Former Playboy Playmates Part 7: Alyssa’s Journey by tw_holt

Introduction: Escaping an abusive husband, making friends, sending letters to her son, and loving black cock. , Author’s note: Fictional former Playboy Playmates. Each have two stories. First story is Interracial. The second will be Incest.
I experimented with first person POV story telling. I separated the jump from 3rd person to 1st person with a series of seven asterisks. I think it turned out fine.

Former Playmates Pt. 07: Alyssa’s Journey

Chapter 1

Ulysses ran his fingers through Alyssa’s long, dirty blonde hair while she lovingly tended to his long, black cock. She kissed the tip, glancing at him, smiling softly.

“You’re so good at that,” He smiled back.

“You think so?”

“I do,” he replied.

Alyssa blushed, sitting up in bed, crawling to Ulysses’ face, kissing him tenderly, her large pregnant belly resting against his side. She was 33-weeks pregnant. It wouldn’t be long until she delivered a child she was putting up for adoption.

The past few weeks with Ulysses had been amazing. He’d tenderly make love to her, or if she wanted, go hard. Sometimes he’d cum inside her pussy, her womb occupied by a growing baby. Sometimes he’d pull out, letting his dick rest on her belly, spurting and covering it with semen.

Alyssa loved it when he visited her. He’d bring her groceries, help clean her run-down, cheap, little apartment, and then take her to bed. Sometimes he’d spend the night, making love to her until the sun rose.

She loved Ulysses’ friendship. He was the nicest man she’d ever met. The fact he had a perfect, muscular, dark-chocolate body and cock was an added bonus. Alyssa loved sex with him, especially in her heightened hormonal, pregnant state. Then again, she often wondered, if it was black men that did it for her.

Alyssa ended the long kiss, looking into Ulysses’ eyes, stroking his ever-erect cock.

“Were you ever married?” He asked, running his fingers through her hair once more.

Alyssa nodded, looking downward.

“You don’t have to tell me about it. I was just curious,” Ulysses said.

“I don’t mind telling you.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to bring up painful memories.”

“If you have time, I’ll be glad to,” Alyssa said. “I don’t have to be at work until Monday.”

“I don’t have any photo shoots to go on for a few weeks,” the fitness model said. “Please feel free to tell me anything. We can stay right here in bed,” he added.

Alyssa looked over Ulysses’ body, running her hands over his six-pack abs, “Where do I begin?”


I was living in Los Angeles from my teen years to early 30s. I got pregnant at 18, had a son at 19, and married my boyfriend. All was great. We were able to go to college, get jobs, everything.

For eight years things were perfect. My husband, Owen, was a good man. Was, being the key word.

He made love to me regularly. It was sweet, gentle, caring. He didn’t last long, but I know he enjoyed it. I rarely orgasmed without stimulating myself, but I loved feeling him cum in me, his moans bringing a smile to my face.

When I posed in Playboy Magazine, that’s when things changed. Owen seemed proud at first. He was married to a Playboy Bunny! But over time he seemed less and less happy. He put on weight, I didn’t. I had a close knit circle of friends, moms in the neighborhood, coworkers, and so on – he didn’t. I was called back by Playboy to pose again a year later, bringing in a good amount of extra income – he was stuck in a job he hated, making an amount he felt was lower than it should be. He was miserable. I felt horrible for him, but I loved him, and stuck with him. Even after he started hitting me.

It was a slap here and there, nothing major at first, the words hurt most. Hateful, mean spirited, jealousy fueled words. He shamed me for posing in that magazine. He accused me of cheating, even though all my spare time was spent with our son; someone who became the only positive aspect of my life.

Then the frequency of the slaps increased, followed by a punch on occasion. Then, over time, those too increased in amount. I went to the hospital a couple times. I had to get stitches on my chin. I was knocked out a few times. I received a couple more stitches on my temple. But I stayed with him, thinking it was a phase; loving him unconditionally – what a good wife would do, right?

I hated lying to my son. Joshua was 11 or 12 at that point. I think he was able to tell I wasn’t being truthful with him, that I didn’t really fall down the front steps.

I begged Owen to talk to a professional, to seek help. He hit me for even suggesting it. Our sex life ended. I would have dreams about him and I in a happier place. I’d dream of him grabbing my breasts from behind, whispering how much he loved me in my ear when he came in me. But it was all a fantasy.

We were getting by just fine. But I suppose it wasn’t enough for him. I never thought poorly for him, I never made fun of him for how much money he made, I never mistreated him. He was, and I suppose still is, a great father. He protects his son as best he can. Sadly, he views me as a threat, and he won’t let me talk to or see Joshua.


“Hey, it’s ok, Alyssa. You don’t have to go on. I was just making conversation,” Ulysses said, wiping a tear away from her eye.

“No, I can go on. I might as well tell you. You’re really all I have,” Alyssa said, resting her head on Ulysses’ chest.

She paused a moment, thinking about how to continue, forging ahead after deciding to tell Ulysses how she left Owen.

Chapter 2

Alyssa trembled in Ulysses’ arms, straddling him, cumming again. He kissed her large breasts, holding her pregnancy with his dark brown hands.

“I can feel the baby kicking,” He observed.

“Yes,” Alyssa said, catching her breath. “That was a pretty powerful orgasm. It probably shook things up in there,” she laughed.

“Now then, where was I?” she asked, closing her eyes when Ulysses kissed her stomach.


I set up a PO Box for my son. I was getting prepared, thinking the worst. One day after school, I took him by the post office, did some paperwork, and gave him the key to it. I told him to check this box for letters from mommy. I felt silly saying “mommy” to a 14-year-old, but it just fit.

Joshua was confused at first, agreeing to check it once a week starting the following week, just like I asked him to.

Owen threw a broom at me when I got home, angry that I hadn’t swept recently. He muttered under his breath about how much better I thought I was than him and how I was nothing in the grand scheme of things. He belittled me, calling me a slut, and I let him. I took it, listening to him insult me in hushed tones so his son wouldn’t hear, as I swept. It’s so sad how some people change for the worse.

He went to check on Joshua, making sure he was doing his homework; he loves his son so very much. I finished sweeping; I mopped too, and started on dinner.

That night, I left the guestroom I had been ordered by Owen to sleep in for the last year of our marriage, and snuck into Joshua’s room. I sat on the edge of his bed and woke him up. I reminded him how much I loved him. I told him I was going to stay with my niece Sandee. I told Joshua to check his PO Box in a few days. I kissed his forehead and left.

I knew that he didn’t believe any of the horrible things Owen may have told him about me. I could see it in his eyes; I could tell he felt sorry for me. There was something else too. I could see restraint, as if he wanted to run with me, but was keeping his cool, trusting me to write him, letting me get away from the abuse, knowing that however things ended up he and I would always have each other – even if only by letters.

I removed my wedding ring, sitting it on the little table by the front door and left. Owen was still asleep.

I arrived at Sandee’s house in Santa Monica, not far from the beach, after midnight. She is actually my half-niece. Her mother, Diane, is my oldest half-sister. Either way, Sandee and I always got along. She’s 36 now; I’ll be 37 in a couple months.

At the time, Sandee was a stripper, hoping to get out of that profession. Needless to say, she knew how to have fun.


“Whoa, whoa. Fun?” Ulysses asked, interrupting the story.

Alyssa laughed, “Calm down. We didn’t have wild parties or anything like that. I met a few of her friends though. Some would stay the night, some were quite loud.”

Ulysses kissed Alyssa’s neck from behind, his hands massaging her large breasts, while she sat against him in the bed. “Loud?”

“In the bedroom yes. She loved many people,” Alyssa chuckled. “I was busy writing letters to Joshua, mailing one almost every day. They were simple letters, telling him I loved him, reminding him to keep my location a secret.”

“Did he?”

“Yes. Owen showed up anyway a few days later. I hid under Sandee’s bed. I didn’t have this belly back then, so I could fit under there. He never came in to search the house. Sandee suggested I might’ve gone to a friend’s house in Nevada, acting shocked when Owen told her I left him.”

“Did your son write back?”

“A few times, yes. I told him my address wouldn’t be permanent for a long time. I told him of my whereabouts every time I changed locations. I never missed a letter from him. They brought me so much joy these past three years.”

“That’s a long time,” Ulysses said, rubbing lotion onto her belly.

“Yes. Owen was good to Joshua. I was the only one he mistreated. He never raised his voice at Joshua, hit him, or anything like that. He was a perfect father. Unfortunately, he turned into a horrible, abusive husband.”

Alyssa sat up, turned around, holding Ulysses’ face, kissing him again, her lotion-covered stomach pressing into his cock. She began sliding it up and down, slowly, over his erection.

“Mmm, baby, I love that,” Ulysses moaned, closing his eyes.

“I know you do. I love feeling you cum all over my tummy,” Alyssa said.

“You really know how to work a cock,” Ulysses said. “I’m guessing you didn’t learn from Owen.”

“I didn’t. It was after I left him.”

“Sandee’s friends?”

“Sorta, but not in Los Angeles. It was after I left there. My first new location,” Alyssa said, picking up the pace, using her beautiful pregnant belly to service Ulysses’ dick.

Chapter 3

After Ulysses ejaculated all over Alyssa’s belly, they showered together, cleaning each other thoroughly, making out in the hot steam.

Their kisses intensified, leading them back to Alyssa’s bed, Ulysses’ cock hard and strong once more.

Alyssa took a deep breath, savoring the feeling of his long rod embedded in her. “When did you leave LA?” he asked.


Thanksgiving of that year. Sandee had saved enough money in the two months I stayed with her to fly us both to Tampa, Florida.

Joshua came by her house the day before our flight. He would sneak over as often as he could. He’d ride his bike. I pretended to scold him, because it took him a long time to get there, I’d hate it if he got caught, but didn’t care deep down, I was too happy to see him.

That night he delivered sad news. He told me he and his father were moving to Houston the first week of December. I was floored. Owen stopped looking for me. I wondered if he found my letters and this was an attempt to distance me. Joshua assured me he had them hidden.

We both cried, holding each other, for what seemed like hours. I had no idea when I would see or hear from him again. I couldn’t confront Owen; I had to stay away from him, for fear of what he might do to me. I let him take my son and move away.

Tears streaming down my face, I told him he could get a new PO Box and write a letter to Sandee’s address when he could and include his new address. It shouldn’t be a problem for minors. I gave him some cash from my dwindling supply, telling him to use it for fees. I told him I’d find a way to write him.
I had no idea when I’d hear from him again. It turned out to be a few, long agonizing months.

Anyway, Sandee was the only one of my family I was really close to. My four other sisters were all half-sisters, our father remarrying shortly after their mother passed away. We got along ok, but were never that close.

That year, far, far away from Owen, zero chance of running into him, I felt safe in Florida for Thanksgiving. I enjoyed being around them for the holidays. It had been many years since I’ve seen some of them. They all congratulated me for having the courage to leave Owen. Some offered me a guest room. I knew they were just being polite, but it meant a lot. The sadness in my heart from the uncertainty of not knowing when I’d hear from Joshua weighed heavily on me.

I wished I had a cell phone back then; Owen wouldn’t let me have one. What little money Owen allowed me to have I took, along with some in my own savings account. As a result, I needed to save as much money as possible. It turned out to be cheaper to write letters instead of buying a phone and paying monthly rates for it.

After Thanksgiving, Sandee was heading to Miami to visit a few stripper friends. She asked me to accompany her; I figured why not. I hoped this trip would take my mind off of things. I kept telling myself it would work out; I’d be communicating with my son again.

The night before we left for Miami, Sandee woke me up. The house was full of family; I slept on a small bed in one of the guest rooms, Sandee on the floor. I figured she was cold and wanted to snuggle, but there was hardly room for two on the bed. She wanted something else though.

“Do you trust me?” Sandee asked.

“Yes, of course, what’s wrong? Is Owen – ”

“No, silly. He’s nowhere near. I have a present for you. It’s something that will take your mind off of things,” Sandee said. I gave her a suspicious look.

“Not all strippers are drug addicts, don’t give me that look. It’s something far, far better than any drug. It’s addictive, but not illegal, and given your situation, won’t ruin certain things,” She explained.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Come with me,” Sandee led me out of the guest room, quietly sneaking down the dark hallway. When we got to the back door of the kitchen, she stopped me and held up a cloth of some sort.

“Relax for me please?” She asked. I shrugged and she put a blindfold on me.


“Trust me, it’s fine. It’s perfect actually. I want to help you relax, you’ve been through a horrible few years,” Sandee said, taking my hand, leading me out into the cool night air.

I heard crickets chirping. I enjoyed a nice breeze against my face. The grass was damp with dew. I trusted Sandee, although I didn’t realize what she meant about whatever she was going to give me not ruining certain things, given my situation. I went with it, sighing heavily when she sat me down, on what I guessed, to be a lawn chair.

Sandee tipped my chin, making me look straight forward. Then I felt it. Something caressed my lips. It was soft. I thought someone was kissing me perhaps. Maybe it was a finger. But then it caressed my lips again, harder this time, my heart was racing.

I felt the large tip of a penis slide across my closed mouth. It had been years since I had performed oral sex on Owen, but a woman never forgets the feeling of a man’s cock in her mouth.

“Sandee,” I recoiled, realizing what it was.

“It’s ok, trust me,” she said.

“Who is he?” I asked.

I heard kissing sounds, Sandee moaning while locking lips with this stranger. “He’s a friend,” She said ending their kiss. “I go way back with him and his son when I used to live here.”

I heard them kiss again, and then felt Sandee’s finger on my chin. “Open up, enjoy this, then I’ll reveal who he is.”

“Alright,” I sighed. I slowly opened my mouth, inching forward in the lounge chair. My lips kissed at it, stretching around it, they covered the tip, bringing it into my mouth. It was huge, so much bigger than anything I’d ever had.

Gingerly sucking on it, my pussy was soaking wet, it tasted so good – a musky man taste, mixed with pre-cum. Sandee was busy making out with this man, but I stopped, clearing my throat. “Sandee? Can I – ”

“Use your hands? Of course! Don’t be shy in front of me, please unwind and enjoy this,” Sandee said, taking my hands guiding it to the man’s body.

His muscular thighs were rock hard. My hands traveled up to his stomach feeling its sculpted musculature too. Then I found the base of his cock. My hands barely wrapped around its girth. “Wow,” I whispered, slowly jacking him off with both hands. He was so long, thick, and powerful.

I devoured his dick. My mouth was stretched and completely full of it. Jacking his long cock off while I sucked hungrily at him, Sandee took one of my hands, lowering it to my pajama pants.

“Relax and enjoy this,” She whispered, pulling at the strings of my waist band, sliding my hand into my pants. I knew what she wanted me to do. I was so lost in sucking this mystery dick, this massive monster, I happily started playing with myself.

I heard the man moan while Sandee resumed kissing him. I went to my knees, pushing the chair back, furiously rubbing my clit while I sucked his cock. I paused, licking the shaft up and down, over and over, covering it with my saliva. Then I resumed sucking that juicy dick. I was so close to cumming. I needed this release, I needed this orgasm, I needed this cock. Sandee knew me too well.

“Mmmph mmm,” I moaned as the orgasm hit me, my mouth still closed around his cock. I rubbed my clit until the wave of pleasure finished washing over me.

I took his cock out of my mouth, kissing the tip several times.

“Better?” Sandee asked. I nodded and caught my breath.

“Good,” She said. Sandee kneeled down, slowly removing the blindfold.

Before me, was as towering, hugely muscular, black man. My eyes shot open, my necked arched back to take in his naked body.

“Alyssa, this is Tony. He’s lived next door here for a long time. His son, TJ and I, used to have lots of fun as teens, and then later,” Sandee paused, kissing Tony on his cheek. “I would spend time with Tony too.”

I have never done anything sexual with a black man. It never crossed my mind. But his cock in my mouth, sending shivers down my spine; was Sandee right? Was it addictive?

“Alyssa, would you like to have more fun with Tony tonight? We can go inside. He has a nice guest room area in the basement. We can – ”

“Hell yes!” I said, grabbing Tony’s hand, leading him into, what was apparently, his home next door.


“Nice. So Sandee helped you release some stress that night,” Ulysses said, getting dressed before leaving in the morning. Alyssa had to go to work soon.

“She did,” Alyssa replied, getting dressed as well.

“I can’t wait to hear more of the story. I’ll be back next week,” Ulysses said, hugging and kissing Alyssa goodbye.

“I can’t wait for that!” she chuckled, grabbing Ulysses’ bulge, looking forward to another all-nighter during his weekly visits.

Chapter 4

A week later, Ulysses was back at Alyssa’s apartment. She was on all fours; he was behind her, sliding in an out of her as fast as he could, her large tits jiggling from the impacts. “Yes!” she cried out.

A few hours later, they were kissing in a post-sex make out session. “So you went inside Tony’s home?” Ulysses asked.

“Oh! Almost forgot. My story. Yes we did. In his basement. He reminds me of you in ways. We went all night. I had never had a black man inside me before. He stretched me out good though. Sandee told me to pretend she wasn’t there. I did and rode his cock with abandon. It was incredible. When I got tired, Sandee took over, riding and cumming on it until she got tired. You know the best part?”

“What?” Ulysses running his fingers once more through her long, dirty blond hair.

“Tony was taking us up to Miami the next day. He volunteered. You know what’s great about Sandee?”


“She drove the whole four hours to Miami. I was in the back seat of Tony’s Suburban riding his cock the entire time. His windows were tinted, but I honestly didn’t care if they were or not. That cock was, mmm – ”

“I get the point. He has a nice one,” Ulysses said.

“Not the best black cock I would encounter though,” Alyssa said.

“Oh yeah? Who was the best on your journey?” Ulysses asked.

Alyssa said nothing, smiling, continuing her story.


When we arrived in Miami, at the luxurious apartment complex of Sandee’s friend, she joined me in the back seat and we both attacked Tony’s cock with our mouths. Just as he was about to cum, finally, Sandee backed off, smiled and let me swallow all Tony’s cum.

“See? Told you it’s addictive,” She chuckled.

“Delicious,” I said. “Thank you Sandee for setting this up.”

“Oh sweetie, we aren’t done. We’re going to have a great few days in Miami.”

We got dressed in Tony’s car, entered the apartment building, and rode the elevator to the top floor. We were greeted by a busty brunette, wearing a large towel around her body. She hugged Sandee, smiled at Tony and me.

Sandee introduced us. “This is my Aunt. My mom, her sis, had me at a young age, so Alyssa and I are only a year apart.”

Crystal gave me an equally huge hug. I was a little taken back by it, but her infectious smile, sweet nature, made me feel at ease. She nodded to Tony, winking at him.

“Come in! Come in!” She said. “This is where I’m staying for a few months. Ronnie? You around?” Crystal called out in a fairly strong southern accent.

The apartment was huge, almost like a penthouse. I saw several women sitting in the living area; they all waved and smiled at us, giving extra long looks to Tony. Then I heard a moan, it got louder and louder, a female moaning similar to how I had been moaning most of the way to Miami.

Then my mouth dropped again, another huge black man exited a bedroom. A smaller white woman was straddling him, grinding against him, moaning over and over.

“Hi! You must be Sandee” the man extended his hand, smiling warmly, while the woman impaled on his cock slowed down and quieted a bit. “I’m Ronnie, nice to meet you.”

He seemed very friendly. It was almost comical chatting with a nude, huge black guy, while a smaller white woman was straddling him as he stood, seemingly oblivious to her.

“This is Alyssa and Tony,” Crystal introduced us. Ronnie and Tony shook hands. “Ma’am,” Ronnie said, gently shaking my hand.

“This is, uh – ,” Ronnie said, referring to the woman riding him.

“Trina!” she said, playfully swatting at his huge shoulder. “Hi,” she turned around and nodded. “Sorry I’m a little busy.”

We chuckled at her joke. Ronnie slapped her butt and made his way back to the bedroom. “I’m going to finish up with her, shower, and I’ll rejoin you.”

“Ok baby,” Crystal said. Then, to even more shock, she disrobed, revealing her large breasts and hourglass stripper body. Sandee didn’t seem to even notice. I avoided looking at her, though over time, it didn’t seem like a big deal.

“Kitchen, more guest rooms are down there. Out there on the balcony is Ronnie’s brother, Rodney,” Crystal said, showing us around. More shock when I looked toward Rodney, another huge bodybuilder-like black man, on the balcony behind a dark haired woman, who appeared to be in her late 30s, slamming his cock into her.

“I believe that’s Sandrah he’s going to town on,” Crystal said. “Let’s have a seat!”

“Tony can I get you anything? Water, beer, pussy?” Crystal asked.

Tony laughed, “I think some pussy would be great right now.”

“Good! Stacey, Trish?” Crystal asked the two blondes still sitting on the other couch. “Those two sisters do everything together!”

They stood, each grabbing Tony’s hands, leading him down the hall to another guest room. I couldn’t believe it.

“So how many days will you be here?” Crystal asked Sandee.

“Five. We’ll fly out from here,” Sandee answered.

“Mmmm, we’re going to have so much fun. We’ll be going out clubbing each night. Then back here for,” Crystal smiled, closing her eyes. I knew what she meant. Sandee patted my knee, letting me know it was ok.

We heard moans coming from Tony’s direction. He was feasting on pussy I assumed. “What about you? How long are you Miami?” Sandee asked Crystal.

“Well I’m working here for the next few months. I stay here with Ronnie, sometimes with Rodney at his place. It’s fun,” Crystal said.

An idea popped into my head. Crystal said “a few months.”

“Then what?” Sandee asked her old friend.

“Well I’ll head back to the trailer park!” Crystal squealed.

“You sound excited,” Sandee giggled.

“I miss my son. Can’t wait to go home and see him. I’ve made so much money here in Miami. It’ll be nice to put it in his savings account,” Crystal said. She was a mother, stripping, dancing, and who knows what else, for money all for her son.

“You ever going to move out of that trailer park?” Sandee asked.

“Nope! It’s a very special place,” Crystal winked. I had a feeling she was withholding why. Sandee shook her head and smiled.

A few moments later after more small talk, sounds of orgasms in the other room, another woman arrived. Crystal stood to greet her, hugging her as well. She was very tall, brown skin, black hair, a Latina I assumed. She had an heir of authority about her, as if she was a manger or boss. She introduced herself as Fernanda. She sat down, saying hello to us.

After the introductions and small talk, she asked us if we were coming out with them tonight. I shrugged and Sandee nodded her head.

“Alyssa is it? You seem unsure,” Fernanda said in a thick Spanish accent.

“Well, I uh, don’t know. I don’t have many clothes with me,” I replied. Fernanda smiled, looking me over, studying my chest, my curves.

“I will take care of that,” she said.


“So let me guess. Fernanda took you shopping, buying you all sorts of sexy dresses and clothes?” Ulysses asked.

“Yep. Not sure where she got the money, she had great taste. Several cocktail dresses, high heels, and so on. I looked like all the other women in that night. I looked like a porn star or a stripper from Miami.”

Ulysses grinned like he knew something Alyssa wasn’t telling him. “Mmhmm.”


“I’ve been to Miami many times. But please go on,” Ulysses said.

“You’re funny,” Alyssa said, climbing on top of Ulysses, sliding his cock back inside.

Chapter 5

“Yes! Yes!” Alyssa cried out, once again cumming on Ulysses. He gripped her belly hard, feeling the baby moving inside, the power of the orgasm waking the poor thing.

Ulysses sat up, holding her, guiding her onto her back, and continued pummeling her.

“So good,” She whispered as Ulysses worked.

“I’ve been with a pregnant woman before. I learned a lot. I learned I can’t break you or hurt the baby,” Ulysses whispered in her ear, fucking her.

“She white?”

“Of course. Sweet white woman named Emily. I made her go into labor,” Ulysses said. Alyssa grinned, thinking about how amazing that would be.

She climaxed once more under him, Ulysses rolling off, holding against his sweaty body.

“So you all went out that night? How was it?” he asked.


There were 12 women, all of the ones I met in the apartment, along with several other that joined later. Nine were white, three were Latinas. Fernanda and her two sisters, one of them was Sandrah, were from Puerto Rico. Each of the three black men, Rodney, Ronnie and Tony, had four dates each. Fernanda orchestrated everything. She put Crystal, Sandee, herself, and me in one group and we were all Ronnie’s date. I thought it was amusing, but again, went with it.

We had dinner in a club first. We had a huge booth to ourselves. Some of the women were underneath the table sucking cock while we ate and chat – Fernanda being one of those women. I sat there, smiling, taking it all in, thinking of the idea I had earlier.

Ronnie was the most entertaining and charismatic. He’d make jokes, flirt, and compliment us. The fact he smelled intoxicatingly good was an added bonus.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm,” Ronnie said leading me to the dance floor after Sandee and Crystal encouraged me to dance.

“So, Alyssa, I think you know where tonight is headed, right?” Ronnie said, pulling me into a dance by my waist.

“Yeah,” I blushed, looking away.

“Yeah. You and I are probably going to get it on,” Ronnie said, pretending to be sad about it. “You’re so gorgeous, I probably won’t last a minute,” he joked on himself. I couldn’t help by laugh, memories of Owen briefly entering my head.

“I’ll do my best though!” He said, again making it seem like he would need to pep talk himself.

I went first. The three black men and their four dates each took a bedroom. I rode and came all over Ronnie’s big cock for thirty minutes straight, before it was another girls’ turn.

“You were amazing, Alyssa,” He said, kissing my lips, before I slid off his still erect cock. “A beautiful woman.”

“Ok who’s next up for the most amazing 30 seconds of your life?” Ronnie again, poked fun at himself. He went all night, never cumming until morning. All three of the men did the same.

We traded guys too. The four of us would go to another bedroom, another man, and do the same there. Tony was next and was good as always. Rodney was last on our group’s stop.

Rodney was different than his older brother. He wasn’t as silly or outgoing. He didn’t talk as much. But when he fucked me, it was more intense. I saw something in his eyes that night more than just desire. I saw something like ownership. He wanted me to be his. I didn’t quite know what to think of it. Later on, Sandee and Crystal both said they never experienced that with Rodney.

Just before dawn, all 12 of us were lined up, on our knees, naked, mouths open, awaiting our present. Ronnie and Tony jacked their cocks off, walking back and forth on the line, spraying cum on the women’s face. But Rodney didn’t. Instead he stayed right in front of me the entire time, spewing his load all over my face alone. He looked into my eyes, while he jacked that big black cock of his, unloading his balls on me. I lapped up his cum, wiped my face, licking my hands clean.

Rodney picked me up, threw me on his bed, climbed on top, and sucked my tits as hard as he could. He was hard again several moments later, then he fucked me. It was so very hard, so very intense, and so very orgasmic.

At that moment, I was getting the best cock I ever had.


“Ah, so it was this Rodney guy then,” Ulysses said. “He has the best cock you’ve had.”

“Nope!” Alyssa said, offering a tit to Ulysses to suckle from.

“Ok,” he said releasing a nipple from a gentle bite. “How was the rest of the Miami trip?”

“Well, Tony, left to drive back to Tampa the next afternoon after a nice nap. The rest of the trip was very similar to the first days. Sometimes there’d be 12 women, sometimes nine, sometimes six. Fernanda and one or two of her sisters were a constant. Crystal, Sandee, and I were too, of course.”

“So all of you had sex pretty much the rest of the trip then,” Ulysses said.

“We did. I started feeling more and more comfortable being nude, obviously. All of us remained that way, unless we left the apartment.”

“I bet it was sad to leave then.”

“I didn’t.”

“You didn’t?” Ulysses asked.

“I didn’t return to Los Angeles with Sandee. I needed a steady address. Miami is closer to Houston, Texas, than Los Angeles. Not that I could afford to fly to Houston, but still. I told Sandee to a look out for a letter from Joshua. IF she got one, write him at the return address on then envelope and include the address of the apartment in Miami.”

“Ah I see. Makes sense. So you stayed with this Crystal woman and Ronnie,” Ulysses said.

“That’s right. Crystal was more than understanding after I told her everything, a real sweetheart about it,” Alyssa explained.

“I have one question though.”


“Weren’t you still technically married through all of this?”

Chapter 6

“Yes. By law. But when I removed my ring, placing it on the table, and left Owen, the marriage was done. I wasn’t going to stick around to deal with him screwing me over in court. I didn’t want to deal with the lawyers, paperwork, and fees. I wanted out. I could’ve gone to the police perhaps, but I only saw it as an uphill battle, full of red tape to cut through. I’ve read of women who have filed multiple domestic violence reports – nothing happened. I didn’t want a restraining order, I just wanted out. I left, plain and simple,” Alyssa explained.

“Understood. I suppose that makes sense too,” Ulysses said.

“I could’ve gone about it a better way, I realize that. But Owen doesn’t know where I am, he never will. Joshua will never tell him where I am.”

“I take it you started to receive letters from your son again?”

“I did. In January.”


Rodney did own me, sexually at least. Something about me he wanted. I loved the way he’d squeeze my tits until they were sore, his big dark skinned hand clamping down on one, while he grit his teeth, unloading his cum in me.

I was able to get a job bartending at the strip club Crystal danced. Rodney would come by on nights I worked and take me in the alley during one of my breaks.

I’d get off work. Crystal would drop me off at Rodney’s place instead of Ronnie’s. I’d fuck his brains out until morning.

That dick, that big black dick, cumming on it over and over again for months. He’d have other women of course, he and I weren’t a couple per say, but over time I stayed at his place more than Ronnie’s.

After a three-way one evening with Rodney and Ronnie, Crystal entered the bedroom, sifting through mail. “You have a letter, Alyssa.”

I jumped off their cocks as fast as I could. ”Hey!” Rodney said, annoyed. Crystal stripped and took my place, a cock in each hole.

The letter was from Joshua. I sat in the living room, reading it, crying tears of joy and sadness. How I missed him so. He told me he was fine, his father was fine and rarely spoke of me. Joshua would say how Owen would tell him to work hard and never let a woman bring him down. I was relieved to read Joshua didn’t pay much attention to him.

I immediately wrote him back. Sitting naked at the dinner table, I told him I was fine. I told him I got a job as a bartender, how much I missed him, loved him, and was happy that he was safe in Houston. I reminded him to keep writing and that we’d see each other again one day.

I sealed the letter, stamped it, and set it on the table to mail the next morning. Back in the bedroom, I tugged at Rodney’s arm, his cock slid out of Crystal’s pussy. I jumped in his arms, impaling myself on him, he grabbed a tit, slammed me against the wall and fucked me oh so good.

September arrived. Crystal, having stayed way longer in Miami than she planned, was leaving to go home to her son. She asked me to come with her.

“How old is he?” I asked.

“Would you believe my baby boy is 17?” the late 30’s stripper replied.

“Wow! Really?” I couldn’t believe it. She looked much younger than someone around my age.

“It’s true!”

“Your son is a couple years older than mine. Joshua is 15 now.”

“I know you miss him so much. I miss mine too. Please, please come with me. I know it’s a trailer park, but believe me, it’s one very, very special place,” Crystal winked at me. I couldn’t say no to the woman, who over the last nine months, had become my best friend.

Rodney wasn’t happy about it at all. Hours later a combination of my and his sweat pooled in the crevasse of my back. He introduced me to anal sex months earlier, and I’d come to love it, but this was an angry, brutal sodomization, in which Rodney was telling me he didn’t want me to leave.

I could see the anger in his eyes, but I knew he would never hurt me like Owen. He and his brother loved white women, they loved the way we eagerly and easily serviced their cocks. I get it. With Rodney, maybe he felt something more for me. Maybe he was in love with me and didn’t know how to communicate that. I have no idea.

After a final night of exhausting, continuous sex with Rodney, we showered that morning. The way he kissed me told me the brute of a man did care about me and would miss me.

I gathered my precious letters from Joshua I had been receiving weekly, packed my bag, now with slightly more clothes than I had before I arrived in Miami. I gave Ronnie a hug goodbye.

“Can I just grab these real quick one last time?” He asked. I laughed and pulled up my shirt for him.

He did more than grab my tits, he kissed them, sucked them, “Mmm, mmm, I’m gonna miss you two the most. Mmm, those are some good titties.”

I said goodbye to Rodney next. We kissed for several seconds, “I’ll see you again I’m sure. You can come visit us.”

“Maybe,” he shrugged. I knew they had so many women in their stable I’d soon be forgotten, I might have been wrong though.

We even passed a few walking into the apartment building on our way out. It was Trina and Fernanda’s two sisters. “Hey, be extra good to Rodney,” I told Trina, who had similar hair to me, perhaps she’d help take the edge off of missing me.

“I will,” she said, hugging me goodbye.

Crystal grabbed my hand, holding it as we made our way to her car. “I’m so happy! You’ll be my roommate. Ugh, my boy is going to be jacking off to you all the time!” she joked.


“Well, look at you honey,” she said, causing me to blush. I briefly wondered if Joshua ever did that to me. I shook the thoughts from my head and got into her car.


Ulysses rested his hands on Alyssa’s waist, assisting her with squatting up and down on his cock. She was giving her ass to him, giggling over the fact they hadn’t yet done anal since they met.

“Tight back here,” Ulysses said, watching his cock disappear into Alyssa’s body.

“Mmhmm,” Alyssa bit her bottom lip, her eyes closed. She loved the full feeling a cock in her ass gave her, pushing deep past her rectum.

“Gotta cum,” He said, shaking, balls tightening.

“Go for it. I gotta get to work soon,” Alyssa said in between breaths. She moaned when Ulysses filled her colon with semen. “Yessss,” she hissed.

Moments later, Ulysses kissed her goodbye, “Tell me about this trailer park experience next. I’m betting you have a story to tell, yes?”

“I do, yes. Next time,” Alyssa said.

She sat on the couch, still naked, rubbing her belly, trying to hold Ulysses’ cum in her ass as long as possible. She would love the feeling of it oozing out of her later at work. Alyssa reread the newest letter from Joshua.

Chapter 7

Ulysses missed a few weeks. He stopped by to deliver groceries and for a quickie, but had to go due to other errands and what not. He couldn’t spend the night and listen to more to her tale.

At 40 weeks pregnant, Alyssa was on her back, Ulysses in between her legs, eating her delicious pussy out.

She came like a tidal wave. Ulysses trailed his tongue over her mountainous mass, climbing on top of her, his tongue finding her mouth.

“Pregnant women are beautiful. You’re beautiful,” Ulysses said after ending the steamy kiss.

“So are you,” Alyssa replied, caressing his cheek. “Get inside me again and I’ll tell you about the trailer park.”


Nestled away in the swampy regions a hour and a half north west of Miami was a little place, Crystal went on to call, her heaven. I knew why too. It contained the two things she loved most in the world – her son and black cock.

They all knew her by name; they all smiled and waved upon seeing her car arrive. I could feel them looking at me. I’d turn and see two younger black men walking by, “Ma’am,” they’d nod their head at me. That, coupled with Crystal’s excitement to be home, made me struggle to conceal giggles.

“Hey Crystal,” A young black woman, probably late teens, exited the trailer.

“Hey Sheena! Good to see you,” Crystal hugged the black girl. “You been taking care of my son?”

“Yes ma’am. I’ve been taking real good care of him,” She answered.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Crystal kissed Sheena’s cheek.

“Who is this white woman?” She asked.

“Oh this is my friend Alyssa. She’ll be staying with me awhile.”

“Oh,” Sheena looked me up and down. “Ok. I see. You gonna be busy if you staying here.”

I smiled and nodded, knowing deep down what the girl meant.

“Oh by the way, the air conditioner is broke again,” Sheena called over her shoulder, walking away.

“Good,” I heard Crystal say under her breath. I found that odd, but shrugged it off.

“Hey, can you wait here for a minute or two? I need to talk to my son about something in private,” Crystal asked. I agreed and stood at the car outside the trailer.

Three minutes later, a voice from behind me, startled me from my staring off into space, “Whew, who are you? Such a pretty little white girl.”

I turned around and saw an older black man smiling at me. He was fairly thin, a white beard, almost completely bald, and missing several of his front teeth, top and bottom. He was also carrying a walking cane.

“Hi,” I said. “Thank you. I’m Alyssa,” I extended my hand to shake his. He took it in his own, slightly shaking, with barely any firmness. I wondered how old he was.

“Are you staying with Crystal?” he asked.

“I am. Not sure how long though.”

“Ah, I see, I see. Well a pretty white girl like you is gonna have a great time here,” He said. “Call me Hoover.”


“Like the vacuum cleaner.”

I laughed, “Alright. That a nickname?”

“It sure is. Want to know why they call me that?” he asked, leaning in close, putting his hand on the small of my back, getting ready to whisper in my ear. “It’s because – ”

“Hoover!” Crystal said opening her trailer door, running to the old man, throwing her arms around him.

“It’s good to see you again, it’s been awhile,” He said.

“Yes it has! We will have to meet up later on.”

“Yes ma’am. It was nice meeting you Alyssa. Ya’ll take care now,” Hoover said, slowly walking off.

I turned around and saw another black man. This one was much, much younger, and was standing in the doorway of the trailer.

“Who is – ”

“My son,” Crystal said. “Jared. His daddy is black. Of course,” She giggled.

I gulped, averting my eyes away from his shirtless, toned, young body. “Ok.”

“Nice to meet you,” Jared said nodding at me. I smiled, saying hello back.

“Ok first things first, I’m getting you a job,” Crystal told me moments later in the stifling hot trailer. “You’re going to keep making and saving money.”

I had saved nearly every penny I made bartending in Miami. I had no idea what sort of jobs were around here, but I’d find out an hour later after we settled in.

I was watching Jared walk up and down the aisles of a nearby convenient store and gas station. He was looking at random items while we waited for his mother in the back. She was busy fucking the black manager of the store in the back room.

Crystal appeared a little later, clearing her throat, smiling, pointing to the back room, gesturing me to go in there.

“When can you start?” the manager asked me, my eyes transfixed on his cock hanging out of his pants.

“Um, well – ”

“And can I have some of that pussy of yours while you’re here?” he asked.

I licked my lips and paused, “Yes!”

I started work the next morning. I met him there, we had sex, and he started training me on the cash register.


“Wow,” Ulysses said flatly.

“Yep,” Alyssa said.

“Quite a story.”

“Well that’s only a small portion of it. After I sent my Joshua a letter, giving him Crystal’s address, I settled in a new routine.”

“Let me guess. Every black man in this trailer park slept with you and Crystal.”

“Of course. That’s why she loved the place. Jared had his little girlfriend, or whatever she was, Sheena to take care of him. While Jared was busy and their trailer was rocking back and forth, Crystal and I were in the middle of the trailer park, around a huge bonfire, getting fucked by all the black residents. I’d say at least 30 of them,” Alyssa explained.

“So you’d go to work at the store in the morning, have sex with the manger,” Ulysses said.

“Sometimes three times a day,” Alyssa added.

“Right. Then go home to the trailer park, shower perhaps, then get taken by 30 or so black men each night?”

“Well not every night. Crystal usually would though. I came up on her parked car in the woods nearby, on a walk with Jared, who befriended me by the way. That car was steamed up and rocking. ‘That’s mom,’ Jared said with a smile.”

“I asked him if he minded that she was so sexually active. ‘Nope’ he said with another interesting smile. The car’s window rolled down, Crystal stuck her head out and waved, ‘Hey baby!’ to her son.”

“Interesting. How come he didn’t mind?”

“Well he had a little lady friend, Sheena. But another reason, I only have a theory about.”

“What would that be?” Ulysses asked.

Alyssa didn’t answer, only giving Ulysses a funny look. She changed the subject. “By Christmas, a few months later, they all knew my name too.”

“Mmhmm,” Ulysses kissed at Alyssa’s neck.

“There was a Christmas orgy of sorts. I was covered in semen. So was Crystal. We went back to the trailer, laughing, holding hands. We showered, and for the first night since I arrived, Crystal slept in the bed with me.”

“So wait, she slept in her son’s room usually?”

“Yep. I never heard anything, I never saw anything, but I could tell something was odd about them. Her love of black cock, she has a black son, I read between the lines.”

“So the Sheena girl was a substitute while his mother was out?”

“Possibly. They’d have their fun and when Crystal came home, they had each other,” Alyssa answered.

Chapter 8

“The letters kept coming from Joshua. I read them, re-read them, stowed them away safely, read them again later,” Alyssa said.

“Was he ok?” Ulysses asked.

“Perfect. His father, while bad mouthing me and women in general, was having zero effect on Joshua. He even started to say how in his letters he’d leave his father one day too. For different reasons though. Owen never abused Josh.”

“I’m guessing Owen moved to Texas, thinking you couldn’t file for divorce if you didn’t know his address,” Ulysses said.

“Yes. But I do have the address. I’ll get to that later. Back to my trailer park black utopia.”


Month went by, semen flowed like water, and orgasms were constant. I never once thought of the place like heaven, because the other love of my life, Joshua wasn’t there.

I had another substitute son though – Jared. He was an overall sweet kid. During the following summer, I realized why Crystal never had the air conditioning fixed.

We were covered in sweat, almost all day and night. While in the trailer she and I hardly wore much of anything. Jared was the same way. He often walked around in boxers, complaining to his mother to get it fixed, but having his complaints ignored.

Crystal traveled to Las Vegas, 10 months after I arrived there, in July. Jared, just turned 18, and I was watching him again. He was soaking wet with sweat. It was flowing down his dark skin in tiny rivers. That’s why Crystal never got the air conditioner fixed.She was turned on by sweaty, muscular bodies.

A small smile came over my face, watching him drink some water on the couch, in his boxers. I stood in the door way of my bedroom.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” I replied, then I removed my white tank top, my tits dripping with perspiration.

Jared said nothing. I straddled him, kissed him, fished his cock out, and guided that black teenage missile inside me. I fucked him so good, so long, so hard. It’s like he knew it was only a matter of time.

We went at it like animals, non-stop. Poor Sheena was gently relieved of her duty a week later. I’d go to work, have sex with my manager throughout the day, come home and had sex with Jared throughout the night. I loved it.

Crystal was gone for a couple months, making tons of money in Vegas. She came home in mid-September, I had been living there for about a year. There I was, lying on top of her son in a 69-position, sucking that juicy cock of his, when she walked in the door.

“Oh my goodness! I’m sorry!” she backed out the door. I ran after her.

“Wait! Wait!” I said, running outside, still naked, a couple residents whistling at me.

“No, I should’ve knocked,” She said. She was laughing.

“You aren’t mad?” I asked.

“Of course not! I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Besides, a young man like him needs to be taken care of,” She said, giving me a hug. I read between more lines with her statement. I went inside, dressed, and the three of us went to dinner in town.


“I knew that’s where it was headed. As soon as you said she had a black son,” Ulysses said.

“Yep,” Alyssa smiled.

“So how long did you live there and you never saw Crystal and Jared doing anything sexual?”

“A year and three months. I never did. They hid it well IF they were doing anything. He had one impressive cock though, I wouldn’t blame her!” Alyssa paused. She thought of Joshua. A simple thought entered her mind, one that defined unconditional love.

“I wouldn’t care how big or small Joshua is,” Alyssa thought, blaming the perverse nature of the thought on how bad she missed her son.

“I have to go soon,” Alyssa said. “Make love to me before I have to get ready?”

Ulysses nodded, happy to oblige.

A week later he returned with groceries and a rock hard cock all for Alyssa. Immediately taking her to bed after putting the groceries away, they went into the night, candles illuminating their sweaty, tired bodies.

“So you lived there for a year and three months?” Ulysses asked, holding Alyssa against him.

“Mmhmm. So much cock, it was insane. Want to know my favorite while there?”


“Old man Hoover,” Alyssa replied.


“Yes. I found out he was 77 years old. I also found out why they called him Hoover.”

“Go on.”

“His mouth, with several front teeth missing, enabled him to suck my tits harder and further back into his mouth than anyone. He was able to get more of them in his mouth without teeth hindering their path,” Alyssa paused.

“Then his cock. Wow. So incredibly long, mixed with decades of sex, probably with white women, made that old man the best lay in the trailer park. I remember one night outside, lying on a log bench, a roaring fire next to us; he pulled that cock out of me, held it, and let it spew cum all over me like a garden hose. I loved it.”

“Well then, I guess I know who your favorite cock is now. Some 77year-old guy,” Ulysses said, shaking his head, pretending to be jealous.

Alyssa grabbed his face, pulling him in for another kiss, mounting him in the dark candle lit room.


I got a letter from Joshua that changed everything. He said he was looking into colleges in the Atlanta area. Owen fully supported this since he had no idea where I was living. I decided to move once more. This is what brought me to Atlanta – a chance that my son may end up here.

I told Crystal and she was happy for me. She wanted to take me to Miami for a final night out and to see Rodney and Ronnie one last time. I missed them, mainly their cocks, but still.

The residents gave me a goodbye present – all of their cum, all 30 pairs of testicles, emptying on me and only me. I rubbed it into my skin, I licked it from my fingers, I showered after letting it dry, and then had sex with Jared for the hell of it, showing him how much I enjoyed being his substitute mother.

After arriving the next day at Rodney’s apartment, I stripped naked in the elevator, I ran to his room, knocked on the door, leapt into his arms when he opened. I was so happy, I was giddy. He took me to his room and fucked me hard. Crystal lagged behind, but she caught up and joined me in servicing Rodney’s cock.

There was nothing that could bring me down. I believed I was one step closer to being reunited with Joshua. Sadly, for Rodney, things hadn’t been that good. Ronnie moved away to Charleston, South Carolina and his pool of women was drying up for reasons he couldn’t understand.

Here is where I made a mistake. I decided to stay in Miami with Rodney for a few months. He had to travel to Atlanta in March for some event the magazine he modeled for sometimes was throwing. So I figured to stay with him until then, maybe make him feel better in the process.

I told Crystal to mail any letters I received from Joshua to Rodney’s and thanked her for everything. She said she strips in Atlanta sometimes, so she’d be sure to visit me.

When Rodney was at work, I surfed his internet, looking for jobs, anything really. I applied to some sales stuff, but no luck. When Rodney came home, he’d take me to bed and have his way with me.

Ronnie came down from Charleston to visit his brother in Miami. He stayed from Christmas to New Year’s. Constant three-ways ensued.

Normally I took cum in my throat, my ass, my face, my stomach, or my tits, but on December 31st, I took it in my pussy.

Rodney was on top of me, powerfully slamming into me. Shaking the bed, pinning me down, snarling at me, royally fucking me. I was cumming nonstop under that big black brute.

Then he did it. He paused, stabbed me with his cock, and then started cumming, erupting inside me. My pussy overflowed, the sheer volume of semen sending me over the edge. “Your mine. This pussy is mine,” his growled at me.

“Clean my dick,” he ordered, rising off me. I obliged, sucking his cock clean of my juices and his cum.

We waited a little while. His cock was hard again, and we went at it more. Ronnie came in next, he and Rodney whispered something, and then Ronnie took me.

Normally Ronnie was somewhat talkative, sweet, silly even while having sex, but that night I saw the same fire in his eyes that Rodney had. Looking into my eyes while on top of me, Ronnie moaned, grit his teeth and filled me semen.

They were mating with me. They were breeding me all night, taking turns filling me up with their potent seed. I feel asleep before dawn, my gaping pussy oozing cum out of it. An egg was fertilized that night.

I don’t know which man was the father, and honestly I don’t care. I know it sounds silly, but being black bred, being taken by those men all night for the sole purpose of getting me pregnant, was a huge turn on.

Ronnie left a couple days later and Rodney and I were joined at our respective sex organs. Cumming over and over on each other, I never took cum anywhere but in my pussy. We went at it for three months, only stopping to eat, sleep, reading letters from Joshua, and Rodney going to work.

Rodney, never one to share his feelings, seemed sad by then. His brother didn’t live there anymore, his supply of white women was dwindling, and I was leaving again. I felt bad for the big guy.

I found a job in Atlanta. It wasn’t anything impressive – an assistant manager at Goodwill. Using Rodney’s internet, I applied for it, did interviews using his cell phone, and somehow charmed them into hiring me. The pay is horrible, but I don’t care. I’m here, taking a chance that Joshua will join me.

As I mentioned, Rodney had an event to attend in Atlanta in March anyway. So I rode up with him. We stopped at Crystal’s to say hello, pick up a few belongings and continue on.

I found this apartment within walking distance of the Goodwill. I can afford the rent, barely, but I’m able to get by. Rodney dropped me off and ravaged me again. This time he was angry. Maybe he only communicates with sex.

When he took me once more, the look in his eyes said, he didn’t want me to leave, he wanted me for himself. He fucked me so hard, I was far more sore than usual after sex. He’d pull my arms behind me and slam his cock into me as hard as he could. My new neighbors must’ve been annoyed beyond belief to hear me scream and cry out over the pummeling I was receiving.

“I’ll be back. You understand? I’ll come back and take this pussy again,” Rodney angrily said, pinning me against the wall, fucking me one last time before he left. At the time it sounded so hot to be talked to like that. But Rodney was disturbed, unable to properly communicate how he feels, holding his emotions inside. He could’ve told me he had feelings for me or asked me to stay with him, but we never talked, we had sex instead.

I recovered, started work, and started this new chapter. I wrote Joshua again letting him know where I was.

Chapter 9

It was October 1st, Alyssa was 42 weeks pregnant – she was more than ready to give birth, wanting this child to get out of its temporary home and into the arms of the loving family she was giving it to. The baby wasn’t showing any signs of wanting to leave.

Ulysses was back for another visit. They two of them were lying in bed, chatting, kissing, cuddling; Alyssa was finding sex more uncomfortable than ever.

“So first Tony, then Rodney, then that Hoover guy,” Ulysses said.


“Your favorite cocks. Currently old man Hoover is the title holder.”

Alyssa laughed, “Absolutely not!”

“He’s not your favorite?”


“Who is then?”


I volunteered to work July 4th. I’ll take extra hours when I can get them. I hadn’t had sex since March when Rodney took me one last time. To be honest, I didn’t care about it as much anymore. Deep down, I knew why.

Anyway, I saw a man drop off some stuff at work. I checked it all out, labeled it, and smiled at him. He was gorgeous. He returned a few hours later, donating even more items. I asked him about it, he told me he was cleaning his stepmother’s house and making several trips to this particular Goodwill – apparently the closest one to her home.

He came back three more times that day. On the final time, we chatted for maybe 45 minutes. I learned his named, his profession – it was all very sweet and innocent. He never once asked if I was pregnant, or how far along I was, even though it was obvious to anyone. He knew it’s best to never assume a woman is pregnant when she might just be overweight. He had perfect manners. Something about him was very special.

As he was getting into his car, I stopped him. He probably thought he forgot a receipt or something. I asked if he had plans for dinner. I offered to cook for him, since I lived nearby. Instead he took me out to dinner – a very nice place too. I felt underdressed not having as stylish or expensive clothes to wear.

He didn’t care. After dinner, he dropped me off; I invited him in, not expecting anything to happen. But it did and it was incredible. He made sweet, tender love to me, almost worshiping my pregnant body. I thought it was so pleasurable because I hadn’t had sex in four months, but it was something else about him. It’s like he knew what a woman wanted, pushing all the right buttons. I never had sex that was so good.

His body was perfect; his cock was perfect – a long, dark brown stalk that fit perfectly down my throat, in my pussy, in my ass. He has the best cock I’ve ever had. My favorite cock.


“I remember that night,” Ulysses said. “I’m surprised I was able to last so long with you. Cleaning her house was exhausting.”

“I’m sure it was.”

“Thank you. I’m glad my friend down there is pleasing to you,” Ulysses joked.

“Very much so,” Alyssa paused a moment, tapping her belly. “Ulysses?”


“Will you fuck me until I go into labor?”

“As you wish,” Ulysses grinned. “I won’t hold back.”

“I don’t want you to. I’m tired of walking and eating spicy food. Hopefully rough sex will do it instead.”

Ulysses picked her up, determination in his eyes, he’d been in this situation before with a pregnant woman.

He slammed her against the wall, pumping upward into her. He slammed her on the bed, climbing on top, pummeling her pussy from there. He bent her over a chair, grabbed her shoulders, and stabbed her with his cock as hard as he could. Alyssa cried out with each impact against her cervix.

He gathered up her belly in his arms, hugging it, while he thrust into her with all his might. Alyssa came over and over again, her body quivering from orgasmic bliss.

The next morning, they were exhausted, sweaty, and barely able to go on. Ulysses wouldn’t stop.

“Just one more!” he groaned, driving in as deep as he could.

“Ahhh!” Alyssa cried out.

“Come on!” Ulysses said as though he was trying to start an old lawnmower. “Come on!”

“It’s, it’s breaking! Keep going!” Alyssa urged him on. He did so, feeling the warm trickle of amniotic fluid cover his cock and make its way out of her pussy.

Ulysses thrust several more times with all the remaining strength in him. When he finally came, he bellowed loudly, maybe even waking the neighbors, if they already weren’t from their insane labor-inducing sex all night.

“Shower,” Alyssa said. They washed off their sweaty bodies, cleaning each other thoroughly. Afterward they ate breakfast, relaxed in bed, and waited for the contractions to begin.

They were taking a nap when the first one hit, waking Alyssa. She woke Ulysses, they put on clothes, and he drove her to the hospital. Traffic was horrible, but they were able to make it without too many issues.

The nurses let Ulysses stay in Alyssa’s room. They asked if he was the father, he smiled, shaking his head, “Just a good friend.”

More hours passed. He stood behind her, holding her hand as she pushed, wondering if he’d ever have one of his own.

Finally early the next morning, a baby boy was born, Alyssa said hello to him, followed by goodbye a moment later. Ulysses holding her hand, she felt at peace, relaxed, knowing she was doing the right thing.

Chapter 10

“Are you going trick or treating?” Alyssa asked Ulysses a week before Halloween. He had stopped by, once again, to deliver groceries he had purchased for her. Alyssa smiled, watching him put them away, sorting letters from Joshua.

“Nah. Just going to a party. I’d ask you to join me but I have a date already,” Ulysses said.

“Aww. That’s fine. I’m not big into parties. Who’s the lucky woman?”

“My stepmother. Technically, she’s not my step mom anymore, but I think of her as a mother. And more,” Ulysses said, putting up the last of the groceries.

He sat on the couch, happily waiting for a thank you blow job from Alyssa. She couldn’t have vaginal sex for another few weeks – doctor’s orders. But her mouth worked perfectly.

After swallowing his seed, Alyssa left the room, returning with a box. She and Ulysses, naked as usual, looked through it. Alyssa handed him a letter, the newest one from Joshua. He gave her a look as if he asked if it was ok that he read it. Alyssa smiled as an answer.

“He’s a smart guy,” Ulysses said after reading it.

“I know. He received an early acceptance to college.”

“Well, yes, it’s less than 10 miles from here. But that’s not why I was thinking he’s smart.”

“Ah. I think I know what you mean. He doesn’t want me to file for divorce from Owen, because there’s a chance Owen would learn of my whereabouts and not let him come to college here, or not pay for tuition.”

“Yes. Sounds like you two have planned things out pretty well,” Ulysses said.

Alyssa handed him a bunch of pictures. They were all of Joshua. School pictures, pictures with friends, football team pictures, Christmas pictures with some of Owen’s family, all contained a smiling, happy Joshua.

“He’s been in good hands all this time. I wouldn’t have been, but Joshua was,” Alyssa said.

She took the pictures from Ulysses, handing him a clump of letters. “These are my favorites. You can read them if you want. I’m so happy I’ll be seeing him here, I just felt like sharing them.”

Ulysses read each one, 10 or so, while Alyssa sorted the box of her most precious possessions. She wandered to the kitchen, putting up some dishes while Ulysses read.

She sat next to him on the couch; Ulysses extended his arm, putting it around her as he read the last two letters.

There was a long pause before he spoke.

“These read like love letters,” he said.

“Love letters?”

“Yes. Right here, ‘I miss you so much,’ ‘You mean so much to me,’ ‘I can’t wait to hold you in my arms,’ ‘I know our time apart has been hard, but we’ll be together again soon,’ ‘I love you with all my heart.’”

Ulysses continued, “Then this newest letter, ‘I’ll live with you while I’m there. I’ll take care of you. It’ll just be you and me.’”

Alyssa was quietly contemplating Ulysses’ observation.
“Maybe it’s nothing,” he broke the silence. “To me, as an outsider, it sounds like a guy deployed overseas and is writing home to his wife or girlfriend,” he said.

“Maybe,” Alyssa was speechless. She never once thought of them as love letters.

“How did you write back to him?”

“Same stuff. Same type of wording. I called him my love, said I couldn’t wait to be held by him and so on.”

Ulysses shrugged. “Again, could be nothing. I have no idea how he was saying these words in his head when he wrote them. Could’ve been platonic. Probably was.”

“Maybe, yes,” Alyssa whispered, still thinking about the letters, looking at them with a new point of view.

“Did you tell him about getting pregnant and all the, uh, therapeutic sex you’ve had in the last three years?”

“No, I didn’t. No point. Maybe one day I’ll tell him I had another child. But most of the stuff we wrote about was him updating me on school, his plans, and how much we mean to each other,” Alyssa answered.

An hour passed and Ulysses had to leave. Alyssa was giving him a long hug goodbye.

“When he arrives, I won’t be seeing you as much,” he said. “Maybe every once in awhile. But I think we both know that Joshua will be your main focus – as he should be. You’ll be seeing him all the time, you’ll be making up for lost time, it’ll be great.”

“Yes it will be. Thank you for everything,” She said.

“My pleasure. I don’t mind getting you groceries and a little loving here and there,” Ulysses smiled.

“Yes, but this,” Alyssa grabbed his bulge. “Not just yours, but everyone’s. Tony’s, Rodney’s, Ronnie’s, the countless others of the past three years. They’ve brought me so much joy, relief, pleasure – without these cocks, who knows what sort of state I would’ve been in. I can’t imagine worrying constantly over lack of money, a stable home, seeing Joshua again all the time. These dicks,” Alyssa said, “distracted me from all that, and things sort of fell into place.”

“Aren’t you glad Sandee helped you relax that night?” Ulysses asked.

“Yes, she knew what I needed.”

“Typical Fernanda. That’s so like her to organize outings and events like that.”

“You know her?”

“I’ve known Fernanda since I was 18.”

“You jerk! Why didn’t you say anything?” Alyssa said.

Ulysses shrugged. “I was enjoying your story. Truth be told, I might know every woman you mentioned, maybe even your sisters, even it was for one night. And Tony, I’m pretty sure you’re talking about the same Tony whose son TJ, is my half-brother and best friend.”

Alyssa’s mouth hung open.

“Funny how everything is connected,” He grinned.

“I saw a lot of black guys here at the apartment complex, you going to go out on the prowl when your lady parts heal up?” Ulysses asked.

“No,” Alyssa smiled, shaking her head. “I don’t need to do that anymore. That time has passed. I’m happy now. I don’t need a distraction.”

“Fair enough,” He kissed her lips slowly before he left.

“You can stop by every once in awhile though,” she jabbed his side.

“I will,” he called out to her, leaving her apartment.

Alyssa was alone, looking out the window of her bedroom, contemplating putting on clothes or taking a hot bath.

The words “love letters” ran through her mind once more. She wondered if Joshua really was in love with her, or missed her really badly. She didn’t know for sure. “What if he is?” she asked herself.

Alyssa smiled, thinking more silly fantasy thoughts, mixed with seeing her son when he arrives for college. She closed her eyes, envisioning being held by him, in his arms, together, away from Owen, reunited.

She trailed a hand over a breast, down her gradually flattening tummy. “I can’t wait to see him,” she thought. “It’ll be just the two of us.”

Alyssa’s fingers combed through her pubic hair, finding her clit, slowly rubbing it. She stood there, waiting for Joshua.

The end.

The final part in this series – part 10 – will be Alyssa’s incest story.
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