Jack's Nudist Scholarship Ch. 02

An adult stories – Jack's Nudist Scholarship Ch. 02 by Croodle,Croodle Holy shit. I’d ask “what the fuck am I going to do?”, but unfortunately I already know the answer.

“Um, yeah, I guess so. Just gimme a sec,” I manage to mumble out to Michelle.

I try to build confidence, but I can barely move. My mind is racing in a thousand different directions. I’m gonna be naked in front of the entire campus, maybe even beyond, and I don’t even have time to like, mentally prepare.

Michelle looks at me sympathetically. “Look, Jack, I know this is probably a lot to take in all at once, so why don’t I help you out a bit here?”

Oh god. Her comforting voice made the immediate situation feel all the more real. I’m going to have to start this whole nightmare by stripping down in front of this absolute bombshell grad student…

“Wha-what do you mean by help?” I ask her.

“Just…watch me.”

Before I knew it, Michelle was doing the last thing I expected. Her hands were around the rim of her sports bra.

“Wait, what are y-”

Suddenly, her bare tanned breasts drop into my field of vision. Before I can even process what she did, her tits jiggle side to side as she wiggles the sports bra around her neck and off her arms, tossing it into the corner of the room.

Her face a tinge of red, but her composure shockingly confident and casual, Michelle was sitting in front of me totally topless.

Yeah, I’d seen porn before. I’m a college kid in the 2020s. But this was the first time I saw anything like this in-person. Her tits were so perky, appearing to defy gravity, her little areolas stiff and staring right back at me.

I’m speechless. This all has to be some sort of insane dream.

“See?” she says, smiling at me, “that wasn’t so hard was it?”

Managing to put my open jaw back in place, I ask “Wh-wh-what? Michelle, what ar-”

She puts a finger over my mouth to shush me. This is un-fucking-real.

“I’ll strip off with you to make this initial jump a little easier for you,” she gestured to her exposed breasts, “I took my top off. Now you do yours, then we’ll work our way down the list.”


Fuck it. I’ve only been here for a few hours, I’ve only known about the insane reality of my scholarship for a few minutes, and here I am face to face with a gorgeous, topless Latina four years my senior.

I’m just gonna appreciate this.

I grasp the hem of my shirt, and take it off without hesitation. Suddenly, I’m just as exposed as her, although it doesn’t feel the same for obvious reasons.

Michelle beamed that knock-out smile again, appearing genuinely happy for me. “There ya go! That’s the spirit!”

Enthusiastically, trying to keep the momentum, she hooks her thumbs into her gym shorts, and slides them to the floor, kicking them into the corner of the room in one swift motion. She puts her hands on her hips, as she stands before me wearing only her bright green panties, oh, and her workout sneakers.

The curves of her body was like a work of art. The outline of her body flowing perfectly from her side, inwards to her thin waist, back out over her wide hips, and back in all the way down to her feet. There was so little left to the imagination at this point, and her adorable face was as if this was a completely normal situation.

“You’re up! Gimme those shorts!” she said to me.

My body moved on instinct, desperate to see all of her. Without even thinking, my shorts were off, and I too stood there in my underwear, a pair of dark blue boxer-briefs to be specific.

“Yeah you got this! You’re a natural Jack!” she cheered at me. “Hmmmm…you know what? You’re so good, why don’t you take the lead on this last part, and I’ll follow up!”

“Wha? I uh, I don’t know.”

“Come on you can do it! Jack! Jack! Jack!” she chanted.

Again, my higher faculties failed me, and I was moving on pure animalistic instinct now. “You got it boss,” I goofily shot back, and I literally ripped my underwear straight off my body, the two pieces falling to the ground by my sneakers.

Michelle was NOT expecting that, evident by the way the nearly-naked Latino collapsed onto her back laughing. “HA HA HA HA! No way! That’s, PFT, priceless!”

Uh oh. That laugh sucked the energy out of me, and I quickly became cognizant of my situation. I was standing completely naked, minus my sneakers, in front of a gorgeous grad student I met 20 minutes ago. Every inch of my body on clear display.

It was only then that I looked down and realized I was rock hard, my cock sticking straight out a good 7 inches.

My face turned beat red, as I rushed my hands to cover my crotch.

Michelle regained her composure, and noticed my embarrassment. “Woah woah woah! Hey, I didn’t mean nothin by that! That energy of yours was just wild! The way you just tore your undies clean off without a second guess, and your dick just sprung right out!”

She noticed I was covering my genitals.

“Hey now, that’s against the rules!” she said in a sarcastically reprimanding tone “You don’t want me to report you on your first day do you?”

Fuck. My arms quickly shot to my side, my erect dick springing back outwards.

I was still unable to get out any actual words, not like I had much to say.

“Well,” she said, “before anything else, I best hold up my end of the deal.”

She reached down, and pulled her panties down to the floor, pulling her shoes through the holes.

And there it was. The first pussy I’ve ever actually seen in person. Perfectly trimmed, two mounds begging to be explored.

We both faced each other, wearing nothing but our socks and shoes. I was embarrassed to all hell, almost in a dream-like paralysis state, and she was confident with her hands on her hips.

“You feelin alright?” she asks sincerely.

“Y-yeah.” I spit out.

“Great. Now, we gotta get to your room, so I can collect the rest of your clothes. Come on! I’ll walk with you!”

As is expected, she moves before I can process what she just said, as she opens the door to the hallway and steps out without a second thought, gesturing to me to follow.

I’m still standing there like a deer in headlights.

“Alright big guy!” she says coyly, guess you need another push!”

Suddenly, she grabs my arm, and yanks me towards the door. As I stumble into the hallway, she closes the door behind us.

Holy shit. Here it was. I was naked in public. Now, no one was in the hall at this moment, but still, I was standing dick naked in the middle of the dorm hallway. The sensation alone was unreal. I felt chills over every inch of my body. But I had to muster some focus and move.

“Alright! Let’s mosey on!” Michelle said, as she began her stride down the hall towards my room. I followed her.

Man, her ass. Back in the room, we were looking at each other, so watching her walk down the hall was my first time seeing it, and let me tell ya, it was magnificent. The way it bounced and turn as her long legs carried her across the floor. My body was telling me to run up and grab it, but I know that…wouldn’t be the best move right now, to say the least. My dick was already rock hard, but this was really pushing me to the edge; I could sense the tip was getting a little wet. This was insane.

Moving around the hall naked like this, it was like my senses were jacked up to a million. I was hyper aware of every single sensation. The friction between my legs, the air against my body, all of it.

We were nearing my room when, FUCK

From the room directly across from mine, a tall woman stepped out into the hall and say us, stopping like a deer in headlight with her jaw on the floor. She was a few inches taller than Michelle, with dark red hair as a bit of a bigger frame.

“What the fuck? Someone steal your towels?” the girl questioned, with an amused smile stretching across her face.

I was frozen with fear, but Michelle suddenly wrapped her arm around me and pulled me cross, smiling.

“Yeah, something like that!” she said, playing the whole situation off.

The girl laughed and just went back into her room. This was my new life, except I wouldn’t have Michelle here all the time to pull me through.

“Well, here we are!” Michelle said, opening the room to my door for me.

We stepped inside and closed the door. Looks like my roomie still isn’t here.

“Your clothes?” Michelle inquisited.

“Yeah, right here,” I said, handing my duffel bag to the naked Latina.

“Excellent! I’ll give these to the staff to just mail back home for you.”

“O-ok.” I said, still kinda shocked that I was going to be left here without ANY clothes at all.

Michelle sits her bare ass down on my roommate’s chair, “so, one last thing I wanna talk to you about.”

“Uh, sure, what is it?”

“That energy you had back in my room, when we were stripping? That was something else.” she said, looking genuinely impressed

My face somehow turns even more red. “Look, I think I was just uh, I was y’know, thinking with, um, thinking with m-”

“Thinking with your dick? Yeah, that’s what it looked like to me.”

Fuck. She read me like a book and is calling me out.

She continues “I think my motivation worked even better than I expected, and you were so eager to see my body, that all of your inhibitions went out of the window, and suddenly, this kid losing his mind over the program was enthusiastically ripping his clothes off in front of a girl he just met. Am I wrong?”

Oh no. She thinks I’m a massive perv.

“Yeah, that’s about it. I’m uh, real sorry.”

“Oh no no no! Don’t apologize! That’s exactly what this program is all about!”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“This scholarship program is all about free sexuality!” she explains, “see, right now there are two versions of you: the normal, kinda shy kid, the one who’d never think about breaking any social norms that could lead to embarrassment, and then there’s this confident animal, who doesn’t care who sees him or who thinks he’s weird, he does what he wants when he wants, and loves all the attention that comes with it.”

Michelle spreads her legs slightly, clearly to tease me. “You’re gonna wanna harness that horny, animalistic side. It’ll make this program a lot easier for you to grow through it all without worrying about stupid shit like “embarrassment”. Hell, maybe over time, the line between your two selves will become blurred. That’s the real end goal.”

My dick was rock hard. Walking around naked everywhere was one thing, but now this girl has me thinking about walking around naked AND fully confident AND horny. I have to admit…it doesn’t sound that bad, but maybe that’s my dick talking right now. My body’s begging for release.

She gestures towards my cock. “Oh yeah, you should find someone to either take care of that, or watch you take care of that. I’d love to but I’m in a bit of a rush.”

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. No more jacking off on my own anymore…

She stood up and turned towards the door, picking up my duffel bag of clothes. “Welp, this is where we part ways! Best of luck to you! You know where I am if you need me!”

She walked to the door. I looked at her bare ass one more time.

“See ya, Jack!”

“Bye, and uh, thanks for all the help. I really needed it.” Obviously, I was still losing my mind at this program, but it is true that I was only able to take this first jump because of her.

“Don’t mention it champ! You got this!” she beamed one last gorgeous smile at me, and shot me a thumbs up, before heading out the door and closing it behind me.

I remove my shoes, my final articles of clothing, and the ones I am allowed to keep. I lay down in my new bed just to think about everything for a moment. What the fuck was happening.

Here I was, naked as the day I was born, and it would remain that way until graduation day, nearly four years from now.

No matter what I do, no matter where I go, everyone there will be seeing every single inch of me.

This was insane. I had no idea how I’d do it. Although, Michelle did give me a bit of confidence I didn’t expect to have. The way she responded to that girl in the hall like it was nothing. That girl was fully dressed, while Michelle’s body was on full display, and she just shot back like it was a normal everyday conversation. I guess I’ll just have to learn to do the same.

I laid on the bed with my eyes shut. Feeling the fabric against my naked body continued the effect of my heightened, ultra-aware sense of touch. Not to mention my cock was still standing straight up in the air, not only that, but with a drop of precum on the tip. Did I just want to deal with this, or did I want really want to find someone to relieve myself in front of…

Suddenly, I hear the sound of a door opening, followed by a man screaming.


I shoot up to a sitting position, looking at the door.

In the doorway stands a tall, lean man with shaggy blonde hair, wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts.

Fuck. This must be my roommate. What a first impression I’m making.

“Listen, dude, I can explain!” I shout. I want to cover myself but I know I can’t.

He turns away and covers his eyes. “Look man, I’m not into that shit man, I’m only into girls!”

“Whu- It’s not like that! Just liste-”

Before I can finish, he cuts back in. “Well from where I’m standing, it looks like you were waiting to give me a rock hard naked surprise!”

Suddenly I was very aware of my still-erect cock, and how utterly uncovered it was…

“It’s not my choice to be naked alright! I’m being forced to!”

He uncovers his eyes and looks back to me. “Forced to? Who the hell could do that? We all just got here.”

Well at least he’s listening to me now.

“Look, I signed up for and won this stupid scholarship without reading all the details, and about twenty minutes ago I found it requires me going butt-ass naked for my whole college career. So they took all my clothes, and now,” I gesture to my naked body.

He’s weirdly undisturbed by this, seemingly fine looking at me.

“What? No way. Some sort of nudist scholarship?”

“Oh I wish it just a nudist scholarship,” I say, handing him the pamphlet to read for himself.

He looks at the pamphlet fascinated, and plops down on his bed while flipping through the first section.

“Woah, this is pretty rad!”

That…was not the reaction I was expecting.

“R-rad? You think this is rad?”

“Course! You get to let it all hang out wherever you go! That’s nuts! Sounds fun as hell to have all eyes on you like that! You get to be the talk of the town, and you get to walk all over campus like its your shower!”


This fucking guy.

“Y’know, when I first walked in, I thought you were a weirdo, but after seeing this, I get you’re just a chill confident guy, and I respect it. Not every guy can commit to going along with this! I totally misjudged you! My bad!”

What a baffling turnaround. Who the fuck is this guy?

“Thanks, I guess. I’m still getting used to it obviously. It’s barely been a half hour, and only like two or three people have seen me like this so far.”

At this point he was talking to me like absolutely nothing was wrong. “Oh don’t worry dawg, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it in no time. I can just tell you’re that kinda guy.”

I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about, but it’s better than him thinking I’m some pervert, so I’ll take it.

“Thanks, man,” I reply, “Name’s {mfirst} by the way.”

“I’m Barry. Nice ta meetcha.”

“You too.”

He paused for a second. “So uh, shouldn’t you go take care of that somewhere?” He pointed to my raging boner, which, due to his casual nature and conversation, I honestly started to forget I had.

My face flushed red. “Um, why don’t you flip the page on that pamphlet?”

He turns the page, gives it a quick skim, and his eyes widen. “Oh, I see. Woah, you can’t even do THAT alone. This shit is nuts!” he laughs.

“Yup. So I’m just going to hold it in as long as I can I guess.” I say.

“Well that sounds like a shit plan.”

“Any better ideas?” I groan at him.

“Why not jerk it right now?” he offers, like it’s the most casual thing in the world.

My eyes shoot open and my face turns even redder. He can’t be serious.

“R-right now? Here?”

He leans back in his bed and points at me. “I mean yeah. Why not? Look at yourself? You’re on the fuckin edge. You literally have pre-cum all over your dick.” AGAIN, AS IF IT’S THE MOST NORMAL THING IN THE WORLD TO SAY

“W- I thought you weren’t into guys?” I fire back.

“I’m not asking to fuck you, geez. I’m just saying if this is how it is, then this is how it is. I mean, you’ll have to get used to jerkin it in front of others at some point. And unless you wanna head out looking for a partner every time you gotta bust, might as well get used to doing it in front of your roomie.”

Despite how crazy it sounded, his reasoning made perfect sense. I really couldn’t argue with it if I wanted to.

I sit there for a moment contemplating the situation. I look my full-masted cock, then at Barry, then back to my dick, then back to Barry.

I can’t believe this is my life now…

What the hell.

Maybe it was the hormones taking over, but I gotta take care of this monster of an erection.

I’m sitting down with my legs hanging over the side of my bed, facing Barry, who is unpacking his stuff and getting situated on his bed.

“Sure. Why not.” I say, as I reach down and place my hand around my shaft.

A jolt of pleasure blasts across my entire body as I stroke slowly. Barry hops up on his bed and lays on his side, watching me with interest.

I feel his eyes burn into me as I stroke my cock. It feels unreal. Being naked in front of someone is one thing, and I’m still not even over that, but this is next-level. Masturbating is like, the most you can possibly expose yourself. The most shamelessly intimate you can be in front of someone. At least with public sex, there’s someone else just as exposed as you.


My hand slides up and down my cock without a hitch; all that pre-cum is acting as lubricant. All the while, I see Barry staring right at my hard, swelling dick as I rub it up and down. But…it feels weirdly platonic on his end. What’s up with this guy?

When he first suggested jerking off in front of him, I assumed he was closeted gay, or in self-denial, but he’s acting so casually now, so completely matter-of-fact. He doesn’t look horny AT ALL, he’s just chilling…watching me jerk off. He’s watching me bring myself closer and closer to orgasm as if watching TV.

This guy is WEIRD, but seemingly really chill and nice. The bizarre normalcy of it is getting to me. My hand moves faster and faster up and down my cock.

Fuck. This pleasure is overwhelming. It’s got control over me again, just like Michelle was talking about.

I fall back on my bed, laying down, my cock pointed to the ceiling, and my hand moving faster and faster. In all my pleasure, I was sent into my own little world of ecstasy, despite Barry still being there, watching me. Or…was it because he was watching me…

“Fuck, ohh” I moan.

Barry perks up, noticing I’m almost done.

“Come on Jack!!! Let’s go!”

Suddenly he stands up, and starts pumping his fist.

“Jack! Jack! Jack!”

He’s chanting for me masturbating, like it’s a sports game, or someone chugging at a party. God, is this the new norm? Am I going to jerk off at an actual party or sports game? All those people watching me…holy fuck…

“FUCK!” I scream, as I watch ropes of cum launch out of my cock, three feet into the air, and land all over myself: my stomach, my chest, my face.

As the ecstasy fades away, I start to get a grip on reality once again. I’m suddenly very aware of the fact that I’m sitting in my dorm, naked from head to toe, covered with my own cum, with my roommate watching me in excitement.

Barry sits back on his bed. “Nice work bro! It’s like I wasn’t even there I bet! Started off a little awkward, but once you got into it, you were INTO IT!”


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