Heather's House Boy Ch. 09 – Amanda by Iserveonknees,Iserveonknees

Heather’s House Boy Ch 9: Amanda

“Please, Honey, don’t use the hairbrush,” Walter begged. He was kneeling in front of Heather, who was sitting on her couch, her legs crossed. She was dressed in a red t-shirt and black cut offs. Her feet were bare. She was tapping the object of his concern against her open palm.

“Why not?” She wiggled her elevated foot.

“It hurts.”

“Oh? Remember that from last time, do you?”

“Yes. Please, Sweetheart? She was hurting me.”

“And you embarrassed me. Now I’m going to hurt you worse.”

“But you said that I am not to have intimate contact with anyone but you.”

“Yes, that delightful body is for my exclusive use. Along with your wonderful mouth. But I also told you that I expect you to obey my girlies. You may not touch them, but they can do anything they want to you! Besides, I was there. If I thought she was going to really harm you I would have stopped her.”

“Please, Honey?”

“You’re repeating yourself.”

“Let me have a second chance.”

“Second chance? OK! Let’s do double or nothing.”

“Oh, God! Not that!”

“Then get up here.” She uncrossed her legs, and tapped her lap with the hairbrush.

“No, wait, what do I have to do?”

“You have to get across my lap.”

“Please, sweetheart? You said you’d do ‘double or nothing’. May I have that?”

“I wish you’d make up your mind.”


Oh, very well.”

“Thank you.”

“You will call Amanda. You will apologize sincerely and sweetly for your horrible behavior, and you will convince her to come over tonight. If she agrees, I’ll only use my hairbrush on my hair. If she refuses, for any reason, you’ll get across my lap right now, then again at a time of my choosing. Agreed? Or, get up here now. No more stalling.”

“Yes, Heather. I agree to double or nothing.”

“If you insist. Fetch my phone.”

Walter obeyed and knelt with Heather’s phone in his outstretched hands.

“You better hope she answers,” Heather warned him as she punched in the number.

“Amanda? Hi. This is Heather.”

“Hey, Heather! How ya doing?”

“Oh, fine. I have someone here that wants to talk to you.”

“Oh? Ok.”

Heather handed the phone to Walter. “Good luck,” she whispered.

“Miss Amanda, this is Walter.”


“Heather’s house-boy.”

“Oh, yeah, the live-in servant.”

“Yes, Miss Amanda. I apologize for my inappropriate behavior last night. I’m very sorry, and I want to make it up to you.”

“Yeah? How?”

“Would you please come over to visit Heather this evening?”

“I don’t know… Heather said it was just for one night.”

“Please, Miss Amanda? I- I’d like to prepare a romantic dinner for you and Heather.”

“God! What did she do to you? Nevermind, I don’t really care. No one’s ever made me a romantic dinner before. That’d be fun!”

“Yes, Ma’am! I’ll do anything to insure you enjoy yourself.”


“Uh… I mean Miss Amanda. Could you tell me some of your favorite foods?”

“I’ll text Heather.”

“Thank you. Is seven convenient?”

“See you then.”

Walter, still kneeling, handed the phone back to Heather.

“Good boy!” she said. “A romantic dinner? That was brilliant!”

“Thank you.”

“Come up here.” She tapped the couch next to her.

Walter obeyed.

Heather reached over and began playing with his abused manhood. “Still sore?”


“See? I told you I wouldn’t let her hurt you.”

Amanda was slim, blonde and petite. She was also quite submissive… to Heather. When she said, “I’ve never seen a man’s thing,” Heather ordered Walter to remove his thong with a strip-tease.

Being humiliated in front of two gorgeous women who were obviously enjoying each other aroused him, exactly as Heather anticipated. What she had not anticipated was Amanda’s enthusiasm. When she grabbed Walter’s manhood in a cruel, strong grip, Walter objected. Said objection had led to his current predicament.

“When was your last orgasm?” Heather’s fingers worked their magic.

“T-two days ago.”

“I see.” She massaged the sensitive underside of his manhood. “Do you like this?”

“Yes, Heather! T-thank you.”

“You are welcome.” Heather slid to her knees in front of Walter. Now she used both hands. “Would you like to cum?”

“Yes, please!”

“Since you apologized so sweetly, I’m going to make it special.” She pulled her t-shirt over her head. She was not wearing a bra. She spread the shirt over Walter’s stomach; her intent was obvious.

“T-thank y-you!”

Heather increased the tempo of what she was doing. “I’ve noticed something,” she said as she began to scrape his sack with her fingernails.

“I- y-yes?”

“You seem to find it easier to accept humiliation if you are desperate for relief.”


“Even if that humiliation leads to another painful episode – one which I expect you to endure without objection.”


“Quiet.” She ducked her head and licked the tip of his manhood. “Delicious! I’m going to give you such an orgasm! Of course, you’ll find this evening’s events much harder to tolerate.”

“Please, Heather?”

“I said you can cum. Of course, if your behavior this evening is anything less than perfect, I’ll use my hairbrush. And trust me, it will be an experience you won’t soon forget.”

“Please don’t do that!”

“Not only will I do it, I’ll invite Amanda to watch. No, you might enjoy that. This will be private and I assure you, you won’t enjoy it.”

“Heather, please, I don’t want to cum right now!”

“You don’t? But, Sweetie! I’ll make it special.”

“Please stop!”

“This is a first, you begging not to cum.”

“Please, Heather!”

“Oh, my God! This is more fun than spanking you.”


“If you insist.” She stopped what she was doing and stood in front of Walter.

“Thank you.”

She slowly bent over him and retrieved her shirt. “You need to get dinner ready, then get cleaned up.”

When the doorbell rang, Heather ordered Walter to answer it. Since he had been cooking, he was wearing his apron.

“Good evening, Miss Amanda. Thank you for coming.”

“Don’t you look adorable. How many hot outfits do you have?”

“Just this and my thong.”

“Ooo, nothing under that apron?”

“No, Miss Amanda.”

“Yum! I’ll tell you a secret. I’m not wearing a bra. It’s a surprise for Heather.”

Amanda had a white bow in her shoulder length blonde hair. She wore a tight, skimpy, white crop top, and black short-shorts fastened with a yellow belt. Her white ankle socks matched her top. Her low-heeled ankle boots were black.

“Hi, Sweet!” Heather drew Amanda into a deep kiss. She broke the kiss and held the petite blonde at arm’s length. “What’s this about a surprise?”

Amanda giggled. “You’ll find out! Right now, I’m starving.”

“Right this way.”

Heather’s dining table was large and luxurious. Walter had set it for two, with a red table cloth and two red candles. He had turned the lights down and soft, romantic music was playing. Heather sat at her customary spot at the head of the table, and Amanda sat to her right. Walter poured wine and served the first course. Tomato basil soup was Amanda’s favorite. Walter stood next to Heather’s chair, waiting for orders.

The women sipped wine, and ate soup, and chatted gayly. Eventually, Heather turned to her house-boy. “Get my bell.”

“Yes, Heather.”

He had to find the bell, which Heather had left in her bedroom. He returned to the dining room and handed it to her.

“Did you stop for a cup of coffee?”

Amanda giggled.

“No, Heather. I didn’t know where it was.”

“No matter. Get under the table. When we want something, I’ll ring. Until then attend our feet.”

“Yes, Heather.”

The table was large and there was room for Walter to sit on the floor. Heather was wearing a skirted suit and her Louboutins. As usual, her legs were crossed. Walter carefully removed the shoe from her elevated foot. He uncrossed her legs and removed the second shoe. Then he lowered his lips to her feet.

Heather kicked him.


“I did not give you permission to kiss my feet!”

“He kissed your feet?” Amanda whispered.

“Of course. Would you like him to kiss yours?”

“I…uh, I don’t know.”

“Walter, attend Amanda’s feet.”

“Yes, Heather.”

Walter crawled next to Amanda. “Ma’am, may I please remove your boots and socks?”

Amanda grunted in annoyance. She placed a booted foot on Walter’s chest, and pushed.


“I don’t like being called ‘ma’am.’ It makes me feel old!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Please forgive me, Miss Amanda.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“May I take care of your feet?”

“Uh, they may be a bit sweaty.”

“I’ll be happy to wash them.”

“He washes feet?” Amanda whispered to Heather.

“And he gives fantastic massages.”

“Well… ok!”

“Thank you, Miss Amanda.”

Walter fetched the basin he used to wash Heather’s feet. He lifted one of Amanda’s legs and removed her boot and sock. Her toenails were painted to match her hair.

“Miss Amanda, I’ll clean your socks, and polish your boots.”

“Oh? Thanks.”

“I will wash all of your clothes so they will be fresh for you tomorrow morning.”

Amanda whispered something to Heather, who chuckled and whispered something back. While the women enjoyed themselves, Walter removed Amanda’s other boot and sock and proceeded to wash her feet. His hands were gentle and skilled, and the water was pleasantly warm.

“Oh, my God that feels good,” Amanda said.

“Thank you, Miss Amanda. I’m glad you are enjoying it.”

“I don’t believe he actually likes it,” she whispered to Heather.

“Are you willing to bet?”

They continued to whisper back and forth.

“OK, done!” Amanda said in a normal voice. “This is going to be fun.”

“Yes, it is…for me.” Heather rang her bell.

Walter scrambled to his feet and stood next to her. “Yes, Heather?”

“Pirouette for us, please.”

Walter obeyed and the women burst into giggles at the tenting out of his short apron.

“Strip. Slowly,” Heather ordered.

Again, he obeyed. His erect manhood jutted out.

“Look at it!” Amanda said. “He’s…big.”

“And I’m going to collect ‘big.'”

“Want to go for double or nothing?” Amanda asked Heather.

“What did you have in mind?”

Amanda whispered, and Heather whispered back.

“Then we have a deal?” Amanda finally asked.

Heather chuckled. “It will be my pleasure.”

Amanda stood up. “Walter, come here.”

When he stood in front of her, she grasped his manhood.

“Please don’t hurt me, Miss Amanda!”

She stroked him gently, then let him go. “I’m very sorry about that. I did not realize how… delicate men are. Could you please forgive me?” Her voice was sincere and she put her hand on his arm. She smelled wonderful.

“Yes, Miss Amanda. It’s fine.”

“Thank you. I felt so bad about that! I promise to make it up to you. But, right now I need you to do me a teensy little favor.”

“I-” Walter glanced at Heather, who was gazing at him thoughtfully, her chin in her hand.

I expect you to obey my girlies…they can do anything they want to you.

“I’ll do anything you ask, Miss Amanda.”

“Take my top off.”


“Go ahead,” Heather said.

Amanda lifted her arms and Walter pulled the tight crop top over her head. Her small breasts were perfect. Her nipples were erect. Walter sucked in his breath.

She smiled at him. “Do you think I’m pretty?”

“Yes, Miss Amanda. You’re gorgeous.”

“Thank you. I’ve never had sex with a man. Would you be my first?”

“What? No!”

“Why not? Am I not desirable?”

“You’re perfect!”

Amanda put her arms around Walter and drew him to her. Her breasts pressed against him. His manhood pressed against her shorts. Her fingers played with his lips and his nipples. He tried to pull away, but she held him in place.

“Why won’t you have sex with me?” She whispered.

“Because I love Heather! And I can’t have intimate contact with anyone but her.”

Her fingers returned to his manhood. “Fingers aren’t intimate,” she whispered.

“Please stop!” He tried to pull away.

“What if Heather wanted to watch? Could I take you right here? Push you down on your back and climb on top of you?”

Walter swayed. “N-no!”

“I’d really like it. And I’d make certain you enjoyed it.”


“Ask Heather if it’s ok.”

“No. I only want to be with her.”

“Ask her.”


Walter glanced at Heather. Her face was expressionless. Was she mad?

“What if Heather wasn’t here?” Amanda asked.

“It wouldn’t matter. I love her. I’d never betray her.”

“Oh, no, that’s not what I meant,” Amanda said. “What if you had never met Heather, but you met me. Would you have sex with me?”

“Then… In that case, I- It would be a privilege.”


“Yes! I’d- But I did meet Heather and I love her.”

“That’s enough,” Heather said. “Walter, bring the next course and fill our wine glasses.”

Amanda pulled Heather’s chair out from the table and sat in her lap. “It looks like I’m the next course,” she said as Walter placed chef’s salads in front of the women.

“You are dessert,” Heather said.

Amanda giggled. She crossed her legs and snuggled against Heather.

Walter stood next to Heather’s chair. He stared, mesmerized by the intimacy of the beautiful women. His manhood throbbed.

“Enjoying yourself?” Heather asked.

He tore his eyes away and looked at Heather. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean-”

“Attend Mandy’s feet,” Heather said.

Walter knelt and gently took Amanda’s elevated foot in his hands. He began to rub. But when he lowered his head for a kiss, Amanda kicked him.

“No! I lost because of you.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Amanda.”

She put the sole of her foot against his face and pushed him away. “Be quiet.”

“Now, Sweet! Don’t be a sore loser,” Heather said. She fed Amanda a bite of salad.

“I won’t be.” She looked down at Walter. “But I’m going to make you pay!”

“Walter, stand next to me.”

Relieved, Walter scrambled to obey. The women started whispering and giggling. They shared a wine glass, and Heather fed them both. Eventually they were finished and Walter cleared the table. He had just finished with the kitchen when Heather rang her bell.

She was on the couch and Amanda was silently dancing in front of her.

“Fetch my shoes,” Heather ordered.

Walter gathered her Louboutins from the dining room and returned to the living room. Heather languidly crossed her legs and wiggled her elevated foot expectantly. Walter knelt in front of her and slipped her shoe on. Without taking her eyes off of Amanda, she crossed her legs the other way. Walter shod her other foot, then looked up. “Is there anything else I can do?”

“Yes, there is!” Amanda said. “Take my shorts off.”

Walter looked at Heather for permission. She dangled a shoe and said, “why not?”

Walter crawled over to Amanda, who obligingly stood in front of him. He undid her belt and pulled her shorts down. She stepped out of them. She wore yellow “boy shorts” panties that matched her hair and nails.

“Put some music on,” Heather ordered her house-boy.

Walter scrambled to his feet and loaded a CD in Heather’s changer. Amanda did a slow strip tease, eventually draping her panties over Heather, who laughed, then put them beside her on the couch. She uncrossed her legs and beckoned.

Amanda climbed into her lap and began to kiss her while Heather fondled her breasts.

“Walter, clean Mandy’s clothes and polish her boots.”

“Yes, Heather.”

When Walter reached for Amanda’s panties, she slapped his hand away. “I have plans for those,” she said.

“Yes, Miss Amanda.” He put her clothing in Heather’s compact washer. He had just finished polishing Amanda’s boots when Heather rang her bell.

“Are all of your duties completed?”

“Yes, Heather.”

“Very good. Lock up. Turn the lights off and join us in the bedroom.”

“Yes, Heather.” Last night, after his faux pas with Amanda, Heather had banished him to the guest room. He was relieved to be allowed to sleep on the foam pallet, again. The thought of Heather and Amanda being in bed together a few feet from him aroused him even further.

When he entered the bedroom, Amanda was lying on her stomach on Heather’s bed, her head propped up on her arms. Her feet swung to and fro. She was watching Heather, who was seated at her dressing table. Heather was holding her hairbrush and tapping it against her open palm.

Oh, no! “H-Heather, whatever I did I’m sorry! Please don’t use your hairbrush.”

“What on Earth are you talking about?”

“You use your hairbrush on him?” Amanda asked. “Goodie! Can I watch?”

“I only do it when he deserves it.”

“Honey! Please!”

“Which is not tonight. I just need you to brush my hair.”

“Oh!” Walter’s relief was nearly comical. “Of course! And, Miss Amanda, I’ll be delighted to brush your hair, as well.”

Amanda scoffed.

As Walter attacked Heather’s hair a wave of submissive adoration swept through him. “I love you,” he whispered.

“So I see.” She patted his hand. “I’m very pleased with you.”

“Thank you!”

She inspected her hair and stood.

“Undress me. Don’t block Mandy’s view.”

Walter stood behind Heather and removed her suit jacked which he hung in her closet. He reached around her and unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off of her shoulders. Then he undid her bra. When he knelt behind her and reached for her thong, Amanda ordered him to use his teeth.

Heather glanced over her shoulder at her kneeling house-boy. “Go ahead, just don’t rip my panties.”

“Yes, Heather.” He gently kissed a buttock, then got the edge of the panty in his teeth. Ever so gently, he pulled her thong down her legs, and kissed one of her ankles as she stepped out of it. As he started to remove her shoes, Amanda asked her to leave her Louboutins in place.

“Oh, you look so yummy!” she exclaimed. “I’m going to- Oh! That reminds me.” She sprang to her feet and grabbed her panties. “Hey, servant boy. Come here.”

“Yes, Miss Amanda?” Walter knelt in front of her.

“That was a good dinner.”

“Thank you. I’d be happy to cook for you and Heather whenever you’d like.”

“She controls your life, doesn’t she?”

“I…” he glanced at Heather who sat at her dressing table again. “She is my world!”

“Yeah… she decides when you get to cum, right?”

“Yes, Miss Amanda.”

“Does she let you as often as you’d like?”

“I… uh…” Again, he glanced at Heather.

“I know how you feel,” she said dryly, and crossed her legs.

“Not as often as I want,” he said quietly.

“What do you have to do to earn release?”

“Give her really good sex. Do everything I’m supposed to. Be cheerful and enthusiastic no matter what she does, or makes me do.”

“If you got better at sex, I mean if you learned some new techniques that drove her wild, do you think she’d let you more often?”

“I- I think so.”

“I’ll bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, Miss Amanda. I’m always trying to make it better for her!”

“Well, aren’t you adorable!” Amanda held her panties out in front of her. “Do you like these?”

“I suppose.”


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“Get up here! You can’t see them from down there.”

Walter stood in front of her.

“Closer. I won’t bite you.”

Walter took a step toward Amanda.

“Since I enjoyed your dinner, you may enjoy these.” She pulled her panties over his head. His universe was reduced to vague shapes seen through translucent yellow. And, of course, Amanda’s scent. His neglected manhood throbbed.

“Well?” she demanded. “How do you like them?”

“They… I… Miss Amanda, I can’t see anything. May I please take them off?”

“Certainly not. You will wear them until tomorrow morning.”

“But I can’t see.”

“I know that. I bet Heather that I could make you ask to have sex with me. She wouldn’t have let you, but I would have won. Instead, you made me lose.”

“I belong to Heather!”

Again, Amanda grabbed his manhood.

“I. Don’t. Care!” She squeezed to emphasize each word.

“Oww! Please, Miss Amanda!”

“Mandy,” Heather said in a warning tone.

She released him. “Since I lost, I have to pleasure her all night. I have to give her at least 5 orgasms.”


“Heather is so pleased with you that she is going let you stay with us tonight. But since I’m going to give her a night of ecstasy, I get to punish you.”


“I know techniques you’ve never even dreamed of. I promise you; she is going to scream. She is going to beg! Have you ever made her beg?”

“No, I-”

“Wouldn’t you like to know how?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Yeah, I bet you would.”

“Then please, may I take these off?”

“You may not. You’ll hear everything; her moans, her pants, and her begging!” Mandy reached down and gently stroked his manhood. “While you listen, and smell my scent, think how often she’d let you cum if you knew how to do what I’m going to do!”


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