Get with the Times, Honey

An adult stories – Get with the Times, Honey by dmallord,dmallord Get with the Times, HoneyJohnny Was Always Such a Bad Boy!byDonald MallordCopyright June 2023. All Rights Reserved.Author’s NotesThis is a light-hearted 750-word tongue-in-cheek entry for the Literotica Nude Day Contest 2023 with a nod to the AH Coffee crowd.

____________________Johnny was always such a bad boy!

That smug handsome man, my man, walked out the door just like he said he would. I tried to get him back, begged him.

He just grinned and said, “Sorry, sugar. It’s like this from now on.”

“The world has gone nuts, Johnny,” I declared earlier when he told me about it.

“Peanut butter or almond butternuts?” he quipped. “Get with the times, honey.”

I couldn’t believe it. The look on his face — that damned million-dollar smile with his high cheekbones and ruddy-looking face that matched his red tie. He didn’t even seem to care about how I felt about it. He just … kissed my cheek, turned, and walked out the front door, briefcase in hand. I watched him through the window, strolling down the sidewalk in his flip-flops to his convertible, putting the top down, and driving out onto the street like it was an everyday event.

He’d given me an ultimatum.

“Try it.”

Try it? Hell. How was that supposed to work?

“Just try it once,” he ordered, mocking my dismay with his hands.

I could feel my heart beating faster. I looked at myself in the mirror — a homemaker wearing a frumpy housecoat. I realized that I needed coffee urgently.

“Crazy, right?”

Coffee is a stimulant, but I needed it to calm down.

“So, just put on something that makes you feel — in control,” he said.

I slipped on my favorite sexy golden choker. Johnny likes that one. Then back to the mirror. Opening the frumpy outfit, I sucked in my breath.

“Like this? Hell no.”

“Not to the office, Johnny,” I cried.

“Then somewhere,” he grew emphatic at that point before kissing me goodbye.

More coffee, maybe with something in it for my nerves.

I looked at the clock again for the fourth time—almost two o’clock. Too embarrassed, I called in sick.

What now? The ultimatum was looming. I couldn’t fail him. I loved him too much.

The mailman comes at quarter past, that flashed into my mind.

Maybe out that far. Just sixty feet. The front door camera would catch me, proof for Johnny, right?

One last look in the mirror, I did look good in that choker. It was at least something. That and five cups of coffee helped.

The warmth of the sunlight felt good as I stepped out. My nerves were tensing. My head was on a swivel as I surveyed the sidewalk. Thank God, it was just me.

Until George came.

“Afternoon April. I love your choker,” he smiled, handing me the mail. “You need to get more sun to even out those tan lines. It would do you good.”

Too shy, I couldn’t answer. I just smiled. I could tell by his measured words that he appreciated what he observed. Yes, I guess the tan lines on my face, neck, and arms didn’t match the rest of me. But I don’t think that he thought that mattered.

My heart raced again.

I had tried it. It wasn’t so hard. National Nude Day turned out not to be so bad.

I sat on the front porch the rest of the day, waving to my neighbors as they came home. Most smiled as I stood up to wave. The breeze felt good, flowing between my legs. They twitched with that sense of anticipation.

Johnny’s red convertible drove in. I noticed his red tie was gone. He stood spread-legged on the sidewalk as the sun cast his shadow onto the sidewalk. He needed some sun, too, to blend those tan lines around his waist.

“Tried it,” I casually remarked.

“You look lovely in that golden choker Miss Nude Day Contestant,” he smirked.

“You too, Mr. Nude Day Winner,” I giggled.

“Come here and claim your prize,” I chortled, spreading my legs out on the front porch swing.

“I think there should be a Make Love to Your Wife Nude on the Front Porch Day,” Johnny breathed as his shaft began to ease into me.

I was oozing with anticipation pooling on the swing beneath me, ready and warmed by the sun. Oh, so prepared. I pushed forward as he grabbed my bottom and sank his entire length inside me.

“Lost your tie?”

“Gained my confidence.”

“So did I.”

“I can feel that, too, you wonderful naked woman.”

The sound of his groin smacking into my wet cunt urged us onward.

I closed my eyes.

“Sugar, it’s going to be like this from now on.”


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