Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

As we stepped into the shower with the warm water washing over us, I turned to face Maddie looking down at her gorgeous face and wonderful body. When she’s naked and wet, my god she belongs in a painting, or a large framed photo hanging on the wall.

We kissed as we embraced, even the way she uses her tongue when we kiss gets me hard every time. Maddie then ended the kiss, looking up into my eyes.

“So, do you want to know what happened at the party?”

I nodded my head ‘yes’ as I gave her ass a gentle squeeze.

“Well, I went into the kitchen to prepare some of the food trays with your Mom, but she had to go to the ladies first. So, I was in the kitchen alone when Susie came in and stood beside me, starting to place food on one of the trays.”

Maddie put her head on my chest as she continued the story.

Susie started by speaking to me.

“So, you’re Joe’s latest girlfriend, well I’m his wife, Susie.”

“Soon to be ex-wife you mean. Besides, I’m not Joe’s latest girlfriend, I’m Maddie, Joe’s first girlfriend, the first girl he ever fell in love with, and soon to be wife.”

“I think that surprised her a little.”

“And? Surely that can’t be all Maddie?”

“Who’s telling this story Joe?” Maddie continued.

“I do have to thank you Susie, for giving up such a wonderful guy like Joe for a little worm like John. You made it possible for Joe and I to fall back in love.”

“Joe’s already broken it off with you once, what makes you think he won’t do it again?”

“Joe didn’t break up with me last time, I left him because he didn’t believe me that his darling brother would try to steal his girlfriend. John has a history of that you know. Wanting whatever Joe has, his friends, his girlfriends, his wife.”

“John’s good at getting what he wants.”

“He didn’t get me, I’d never stoop that low. He did try to force himself on me, physically. Such a lovely guy you’ve got there. Seriously, you’d better watch him when he’s drunk or angry, those sorts of guys can’t handle rejection.”

“She looked at me for a few moments before she left the kitchen. I know that look Joe, it’s like she knew the kind of guy John really is. I think maybe he’s been abusive with her already, maybe not physically yet, but I think she understood.”

“That would explain their argument when she came back out to John, she didn’t want to be near him the rest of the night after that. I bet he’s been a manipulative asshole to her already, to get her to do what she did.”

“Most likely, John could be very different when you weren’t there. It’s like just your presence kept him in check. He could be a real conniving asshole when you weren’t around though.”

“Shows how well you can know someone. Why didn’t any of you tell me that he was like that?”

“What, tell you your twin brother that you love is a complete asshole that most likely despises you? Besides, he was always there when you were around, it was almost impossible for our friends to talk to you about him when he’s always right there. I didn’t want to because I was worried you wouldn’t believe me. Until that party at least, and even then I was proven right, you didn’t believe me.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe I didn’t see through his bullshit. I was so fucking gullible.”

“No Joe, you’re just a decent person that wants to see the best in people. Don’t ever change that because of him.”

Maddie turned off the shower and grabbed the towels.

“Storytime’s over, let’s go to bed. Besides, I have something else I need to tell you.”

I quickly dried myself and followed Maddie into the bedroom, snuggling naked with her under the sheets.

“So, what was the other thing you needed to tell me?”

“Want to guess?”

“Okay, that I’m the best lover you’ve ever had.”

“Well yes, but that’s not the answer.”

“That you can’t wait to marry me?”

“Again yes, but not the answer.”

“That you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

“Come on Joe, stop playing.”

I took a moment, feeling her breath against my face as we laid together in the dark.

“Alright then, I’m guessing you’re pregnant.”


I kissed Maddie slowly, it seemed to last forever.


“Well, lucky I don’t want an engagement then isn’t it? Can’t have you walking down the isle looking all knocked up. How far along are you?”

“Not far, I went into the Doctor’s for tests this week to confirm. You’re not annoyed are you, that we didn’t get to talk about it first? I was switching my birth control, that’s how I think it happened.”

“No, I’m delighted, truly. I can’t wait to be married to you, to buy our own home, to have four kids running around.”

“Four? Hold on, I want to keep my figure you know.”

“I’m sure you’ll be the hottest Mom on the PTA, the fittest MILF in the Bay area.”

“You say the smoothest things, Joe.”

“Yeah, I love you, Maddie.”

“I love you too Joe.”

My divorce got finalized less than two months later, about seven months after I had separated from Susie.

Maddie and I got married two weeks later, I small affair with family and friends. Bethany and Kyra were her bridesmaids, Joe and Mike my best ‘men’.

We did buy a house in San Bruno, requiring quite a bit of renovation work but my Dad and the guys from work helped me a lot.

My son Mason was born six months after Maddie and I were married. Maddie is pregnant again with our second child, the scans showed that it’s a healthy baby girl.

My Mom and Dad are happy grandparents now, they still run the family business but without John or Susie.

Susie left John a few months after I was married again, I heard from my parents that she had a restraining order out on my brother and had moved back to the Mid-West to her family. Maddie was right, he did end up getting violent with her.

That was a line too far for my parents, they forced him out of the business. He’s still a silent partner like myself, but he works for another contractor now, somewhere in San Jose.

As for me and Maddie, well Dad was right, it did all work out for the best. We couldn’t be any happier, and Maddie is still the love of my life.

The End.


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