It's All Right Daddy, Mommy Knows! by dmallord,dmallord

“Do continue!”

“Doc, I can cut down some of the details, if you like?” I asked, knowing how close I was to the shameful details part of my revelation.

I watched him wipe his brow with a tissue. It didn’t seem hot to me, but the doc seemed to be working up a sweat. Probably from making so many notes at this point, I suspected.

“Details are important, Ray, more details, please!”

“All right then,” I responded and picked up the events with more details, “I could feel the perspiration forming as the heat from my body radiated through my core. Her skillful fingers glided down between my thighs. I heard the sounds of lust in her breath as it escaped from her lungs. She ground her loins against mine. The secretions from her… vagina… lubricated my cock. I was huffing and gasping for air; fighting to stay in my dream state.

“Doctor Zimmerman, my dream was so real at that point! I didn’t want it to stop, so I was crying out, ‘Don’t open your eyes … don’t open your eyes … don’t!’ I screamed at my body, as I stroked in and out of my Katelyn. All the muscles of my body tensed as I sucked air more deeply into my aching lungs fueling more of the images flashing behind my closed eyelids. My temples throbbed in tune with my breathing.

“‘Too long without you!’ I groaned, between clenched teeth. Our pace grew faster. My thrusting into her was met by her return thrusts and the sounds of soaked skin slapping against skin reverberated around the room. In unison, we set up the unmistakable, telltale-bedspring squeak of out-of-control sex.

“Desperately I wanted to stay in the moment.

“‘Don’t open your eyes … don’t open your eyes … don’t!’ I told myself, desperately fighting to maintain the exhilaration building between us. After so long an absence in my dreams, Katelyn finally found her way back into my arms and I was not going to ever let her go. The communal, ragged gasps and groans became synchronous between us. The wet slap of my bone against her cunt drove me to a new level of ferocity and I drove more deeply into her.

“I heard her call out over the rhythmic squeaks of the bedsprings; heard her call out, ‘Fuck me, harder, baby, harder … now … ahh … nail my pussy!’ The lustful language of my love inflamed my desire and I used my cock like a hammer, nailing her all the way to her core!

“My legs stiffened as I neared the edge. I could feel her thighs clenching as her stomach muscles spasm, pushing us over the edge as I nailed her to the bed. I couldn’t hold back any longer, Doctor! Her back arched, at that point, and I flooded her with my seed. I was like a bull moose, bucking fiercely to spew the last vestiges of it deep into her cunt. She went catatonic during our best-ever orgasm.”

“Ray that was absolutely amazing! You, really have a good memory for details about those events. Most people coming here, aren’t as detail oriented as you are. What kind of work do you do, again?”

“I’m an accountant.”

“Ah, yes! Lots of details in accounting! Yes. Now, let’s see. Just a few notes, please. Okay, so … what happens next?” The doctor sounded impressed with my recall abilities. I hope I didn’t give him cause to regret those comments with what was to come.

I allowed him to catch up on his copious note taking and began, “Defying my command, in that moment, and in the dim light of the moon’s glow through our bedroom window, my eyes sprang open. Opening to make out my Kitten’s hazel eyes rolled up into her their sockets, her mouth wide open, gasping for air as her overwhelmed body found bliss. Drenched in perspiration, my body has no more pleasure to give and I collapse on top of her still heaving breasts.

“Rolling off of her slick body, I lay stunned, gasping for air, watching her body twitch as her eyes slowly flutter back to normal; my eyes are just inches from hers. Regaining consciousness, her breathing slowed, the rosé glow of her face and chest appeared as flames. Kitten’s glassy eyes slowly refocused and I could see her peering into my soul; taking measure of the terrible transgression I committed against her as she fought for air.”

Doctor Zimmerman’s eyebrows arched and his eyes grew to saucer-size orbs! At the same time, his jaw dropped. The bomb I had tried to hold back for so long had landed. Exploding between us, it caught him completely unaware, I think. His hands were trembling and he had to stop writing.

“I need a drink…of water,” his hoarse voice whispered. “You want a drink…too, Ray?” he croaked, as an afterthought.

The gentle doctor ambled to the credenza behind his desk and took out two glasses and a bottle, pouring three fingers into each glass. Handing me one glass, he remarked, “Careful this water is potent.” Then quickly threw back a large swallow and closed his eyes for a few moments.

I took a heathy gulp and, as he said, it was potent, like Spirytus, a Polish vodka. It was fiery all the way to the bottom and sent smoke out of my ears as an afterthought.

“Thanks, Doc! I needed that…drink of water,” I strained to get the words out. The sense of embarrassment I had felt, concerning my admission, was tempered by the alcohol’s anesthetizing affect.

“Doc, I’m so sorry…” I began, but he cut me off, quickly.

“Don’t!” his hands raised, “No judgements here, like I said at the beginning. I’m beginning to understand where you’re coming from. Let’s continue, shall we? This is … very … well, not so unusual given your exhaustion and so recent a demise of your wife. And of course, your lovely Kitten’s loss of her mother. Shall we continue?”

The doctor took the news as well as could be expected, I thought. At least he wasn’t looking angry about it. Just surprised. The three fingers of vodka helped both of us. I continued my narrative for his benefit.

“Doc, I was on the verge of tears. I stammered, ‘Kitten, Kitten, I’m so sorry! I was dreaming of mommy and …’ Before I can finish, she puts up her shushing finger to my lips and stops my attempt to speak any further.

“‘It’s all right, Daddy, Mommy knows!’ She whispers and gently stretched up to kiss my forehead. ‘Mommy and I talked a long time about you, before she left us. I promised her I would take care of you forever, Daddy.’

“‘He is going to be high maintenance, you know!’ Mommy laughed. Then Mom smiled and we talked about how and when.’

“‘Kitten …’ I began, but her finger pressed against my lips, again.

“‘Mommy said to tell you; ‘This is my present for you, my darling.’ Then she said, ‘Kitten, this is my last gift to you. Take the love of my life into your heart and take good care of him for me.’

“‘Do you know what day it is, Daddy?’ Katrina whispered.

“Doctor, I couldn’t think straight. The significance of taking Kitten’s virginity overwhelmed me and I could not answer her. How could she be so gently wrapping her leg over me and acting as if my actions did not violate her or her mother’s trust in me to raise her and keep her safe from the dangers of the world. In the shadowy night, I became a part of that predatory danger!

“‘Daddy, listen to me!’ She intoned, snapping me back to the moment.


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