How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 09 by Thors_Fist,Thors_Fist

Brick takes Laura and Sharon to North Cascades National Park for some recreation and fun. They end up meeting two other women who they get involved with, one of them married. This chapter contains oral sex, anal sex, interracial sex (Asian and African-American), public humiliation, public masturbation, public sex, spanking, and cuckolding a cheating husband. There is no COVID in this fantasy world. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for fixing some of my mistakes. Any remaining errors are mine.

How I Became a Breeding Bull, Ch 9 –

North Cascades

I woke up in the morning with Sharon and Jeri both sucking on my equipment once more, though this time, when hard, their positions reversed. Jeri shared and took the bottom, watching my cock penetrate Sharon’s cunt and occasionally licking my balls as they rolled over her forehead, between sucking on Sharon’s clit. I wondered what she thought seeing her former husband’s cock sluicing through Sharon’s tight cunt from inches away.

This from a woman who’d resisted all previous efforts to have a threesome with another woman, or even another man. I’d been doing it all wrong. Granted, there was no good way to be fucking another woman while your wife expected fidelity, and expect her to listen to the “other woman” tell her to let that woman lick her pussy while I fucked her. Now that we weren’t married, she could listen to someone else tell her how pleasant it could be.

Yet Sharon had been able to convince Jeri of something I’d spent damn near three months trying to do, and she did it in less than a day. I doubted Sharon was that persuasive, and thought perhaps Jeri saw all the fun everyone else around her was having and thought, “What the hell,” or as she usually put it, “Fuck it”. It didn’t matter anymore what she did, because she wasn’t married. Although I suspect that was a far more simplistic argument than it merited, because Jeri was a complex person, one I only ever halfway understood. It didn’t mean I was unhappy with the outcome.

She even helped me lick my cum out of Sharon, and that was unexpected, though she kept kissing me and pushing the cum in my mouth so I ended up swallowing most of it. I made allowances, so happy to entertain the possibility we could continue to enjoy the occasional sexual romp. I hoped it could extend past her treatment of Phillip. I got up, showered and took care of other morning necessities while Sharon and Jeri continued to play. I lightly whacked Sharon’s naked ass when I finished and told her to pack one bag of fall clothes for the mountains, then checked to see that Laura and Phillip had stopped fucking at seven AM. Laura was up, Phillip on the bed awake, watching her move around the room.

“How did your fucking go last night?”

“Fairly well, Master. I climaxed five times, twice on Phillip’s cock, and three times on his tongue.”

“Are your Ben Wa balls inside of you?” I asked Laura.

“Yes, Master, as soon as I got up this morning.”

“I forgot to tell you to pack jeans and boots. We’ll be going horseback riding. I hope you packed some.”

“I have jeans packed, sir, but no boots. I’ll take care of that right away.”

“Phillip, since you’re up, fix breakfast for everyone.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Jeri is going to be coming here every night, starting tonight, working with you, Phillip. She’ll be sleeping in the master bedroom. You’re to obey her as you obey me. She will spank your naughty boy ass if you misbehave. You may masturbate each night after you get home from work, cumming once only. If you give her any trouble, you and I will have a heart to heart, and you won’t be happy with the results. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Master.” Pause. “Will I be fucking her, sir.”

“If she’s working as your therapist, she can’t fuck you. She may arrange for someone else to come in and fuck you, but that’s up to her. It is totally her discretion.”

“Yes, sir. Your ex-wife is a lovely woman, Master. Very fit and athletic.”

“Yes, she is. She works out a lot. In fact, I met her at a gym. Since you won’t be fucking anyone, you may want to work out with her, because I don’t want you sitting around thinking about what I’m doing to Laura. Work yourself to exhaustion so you get to sleep each night.”

“Yes, sir.”

I packed some things for myself while Phillip made breakfast. I included lots of sex stuff, including a couple Lushes the girls would be wearing on the drive. Phillip made waffles with frozen blueberries and real maple syrup, sausage patties, and hash brown potatoes. Most of it was out of a box or heat and serve, but he did well by us.

Jeri ate breakfast with us, but then went home to do some research and accept the packages from Nordstroms. She told Phillip she’d be back at six PM and to have supper waiting for her.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Thanks, Jeri. I really appreciate you working with Phillip this week,” I told her. “Give me any updates and suggestions as the week goes by.”

“Don’t worry. It will cost you. Thanks for all the new clothes.”

I hugged her before she left. “I really am sorry.”

Before Laura and Sharon got dressed, I inserted a Lush into each of their pussies and turned them on, but not running. I made sure both of them wore skirts and blouses.

“Are you still planning on going topless on the drive, Sharon?” I asked.

“Once we’re out of town, and hit the open road,” she replied.

“Will I be topless, Master?” Laura asked, glancing at her husband.

“No, you’ll be bottomless and masturbating for all the truckers we pass on the road.”

Phillip’s cock shot up like a weed.

“Kiss your husband goodbye, slut. You won’t be fucking him for five days, but you’ll definitely be fucking.”

Laura gave Phillip a big hug and clutched his cock in her hand. “I’m sorry you won’t be able to watch, honey, but I’ll tell you all about the sex I had when I get home.” She gave his cock a couple tugs and he climaxed on her fingers.

“I’m going to tell Jeri to paddle your ass ten time tonight for that, Phillip,” I said. “You don’t get another orgasm today.”

“Yes, Master. I’m sorry, sir.”

I packed our bags and we got in the car and hit the road. Sharon was in the copilot seat and Laura in the back.

I said, “That was not a nice thing to do to Phillip, slut. I’m going to paddle your ass ten times too.”

“I didn’t know he would cum that quickly, Master.”

“If he cums without being touched at all, why wouldn’t he cum while you touched him?”

“He got hard at that very moment, sir, like fifteen seconds before.”

“But he’s known about this trip for a few days. I’m sure it’s been on his mind, despite the state of his erection.”

“Do you think you or Jeri can do anything to help?” Sharon asked.

“I’m not sure. I’m about to run out of ideas. I’m not a psychologist, but I’m hoping Jeri will come up with something. Hey, Siri, send a text to Jeri Tyson.”

“What do you want to say to Jeri?” Siri said.

“Paddle Phillip’s bare ass ten times tonight for climaxing without permission.”

“Your message says, ‘Paddle Phillip’s bare ass ten times tonight for climaxing without permission.’ Would you like to send it?”


I waited until my message got sent, then set the ladies Lushes to music mode. “Sit back and relax, because we’re about to have some fun,” I said, cranking up the music.


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