Jack's Nudist Scholarship Ch. 01

An adult stories – Jack's Nudist Scholarship Ch. 01 by Croodle,Croodle AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hello! Before we begin, I’d like to explain a quirk about the structure of this story!

This is a first-person POV story about a new “Human Sexuality Scholarship Program,” where each college running the program accepts two incoming freshman: one male and one female. What you’re reading right now is the story of Jack, the male winner of the scholarship. However, on my profile, you can also read the story of Tracy, the female winner.

Both stories run side-by-side, focusing on different people at the same school. Additionally, Jack and Tracy are radically different characters, with pretty different living situations, friends, and schedule as well, so it’s not a basic gender-swap with minimal changes!

The stories mostly stay different, but since they are happening at the same school at the same time, Jack and Tracy will cross paths at points, and you’ll be able to read those events from both characters’ perspectives. Additionally, you may hear events from one story mentioned in the other.

Just thought I’d make this clear if you read this story and wonder where Jack’s female counterpart is, or if you read Tracy’s story and were unsure of what the connection was to this one.

Without further ado, on with the story!


Finally. College.

I stood outside my new dorm building, and waved goodbye to Mom and Dad for the last time in a while.

Man, it felt like high school lasted forever, and I can’t say I had the liveliest four years. All things considered, I had a pretty standard, safe career.

My name is Jack Henderson. I’m an overall average guy: 6’0 tall, brown eyes, brown hair, generally athletic build. Back in Freshman Year, I was kinda skinny, but four years of baseball left me with a decently toned body.

I was socially active enough, went to a party every now and then, but somehow never got lucky with love, let alone sex. I guess I was just too busy, between the school band, plays, and sports.

Not too much to note, but that’s all in the past now. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. My first day of college. And the best part? I got my tuition mad cheap.

I spent the last year looking for scholarships to help save as much money as possible. My family isn’t poor or anything, but I wanted to steer clear of massive student loans. I would just go to one of those scholarship listing sites, and grind away applying to whatever I saw. I didn’t pay much attention; I figured if it turned out I wasn’t eligible for something, they just wouldn’t accept me, so what’s the point of reading all the fine print?

Thankfully, all those hours of absent-minded applying paid off a few weeks ago, when I got an email telling me my future college had accepted my application to something called the “Human Sexuality Scholarship Program.”

Huh. I think I remember seeing something like that. As I said, I didn’t look much into these things, but I remember the application mentioning the recipient would have to take some new classes or something. Probably some new hippy sex ed class. I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter to me. Either way, this blessing of a deal is taking HALF OFF MY ENTIRE TUITION! Now that’s a time to be excited, not a time to stress over little details! I’m sure they’ll give me the full briefing once I get there.

I was proven right when an email on orientation day told me I had to meet with my RA to discuss the program and how it’d be integrated into my schedule. Guess they wanted to make sure I was ready to go ASAP. Orientation Day was on a Friday, with classes starting that Monday.


One basic, kinda boring orientation assembly later, we’re caught up to the present, and I’m standing in front of my dorm building. I head inside and hopped in the elevator. Says on my Student ID that my dorm is on Floor 5, so that’s where I go.

Heading down the halls, I see a ton of other people moving stuff into their doors, unsurprising for a college orientation day. Walking to my room down the hall, Room E-24, I bump into two jock-looking guys; both were taller than me, and absolutely BUILT. One was white, sporting a blonde buzzcut, white tank top, and gym shorts. The other was tan, had brown, short wavy hair, and was wearing a tight gym shirt and shorts.

“Woah! Whaddya think you’re doing!” shouted the blonde one, turning to me to a scowl on his face.

I jumped back for a sec, instinctually rushing to defuse the situation. “Oh shit! Sorry!” I cry.

The jock’s angry face shifted to an enthused one. “Pfft” the blonde jock chuckled, “you should see the look on your face!”

The brown-haired jock lightly punched him on the shoulder, and turned to me “Chad’s just messing with ya. Don’t worry about it.”

He stuck his hand out to me. “I’m Brad. And King Dipshit over here is Chad.”

I grabbed it in return. “I’m Jack.”

Chad regained his composure “Ah sorry about that Jack. You a frosh too?”

“Sure am,” I say in response, “photographer major.”

“Oh photography? That’s sick!” Brad says, “We’re both in Exercise & Sports Science.”

Interrupting us was the sound of boxes toppling over in Chad and Brad’s room. “Uh,” Chad says looking over, “we should probably take care of that. See you around, dawg!”

“See ya” I respond, watching them walk into their rooms.


Now…Room E-24 should be riiiiiight…here!

I let myself in using the key I was just issued earlier this morning. On one side is a bed, desk, and dresser, and on the other side is the exact same set, almost appearing as if there was a mirror right down the middle of the room.

I’d be unsure of which bed was mine, if one didn’t already have a big duffel bag on top of it. Looks like my roommate was already here, but seems to be out at the moment. Oh well, I’ll meet him later.

I quickly drop of my stuff, putting my bin of school supplies under the other bed, and my bag of clothes on top. Might as well check if my RA is here, and get that meeting out of the way.

Checking my email, it looks like my RA lives a few rooms down in E-14, and is named Michelle Robertson. Before I know it I’m already standing outside her door.

I give it a knock.

Suddenly, I’m face to face with one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. She was 5’4, had long-black hair, and tan skin. She’s wearing a cute pair of glasses, and workout clothes (a sports bra and women’s workout shorts). They did a fantastic job at accentuating her athletic build, and her perky tits and ass. I try not to look at women this way the second I meet them, but wow, I couldn’t help but notice.

Behind her, I can catch a glimpse of what I believe to be the Colombian flag hanging up in her room. Yeah that tracks, she definitely looks Latina.

“Can I help you?” she says, looking at me a bit confused.

I snap out of my trance.

“Hey! Michelle, right? I’m Jack Henderson. I’m supposed to meet you about the scholarship?”

She perks up, realizing what’s going on.

“Oh, great! Come in come in! We’ll talk in my room!” she says stepping aside, gesturing me into her room.



I step inside and quickly notice her room to be the same size as mine. However, the furnishing indicated it was for one person, as the mirror set-up wasn’t present, and there was only one set of furniture, although slightly more elaborate than mine.

Michelle enters behind me and closes the door. “Please, make yourself comfortable! Take a seat, grab a drink from the mini-fridge, whatever ya need!”

“Oh wow, thanks,” I say, grabbing a water bottle and a chair from the side of her bed. I’ve been dying for a drink all afternoon.

Michelle remains standing as she starts talking. “I’m sure you already know most of this, but I’m just gonna run through everything for formalities sake. My name is Michelle Robinson. I’ll be your RA for as long you live in this dorm. I’m 22 years-old, and a first-year grad student in psychology.”

Wow, she gives off the friendliest vibes when she talks. “Nice to meet you.” I respond. “I couldn’t help but notice your outfit. Are you an athlete?”

Michelle smiles “Nah, I’m not on any sport team here. I did just get back from a run though. Gotta keep the blood-pumping yeah?”

Michelle takes a sip from a pink hydro flask, before turning to a paper she has.

“Says here you’re a photography major. That true?”


Michelle smiles, “I love the creative types. You guys are the best. Sooooo many of my friends are in photography or film or something like that.”

She shifts to a more formal stance.

“Now, I’m sure you’re well-read on the program. So let’s just jump right into it.”

She extends her arm, as if you accept something me.

“Your clothes?” she asks

What? I’m confused by the nature of her question. Was it even a question? I guess I’ll do my best to follow along…

“Um,” I begin, “they’re in my room in a big duffel bag.”

Michelle’s face shifts to one of confusion. She looks equally perplexed at my response as I was to her question.

“I meant the ones you’re wearing.” she shoots back.

Ok, now I’m even more lost. I look down at my outfit. It’s just a standard college t-shirt and jeans. What’s wrong with them?

“Um, what about them?”

Michelle puts her hands on her hips.

“I mean, it’s time for you to enter the Human Sexuality Scholarship Program. Now come on. Strip naked and gimme those clothes!”

D-did I just hear her right? What the fuck is she talking about. I can barely muster words as I just look at her in shock and confusion for asking something like that.

“W-what?” I manage to spit out.

Michelle goes from confused to almost concerned. “Wait, you…you don’t know? But you signed up for the scholarship, and agreed to the terms and everything when you accepted it. You do know what this program entails right?”

Suddenly I got the feeling my college experience would be very very different than I was imagining until now. I guess I’ll see where this goes and what the hell she’s talking about.”

“I… may have…skimmed the details…”

She’s shocked. “You didn’t even read the handbook pdf!?!?”

Uh oh.

“No I didn’t. But just, tell me, what’s this about stripping naked?”

Michelle deeply exhaled, as if she was about to deliver some major news.

“Alright hold on.” she says.

She crouches down and reaches into a drawer by her desk, and pulls out a brochure.

Only half-looking at me, clearly nervous, she reaches up from the ground and hands it to me.

In shock and confusion at everything going on, I hastily grab the brochure from Michelle’s hands, and rush to look through it.

I- I can’t believe it. My jaw drops faster than it ever has before…

Right there, in the front of the brochure are two images.

The one on the left features a girl, looks around my age, just standing in the middle of a field with what look like school buildings in the back. She has her hands on her hips, and a big goofy grin. Oh, and she’s completely naked. Everything is on display. Her tits are hanging there free as two birds, and she’s making no attempt to conceal her bush-covered pussy.

The image on the right is much of the same, except it’s a guy. He’s standing right in front of a campus building in his birthday suit, with his fingers grazing the tip of his dick. He has a confident, almost seductive look on his face, and there are normal, fully clothed people visible in the background, as if nothing’s out of the norm!

What. The. Fuck.

They’re just…naked. Out in the open. Like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

Michelle shifts from her crouch to a sitting position on the floor. She’s very calm. It’s clear she anticipated a reaction like this.

“I’m…honestly surprised you haven’t heard of any of this in general. Well, actually, most students here haven’t, but it’s been happening at some other, smaller universities for around two years now.” Michelle said, leaning back with her arms behind her as support.

I just looked down at her, still speechless, before going back to the brochure, slowly opening it up to actually take a look at the contents.



You have been selected for one of the greatest opportunities a college student can have!

In this pamphlet, we will go in depth on the Program and what participation entails.



The goal of the Human Sexuality Scholarship Program is the encourage a free and open sexuality experience throughout the college campus! **Thus, the core pillar of the program has always been a requirement of full nudity during all time spent on campus!**

This includes ALL activities on-campus: hanging out in dorms, walking to and attending classes, clubs, sports, getting food, using campus facilities, and so on.

No matter where on campus the participant may be, their naked form must remain largely uncovered!

[*details on the use of the term “full nudity” down below]


Due to the relaxation of public nudity laws, we are glad to announce that the program will now extend OFF-CAMPUS as well! As such, participants will be required to follow the HSSP nudity code even when venturing off-campus!

Wherever you may be, you will remain a visible participant of the Human Sexuality Scholarship Program!


No fucking way.

My hands are shaking as I hold the pamphlet.

Nudity. Everywhere.

Now, I’m pretty confident in my body. Largely speaking, I like the way I look naked, even if I did pack on a couple pounds over the summer. I’m in pretty good shape. I’m no bodybuilder, but you can see the muscles on my arms and the sort of illusion of a six pack. My dick is about a half-inch over average, and I kept everything pretty well-groomed…


“So you’re telling me I gotta go butt-ass naked, balls out, literally the entire time?

Butt-ass naked all cross campus on my way to class. Butt-ass naked WHILE ATTENDING class. And butt-ass naked EVEN OFF CAMPUS?!?”

Michelle looks at me, still surprised by my ignorance but trying to remain reassuring.

“That’s about the gist of it. Openly sexuality and all that. Well I mean, you don’t HAVE to do it. You can always decline the scholarship.”

No shot. That scholarship’ll set me up for life and leave me totally debt free. I mean, I’m not under a strict financial burden to take it, BUT, after all those applications and finally nabbing this one, I could never bring myself to throw it away.

“Oh no no,” I respond trying to act semi-casual, “I am NOT dropping out of this.”

I say that, but I can’t imagine doing this.

Well, actually, I CAN imagine. In fact, I can’t stop imagining it. I can’t stop thinking about it, visualizing it in my head. Me, walking all the way down campus, ass-naked, bare feet against the pavement and the sun against my skin, cock and balls just hanging out in the wind. I can already see everyone else staring at me in shock and amusement.

What the fuck is going on?

“Um,” Michelle says, snapping me out of it, “there’s still a good bit more to read.”

I continue reading the pamphlet.



While the term “full nudity” is used for brevity, there are actually some articles of clothing that are allowed. In this section, these will detailed.


The core rule of the program’s nudity code is as follows: ALL SEXUAL ORGANS MUST REMAIN UNCOVERED.

At no point should the participant make a deliberate attempt to cover the the genitals, or secondary sexual organs such as the breasts or hindquarters.

Minor accessories and garments such as hats, jewelry, and of course socks and shoes, remain allowed while in the program, however, they must leave the sexual organs expose.

For example:

– Wearing socks is legal. However, wearing a sock over one’s genitals is not.

– Wearing a standard face mask is legal. However, wearing them over the breasts and genitals ala a bikini is not.

– Towels are of course permitted for use of drying oneself. However, draping one over the genitals is not.


In general, face masks are allowed! However, they must not completely conceal one’s identity, and must leave the upper half of the face visible.


Feel free to express yourself with bodypaint! It is completely allowed, provided the coat is not thick enough to conceal major details such as the nipples or glans.


Certain articles of clothing are allowed in the case of specific weather conditions being met.

Very shortly, you will be issued a see-through poncho to use in the event of rain. This will allow you to stay protected from the rain, while keeping your nude form visible.

Around mid-Autumn, you will be offered an overcoat, which can only be worn when outside and under specific temperatures.


You may find special events or projects in which temporary breaches of the Nudity Code are allowed. These instances are reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis, so please submit them to the email on this pamphlet or ask your RA if one comes up.

Some examples of approved projects/events include:

– a fashion event requiring a dress [a custom dress that exposes the sexual organs could be used]

– a photography project in which the photographer wants to focus on something specific, such as bottomlessness [in this case, one may be allowed to wear a shirt, but remain completely bottomless]

– a formal event that requires a suit [one may where a standard suit, but leave the genitals visible through the zipper for the entire event]


Oh wooooo, thank god, I can cover my mouth. What a lifesaver. As if.

Honestly, I think wearing something small might leave me feeling even more naked. Like, I feel like shoes and nothing else would leave me feeling more exposed than if I went out fully nude, bare feet included. Like the feeling of shoes would constantly remind me that clothes exist and that I don’t have anything else on. Yeah, I might just prefer going all the way with this…

Wait! W-what the hell am I saying? How is this even a internal debate I’m even having? How is this real-life? What the fuck is going on?!?!

Michelle looks at me and says “Alright, done with Section A? Time to move on to Section B…”

I turn the page and start reading the back half of this shit.



The HSSP is not just about becoming a nudist! It also comes with a variety of lifestyle changes.

The details of your life in the program will be detailed below.


Ironically, your social life should remain largely the same, with the addition of your newfound nudity. In fact, it is a requirement that you participate as an active member of the campus community!

The program is meant to encourage free sexuality in the community! This would not be possible if participants simply went to classes, then hid in their dorms the rest of the time!

Your RA will occasionally check in to see if you’ve been keeping yourself busy with extra-curricular activities, hanging out with friends, attending parties, etc.


Fuck. Guess I can’t just minimize my time in public. I’m gonna be doing EVERYTHING I normally do, but naked: going to clubs, going on runs, meeting up with friends for lunch. How the hell am I even going to MAKE friends like this???

I continue on the page.



What was once a solo-activity will now be made a lot more public!

While is the HSSP, it is against the rules to reach sexual satisfaction in total isolation. As such, masturbation must be done in the presence of at least one other person, or in a widely public area where another person may enter at any moment.


This is so insane. My mind is RUSHING.

I can’t put together any words, I’m just seeing scenes in my head. As if the images of me going about my normal day fully naked and exposed weren’t enough, my mind is now flooding with the image of me, stripped bare from head to toe, hard as a brick, jerking it all over campus. Jerking it in the dining hall. Jerking it in class. Jerking it in the middle of the field. Jerking it in a stadium.

I can’t help but envision it: my nude, sweaty body laying across the table of a campus restaurant, stroking my cock, all eyes on me. God. Countless people recording with their phones, uploading to who knows where, while I near orgasm…

It…almost sounds arousing… Wait! No! That’s fucking insane! What am I saying? That would be embarrassing as all hell! Like, genuinely life-ruining embarrassing! I wouldn’t like that!

“Hey, Jack! Hey, you’re almost at the end. Let’s just read the last section ok?” Michelle suggests.

I move on through the pamphlet.



Like masturbation, sexual activities with another person(s) can also be made a more public venture. However, unlike masturbation, it is not required to be so, as more than one person is inherently present.

However, even if it isn’t required, public sex is not only allowed, but greatly encouraged!

Feel free to “get it on” in a classroom, library, sports arena, or even right outside on the grass! Doing so can even result in a variety of rewards which will be detailed later!

[NOTE: The relaxation of indecency laws also allows for sexual activity in most public spaces off-campus as well.]


Dude. What the fuck.

It’s not just public nudity.

It’s not just public masturbation.

Now I’m being encouraged to have full-on public SEX.

I actively fight myself from getting lost in images of it.

What the hell did I sign up for…

Let’s just finish this.


SEXUAL HARASSMENT – What it is and what it isn’t

In encouraging free and open sexuality, it is important that we make it clear that sexual harassment is a very real thing, and remains as such under the program.

However, acts such as flashing or indecent exposure were once considered sexual harassment, yet full nudity is required here. So how do we identify sexual harassment?

One word: CONSENT!

While you will be fully exposed throughout your time in the program, people remain the right to look away or leave, and you must respect that. If someone is visibly uncomfortable and trying to get away from you, it would be harassment to pursue that person and push your nudity on them. This obviously extends to public sex acts: if your are masturbating or engaging in sexual activity with someone, and someone else is looking away or trying to leave, you are not to chase after them to pursue their gaze.

And obviously sexual consent remains the same as before: NO MEANS NO! If you ask to engage with someone else in sexual activity, and they say no, that is the end of it, and you must leave them alone.


Welcome to the program! We hope this provided all the information you need for now! But this is not the end!

We also offer rewards for those extra enthusiastic about their participating in the program! An additionally pamphlet featuring your school’s specifics regarding rewards will be issued to you after your first week or two!

Have a great semester!


I’m at a loss.

I genuinely have no words, just a frenzy of images in my head. I feel paralyzed.

Michelle notices my state, and snaps back to her confident cheery self, jumping off the ground.

She puts her hands on her hips, and looks at me.

“Well, ready to strip?”


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