I Fell for a Librarian Bk. 08

An adult stories – I Fell for a Librarian Bk. 08 by DickBogart1953,DickBogart1953 Everyone is 18+ in the this story of love and lust with family. I rode the short bus in school and am dyslexic and use software and editors to make it easier to read.

I fell for a Librarian. Book 8

Susan holds me and says. “Bigger than life, twice as sexy as that boy, and I will never forget this night.”

The York’s insisted that I take cash for the show, I told them. “To please donate to your son’s charity then. I’m repaying someone who taught me to read and to love books, my Mom; I feel wrong taking cash after seeing your son’s joy.”

We danced till midnight and never had so much fun, all of us, Mary was more into disco, but our slow dance was hot, and Mom and Susan loved all of it.

Mrs. York found me getting drinks and says. “My son’s video was at four thousand views. But he will never forget his hero; We are giving him palliative care Doc said he’s months overdue now, so every second is a gift. Oh, you and Mary are a thing. Your Mom let us know that the first week that your world is not normal, but my Doc is twenty-two years older than I am, so we understood when your Mom said your guys aren’t normal; but you damn sure have love. May I hug you?” She did.

Her husband walked up and says. “He damn sure earned it.” He hugged me and cried. I held them both. My three ladies watched me. I saw love on each of their faces. Susan says we got home, took our makeup off, and decompressed with a glass of brandy. “She did not like her therapist but spoke to Dr. Y at the party and would like to see her and will. I like it when we share for the first time. Can it be Dan and me? I am unsure about a son with my Sister and his Mom. Not to be weird, but I watch him watch you two. He looks so in love, I see the same kindness when he sees me, and he does right by me, so I am in.”

We all three say. “Do we look dumb?

I say. “Were in when if and how is on you, but you’re going have to sell me on you being ready but you know being intimate works better when you work up to it slow, taking hours and hours if not days!”

Mary says. “That handsome bastard made me wait a damn week. I came a few times every day. It’s wonderful. I recommend that he would get great Yelp reviews.”

Mom says. “Wait fuck. What? A fucking WEEK? Dan got me hot and wet and loved my brains out on the bed. I don’t think it was twenty minutes getting me hot and making me come before he slid that HOT monster in me and made me his. I had no clue you could come that many times or that it was possible to come non-stop or to miss him when he is not inside you; we’re talking a big empty here.”

Mary says. “Yes, missing not being full; it’s worse after he slips out getting soft, and you miss his hot throb.”

Mary says. “Or he could be both hard, demanding, and giving, gently caring, and such a damn good lover. But you know it will be fun the next fifty years.”

“Well, that’s better than that eight-year thing, but maybe sixty? Sounds better.” I say.

We all knew how to add, but it made us think of Living for Now, and Susan sat in my lap, wiggled and kissed me, and I spent a good deal of time unwrapping your mummies wraps till your charms came into view.

You kissed Mom and Mary and came back to me and took my pants down; my hard was up, and Mom and Mary showed Susan what buttons my cock needed to explode. Susan took turns stroking me as Mary kept me wet with her hot mouth; as Mom sucked my balls, the three things at once and a damp finger slipped into my ass and did me in. I blew my load, and it was shared four ways; kinky is or was an understatement.

I was made hard again, and Mom mounted me on the bench as we turned the water to low rain. My Mom, Bobbie, bounced on my hard hot cock as Mary held Mom by her tits and made her ride me hard; Mom screamed as her legs shook as she came. Mary, let you rest as I kissed Susan.

Mom got off my hard cock and told Mary. “To fuck my brains out.”

Mary tried to turn my my brain jelly. I saw two two of everything. First, Mom got her senses back and started helping Mary fucking me hard, I felt Mom’s fingers on my balls, pulling them, and she was fucking a wet finger in my ass like it was an Olympic sport on T.V. going for the gold.

Mary came and was screaming, but she sprayed us with her come. Susan helped her Sister do this by rubbing Mary’s Clit; after the second big come, she lost her need to sit up. Susan spreads her pussy lips on both sides of my hard, sliding back and forth on my hot cock as she sits on me, rocking back and talking in tongues as you scream and fall on me, you are not with us for a few seconds, but you come back, and Susan says. “I ordered us the biggest bed Family XL, which is a full 144″ wide with sheets, Dan will need to make a base for it, and we can make payments.”

Susan is rocking on my cock as you put my hand on your tit, and my hand on your ass helps you; it enables you to come hard a second time, but now you’ve found your voice, you scream your coming, and you can’t sit still as I hold you.

Susan says. “You did not come, Dan?” I nod no.

She dropped to her knees, spat in her hand, and manhandled me two-handed. The tight wet was making a tremendous noise. I heard a moaning sound like a guy in pain, and I exploded and realized the moaning was funny; my screams were as loud as the ladies.

The next day at school was better. I had people talk to me for a change, and when I sat at a table, they stayed, and we talked. The FWBs all came around hoping for sexy alone time since I was no longer damaged goods. I burned them; I Burned them all. I was rude and truthful, I told them. “Not only no, but hell no, Patrice told me of my nude photos Eddie took are still on your fucking phones, and you shared them with laughs hundreds of times so you can all fuck right off; I’m in a committed relationship,” I say a big smile on my face.

Speaking of our old apartment, the news team gave our lawyer Mr. Jean La Feet, the footage. He countered by suing them, and they settled out of court Mom and I have enough to pay for a full ride at a local college for me or a few years for both of us. School and plans depend on my SAT entrance scores. So I study at the kitchen table or the dining room table.

Tutors are paid for from my paycheck, and Mary gave me a gift of love, an invoice of all the work Mom and I had done on the house. A dollar amount is listed, and Mary says. “It’s only fair your sweat equity helped keep our cost down. Your skills with your hands are sexy, sir. But pay half the house note, but you don’t have to pay cash till you are even on this invoice. You saved me major cash in doing all this work; Susan and I want to honor your commitment to us.”

I say. “No, it is way more than fair, Hon, but I will still pay; we can use it to update the A.C., add solar, more insulation, and fix the backyard into our oasis is part of my plan. I am willing to keep paying if I get financial aid. I might have a better idea. Let me think about how this will work out, Hon.”

I said, walking off staring off into space. I would have called it daydreaming, but my life has been more than a dream for months since meeting Mary my Mary; now, it was more planning on a dream as I walked away.

I took a day each weekend to study for my three-month away SATs, my test is the next day. Finally, I closed the textbooks for the day, put my head in my hands, and took a deep breath.

Too damn late to worry now, I think as I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. “We have been down so long we forgot what we won to get even here, baby, what we fought for, a better life by being better. Look where you sit, son; I know, being your Mom, I have a bit of a bias, but you won our hearts. You made our life easier, including mine and Mary and Susan’s. This house is a home because of all your hard work, son.” Mom kissed me like a kid and held me; I damn sure let her.

It’s Thursday, and Susan asked. “If we would like to go bowling?”

I text Mary upstairs. “Susan wants us to go bowling. You in? Or do you want a night alone to soak in the hot tub you’ve been missing out on for a while now on your soaks? I need to stop worrying about my test.

Mary texted me back. “I will rather be with my better half.”

I text back. “Sorry, you’re the better half here, but I have plans for better quarters, baby, not half’s? So bowling it is then.”

We went bowling, and Susan’s Friends must have arrived there. Someone called her name, and I touched you after I made eye contact and pointed to your friends.

One of your friends is a woman who could be a cousin; you two look so much alike. She was poking me in my chest with quite the attitude. “Susan does not like people touching her; if you do it again, my friends and I will hurt you.” She says.

“I know Susan; we hugged, live in the same house, and her Sister and I are a major thing. I held her in my arms as she cried. Do you know how happy this makes me? You are in my face because you care for my friend. I’m Dan, thank you, this beautiful woman is my Mom, Bobbie Jo, and do you know Mary, her gorgeous half Sister? She’s my fair lady.” I say, taking a bow.

“You should stop with the poking, and you are?” My Mom asked, just a little worried.

Susan held my arm says. “Sorry, my Friend is Debbie. She’s from the group; she watches out for me, he’s my Sister’s Man, but he is our D’Artagnan,” And she kissed my cheek.

We had fun, but bowling was not my cup of tea, but I did say I had fun; OK, I had the lowest score and had to buy the drinks, as was the case almost every time we played.

We would go bowling more than a few times a year for Susan as we danced for Mom, and Mary and I went to plays. We enjoyed the time we spent together as a family so much that magic behind closed doors added to the richness of our lives. I took the test it took all day. The results will be in after the New Year, and I love to say I aced it, but I have a lot to be thankful for, win or lose.

Susan is doing well in therapy with Dr. Y. It shows in her desire for human contact, our dancing, singing karaoke, pool, or darts with the folks from the doctor’s office or the library.

We talked the Doctors into bringing Jackie to sing karaoke one night. His smile lasted an hour to be included. It made me smile, and the bar owner came over and says. “He can stay till ten, and then he must go. The restaurant closes at ten, and our liquor licenses at the bar are at stake having him here, but we’re happy to open the mike open an hour earlier if you call first. He told us his son was once in a chair. He beat cancer. He’s the head coach at a high school.”

We became a new family doing things together. Thanksgiving is next week, and I often get strange this time of year. Loud noises and men who looked like he did makes me a little hyper-alert. Mary ordered a forty-pound bird, and it would just fit in her oven, so we all picked a side dish to make, and the turkey day came, we set up the living room and dining room, we put four tables up, and we made food for the library orphans and a few from Bobbie’s work. For those without family dinner for thirty-five, the jingle of dishes, forks, and knives sword fighting for the golden bird. The laughter of friends and couples, if you’re looking for things to be thankful for, good food, good friends, and good lovers, heads the top of that list. We passed the talking stick and had to tell a short story about why we were thankful for the day. We heard a few cute stories, one of a heavy turkey that broke a folding card table trashing the whole meal, and they were thankful for not having to eat a Chinese buffet on Thanksgiving day again.

Mom’s turn came, and she started speaking, her voice cracking and soft with shame. “Dan was eleven, and I was taken to a garage apartment of a man I met in a bar. I woke up there two days later, sick from what was in my drink. My son was home alone, locked out for maybe two damn days. I’m not even sure if it was just two days. I swore never to put myself in a position again like this. I was sick and kept doped up; I’m sure he took me when I was out of it. I freaked out; all our stuff was now in this guy’s place, and there was no Dan or memory of how the stuff got moved or even when. The Man sold or traded our things for cash or drugs. I was making good money until then, so we had a fifteen-pound turkey, and all Thanksgiving fixings were in the fridge. We had bank money saved for a new place. I made a big scene in front of his buddies, and he took me to the bank for cash for his party drugs, and he dropped me off at the place we lived at. I found Dan cold, wet, and dirty, hiding near the front door in the bushes. He looked just as bad as I felt. I brought a few hot dogs, cheese, and water you ate as I held you. I told you what happened, and all our stuff was at this guy’s house. We need to get out things and get out.”

Dan told me. “No, we need to leave now this second, Mom. It’s not worth going back for our stuff. It’s not. Please, let’s go now.”

Mom says. “Dan pleaded with me, but I wanted our stuff. The guys truck I kept looking for it. I have to call him the guy; he never told me his name besides Guy. He pulls up, and Dan and I get in; that was Wednesday, maybe. I called into work, and I have been fired for not calling in, a sin in a nice restaurant. He kept me drugged for I am not sure how long, and then one night Dan was cleaning my face of blood and giving me water; I could not think or stay awake. But Dan tells me the guys are gone; he took everything, even the bird, in the fridge.”

Bobbie continued. “I’ll clean up best I can. I’m not sure how long I was out of it might have been days; Dan, it was rough on him. He cared for me, detoxing from what the guy had me on. Getting sober enough to drive, I found my car still at the bar. I took Dan to the store, bought us a fine meal, and my card was declined. The bastard cleaned me out, but I had a twenty hidden in my bra. My Mom taught me to do that. So we had cold Spam and green beans with white bread by candlelight. The guy cut the power to the place. So I’m grateful for my son, this lovely group of people, his new love, and this wonderful meal, and he still protects me today.” Bobbie finished her tale; her face showed tears and love too.

It came my turn. I had never talked to a group of grown-up people before it freaked me out, and I had to go to the kitchen and gag into the sink. Mary’s warm hands holding my hair out of my face over the sink as you rubbed my back, you began. “Guess that growing up thing hit you all at once, huh? Just see them as children now. So let’s go, my Man, and you know you are right?”

I say. “Yes. I will always be yours, Mary, no cute or fancy name from a book but your Dan.” So I said as I looked into your eyes.

“I intend to marry you. Does that scare you, Mary, dear?” You nod your head yes. “No, dear man, nothing about you scares me.” We almost lost track of time by kissing softly and lovingly in the kitchen.

We walked back in, picking up the talking stick, and I told my tale. “That the people in this room have added to my world beyond measure are just a few of these things my lover and my friends have given me to be thankful for. My Mom was getting taken by that guy, and for almost three days, I ate at school on the first day, but I drank pool water and went in the bushes. I called the police they came out and saw the empty apartment. I hid till they left, not going to school for fear of losing my Mom to CPS.” I say, stopping taking a drink of water.

“I am not proud of stealing from the local store. You think a bag of Oreos cookies and a can of Spam would have lasted an eleven-year-old kid two days, but I ate it all that day for three meals. Mom found me; she looked drugged. She never did them on her own before. The last day the creep was in the garage apartment. He tied my Mom up, shot her up with something, and told her I get my balls cut off or give him the pass-code for Mom’s bank account. Finally, she gave in, and we were tied up, tossing in the bathtub. Mom told him to let me go, and the guy beat my Mom in front of me. She passed out. He did not stop; he kept hitting. I tried to stop him, but he just hit me once backhanded. I was done; I don’t know how long it was before I woke tied in the tub.”

I stopped looking at Mom, taking a deep breath. I could not say what he did next and continued with this instead.

“My Mom was tossed on top of me, making it harder to work on my ropes, not that it was any easier after getting out from under my Mom. I tried most of that day and some time into the night before I broke free.”

I held my arms up, and you could still see the scars left by the ropes. “I got out and drank water, untied you, and started to run to find a phone to call for an ambulance and the police. I thought back to when we were broken into, and all our stuff was taken. The police were called, turning my Mom into CPS because of where we lived. We moved around and had to change schools a few times after that. I cleaned my Mom up, iced her bruises put some band-aids on her worse cuts. I dressed her in clothes left there and sat with her holding her using a part of a rug for warmth. I sat with my Mom for six days as she detoxed. I ate crackers and green beans, stuffing, and all eaten cold; tap water was it the gas, and power was turned off, but at least we had water, but it was a very long week.” I say, passing the talking stick. The room became quiet.

Then Susan says. “And still he rises, please pass the yams, please.”

About that lover thing, we did not outwardly show affection at work, but we did kiss as lovers in the kitchen. Mary and I did once with friends over. We saw Susan talking to people, and she glowed. She looked so happy, oh course Mary kissed me in the kitchen, and Sara, the head of the H.R. Department, saw us kiss.

“Well, I have seen you, too, look at each other and not say a word, and suddenly work was started smartly; how or why is now clear to me. You do look happy like you joined at the hip. Mary, your Sister, is talking to people and laughing again; you two keep doing what you’re doing. I love getting calls from the Mayor’s office telling us we are making the city look great! But my Dad is twelve years younger than my Mom. You two work wonderfully together. Damn, the kid has been here for a short time, and we got good Yelp reviews about our people; we never had that before. We need to let Dan put on a show getting kids to read; his reading Horton Hears A Who is getting up there in views.” Sara in H.R. says.

Mary says. “Seems like extra pay should be involved; his time juggling us and college and reading to kids is a lot on his plate. But, I do not doubt that he can do it; I have seen him work till he almost passed out.”

“Well, there is some grant money for that, Dan. You get two or three friends to dress up and do tricks to get kids to sit down and read. Also, there is talk about turning this into a research center and a wedding event place. But it will at least buy your college textbooks.” Sara says.

I say. “I have a friend who does a great Joan of the Ark and a few drama majors. I can talk to my friends; thank you for the opportunity. I am still worried about my SATs scores. If they’re too low, I won’t get the financial aid, and hell will freeze before I ask for money from Susan or Mary, so your offer of extra income will help. Thank you.”

Mary stood taller, and you beamed back at me. We sat outside around a fire pit that a couple put together from stones found unused and stacked near the yard shed. We toasted marshmallows and traded ghost stories drinking hot cocoa around a crackling fire.

Susan is telling us a chilling one about. “The crazed ghost that lost her lover and could still be seen walking around the town looking for a lover to replace him. If you slept with her, you were found dead the next day. Your manhood, well, you can guess. The Marfa Lights, a native, stole her from her love, and the lights were lovers looking for each other.”


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