High School Seniors Get Education Ch. 02 by Loveangames69,Loveangames69

Lying on the floor of our upstairs bedroom, I had watched through the screened ventilation port as my dear girlfriend Lila educated her enthusiastic music student Joshua in the parlor below. The instruction was not in playing the clarinet but in the art of sexually satisfying a mature woman.

As Lila writhed, moaned, and did her best to curb the kid’s energy while directing him on the art of making love, my gut had churned. I almost vomited. My dick was hard despite that. I was intensely aroused seeing my girl fuck someone, even a punk kid I now hated. If he had tried to take Lila against her will I would have joyfully gone down there and kicked his ass while stomping on his genitals. But I had suppressed that base instinct. It would have only complicated things. Lila had wanted the sex. It was her call. And watching it was also perversely stimulating.

The new lovers had just consummated the lesson and lay together on the couch. Joshua’s head was against Lila’s shoulder, his face showing a happy, almost euphoric expression. She ran her fingers through his hair, murmuring something that sounded like “Good boy.”

Joshua soon rose on his knees, his condom-clad cock exiting her vagina and coming into view again, and immediately collapsed on his back, his legs splaying out, his erection now leaning more than the Tower of Pisa. Lila let go of her legs, which she had raised and pulled back in an extreme fucking position. They landed on either side of Joshua. She bent them and grabbing her knees pulled herself up to a sitting position. She looked down at him. He was grinning.

“Was I okay?” Joshua asked.

“You were fine,” she replied softly.

“As good as your boyfriend?” he asked.

“You were fine,” she repeated. “I don’t compare lovers, or rate them. Everyone brings something different to the table.”

I mused that she did not have a large basis for comparison. Joshua was only her third lover, the other two being me and our friend Eli. But while Joshua had shown his inexperience she had certainly performed like a seasoned pro, eagerly sucking and fucking the boy while directing him on how to pleasure her.

She reached out and caressed his chest and face. A wistful look came over her. “Beautiful boy. We shouldn’t have done that. It just wasn’t right.”

“Felt right to me,” he beamed. “And you said it was fine,” he added, his expression becoming more serious.

“It was fine, in that way,” Lila assured him. “More than fine. Wonderful! You’re so good-looking and so masculine and passionate. I’m just thinking about complications. Was what we did fair to you or to me and other people we love?” She paused, then went on. “You know, you do need and deserve someone your age, someone you can have a relationship with in public, who you can explore things with and grow with.” She paused as her face took on a more serious look. “If people find out we did this there could be problems. Danny and my friends predicted that if we had sex the news would be all over the male portion of the senior class by midnight. Are they right? That would bring me a lot of trouble and could cost my job.” She bit her lower lip.

Joshua sat bolt upright. “No! I swear I won’t tell anyone, not even my best friend Roger, who thinks you’re the hottest teacher ever and would die to do it with you. This will be our secret. I swear!” He seemed almost desperate that she believe him. “And I don’t want it to be the only time we do it, either. I love you, Lila!”

She kissed him lightly on the forehead, then looked down at his crotch. “Oh, we have to take care of this,” she said.

His penis had gone virtually flaccid, the condom barely attached. It could fall off soon, spilling its considerable contents on the cushions. Even from my far vantage point, the tip of the balloon showed a large white glob. His balls must have been working overtime. Lila suggested he go to the downstairs half-bath, remove it and clean himself. He obediently rose from the couch, holding the wrap to prevent any premature detachment, and exited from my sight.

Lila sat back on the couch, a meditative expression on her beautiful face, then reached for her discarded garments and started to dress.

Despite the tension in my gut, I felt no anger toward her, just disappointment that I was not enough to satisfy her and she had felt the need to fuck a punk kid. I still loved her. She would have to take on the entire football team before that might change.

Joshua soon came back, virtually skipping, his flaccid dick bobbing and swinging freely as if reflecting his joyful emotional state. He held his used rubber, which was tied in a knot against spillage.

“I should take this with me so your boyfriend doesn’t see it,” he said.

The little prick, I thought.

“Just deposit it in the bathroom trash, Josh,” Lila said.

“I thought I might keep it as a souvenir of our first time together, and anyway you don’t want your boyfriend to empty the trash and see it,” he repeated.

“Danny seeing it is not an issue. I’ll have to tell him about this. We don’t keep secrets from one another.”

“You’re going to tell him?” Joshua asked, incredulous. “You just asked me not to say anything to anyone.”

She smiled. “Not to anyone else. No third party. It’s different with Danny. He and I are extremely close. We’re soul mates. Important things like taking another lover have to be disclosed.” Her look became serious. “I just hope he won’t be too upset or hurt.”

That lifted my spirits some.

“If you tell him, he’ll probably kill me.”

“You don’t have to worry about Danny hurting you. He wouldn’t hurt anyone I care for.”

Joshua frowned, and what he said next showed we were alike in one respect. “Well, I get mad when I think of him shagging you. I feel like punching him.”

“Don’t you say that,” she snapped, her face showing the anger I also felt. He was taken aback. She quickly softened and added in a teacher’s voice, “I don’t want you to feel that way about Danny. My love for him couldn’t be stronger. I love you too, Josh, in another way, but you have to accept my feelings for Danny. Jealousy is cruel as the grave. It has no place with me or anyone I love. That’s something that Danny has taught me, and I feel very strongly about it.”

“I don’t really understand that,” he said, shaking his head and sitting down beside her. “I just know that I love you.” He paused. “But if I have to share you with him, I will.”

He is willing to share her with me, I thought, incredulous. Again, I had the impulse to go down and throw him out, mussing up his pretty looks and kicking his nuts to putty. But Lila’s anti-jealousy admonition to the boy worked to suppress that urge. Her words applied to me as well.

“What I’d really like is to just get out of here with you,” Josh said intensely. “We can go far away, start over somewhere else. I’m good with cars, totally better than with a clarinet. I can get a job as a mechanic to help support us. You can get another teaching job. I’m pretty good with a guitar. I can get some gigs. We could start a band. We’ll…”

She smiled and extended a forefinger to his lips. “Shush. Let’s not think about all that now, beautiful boy. For the present, please just keep your promise not to tell anyone what we did, as that will cause us both a lot of pain.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

“Well, I suppose that’s enough music lessons for today,” Lila said, smiling at her phrasing. Get dressed, Josh, and I’ll walk you out to your car.”

Their exit was also my opportunity to clear the scene. After the sunroom door closed, I went downstairs and slipped out the parlor door. I jogged into the woods at the end of our lot and then up the wooded slope on a path. At a small opening in the treeline, I could see the new lovers by his ratty car and was struck again at how distance mitigated their age difference. Lila kissed him on the lips, a gesture that he returned with enthusiasm before she gently broke them apart.

It could have been young lovers pausing and expressing their feelings before taking leave of one another. Actually, I thought, that is exactly what it was.

He got into his car and slowly went down the driveway, then revved it upon reaching the road, rubber screaming as he sped away, undoubtedly as revved up himself as he had ever been in his tender years.

To burn off my tension, I continued jogging uphill on a path through the woods to a rock outcropping that Lila and I often visited which had a view of the river in the distance. After about fifteen minutes of musing, I returned on another path down to the road and went in the sunroom door. Water was running upstairs. I sat down on the small couch.

Lila came downstairs shortly. I could hear her moving about the kitchen and called out to her.

“Oh, you’re early. I didn’t hear you pull up,” she said, coming to the door. She had just a robe on, following her shower.

I rose and kissed her, hoping she had also brushed her teeth, trying not to think about what that beautiful mouth had been wrapped around recently. Then asked, “So, anything new?”

“Josh came over,” she replied.

“Oh, yeah, music lesson,” I said.

“The lesson went too far,” she replied, lowering her eyes, looking guilty.

“You told us over the weekend it would stop at music education and sympathy,” I noted. “So, it’s gone beyond that.”

“I made love with him,” she said, with a guilty look, her beautiful dark eyes getting misty. “It was like a compulsion, an irresistible temptation.” She fumbled for words. “I’m sorry. I feel so ashamed.”

I put my arms around her, and she lay her head on my shoulder, crying lightly. I was moved also. She had played the teacher so well, controlling and directing the passions of the excitable youth while still indulging her own. Now she was crying like a little girl. I mused that Lila was sensitive to the nuances of the human condition but due to her conservative upbringing still learning her own way through the maze. So unlike Rachel, who was thoroughly educated with a doctorate in sensuality, able to indulge her drives and passions with no second thoughts.

“Hey, I still love you,” I said, holding her tightly. “I’m partly to blame. As you said the other day, I was the facilitator. I gave the kid all he needed to worm his way in.” I rocked her in my arms.

She looked up at me, wiping away tears. “You’re amazing, how you can accept things. But you’re not to blame for this. I could have been firm. I could have stopped it.”

I urged her to talk about it, and commented little as she gave an account faithful to what I had witnessed through the voyeur vent: He kissed her, she tried to resist but instead found herself drawn inexorably.

“I found myself desperately wanting that beautiful boy,” she admitted. “People talk about ‘casual sex,’ but that wasn’t the case. There wasn’t anything ‘casual’ about it, any more than when I’m with you or Eli. It was passionate, with a lot of love as well as lust. Not just a fuck for physical pleasure, then go about your business and don’t think any more about the person — where you just take them and leave them.”

I held her, kissing her lightly on the forehead as she continued.

“Also, and this was weird to me, it felt almost like I was teaching Josh a life lesson in lovemaking. He was inexperienced and very crude measured against my two mature male lovers.” She laughed. “In fact, this was the first time I was with a guy who knew less than me.” She paused. “I have to admit, I enjoyed the teaching aspect too. And I tried to emphasize respect and care for the other person as well as sexually satisfying technique.” A look of guilt accompanied her analytical confession.

“So, all things considered, you feel a little shame, but not sorry you had the experience?” I asked.

She bit her lip and nodded affirmatively. “But I don’t want to continue tutoring Josh to that extent. It’s just not right. He should have someone his age. And as we know, it’s also not smart — it could be dangerous for me. I made him promise not to tell anyone, but who knows.”

“Well, let’s hope it’s not all around the school when you go in,” I agreed. “Also, if you’re not going to continue with the kid, you better let him down easy, so he doesn’t get pissed and start blabbing.”

“Yes, I’ll have to think about how to do that. Oh, I really don’t need any more complications in my life. There are enough already. I know you’re not completely comfortable about me with Eli. I don’t want to hurt you further and damage our relationship. I love you so.”

My ego restored, I suddenly felt magnanimous.

“Well, let the kid down easy,” I said. “He’s already had one big disappointment in love, and you don’t want another on your conscience. Losing you could be devastating.”

She looked at me with an amazed expression.

“God, but you are so great,” she said, suddenly kissing me passionately.

“You still have some loving left in you?” I asked.

She nodded ardently. “If you don’t mind second-hand goods.”

We went upstairs. I removed her robe, pulled down her panty, and quickly discarded my clothing. I had her lie down and orally massaged her sex, outside and inside. My tongue found every curve and crevice. I knew all the nuances of her vagina, every sensitive place to stimulate, and as always had no qualms about doing it. I loved her juices, and there would be no alien substance since Joshua had worn a condom and she had showered. Lila moaned her satisfaction. I continued tonguing her inside while manipulating her clit with a thumb and finger until she came with a scream of satisfaction.

We rested a few minutes for her to recover. She went to return the oral favor, but I stopped her, saying there was no need and I just wanted to continue loving her. I slipped into her easily, dismissing the thought that my predecessor may have widened the route. I was home and relishing it. Her legs went around my waist, and her feet drummed lightly on my butt. We kept our torsos pressed together while fucking. Unlike Joshua, I did not need to stare at my cock invading her sex. It was enough stimulation just being inside the woman I loved so well. Instead, I concentrated on going slow, suppressing my excitement while stimulating the G-spot already so well known to me, and massaging that little outside nubbin.

Not once did Lila have to direct or redirect me. I asked her if she wanted to raise her legs and position herself in the deep-fucking posture she liked so much, which I had clandestinely observed her do shortly before with the boy wonder, but she shook her head, saying the contact was fine as it was. She confirmed that shortly with another orgasm, and it was not faked. I rewarded her almost simultaneously with a wash of warm come. Her fingers dug lightly into my back as her heels drummed my butt and her legs tightened around me.

Joshua never had it so good, I thought afterward as we lay together hand in hand, her head against my shoulder.

* * *

When Lila came home after school the next day, she reported that so far Joshua had apparently kept the code of silence. She had experienced a little paranoia — were students and faculty looking at her and laughing among themselves — but decided no, there were just the usual intrigues common to any institution, and she did not appear to be the object of any.

She saw Josh. He expected to come over again Thursday afternoon when Eli and I would be at the tennis court.

“Do you want me to be here?” I asked.

She thought a moment, then shook her head no. “It’s my responsibility and I have to take care of it.”

When I arrived home Thursday, the kid’s car was not there. Lila was in the kitchen. She looked downcast. I asked her if Joshua was still her pupil.

She nodded, looking downcast. I had a sinking feeling in my gut.

“Was it the full lesson, like last time?” She nodded again.

“I tried to be firm, to tell him it wasn’t going to continue,” she said. “He looked at me with those big sad eyes, and then he kissed me and… my resolve just melted.” She paused. “I feel terrible. Do you hate me?”

“No, I just have a little intestinal upset. It’s… disconcerting knowing that my woman is doing it with a boy ’cause I’m apparently not enough for her, along with the practical worry that boys will be boys and eventually start bragging about making it with the teacher. But we’ve discussed all that. “I waved a hand in the air. “What can I say. This is your class.”

Conversation at dinner was muted. We held hands in bed but did not make love that night.

The subject came up again over the weekend with Eli and Rachel.

“How’s it going with your prodigy,” Rachel asked lightly. “You teach him any new tunes?”

Lila did not smile at the joke, which was pretty much a confirmation.

“Oh my…” Rachel exclaimed. She looked at me. My downcast look was corroboration.

“Okay, time for some girl talk,” she said, taking Lila’s hand and going off to another room.

“Well, that’s a kick in the…” Eli paused. “How are you doing?” he asked.

I shrugged. “How do you think? I don’t like it. It’s bad enough sharing her with you, let alone some over-sexed high school kid who might blab it around to make prestige points. But Lila is boss over her passions, as you well know. I just hope they don’t bite her.”

“I’ll try talking some sense into her tonight,” Eli said.

Yeah, while you’re putting something else into her, I thought. But it would do no good to say that.

“I just don’t understand the attraction,” I said. “Sure, he’s good-looking, but every time she mentions him the words ‘beautiful boy’ are involved. It’s almost like she’s infatuated with a cocker spaniel.”

Before long, Rachel and Lila joined us again. My girl looked thoughtful, while Rachel was her usual upbeat self. Eli asked if their talk was productive.

“This girl is definitely conflicted,” Rachel said, “and I don’t know how to help her except by being positive about it. We all know the negatives, but why not look at the opportunity. Josh sounds willing and energetic, and cute besides. We should invite the kid to one of our weekend parties. New blood for us, higher education for him.”

Lila’s horrified look confirmed that Rachel had not discussed that sudden inspiration with her. Eli and I were not supportive either.

“The headline can read, ‘Pervert ring corrupts local youth,’ or something like that,” I said.

Eli was blunter. “You’re out of your fucking mind.”

“Hear me out. If I take him on, it’ll give him some more experience and confidence,” Rachell said. “He’ll be thinking, ‘Hey, I’m a stud. They all want to shag me.’ He’ll swagger around and come on to the hot babes in school. One or two will take him on, and Lila will be history.”

“The best thing would be if the kid finds himself a willing girlfriend,” Eli agreed, “but I don’t think you’re a candidate. It will just reinforce his Oedipussy complex. Finding him a girl his own age is the key, but not the way you’re proposing to go about it.”

After some more wine, Eli began caressing Lila, who responded in kind. Rachel was also snuggling up to me. We were usually not shy about getting into polyamorous activities in one room, but this night Eli guided my girlfriend into the master bedroom. He had told me earlier he would try to “talk some sense into her,” and unlike Rachel, probably thought Lila’s affair with Joshua was better discussed outside our usual group dynamics.

Driving home that night, Lila and I were both subdued, and although we had not had sex together for three days went to bed with no further physical involvement.

Eli called the next day. “Lila wouldn’t talk about the situation with the kid. She acknowledged she had to work it out, but said she had discovered it wasn’t good to discuss one lover with another lover. She said she just wanted to concentrate on me when we’re together.”

* * *

I was able to wrap up work earlier than usual Monday, arriving home to see Joshua’s bomb parked by the door. I made extra sounds opening the garage, slamming my car door, and closing the entry door loudly to give the occupants enough warning to wind up whatever they might be doing and get presentable.

After a couple of minutes in the sun room shuffling things noisily around, I detected footsteps approaching, and my young rival appeared, looking disheveled, hair mussed and shirt hanging out. He looked unsettled at my sullen glance and looked away without saying anything. Lila was right behind him, saying hello to me with a nervous look before escorting the kid to his car. I heard the engine start and the sound of disturbed gravel as he peeled out.

When she came back in, she sat down beside me. She pecked lightly at my lips. There was a moment’s silence, then I could not help asking, “So, how’s it going with him? You still giving him special help?”

She did not look at me. “I’m ashamed talking to you about it. There’s nothing startlingly new, and I’m not sure how much you want to hear anyway. I was hoping you wouldn’t be home until after he was gone and we could just ignore the situation.”

“Well, that tells me it’s still going on. As for ignoring it, that won’t work. Talking about it won’t help my indigestion, but may help me know where your head is at.”

“I don’t feel comfortable talking to you about it,” she said. “But Josh is like the high school lover I never had. It’s hard talking to you about it, but if I was back in school, I would probably be bubbling over with pornographic details to my girlfriends.”

“Such as?”

“He’s more skillful in foreplay, and has calmed down enough to… prolong his time.” She paused. “But you don’t want to hear this.”

“So he’s getting good.”

“Truthfully, I am feeling less like a teacher and more like a… lover,” she said. “He is so good-looking, and his enthusiasm is infectious. His desire for me is a real turn-on, and…” She looked at me, but quickly looked away and stopped talking.

“So he’s not only sexy, not only turns you on but is also getting more proficient?”

After a pause, she said, “He’s gotten very good at oral foreplay. He’s researched sexual positions on the internet and is taking more of a lead in… guiding us. One of the positions was really… great. I actually… reached climax for the first time with him.” She paused as I had that sinking feeling in my gut. “He also didn’t want to wear a condom and asked if we could go upstairs to the bed rather than use the couch. I let him off on the condom issue,” she admitted, looking down. “And I should go clean up.”

“So the kid has outgrown his rubbers,” I said sourly.

“His former girlfriend had been a virgin before they hooked up, and I’m on the pill, so I didn’t see any threat,” Lila said.

“Did you do it with him in our bed too?”

“No, he didn’t get his way on that.” She began crying. “I know this shouldn’t be happening, and that it hurts you. But it is happening. Truthfully, Danny, I enjoy being with him. His youthful passion is so infectious, and it’s so great being with him. It’s like it used to be with us. Now, you and I hardly talk. We’re all on edge.”

“So I guess this will continue a while,” I said, my stomach churning as my mind wrestled with the fact the “beautiful boy” was evolving into a serious threat to our relationship.

“I know it shouldn’t,” she said. “If you want me to leave, I understand. I’ll get an apartment if you want.”

Conversation fell off. I had work to do after eating. She went upstairs before me and was asleep when I came up. Or at least, seemed to be. I reached out to touch her lightly. There was no response. We lay side by side without touching.

I lay awake, brooding about the situation. It jarred me to realize we had not made love for five days, which might be a “personal worst” for our relationship. The kid had become a phantom, throwing a shadow over our private happiness. Why wasn’t she reaching out to me? The kid attracted her, but surely he could not displace me as her adult companion. Or could he? He and Lila had common interests in music, the age gap was not so huge and he had improved in bed, or on the couch. He was making her feel like a cherished lover, while I had become an embittered intruder.

At first, I had assumed this infatuation with Joshua was just part of Lila’s growth process — an unexpected opportunity, a second chance at the carnal puppy love she had passed on the first time around due to her conservative upbringing. It was a form of continuing education — Passion 101: Balling the High School Stud — But I had expected she would quickly tire of it. The youth would become boring, exit the picture, and I could go back to dealing with her other catch-up — the thing with Eli.

Logically, Eli was more of a long-term threat to our relationship: It should be easier for Lila to drift away from me with an accomplished, admiring adult than with an immature high school kid wearing a lettered varsity jacket. Nevertheless, my stomach had become relatively at ease with the polyamorous relationship we had with Eli and Rachel. I knew and trusted Eli, and there was the fringe benefit with Rachel. Also, as the saying goes, greater risk produces greater reward: The four of us had become an informal “family,” a loving group of mature adults who supported one another not only sexually, but emotionally, and in sharing life tasks.

No, Joshua had to be considered a greater risk, and not just to me. If it became known that an adult teacher was screwing one of her students she would be ostracized and barred from teaching.

I thought about Lila’s anger and refusal to accept my affair with Kim a few years before, but Kim was another adult. It seemed much less a moral transgression than Lila’s current obsession with a teenager.

Suddenly, I had one of those light bulb moments. Rachel and Eli had said the antidote to the teenage malady might be another teenager for Joshua to get his rocks off with. Despite her infatuation, even Lila had said that Josh would be better off with a girlfriend his age.

I could not do much about that, but my mind was giving it a different spin. I was thinking of Amber, the flirtatious dairy maid who more than once had offered me a “special treat.” Maybe I needed a bit of the teenage malady. A treat from Amber would probably lift my spirits, and if it bothered Lila it would serve her right, I thought.

Further rationalization followed: A sexploit with Amber might give me more insight into Lila’s state of mind — perhaps she would be more inclined to open up to me if she knew I also was “obsessed” with a beautiful teen. Better yet, seeing me succumb to borderline pedophilia might shock her enough to reevaluate her own obsession.

Or would it lessen her guilt, and reinforce her thing with Joshua.

And so my thoughts spun. Sleep eventually came, but it did not alter my mood nor change the decision I came to before drifting off.

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