just that. The main character was at the bar on a hotel patio somewhere in the Caribbean. In the background the hotel guests were watching models on a low catwalk showing off some stylish evening wear.

I might have been ready to drift off too, but that scene took me suddenly back to a moment in my life I had not thought of in years. It was the third week of June, exams were done, goodbye to high school. Two of my girl friends and I were on a week’s vacation in Jamaica. We had all got accepted into the universities of our choice and would soon be going our separate ways beginning in the fall.

Our families had always been close, and the trip was a graduation present from our parents. It was actually a present in cash and it was our choice to spend it on this trip. While I had spent time at an all-girls school in England; for Mary and Kate it would be the first time away from home without parents. Our parents figured that together we would keep each other safe, and they had to accept that in three months we would all have flown the coop anyway. In my case back to Europe. Of course, we each got an earful of advice on staying out of trouble.

Our chosen destination was a small adults-only resort hotel close to Runaway Bay about an hour’s ride from the Montego Bay airport along the North coast towards Ocho Rios. I think it’s been redeveloped since. It was already dark when we arrived but the warm breezes and fragrant scents that greeted us were a welcome indeed. As we ate our dinner, we excitedly discussed the things we wanted to do. Tomorrow would be beach time but at some point, we would want to explore a bit of the island.

We were eating outside on one end of a large…patio, I guess, which enclosed an infinity pool. At the far end by the bandshell people were listening to a singer and a small band which alternated between reggae and calypso favorites including timeless Bob Marley classics. When we finished eating, we gravitated in that direction only stopping when we reached the pool bar. We stood there listening while we sipped our yellow bird cocktails. I sensed the others were as thrilled as I was by the whole atmosphere, the gentle breeze and the sounds of surf lapping the shore. I wondered what my parents would think as we each ordered a second ‘yellow bird’. There was a delicious sense of forbidden pleasures. At home I was allowed one glass of wine on special occasions.

We danced together as a threesome and before long we were all ready to head up to our room and its three rather narrow single beds. After the usual preparations we were ready for bed. It wasn’t our first ‘sleep-over’ and so undressing wasn’t a big deal, and I slipped between the sheets naked as is my usual practice when the weather is warm. With the gentle swish of the ceiling fan in my ears I don’t think I even remember falling asleep.


I was awakened by the sound of the shower and Mary appeared wrapped in her towel. Looking around I saw that Kate like me was just waking up. Moving quickly, I got to the shower while she was still realizing where we were. Twenty minutes later we were all enjoying a delicious breakfast and half an hour after that we picked up towels and carried our bags to the beach. The beach was not particularly wide, but the nice soft sand felt good as we removed our flipflops and picked them up. In all it was maybe a hundred and fifty yards long. I remember the near end was dominated by sports equipment and some guests were already busy with canoes and surfboards.

“The far end looks quieter,” Kate suggested, and we walked in that direction. I was just putting my stuff down when she said, “The beach goes a little further I can see beyond these trees.”

I picked up my bag again as she and Mary were already moving through the curtain of sea-grape. The beach beyond was deserted. It stretched another seventy yards or so. We were moving forward when Mary pointed to the sign; it read ‘clothing optional section’. We all giggled.

“Come on,” said Kate. “there’s nobody here and this looks like the best part of the beach anyway.”

As I remember it, we moved well away from the sea-grape to about halfway down this stretch of beach before putting down our towels. Taking off my top and shorts I felt the warmth of the early sun on my bikini clad body. Kate and Mary did the same, except Mary didn’t stop there. She reached behind her and undid her bikini top and dropped it on her towel. She didn’t make a show of it; just did it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I think Kate was as surprised as I was but neither of us said anything as Mary took out her sunscreen, and began applying it to her arms, breasts, and stomach before bending to do her legs. I remember realizing that her tits already had a light tan, maybe she’d been to a tanning parlour. Not me, I’d always heard those places could be dangerous.

I couldn’t stop watching. I mean I’m not a ‘les’ or anything but she looked so beautiful, and she had breasts to die for. I’d guess a 36 C, full and rounded, but standing firm without the support of a bra. I was quite envious. I mean I liked my body, I was tall and slim, five foot ten but my bra size of 34 A hadn’t really changed since I was sixteen. My breasts were round and firm but not full like hers. At school I had often been called ‘beanpole’ or worse. Now people, my friends at least, were saying I looked more like a fashion model.

“Jealous?” asked Kate, “I am.”

“A little,” I said, “You have nothing to worry about.”

Kate’s breasts were bigger and really filled her bikini top and without underwired support they drooped a little. Like me she had applied sunscreen before we left the room. So had Mary, but not on her breasts. I think she reapplied everywhere not to make it too obvious.

“You’re the one with the figure of a model,” Kate replied. That was certainly better than ‘beanpole’.

We each chose a lounger. I remember pulling mine into the shade of the umbrella as I wanted a tan but not a burn. Although my hair is naturally a really dark brown, my skin is pale, and I burn easily. Some time later I was deep in my book when I sensed movement in front of me. Looking up I saw a couple walking in front of us. She gave a little wave and he said, “Hi!” as they continued another twenty feet or so. I couldn’t help watching as they spread a beach sheet beside one of the umbrellas and put down their bags.

Straight away she pulled her sundress over her head and slid her bikini bottoms down her legs, and there she was, stark naked. Obviously not for the first time, as I noticed she had a nice all over tan and no tan lines; perhaps her bum area was a little paler but not much. Despite my sunglasses it was pretty obvious I was looking, and I tore my eyes away and back to my book. I rolled on my side in that direction with the book in front of me, as the guy unbuttoned his shirt and folded it neatly on the nearby lounger. I guessed they were about ten years older than us, or just into their thirties.

He applied sunscreen to her back and gave her the tube as he unbuckled his belt and slid off his shorts, no speedo, no nothing. Well, I shouldn’t say nothing; I mean he was obviously a man with the usual body parts, although I had zero experience of seeing such things in the flesh so to speak. Something inside me gave a little twitch as he began applying sunscreen to himself. As the pair of them stood there helping each other with the hard-to-reach parts, I realized Mary and Kate’s gazes were as fixed as mine.

The woman whispered something to the man, he looked our way and chuckled. She gave his thing a cheeky little pat before lying down of her front. It hung out a little from his body and I wondered if it were a normal size. I’m not suggesting it was necessarily any bigger than would be normal, just at that time I had no gauge to go by. I guessed it was about four inches, a little chubby but not stiff, not what I’d heard described as a ‘hard’. He turned towards us and gave a wave and then sat down beside her and also turned over on to his front. We looked at each other I think we were all bright red with embarrassment but at least Kate and I had our sunglasses on.

“I’m going for a swim,” said Mary. She dropped her bikini bottoms and headed naked the short distance to the ocean. I looked at Kate and she looked at me and we stripped off our bikinis, tops and bottoms, and followed Mary into the ocean. I remember how liberating it was to feel the ocean against my naked skin. I hadn’t even skinny dipped in a pool up to that time. There was that marvellous feeling of naughtiness about it as well. I remember the pull of the waves against my thatch of pubic hair as I stood up in waist deep water. My nipples were super hard jutting out a full inch or more. Did I mention my nipples are naturally long? They are almost half an inch most of the time but double that when I’m seriously aroused, a source of real embarrassment at that age.

I remember revelling in the sheer sexiness of it. I stood side on to the couple who were sitting up talking. They looked our way and I saw the man do a double take, then look away and then look back as he said something to the woman. A minute later they both got up and came towards us. I knew he was heading directly towards me, but I had turned away to look out and up over the ocean. Of course, from where the way he was coming he would still have a splendid view of my erect nipples.

I had never experienced the thrill of the exhibitionist before. I turned back as I sensed his approach. The water was up to his thighs, and I could quite easily see the effect my nipples were having on him. His penis was sticking out horizontally to his body. I saw his wife or girlfriend or whatever she was noticed too. Although I still had my sunglasses on, she saw my glance in her direction and laughed. Then she started talking to Kate and Mary.

“Hi, I’m David, ” the man said holding out his hand as the water level reached his waist.

“Hello, I’m Liddy,” I replied and for some reason I took off my sunglasses at the same moment as I looked down to see the tip of you know what poking above the water. I promptly looked up and put them back on. Silly mistake, if I had kept them on, I could have glanced down without the focus of my gaze being quite as obvious. I hadn’t seen one this close before and I was fascinated.

“Have you just arrived? I haven’t seen you before.”

“Yes, we got in yesterday evening. Judging by your tans you’ve been here a while.”

“Just over a week, but we live a fairly nudist lifestyle. It was my wife who got me started six years ago. We belong to a local sun club and go to resorts like this one whenever we can.”

As he was talking, I was gradually moving towards the shore. Of course, he was moving with me and voilà his erection was clear of the water. It must now be closer to six inches long. I wasn’t sure if he was fully erect, but it must be close because it was pointing up a bit like the drawings in Sex Ed. I was very conscious of it and trying not to stare. It was giving me goosebumps or something. He seemed unaware of it or was not the least self-conscious, because we continued to talk as Mary, Kate, and his wife, who was called Ronnie, joined us.

“You seem to be keeping this young lady entertained,” she said. I actually laughed and he looked confused. Ronnie pointed at his erection, and he grinned and blushed but only briefly.

“If they go to nude beaches, I’m sure they’ve seen one before. It’s not my fault such a bevy of naked beauties have that effect on me.”

“At their age I doubt they do. Besides most men on nude beaches seem perfectly able to keep their cool. Why don’t you admit you are just oversexed.”

“Well, I apologize ladies, if it offends you but I can assure you there’s not much I can do about it.”

“If you’ll excuse us,” Ronnie said, “I have a cure that will work well at least for a time.”

As she took his hand and led him away from us into deeper water. As I began swimming, I wondered what she meant. I’m a good swimmer and was soon well away from the shore. When I turned, I looked around and saw Ronnie and David together in the water at the far end of the beach. I was about to wave when the penny dropped. They were doing it in the ocean. Her legs were round his waist and he held her shoulders and they were both moving vigorously. It looked amazing and I found my hand seeking my clit as I trod water and pretended not to watch. I don’t know how long they had been at it. I had swum out quite a long way and not particularly quickly, but it was soon over, and they separated and swam around for a bit as I swam leisurely back towards my lounger.

“Did you see that?” I remember saying.

“Of course,” said Mary, “They were fucking in the ocean, fucking awesome!” She had a habit of being quite crude at times. She was always coy about whether she was still a virgin. Kate and I certainly were, but I knew Mary was adventurous and knew a lot more boys.

Her cure certainly worked. When they emerged from the ocean ten minutes later David’s penis was half its previous length and girth, smaller than when I’d first seen it. More what I’d always expected them to look like, although intellectually I knew about erections and had not been confused about what I was seeing. We were sitting reading when Ronnie came over.

“I apologize if we embarrassed you. Probably not what you were expecting but it’s really the only way. Please don’t file a complaint.”

“Not a problem,” said Mary who was always first to speak for us, “Perfectly natural…hope you enjoyed it too?” she added with a grin.

Ronnie just smiled but did not commit herself.


For myself, I couldn’t really believe everything that had already happened on our first morning from my going nude, something I had not anticipated, to our nudist neighbours frolicking (to put it politely) in the ocean. Back at the hotel we each showered by the pool before lunch. As we ate our club sandwiches and drank Red Stripe, we discussed our morning and other things. It turned out Mary quite often sunbathed topless and sometimes nude at home in their back yard.

“I only go nude when I know my folks are out for several hours. It’s very private and they don’t mind me being topless, but my dad would freak if he found me naked, especially swimming in the pool.”

I could imagine. Mine would freak at the thought that I might be topless even down here or so I thought at the time. How much I had yet to discover!

That first afternoon I remember that several more guests appeared and dotted themselves around the seventy yards of ‘optional’ beach. Most got naked although two women chose only to remove their tops. One man of about forty dressed in t-shirt and shorts walked up and down the entire length of this area of beach twice spending time lingering in front of the naked women before finally going back to the other beach.

“Perv!” said Kate, voicing what all the women must have been thinking.

Ronnie came over and said the same thing to us. She and David had arrived not long before the man arrived. Judging by David’s condition I think she must have bedded him before allowing him out. I must say she was positively glowing so I think it must have been very satisfactory for her too.

Everyone was very well behaved, lots of nudity but no erections or other obvious hanky-panky, as my gran would say (‘hanky-panky’ that is; I can’t imagine her saying ‘erections’). Later, with our swimsuits on we went for a swim in the hotel pool and followed that with beers before heading up to the room. After showering I remember we examined each other’s bodies and only found a few mildly red patches. That was encouraging considering how long we’d been nude. After that I think we tried on the other swimsuits we’d brought.

“You need to shave,” said Kate. I looked down and saw what she meant. It wasn’t a bikini, it was my new lightning blue one-piece, high French cut on the thigh; the material at the crotch barely covering my vulva. Strands of my dark brown hair were visible on both sides.

“Woops!” I said. I had only ever really trimmed that area with scissors, and I said so.

“I’ll help you.” said Kate and I gave her my razor as she brought over the shaving gel. I do shave my legs and armpits after all. It tickled a bit as she went down the sides.

“No too much. I don’t want a full Brazilian.”

She left a broad strip covering my mons and proceeded to carefully shave down my pussy lips from my clit to between my legs. As she did so I tried to distract myself by saying, “Ronnie’s a funny name.”

“It’s short for Veronica, you duffus!” Mary replied, as Kate held my lips apart with one hand and ran the razor down with the other, I felt a little spasm in my groin, and my nipples stiffened.

“You enjoying this?” She was aware of it too.

“I’m not a ‘Les’, no!” I said. She just laughed.

“No one said you were, but you are not dead either. I’d be turned on if anyone were doing this for me.”

I do remember the feel of the razor moving on my labia was quite a turn-on and I remember she had me turn around so she could check for hairs in my bum crack. When she was finished, she cleaned me up with a warm facecloth and then rubbed some of the after-sun on the freshly shaved area. I swear she intentionally played with my clit as she applied it. She shocked me by kissing me down there before hopping back to her feet.

“All done!” she said and laughed. She ran her fingers lightly across my rock-hard nipples and stood up.

Around seven we decided it was time to go eat. We picked up more beers and found a table. There was just the one restaurant situated on the large patio, Our table was on the ocean-side, and we drank our beers slowly as we watched the sun set into the ocean and darkness surrounded the brightly lit patio.

I remember the menu had some fairly standard options for international tastes, mostly North or Latin American, but also some Caribbean specialities and the chef’s daily specials. I can’t say what we ordered but I do remember that as we ate, we were treated to a magic show. I felt very at home already although it was only our second evening. We had just ordered dessert when the manageress came over to our table.

“May I join you for a moment? ” While she was addressing all of us, she seemed to be mostly looking at me. We all nodded, and Kate pulled out a chair for her and we introduced ourselves.

“My name is Yvonne and my husband, Roberto, and I are the managers of this hotel resort,” again we all nodded, “We hope you are enjoying your stay.”

We said we were and then she said, “We…I have a favour to ask you.” We all looked at her with growing curiosity, “Well, really you… Lidia, is it?”

“Just Liddy,” I said, “It’s a nickname, my initials are L D.”

I remember the other two looking at me while I looked at Yvonne, trying to imagine what she could want from me.

“We have arranged a fashion show to feature the creations of some of our local designers and …”

Before she could go further Kate and Mary burst out laughing. Yvonne was clearly startled.

“We are always teasing her she should be a model,” said Mary, “That’s what you are going to ask her, isn’t it?”

As I have already explained, I am quite tall, about five-ten and was at that age was very slim with my small but pert breasts.

“Yes,” admitted Yvonne laughing. She looked at me.

“We do this once a month, or every two weeks in the high season, December to mid-April. As I said it’s mostly to support our local clothing industry. One of the regular models is sick and looking at you, I guessed you must have some modeling experience.”

“No, none,” I said, “Like my friends said, they just tease me, saying I look like a model.”

“You do! I watched you walk in here. You are a natural. Would you be prepared to give it a try? There are two shows each at : the ‘evening wear’ show tomorrow evening at seven-thirty and then on Saturday afternoon around four-thirty. As you aren’t a professional model we can’t pay you, but you can pick an item from each show to keep.”

“It’s very flattering but I’d be terrified. Sorry.”

“Think about it. Each show is about forty minutes. The Friday show will be on the bandshell stage, which as you have probably seen is just high enough that our guests can see what is happening. There is a short extension to the stage to complete the runway the models walk on. The Saturday show is more informal, and the models just walk around between the tables. There is nothing to worry about, the other models will be happy to show you how it’s done. We’ll be so grateful if you agree, Liddy; we really don’t have a back-up.”

She turned to my friends. “Convince her. You know she can do it and she’ll regret it if she doesn’t. By the way your drinks tab tonight is covered and after each show you will all get a free dinner. I’m relying on you, all of you.”

She left and to my surprise my friends really encouraged me to do it. By the time I had drunk two “yellow birds” I was definitely considering it.

That evening I lay in bed awake processing everything that had happened that day as I listened to their soft rhythmic breathing. I was still debating with myself whether I should accept the job of modeling, wondering if I could or should do it. The prospect was exciting. In spite of their teasing, or perhaps because of it, I had often wondered what it would be like to be a model. I was naturally reserved and shy yet loved it when I was the centre of attention. Only three weeks ago I had received a special award on stage at the graduation ceremony and was thrilled when teachers and the entire school audience had applauded.


I was still debating when I awoke, but at breakfast when Yvonne approached me, I immediately said ‘yes’, and both Mary and Kate gave whispered cheers and a silent ‘high five’, where their hands did not quite touch each other. Yvonne asked if I could meet her at four-thirty so I could meet the other models and find out the drill. Apparently, tonight’s show would begin at seven-thirty or shortly thereafter. By then most people would have eaten or perhaps be enjoying dessert, coffee, and liqueurs.

When she left, we finished our breakfasts; then the three of us got ready to go to the beach. There wasn’t a bar on the nude area which was probably a good thing as it meant we stuck to our bottles of water. Once again there was no one on the beach when we arrived, and we went tour usual spot at the umbrellas about halfway along. We had been settled the for a good thirty minutes when I noticed two young guys arrive. I figured they were close to our age, not more than a year or two older. The white one was wearing blue beach shorts, quite close fitting not baggy, and his black companion was wearing a multi-coloured speedo and I could see right way he filled it nicely as it had a pouch front.

The white dude sat down while the black guy did a handstand and walked around on his hands for about a minute before landing back on his feet. I had not seen him look our way but maybe he knew he had an audience. Maybe the white dude was his audience, maybe they were gay. Who knew? That was when Ronnie and Davis appeared. They chatted with the two boys before heading our way. They said, “Good Morning!” as the went to their usual spot. I was longing to ask about the boys but felt I should wait.

“You missed it.”

I had been in my book and Kate’s words interrupted me. She was standing close to me.

“What?” I asked.

“Those boys,” and she pointed. I looked round and saw nothing but their towels at first. Then I realized that thrown on their respective towels were the blue beach shorts and the multi-coloured speedo. That’s when I saw them swimming in the sea.

“Didn’t see much, but nice tight butts,” she continued, “but still worth it.”

“Perv,” I said, but I was sorry to have missed it. She just laughed.

Twenty minutes later with our sunglasses on we happened to be strolling down that end of the beach when they came out. They waved at us as we walked by then turned at the sea grape and walked back.

“Hello! I’m Jahmar; you can call me Jam,” said the young black man holding out his hand to Mary, “He’s Jonathan,” he continued as he pointing to his white friend who was just picking up his towel. Even though she had her sunglasses on he must have caught the slight bob of her head as she shook his hand and said, “Hi, a pleasure!” I know I did because I think none of us missed the slight twitch of his flaccid penis which repeated as their hands made contact. Just twitches, not much, just enough to show it…he was alive, as Kate had phrased it later. In its flaccid state it hung down maybe five inches, quite a bit longer and thicker than David’s or Jonathan’s for that matter from what I had seen.

As Mary introduced us, we all had the pleasure of shaking his hand. Then he picked up his towel and wrapped it around himself as Jonathan had already done. He did say, “see you later but I think it was meant mostly for Mary or her breasts. Sadly, there really wasn’t any invitation to us to sit with them so we went back to our towels. I looked back and saw them both drying themselves. By the time I sat down they had their swimsuits on again.

I didn’t swim although the others did. I was beginning to wonder if I had made a good decision in agreeing to this fashion show. Had my ego got the better of me? What if I looked like a fool? I was starting to hope the regular model had made a miraculous recovery. If not, would I back out? Absolutely not, I would fulfill my commitment whatever the consequences.


After lunch we took a break in our room. The girls teased me about my role in the fashion shows now that I had committed. It was all good humoured, not mean, and I tried not to let it get to me. When they went back to the beach, I decided to go for a swim in the shaded area of the pool instead. I would still have to shower after, but I wouldn’t have to deal with sand, and I’d be limiting my risk of sunburn.

At four-thirty I was waiting nervously when Yvonne came up to me on the patio.

“Thank you again for doing this. Come and I’ll introduce you to the show director and the other models.” She led me over to a large tent that was erected behind the bandshell where the entertainment generally took place. There were four people inside, all four were women. All were locals. One was clearly the director, she looked to be in her late thirties, early forties. The others were early to mid-twenties. Yvonne introduced me to everyone; the director’s name was Jasmine. To my eyes the other girls were all stunningly beautiful and my nervousness grew. There were cloth screens behind which we could change costumes. The toilets were just across a pathway at the back of the bandshell, but they were also open to the guests of the hotel.

First, we went to look at the costumes that were on the rack, while Jasmine described the materials and fit. I would model four costumes and the three girls would each model five. My first one involved a translucent cream blouse and a teal pant suit with flared trouser legs, quite sharp. My next outfit had the same blouse with an open-fronted, deep brown bolero jacket and a floor length skirt in the matching colour with a side slit to my upper thigh that would open teasingly as I walked. I’d seen outfits like this but never worn one.

The third outfit was the classic little black cocktail dress. I thought it was quite demure until I held it up. I saw it only came to mid thigh but was assured that that was the intended length. My last outfit was a very pale champagne coloured evening dress, floor length, the front was open to my navel. It hung in such a way that the sides of my breasts were slightly exposed. When I tried it on, I looked in the mirror and saw that once again my nipples were visible through the fabric. The director said she thought that I was just overly sensitive to them. Other people would not notice in the speed of the show.

The speed was something I had not understood. We were all dressed in our first costumes at the start that part was easy. To exhibit nineteen costumes in forty minutes means a new costume hits the runway every two minutes. The walk up and down the runway takes just over three minutes. As Yvonne and then Jasmine introduced the show, Bella, the first model, was standing waiting at the top of the steps at stage level. Then she went through the curtain on to the runway.

The show had begun. I had come wearing a neutral-coloured bra but saw it wouldn’t really work with the dresses. In fact, I found it showed through the blouse, when I’d I tried it on. I would probably have to be bra-less. Now as I waited my turn, I saw that without the bra my nipples were somewhat visible through the translucent fabric. Maybe, that was intentional, but my nipples are quite prominent and dark. Too late to worry.

I was watching in nervous anticipation as two minutes later Deshayn, the second model, began her walk. I could look out and watch as they crossed on the runway. Then Bella, the first model, is back and changing, but I am already up the steps by the curtain as the third model is starting her walk. I don’t remember her name, let’s call her Jay. Two minutes later and it’s my turn.

I walk through the curtain and see that Jay’s on her way back. We cross and then I’m out at the end on the runway and turning. I’m walking back, Where’s Bella? Right on cue she appears through the curtain, and we cross. I’m no sooner through the curtain and down the steps than Jasmine is there ready to hand me the bolero jacket and the flared pants. Forget the changing curtain, I’m stripping off the pantsuit and she grabs it. I see Deshayn moving towards the curtain ready to go. Jay is stark naked and pulling a dress over her head. I figure I have six minutes at most to take off my first costume and put on the next one ready to go back out.

I still have the blouse but now I have the jacket which will cover my nipples. With the pants on and I step back into my high heels. In the mirror I see the side slit open. It shows my pink panties. Reaching through the slit I pull the underwear down to my ankles. I step out of the heels and drop the panties on the ground and step back into the heels. Jasmine is there to pick up everything as I hurry up the four steps to the curtain. I’m in time Jay has just turned. I pause, take a deep breath, and go out.

As I turn at the end of the runway, I feel the side slit open towards the audience. Do I hear a collective intake of breath or am I imagining it? No time to think as I cross with Bella and re-enter the tent. Shoes off, vest off, blouse off, pants off, it’s Yvonne, who hands me the cocktail dress. As I begin to slide it over my head, I catch the reflection of my naked body in the mirror and it’s kind of a rush. Yvonne helps me settle the dress in place. Back into the high heels and I’m on my way again. Jay gives a sly wink as we pass, and I am back out to the end of the runway. I’m briefly aware that the closest tables can probably see right up the short dress to my naked pussy, as I take that momentary pause before turning back. I am exhilarated. I pass Bella and I’m back in the tent.

Jasmine stands with my last costume, the evening gown, as the cocktail dress comes over my head and I’m naked again. I step into the gown and as I pull it up, she lifts the straps over my shoulders. In the mirror I see that the back only begins at the top of my bum, my entire back is exposed. Well, no tan lines thanks to the nude beach. I am more concerned about adjusting the front, so it hangs appropriately exposing just the side of my breasts.

However, when I look in the mirror again, I realize the silk is so light it is practically see-through. I feel a little jump somewhere inside me and my nipples stiffen in response. It’s then that I see my dark pussy patch is faintly visible as well and I realize the other girls all had full Brazilians, not a hair in sight. As I pass through the curtain for the last time, I feel my nipples pressing against the silk and the sensation is even more arousing.

As I pass Bella every nerve end in my body is alive. With each stride I feel the material stroking my pussy hair. I am decidedly moist down there but at least that’s something they won’t see. I pause and as I turn a breath of the evening breeze catches the fabric exposing my right breast and my jutting nipple stops it from closing again. I give my shoulders a shake as I don’t want to draw attention by putting my hand there, by now I’m on my way back and I decide to ignore it. I see Bella’s eyes pop as she comes towards me in her fifth and last outfit.

Jasmine is standing at the curtain as I come through. She whispers “Bravo” and gives my shoulders a light pat as I go down the steps. I am out of my shoes and have the dress around my ankles when I realize I’m done and suddenly I am more conscious of my nakedness than I have been the entire time. Then Jasmine is beside me urging me to put the gown on again. “Every model on stage for finale,” she says. I just have time before we all go out together with Jasmine onto the bandshell stage and take a bow, which very briefly exposes both breasts but this time we are well back from the audience.

My heartrate settles as Yvonne is making closing remarks thanking Jasmine and the models. As the applause dies, we leave the stage while Yvonne continues talking about how purchases can be made; then thanking the audience for their attention and promoting tomorrow’s lunchtime swimwear show. Back in the tent we all take off our costumes and stand around naked as a waitress brings us glasses of champagne. I thought I’d feel embarrassed, but I don’t as the other models all congratulate me.

It’s eight-forty by the time I join Mary and Kate at their table. They leap up to congratulate me but allow me to order before they start peppering me with questions and their own observations. Kate is amazed that I went commando as she put it, but Mary just said that’s what models do. I explained that the pace is frantic, and the costumes might allow a minimal G-string but not much else; I was just following the other models. I don’t remember much about the rest of the evening. I think we hung out for a bit and drank our favourite yellow birds. It was the next day before they regaled me with tales of how they had seen my pubic hair when the slit on my pants opened and my vag in the cocktail dress. I was already well aware of my exposed nipple. They found it all hilarious; I found it exciting.

What time we got up and what we did in the morning I don’t remember. I remember meeting up with Yvonne again in the tent around two pm. When the other models were all there, she took us outside and walked us along the path we were to follow. It wound in a generally clockwise loop between the tables where people might be enjoying a cocktail, a glass of wine or a beer. Halfway through the walk-through Jahmar and Jonathan appeared and apologized to Jasmine for being late. She tutt-tutted and said, “You boys do this every time. However, it’s the same set-up as last month so Jasmine just needs to show you your costumes and check the fittings with everyone.”

After we finished the walkthrough, we went back to the tent and Jasmine took me behind one of the cloth screens to show me the costumes she had picked for me. My first costume was a one-piece swimsuit in emerald and white with gold highlights. It looked sensational and I was already sure this was the suit I would pick for my own after the show was over. It was very high cut on my thighs but there was sufficient material in the crotch to cover the essentials. The material was so light I almost felt naked when I put it on. It had a satiny feel and the cups in the top had a light lining that fit my breasts like a glove. Yes, this was the one I had to have, sexy but as a one -piece I could wear it on any beach or in any pool.

Then next two were bikinis. The first, a blend of purple and gold, had a full bra and bottoms; the second, a pale, almost translucent, yellow was definitely ‘micro’ with a patch of material over each areola and nipple but with much of the curve of the breast exposed. The bottom again covered the essentials. At least it did after Yvonne produced a razor and gel and after asked if I was okay with her removing a centimeter or so from the top of my pubic patch. When she had done that, she asked me again if I was comfortable that I could wear it. It was smaller than anything I would ever have dreamt of wearing but I said, “Of course.” even though I had butterflies in my stomach. I suspected my dark pubic patch might be detectable but after the previous show I figured I was game for anything.

My last one was another one-piece. It was deep red and made of the same light satiny fabric; it had to be some form of nylon spandex. This time there were no cups in the top, so it literally followed the shape of your body; fine for my body type as my breasts are self-supporting. Yvonne whispered, “The shoulder straps are detachable so it can be worn strapless and because it is so thin you can even roll it down to a monokini and the rolled material just looks like a belt around your waist.”

I also had wraps to wear with each costume and most were gossamer thin except the one that was a large sort of crochet mesh which really did not hide a thing. Wraps they might be but hardly ‘cover-ups’. I was so involved in what I needed to know I had no idea what else was going on. The other models seemed not to need Jasmine’s help to know what to wear or how to wear it, not just the girls but the boys too. I don’t know where the time had gone but it was already after four and we hurried to get our first costumes on.

It turned out each of the girls would be wearing four swimsuits while the boys would each model two. The order was less symmetrical. I was to go third, then seventh, then fourteenth, then twentieth. Unlike the previous show there would be no steps and no stage. We would be walk straight out of the tent and continue walking between the tables occupied by guests of the resort. These would include lunch guests who had only come for lunch and the fashion show.

All I knew was that we would leave the tent at two-minute intervals, but the walk took longer that the previous night’s catwalk. Jay was up first, two minutes later it was Bella’s turn and then mine. As I began my walk, I could see Jay off to my right nearing the tent again from another direction. Then my whole focus was on remembering the route through the tables. People clapped as we went by. When I re-entered the tent, I remember being in awe of the ebony perfection of the other models’ naked bodies as they changed. Especially Bella, her skin literally shimmered in the rays of sunlight that invaded the tent as the curtain opened to let Jonathan enter after me.

I was standing naked as he passed me, my one-piece on the floor and the first of my bikinis in my hand. That’s when I noticed Jahmar dressed in some sharp Bermuda Shorts was watching me as he waited to go out, and then he was gone. What number was he? Bella was ready to go, and Jasmine beckoned me. With my bikini on I got to the curtain as Bella started her second walk. Just before I stepped through the curtain, Deshayn got in line behind me. I could feel the warmth of the sun on me as I walked between the tables. Bella was well ahead of me. I looked around and saw Kate and Mary sitting at a table with David and Ronnie. Jahmar had just passed them as he neared the end of his walk. Something caught my attention. I could see the clear outline of his penis pressing against the left leg of his Bermuda Shorts. Distracted, I almost bumped into a table, and had to apologize. The people grinned at me as they turned to see what had got my attention.

The first sight that greeted me when I entered the tent was Jahmar. He was starting to ease off the Bermudas. The boys were usually as casual about their nakedness as the other models. As I watched Yvonne was holding a pure white speedo. He turned partially away from her and as he was finally able to let the shorts drop to his ankles. His liberated penis sprang out, and I got a clear side on view as he stepped from the shorts. It was definitely aroused hanging well away from his body.

He turned and glanced at me as I undid my top and let my bottoms drop too. For a second we faced each other completely naked. I felt a spasm of excitement in my groin and my nipples were instantly hard and erect. He saw and I had the full-frontal experience as his penis raised towards me almost to the horizontal but still with a bit of a droop. God! It was long and thick. I saw Yvonne’s eyes roll as the tip must have come into her view. She moved sideways. I guess to confirm what she was seeing. As I turned towards Jasmine I heard Yvonne call, “Jonathan, I need you now.”

Jasmine handed me the almost non-existent bikini. “Hurry,” she said.

With her help I quickly had everything in place, although I felt completely naked. I took my position once more behind Bella at the curtain. As she stepped out, I turned my head and saw Jonathan in the white speedo. He didn’t quite fill the pouch as Jahmar would have done. I didn’t see Jahmar and it was time to go. I walked out into the sunlight again and felt the warmth on my erect nipples which must be pushing hard against the tiny pieces of pale-yellow fabric that covered them. I was wearing a waist length fine linen wrap draped across my shoulders, but I doubted it hid my dark nipples.

As I walked my mind was on that penis. It had looked huge, frightening and exciting. I caught the eyes of men, and a few women fix on my super-erect nipples as I passed. Most smiled but a couple frowned in disapproval. “Suck it up!” I admonished them silently as I continued. Just then I felt the side string of my bikini bottom being pulled and the front fell and material such as it was vanished behind my bum. I turned in a fury to see two very embarrassed parents as their toddler gripped the material and started to chew on it.

“She’s teething,” explained the woman, “I’m so sorry.”

I saw Deshayn approaching and turned and walked on.

“Suck it up!” I told myself as I walked bottomless between the tables. Although the resort was ‘adults only’ I knew toddlers under two were allowed. Many if not most tables must have seen what had happened and there was much whispering and some pointing from tables further away. The eyes watching me now wavered between my nipples and the nicely shaved pussy below my patch of hair. I felt myself blushing but rather than embarrassed, I was excited and aroused by the eyes around me.

Back in the tent I found news of the incident was already known. “Sorry, I don’t have the bottoms,” I said to Jasmine, stating the obvious. She just pulled me to her and hugged me.

Yvonne hurried over holding the red one-piece. “You don’t have to,” she said, as she held; it up, but I had already handed the bikini top to Jasmine and took the one-piece from her. As I pulled it on there was quiet applause from those within the tent including Jahmar now wearing his regular jeans. Bella had already left when I reached the opening. Yvonne was there and held me a moment before releasing me. “Go,” was all she said.

As I walked, I realized I was number twenty, there were no more costumes to come. I saw Jay vanish into the tent. People were smiling at me, and some gave little claps of applause. The couple with the toddler were gone. As I turned onto the home stretch, I saw Bella nearing the tent. I returned my gaze to the tables I was passing and grinned at Kate and Mary.

Inside the tent all the models were lined up and the steps were in place. I joined them as Yvonne then led us up to the stage. Once there we were each being introduced in turn, and I saw them each step forward to applause. I stood close behind Bella who was just ahead of me and screening me from the audience. As she stepped back to applause, I heard my name and the words, “our brave and wonderful volunteer model,” and I stepped forward. There was a gasp and then wild applause, even from the models around me. I had taken a moment to detach the shoulder straps and roll the top tightly to my waist in a monokini as Yvonne had described.

With bare breasts and fully erect nipples I waved to the audience and then stepped back. Yvonne was speechless for a second. Then she introduced Jasmine and thanked her and all her suppliers for their work. As she explained when and where the costumes would be available for sale, I rolled the top back up to cover my breasts again and fastened the shoulder straps. After all I didn’t want any unintended nipple slips.

Back in the tent Mary and Kate were allowed to join me as everyone stood around in various states of undress drinking the champagne, actually it was Spanish Cava. The other models all came over to sincerely thank and congratulate me, which was really sweet. I asked Bella if she ever came to the nude beach, and she laughed and said she would never be nude in public. She wasn’t a prude it was just something she or the other ladies wouldn’t do.

I don’t remember other parts of the holiday in detail. I’m sure we had another great free dinner that night and that there were more visits to the nude beach before we came home. I think I probably saw Jahmar there again, but never in his aroused state, and I know I never got to know him. I certainly returned home a virgin just as I left. I would be well into university before I lost my cherry on a ski trip. One last thing, when Yvonne was thanking me again, she reminded me I could pick a dress and a swimsuit as my reward. I picked the short black cocktail dress and hesitated between the two one-piece swimsuits.

“Take them both,” interrupted Jasmine, “You were amazing; you deserve them. We are getting lots of sales, especially of the one-piece with the roll-down option. You certainly sold that.”

I was to spend the rest of that summer at home in the States and had my first chance to get intimate with a boy, but he was nothing like Jahmar.


Copyright: © Dawn Ramble 2023


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