Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

An adult sex story: Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

Hey Joe

I looked out the window as we drove past the Oakland Zoo, I was almost home. I’ve been sitting in this bus for over five hours, it was not much further to my home in Oakland where I could finally relax and once again see my wife Susie after six months.

I’m twenty-seven-year-old Senior Airman Joe Thomas, or I was an active-duty Senior Airman up until a few hours ago. I have just completed my four-year enlistment of active duty in the US Air Force as a Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics technician, basically the guy that keeps the electronics systems functioning for the aircraft.

I’ve just returned from my third and final six-month deployment overseas, this time it was again to the Ramstein Air Force Base in southwestern Germany. I landed a few hours ago in California at the Edwards Air Force base and decided to catch the bus home through the California countryside. After being on transports from Germany, I wanted to relax and watch the world go by as I headed home. Also, part of the reason was that I wanted some time to contemplate my future.

With my active service now over, I need to decide what my future career will be. My father, Bill Thomas, has been an electrical contractor for most of his life, running the family business in Oakland for many years. When I left high school both myself and my twin brother John did our apprenticeships under Dad. I then left to join the Air Force once I was a qualified electrician, with my brother staying behind to help Mom and Dad run the business.

I’m in two minds about going back to working there, I’m just thinking about doing something new, something different. I would have an open offer to work for the family business of course, and it would be good seeing Mom, Dad, Susie and John regularly again. However, the thought of going back to crawling through house ceilings and dealing with clueless homeowners again was something I would rather avoid.

Then there is my wife Susie, the girl I began dating whilst doing my apprenticeship, and got married a year after I joined the air force. Our marriage isn’t what I’d hoped it would be, slowly going from good to bad. The six months prior to my current deployment started out fine, but I felt like we were slowly drifting apart during that period. Being away for the last six months after that has probably not helped either.

Perhaps I can put it down to the fact that we’ve been married for three years now, and together for over five. So maybe the newness of our relationship has begun to lose some of its excitement, the real question is how do I get that feeling back? Susie also works for the family business, basically she helps my Mom manage the business, doing the financials, arranging jobs, along with selling, ordering and stocking the electrical gear, while Dad, John, and the other electricians go do the jobs with the customers.

I’m not sure how she would feel about me choosing to not go back to the business, instead doing something new. I always thought that she only accepted the job just so she had family around while I was away, even if it was my family and not hers. Susie was originally from the Mid-West, moving to the Bay area for college doing a business degree. I’m not sure if Dad’s business would be half as successful now without Susie, while Mom might officially be the Business Manager, we all know that it’s Susie that now runs the show.

After catching a connecting bus that stopped a few blocks from my house, I decided to walk the rest of the way with my duffle bag in hand, arriving at my doorstep at 4pm. I’m not sure if Susie will be home as my planned transport into Travis Air Force Base meant I wasn’t due home until about 7pm, with Susie to pick me up from Fairfield when I arrived. I was lucky enough to get an earlier transport to Edwards however, and that gave me the time to catch the bus across California this afternoon instead.

Entering the house, it looks much the same as when I had left six months ago. I walked into the bedroom to drop off my duffle bag, and noticed that the bed was a mess, sheets strewn across the floor. I could hear the shower running, so maybe Susie was home after all. I walked into the bathroom and could see her showering, in the middle of washing her hair. I stood there for a few moments, to enjoy the view of my naked wife in front of me. Susie is about 5’5 with brown eyes, a short brunette bob style haircut, smallish firm and lovely breasts, with nice legs and a round ass.

“Are you getting ready to come pick me up?”

Susie jumped letting out a small scream in the process.

“My god! You scared me half to death. What are you doing home already?”

“I got an early transport, and here I am.”

“I’ll be out shortly, okay.”

“I was going to join you, I’ve spent the best part of the last twenty four hours travelling.”

“I’ll be done soon, then you can have the shower to yourself.”

What, no ‘welcome back’, no ‘welcome back’ sex? It didn’t even sound like Susie was happy to see me. I left the bathroom, collected my clothes out of my bag and took them to the laundry. By the time I started the washing machine and left the laundry room, Susie came walking out into the lounge room in a bath robe with her hair in a towel.

“So, are you really done with the air force? They didn’t get you to sign back up again?”

“They tried, but no, my active duty is done.”

“Can they bring you back in?”

“If there’s a war they can, for the next four years anyway.”

Susie nodded at me then turned and made her way towards the bedroom. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. This wasn’t the sort of homecoming from Susie I was hoping for, I was hoping for at least a hug, a kiss, something. She was acting as if I had just returned from the store, not a six-month deployment overseas. This wasn’t like Susie at all.

I followed her to our bedroom, standing in the doorway watching her hastily collecting the sheets off the floor and tidying the bedroom. Susie eventually noticed me standing there.

“Are you going to just stand there or are you going to help me?”

“I didn’t make the mess, just how did the room end up looking like a tornado hit it? Have you been sleeping restlessly? And in the middle of the day?”

Susie glared at me for a few moments.

“I was running late for work this morning. I got home early so I could get ready for you to come home.”

“And yet you’re not excited at all to see me.”

Susie didn’t respond to that as she continued to make up the bed, so I turned and walked back out to the lounge, sitting down on the couch.

I’m not saying I suspect Susie of fooling around on me while I was away, our relationship seemed to be getting cooler already before I went to Germany. But to have her act like she didn’t care that I was home after six months was worrying. I decided to lay back on the couch and not think about it, within moments I drifted off to sleep.

“Joe. Joe! Dinner will be ready shortly. Go and have a shower.”

I woke from my slumber, it was already dark outside so I must have slept for a few hours. I got up and made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. I undressed and then stood under the hot water, it made me feel fresh and relaxed.


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