It All Started Innocently by Cagivagurl,Cagivagurl

I grunted deeper as her words incited me. I reached down, grabbed her arse cheeks and took control. I was running out of patience. I lifted her up and down my cock like I was using her body to masturbate. I pushed my hips up to gain more depth, faster and faster, deeper, harder. She screamed loudly, wailing, her mouth biting my neck, “Oh fuck, babe, I’m coming all over him, oh god, I wish you were here to see it, his cock is huge and I can’t hold back, I’m going to give him my cum.”

Her body gave her away she shuddered violently, her fingers dug into my shoulders as she tried to support herself. True to her word, she came. I felt it, my lap wet with her sticky gooey secretions.

It was enough to push me over the top, and I didn’t come, I erupted, and it was explosive and violent as I held her still, my seed spurting up inside her until I could do no more.

She flopped forward against me, my juice running out of her, as well, pooling in a sticky puddle in my pubic hair.

This was so much deeper than we had ever gone before with our role playing. I couldn’t believe how explosive and overwhelming the experience was. Hours later, I was still trying to come to grips with what happened.

Annie seemed oblivious to my unease. She enjoyed the role play, and every time took it to a slightly higher level. Don’t get me wrong, the sex was incredible; what scared me was the role play had become such a dominant aspect of our lovemaking. Annie also changed, well, her attitude did. She developed a deeper sense of self-worth, more confident and less afraid to speak her mind. She and Coral seemed closer than ever and seemed to share most facets of their lives

It took about three months before the swapping conversation re-emerged. It was during one of our late night post-coitus little chats, snuggled together under the duvet as the sweat dried. “Toby, have you given any more thought to the swapping thing?”

“Yes, I would be fibbing if I said I hadn’t, but I’m lost. I’m not like Pete; I guess I don’t have his level of confidence in myself. I don’t think I could do it.”

She mumbled, “Why… what is holding you back?”

“I don’t know, sharing you, I suppose. Pete seems totally happy, but it makes me nervous.”

She gave me one of her sweet gentle kisses. “Why, my love, what worries you?”

“I don’t know. I can’t explain it. What if you fall in love with somebody else? What if you find they’re better in the sack than me? It just seems like a risk not worth taking. Hon, I’m happy with our marriage as it is. I don’t need anything else.”

She sighed again, sucking in a deep breath. “That’s okay, I don’t want it to do something that drives a wedge between us. I think your fears are unfounded. I wouldn’t be looking for love, and nobody could be a better lover than you.”

I laughed. “I don’t believe that. I’m an ordinary bloke, and I’m sure there are better equipped, more skilled lovers: men who are far more talented practitioners of the, shall we say, conjugal arts.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s possible, but you’re just as likely to meet somebody better than me. What then?”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about. The whole thing is fraught with dangers we don’t need.”

She whispered. “That’s okay, love, there’s no pressure. If you’re not happy with the idea, then we don’t have to do it.”

After a deepening silence I muttered, “But you’re disappointed, aren’t you?”

She chuckled softly, almost inaudibly, “Yes, I suppose so. We have spent so much time talking about it, I guess I have talked myself into it, and I guess I was sort of looking forward to it. Unlike you, I don’t fear it; I was actually looking forward to it.”

Sleep was long coming, and the morning found me feeling uneasy and a little embarrassed that my fears were self-generated. It was my own stupid lack of self-belief, sneaky insecurities which chipped away at my self-confidence that held me back. After deliberating long and hard, I figured if Pete could do it then maybe I could, as well.

That night when I got home from work, I found Annie waiting with her usual welcome home kiss. As we settled into our usual catch up with what happened during the day, I said, “I’ve been giving the swapping thing some thought. God knows where we can find a group, but maybe we could seek out a swingers group and see what happens.”

She looked stunned. “Really, you mean it? I mean, last night you were so against it.”

“Yeah, well, I guess I took stock. My fears are my own. If we can find some people we like, then maybe it would be fun.”

She moved into the kitchen to get dinner on the go and I sidled in behind her, “How do we do it?”

She giggled. “We could have a look on the internet; there must be groups advertising?”

It proved to be a funny night. Instead of watching TV we spent the night in front of the computer searching swingers groups in our area. That proved harder than we first thought. There were plenty of singles advertising, but if there were groups, they were well hidden.

It was Annie who suggested we ask Pete and Coral. I laughed, “That might be awkward, you know, if we tell them we are going to do it but don’t want to include them.”

She groaned. “Yeah, but honestly, Coral told me they have hooked up with a group and have been a couple of times. She said they are really enjoying it.”

“What do you think they’ll say if we ask to go along?”

She laughed. “Well, Coral will be happy; she seems pretty bloody keen to jump your tired old bones.”

I gave her a snarky glare. “Less of the old. You know you’re two months older than me, so if I’m old, you’re ancient.”

She poked out her tongue and blew me a raspberry. “Coral knows we have been talking about this, so I assume Pete knows, as well. She can’t keep a flaming secret.”

After spending a few hours laughing at some of the dating site adverts, we decided that yeah, we would ask them if we could go along.

The conversation turned out to be comical. Pete slung a bit of shit at me as he always did, and I returned fire as we sank a few beers. It wasn’t going to be as simple as Annie and I thought. It was a closed group, and we would have to be accepted before we could even go along for a look.

The group was small; there were only nine couples, including Pete and Coral. We would round it out to be ten. The group met monthly at the host’s place. They had a rollicking big place down on the waterfront at New Brighton beach. Pete said he would put in a good word for us at their next get-together, which was in a couple of weeks. He said we might get some friend requests on Facebook so they could check us out.

Over the next couple of weeks we talked endlessly about whether we should really go through with it, and it created a lot of sexual energy. I don’t think we had ever made love as often or as passionately. It was like being transported back to our teenage years when we were dating and did it everywhere. One night after we had been for a night out for dinner and a movie and we were driving home, Annie decided to give me a blowjob while I was driving. She had never been so aroused; she hiked her dress up and played with herself. The sloshy squishy sounds filled the car as her fingers did the talking.

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