High School Dates Ch. 13

An adult stories – High School Dates Ch. 13 by m_storyman_x,m_storyman_x May 1982

Chapter 13

School was essentially over. While there were a few days left in the semester, it was finals week and both Patty and I were done with all our finals. All we had to do was wait for final grades to be posted, and that wouldn’t happen until the following week. After some discussion, we decided that we’d pack her stuff in my car and I’d drive her home, meet her parents, and then come back and load my stuff and head home to my summer job. I had everything packed and sitting in my dorm room when we loaded all Patty’s stuff in my car.

I said goodbye to Eric, knowing that there was little chance we’d end up dorm mates again the following year, and then left for the two and a half hour drive to her home in Portland Maine. The scenery was interesting and unusual for me. It was a lot different than Indiana.

We pulled into the driveway of a modest two-story house on the western outskirts of the city. “Before we go in, there is something you should know.”

“Okay,” I answered, suddenly feeling more than a little trepidation.

“My daddy? He’s a Baptist minister. He doesn’t have any idea we’re having sex. He wouldn’t approve. So, we’re not going to tell him. Okay?”

“Oh. That it? Sure. I can deal with that.”

“Good.” She said as she leaned over and kissed me. We got out, grabbed the first armload of stuff and headed to the front door.

“Mom! We’re here!” she called as she opened the door. I followed her into the house. The first floor was laid out not all that differently than my house in South Bend. It looked like it had a main floor with a few rooms, including a formal living room, a dining room, kitchen, probably a bathroom, and maybe a single bedroom. There were stairs going up and I presumed a matching set under them going down to the basement. I wondered if they’d finished it out like we had, with a work room and a large family room.

“My room is upstairs.” Patty said, leading the way to the stairs going up. I followed along, my arms loaded, with a big box of her stuff. We were almost to what I guessed was her room, when her mother stepped out, of what was obviously the master bedroom, wearing a knee length, summer dress.

“Sweetie!” She said brightly as she reached out to hug her daughter, even though it was awkward, with her holding a box of stuff from her dorm room. She leaned her head onto her mom’s shoulder in response and then when her mom released her, she introduced me.

“This is David.” She said, nodding her head my direction.

“David! I have heard soooooo much about you!” her mom said as she stepped to me and hugged me much the same way she had her daughter. I let her hug me, feeling myself blush a little as her boobs pressed through the thin dress against my arm, allowing me to feel a surprisingly hard nipple press into my arm. “Here! Let me help you with that!” She said, releasing me from the hug and trying to take the box from me.

“I have it.” I protested, trying not to let her take it.

She grinned at me and gently pulled the box from my hands and then turned and gave me a hip bump, to force me out of the way. “My house, my rules.” She said with a smile, following Patty into her room, while Patty shook her head. I followed them and watched as Patty and her mom hugged again, after they had set the boxes on the bed. “So good to have you home again!” she said in the middle of the huge hug.

“Good to be home too.” Patty answered her.

“So, this is the David I’ve heard so much about.” She said, looking me up and down. “He does looks even better than in his pictures.” Patty’s mom looked a lot like Patty, similar off blonde hair, similar blue eyes, slightly bigger boobs. No doubt where Patty got her looks from. Her mother was every bit as hot looking as her daughter. It was also really hard to miss the two significant bumps protruding from the front of the dress, her nipples poking the front out dramatically, attesting to the lack of a bra on under it. It also looked to me like she had something running down her left leg, a small trail of glistening moisture running from under the hem of the dress all the way to her ankle and into the slippers she had on.

She paused her assessment of me, and looked down her own body to where I was looking. She reached down and wiped the obvious moisture from the inside of her thigh with her hand and then blushed. “Oops. Be right back.” She said, as she walked past me.

Patty looked at me with a smirk.

“What?” I asked.

“Never seen a woman leaking her cum down her leg before?” She asked me quietly. “She was obviously playing with herself when we got here and had to dress quickly. Probably didn’t take the time to put on any panties.”

“I…um. I’ve seen a lot of girl cum before. Just wasn’t expecting it on your mom’s leg.”

“Why not? She’s a woman too.”

“That she is. What did she mean, pictures?” I asked as I followed Patty out of the room and down the stairs for another load.

“Oh, one of the girls took a few polaroids of you and I sent her a couple.”

“Pictures of me? When?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She said with a playful smirk. “If you didn’t know it was happening, you must have been busy doing something more important.”

“They didn’t take pictures of me naked, did they?”

“Well, if you didn’t use the girls’ showers, maybe you wouldn’t get pictures taken of you naked.”

It only took another fifteen minutes to finish unloading, with the help of her mom. I began to wonder just exactly what she had told her mom, along with what those pictures showed, after her mom bumped her butt or hip into me more than once, and even grabbed my butt and swiped her hand across my crotch before we were done unloading. With everything unloaded, they showed me the guest room on the first floor I’d be using that night and then the girls went about starting to cook dinner while I watched TV in the basement family room.

I met her dad at dinner. He came home just before dinner was ready and Patty came down to get me, pulling me along upstairs to meet him.

“Mister Engle.” I said as I walked into the room, holding my hand out for him to shake. He was wearing a suit and tie, and he stood near the dining room table, looking me up and down as if I were a piece of dirt to be scraped off his shoe. It was not a pleasant look. I continued to hold my hand out for him, which he finally took.

“Mister Roberts.” He answered with a nod. “I understand you and my daughter have become quite close.”

“Yes sir.”

“My wife tells me that she was instrumental in helping you overcome some difficulties at school.”

“She did that sir.” I answered as he continued to hold my hand in a firm grip.

“Tell me, what religion are you Mister Roberts?”

“Lutheran, sir.”


“Not as much now that I am at school. But I was before that.”

He nodded and released my hand. “Fair enough.” He answered, his expression softening somewhat. “My daughter has been very complimentary of you and what she thinks your intentions are toward her. Just what are your intentions toward her?”

Stunned! That’s what I was. Stunned. It took me several seconds to grab my thoughts and coordinate them. “Well sir. The two of us are exploring the possibilities of a permanent relationship. Given what caused my issues at school, I am a little hesitant to go too fast.”

“The loss of your fiancĂ©? Yes, she told me something of that. It had to be a shock. Premarital sex is forbidden for a number of reasons, that being one of them. You might have selected a more conservative partner.”

“Well, sir. She was my girlfriend, before her ex tried to rape her. After that, the two of us had a much closer bond. We were planning on being together forever.”

“Yes, my wife showed me a newspaper article Patty sent her about that sad affair. It was fortunate that you were visiting her when it occurred and you were able to fend him off, though I understand it was at considerable cost to yourself.”

“It was, but it was worth it.”

“Well, it’s unfortunate it turned out the way it did. I can assure you that an incident like that won’t occur with my daughter.”

“Time to sit and eat.” Mrs. Engle said to her husband. “This isn’t time for an inquisition.”

“No, my love, it isn’t. I apologize Mister Roberts.”

“David.” Patty said.

Her dad nodded. “David. I apologize.”

“Not a problem Mister Engle.” I answered as Patty drew me to one of the chairs at the dining room table.

After dinner her dad went back to the church for some meeting or other, and Patty, her mom and I, went to the family room to hang out. We spent more time chatting about things, life, school, etc., than watching TV. Patty’s mom asked Patty if she’d run out to the store and get a few things, which she did, leaving the two of us alone.

“So, tell me. Do you enjoy having sex with my daughter?”

“Excuse me?” I asked, startled.

She chuckled softly. “You don’t have to be coy with me. I know the two of you have been having sex regularly. She told me that she spent almost every night with you after the big crash. I’m not naive enough to think she wasn’t having sex with you all those nights, especially not after that picture she sent me.”

“Just what picture did she send?” I asked, not knowing what Patty had sent her.

“One of the two of you soaping each other in the shower. It looked like she had you more than ready for more than just washing each other.” I couldn’t help but blush. She leaned forward and turned her back to me. “Would you be a dear and unzip this silly dress? Getting it zipped is always easier than unzipping.”

“I suppose so, sure.” I answered as I reached hesitantly to the back of her dress. I slowly pulled the little zipper down the back of the dress, waiting for her to stop me, which she didn’t. The material spread to expose her bare back as I kept slowly pulling the zipper lower and lower, finally getting it all the way to her waist. She stood up and then turned to face me, shrugging the dress off her shoulders, letting it slide all the way to the floor. I stared at her with my mouth hanging open as she stepped out of the dress and quickly slid the little lacy panties she had on, down her legs. She stepped out of the tiny panties as well, leaving her completely naked. Her boobs were definitely bigger than Patty’s, each one something more than a handful. She had a modestly large mat of blond curls on her mound and between her legs. She let me look at her, for long seconds, before she held a hand out toward me.

“Well?” She asked expectantly.

“Well, what?” I asked in both confusion and shock at having her standing naked in front of me.

“Come, stand up.” She said motioning with her hand. I could see my own hand shake as I reached out and took her hand, allowing her to pull me up. “Now, let’s get rid of these.” She said, reaching for and pushing my t-shirt up my body.

“What are you doing?” I gasped, grabbing my shirt and trying to pull it down as she pulled up on it.

“Getting you naked of course. How do you expect me to find out if you can satisfy my daughter with your clothes on?”

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” I asked, taking a half step back, and almost falling back onto the sofa.

“It’s my job, as a mother, to make sure she is getting a man that can keep her sexually satisfied. You do want to be with my daughter, don’t you? What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t make sure my daughter’s lover could satisfy her. I like you, and I know she has feelings for you, so I’m not at all against teaching you, if need be. In a way, I kind of hope you do need some training. It’d be more fun for me.”

“You want to have sex with me?”

“But of course. How else do I ensure you can please her?”

“You could ask her!” I said, still not letting go of my shirt.

“Now what fun would that be? Besides, I have much more experience than she does. What might satisfy her may prove to be lacking for a long-term relationship. So, we’ll just make sure that isn’t a problem.”

“But your husband?”

She gave a little grin. “He certainly would not approve of what I’m doing, but then I don’t plan on telling him any more than I’d tell him I used to be a dancer. Now, should we continue?”

“But Patty will be back in a few minutes.”

Mrs. Engle removed one hand from my shirt and looked at her watch. “No. Not for at least half an hour. If you can’t get it done by then, well, we’ll have our work cut out for us.”

“But if she finds out?”

“You’re assuming she doesn’t already know!”

“She knows about this?”

“Of course. You don’t think I’d do this behind her back do you? She and I talked about it while we were making dinner. She’s quite confident that you’ll be able to satisfy me quite fully. So, let’s just find out, shall we?” I shook my head in dismay as she reached her hand back to my shirt and pulled up. I sighed, and lifted my arms, letting her pull my shirt up and off. It took me a few moments to take my shoes off and then strip off my pants and briefs, leaving me as naked as she was. “Okay. Just treat me the same way you would her. Show me how you make love to her. Let me see just how fully you please her. Do to me exactly what you do to her.”

“All of it?”

“Let’s start with whatever you do for foreplay. Touching, kissing, whatever.”

“You really want me to do this?” I asked, still not convinced this wasn’t some kind of test of my devotion to her daughter.

“Trust me. I know exactly what I’m asking. And I know what I expect. The question is, can you meet my expectations?”

I shook my head slowly, still trying to get my head around this crazy, unusual situation, but I didn’t feel like I had much room to argue. If Patty actually knew about it, she’d expect me to put forth my best effort. So, I decided I better. I stepped to her mom and gently slipped my arms around her waist. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to hers, pretending I was kissing Patty. It didn’t take much to pretend. Her mom kissed back wetly, erotically, in some ways, better than Patty did. By the time we’d kissed for only a few short minutes, our lips teasing each other, our hands were sliding over each other’s bodies, teasing all the best parts of each other. Her hand was around my dick while my left hooked under her small firm butt cheek, allowing my fingers to stroke her wet pussy lips, my right teasing one of her full soft tits and nipples at the same time.

We touched and kissed for some time before I pulled myself away, looping my arms around her to turn her toward the sofa. I gently pushed her back, lowering her down onto the sofa until she was laying fully back on the cushions. I leaned over and kissed her nipples, one after the other, taking long seconds to suck and nibble each one while my left hand gently stroked her pussy, working between her wet lips to find her clit. She lifted one leg, to set it on the back of the sofa and moved her left foot to rest on the floor next to the sofa, spreading her legs to give me more access to her soft wetness.

“Oh damn!” She moaned softly as my finger stroked across her clit the first time, her whole body seemed to shudder for a moment. “You know where the good parts are, at least.”

I stroked my finger up and down her wet slit, teasing from the entrance to her depths, to her hard little clit, all the while sucking each nipple in turn. I shifted to climb onto the sofa on my knees between her legs. I rotated my hand and gently pushed my middle finger into her, her pussy clenching around my finger as I pressed it deeper into her. I’d done this to enough women that I knew what I was looking for, and my finger tip soon found where it needed to be. Her hips lifted off the sofa and she gave a long, low groan as the tip of my finger stroked across that sensitive spot behind her pubic bone. Now all I had to do was to drive her crazy. I moved myself down the sofa, pulling my face from her breasts to kiss down her stomach, her curl covered mound and then her wet pussy lips. I dipped my tongue between her lips and sought out her hard little clit with the tip, her whole body jerking slightly as my tongue flicked across it.

“Ohmygod.” She moaned softly as I stroked her clit with my tongue, and pushed my finger in and out of her slowly. In and out my finger plunged, curling up into her, so the tip stroked along the top of her vaginal tunnel and across that sensitive bundle of nerve endings. It didn’t take too many strokes before her hips were lifting in time with my strokes, helping me rub my finger tip where it needed to be as well as push her pussy at my face. In and out my finger went, her moans growing louder as she moaned “ohmygod” over and over, louder and louder.

“OHHHHHH SHIT! I’M GONNA COME!” she screamed out into the room as her whole body stiffened, her legs pushing her pussy up at me. I felt her body shudder and then felt a gush of juice squirting out of her onto my neck and chest. It seemed to go on for several seconds before her body relaxed down onto the sofa again, only to lift and stiffen again. Three times she squirted her juices out onto me as I pushed her body to higher and higher levels of climax.

I pulled my finger from her and moved quickly up her body. “OH FUCK YES! FUCK ME!” she cried as I plunged my dick into her sopping wet pussy. I thrust in and out hard, driving our bodies together, smashing the base of my cock and my pubic area into hers, banging myself hard against her clit with each stroke. “OH FUCK, OH FUCK!’ she cried over and over as I drove hard into her pushing my own climax closer and closer. “OHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!” she screamed as my body bucked hard, pumping the first shot of cum deep in her pussy. Over and over my body jerked, my cock swelling and feeding more cum into her.

Her arms circled my waist and pulled us together as I lay on her, my cock still hard and twitching inside her. She rolled us and we flopped with a thud onto the shag carpet floor next to the sofa. She pushed herself up from me, sitting astride my hips, my cock buried inside her sopping wet confines. She looked down at me lustfully and began to bounce on me, driving herself up and down on my cock. The sensations of her sopping wet pussy, caressing me, kept me hard, and the sight of her soft tits flying wildly on her chest as she slammed herself down on me, surprisingly, started to push my body toward a second climax.

I reached for her tits and grabbed them, trying to cup them and squeeze her nipples at the same time, drawing more gasps and cries of pleasure from her. “FUCK YES! GONNA COME AGAIN!” She screamed as she slammed herself down on me, over and over. Her whole body suddenly stiffened and again she gushed juices out onto my pelvis and stomach, squirting almost all the way to my chin as her body trembled. I watched her body sag down, clearly spent, leaving my own climax so damn close. I tried to lift her and pump up into her, the urge to drive into her overwhelming. I gave up and rolled us over further, finally rolling her onto her back. I lifted both legs, letting them hook on my shoulders, and started to drive into her over and over, jamming my cock hard into her still spasming pussy, as my climax inched ever closer.

“Oh fuck.” I grunted as my body finally released its second load, my cock surging into her and pumping shot after shot into her.

“Oh god yes.” She panted as her body shuddered and trembled with a third, small, orgasmic climax at the feeling of my cock spewing its load into her. She shifted her legs off my shoulders and pulled us together, pressing my wet, woman cum covered, body to hers. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me urgently as her body was still in the midst of its climax, the kiss slowly growing softer as her orgasm faded. “Oh my God, yes.” She panted as we broke the kiss. “I don’t think Patty has anything to worry about.”

“I told you mother.” I heard Patty say from behind me.

“Patty!? You’re back already?” her mom asked in surprise, suddenly trying to push me off of her.

“Already? You two have been fucking for what? Almost forty-five minutes.” She said as she walked in, watching her mother roll me over onto my back. “I bet you started as soon as I walked out, didn’t you?”

She moved to her knees and reached down to her pussy, my cum leaking from her and dripping onto the floor. “I…um. I better go clean up before your father comes home.” She said quietly, cupping her pussy with her hand to catch the copious flow leaking from her. She stood up, picked up her dress and then walked quickly from the room.

“Well, looks like you two had fun.” Patty said.

“It’s what you wanted, right?”

“What I wanted?”

I sat up and looked at her. “Your mom said you two talked about this and you knew she was going to do this and you wanted me to. You didn’t?”

“Well, we talked that she wanted to make sure you could satisfy me. I didn’t think she’d go so far as to get you to fuck her.”

“I wouldn’t have, if I’d have thought you didn’t want me to. But she said…”

“Don’t worry. I’m not mad at you. Sometimes my mother can be a bit devious. I knew she wanted to see your dick in person, I just didn’t think she’d go that far. When we got here, she was fucking herself with a toy. That’s why she was so turned on. I guess I should have expected this. After my sister.”

“Your sister?”

“Yeah, my sister wanted to learn how to pole dance, so; since mom used to, she used my sister’s boyfriend to teach her how to strip and do a lap dance.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.”

Patty chuckled. “Honey, she didn’t stop the lap dance until she had them both naked and his cock pumping her pussy full.”


“Yeah. Well, come on, I’ll take you upstairs and show you were towels and such are. The downstairs bathroom is just a powder room. No shower or anything.”

“Oh. Okay. I kinda do need a shower after that.”

“Oh yeah. You smell like sex, big time!”

As much as I wanted her to join me in the shower, she refused, saying her dad could be home anytime and we didn’t want him to catch us fucking. As it turned out, he wasn’t home yet, by the time I said goodnight to her and her mother, and went to bed. I had a long day the next day and wanted to be rested, before the long drive, so I hit the sack about nine thirty. I wanted to sleep with Patty, and suggested I sneak into her room later, but the suggestion was flatly rejected by both her and her mom.


It was a little before seven and the house was quiet. I knew I was going to have to leave soon and wanted to spend a little more time with Patty before that happened. I climbed my from bed and snuck up the stairs, heading towards Patty’s room. The bathroom door was closed and I could hear the shower running.

“Perfect.” I whispered to myself. The door was unlocked and I stepped inside, closing it quietly. It only took a moment to step out of the shorts I was sleeping in. I pushed the shower curtain back quietly, just enough to slip into the shower with her. She was facing the faucet end and didn’t seem to realize I was there, but that was okay. I stepped behind her, my dick already hard, and pushed it down so it slipped between her thighs while I looped my left arm around her body.

“WHAT THE!” she cried in surprise before I could cover her mouth with my hand.

“Shhhhhhh. It’s just me.” I whispered before kissing the back of her neck. “I thought we might get a chance to do it one more time, before I had to leave.”

“Oh.” She whispered back, pulling my hand from her mouth. She pulled my hand down to her chest and placed it on her right breast. I grinned to myself as she reached down and stroked her fingers under my engorged head, pulling me up against her pussy lips as she started to rock her hips to and fro, stroking herself along my fat shaft. We didn’t need to speak, and in only a very few minutes her pussy was wet with her juices, not just soapy water, and her fingers were pushing me up between her lips harder. I pulled back slightly and let her engage my fat head into the entrance to her depths. “Oh yeeeesssss.” She whispered softly as I pushed toward her and drove my dick slowly into her pussy. “Mmmmmmmm sooooooo big and fat.” She moaned ever so softly, trying to stay quiet enough the water would drown out the sounds of us fucking.

“Ohhhhh yeah.” I whispered as I kissed her neck again, my fingers teasing over and around her hard nipples under the spray of the shower. She bent over slightly, putting her hands on the wall for balance as I started to stroke myself in and out of her hot depths. She felt sooo damn good around me and I knew this was going to be the last time for the whole summer, so I wanted to make it as best I could, for both of us. I pushed in and out, just fast enough to keep both our orgasms building, but not so fast as to rush it. In and out, slowly, wetly, enjoying each slow plunge into her wet depths.

Without warning, she pushed me back with her ass and then pulled off my dick. She turned off the water and turned around to face me, lifting one foot to rest it on the soap dish built into the wall. She reached for my dick and pulled me back to her, aiming me for her sexy pussy.

I pushed into her as I reached for her tits again, squeezing and kneading them the way I knew she loved, my fingers spread on either side of both nipples, so that I could gently squeeze them with each squeeze of her firm little C cup boobs.

“That’s it, sweetie. Fuck me. Make me come on your sexy dick.” She whispered as she reached for my neck and slipped one hand around the back of it. She pulled my face down toward her chest, “Suck my nipples sweetie. Suck ’em and nibble ’em and make me come for you.”

I was bent at an awkward angle, but who was I to argue. I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth and began to stroke myself in and out of her again, feeling her rock her hips in time with me, to help me fully stroke into her wet pussy. In and out I stroked, pushing both of us toward climax, worried some about noise as she moaned louder. In and out I pushed, my own orgasm growing with hers, knowing I was going to come soon. I pushed in and out faster, wanting to finish with her, as her climax inched to that perfect place. Her pussy began to contract and spasm around me, pushing me even closer as her climax washed over her. “Oh, fuck yes!” She moaned, grabbing to hold my body, as her body began to shake and shudder. She arched her back to push her pussy at me as I stroked the last few sexy plunges into her hot wet box.

“Uh.” I grunted quietly, as my body bucked and jammed my shaft up into her one final time. I held myself there, feeling my cock surge and twitch, as I unloaded half a dozen hard shots of cum into her, before we were left holding each other. I let her nipple slip from my mouth and rested my head on her shoulder, as I panted for breath. “Damn that felt good.” I whispered.

“I agree. It felt very good. It was a very pleasant surprise. Do you always treat your girlfriend’s sisters to such a pleasant introduction?”

“Huh? What? Girlfriend’s sister?” I asked as my softening cock slipped out of her. I looked up at her, sure that my face a mask of confusion. “What are you talking about Patty?”

“I’m not Patricia.” She whispered. “I’m her sister, Alicia!”

“Alicia? I don’t get it. You’re Patty.”

“Uh-uh. Didn’t she tell you we were twins?”

“Twins? OH SHIT!” I gasped, realizing what I had just done.

“Identical twins. Apparently identical enough you couldn’t tell the difference.”

“Oh god. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…I mean…Oh shit. Don’t tell Patty! I’m so sorry.”

“I won’t have to.” She whispered. “She’s standing right outside.” She reached up and pushed the curtain back and sure as hell, there was Patty, standing with her arms crossed, looking quite upset. Not that I could blame her. “She looked in and saw us. She was going to stop you, but I suggested she not.”

“I’m sorry honey. I didn’t know. I thought it was you. Honest!” I said quietly, trying not to be so loud her parents might hear, as I looked at her hopefully.

Patty frowned and shook her head. “Shit, Alicia. You could have warned him before he did you.”

“Why? He was feeling pretty damn good to me.”

“But you had to know!”

“Oh, I did. I knew, all too well, he thought I was you. At first, I just wondered if he hadn’t noticed, but when I turned around and he still didn’t catch on, I figured what the hell.”

“I hope it was good.” Patty hissed at her sister. “Because mom and dad are up and that was our last chance.”

“Oh, trust me. It was VERY good!”

Patty huffed loudly and walked out of the bathroom, almost slamming the door behind her.

“She’ll get over it. Don’t know if I will. My boyfriend isn’t quite as well endowed as you are. Anyway. I’m her sister Alicia. I take it you’re David?”

“Um yeah.” I answered awkwardly. I stepped out of the tub and quickly dried with the towel while Alicia watched me, a satisfied grin on her face.

“Any time you want to try that again, just let me know.” She whispered as I slipped out of the bathroom and headed back downstairs to dress, wearing nothing but my shorts.

“Mrs. Engle!” I said in surprise as I reached the bottom of the stairs. She was standing just around the corner from the stairs, her arms crossed, wearing a light weight housecoat that hid everything, but then didn’t, at the same time.

“Good morning David. Sleep well?”

“Um. Yeah.”

“Have a nice shower?”

“Uh. Yeah. I did, thanks.”

She grinned and looked around before reaching for my hand. She pulled me along the short hallway toward the guest room I was using and stopped outside the door. She let the robe fall open, revealing her bare body under it. She leaned toward me and used one hand to pull my face toward hers. After a short kiss she whispered to me. “I was going to come wake you up with a special good morning, but I see one of my daughters beat me too it.”

“One of your daughters?”

“Oh, come, David. I’m not deaf. I heard my daughters in the bathroom. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened.” I felt myself blush, bringing a smile to her face. “Don’t worry. As their mother I frequently still get them mixed up. You had no way of knowing Alicia was even home, since she was gone with friends all day yesterday. Just chalk it up to a little unintended fun and enjoy it.”

“If you say so.” I answered awkwardly, looking past her to make sure we weren’t being seen by Patty’s dad. Messing with his daughter was one thing, his wife, another completely, and where her hand was rubbing on me, left no doubt about her intentions. “I think I better go pack. I have a lot of driving today.”

“Not a bad idea.” She said, as I stepped back from her. To my surprise she followed me into the guest room and closed the door behind us. She let the robe fall from her shoulders and stood against the door naked, almost as if expecting me to do something about it. I did my best to ignore her as I got my clothes for the day from my duffel bag and then pushed my shorts off. “Mmmmmmm. Now this is much better.” She whispered as she wrapped an arm around me, her hand finding my dick as her bare tits pressed against my back. “Anything you wanna do before putting those pants on? I mean, here I am, completely naked. All you have to do is turn around and you can do anything you want with me.”

“Mrs. Engle…”

“Trudy.” She whispered, stroking my cock to make it grow in her hand.

“Trudy, really this isn’t a good idea.” I whispered. “What if Patty comes in?”

“She can join in. I don’t mind. It’s not like I haven’t licked a woman’s pussy before. What? That surprise you?” She asked as I suddenly stiffened in surprise. “Honey, it might surprise you to what a minister’s wife is capable of. I love my husband, but when it comes to sex, well, he’s as conservative as his religion.”

“I don’t think we should be doing this.” I said, using my hand to remove hers, gently, and reluctantly from my dick.

“You sure? Not even a little quickie maybe?”

I turned in her arms and let her press her body to mine, my half hard dick pressing between her thighs. “Patty wasn’t exactly happy about last night. She told me you were going to talk to me, nothing about having sex with me. So, I think we should just pretend that didn’t happen, and let it go at that.”

She frowned at me and wiggled her legs, rubbing her thighs on my half hard dick. “If you insist. But trust me, before you get married to my daughter, I’m going to make damn sure I get to sample that hardware again. Someone taught you some damn nice tricks!”

“Thank you.” I said, wanting the encounter to end. “I better get dressed and head out. I have a long damn drive.”

“Too bad.” She whispered. “You don’t mind if I watch you dress, do you?”

“Watch to your heart’s delight.” I answered, using my hands on her hips to push me back. The first thing I did was put my briefs on to cover mister happy up before she changed her mind again, and then pulled on my pants, socks, shoes and shirt. I packed the few things I had in the bag and then waited as she put her robe back on.

“You know. I was leaking your cum all night long. When I got up this morning, my panties were saturated with you.”

“Oh?” I asked as she leaned against the door, not allowing me to leave quite yet.

“Uh huh. One of these days, I’m going to make you fill me every bit as full, or maybe even fuller. It was a wonderful feeling having you in me like that.”

“I’m happy you enjoyed it.” I answered as I waited.

She pouted and then opened the door and walked out. I followed and met Patty in the kitchen. “Mom been keeping you tied up?” Patty asked with a frown.

Her mom opened the bottom of her robe to expose her pussy and pushed it out at her daughter. “He was a perfect gentleman. You wanna check?”

“No, I believe you.” Patty said as she set a bowl on the table in front of me. “I know you gotta go, but damn, I wish you could stay longer.”

“Me too.” I answered as I pulled her to me for a hug. We sat and ate cereal together and then she walked me to my car. We stood hugging and kissing for almost fifteen minutes before I finally drew enough courage to leave, knowing I wasn’t going to hold her in my arms for another three months.


It was later than I expected before I parked and got back to the dorm. So late, that I stopped on the first floor and had lunch at the cafeteria before I got ready to pack the car. I was sitting, eating the roast beef sandwich I’d selected when I felt a hand on my back, startling me. I jerked my head around and saw Tina, one of the girls that had spent so many hours keeping me company after the big crash of my life. “Tina! I thought you’d gone already.”

“No. Today. I’m waiting for my mom and sister to come pick me up. I thought you were planning on being gone by now.”

“I was. I just got back from Patty’s. Spent more time there this morning than I expected.”

“That can happen. Saying goodbye is hard sometimes.”

I let out a soft short chuckle. “Yeah. even harder when you’ve been with someone as frequently as Patty and I have.”

“Yeah, I understand. We’ve been together an awful lot too.”

I looked at her and realized she was talking about herself saying goodbye to me. “We have. A lot. What, almost every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for the last how many weeks?”

“I kinda lost count.” She admitted. “It’s gonna be strange not having you talking my ear off about Fortran statements every other day.”

“Gonna be strange not having you doing your makeup while you read those books you like so much.”

“You mean those romance novels? I think I’ve read almost every one the library has.” She said with a giggle.

“By now you should be able to write them.”

“Technical writing is NOT romance writing.” She said with a fake frown. “But I appreciate the thought just the same.”

“So, what are you doing for the summer?” I asked as I ate the last bite of the sandwich.

“Actually, I’m going back to lifeguarding at the city pool.”

“You should be well tanned by the time you get back then.”

“Yeah, with a funny two-toned tan. A one piece while I’m working and a bikini when I’m not.”

“I’ll look forward to seeing it.” I chuckled.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind if you called me once in a while over the summer, just to let me know how you’re doing.”

“I could do that.” I agreed.

“Why don’t you come upstairs. I’ll give you my number and address. You can drop me a note if you want.” She said as she stood up.

“Sure,” I answered, wondering why I needed to go upstairs to get that. I shrugged and got up to follow her. We rode up in the elevator with several other people, and got out on her floor. She walked across the common room, through the dividing door that was propped open so people could move, and then down the hall to her room. She pushed the door open and held it for me to follow her in. “Looks like you’re all packed.”

“Yeah. pretty much. Just waiting for mom and sis. They should be here soon.” She said as she walked across the room to the little nightstand. She dug in her purse and pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote her phone number and address on it. “You know, if you weren’t going with Patty, I would have enjoyed the chance to date you.”


“Uh huh. I got used to having you around. When you weren’t falling off the deep end, you were a really sweet guy. I could see why Mandy fell for you.”

“You could?” I asked as she stood half way across the room.

“Yeah. I wonder. We’re pretty good friends. I was thinking, maybe you could do a favor for me?”

“I can try. What kind of favor?”

She turned around and dug in her purse again, pulling something out and then turning back to me. “I’ve been carrying these around almost all year, well, since we drug you off to the shower that is.”

“You have huh?” I asked as she stepped closer and held the well-worn box out to me. It was only about two inches square and maybe a half inch thick. It didn’t take a computer genius to see it was a three-pack box of condoms. She held the box out to me.

“I don’t want to go home a virgin.” She whispered.

“You don’t?”

“No. I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask you for months. Patty told me I could a long time ago, when some of the other girls were doing you to take your mind off Mandy. I didn’t have the courage, but now, today, I think I do.”

“So, the favor is to take your virginity?”

“It’s not like I haven’t had fingers and other things in me, just not, well, not a guy. And I’d kinda like it to be you. It doesn’t have to be anything super special. Just a little quickie like you’d give to Sandy or Donna.”

“You mean like Sandy or Donna would entice me into so I didn’t jump out a window or something equally stupid?”

“Something like that.”

“You do realize, I wouldn’t have ever jumped out a window.”

“I know. You never did with me either. but it was fun to let you nibble on my boobs that one time.”

“And putting my hand down your pants in the library?”

“Well, yeah, that too! It felt really good having you make me come like that. I didn’t expect to end up with my pants so far off, but it still felt good.”

“And now you want the rest?”

“Yeah. I do.” She whispered. “Would you? Please?”

“And if Patty finds out?”

“She won’t mind, but just the same, I don’t think I’ll tell her.” She said stepping even closer, her chest almost touching mine. She was almost a half a foot shorter than I was and had to look up at me to keep eye contact while her hands moved to my waist. She held my hips for a moment and then slid her hands around to the front of my pants and began undoing my belt, almost as if waiting for permission. Part of me felt bad for cheating on Patty, but then, she was the one that told both Sandy and Donna that they could do anything they wanted to distract me, including sex. Tina had been more reserved in that respect, and maybe that’s why I reached to her waist and started to pull the t-shirt up out of the waistband of her shorts. It was a little awkward, with both of us still wearing shoes and all, but after a few giggling bangs and bumps into each other, we were both naked and laying on the small bed next to each other.

I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss and then moved my face to let my cheek rest on hers. I whispered to her softly. “This is for being such a good friend all semester.” I kissed her cheek and then slowly kissed down to her neck, moving my face only an inch or so at a time, taking my time, lingering each kiss to tease her. I could tell she was really enjoying it and by the time I reached her small, firm breasts and nipples, she was moaning softly and trying to pull me on top of her, anxious to get me to put my dick into her. “Relax.” I whispered, my lips brushing her nipple. “It’ll get there.”

“I don’t want to wait. I’m afraid I’ll chicken out.” She whispered back.

“Alright.” I nodded. I reached to the bedstand and picked up the packet that I’d already pulled out of the box. I really hated using these, but it was a lot better than getting her pregnant accidently. I ripped the package open with my teeth and pulled out the rolled condom. I rolled part way onto my back and she watched as I put the rubber on, stroking it down my shaft with my fingers. With both of us now protected, I rolled myself over her, kneeling between her legs. She moaned in anticipation as I rubbed my head up and down her lips, spreading the lubrication of the condom on her lips. I let my fat mushroom head engage into the entrance to her depths and then held it there. “You’re sure?” I whispered.

She didn’t answer verbally, but chewed her lower lip and then nodded firmly. She opened her mouth and gasped as I pressed my fat head into her, pushing it slowly into her, forcing it deeper and deeper into her very wet slick vagina. “Ohmygod,” She moaned softly as my head pressed all the way to the end of her depths. I could feel her cervix with my head and held myself there, giving her body a chance to stretch and get used to the long, fat intruder. I waited for her face to change from apprehension to contentment, and then started to slowly stroke in and out of her. At first, she just lay there, letting me use her, almost as if she wasn’t sure what to do, but as her excitement and orgasm began to build her hips rocked and she was soon trying to use her feet on the bed to push up to meet my strokes.

In and out I stroked, slowly, firmly, giving her orgasm time to build, giving her time to enjoy the sensations that were so new to her. “Oh David.” She whispered. “I think I’m going to come, but it’s so different, it feels so much different.” She moaned softly.

“Just let it happen. Enjoy it.” I whispered back as I continued stroking, letting my strokes quicken slightly. In and out I thrust, watching her face, feeling her pussy start to quiver and clench around me, as her climax approached. I thrust harder, wanting to drive my own to its completion so she would feel me come in her, with her. In and out I drove my cock, watching her face, feeling her lift and lower in time with my strokes. I loved seeing the look of pleasure on a woman’s face, before she came. I’d learned from mom how special this could be, and seeing her come around me for the first time was indeed special. She opened her mouth and gasped as her pussy clenched around me, squeezing around my fat shaft. The extra tightness and the spasming of her depths pushed my own orgasm closer and closer to peak until finally my body jerked hard and jammed into her.

“OHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!” she gasped loudly as she felt my cock surging cum into her, squirting hard against the end of her tunnel, though contained by the condom. Over and over my cock jerked and twitched, pumping out a considerable load. I held myself over her, trying not to squish her petite frame with my weight, my cock slowly softening inside her as her own orgasm slowly faded away. She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her, squeezing us together and pressing her soft lips to mine. We kissed for long seconds before she let the embrace loosen enough to separate our faces. “God that felt so good. I had no idea how good it could feel.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I whispered back. “Thank you for being there for me all those days.”

“I’m glad I was. Like I said before, if you weren’t her boyfriend, I think I’d really enjoy dating you.”

I chuckled softly. “You know, in a way, I think we were dating.”

“You’re right. We kind of were, weren’t we? Do you suppose we could do this again?”

“We’re both headed home. When would we get together to do it again before next semester?”

“No, I mean now. Can you get hard again and we do it again? I’d kinda like to ride on you, like Patty did that time in the shower.”

“Alright.” I agreed. I rolled off of her, pulling my half soft cock out of her. She looked down at me and pulled the rubber off my dick, tossing it onto the floor. With a look of trepidation, she leaned down further and engulfed most of my dick with her mouth. “Ohhhhhhh.” I groaned softly at the sensation. So many times, I’ve concentrated on making sure my partner was satisfied, and not really let my partner pleasure me, with the notable exceptions of Mandy, Betsy and mom. Feeling Tina’s mouth sucking and licking my dick had my member quickly starting to harden and within less than ten minutes Tina had a fresh condom on my dick and was bouncing on my shaft, driving herself up and down my hardness.

“Oh God yes! This feels so fucking good. Now I know why the girls always wanna do it like this. You push so far up into me that I can almost feel you pushing my stomach.” She moaned softly as she worked up and down on me. Her bare ass slapped rhythmically against my thighs as she lifted herself up with her knees and then let gravity slam her down again, my fat head smashing against the end of her vaginal tunnel with each stroke.

“Ohhh damn, you feel good doing that.” I groaned softly as I watched her firm little boobs bounce on her chest. I tried to reach up and grab them but she pushed my hands away and asked me to just let her do this for me. I nodded and watched her ride on me, pushing both of us closer and closer to another mutual climax. I watched her face change, feeling her pussy start to squeeze around me. Up and down she continued to move, clearly determined to ride me until I came as well. She bit her lower lip as my cock inched closer and closer to release.

“FUCK! TINA!” I heard a woman’s voice say from the doorway.

“SHIT! MOM!” Tina gasped, slamming down on me and sitting on my dick for several seconds before suddenly pushing off my cock and the bed. She pulled her clothes from the floor and tried to cover her bare pussy and tits with her shirt and shorts, leaving me completely exposed to whoever had walked in. I rolled over and tried to find something to cover myself with, Tina standing on my clothes and leaving me with nothing but my hand to cover myself.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOUNG LADY?!?” I heard her mom almost shout at her as I twisted on the bed and tried to cover my dick.

“Fucking mom, what does it look like. Looks like she was having fun too.” Another female voice said, from where she was leaning into the doorway, looking toward me.

“You shut up. This isn’t funny!” Tina’s mom said, to who, I guessed, was her sister. Turning back to Tina her mom snapped, “You get your ass dressed young lady!” as she walked further into the room. Tina backed away from her mom, and her mom bent over and picked my clothes up off the floor and threw them at me. “And you! Get your ass dressed and out of my daughter’s room!”

I took my clothes and quickly dressed, pulling the used condom off and dropping it on the floor while the sister, grinning from ear to ear, watched me dress. The argument going on behind me was almost completely tuned out as I got my clothes on as fast as I could, finally walking to the door, still pulling on my t-shirt. I stopped and turned around when Tina shouted my name.

“David!” She said a second time as I paused at the door. “Thank you.” She said softly, looking past her mom toward me.

I looked back at her and nodded, understanding exactly what she was thanking me for. “You too.” I said back, knowing she’d understand. She nodded and I turned and headed out of the room to let her finish her argument with her mom. I headed to the elevator, and up to my own room to finish packing the last of my stuff.

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