How Jocelyn’s Parents Met, Married Pt. 08 by oliver57,oliver57

(The story has advanced now about seven years. It is the early to mid-2000s. The internet has become a thing. Gwen and Henry have two children, both girls. Henry is the stay-at-home parent and Gwen the high-powered executive wife, who is also dominant at home and the ultimate decision-maker. I appreciate constructive comments and feedback, but if a long story describing a female dominated marriage in which the couple very much love and respect each other but still engage in very kinky sex is not your cup of tea, no need to read this.)

Gwen Prepares Henry for a Chastity Device

Gwen eyed her slave-husband (a term she started using several years earlier with Henry in their private time) not-a-little lustfully as she watched him prepare breakfast for their two girls, Heather and Jocelyn, seven and five years old, respectively. She herself would be leaving shortly for work, but she enjoyed watching Henry move about the kitchen and house doing his work. She wished she had the time to stay for some extracurricular activity after the girls were off to school on the bus, but alas, she didn’t. It would have to wait until that night.

“So, what’s your schedule like today, Henry?” Gwen asked, making some typical idle conversation between a husband and wife.

“Oh, the usual, although I do have a PTA meeting later this morning. I suppose that will constitute the highlight of my day–until you get home, of course.” He smiled at his magnificent wife.

Henry had joined the PTA when Jocelyn started kindergarten. He was the only father amongst a dozen regular members, all mothers. The fact that he was a former teacher gave his voice some extra wait and value.

Gwen was less sure how much she like the idea of her husband regularly meeting with a bunch of young women, many of whom were, in her own mind, sexier and prettier than she was. She remembered when she was in school–there were always rumors of teachers and parents having affairs. But she didn’t see that there was much she could do about it. She could prohibit Henry from participating, and he would obey, but with him shepherding the girls to and from their school activities, it hardly seemed like it would make much difference. He was going to be involved in the girls’ activities, and with the school, and thus would come into contact with other parents regularly.

Gwen decided to put it out of her mind. She actually felt embarrassed with herself, harboring fleeting thoughts of such ridiculous insecurity. She had absolute faith in Henry’s fidelity–his deep love for her was on display every day in the way he took care of the children, the house, and especially her. She felt foolish but was glad she kept the thought to herself. She made to leave for work, getting up from the kitchen table, kissing her husband and children goodbye.

That night, after they both had put their children to bed and checked later to see that they were asleep, Gwen and Henry retired to their bedroom, carefully locking the door behind them.

Gwen spoke first. “Let’s take a shower–together!”

Henry smiled at the idea and both of them took off their clothes and headed into their large master bathroom together. The large mirror over the double vanity emphasized their physical differences, differences that both of them relished in their sex life. Gwen was six inches taller in her bare feet, and 80 lbs. heavier than Henry. She had put on some extra weight giving birth but her large frame had made giving birth relatively easy, leaving behind no other physical reminders.

Henry had not put on any weight in that time. He was still very skinny–wiry–making Gwen appear to be about twice his size. Despite this, she retained a feminine, albeit large, shape. Her waist was considerably narrower than her hips or chest, which was dominated by her HH breasts.

She loved to stand behind Henry, looking in the mirror. She liked to hold his arms with her hands, centering his body in her frame. The view in mirror showed her head coming almost completely above his and her body appearing on either side of Henry’s. She indeed looked twice his size! She then squeezed her husband from behind, pressing her massive breasts into his back. She liked watching his cock start to grow in his lust.

After turning on the water, but before stepping in, Gwen embraced her husband again, drawing–forcing–his face into her massive breasts. Mere moments of this resulted in Henry’s cock growing to full strength, poking Gwen in her thighs. She looked forward to sheathing that spear soon enough. There was no chance of further children–after Jocelyn, Gwen had Henry get a vasectomy.

They entered the shower together and soon warmed up with the hot water. Gwen handed Henry the sponge and soap–when they showered together it was his job to tend to his wife, washing her like bath servant–before washing himself. The soapy, extended caressing of her breasts, her back, and her legs was something she relished. He saved her groin and ample buttocks for last–he typically finished those on his knees.

Henry loved doing this. It was a favorite form of foreplay–the water, the warmth, the slippery soap. Gwen made it a point to regularly fondle Henry’s cock with a soapy hand to keep him edged and firm. But once the soap was rinsed, Gwen grabbed his head firmly, quite firmly, and drew his mouth to her large, wet, hairy vagina. Everyone involved knew what was expected. Henry licked, lapped, and otherwise worshipped at his wife’s womanhood, slowly but steadily bring her toward the intense orgasm she had looked forward to all day.

As Henry worked, Gwen thought how right this was: she the breadwinning executive wife, coming home after a long day’s work to be sexually satisfied by her obedient, submissive husband who worshipped her on his knees! Her “slave-husband.”

But as her orgasm approached, Gwen grew impatient. She wanted to take over! She pushed him on his back in the running shower and sat on his face, using the sponge as a pillow for his head, while she ground herself onto him until the explosive orgasm arrived. For some reason, it was particularly intense today and she shuddered repeatedly as it rippled through her body. Henry remained rock hard throughout and Gwen touched him no further while they were in the shower.

Instead, they both got up, dried off and went into the bedroom, where Gwen tied her husband’s wrists and ankles to the bed. She took his cock inside her and felt him orgasm within a couple of strokes. She slapped his face in punishment but did not get up, she kissed him, commenced pinching his nipples in some extended nipple torment and had him suck on her breasts. The orgasm had caused Henry to soften some inside his wife, but not as much as one might think and before too long she was feeling him harden up again. It was then she began to ride him–aggressively. After about 10-15 minutes, both dominant wife and submissive husband came again at almost the same time.

Both lovers rested in a warm embrace after their love-making; each asked the other about their day. Gwen gave the rundown–blow by blow–of the latest development contract that her firm was pursuing, and the personalities making the project easy or hard. Henry gave Gwen an update on how the girls were doing in school and how their homework was completed. He told her of Heather’s desire for a playdate over the weekend and asked Gwen if that would be okay.

“I told Heather I’d have to ask Mom,” he said smiling at the understanding that these sorts of decisions have to be run by her, at least in principle. In reality, many of those types of small decisions are in fact delegated to Henry as the stay-at-home parent and keeper of the kids’ schedules. But she liked the kids knowing that she was the ultimate decision-maker and that their father understood and respected that fact.

He also told Gwen about the PTA meeting and the intentions of the group to assist with the Christmas pageant that is put on at the end of the year. She asked about the other members of group, questioning him in some detail about the mothers who participate. Henry ran down the list of PTA participants and Gwen wasn’t wholly comfortable with what she was hearing, but she knew some of that was because of some lingering remnants of her long dormant insecurity over her body. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe her good fortune in marrying someone like Henry who loved her just as she was and who accepted–indeed enthusiastically embraced–the lifestyle they have adopted as their own. Henry adored her and her body and she loved and adored him in return because of that.

One reason for her insecurity was that as their relationship had grown in substance and longevity, Gwen enjoyed a growing taste for sadism with Henry in their lovemaking. While there was little of it on display tonight, she has found herself enjoying inflicting pain on her loyal, loving, submissive husband more and more. And by all outward appearances, Henry enthusiastically enjoyed developing his masochistic nature in the process.

She had grown accustomed to whipping or spanking Henry longer and harder, torturing his nipples mercilessly with her fingers and teeth, such that they are sore for days, and truly pushing his limits when it came to smothering and breath control. She loved using her teeth to leave bitemarks in many places across his body. Aside from the sex itself, she loved seeing Henry walk around naked in the morning, after a night of intense activity, with various marks still on display. But sometimes, like now, she worried she was going too far, and that Henry would grow tired of it and, rather than tell her, seek the soft comfortable embrace of another woman, who would no doubt be smaller and sexier than herself.

Still, she shoved those feelings and worries back in the dark closet from whence they came. It’s not like she could keep Henry locked up in the house to never go out!

The Christmas Pageant and Aftermath

When the night of the Christmas Pageant arrived, the entire Devereaux family went. The girls, of course, were in the various events that their grade was putting on. Henry was helping with the pageant itself, along with the rest of the PTA. Gwen went to see her beautiful little girls perform as any loving mother would.

What she saw bothered her, no, disturbed her–a lot. The pageant was fun, but Gwen saw that most of the other mothers participating were pretty, sexy things. Every time Henry introduced Gwen to one of them, the contrast between herself and them was always apparent, and, without fail, each one of the other mothers were shocked at Gwen’s physique. They were too polite to say anything and tried to hide it, but Gwen saw it in their eyes. Furthermore, many of those mothers were particularly “touchy” with Henry–one or two in particular were always touching his arm or back whenever they were in conversation with him. Henry was too naïve to see what was going on, but Gwen knew flirting and sensual seduction when she saw it!

The other mothers, for their part, were quite surprised to see what Henry’s wife looked like. They did not imagine such a tall, large woman who carried herself so authoritatively. They commented and whispered about it a fair amount among themselves but always out of Gwen’s and Henry’s earshot.

Worse, Gwen thought, soon into the new year, she would be away for two weeks on business. Henry would be on his own–without any supervision from her! And the weekly PTA meetings would continue.

She was increasingly uncomfortable by this idea but she didn’t know what to do about it–if there was anything she could do about it. After thinking about it for a long time, a thought occurred to her. She recalled seeing in some of the femdom magazines she had been buying at the adult store (and kept carefully locked away from both Henry and the girls), an ad for a male chastity device. What was it called? Oh, yes! The CB-2000.

When she got home that night, while Henry was getting the girls into bed, she looked for the ad and found it. It talked about “locking up your man” for the “ultimate control.” While wearing the device, the man could clearly not get an erection and, also, clearly had to sit to pee. Henry already did the latter, but the more Gwen thought about it, the more she liked the idea of having him wear one when she was on the trip. She decided to order one right away.

The Chastity Device Arrives and a Night of Female Dominated Sex Ensues

It took four weeks for the order to arrive. When it finally did, Gwen was both excited and apprehensive to open it. But she did. It did not take long for her to figure out how it worked and with a little bit of practice, she understood how it would go on her husband’s cock. As she played around with it, she found herself becoming a little aroused. The idea of extending her control over Henry to his very ability to get an erection or have an orgasm–when she was not even in the state!–excited her even if the idea emanated from a less than flattering part of her personality.

That was the key, she thought. She wouldn’t show any of her insecurity to Henry. No, this would be about a way for them to enjoy their very unequal power dynamic when she wasn’t even there.

As she put the device away, Gwen remembered that she had not yet discussed her desire for Henry to wear it while she was away–which was now in a week’s time. This would be taking their sexual relationship to a different level, one never before discussed and one that had considerable implications for Henry’s day-to-day life. Despite being the dominant partner in the marriage, she felt that this step needed to be accomplished more by persuasion that simply giving her slave-husband an order.

Nevertheless, Gwen wanted to load the dice a bit in her favor when she asked Henry to do this. It would be during a night of leather sex–something they had not enjoyed in a several weeks because of all their family obligations and girls being around. Frankly, as a dominant-submissive couple, she felt that they needed a “dominatrix scene,” as she called it, before she left on her business trip. She never wanted that part of their marriage to get stale or fizzle out and she knew Henry wanted it even more than she did. Gwen would let Henry know about the evening’s agenda at dinner.

When the meal was nearly over, with the girls finishing their dessert, Gwen spoke up.

“I want to go to bed early tonight, dear. Once you have the girls in bed, let’s settle down upstairs.”

“Are you tired? Long day?”

Careful not to say anything inappropriate in front of the children, Gwen replied: “It was a long day, but I am not tired.” She then winked at Henry and a brief look of realization came across his face. Henry recognized he was in for an evening of sex slavery–and now he could hardly wait for it!

The girls were allowed to stay up a little bit later than usual that night–it was a Friday, no school the next day. It would also have the effect of making them a little more tired, needing them to be sleeping soundly was necessary for the married couple’s intimacy. The girls’ bedroom was on the other side of the house on the second floor, but still, sleeping children are a good thing. Being so young, a little bit later meant bedtime at 8:00 pm. And Henry read to them one of the more calming and soothing stories on their bookshelf. Both girls were nodding off when he finished. Gwen had kissed them goodnight when the story began and had gone to the master suite to await her husband. She had a number of things to get ready first, anyway.

Gwen, for her part, readied herself for Henry as he read to their children. In their large master bedroom, after the first baby was born, Gwen had purchased a large armoire that had built-in, strong locks to which she had the only keys. Henry knew about everything that was in it: Gwen’s dominatrix outfits, black boots, black gloves, black hat, leather bodices, and the like. The armoire included a modest collection of implements for which she would administer discipline to Henry. A flogger, a variety of riding crops, some short whips, a couple of paddles, and one long one whip, which was difficult to use and was often little more than a prop. It also included bondage gear, including collars and leashes for Henry, a reasonable variety of bondage restraints, a couple of hoods for Henry, rope, and a number of other smaller items designed to aid in the restraint and domination of her slave-husband.

Gwen loved looking at the array of items in the armoire. She and Henry had a come a long way since their honeymoon, when all they really had was an outfit for her, a collar and leash for Henry, a riding crop, and just a few restraints. The contents of the armoire now allowed for more variety and creativity in their sessions together.

She selected one of her most domineering looking outfits–shiny, 4-inch heeled boots that reached to her mid-thigh, over-the-elbow black gloves, her black hat, a 24-inch riding crop, and a black choker for herself, and a see-thru black bra. She also laid out items she would put on her husband–the mandatory collar and leash, of course, but also a black bondage hood, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, and some rope. She looked up at the hook in the ceiling that Henry had installed and thought about whether she wanted to hand her husband’s wrists from it. She decided no. She wanted him to look and feel as small as possible this evening compared to her Amazonian height and strength. She would completely overload his senses and physically overwhelm him in their leather sex lovemaking.

Gwen was otherwise naked. When she was ready, waiting for Henry, she admired herself in their mirror. With the heels, she stood 6’6″ tall! Henry would be coming in barefoot at barely 5’8″–she would stand 10 inches taller than he–before she forced him to his knees. She sighed when she noticed her extra weight, but she thought her form was still feminine and shapely. Her chest and hips were considerably larger than her waist and her breasts each were almost the size of Henry’s head. She looked forward to drowning his face in them. Her large, hairy nether region–which Henry also loved–dominated the image of the lower part of her body. She looked forward to smothering and drowning his face in there, too.

She spent almost five minutes admiring herself in the mirror before turning away. She almost felt a little foolish about the chastity device now–she knew how much Henry adored her, loved her “magnificent” body, (she still so very loved that that was his preferred term to describe her physically) and he relished her domination of him. Still, she liked the idea of more control–she and Henry had discussed from time to time how she could exercise more sexual control over him when they played, and the device would provide that–even if it would also provide her with a sense of absolute calm when she was away and Henry was interacting with the young slutty wives club, which is what she somewhat unkindly called the PTA on occasion.

Finally, she heard the door of their bedroom open. Henry entered the room and then closed and locked the door behind him. (They had external grade locks on the door–they never wanted to risk being surprised in their sex play by an errant child.). Henry gasped at the sight of his beautiful dominant wife as she turned toward him. Her booted legs stood apart, her gloved hands on her hips, with the riding crop in one, and black hat.

“My god,” he rasped out, “Gwen–Mistress!–you are so beautiful! Truly magnificent!”

Gwen beamed at him. “Come here my little sex slave!” Henry walked over to his dominatrix wife. She just looked down, down, down at him for a while and then gave him a few face slaps with her gloved hand.

Finally, she spoke. “I demand complete and total obedience tonight, my slave. I expect you to be perfectly submissive or you will be severely punished!” Gwen laughed. “Who am I kidding? You should just expect to be disciplined regardless.” She leaned down to whisper in his ear. “You know how much I find whip marks are you arousing!” She then aggressively pushed Henry to his knees. “Strip yourself naked!”


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