It Had to Be You

An adult stories – It Had to Be You by Verhaalen,Verhaalen Lauren sat at her desk in the small office that allowed her to look out over the studiously tidy salon of a niche women’s fashion boutique that was her life. She owed so much to her stepfather, a property developer who continued to be supportive of her endeavours as they each came to terms with what had happened and had turned over their lives.

Jack was alone now, just as she was, following the loss of Carola, a wife and mother. They had met some fifteen years ago in a small hotel overlooking the Aegean Sea and an intense love affair had ended with Carola and Jack marrying and putting behind them Carola’s abandonment by an errant husband, and Jack’s loss of his wife in a car crash. That she had been pursuing an affair had only become known to him when the news was brought to him, that Jenny had not been alone but with her lover.

There was a strange symmetry that had brought them together, but neither Jack nor Carola had reckoned on the place that Jack soon held in her life and mind. Her feelings for him had gone unrequited but the bond had remained close, if not obsessive, on her part. It persisted, throughout the years that Jack and Carola lived and loved together.

Now Carola was gone and her fashion shop, ‘Be Beautiful’ or ‘Beebe’s’ was for her to run on her own and not as a devoted assistant to Carola. She had her apartment in Cheltenham, close to BeeBe’s, and Jack lived not so far away in The Cotswolds, in a stone manor house that she looked on as a second home and visited frequently.

‘It won’t be long until I see you,’ she had told him when Jack called to say that he was on his way to attend to some business in the town and that he would call for her as soon as it was finished and they went to lunch.

‘I look forward to it, I always do…’

‘And promise me that you won’t rush away again, Jack, please? We don’t have to live parallel lives anymore.’

‘No, I guess not, but I’m still getting used to the idea.’

‘And I’m here to help you, I always have been.’

Once more, and in her direct ways of speaking to him, she had let him know that her bond to him remained as tight as ever.

Jacques van Sommeren, or Jack as he preferred, was a man who loved women but possessed none of the bravura or the arrogance in his character that would accurately describe him as a ‘ladies’ man’. Instead, his pursuit of a relationship was muted or carefully considered, the choice of a companion achieved after a period of assiduous wooing. No flamboyance would show him to be a man possessed of unwavering self-confidence. On the very rare occasions that he had given in to an impetuous liaison, it had been accompanied by guilt — as if a flaw in his character had been revealed and that he had been reckless and selfish. His conscience would make him pay for a moment’s impetuous, yet pleasurable, behaviour.

He stood tall and proud in a posture that described good health achieved through regular exercise and careful, not obsessive, attention to his diet. He had little inclination for alcohol and drank only at social occasions, or when he entertained family and friends. Otherwise, the stock of wine in the cellar of the house he had rebuilt with his first wife remained untouched for long periods. That house had become the home of Carola, the woman who had saved him from the long months that had followed a period of mourning for his second wife, Carola Baines, a flaxen-haired beauty with a fulsome figure and a passionate heart.

Paying attention to his appearance had become a habit, a matter of routine, and only rarely was he to be seen in casual clothes that were not coordinated for color or style. For him, grooming made the man and his hair was cut short but not, in the fashion of the time, cropped close to his scalp. The cut was sportive, easily manageable and it was strikingly fair, almost bleached white when the time had been spent in the sun. He was restless, impatient to remain active, and his skin retained a deep tan, a colour that he was told his father possessed in his younger years.

He could indulge himself and took holidays that afforded opportunities to pursue his main interests of sailing, swimming, and most of all, running. They were an outlet for nervous energy that drove him to work long hours when a project was in its early stages but left, as a result, extreme mental tiredness. Relief from the effects of his work could usually be achieved by the injection of adrenaline, that invigorating buzz achieved when he was out, alone, running through the fields and over the paths that surrounded what had been the family home.

A life-changing holiday in Greece had been the start of turning his life upside down all over again. He had met a mother and daughter, Carola and Lauren Baines, women that had found a way into his life and receptive mind only too easily, and when the moment came for them to part, after the holiday, they knew, suddenly, that their lives would never be the same again. Oh, how lives had been changed after one look, by just one look, that they had exchanged when they had first met.

Lauren had been the first to use them in the context of their relationship with each other. Intuitively, she had, it seemed, recognized a man whose character matched her ideal. It was the open affection that he could express, his discreet touch upon her, the interest shown in his eyes for both of them that told her he was the man to be in their lives. Above all, he gave time and commitment to loosen the ties that held them to a former existence. It helped that he combined this propensity for showing affection with good looks and his indifference to what others might regard as his understated, and unfashionable, choice of clothes for the beach. They were on holiday, after all, and Lauren in her precocious ways had blurted it all out, much to Carola’s embarrassment and his dismay.

‘People can think what they like about us, but I know that meeting you has changed how I’m going to deal with the future.’

‘A future with us!’


‘No, I think that she may be right and time will tell.’ He had spoken out without a second’s thought.

Lauren had been seen to rush to Carola’s side and had disclosed that they had each found their man, a devoted kindred spirit; she just knew it. He would take them both with him on their journey together; he would lead when they needed his guidance; he had said that he loved them and she had needed to hear that most of all and to hear the words, often.

And that was how it had always been where in concerned Lauren. But for Carola he had been too tactile, too eager to express his feelings and to admit that he could restore the life of love and companionship she thought was lost. Lauren had no objection to these traits in him, far from it. She knew that they had ‘clicked’, in their own particular and special way.

Whereas Carola came to represent the calm and order in his life that he needed, Lauren’s lively and unpredictable spirit matched his own suppressed inclinations to take a risk, to break the shackles that kept him in a conventional routine. Carola would take time to convince; she had allowed Lauren to be with him and relied upon an instinctive assessment of Jack, a family man, that he would not take advantage of her. If Lauren approved, learned of him, and discerned that he would accept them both, then Carola was prepared to relent in her denial that she welcomed his advances. She reserved her judgment, but Lauren’s assurances soon spoke of her trust in him and the wish to discard the protective shield that they always seemed to build around themselves when a stranger entered their lives.

‘We’ve met a wonderful guy, we both have!’ she had cried out and Carola had told him of later. ‘Time’s just whizzing by too quickly to learn just about everything about him…about Jack. We’re on holiday…so let’s just live for the moment!’

And they had done until their lives together, a devoted trio, had been changed and now left them to pick up the pieces and to move on and do that together. The way to do that seemed to be clear in Lauren’s mind. Not so in Jack and the tension between them had to be broken, somehow and soon.

They drove to her home which was part of the high-quality development that Jack had pursued and retained an interest in and that went beyond her apartment.

‘Are you sure you don’t want to go out to lunch? It’s not too late to change your mind.’

‘Yes. I’m sure. Let’s go to the flat. I want it to be just the two of us so we can talk.’ Her fingers entwined with his for a moment and their eyes met as he drove, his hand on the gear shift and his Jaguar convertible cruising smoothly. ‘It used to be so simple, seeing you or being together…now it seems as if I have to make a special appointment.’

‘Hardly…an appointment,’ he retorted. ‘We’re both busy people.’

‘Not too busy to be together, and that’s how it seems to me, Jack.’

‘Easy, just go easy, just for me,’ he smiled and saw her nod in reply. He could delight in her even as he drove through the crowded streets until the entrance to a treelined avenue was turned into. Lauren wore a chocolate brown blouse, with billowing sleeves and a ruffled collar that hung loosely above her breastbone, matching trousers, and a wide, studded belt. It was an image of perfect sophistication, Latin in style, and complemented perfectly her blonde hair with its auburn highlights and lightly tanned skin. She held him in rapt attention even as the electric gates responded to the key fob he held out of the window, pointing it at the receiver. Her appearance continued to be a livid reminder of Carola.

‘Go out on the balcony…I’ll bring us a drink.’

‘Okay…fine,’ he replied, shrugging off his jacket and putting it over a chair. The penthouse apartment had its views over the city’s roofscape, potted palms and shrubs studiously placed by the railings or against the walls. She had made much of her home, with his help and Carola’s. They created a restful atmosphere, offering intimacy that they could both exploit if they were minded to do so.

‘Here you are, a glass of Prosecco…’

‘Thank you,’ he smiled. ‘I haven’t been here for a while…’

‘No, but we can put an end to that now the worst times are behind us.’ She continued to sense his restlessness but Jack was with her now, in the apartment that he had created for her. Now, finally, they would confront all that existed between them.

‘Yes, that’s true…’

‘Jack, you knew how it was, how it is, and how it can still be?’ she suggested.

‘I hoped it would be otherwise, for both our sakes.’

She had given Carola an explanation, only once, for her failed relationships and never asked her for help. Instead, she turned to Jack who restored her belief that she would find someone to be happy with. They did so through shared moments, telling a joke or offering a touch, that told her that she could rely on him. Only, the way he often consoled her hinted at relief that a special moment had not yet arrived for her.

Now, as they stood in the sunshine, she felt her pulse quicken. She had waited so long for the look in his eyes that expressed an attraction to her and a restrained recognition that his desire be acknowledged.

Lauren flinched as Jack broke the spell.

‘I was too old to make it right, even then, or too vain to deal with it an infatuation with you both, Carola in particular but never leaving you alone with that.’ He laughed in dismay at even speaking of it with her, but it was the honest thing for them to do. ‘Now, look at me! I’m sounding like an old and self-obsessed fool!’

‘No, you’re not! Shut up! Don’t say that!’ she yelled, provoked into anger that he could say such a thing. ‘No, you’re not…old!’

She slapped his face, hard, gasping at her behaviour and feeling a rush of anger that he should dismiss his emotions, and her feelings for him, on such a flimsy pretext.

‘Don’t you…’ he glared but she stopped him from speaking.

‘Don’t you dare go and deny anything about what we feel or love about each other! Yes, Jack, what we love! You’re not too old! We dealt with that, long ago on a beach, you and me, just the two of us together! It was your skin held against mine! I don’t give a damn about all that age nonsense!’


‘It was all about how we felt, really felt about each other, even then!’ Lauren stared, fearful of his reaction to her slap and the ensuing words of explanation.

‘What?’ he asked again in disbelief at what she had told him and done.

‘It has never mattered to me how old you were…or, how ‘young’ I was to even feel the way that I did about you. We could talk and laugh…we could just be together and share a private moment! I felt closer to you, always closer to you, than with anyone else or that anyone else could ever make me feel.’

Her hands shook as she held them out to him as if to make good what she had done. Jack seemed to waken from a moment’s confusion and spoke out harshly.

‘Never do that again! Never hit me, again…do you hear me?’ His arms went about her waist as he held her roughly against him. ‘Never hit me again, never!’

‘No, I won’t do that, ever again.’

She felt weak with fear as his expression changed. Anger vied with uncertainty as Jack confronted everything that lay at the heart of her confession. His breath was on her lips.

‘Don’t you ever lift your hand against me again…ever!’

‘Jack! Oh, Jack?’

Her voice faltered. She shivered in expectation as his fingers moved over her thin blouse. She then gasped in surprise and longing as he traced the outline of her breasts, moving slowly down onto her hips.


His lips caressed her mouth before he released her as if he had awoken from a trance.

They looked at one another following a moment of sudden and deeper intimacy. The heat of his kisses was a shock to them and they saw in the other’s eyes recognition of a change in how they behaved towards each other.

‘Sorry, I…I shouldn’t have done that.’ He now spoke with a softer disbelieving tone and pushed her away with a determined shove. ‘I shouldn’t have done that…I should go.’

‘Jack, please, stay with me!’ she asked feebly trying to restrain him.

‘No, and it can’t or shouldn’t happen, not for us.’ He left her and picked up his jacket. ‘I’m going. Call me, soon…later, this evening say, please?’

Lauren ran to him and grabbed Jack’s arm but he pulled free of her sliding clasp upon him. She met the look of doubt that he cast her way. ‘Stay, the time is for us now.’

‘I’ve got to leave you…sorry for what I did. I made a pass at you!’ He even managed to smile in acknowledgment of what he had succumbed to.

‘Jack…my darling…my darling man. Stay…you know that you can stay by me? We’ve taken so long to accept how it could be between us. We have both lost someone we loved. Now we can make a life for ourselves and do that together.’

He gave a long sigh, in concession to her overt disclosure, a physical expression of their infatuation.

‘Lauren, what we’re saying and doing…how can we even speak of it?’ He shook his head, temptation in the shape of the young woman stood before him and he could succumb and not hurt the woman he had loved and lost.

‘We can speak of it now, darling,’ she said, across the short distance between them. ‘You can tell me and you can show me! You can show me how you truly feel, so do that, please? Show me, please…show me, Jack?’

He continued to stare with those expressive eyes, standing very still before her with his arms folded; those strong hands clenched tight against his chest, like a shield against the temptation to finally submit to her.

‘No, it should never find full expression. Just know that I care deeply for you and that I always have.’ He went to pick up his jacket that had dropped to the floor. Lauren followed him, her heart beating furiously. Being with him had taken a wrong turn.

‘What we have said and done, in the past? It’s never been enough, has it?’ she now challenged, her voice sharp, the words she used summarising perfectly how it had sometimes gone between them. Jack looked up. Lauren had the boldness to speak out on what he could only hint at with his eyes and by the kissing caresses he had offered, so briefly.

‘No, it wasn’t but you know the reasons why.’ He stared back at her and resolutely pressed shut his lips to stifle any further confession of how it had been for him to be in the company of two women who claimed his attention, but in unequal measures.

Lauren knew at once that she was on the crest of the roller coaster ride before the dizzying fall she had dreamt of so many times. She ran her fingers through her hair as she looked at him and saw Jack follow every movement that she made; she felt the beat of her heart quicken.

‘Jack…oh Jack,’ she whispered through barely parted lips

‘Lauren?’ He stroked his forehead, a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

‘Jack, please, kiss me again?’

‘Help me as only you can, it seems.’

His hands made only the smallest movement as an invitation to her, in acceptance of what would follow. His jacket fell to the floor once again.

‘Yes! Oh yes!’

She ran to him and flung her arms about his neck; there was only a moment’s hesitation, a look of acquiescence between them before they met in deep, noisy, and gasping open-mouthed kisses, their tongues swirling and their hands clamping the other’s body.

‘How can I? Lauren!’ He continued to kiss her lips, then her hair, moving his head as she kissed his throat in response to her touches. ‘Lauren…Lauren! How can I do this?’ His hands clasped then released their hold upon her in acknowledgment of his turmoil, the feelings of lust and restraint.

‘Darling, oh you are my darling, Jack!’

‘Don’t! Stop! I know…I know…I know how it is! I know…but…we can’t give in!’

‘Oh Jack, darling. I can’t bear it any longer. Help me with this, help me too!’ She sought his mouth and kissed him deeply, moaning as he sucked her tongue gently in response.

‘Lauren!’ He drew his mouth away from her kisses. ‘Lauren, how could I have let this happen?’ The words echoed, sounding hollow in his ears. He stared into her eyes but there was no deliverance to be found in them.

‘We can, darling, please? We can…we can! It’s between us…us! No one else matters now, no one! Not now and we’re together! Here…here! Like this!’

He attempted to push her away, but she felt ensnared by a longing for each other that she knew would finally overtake them. Drawn against him, this time she felt in Jack’s caresses on her skin a deepening arousal of her senses, soliciting the responses that would finally satisfy his desire for her.

‘Lauren! My darling we have to….’

‘No! Don’t stop,’ she gasped as his mouth pressed down onto her lips. ‘Jack, I’ve always known, now you can show me! Let me show you too how it is.’ His lips moved to the swell of her breasts and she held his head to them, moaning as she felt the rushes of anticipation coursing through her belly, the ache for him that only being taken to bed, to share in tempestuous sex and release would bring to an end.

‘Lauren…Lauren,’ he kept whispering her name. ‘What am I doing?’

Conceding to his baser instincts required so little; the veneer of respectability so thin although he believed it to be otherwise; his surrender had been met by Lauren’s joyful response.

She stroked the back of his head tenderly. At last, soon, she would hold him against her naked skin but he struggled with his emotions and she held him as the warmth from his breath spread to her body, through the thin fabric of her blouse as she provoked his exploratory wondering kisses.

‘Yes, it can happen, my darling man…it can, now.’ She kissed his hair as tears filled her eyes. She felt so close to her fulfilment, but he eased his hold on her. ‘You can be with me and no one needs to know, no one.’

‘How will it be between us after this?’

‘We’ll be lovers and companions as I always hoped we might be, even if it had once been but in my hopes and dreams. Losing Carola opened the way for a new life and one that I want to share with you. ‘ She embraced him in a restraining clasp of her arms. ‘I don’t feel guilty, asking if you will hold and love me, The love you knew in the past is not altered, but now…’

‘It’s our time?’

She nodded, couldn’t stop her emotions from taking hold. Her lips trembled.

‘It belongs to you and me, to us alone. You’ve always been my special man, my only man. You’ve always been a part of me from the very beginning.’

Jack pulled away, clasping his neck with both hands, and raised his eyes to stare at the ceiling.

‘How…how can I give in?’

Exasperated, he turned to her, recognition of what awaited them evident in his eyes. With a cry, that professed her acknowledgment of his silent call to her, Lauren was again in his arms.

‘Let me know this of you,’ she said, a tremble crossing her parted lips. ‘I just see you as a wonderful, loving man to whom I want to give myself completely. Please love me.’

Quick fiery touches of his lips were on her mouth each more intense until she surrendered to a deep lingering kiss. She quivered as his fingers touched naked skin, light and tantalisingly close to knowing of her, an insistent press against her belly confirmation of Jack’s longing to consummate all that had been aroused in them by word and, finally, mutual caresses of concession.

‘I have waited so long for you, Jack…so…so very long,’ she kissed and realized that she could feel his cock pressed against her belly. ‘You’re so strong, so wonderfully mad….I…I can feel that…feel the man I first saw on that holiday and wondered about.’

‘I can’t keep it from you…’

The man in her arms, the man she loved and ached to be loved by was hard, and even through their clothes, she swore that she could feel its warmth. Feeling his erection pressed between them made her body tighten and aroused a warm rush of moisture in her pussy, a tingling cramp possessing her.

‘I won’t let you do that!’ she sniggered against his lips, reaching down to grope for him as Jack embraced her, his hands sliding over her back as she sought to unfasten her skirt. It slipped easily down to the floor. ‘Your turn to undress, but in the bedroom!

With a laugh, she skipped away only to feel his arms go around her and his hands slide up to her breasts. Lauren unbuttoned her blouse and felt his breaths on her shoulders and back as Jack eased the silken garment over her skin. her blouse away and pressed his lips to her skin.

‘I can do this now…and so much more,’ he breathed, not preventing her from turning to face him. He gloried now in what she exposed to his gaze, the heavy tumble of her breasts, her softly rounded tummy and long legs, her lacy pink panties fitting snugly over her mound.

‘Undress for me…and I’ll help you,’ Lauren coaxed.

Her hands trembled and she looked down to see what she was doing, tugging free his belt as Jack pulled away his shirt, her lips soon pressing against the downy hair on his chest and she reached for him, brazenly and without hesitation. She groaned as she found him, tugged free his penis and simply smoothed her hands over it, wonderingly, pressed her face to his skin as she looked down at what she was doing.

Jack breathed in sharply. He had been denied the attentions of a woman for far too long but his Carola had left them only a year ago. And now it was time to mend, but he had yet to accept that it would truly be with Lauren. But the young woman, forbidden fruit for so long, now excited him with her touches and kisses and she did so beyond controlling. He wanted to take her and to be taken; to lose himself in her body and to feel the heat of another’s skin against his.

‘Go on my darling, I want to share every moment I can with you, like this, now,’ he urged, languishing under her attentions, where they stood. His large cupped her breasts and did so softly but firmly as his thumbs and forefingers lightly pulled and twisted her nipples as they became turgid and erect.

‘How I’ve wanted your touches…dreamt of them!’ she moaned softly, turning in his embrace as she locked her lips with his and did not stop him in his claims upon her. ‘We’ll find each other like this…’

Her agile fingers worked him, slowly sliding up and down his shaft and he pushed his hips forward to meet each touch of his, one hand cupping her mons as fingers parted her pussy’s lips and slowly entered, soon feeling the warmth and wetness of her pussy, and to linger in her sensual heat. of her cunt.

‘Darling, I want to be…’

‘In me…so soon?’ she replied on halting breaths, his fingering of her arousing the raging cramps in her belly that she knew would result in her first orgasm, at his hands.

‘Yes, in you…’ He wanted to be lovingly caressed by the velvety softness inside her, to glory in the explosion of her climax. All of his doubts, or sense of restraint, had been eased away and now he lusted after her, wanted to be lost in her. ‘Lie down…’

He fell upon her, was possessed by thoughts that he would finally fuck her, and coaxed Lauren to lie back on her bed before he began to slide his tongue over her pink folds, Lauren’s fingers parting them and exposing her large nub, her clit. She gasped in acceptance of his claims, at last, upon her as his tongue flickered and slicked, attacked her love button with unstoppable determination as she wrapped her thighs around his head, pulled on his hair as she imprisoned him, her actions determining the attention she sought from him in these ways.

‘I’m loving you, at last,’ he kissed, moving to lean over her to do so and she was able to work his penis, hard and thick before she brushed it over her pussy.

‘I want you in me…fill my cunt with your prick!’ she called out.

‘Soon…I want to make every moment last, darling Lauren.’

He began to hear her breathing begin to speed up, then become ragged and shallow as the first of her orgasms started to sweep from the centre of her sex to the rest of her body. As it did so, Lauren tensed; then her entire body twitched and shook, and screams of ecstatic joy escaped her lips. He kept sucking her clit softly until she relaxed in the afterglow of her orgasm.

‘Now it’s my turn!’ she rasped and pushed him away, coaxing him to lie back on the bed and she straddled his hips, bore her weight on outstretched arms as she gripped his chest, her hair hanging about her face and her breasts drooping onto his skin. ‘Now we fuck…do what we have put off for so….so…so long.’

The rebellious young woman that he had first met on that Greek holiday, she with her voluptuous young body and infatuation with him, was his to take. She had always put into words what she felt and now wanted to pursue and that he had been, until now, too ashamed to admit lived on in him too.

Her pussy was poised just above his arcing, straining, cock and she reached between their bodies to brush its domed tip over her slit, before she sank slowly and then eased away, settled again as his cockhead entered her warmth, each movement lubricating him with her juices each soft sigh letting him know what she felt.

‘I’m with you now, you alone in body and mind,’ she whispered, staring down into his eyes and her lips trembling.

He could feel the heat of her sex envelop him as she slowly took him, moved in slow circles, and thrust her hips forward and back as she became impaled on his length until her buttocks pressed and eased. She had taken him and could do no more.

‘Lauren! We’re together just as you always wanted!’ he called out to her and he saw her nod, saw the tremble on her lips.

‘And as you did…though I understood what stopped you!’

The rushes of emotion and pleasure began to overwhelm them as she pursued her rhythm, rocked forward and back, stretched and yanked on him as he remained buried to the hilt. Then she began to gently rock back and forth on his cock, the moist, soft, velvety walls of her cunt caressing his length as it sensuously stroked and tugged on him.

His hands brushed over her belly, gripped her swaying breasts and squeezed on them, pulled until she bent down to allow his mouth to graze over them.

‘Lauren…Lauren, you feel so good!’

She leaned forward to kiss him urgently, her tongue intertwining with his as he put his strong hands on her breasts, and transferred her weight onto them. He could now fully pleasure her firm breasts, tweak her nipples, and allow her freedom of movement while keeping her weight off her arms, brushing her buttocks over his thighs as she increased the tempo of her rocking motions.

‘Darling…darling!’ she screeched suddenly, lifting away from him and looking up at the ceiling with unseeing eyes. ‘You’ve found me…already!’

‘I’m there too!’

He could feel the approach of his orgasm, the tightening in his balls, and the pressure in his penis as she worked him demonically. He had succumbed to the other beautiful woman who had been in his life for so long, it felt. He languished in the wonderful sensation of his sac tightening, the gnaw of pressure as his cock filled with hot cum that was now destined to erupt deep in Lauren’s womb. They had taken no precautions and it did not seem to matter, to either of them. Consummation of their lust and love was meant to overwhelm them.

Lauren’s breathing became shallower and more ragged. Her vaginal walls began to spasm and clamp on his shaft, softly demanding that his cock filled her with life-creating cum.

‘In me! Let it all go in me so that I know that we’re one body now!’ she cried out.

Just as the first spurt of his semen erupted from my cock, Lauren threw her head back and slammed herself against the base of his shaft, leaving him captured so deep within her as he expelled in shuddering rushes of his body rope after rope of cum into her pulsing cunt.

‘Yes, I’m with you!’ he gasped, silencing her whimpers of pleasure with kisses as Lauren was pulled down to meet him. Between the intensity of his orgasm, and the trembling and shaking of Lauren’s convulsing body, it was all I could do to hold on to her, to wrap his arms around her body as she knelt over him, their bodies fully joined and the juices of their loving leaking out onto his hips and slicking his belly, the acrid aroma of their loving sharp in their nostrils as the shared heat of their bodies kept them in its glow. He pulled gently on her hair. ‘Are you okay, now…with this?’

‘Yes, forever and ever, my darling Jack,’ she answered in a breaking voice and pressed her lips to his mouth, then moved away and shared in their breaths. ‘It had to be you, only you…ever since we first met.’

Gently, he rolled Lauren on her side, and followed her, with my cock still filling that warm and moist haven as she continued to clamp her vaginal muscles tightly around him, sustaining their fevered and clammy union. That soft and unfocused glow of post-coital bliss drifted through both of us as he held Lauren to him, kissing her softly on her forehead, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, and on those magically soft lips that she offered to him.

‘I know that now as never before, darling…’

‘Believe it because it’s true.’ She would not reveal for now, if ever, how she and Carola had spoken of it, their bond to one man.

As the tenseness of overstimulated muscles became total relaxation for both of them, Jack felt as one with Lauren for the first time in what seemed to have been one long journey in the courtship of two women and that had now found full expression.

They worked and travelled to sleep together either in his place or in her apartment, they loved and shared in everything, each loving experience passionately intense and exquisitely pleasurable. Jack had lost himself completely, devoted himself to prolonging his touches to her body, and took fevered encouragement from Lauren’s cries as she sought to explore all the possibilities for satisfaction that taking him within her offered.

He had abandoned all pretence at restraint, had clasped her body to him, and treated her submission as an encouragement to do as he wished, to experience the energy of a youthful body and the unrestrained response to all of his ministrations. It was not the love that he felt, as he moved over her, pulling and pressing her to him, contorting their bodies to find the soaring fulfilment that his senses told him was now, gloriously, available. It was lust, the carnal knowledge of a woman whom he could love in a physical, muscular sense.

He surrendered to his other self’s demands to find expression; his imagination had been fed by the memories of an even more youthful woman on the beach. That woman was finally in his arms, joined to his swollen, thrusting, flesh whenever they sought each other, teased her willing body to the fullest extent until the effort to expel all of his longings became too much to withstand. He had abandoned his conscience and succumbed to a base need and the satisfaction of his desire for her.

‘What have I done?’ he still asked, less often than before and dismay to be heard in his voice, despite the pleasures shared, his often wild and fierce ways of loving with her as if to deny what had been discovered between them.

He would breathe slowly, his lips barely touching her mouth before he moved to inhale the scent on the swell of her breasts; Lauren’s perfumed heat that had always intoxicated him, even when Carola had been alive and with them. His wonderful wife had known what was at play in her daughter, she must have done.

‘You’ve made love to me, beautifully, darling,’ she would exhale on a deep breath of pleasure. ‘You’re my wonderful man! I feel so wonderful…so complete!’

She would smile, kiss the mouth that had excited her, and tremble with continued longing at the source of the pleasure still held within her. A simple phrase could not dismiss her experience of him so easily. Following Jack’s earliest touches, the fury of his lust for her would give way to the deepest avowal of his care, the delight from the tamping flesh within her a demonstration, at last, that she occupied a singular place in his life. She would see it in no other way; it was an affirmation of all that she believed would endure between them.

The acts performed and shared had been sensual, animal in their intent, and always an affirmation of all that had existed between them. He had never succeeded in keeping from either woman the place that they held in his life, distinct and made known in the only ways that he knew and, until Carola’s loss, listening to the voices in his head that cautioned him, had told him to desist for Lauren’s sake and his own.

It was madness, but neither of them sought a reprieve, a lot from what they pursued from each other. They had waited too long to experience the touch of their naked skins, their searching hands, and the lick of spittle over their mouths. They had yearned for the catch of breath in their throats, the exalted feelings in their bodies as they were joined, the cries to each other to defer the conclusion, the climax to their couplings, and then the lassitude that would ensue.

All that they had lived to know of each other was concluded, so quickly — all that they could muster now was the utterance of endearments, the lingering touch that brought a quiver in sensitive skins too enervated, by the intensity of their loving, to need further attention.

They were spent and lay in each other’s arms lost in their thoughts, desiring a renewal of all that had passed and yet confronted by the consequences. Even now they smiled at each other in disbelief that they had shared such forbidden moments and forsaken all restraint.

Their skins glistened from their exertions; they did not know how long or how loudly they had called to each other, what mark they had left on their skin. Lauren knew that for them there could no longer be a denial of all that they truly felt and desired from each other. She cried out in sheer joy and felt ecstatically tired from a love of him that had now been fully consummated.

‘You are wonderful, magnificent…in everything you do for me. I love you…I can show you how I love you.’ Her voice faltered and she blinked back her tears and did not resist when Jack kissed them away. ‘Sorry…’

‘Don’t be…we’re as one now. It has taken us a long time to get here. ‘

She clung to him in an embrace that left Jack in no doubt of what their continued union meant for her; it had finally been his admission of her true place in his affections.

‘Stay by me, Jack…stay close to me like this, and let me hold you.’ She kissed his chest and neck and pressed her mouth to his lips seeking his tongue in deeper kisses. ‘I’ve waited so long to know this!’ she cried out, ‘and now I can’t get enough of you. There’s been no one else…no one else, ever! No one like you…there’s never been anyone to love me like this, ever!’ she said breathlessly.

‘I became someone else…’

‘No, you’ve shown me your true self…the man I saw so long ago and have known you to be ever since.’ Lauren’s eyes shone with happiness and she clung to him. It was wonderful. She took deep breaths of contentment as Jack held her. ‘You can’t help it now, can you?’

She embraced him and felt ecstatic that she had aroused Jack so profoundly and they had loved again. She was naked…naked with her man, a man about whom…about whom she felt utterly possessive.

‘No, I can’t help it,’ he said with an almost shy apologetic grin. ‘I can live for the moment.’

‘Yes…yes! We’re together, skin on skin! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!’ She laughed it out and reciprocated wonderingly as she held his hands to her belly. ‘I’ve been loved so deeply, by you, here.’

‘I’ve found you,’ he replied but wondered why he had put it quite so tenderly. What he meant was, ‘You’ve found me at last, revealed who I am…a lustful man who’s forsaken all that he should mean to you. A man that loved Carola…a man who has betrayed her memory by all that he has done with you.’

‘She always knew that you cared for me,’ she whispered in reply and looked at how their bodies touched. ‘It had to be you…just you, no-one else has possessed me or held my hopes and wishes as you have done…my darling man.’

He had known of it almost from the start and denied her its fullest expression, but what madness! What a cloying passionate madness their times together always were! What a relief to finally face up to their obsession with each other. Their attentive and loving foolishness had finally been dealt with, or, had they merely confronted an unavoidable truth? They would live on as lovers and confound everyone who knew them.

Somehow, the ‘madness’ that they had finally conceded to would have to be confronted and any remaining doubts brought to an end, wouldn’t they?


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