French Exchange

An adult stories – French Exchange by MostlyNice,MostlyNice This story is based on an experience in Devon. It is written from the viewpoint of a woman; I am a man so it seems likely that I have some of how a woman thinks wrong. Sorry.

Sandrine was French. She was now eighteen and, slightly to her annoyance, found herself being packed off to live with a British family for 3 months. She knew that being able to speak good English might be important to any future career, but she had other ideas for her time before she went to university.

So one day in early summer she arrived to stay with a family she did not know in a grand country house in south Devon, England. Her 18 year old hormones were in overdrive having recently switched her interest from horses to boys but she had to be very discreet around her strict father so her only experience so far was some unsatisfactory hurried coupling with boys at parties and a glorious afternoon with a young sculptor who was doing some work on the house. While she was in England, she had decided she would be open to possibilities, she could misbehave there without serious consequences. She knew she would have to be sensible back home.

Sandrine was happy to find her opposite number, Fiona, an intelligent, open friendly girl who was very beautiful in a tall, toned, blonde, voluptuous way contrasting with Sandrine’s petite, slim looks with a very French brunette bob and golden honey complexion.

While unpacking in her room Fiona politely admired her French clothes. Then the conversation came round to the latest boy band and how desirable (or not) they might be. “Do you like boys? Do you like sex?” Fiona asked directly.

“Je les adore” Sandrine smiled.

“That’s good, there are 3 families staying here for the holidays including several young men that you may find interesting. Though there are a few things I should mention. Everything is very relaxed; we all have been coming here every summer since we were tiny and almost anything goes. We young stay here in this part of the house and our parents leave us alone as long as we don’t get too silly. I don’t allow any bullying, no means no, if anyone tries to make you something you do not want then tell me and I will sort it out. We have a good thing going here and we do not want any trouble.”

“Mon dieu.” thought Sandrine, shocked in spite of herself, this is a bit unexpected. She had heard the British were supposed to be more collet monté. Perhaps this visit would be more interesting than she had supposed.

“Je comprends.” Sandrine replied. “That sounds fun, I am not experienced but I want to learn.”

“No problem” Fiona smiled “That’s the good thing about here, we all learn a lot. I also organise occasional private parties when there are no adults around.”

Sandrine’s initial worries about getting in over her head were mostly relieved when she met the other teenagers at supper. Any of the boys would do very well, as far as looks went anyway. Fiona said to dress “smart casual” whatever that meant. She wore a short jumper dress that seemed to get a few glances, she was glad her father was not there, he would not have approved.

Apart from 3 husbands/wives and one singleton father there were 4 boys and 3 girls. There was large, loud and handsome Henry, his brother strong but silent James, gutsy and very intelligent Bill and shy and kind Tom. The girls other than Fiona and herself were honey blonde, sultry sexual Emma and Smooth olive skinned Jordanian/Danish mixture Amira.

At dinner Sandrine could see that the gang of teenagers knew each other very well and there was a subtle interplay of teenage interest. She spent most of the meal chatting to Bill who she liked a lot, he made her laugh and he seemed to know about any subject she brought up. On her other side was James, darkly handsome with black curly hair and a ready smile. They both were welcoming but she still felt a bit of an outsider and they were slightly formal with her.

After eating they retired upstairs, all chatting and catching up with each other’s lives. They spent a sociable couple of hours drinking, listening to music and watching Netflix. At about eleven Fiona came to her and said

“Sandrine, Henry is coming to see me later and his brother James would like to come too, he really likes you, would you like to see him tonight?”

Sandrine had been wondering if she should hint her availability to Bill but had not seen him after coming upstairs, so, considering her resolution to be open, she swallowed and, after a pause, she said, “that would be nice.”

“Great” said Fiona, “come to my room in thirty minutes, change into something more comfortable.” She winked.

What did “more comfortable” mean she wondered, but thinking about it and considering the wink she got the idea and went to her room, had a quick shower and looked at herself in the mirror. She had been told she looked good, 170cm (5′ 7″) tall, her teenage complexion was perfect matt tan all over, breasts perfect c-cup hemispheres that required no bra to keep them up, long toned legs, dark hair, a lovely oval face with startling green eyes. She had to admit that boys had been noticing her for the last couple of years and hoped the English man would like her too. No makeup, a hint of perfume between her breasts and a short silk slip completed the hurried preparations. Her erect nipples showed through the silk, her heart was beating, and she felt wetness between her legs. She shivered with anticipation and wondered what the night would bring.

After composing herself for a couple of minutes she walked barefoot to Fiona’s room and went in.

Henry, James and Fiona were there in the dimly lit room. They were all naked. Fiona looked comfortable sitting on Henry’s lap her white curves contrasting with his hard, hairy body. James was relaxing on a chaise longue. “You look great.” said Fiona, “you French have the sexiest clothes.” Sandrine smiled and closed the door. “I hope I’m not being too forward for you.” Fiona continued. “But I want to get you more integrated in our group and everyone will trust you more if you participate.” She looked at Sandrine and smiled. “I expect that should be ok.”

Sandrine did not reply. In one sinuous movement she removed her slip revealing her slim, flawless tanned form. Standing close to James she let her firm breasts brush his muscled chest, put her hands behind her and said demurely “I was told you really like me, what would you like to do with me?”.

Sandrine watched his eyes dilate then felt his hand hold her chin as he kissed her hard on the mouth. “I wanted you the moment I saw you”. He growled. Sandrine was relieved, this was going to be fun. “Moi aussi” she smiled “I will enjoy you having me.”

Her hand delicately stroked his surprisingly large shaft feeling it get harder. His hands were on her body, stroking, caressing her breasts, squeezing her hard nipples. This was going well she thought, only here a few hours and she already was handling a handsome boy’s cock.

Sandrine heard a moan and looked round, Fiona was kneeling and enthusiastically sucking Henry who was sitting on the bed. Then she realised she was also moaning, A wave of desire washed over her and she realised she very much wanted to suck the firm, smooth cock she was caressing. She went on her knees, kissed James’ hard stomach and started to lick his shaft. He twitched and made a low purring sound as she took him in her mouth. She had only done this a few times before, but she loved the feel. His cock smelled of fresh soap, it felt velvety soft yet hard, hot and heavy in her mouth.

James growled “Beautiful French girl, you are very good at this, it makes me want to fuck you.” His hands were in here hair and roughly caressing her. The thought of this cock penetrating the slippery wetness between her legs made her whole body tingle as she savoured his maleness. All made more erotic by the sight of Fiona enthusiastically slobbering on Henry’s shaft. Then, without her really noticing, she found herself on her back with James slowly but firmly entering her. It felt wonderful, she had not had sex for months It was so very good to have that itch satisfied. There was a jolt of electrical pleasure as he pushed into her. It felt so right being penetrated by this man with his heavy body on top of her, pressing down and filling her.

“I like fucking you beautiful Sandrine” James said. “You feel incredibly sexy”.

“Oui, oui, James baise moi” Sandrine said wriggling so she could feel his body against her and enjoy his muscles move under his skin as he thrust into her. Then, realising she should be practising her English, she added “fuck me James, I love it”. This was very different to language class at school.

James was very fit and in practice. Sandrine was soon only aware of her heavy breathing and the sensual feeling of his strong, hard body moving with and against hers. The first shattering orgasm happened just as she felt him jerk on top of her. After a brief wordless pause James casually flipped her over and started on her slow and deep from behind. She found the way he effortlessly did what he wanted with her very erotic especially when he slapped her and pulled her onto his cock with her hair. She pushed back against him so he went as deep as possible. She luxuriated in the feel of it. Was this going to happen every night of her visit? She hoped so.

Early next morning Sandrine woke feeling she had run a marathon. She looked towards where Fiona was sleeping, looking like a painting draped over Henry. She carefully disentangled herself from James and crept back to her room. In the mirror she looked tousled and flushed. She smiled realising that a fire had been lit inside her. She wanted to do that again soon.

At breakfast James smiled at her and they, only slightly awkwardly, thanked each other. All the other teenagers seemed to know what had happened and were much more friendly. Fiona took her aside, smiled conspiratorially, and said “I hope you enjoyed last night, James certainly did, he was very complimentary about you”.

“Yes I did, very much, I think James is kind. Thank you, my visit here has started very well!” Sandrine blushed. It seemed odd to be so casual about it.

Fiona paused, then in a more serious tone continued “I will tell you how things work here. As I said before we all have been having sex with each other during the summer holidays for some time. Since I was small I have always been the bossy one amongst us who decides what is fair. Some time ago we all decided that we did not want to have jealous unhappiness, so now I am the one who organises the rota of who spends the night with who. I try to make sure everyone has fun, I listen to requests, but my word is final.” She looked to see if Sandrine was understanding. “If you want to join in you will find yourself with a different man any night you want company. All the boys are very keen that you do this.” She grinned. “Even us girls would like the numbers evened out. If you don’t want to join in, then that’s fine too, you obviously can change your mind anytime”.

Sandrine was surprised again. She thought she had been quite adventurous already. This organised carnality was on another level. Her heart beat faster at the thought of sin, wickedness and pleasure of unlimited sex. There was only a short pause before she grinned back and committed herself. “Can I have Bill soon, si vous plait”.

“You will be glad to hear that he asked for you.” Replied Fiona.

The next nights were a pleasurably steep learning curve. Each of the boys was different, she got on really well with Bill, they could talk and laugh about anything, and the sex was wonderful in a mutually satisfying way.

Tom classically handsome, almost beautiful, with a slim wiry frame, blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, impeccably polite in a well brought up way. He was the most skilful in bed of all the boys and very eager to please, able to turn Sandrine on and bring her to a perfect orgasm (or two) and then do it again…. and again, repeating until she had to ask for mercy. Later on, when Sandrine was more experienced, they would keep it up for hours.

Henry was more dominant. She found herself to be very submissive with him. Following his brisk commands satisfied something in her, she even found herself being formal with him, calling him “sir” and being very happy when she pleased him. It was also exciting when he spanked her for not doing something exactly as told.

The days were spent on the beach, swimming, bicycle riding and other outside activities. They all took exercise seriously to be able to give their best at night. Everyone discussed each other’s performance, she found that she had a lot to learn.

As the nights passed Sandrine became ever more sexually confident and relaxed. She found she had a natural liking for sucking men’s cocks and with all the practice became very skilled. She liked the feeling of control she had and loved being able to keep a man on the edge of orgasm for as long as she liked, occasionally pausing to let him cool down and beg her not to stop.

Fiona kept the pressure up; Sandrine was sent on a threesome with blonde Emma and James. He asked Sandrine to demonstrate how good she was at fellatio. He got more than he was expecting, Emma was a quick learner and working together they had him nearly crying in sexual frenzy before they let him calm down so he could fuck them. Sandrine’s reputation was very much enhanced by this, particularly with Emma.

The next day Sandrine and Emma were relaxing in a sunny rural café having bicycled several miles down the coastal path. “Shall we go hunting?” said Emma with a conspiratorial smile.

“What do you mean?”

“You will see.” replied Emma over her shoulder going to the bikes “You can be bait; I will be the reward. Your turn will come.”

They rode30 minutes to a place where the track looped round a wooded ridge. This meant that they could choose their victim as he passed one side of the ridge, quickly cross to the other side and set their trap before he got there.

So it was that Sandrine found herself pretending to repair an artfully broken bike in a quiet wood. Emma sat by a gap in the hedge. “You just be demure and innocent; I will decide if we want him.”

It was difficult for the man not to notice. Sandrine’s suntan contrasted with her short white shorts and shirt with a few too many buttons undone. As he slowed to a stop Sandrine immediately liked the look of him, late thirties, clean shaven, good quality sports clothes, friendly smile and fit without being obviously muscular.

“Good afternoon, are you ok?” he asked.

Sandrine put on her husky French accent that the English seemed to like “Oui monsieur, probably, but my chain has come off.”

“Would you like me to have a look.” He said waiting a polite distance away.

“Yes please.” replied Emma “That would be great, we don’t seem to be getting very far.”

Sandrine felt him to kneel next to her and inspect the bike, he smelt wonderful, hot male body smell she thought. He deftly worked on her bike and soon had it fixed. He wiped his hands on the warm grass “It’s not often I get to help two such beautiful girls round here”. He could not help glancing at Emma’s nipples showing through her shirt.

“Thank you, that’s very kind” Said Emma “If you like we could do something for you. Perhaps you would like to fuck us?”. She smiled and bit her lower lip. In the silence that followed she unbuttoned her shirt and took it off. In the dappled sunlight she looked magnificent, blonde curls, rosebud mouth, blue eyes, perky pink breasts, long shapely legs and perfect hourglass figure. All showed to perfection by her small white shorts.

There was a sharp intake of breath. He was caught in their trap. “It would be my pleasure.” He said slowly and smiled back.

Sandrine led the way into the woods to a grassy clearing they had selected earlier. She looked round the other two were both naked and kissing. Emma was stroking his cock; his hands were moving over her body. Sandrine shed her clothes and went to help.

The two girls were now a practiced team, they worked their oral magic on him. Sometimes both licking and sucking his cock, sometimes one of them concentrated on his lower half, deep throating him, hands skilfully stroking while the other encouraged him to kiss her all over, letting his hands explore smooth skin. If the one sucking his cock felt him to be near cumming, she signalled to slow down. Sandrine found it incredibly sensual to give pleasure to a man she had only just met in a moaning tangle of limbs. Wind whispered through the trees around them, it felt cool on her back as she slowly sucked cock. She was glad her parents did not know.

Eventually despite the girl’s care (or maybe because of it) he came with a cry and spurting quantities of sticky juice over Sandrine’s face and chest. She decided she loved the smell of cum in the woods.

“That was fantastic”. He said, “I’ve never done that with two girls before, certainly not such pretty clever ones!”

“Merci” “Thank you” said the two girls together and laughed. “We loved it” added Emma. “I’m so horny, please fuck me soon”.

He laughed. “Give me a moment!” and after a pause “Do you do this often?”

“Non” said Sandrine “much as I am liking it I’m not sure I will again.” She wondered to herself if that was true, this was one of the most exciting things she had ever done.

“I have done it once before with another friend.” Said Emma. “I love the danger and naughtiness. Though I also probably won’t again either. It is taking a chance fucking random men in the woods!”

The conversation lapsed. About ten minutes later Sandrine was dozing, enjoying the feel of sun on her body, when she heard movement. Looking up she saw Emma on all fours just about to enjoy it doggy fashion. They winked at each other, then Emma’s face had a look of concentration as the man entered her. Sandrine moaned with her as she imagined what Emma was feeling.

Sandrine sat up and watched. It was good to see the beautiful Emma being roughly hammered by this handsome man. The couple were illuminated by a patch of sunlight in the otherwise dim wood, they both appeared to glow with an inner light, her milky smooth skin was flushed and his suntanned back was beaded with sweat as he repeatedly thrust into her. She was obviously in ecstasy, pushing back as he smacked her behind and pulled her onto his cock with his hands in her long blonde hair. The experience of an older man was telling as she started to make wordless sounds of pleasure. “baise-la fort, fuck her hard” whispered Sandrine into his ear, her hard nipples brushing his shoulder as she ran her hands down his back onto his behind feeling the thrusts. “Do you like her? Does she feel good?” He just smiled and went on without a pause. Emma came with a quivering cry and he still continued, then she came again, now unable to speak.

The man stopped thrusting into Emma and Sandrine found herself being laid on her back and quickly and deftly entered by his hard wet shaft. No word was said and she had allowed her attention to wander so the surprise of her suddenly having herself pleasurably full of cock made her cry out. He grinned at her and started to build a rhythm as he held her ankles and looked knowingly into her eyes, they both knew that they wanted this. She felt his confidence, he knew she would like what he was doing to her, and he was now going to do it. The boys she had been with up to now were sometimes a bit tentative, this older, more experienced man was different, he held nothing back. While he ruthlessly thrusted into her his hands were all over her body roughly caressing her smooth skin, her breasts were tweaked and squeezed, her thighs stroked. She liked the way he obviously wanted and appreciated her body. She was aware of the grass under her and the trees and sky above her as she drank in the maleness of the man looming over her, his weight on her, the feel of her hands on his hairy chest and most of all the repeated wonderful pressure inside her as he unstoppably pounded, sometimes slow and then fast. It felt as if her brain would explode from the intensity of the pleasure and excitement. She exhorted him to keep going, “Don’t stop, I love it, fuck me, fuck me” she moaned amongst inarticulate cries.


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