Jennifer's Wise Advice by SummerWine1979,SummerWine1979

Editor: ShadySweet

Special thanks to ShadySweet for helping me with editing.

My sex life was diminishing into a routine; my boyfriend seemed to be interested in everything except me. My insecurity was hitting red and I was not in my best shape. So I decided to talk straight to my best friend Jennifer, who mysteriously seemed to always have a good solution to provide, no matter what the problem was.

So we went to a cute chocolaterie downtown to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with a bit of Black Rum of course.

“Just fuck him,” advised Jennifer, with that look of wisdom on her face.

“Think we haven’t done it yet? Me and Ritchie have been together for more than two years now, what do you think, we are just holding hands?”

“My dear Mariah, I mean literally. If you want to start the fire in your relationship there’s only one way sure and fun that works for all men: Fuck him.”

“You mean… no, you don’t!”

“Yes,” said Jennifer with that cunning look in her eyes and the sardonic smile, giving me a few seconds to realize it; then added plainly and clearly:

“I mean that you have to fuck him with a strapon.”And sipped a bit of her chocolate.

“Are you nuts? We are talking about Ritchie, not anybody, you know him. And I have never done something like that, I don’t know what to do, I don’t even have the…”accessories”.

“That makes things even better. It will be the first time for both of you. How romantic!”

I was stunned. She continued with the style of the person who knows 100% the truth and she generously shares it.

“My dear Mariah, men, unlike women, are lust-oriented creatures, instead of love –oriented as more sophisticated beings, like us, are.

And the real way to man’s lust and therefore (that’s how men are) to his heart goes through his anus; it can be a lot of fun!” she paused a little to enjoy my surprised expression and continued:

“What is the most erotic part of yours?”

-“I suppose my clit…?”

“Perfect! And men’s?”

-“Their dick of course.”

“Nah! Their clit too. And it is shoved in their asses. For some strange reason, mother nature hid the best tool to a man’s orgasm where no man should ever let anyone play. It’s called the prostate and once you start massaging it…they simply lose control. And… guess what”

– “What?”

“YOU take that control”, triumphed Jennifer.

-“Well…could be… but you know I am not that kind of person, I mean I am petite, and a typical introvert I’m just 28 and he is much older than me…”

“That can make things even better. The student fucks her teacher! Wow! What a role reversal!”

-“Hey, you seem like YOU want to fuck him”

-“Nah, you are my friend, he is your man, I don’t touch. Friendship is sacred to me. It’s just that I want you to be happy. And…”

– “And?”

“One macho male less, well, makes the world a better place

-“Aaahmm so let’s suppose that I am willing to try…”

“Perfect! Join the club!”

-You mean that you have tried it?

“Hahahahah! Tried? There is no way for a man to make love to me without getting pegged, at least for the last, hmmm, five-six years”.

-“Pegged is…”

“Yep. The technique is called pegging. And yes, when you fuck your man in the ass you can say you peg him”.

-“Don’t you tell me that you and Alexander…”

“Alexander is my one and only lover and whenever we meet has an obligatory plug shoved in his beautiful ass. It would be a pity -don’t you think- for such a great peach like ass, to remain unfucked?”


– “Enough talking, let’s go.”

And she took me to a woman-owned adult toy shop that was beautifully decorated and full of strange and curious things. So we took everything and lots of lube, a free ‘manual into pegging’, and a lot of best wishes from the cashier, and went out. Jennifer also offered me a tutoring DVD and in a couple of days I was ready. At least, theoretically.

So, Saturday night came and we went out to a nice restaurant, when I

asked Ritchie to come to my home. He was kinda stressed about his job so when we went home and started kissing and moving towards the bedroom, I said swiftly into his ear:

“Boy, you are so tensed I think that you need a massage. Lay on the bed, and close your eyes and let Val take care of you.”

-“Who is Val, Mariah?”

“It’s my alter ego. Who loves you even more than Mariah. Will you let Val take care of you?”

-“Yes, baby, yes!”

– I could see from his face that it seemed to him like another crazy girlish thought. If only he knew, what I had in stock for him. I started removing his clothes. I turned him face down in order to massage his back. I jumped on top of his ‘soon to be fucked’ ass and started applying baby oil, (to get him used to substances applied on his body) and continued massaging him sometimes stronger, sometimes softer. But in any case, without losing control as my “tutor” had explained to me. I had the lubricant beside the baby oil, using it alternatively so he couldn’t tell the difference. Soon I noticed him rubbing his dick onto the mattress; he was already erect, good! Jennifer’s voice ringing in my mind: ‘It is important to have his logic placed aside. Don’t let him think. You don’t need that. He must feel’. And

keep him erect or semi-erect but for no reason you should let him ejaculate. If this happens then the game is lost. Men have only 5 minutes of clear thinking and those are just after orgasm. You have to start again another time. Don’t forget to tell him that HE is your MAN, make him feel secure for his masculinity’

-” Baby, I said swiftly to his ear please stop rubbing yourself to the bed. I wouldn’t like to lose your valuable juices. I’ll take care of you pretty soon”. And by saying that I started massaging his butt cheeks. Then I laid to his side placed my tongue in his ear, seeing him shivering and whispered

-“You are my boy, my man, and I love you so much, so much my boy, my beautiful boy”

While saying those words my hand was already circling his anus and my middle finger started pressing in. I kept talking smoothly into his ear, pressing a little more each time. Of course, my finger was each

time more lubricated. I’m not sure whether he figured out what I was up to. Maybe he knew. Maybe not. But I had to go by the plan.

Didn’t want to take any unnecessary risk.

Slowly, my finger hit the target. Got in. I felt his ass muscles encircling it and pressing it outwards. I kept pressing firmly making slow round moves. And speaking soothingly:

-“My boy, my lover, how beautiful you are. Relax my love, you are so tensed, let Val take care of you, I am here for you, let me take care of you”.

Saying that my finger went deep inside. Now my fist was hitting his ass. Great! We are creating an opening. Yeah! Now let’s make this narrow path a real road. A road to happiness. I was so wet. So wet for just toying him. Started rubbing my clit on him. He was there, seemingly still, but breathing heavily without opening his eyes not for a moment. Started pressing the second one. Slowly, with round moves. Kept talking

-“My boy, Val will offer the best massage of your life. The best cure for stress. Do you like Val’s massage Ritchie? Do you?”


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