It's All Right Daddy, Mommy Knows! by dmallord,dmallord

“‘Today is my birthday, my birthday, Daddy. I am eighteen, today!’ Her hoarse voice whispered as she kissed my lips. ‘Today, I will make my own decisions. It’s two o’clock in morning; the same hour Mom brought me into your life eighteen years ago. You’ve transformed me from a little girl, from a woman-child, into an adult woman!”

“‘But I took your virginity, Kitten. That was wrong!’ I managed to interject.

“Taking my hand, she slid it over her thigh and then upward to feel her bare breasts. ‘Feel my undies, Daddy? Feel my nightie, Daddy?’

“Doc, I could not. I knew she was wearing them when she crawled into bed with me. Mentally, the dots began to connect. She had them on when she hugged me and fell asleep. ‘I must have taken them off of you while you were sleeping, and my shorts as well, when your mommy came to me in my dreams.’ Remorsefully, I concluded for her.

“Sliding her body closer to mine, she whispered, ‘Then who was it that called out to you, ‘Fuck me, harder, baby, harder … now … nail my pussy!’ She drew out the s-sound in a slow hiss.

“Doctor Zimmerman, despite my fear over my transgression, my curiosity kicked in and I asked her about that. Her response was, ‘I said that for you to hear, Daddy! It wasn’t Mommy calling that out in your dreams! She told me what to say, tonight!’ Her soft, husky voice resounded in my ears, in response to my question. I could just make out a sly smile on her angelic face in the glow of the starlight.

“All the while recounting those events, her shushing finger circled my nipples. While her other hand roamed downward coaxing renewed life into my cock; guiding it to seek out the swollen folds between her thighs where my cock had gone before. In this respite in her story, my hands got acquainted with the moist, slippery folds of her vagina, and roamed the curvature of her breasts. Lips to lips, lips to nipples, soft and gentle becoming more urgent as our hips begin to undulate against each other.

“Doc, I swear her voice sounded just like Katelyn’s in her lustful cries.

“‘Again, Daddy!’ Kitten’s raspy voice begged me. I complied, sliding halfway into her.

“‘More, Daddy!’ She moaned into my mouth as her lips crushed into mind. I complied, ramming my cock down to the hilt.

“As the first light of day crept into my room, our room, the shadows faded away. The dawn allowed us to revel in the sights of our nakedness. Truly, Katelyn had returned in her youthful form in every way. Kitten’s soft moans turned to gasps then guttural noises as I drive us onward to communal bliss.

“Mimicking Katelyn’s lusty cry, she gasps, ‘Fuck me, Daddy. Deeper. Ahh, fuck me! Nail me harder, again baby!’

“Doc, after driving all those nails, I could hardly gasp, ‘I am glad we have each other now, Kitten. Had I known how good this was going to be … I will … I will…” I was unable to finish telling her that I will forever take care of her, but the blood rushing to my head and the gushing seed ejecting from my loins cut me off in mid-sentence as my cock slapped and slapped into her setting off another body-shattering climax for both of us. Spastic, as if struck by lightning, our bodies locked into each other. I felt the intense grip of her thighs and tautness of her stomach muscles rippling beneath me as my buttocks clenched–driving the last nail home!

“‘Happy birthday, Kitten!’ I managed to pant out the greeting, as I lay gasping beside her.

“‘Thank you, Daddy!’ Kitten gasped, between deep breaths, in response to my greeting.

“Exhausted, we drifted off to sleep, Doc, in each other’s arms until the morning sun crept across our bed and flooded its bright light into my eyes. I stirred and eased my arm from beneath Kitten’s slumbering form. During the moonlit night, the shadowy dreams of Katelyn came for me with a gift of woman-child. In the breaking of dawn, I saw a woman-transformed, cast in the image of her mother; same style hair, eyes, and matching supple figure nestled against my thigh.

“Doctor, who was I to challenge such a gift, one so freely offered and with such heart-felt love in honor of her mother’s last wish? ‘We had cum too far, to turn back.’ I smiled to myself as my thoughts play with words as I watched Doctor Zimmerman formulating a reply. Little beads of perspiration had formed on his forehead and he sat licking his dry lips. I suspected he was upset with me, but didn’t want to show it. Still, he was uncomfortable with all of it; he kept his notebook squarely over his lap as he tapped the pen against it. I saw a little wet spot…a spill of that vodka, no doubt.

“Mr. Schumacher, you present a rather unique…case study. Incest, you know, among adults is not legal in most states. You and your daughter are lucky you are from Rhode Island. Understand? You gotta get your driver’s license renewed, soon. From what I hear, your daughter is eighteen and this was planned between her mother and herself without your knowledge. Since she is eighteen and willing, that meets that state’s criteria. Rhode Island doesn’t prosecute consenting incest when of age. Now, as to your consent, people who are not fully awake when such an event takes place are difficult to assess. I’m not a lawyer, so you would need to ask one about whether you want to press charges against your daughter, for taking advantage of you–or not.” He smiled at the last few words he uttered. He gave it some time for the last words to register.

I had been really wound up over the knotty situation; however, his last words provided a measure of comfort. Especially, the ‘or not’ part and the fact that I AM from Rhode Island, just need a license renewal.

“Your daughter, Mr. Schumacher, might need to have some evaluation sessions, just to confirm there are no treatments needed for her present mental state of being. I’d really like to meet her and see about her commitment to fulfilling her promises. I’d be free tomorrow for a session! Though, it might take several of those to determine her state; need to be thorough about those, you know? Say, about two hours with her should get us off to a good start!”

Doctor Zimmerman was grinning ear-to-ear, when I left his office. Just before the door closed, I heard him asking Mrs. Caldicot to locate the old couch he used to have in his office and have it brought up out of the basement. Perhaps he had plans for redecorating his office, after I mentioned the item when we first met.

I felt much more at ease riding the elevator down. The doc’s reassurances that my concerns about overwhelming Kitten, given her current acceptances, probably would not have any long-term effects. Certainly, I needed to have further discussions with Katrina when I got home. We could spend the afternoon discussing her willingness to see Dr. Zimmerman to assess her mental state of being; once we snuggled in for a long afternoon nap.

Writer’s Notes
Thanks goes out to kenjisato for his assistance in editing this missive. It makes my work seem so much better with the glitches ironed out under his watchful eye.


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