Hana Pt. 01

An adult stories – Hana Pt. 01 by javmor79,javmor79 Justin looked at his computer in disbelief. A wave of sickness washed over him. His brain couldn’t connect with what his eyes were looking at, and that disconnect made him feel like he was suffering from vertigo.

What? Why? There is no way this is real.

There were so many betrayals here. He clicked on picture after picture, each one more horrifying than the one before. Together, they all told a full story of how stupid he’d been, how much of a fool she made him. But individually, they showed more details.

He saw smiling. Laughing. A woman happier than he’d seen her in a while.

But there’s even more to this. This story was more complicated than a simple cheating wife. Justin was suffering from a full collapse of his world. In just a little over a week, he’d lost all sense of purpose. And all it took was for the two people he thought he could depend on to fail him in the most spectacular way. Never had he felt more alone

How could she do this to him?

Also, how could SHE?



You ever feel like the entire world is against you? Bad days happen to everyone. Things going wrong are to be expected. But when everything goes wrong for – not just days, but weeks – the weight of the world can often feel crushingly heavy.

It’s even worse when it comes out of nowhere.

There is such a thing as too much success. That sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Success can be addicting. It can give people a false sense of security, making them complacent and causing them to take “the struggle” for granted. After winning so much for so long, a person can forget how to lose.

Game of Thrones put it best. In the summer, life is grand. Everything is warm. Everything is easy. Living is good, and it’s expected to always be like this.

But…winter is coming for us all.

It doesn’t matter how smart you are, or how talented, or how much money you’ve made for yourself and others. Once that snow starts to fall, you only have two choices: endure the cold and survive the frost, or die.

For Justin, the change between summer and winter seemed like it only took a single weekend, but truthfully things for him had been unraveling for quite some time. He just didn’t see it until it was too late.

Justin was a project manager for a major contract company who does a lot of work for the city. His company had been involved in everything, from planning new apartment complexes to putting together new downtown developments. He was directly responsible for a team of 12 people, but under his umbrella were countless more. He and his core team took care of the planning and putting everything together. Once everything was planned out to the smallest period, he then handed off different slices of the pie to the various others. Construction crews, engineers, licensing boards, inspection officers; you name it, he dealt with it.

Even after hand-off, the project was still his baby until it was finished. After all, he and his team were at the center of everything. Anything could go wrong, and often does. In fact, the general rule was to make plans A and B so rock solid that when they inevitably fail, your plan C isn’t so much of a clusterfuck. When problems arose, he and his team were the ones who had to solve them. It wasn’t until the final nail was hammered in that Justin could take a much needed breather.

For a while, at least. After all, there was always a next project.

Justin couldn’t call in sick. He didn’t get mental health days. He was always on call. And he was only able to take vacation once a project was completed.

The best part about being the main guy in charge is that when everything goes right, people want to bathe you in praise and gratitude. However, the worst part about being the guy in charge is, well, the flip side to that.

Things for Justin began to unravel slowly. It started almost a year ago, when two of his teammates started dating. Hana and Chris.

At that time, Chris was fairly new to his team. He’d only been on for about 2 months. Hana had been with the team since the beginning.

Justin recruited Hana fresh out of grad school. She was literally one of the smartest people he’d ever met, including himself. Not just book smarts. She was a person who put pieces together inside of her head to learn how the overall system worked, then she would use that to her advantage. Even though she was nearly 10 years his junior, she thought at a level that was way above her peers.

From the beginning, she picked things up quickly. Soon, she knew more about how things worked than he would ever know. She was the main brain behind all of their success. He eventually built a team around the two of them, but Hana was always his Kobe Bryant.

Truthfully, Hana could run her own team. She didn’t need him. The only reason she didn’t was because of one fact.

Justin was a leader. He didn’t know everything, but he knew people. He knew how to bring them together. He knew how to motivate them to want to do his bidding. He rarely had to make anyone do anything. All he had to do was suggest what needed to be done, and his team would take over figuring out how to accomplish it.

But that’s because he took care of them. He didn’t treat them like workers. He treated them like people who worked for him. If they needed anything, he was there. He constantly fought for bonuses and raises for them, even if it meant him not getting one. He continually defended them when people wanted to assign blame if things went wrong. Someone wanting to point a finger at his team needed to come with receipts, because simple accusations got you dismissed.

He was a boss who cared.

His team flowed like a river. Whatever projects they were given, they carried them out with brilliant results. They were the most successful team in the entire company, and the margin wasn’t even close. They were un-fucking-stoppable.

Until they weren’t. But back to Hana and Chris.

For all of Hana’s smarts, she was pretty naïve when it came to men. Everything else in her life was organized for maximum efficiency. She planned, then she executed. No problem was unsolvable.

For her, love should also work that way. You meet someone who checks all your boxes, the two of you get to know each other, you learn how to adapt that person into your life, you compromise in the areas that maximize your partnership, and you always keep your eye on the ball.

You plan, you execute.

But we all know that love and relationships don’t work this way. It takes two people to be on the same page and have the same goals to make this work. The team model looks a lot different than the one in the office does. You can’t just pull your romantic partner into the boss’s office if he slacks off. There is no written policy or guideline to determine who is right or wrong in a relationship.

Chris checked all of her boxes in what she wanted in a man. She assumed she checked all of his. She was attractive. She stayed in shape. She was smart. She was funny. She was loyal. She enjoyed sex and was open to try almost anything. She was driven to succeed and wasn’t lazy. What else could he want? She was the perfect package. If she were a guy, she would definitely marry herself!

But she wasn’t a guy. She didn’t understand how men, especially men like Chris, worked.

You see, Chris was used to female attention. He was born with good looks and came from an affluent family. So, he was always the guy who checked women’s boxes. This meant that for him, there was no “the one”. There was just right now. He was way too young, and there were too many opportunities out there for him to settle down. No matter how great a woman was, there was always one better.

He was young. He was successful. He was privileged. And he could pretty much get any woman he wanted. Chris was – for lack of a better term – a fuckboy.

For simplicity’s sake, the story goes like this:

Hana wanted to date Chris, so she pursued him. He saw her as an attractive woman who he’d like to see naked, so he reciprocated her advances. In just two short months after he shows up, the two of them begin dating.

Only, “dating” holds a different significance to her than it does him.

To Chris, dating means the two of them meet up, enjoy each other’s company, have sex, and then still live separate lives. No one had any claim on the other. They were still two individual people enjoying life.

But for Hana, dating meant something more. It meant that the two of them were pursuing something greater. It meant that she was safe with him because he had her back like she had his. It meant that they were in this together.

So, while Chris was fucking Hana for 6 months, she was in a relationship with him for 6 months.

Here’s where things get sticky.

Chris was also fucking a few other women. His girlfriend (not Hana). His FWB/ex-girlfriend (also not Hana). The girl he met at the club who was a married mother of two. And some rando from a dating app who had nipple piercings and a lot of tattoos.

There was an explosion of emotions and feelings when all this came out. The altercation was public. It left the team splintered, with some agreeing with Hana and others agreeing with Chris.

Now Justin was faced with a problem. He was never one for getting involved in his teammates’ personal lives. If they asked for advice, he gave it to them. If they needed his help, he gave it to them. But he never interfered, and he never chose sides.

He did, however, warn Hana about Chris in the beginning. He’d known a dozen people like Chris over his lifetime. Chris wasn’t a bad guy, he was just a guy who wouldn’t be tied down. Freedom is a hard thing to give up when the world is your oyster.

But Hana was young, and way too smitten. She couldn’t see him for who he was because she was too blinded by who she wanted him to be.

After the nuclear detonation of their break up, Hana was left with a broken heart and no knowledge of how to move on. She was angry, she was bitter, and she was sad. She was living in hell; forced to come into the office every day and see Chris laughing and joking, as if nothing in his life had changed at all. Here she was trying to hold onto her last strand of sanity, and he was hi-fiving all the other dude-bros about this new chick he met the other night. All of them – from the middle aged men with families to the single men who weren’t as blessed as Chris – lived vicariously through his exploits. It was as if she and her feelings didn’t exist. Even Justin didn’t seem to really care.

Eventually, she reached her breaking point. She could no longer work with Chris.

She set out to get him fired. Every mistake he made, from coming in late to missing a deadline, Hana made sure to point it out. At first it was subtle, but after a while it became so obvious that people started to notice. The more she did it, the less sympathetic her teammates became to her. After a while, the only thing she managed to accomplish was to make herself look like the crazy ex who couldn’t let go. This only made people side with him more.

One day, she came to Justin with tears in her eyes. She literally begged him to fire Chris. She was his protégé. She’d been with him since the beginning. No one on the team was more loyal than her. She’d always had his back, even when she disagreed with his final decisions. If anyone had to sacrifice a weekend or pull an all nightery to make magic happen, she would be the first to volunteer.

Surely, she earned enough favor with him. He could understand her heartbreak and do this for her. Right?

But Justin couldn’t do this for her. He couldn’t fire Chris for being a player. In fact, if he fired Chris, he’d also have to fire her because the two of them broke the fraternization bylaws. No one really invoked them. Office romances happened more times than any of them would acknowledge. People get involved knowing the bylaws, finding ways to go around the bylaws, then want to invoke them when things go wrong.

Firing Chris would open himself up to the biggest wrongful termination suit this company had seen. A drunk lawyer who showed up to court taking tequila shots could win that case.

But more than that, Justin just thought Hana was being a bit dramatic about the whole thing. People broke up all the time. She and Chris didn’t even date that long.

She was young. She was pretty. She had a well-paying job. She’d get over pretty-boy eventually.

His attitude when she approached him was a bit cavalier and dismissive. Perhaps that was his mistake, underestimating how heartbroken she was. For him, the equation was simple. Chris was so obviously beneath her level. What he wanted in a woman was a brainless sex bot. He wanted someone to stroke his ego, keep his dick hard, and have her entire life revolve around him and his desires. When he wanted her to come, she was there. When it was time to disappear, she was gone.

He wasn’t ready for someone as serious as Hana. He couldn’t keep up with her long term. She had her own life; her own ambitions. Her world would not revolve around his dick.

For her, multitasking was as natural as breathing. Her mind was always moving; always juggling. A guy like Chris would only slow her down. In the end, she’d leave him in the dust when she realized that he was nothing more than a pretty Peter Pan.

But Hana didn’t want to hear that, especially from Justin. At least, not now. She was heartbroken. She felt betrayed by men in general. She wanted Justin to have her back like she had his so many times. But with the way he casually dismissed her pain, he now joined the pack of “men ain’t shit”.

So, to the shock and awe of everyone, she turned in her two-week’s notice. It was handwritten and left at his desk.

By the time Justin realized it, she’d already gotten her vacation approved. She cashed in all of her days to be used at once. It was short notice, but Hana was so well loved that the HR rep put it in as emergency leave.

For the record, she was team Hana.

To make matters worse, she cut off all communication. All of Justin’s calls went directly to voicemail, all of his texts went unanswered. Everyone else was blocked too, it seemed. The only way to get in touch with her was by email, and it didn’t even seem like she was reading those.

Or so he thought. But that comes later.

Hana leaving was one of the most devastating days Justin had ever had (up until that point). He was hurt that she would abandon him over something so trivial, but besides that he knew what a massive problem he had on his hands. Hana was so instrumental to his team that she was practically irreplaceable. He’d have to find three people to make up for what he lost in her.

To make matters worse, this happened right in the middle of a multi-million dollar project. Had this happened at the beginning, her departure wouldn’t have hit so hard. But Hana was the point of contact with a lot of these people. She was the one who gave up her nights and weekends to keep things flowing. She and Justin were often the last two to leave the office, long after the other teammates had gone home.

There might’ve been a lucky break if nothing untoward happened. Most of the leg work was done, so with a miracle, all Justin had to do was keep things moving until the project was finished. During the hiatus, he could solve his Hana problem.

But wouldn’t you know it? Plans A and B always fail. It’s practically guaranteed. Things started going wrong. Zoning problems. Truckers striking. A land dispute. Materials that were supposed to be delivered were delayed. People wanted to renegotiate their contracts because there was more work to be done than initially agreed upon.

And his Ace up his sleeve was taking a permanent sabbatical.

Chris – who was an Ivy League grad by the way – wasn’t even half as talented as the woman who made the magic happen. Hana went to community college her first two years yet ran circles around all of her “highly educated” coworkers.

So yeah, things were stressful at work. Potential fallout was devastating. If he faltered, his company would be on the hook for millions of dollars in lost labor. That could lead to multiple lawsuits. His entire team would be disbanded.

Worst thing about the entire scenario was looking at Chris every day and trying not to see a massive fuckup who cost him his best worker. As smart as Chris was, he didn’t hold a candle to Hana. He wasn’t as dedicated or loyal. He didn’t have the same relationship with the contractors that Hana spent years building. He didn’t have the experience to foresee potential pitfalls.

He just wasn’t Hana. No one was.

Now, maybe Hana planned her exit for maximum damage, or maybe it was just bad timing for Justin. With a planner and executer like her, it’s more likely that she knew what she was leaving him with. And for a normal person, this would be enough vindication to make them sit back and smile.

But not Hana. She had one last “fuck you” to dump on him, and it was much worse.



Justin sat on the edge of the bed and looked over at his wife, Rochelle. She was standing in front of the big mirror over her vanity, putting on her make-up as she got ready for work.

“You’re going out of town again? What’s that, like the 5th time this year? It’s only July! Your company has never sent you out of town this many times before. And now you’re gonna be gone for two weeks?”

Rochelle was irritatingly calm as she applied her lipstick. Looking at her husband via the reflection in the mirror, she said, “It’s a conference, Justin. People from all over are gonna be there.”

“But for two weeks? That seems a bit excessive.”

Her forehead furrowed with annoyance as she stopped applying her makeup. Still looking through the mirror, she said, “I know you’re not complaining about how much time I’m spending at work. You practically live in your office.”

“Yeah, but I come home every night.”

That got a snorted chuckle from her. “Really? You think walking in the door at 9 is coming home every night? That I should be grateful to you for at least sleeping next to me? Which is all we do these days, by the way. We literally sleep together.”

“Ro, you know things get crazy when I have a project. This one is particularly stressful. The team has been working overtime.”

“Right.” Rochelle said as she finally turned around and looked straight at him. “The team.” She used her fingers as air quotes when she said the team, then she sarcastically continued with, “Well, it’s a good thing you have Hana to help you…err…maintain your stress.”

Justin let out a long, exasperated breath. “Really? We going here again?”

“I’m just saying…”

Justin shook his head like he couldn’t believe he had to keep repeating this. “How many times do we have to have this same discussion? For the last time, there is nothing going on between me and Hana.”

“Sure. Sure.” she said with a cynical nod. “Nothing at all. It’s completely normal for a husband to spend 12 hours a day with another woman, then come home to his wife and not want to even touch her.”

There was so much wrong with that sentence that Justin didn’t even know where to begin.

“First off, I’m not spending that time with Hana. We are WORKING. With the rest of the team, by the way. We aren’t taking shots at the bar or going out to eat. We are constantly on the move, jumping between making phone calls, driving out to different sites, and attending meetings. There are some days where I don’t even physically see her. And secondly…” He let out a sad sigh before continuing with, “…it’s not that I don’t want to have sex with you, babe. I’m just so exhausted when I come home. It’s all I can do to keep from falling apart.”

The last thing he said came from a place of vulnerability that Rochelle could connect with. She saw it in his eyes. She rarely saw that from him these days, partly because he always felt like he had to defend himself from accusations.

Her eyes softened, her snarl turned into a sad frown. In a voice that was playfully whiny, she said, “But you don’t share ANYTHING with me, Justin.”

“Yes, I do.”

“No, you don’t.” She said seriously. “You don’t tell me how your day went so I can comfort you. We don’t eat together unless I hound you. You damn sure don’t fuck me. I get nothing from you. Hana gets to see you all day, every day, and all I get is a couple hours a night. That’s including you hopping in the shower right after you get home.”


She walked up to him and gently grabbed his face with both hands. “Babe, I would love to just sit next to you and watch TV. Or take a bath together. Or even sit in the same room and read a book. I don’t care what we do. I just want to be around you more.”

“I would love those things too.” Justin said, smiling at the serene vision his wife gave him. “And one day, we will. I promise. We’re gonna do more than sleep together.”

She laughed a little at that, but then her face once again turned sad. “When? When do I get my husband back?”

“You already have him. He’s just busy, that’s all.”

“Well, can he get unbusy?” She said with a cute pout.

“What do you mean?”

She gave him an impish smile before she stood up on her tip toes, leaned in with her hands grabbing him behind his neck to pull him closer, and began nibbling on his ear. Justin could smell the aroma of her perfume; feel the heat from her mouth.

With a moan, he said, “Babe, I gotta…”

“Gotta what?” she asked playfully as her lips moved to his neck. He then felt her fingers slip downwards between them and start to work on his belt buckle.

“I…we both…gotta get to work.”

She stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes. With a wicked grin, she said, “I’m down for a sick day. How bout you?”

Justin was turned on beyond belief. The thought of spending the entire day having sex with his gorgeous wife was enough to almost make him consider it.

Almost. And then, his phone rang.

Both sets of eyes traced back to the infuriating device that was sitting face up on the bed. Both of them saw the name that lit up his screen in big, bold letters.


Justin’s mind flooded him with all the things he had on his agenda to do today. He had meetings. He had conference calls. He had things he needed to check on. As much fun as playing hooky would be, it would cost him so much and put him behind.

He grabbed her hands as they finally got his buckle loose. Bringing them up to his face, he kissed them but said, “I can’t Ro. Not today. I’m sorry.”

Her face changed. It became contorted with anger and disbelief. Here she was throwing herself at him, and all he could do was think about rushing back to the office to be with another woman?

“Right.” She said, snatching her hands from his grip. “Well, let me know when you’re not too busy for me. Hopefully, I’ll still be here.”


“You’re gonna be late for work. And so am I. Excuse me.” she said as she walked away from him towards their large walk-in closet. As she was stepping into her dress heels, Justin appeared in the doorway.

“What did you mean by hopefully I’ll still be here?” he asked, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

All he got was a smirk from her before she bent down to adjust her shoes. Then, she lightly pushed past him and walked out. As she left, she said, “Say hi to Hana for me.”


This argument was almost like a normal form of communication at this point. For some reason, Rochelle could not shake the fear that her husband preferred the company of another woman; this woman to be exact. Hana was a powerful force; probably one of the most naturally gifted women she’d ever seen. Rochelle couldn’t help but to envy her.

What scared her the most was the fact that Hana could probably do anything she wanted, but instead chose to be a #2 to her husband. Hana would succeed anywhere. She could run her own team, or simply work anywhere else and dominate. Justin always bragged about her, and these were words from his own mouth.

And it wasn’t like she was lacking confidence and didn’t realize this. In fact, Hana was so confident in herself that it didn’t even seem like confidence. Her being the best at whatever she did was more like a statement of fact.

So why? Why would a person choose to stay beneath someone else when they have everything it takes to make it on their own? What would make a person forgo their own ambitions to make another person shine?

Loyalty? Respect? Or was it something more; like love?

Honestly, Rochelle believed Justin when he proclaimed that he and Hana weren’t having an affair. But there are bigger dangers to a marriage than simply fucking another person. Sex is one thing. Building a connection with another person, a deep one, is something entirely more insidious.

Truthfully, it would actually be better if Justin were bending Hana over a desk and fucking her. Using her as a sex toy was far less frightening than the two of them working late hours together because they enjoyed each other’s company. The thought of Justin spending so much time at the office because he just liked being around Hana more than his wife was unbearable.

It drove her insane with jealousy.



Justin flopped down in his chair like all life left his body. It was an extremely long day, and he had an even longer one tomorrow. He glanced at the clock to see that it was already 9 at night.

“Rochelle is gonna be pissed!” he thought. But then, he remembered that she was out of town at that conference, the one that was two weeks long. She’d already been gone for a week.

He hated to think it, but it felt a little bit relaxing to have his wife gone. He loved her more than life, but it was exhausting to have to always defend the amount of time he spent at work. He loved his job, he was good at it, and he wanted to succeed. He wasn’t a normal 9 – 5 person. He didn’t clock out and leave his troubles at the office. He was driven to be more than just the average worker drone.

That was one of the things that attracted Rochelle to him in the first place. She loved how passionate he was about what he did. It made him interesting. It’s just ironic how – 5 years into marriage – it’s the thing that causes the most arguments between them.

As he flopped down, the slight vibration caused his laptop to awaken. His eyes glanced at the lit up screen, and what he saw made him do a double take. Then, he quickly leaned forward to get a closer look.

It was an email from Hana.

Justin had to calm his expectations down as he clicked it open. He couldn’t help wondering if his prayers had been answered, and if he was going to get his Hana back. Lord knows he needed her!

What he read left him somewhat confused.


I have known you for many years now. We’ve worked side by side and done many great things. You recruited me right after grad school, and I haven’t left your side since.

I was there for you. Before Rochelle, before the success, before the money, I was there.

I’m hurt that you couldn’t understand how much Chris hurt me. You know how difficult it is for me to have relationships because of how hard I work. You know how difficult it is for me to connect with people because most of them end up being resentful of how driven I am. You know this because we are practically the same.

I was at your wedding with Rochelle. I was so happy for you because I know how hard it is to connect for people like us. But I’m also looking for the same.

Chris hurt me because he pretended to be that person for me. He made me believe we had that connection, when in fact we didn’t. I can’t work next to someone who did that to me. I can’t look at him every day knowing that the connection I thought we had, he had with other people.

How could you not understand that? We are the same.

But maybe you will after you open the attachment to this email. Maybe you will feel what I felt.

For the record, I’m truly sorry for this. But you have to know. I unblocked you, so call me when you’re ready. We have a lot to talk about.


With that, Justin clicked on the attachment. What opened before him was life changing.

There were over a dozen pictures. It was his wife, only she wasn’t alone. In every picture, there was a man with her. And by the looks of it, he wasn’t a friend or a casual acquaintance. He was a lover.

In some of the pictures, she was in a bikini, one that Justin had never seen before. Some of them had her wearing a sarong over her bottom half, but in the ones without it, Justin could clearly see that her bikini was a thong.

In other pictures, she was wearing a slim fitting cocktail dress. This series of pictures were taken in different settings. A couple were in what appeared to be a night club, some at a restaurant. The night club ones caught her dancing closely with this mystery man. The restaurant ones had her sitting across from him, smiling over a meal and a glass of wine. There was even one with the two of them leaning across the table, meeting in the middle, and kissing.

Yet and still, none of those pictures stabbed him as deep as the last set. These weren’t nearly as lavish or flamboyant as the others. No, there were three pictures of her in a simple outfit: white shorts, a T-shirt, and some sandals.

In the bikini pictures, she and her lover were enjoying time by the pool. A couple had her and this guy sitting in a lounge chair. He was leaning back, and she was sitting between his legs, laying back into him. Even though the shots were just frozen moments in time, Justin could see how much she was enjoying whatever they were talking about. The smile on her face was either in mid-laugh, or just permanently there due to her loving the company she was with.

The cocktail dress pictures seemed to be where she was having the most fun. Dancing, drinking, more laughter, and then eating at what looked like an expensive restaurant.

But those final three photos are what did him.

They were taken from behind, but Justin could tell that this was the same couple from the others. He knew Rochelle’s body shape from anywhere, the curve of her neck, even her ponytail.

The couple in these photos walked side by side, hand in hand. In two of them, she was turned and looking in his direction. In the final one, she was leaning her head on his shoulder.

Never before had he felt so much pain. It was like his stomach hollowed out, and everything inside of him was replaced with acid. It was an empty yet burning sensation that made him feel like this couldn’t be real.

Only, it was.

His breath quickened. His heart raced. He felt like he was dying. It didn’t take him long to realize these were the symptoms of a panic attack, the same he used to suffer through as a kid after his parents divorced.

Divorce. Divorce. Divorce divorce divorce divorce…


He had to pull it together. He had to get his breathing under control. He had to fight the urge to jettison himself out of the 8th floor of this building.

It took him about 10 minutes. 10 minutes of panic, of rage, of despondent hopelessness before he pulled out his cellphone and called Hana.

She answered on the second ring, like she was expecting this call. She didn’t even say hi when she picked up. Her first words were, “Did you see them?”

“What do you think?” he snapped back angrily. There was a pause between them until he asked, “Is this real, or are you just fucking with me to get back at me?”

Hana snorted at that, like the mere question offended her. “Of course, this is real. You know me, probably better than any other person. Would I make something like this up?”

He didn’t answer that. He didn’t have to because her rhetorical question went without saying. Instead, he asked, “When were these taken?”

“Last week.”

“What the fuck?” he thought. Aloud, he asked, “Where?”

“On a cruise ship, though some were taken when the ship pulled into Barbados.”

A cruise ship? In fucking Barbados? With another man? What the hell was going on? How can she be on a cruise when she’s at a conference in Memphis?

“None of this makes any sense.” He said, though the words falling from his lips felt empty. Even as he said them, he thought to himself, “Justin, you’re an idiot”.

“When was the last time you talked to her?” Hana asked.

“Uh…she called me a couple nights ago. We talked for about 10 minutes.”

“Uh huh. Probably because the ship pulled into a port at Barbados a few days ago. It’s gone back out now.”

Justin’s brain started working overtime to put together these pieces. Rochelle’s job sending her out of town wasn’t anything new. However, these “trips” had been more frequent lately, and for longer periods of time. What was once a couple days now took a week or two.

As for her calling, that was something she used to do every night when she was away. She always said she missed him and just wanted to hear his voice before she went to sleep. But lately, he’d be lucky if he got three phone calls the entire time.

Come to think of it, the phone call the other day seemed a bit odd. She did her usual checking in thing, but there was a complete lack of emotion from her, like she was distractedly talking to him while trying to do something else. She asked all the questions (how was your day, how are things at work, what did you eat today) but it was like she was checking things off on a list. He doubted she even heard his answers.

Of course, he didn’t notice it at the time because he was so preoccupied with figuring this project out without Hana’s help. He was kind of glad to get off the phone because when she called, he was right in the middle of a few tasks. But now, looking back, he could see that she couldn’t have cared less.

“Fuck, Hana!”

“Yeah.” she said emotionlessly. Then, with a bit of sarcasm, she added, “Trust me, I know how you feel.”

The swirling anger that was raging inside of Justin suddenly had a place to go. Here it was that his life was completely falling apart. His job was in jeopardy. His marriage was on life support. The fact that some part of Hana was enjoying this sent him over the edge.

“You know what Hana? Fuck you!”

“Fuck me?”

“Yeah!” he bellowed. “FUCK YOU!”

She should’ve expected a visceral reaction. She probably would’ve from anyone else on the planet. But she and Justin had never shared a harsh word between them. Even when they disagreed to the point of shouting over each other, their words were never harsh.

Justin continued. “I’ve known Rochelle for 5 years. We’ve been married for 3. You think that her cheating on me is on the same level as Chris treating you like a booty call for 6 months? That just shows how full of yourself you really are.”

She tried to cut in, but Justin wasn’t finished yet. He was just getting started.

“For the record, I warned you about dating him. I told you it was a bad idea. You’ve had tons of men falling over themselves over you, but you pick the ONE asshole out the bunch. That’s on you, not me. Secondly, what you wanted me to do was unethical on so many levels. You wanted me to open myself up to a wrongful termination lawsuit because some dipshit hurt your little fee fees? You really expected that, because once again, you are full of yourself. Thirdly, you quit on me right when you knew it would hurt not only me, but the rest of the group the most. If this project fails, we will all be out of a job. Not just Chris. Not just me. ALL OF US. But you don’t care because you’ve reverted back to a teenager who got stood up for the prom. So, you know what? You win! Congratulations! You got your revenge! My bitch of a wife is cheating on me, and you got to drop the whole steaming pile of shit in my lap for your entertainment. Now go gloat somewhere else and get the fuck off my phone!”

Hana could do nothing more than breathe angrily on the other end of the call. She wanted to scream at him, to laugh at his calamity, to call him all sorts of names. But before she could do any of that, the line was dead. Justin was gone.



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