It's Not About The Money by HikingThru,HikingThru

“But honey, think of the money.”

“I know we’ve had some drinks, but are you serious?” John replied, “‘Think of the money, honey’ is your position here?”

Approximately one hour earlier the recently engaged couple had been enjoying drinks at a resort bar in Puerto Rico, when a forty-ish businessman had approached them, and discreetly offered them $250,000 to spend 24 hours alone with Lisa, in his luxury suite in a nearby hotel. John would not be allowed to accompany them, and Lisa would later, unharmed, return to John. No questions asked, and $50,000 would be wired to their account before Lisa left, and the remaining $200,000 would be wired before he returned Lisa to John.

“Well, yea. We’ve each seen examples of how money invested early can grow. And those examples are usually $10,000, and this is much more. We could invest $150K, and we’d have $100,000 to get a house, or new cars, and take vacations. What’s not to love?” Lisa emphatically laid out to John.

“Well, in a nutshell, YOU,” John answered. “It’s not just the money, honey. We’re talking about you having sex with another man, a stranger at that, and you’re flippantly saying it’s a great idea because the financials look solid. Please tell me you’re not serious.”

“Well, I can’t say that I’ve ever thought about this before, but why not?” Lisa answered. “Look, this is meaningless sex, with a huge payoff.”

“Ohhhkaay. I’ll concede there’s a big payoff, assuming we trust this guy to pay that much to fuck you. And as much as I loved you yesterday, when I say ‘you’ I mean ‘you’ and not some movie star or Instagram chick. Because that’s what we’re debating, honey, the money. This sleaze ball is offering to pay to fuck your holes.”

“You make it sound horrible. He’s older, so it’s unlikely he’s as much a stud as you in bed. I think it’s worth it for the difference it could make in our long life together. And what do you mean by how much you loved me yesterday? Tonight would not change anything between us.”

“So you’re viewing this deal simply as taking one for the team, and don’t want to consider how I feel about you selling yourself for sex? This deal would make you a prostitute; you realize that, right? Tomorrow, I’d be engaged to a paid whore. So, you’re wrong about it not changing us. You’d have whored yourself, for cash, because the price was right. Honestly, I’m feeling doubts about marrying you solely on learning you care so little about fidelity to each other.”

“My God, John, you’re treating this opportunity in such black and white terms. Why is this different from the four guys I’ve slept with prior to dating you? He’s not going to break my pussy, or diminish my love for you. It’s just the fact that this single sexual episode would occur after we met, while we’re engaged. This one sexual experience would put us on easy street probably forever.”

“Where does it end, Lisa? Five years from now, if sleeping with your boss would get you a nice promotion or large bonus, would you argue for that as well? Haven’t you heard that story where a man asks a movie star if she’d sleep with a stranger for $1 million? She’s says yes, and then he asks ‘How about for $5?’ and she bristles, saying ‘Never! What type woman do you think I am?’ And the man responds, ‘We’ve established that madam, now we’re simply negotiating price.’ ”

“John, I want to do this, and it’s killing me that you don’t understand how meaningless me having sex with him would really be.”

“Well, Lisa, I don’t own you now, nor will I own you IF we got married. But I can’t agree to this stupid deal, and to be entirely honest here, I have to re-think if us getting married is the right thing to do. We obviously have vastly different beliefs about fidelity, and the importance of remaining true to one another.”

“Fine! I can’t believe you’d pass up $250K, but so be it. I’ll call and turn him down.”

The remainder of their trip was dampened by their disagreement, and their relationship sputtered and eventually fell apart shortly after returning home. Though sad, John felt lucky to learn how Lisa felt before marrying her, and Lisa could not understand John’s obstinate refusal to appreciate the windfall the money would have been.


I saw the announcement for this event and immediately had an idea that I thought could also be easily done in 750 words. Thanks for reading.


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