Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

“And both you and Mom knew that John has been fucking my wife while I’m overseas and you were okay with that?”

“No, I wasn’t. At first your Mom was upset too, but she eventually came around and was happy for them.”

“So, have they been sneaking around or even trying to keep it a secret? Does everyone at the store know about them?”

“Yeah, everyone knows.”

“Fuck, John is the lowest piece of shit I’ve ever known. He knows I had no idea about this, and he comes in and gives me a hug this morning like nothing’s going on.”

“I’m sorry you had to find out this way, Susie said you two had decided to separate when you left for Germany. I mean, her and John have been best friends since before you left. We just thought they got together after you left because they were both lonely.”

“No, it just means John has been trying to steal my wife for some time now. I can’t believe that fucker would do this to me. No wait, yes I can. Remember Maddie, she was my first serious girlfriend and I was so in love with her. She told me John had groped her and tried to fuck her at a party one night, I refused to believe her so she broke up with me. Then Jane, I know he fucked her after we split up, and she later told me he was always hitting on her while we were together. That fucker always wants to have the women I have.”

“I think he always looks up to you Joe.”

“More like he’s always been jealous of me. So, Mom thinks it’s better for me to leave so John can have my wife and the family business? Does she think I should give him my house, my pick-up and all my money too? Would that make her happy?”

“Your Mom didn’t know they were lying to her. She thought you’d left Susie and she sees her like her own daughter. She thought that maybe they could be happy together, but that you’d make it difficult if you were going to be working with them every day.”

“Fucking John, that prick is dead to me now.”

“Come on Joe, he’s still your brother. I know your angry and have every right to be, but over time I’m sure this will all work out for the best. Besides it was Susie’s fault as much as it is John’s.”

“No, John’s my brother, my twin brother. If anyone should have my back it should be him. I’ll never forgive him for this, not for the rest of our lives. As for Susie, well she really is the lying slut. I asked her last night if she had been cheating on me because of the way she was acting when I got home. She had the tenacity to ask me to apologize this morning.”

“I’m sorry about all this Joe, this is a complete shit show.”

“So tell me Dad, when you get back to the store, what are you going to say to John and Susie now that you know the truth?”

“Nothing, I think I’d lose my temper way too much. I gave them both what for when I found out they were together after you left, and that was when I thought you and Susie were separated. I still thought that was wrong, your bed was still warm when she let him jump in there. And you’re still married, they could have at least waited until you two got divorced.”

I drank some water as I contemplated what I should do now. I was angry as fuck, but at least one thing they get through to you in training was how to keep your head when you’re emotional. I thought back to yesterday as I entered my home, that I was blissfully unaware just how fucked my life was. I remembered my bedroom, that fucking slut. I bet they’d just finished fucking before I got home, that’s why she was shocked to see me, she probably didn’t know if I’d seen John leaving when I arrived.

“You okay to keep working? I’ll understand if you need some time.”

“I’m going to go Dad, I need some time to think about all this.”

“Joe, don’t do anything stupid, alright?”

“If you’re worried about me hurting John or Susie, don’t worry. I’m not going to fuck my life up getting even with them, they’re not worth it. Those two lying cunts can have each other for all I care.”

“Call me later Joe, just so I know where you are and that you’re alright, okay?”

“Yeah, I will Dad.”

I walked off down the road in the direction of the store so I could get my pick-up. Well, this really wasn’t the homecoming I was expecting.

When I got to the business, I was planning on just driving away, but I couldn’t. I walked around back and entered the office where my Mom and Susie were working. Mom looked up and saw me.

“Have you guys finished that job already?”

“No, Dad is still there. I just came back to talk to my wife, the one that’s been cheating on me with my own brother.”

“What are you talking about, you two aren’t together anymore.”

“No Mom, I just found out about this lying slut and my backstabbing brother. We were never separated, they lied to you and Dad. Isn’t that true Susie? How could you do this to me with my own goddamn brother?”

Susie didn’t answer, instead she ran out of the office, no doubt to John.

“You still want to get rid of me Mom so John can have my wife and the business?”

“I didn’t know Joe, I thought you’d left Susie. That’s what they told me.”

“Why didn’t you talk to me about it whenever I called you, both you and dad never mentioned Susie and John once?

“We thought talking about them would upset you, that you probably just needed time to move on.”

“Well, at least you know now that you can’t trust them, have fun relying on them for the business.”

I turned and walked out of the office, I wasn’t sure if I was angrier at my Mom or at Susie. The moment I stepped out of the office John was approaching me.

“Step away John if you know what’s good for you.”

“You need to leave Joe, and don’t come back. This isn’t your place anymore.”

With that comment I stepped forward and slammed my fist into his face, dropping him with a single punch. John never could fight, that was always another thing he relied on me for. I stood over him as he cowered on the ground, blood gushing from his nose.

“You’re dead to me John, you understand? You’re no longer my brother. Don’t ever call me, don’t ever contact me, if you see me, walk the other way. As for Susie, I don’t give a fuck what you two do, but she has to get her shit out of my house today. She better not be there when I get home later.”

I stepped over him and walked out of the store and jumped into my pick-up.


It’s been three months since I found out about Susie and John, she moved into John’s place and I decided to sell our house, It had too many memories for me of Susie to stay living there. The house sold quickly and was enough for us to pay out the mortgage and for me to have a bit left over after splitting the rest with her.

I decided to rent an apartment in South San Francisco to be near the international airport and the aviation businesses close by. I landed a job with one of the larger aviation technical support firms within a week, apparently my skill set is in demand which was nice. Although there would be a bit to learn about commercial jets after being trained on fighters.

I was finally feeling settled in, a new place, a new job with a good crew, maybe now I could get on with my life. Mom and Dad came to visit after I settled in, I even made peace with Mom about what had happened. Both Susie and John were still working with them, however Mom had since curtailed some of Susie’s responsibilities within the business.


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