Job Interview, Anal Intentions

An adult stories – Job Interview, Anal Intentions by HeyAll,HeyAll Hannah Chen wore her version of a power suit — a cute polyester blouse with a pencil office skirt and heels — as she made her way up the building. This was a nerve wracking experience, despite her outward confidence. Last week she had interviewed with the hiring manager. Today she would be meeting with the boss.

When the elevator door opened, a rush of adrenaline flowed through her and she felt right at home. Working at this digital media company would be a dream. Her mind swirled with pre-rehearsed answers and she felt confident in her resume despite her young age.

As a 28 year old daughter of immigrants, upholding the principles of democracy was her guiding light. It was her way of giving back to this country, along with doing her part in the world, however big or small.

The only obstacle in her way were the million other applicants who had also applied for the very same job. For good measure, she brought with her a portfolio of all her past articles, even ones written for high school and college publications.

She approached the lobby and saw the open-space work floor. She loved seeing people at their desks, on their computers. She enjoyed watching people talk casually amongst themselves. The atmosphere was like heaven.

Gleefully, she went to the receptionist and announced her arrival, followed by a cute wink at the end.

The receptionist discreetly winked back. “Ms. Chen, I’ve been told your appointment will be earlier than expected. Please have a seat and I’ll notify you when ready.”

“That’ll be great. Thank you.”

They decided to keep their sisterly bond a secret. Office politics can be a liability. They both understood that.

After sitting on the comfortable couch for a few moments, she saw her sister’s polite smile after getting a notice.

“Ms. Chen, I’ve been notified that Mr. Brennan is ready to see you now. I’ll escort you to his office.”

Hannah smiled and stood. “Thanks.”

Walking down the hall, the Chen sisters shared a silent bond as they pretended to be strangers. Hannah had already been given insight and strategy from Gina regarding what the boss liked and disliked.

“You’ll do great,” Gina whispered. “Stay on your toes, though. Things seem really busy today. The boss looked tense all morning.”

Hannah gave a short nod. “I’m prepared for anything.”

Or so she thought…

The receptionist made first entry towards the open door of the office, getting the attention of the infamous Mr. Brennan, who appeared to be in a small meeting of sorts. The boss was standing by the window having a lively discussion with two young employees; one male, one female.

On a board, the headline Holiday and year end goals/deadlines was written with a marker, followed by a list that was scribbled sloppily below.

“Mr. Brennan, I’ve escorted Ms. Chen for the 10 am job interview.”

He checked his watch. “Right on time, let’s begin. Thank you, Gina.”

Hannah softly gulped as the attention shifted towards her, but was eased by the feeling of her sister giving her a soft touch on the arm before leaving. With the boss and two employees now staring at her, Hannah wondered if this job interview would be a group affair.

“Ms. Chen, it’s a pleasure,” the boss said with a handshake extended.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Brennan,” she beamed in return, shaking hands with the boss and the two employees.

Oddly, the two employees seemed invested in this process, as if this were part of a corporate duty somehow.

For a split second, they stood there awkwardly and Hannah wondered why she wasn’t offered a seat. They exchanged small talk and other pleasantries as the other employees were unusually quiet.

“I’ll get to the point,” Mr. Brennan said with authority. “Your resume looks good. The hiring manager likes you. You seem personable. I think we’re on the right track. We’ll need to do a background check and all the other formalities before we can officially make a decision. How does that sound?”

Hannah almost asked reflexively, ‘Are we skipping the interview?’ but then she fortunately stopped herself. She had been praying for a break, maybe this was it?

A smile burst onto her face and her posture became even straighter. She did her best to contain her emotions. This was a professional setting, after all, and she needed to make a strong first impression.

She nodded and handed over her portfolio. “That sounds great. I brought an extra copy of my resume, along with articles I’ve previously written. Everything is sourced so you can find them online for proof.”

“I see,” the boss said, taking the portfolio then quickly skimming through its contents. “Hmm… good… good… I like that… good…”

Was the boss actually going through her life’s work this quickly? She wondered. She did hope the boss would take a closer look later, but if she was truly on the fast track for landing a writing gig here, then it didn’t matter.

Though she still had to wonder why there was a sudden sense of urgency. For the past two weeks, it seemed like everyone in the building was dragging their feet when it came to hiring.

Closing the portfolio, the boss tossed it onto the desk. The other employees in the room tensed a bit more, squirming almost.

“Here’s the deal,” Mr. Brennan said. “Based on your resume, you’re quite versatile. I like that. But how do you feel about our Lifestyle section? First, do you even read our Lifestyle section? Let’s start with that.”

“Oh yes, I’m familiar with that section and I read many of those insightful articles.”

Of course she was familiar with the Lifestyle section. The Lifestyle section was well-known for having lascivious and salacious opinions on sex. Those articles often went viral on twitter and sometimes made national news.

But then again, the Lifestyle section hosted other non-sexual topics that appealed to men and women alike. Judging by the tone in the boss’s voice, Hannah was becoming a bit more convinced what route this conversation was headed. Why else was the boss speaking so cautiously?

Mr. Brennan gave an affirmative nod. “Our main Lifestyle writer quit without notice. I won’t get into that. Anyway, that means we currently have a big opening that needs to be filled right away. Sound interesting?”

She gave a polite smile. A Lifestyle writer? She wanted politics. She wanted film. She wanted interesting stories about people. Anything to contribute to the national conversation in a positive way, but who was she kidding? This was a job and she needed her foot in the door.

“I’m very interested,” she said, maintaining her perfect and well-rehearsed smile for a corporate environment. “To be clear, I thought I was applying for…”

“Yes, yes,” he interrupted. “I know what your interests are. Can you work with me on this? Then I’ll let you write whatever you want.”

She managed to smile even wider. “Sure, of course.”

With a stern face, the boss signaled for the female employee in the room to get something. The woman brisked out of the room like a loyal servant, while they all stood around awkwardly, or at least it was awkward for Hannah while the boss remained stone-faced.

The woman returned and blushingly placed a packaged object on the desk, before standing next to the boss again.

Hannah looked at the heading of the product.

It read: The Anal Trainer by HeyAllSexToys

Below it was the tagline: The key to not only making anal sex palatable, but something you truly crave!

Through the clear plastic, Hannah saw the purple device, which was shaped like a 5 inch dildo with waves and curves to it. There also seemed to be buttons on the end of it, almost like a vibrator.

Hannah was a good girl, raised conservatively, but like many good girls, she often fantasized what it might be like to be bad — to be someone’s sex toy — subject to any of her lover’s perversions.

Mr. Brennan remained straight-forward. “This new product is receiving quite the critical acclaim. And do you know who’s leading the charge?”

“I don’t know,” she gulped.

He pointed directly at her. “You are.”

“Me? I’ve never seen this before in my life.”

“You’re seeing it now,” Mr. Brennan said in a way that would make Tywin Lannister proud. “The web traffic from our Lifestyle section is driven primarily by the sex articles. Data analytics show that many of these users stick around to read our entertainment and political content as well. Sex sells.”

Hannah nodded in a daze. “I’ve been privy to traffic analysis. I know how the business works.”

“Then we understand each other.”

Struggling to maintain the perfect posture on her petite frame, Hannah gave a quick answer.

“I… umm… yes.”

The boss didn’t miss a beat. “Good, because we also earn revenue from product placements and reviews, aside from traditional advertisements.”

“I’m assuming HeyAllSexToys is paying this company for a glowing review.”

“Correct. Can you guess why?”

Being up to date on all the market trends, along with the recent articles on this company’s site, Hannah was able to form a sound and articulate conclusion.

“Black Friday is coming up,” she said. “I know that sex toys as gifts are becoming a thing, either as gag gifts or real gifts. Like erotica novels years ago, sex toys are seeing a dramatic rise in mainstream appeal. Fewer people are ashamed of buying them; more people are open about it.”

Mr. Brennan smiled. “Smart. And you’re right, they’re gearing up for a huge push. No pun intended. Additionally, the parent company of HeyAllSexToys are friends of ours — financially speaking — so we need to stay on their good side.”

As gingerly as possible, Hannah wondered how she could pivot this conversation back to her true interests. She knew it would be tough because of how determined and fixated the boss was on this.

“I’m sure I can handle this story,” she said, before adding, “along with other stories I can contribute. I’m working on…”

He interrupted. “This will be your priority if you’re hired. I know this is unconventional, but I need assurance that you can be a team player.”

“Yes, of course.”

“Good,” he replied. “Writing about sex is still very taboo for women, so I’ll need to conduct a further check to see if you’re up for the job.”

She nodded helplessly. “Sure.”

“Have you ever written about sex? Private erotica? Sex-related articles? Anything noteworthy? I didn’t see anything like that in your portfolio.”

Hannah was in awe by the sheer audacity of the boss. Especially as the two other employees in the room were staring at her with great curiosity. This was such a breach of her privacy, but she understood, given the nature of what they wanted her to write about.

She sucked in a deep breath. “I… umm… read Literotica sometimes?”

“Was that a question or statement?”

She cleared her throat. “That was a statement.”

“Good. There’s a baseline at least. You have comfort around sexual words. Now, have you ever had anal sex before?”

Once again, she looked at her audience while she puckered her lips. Desperate for the job, she gave an honest answer.

“No, never.”

She blushed, wondering if she should feel embarrassed, prudish, or proud of that admission.

“Not even a toy?” the boss asked. “A finger, at least?”

“No, and no.”

This time, she felt more embarrassed than anything else. From the tone of things, she was the prude of the group. Especially in a liberal environment such as a digital media company.

Mr. Brennan shrugged it off. “I guess there’s a first time for everything. But now that I think of it… hmmm… this will probably make for a better story and advertisement. I guess we got lucky with you being an anal virgin.”

Beneath her panties, Hannah could feel her anus instinctively clench. It was like a natural defense she never knew her body had under the threat of anal invasion. Her asshole said one thing, but her pussy had a much different reaction. She could feel her pussy dampen and she prayed that no one in the room would smell her aroma.

Then it dawned on her. If she were to accept this job and do this lewd assignment, then her name and face would also be attached to this. Her reputation and career would forever be linked to this anal sex toy. Not just that she had written the review, but that she actually used it inside of her virgin asshole.

“My parents will know about this,” she blurted out, before stopping herself.

He was emotionless. “Writing for Lifestyle isn’t for everyone. If you want to turn down the job, I’ll understand. I have another candidate coming this afternoon.”

Hannah’s inner-fighter came out and her desire was strong. She was so close to landing her dream job that she could practically feel her butt sitting on a leather chair behind a nice desk.

“I want the job,” she said politely. “But if we can negotiate, then I want a promise that I can write political articles after this.”

“We’ll put that in a contract once I know you can handle your new responsibilities. Pardon the bad pun, but we need to probe deeper for your background check, which is right now. Slide your panties down.”

She froze in horror. “Excuse me?”

“I already know you can write, I just need to know if you can do the job.”

Hannah’s eyes shifted to the other employees in the room, who acted as if this was all part of an initiation.

“Here?” she asked. “Now?”

Her eyes once again shifted to the other employees and it was clear that no one would intervene on her behalf.

The boss gestured to the female employee. “Christine, why don’t you show Hannah what we had been discussing a moment ago for a different story.”

Without missing a beat, the female employee lifted her skirt to reveal a cleanly shaven pussy with a skinny rubber handle hanging from her entrance. It was clear she had a sex toy inside and her clitoris was swollen and aroused. The employee blushed but was brave about it.

“I’m writing an article about sex toys,” Christine explained, holding the hem of her skirt up to keep her pussy out. “Particularly when it comes to the various uses they have, including in the workplace.”

“Turn around, show Hannah how easy anal is,” the boss said.

“No problem. My pleasure.”

The female employee turned around and bent over. With spread legs, and with her skirt hoisted over her lower back, her bare butt was showing. So was the sex toy inside of her pussy. Christine used her hands to generously squeeze both cheeks, pulling them in opposite directions.

And just like that, a tiny pink asshole was revealed to everyone in that office. Being a trooper, the female employee sucked her two fingers, giving them plenty of saliva lubrication. She then used those fingers to penetrate her own asshole, digging deep and fingering herself the way most women finger their pussies.

Hannah couldn’t believe how much the office exhibitionism was turning her on, and the way the boss simply called out commands and the girl so willingly and completely complied. Hannah felt an inner compulsion to lift up her own skirt and touch herself, lewdly reveal her bare sex in front of everyone.

But being a good girl, Hannah kept her hands down.

“It’s that easy,” Mr. Brennan said, returning his attention to a very stunned, yet turned on, Hannah. “Relaxation, lubrication, and confidence are the keys.”

Hannah watched mesmerized as the female employee fingered her own ass like it was nothing. It was a worthy demonstration. Pulling her fingers out, the employee stood upright once again, fixed her dress, and rejoined the job interview in a casual manner.

“And you expect me to put…” Hannah couldn’t finish her sentence.

“We can handle that for you. You can start by sliding your panties down.”

She was struck by how the word ‘we’ was casually thrown around as if this were now a group thing. To be fair, it may have been better this way. She knew her limitations and maybe it would be better if the experts took charge of the matter.

When it came to her delicate asshole, someone better have experience. And it certainly wasn’t herself. She turned her head to look at the open door and hallway. Anyone could walk by. A new coworker. A potentially new best friend. Her sister?

“Can we close the door first?” she asked, as if these were her last words.

“That goes against my open-door policy.”

It was pointless to argue. The boss was a stern man. Hopefully this would be over quickly, but she doubted that.

With apprehension and anticipation, Hannah pinched the ends of her pencil skirt and shimmied her hips to lift it upwards. All eyes were on her skinny and milky white thighs. Before she knew it, her light gray satin panties were now visible, stained in the front which made her embarrassed, yet the boss showed no emotion over it. It was a position she never thought she’d be in during a workplace, much less today’s job interview.

“Turn around,” Mr. Brennan said, seemingly unphased by any of this. “Lay across my desk and we’ll finish the rest.”

She tensed again. Jesus her pussy was never hotter. Not only was she about to take something large into her tight virgin ass, but she was going to do it in front of her potentially new superior and colleagues, chronicling every moment of her debasement.

Her dark nipples were now so hard they ached beneath her bra, and her cunt — a nice word like ‘pussy’ no longer applied — her cunt was absolutely swimming in desire.

As she laid face down across the boss’s desk, all she could think about was that her parents, friends, and family would know the sexual things she had done with a sex toy, and what her internal thoughts were through the article she’d soon write.

She was raised as such a good girl, so proper, and yet at this very moment she had never been so turned on. Why was that? She composed herself, lifting the back of her skirt so that her pale white butt would show.

Her dark nipples were like hard pebbles, craving attention under her bra. With her head turned to the side, she watched Mr. Brennan giving orders about how they should proceed as a team. The boss suggested that the female employee get on her knees for a clearer observation, while the male employee should get lubrication for a smooth entry.

She was almost impressed by how clinical and detached Mr. Brennan was while giving commands. Did she think she had the best, most desirable ass in the world? No. It was rather small and kind of flat. But it was a virgin ass nonetheless and she was amazed that an older man could be so composed over it.

Closing her eyes like a frightened kitten, Hannah felt hands across her ass. One pair was feminine, one pair was more manly. The two employees were spreading her butt cheeks and undoubtedly getting a good look at her tiny anus.

She heard a bottle cap open. That was followed by the surreal feeling of a cold gel pressed against her anus by a strong, thick finger. A simple push and the finger went inside her butt.

“It’s very important that you get a good feel,” Mr. Brennan said while personally lubing the asshole. “As you can expect, our partners are expecting this article to give their sex toy a generous boost in sales during the holiday season. They have a large shipment ready, but that’s useless unless we can spread the word. Can you do that?”

She struggled to speak while penetrated. “I can. I can… hmmphh… do…uh, I mean write anything for you.”

The boss’s finger wiggled and twirled inside of her butt.

“Not just write about it, but participate and articulate the sexual experience you’re feeling. Authenticity is imperative. That’s what we’re being paid to deliver. A strong sales pitch heading into the holiday shopping season.”

Another push, and there it was, two fingers were playing with her tight little pucker, circling it and teasing it with the cold lubrication. All the while, the boss kept giving necessary advice to the associates, giving them direction while loosening her asshole.

She felt pressure, a bit of pain and then an erotic sensation that radiated up to her now swollen and hypersensitive clit. It never left her mind that the small team must have been having a good time with this. It was so damn humiliating and so delicious.

The fingers pulled out, leaving a feeling of loss in her asshole, which was now coated with lube.

She heard the package being opened. It was time.

“I’m an anal virgin,” she reminded them.

“Not for long.”

A smooth material was pressed against her anus. The curved head of the anal toy was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Just when it felt like entry was impossible, the hands of the associates came to the rescue, spreading her asshole even wider, allowing the toy to ‘plop’ its way inside her hole. Her sphincter put up a fight but it finally gave way and she felt the penetration.

Hannah wasn’t sure which feeling was more surreal; that a foreign object was now in her butt, or that the people she’d soon work with every day had seen and helped with the backdoor entry. And if she were honest, she liked both feelings very much. God this was obscene, filthy, and… wonderful?

With her face pressed onto the table, eyes squinting, jaw clenched, all she could focus on was the insertion. The sex toy was smooth, and with the lubrication, it slowly slid deeper inside of her. She could feel her anus and rectal cavity stretching and expanding.

The hands of the associates kept her small asshole open and she could hear the chatter and small comments:

‘She’s a tight one.’

‘I can only imagine what she’s going through,’ the female colleague added.

They couldn’t see Hannah’s face, nor the crooked smile. If the colleagues thought she was humiliated and degraded, they were right. However, if they thought she wasn’t enjoying this at all, they were wrong. The experience and anal play were scratching an itch Hannah never knew could possibly exist.

Her eyes nearly crossed when the vibration was turned on a low setting. There was a moment when she was fearful she might literally lose control of her facilities. That was a second, and then Hannah relaxed and learned to enjoy. And it was very much a learned experience.

She felt the light buzz and her body instinctively wanted more, wiggling her small, tight ass, and pressing her sex harder into the desktop. There was this almost unworldly sense of being filled. She felt her ass spasm, twitch, and then she was giggling. Fuck it felt good. Her little hands and feet started to curl and she was digging her toes into her flats, moving her ass in rhythm, and then she didn’t even recognize the growl that came out of her mouth.

And there was the oh-so-sweet buzzing. It was the most intense thing she had ever felt. Her clit was on fire and she was practically dry humping the table, pressing in, pressing hard, and needing more. Her entire lower body was spasming and she knew she was cumming hard.

Wave after wave washed over her. She felt she might explode from what was happening in her asshole. Puddles rolled down her thighs and still she kept cumming, whether it was one incredibly long one, or a series of short spasms. All she knew was someone turned off the vibrator in her ass and her body kept jerking like she had been shocked, collapsing onto the table. Her legs turned to jelly when it was over and she whimpered like a kitten.

“Excellent so far,” Mr. Brennan approved, in what had to be the understatement of all time. “You have a delicate frame, yet your rectal area is quite strong and adaptable.”

Was that even a compliment? Hannah wanted to ask, ‘So did I get the job?’ but that seemed a bit tacky given her sexual state of being with her asshole still buzzing.

The boss continued, “Keep holding her cheeks open. I’ll need to give the final inspection with my penis.”

And there it was, the inevitable ending that she needed to get her body ready to go one more time. Gasping in shock, Hannah was in a state of panic. She was going to be fucked now? Her orgasmic daze was the only thing that kept her from putting up an argument.

And frankly, deep down, that orgasmic state also left her wanting more. She was curious. Maybe the sex toy that had just ravished her asshole was exactly as advertised?

Turning her head, she used one eye to take a peek at the boss. The employees were still holding her asshole open and she could see Mr. Brennan working to undo his pants.

When the pants dropped, Hannah could see that the boss wasn’t entirely hard yet, as if her young body being used by the sex toy did nothing for him. He stroked himself to get hard, looking at her asshole. It was apparent that Mr. Brennan lived up to his reputation– he was a machine. This wasn’t solely about sexual pleasure.

This was business.

Hannah watched the boss tug himself, then with the right stimulation, that cock turned into the biggest thing she had ever seen. It looked like something out of a porn movie, by her standards at least. She hadn’t been with a lot of guys as she was more of a long-term-relationship kind of girl. And most of the guys she had gravitated towards tended to be smaller in stature, which was her taste and what her body was built to accommodate.

Now she was expected to handle this? How on earth was it going to fit inside of her backdoor? The thought didn’t seem possible, even after the sex toy.

But she wanted this job and she knew better than to question the boss. She was so close she could almost feel herself sitting behind a desk here, even with a sore bottom. She no longer questioned everything. Her body was on fire from the orgasm and these feelings were all so new. Everything was still exciting, the humiliation, the vulnerability, even the anal pleasure, which she could hardly believe was a source of orgasms now.

She faced forward, not wanting to see this happen. It was like being in the doctor’s office and looking away when it was time to get injected by a needle. Sometimes it’s better not to see it happen. She heard the tube open again, followed by the sound of the boss slathering his cock with lube. She knew she’d soon be mounted for the sake of ‘research.’

The associates worked together on this, making a team collaboration to fit the cock into her asshole. The cock slid surprisingly easy into her as the toy had already left her gaped and ready. Inch after inch, he went in, steady, never slowing, deeper and deeper into her rectum until she felt the hair on his balls tickle her ass. Once mounted, she found out how relentless and focused the boss was, fucking her hard after taking a short moment for her rectal muscles and sphincter to get settled. Rhythmic slapping noises filled the room.

Her chest rubbed back and forth across the desktop as the boss took her. She didn’t even know how loud she was moaning. All she knew was how desperately she wanted to reach back and play with her own clit.

While her asshole was stretching and being used for a man’s sexual pleasure, all she could this was; so this was anal? This is what it feels like to have a man pound your little asshole. The mystique of porn was gone. Now she understood.

The pressure was intense, painful, but such sweet pain. She was ashamed while her body was rocking back and forth. For years she had thought of this as a horrendous sin, yet now, at this moment, a cock buried deep in her asshole, she was loving it.

This was also her job. She savored and contemplated every second of the carnal ecstasy and agony she was getting from the stretching and fucking. Finally, she couldn’t help herself.

“Oh, fuck me a little harder,” she let out, then regretting it.

The boss obliged and she heard the female colleague giggle the words, ‘Well I guess the sex toy really does work.’

She had been raised conservatively, but she had read voraciously, and always hoped that one day she might find the right situation to test her sexual desires. However, she had never dreamt of this. She had solely been thinking about mutual exploration with the right lover, an Asian lover of course, as her parents had instilled into her.

“Mr. Brennan, a reminder for your 10:30 meeting,” a familiar voice said sheepishly, yet professionally from the hallway.

The voice was almost too familiar and Hannah, with an asshole that was being pillered, was terrified of looking. But she had to. Turning her head to the door, she saw her sister Gina with a well-composed look on her face.

Being sisters, Hannah could sense how painfully awkward, yet slightly hilarious this was for Gina to be in the presence of this anal violation. She wondered if Gina felt sorry for her, or knew that she was living out the greatest sexual adventure of her life.

“Are they in the room?” Mr. Brennan grunted with slowed down thrusts.

“Yes, sir. I’ve escorted them to the conference room where they’re getting set up.”

The boss didn’t miss a beat. “Thank you. They can wait an extra 10 minutes. I need your help with something. Grab some wet paper towels and come back.”

Come back!? Hannah was aghast that her receptionist sister was going to return after seeing this. When the receptionist said, ‘Yes, sir,’ and stepped away, Hannah felt a burning shame which somehow managed to top everything that was going on up to this point.

It felt like a strange loss when her sister left, but at least she was still in good hands, literally. The associates massaged her butt and it felt like Mr. Brennan was fucking her like something out of a hardcore porn; the man truly had skills. From the smooth penetration, to working at just the right intensity and depth, Hannah’s ass was taking quite the ride.

Her asshole was pushed to the brink as the boss squeezed her hips and went to town on her. Her teeth were gritted.

“I’m going to fill your asshole,” Mr. Brennan said with his gathered strength. “These little details will help with your story. It will assist in selling the device as a great present for couples.”

She felt her hips being grabbed and the boss going balls deep, with his crotch slapping against her flat butt cheeks. The cock was stuffed all the way and she could sense that Mr. Brennan’s muscles were tensing and flexed.

The truth was, Hannah had never gone bareback with a guy. Now she felt rope after rope of hot cum shooting inside her lubed anus. There was now more of the hot cum than there was lubrication. It tickled almost as everything was jettisoned inside of her rectum.

When the boss pulled his softening cock out, Hannah felt a gaping sensation in her once virgin hole, and she could also feel cum flowing out. She could no longer claim to be a virgin there, not after the toy and that large cock. The other employees released their grip on her butt, making her asshole close.

Her small hole clenched around the cum filling and she rested her head on the table, feeling a mixture of shame and sexual indulgence. When she heard a light set of footsteps returning, her shame only grew worse.

“Clean me first, Gina,” the boss said. “Then clean our new staff writer.”

“Yes, Mr. Brennan,” the dutiful receptionist said.

In a state of horror, Hannah turned around and peeked with one eye, to see the sight of her sister on her knees, using a wet paper towel to clean the boss’s flaccid penis, which had just been pulled out of her asshole less than a minute ago.

She laid her face on the table once again, listening to the sounds of the other associates getting up and making themselves presentable once again.

When she heard the sound of Mr. Brennan pulling up his pants and zipping himself, Hannah knew it was her turn for a cleaning. The water was cold as it pressed against her outer anus and she wondered if her sister had gotten cold water on purpose.

The wet paper towel cleaned the ring of her anus in smooth circles, before digging inside with the push of a finger. After all the anal trauma her opening had endured that morning, entry was easy. A delicate finger was nothing in comparison to the sex toy and big dick.

“Give a little push for me,” the receptionist said.

Miffed, Hannah did as she was told, giving a short push so that cum would seep from her asshole, onto the paper towel. It was working so she gave another push for good measure, not wanting cum to drip out of her ass later. The finger twirled around in her butt to clean as much of her anal cavity as possible. Then the finger finally pulled out after what felt like the longest minute of her life.

“All clean,” the receptionist noted, giving a gentle pat on the butt.

Hannah stood upright and pulled her skirt down so that no one could see her exposed pussy or butt. She was positive her face was beet red. The boss looked casual after fixing his pants and the other associates looked ready for work.

And then there was the receptionist, blushing with a cute smile on her face, holding a wet paper towel that was drenched in cum. Hannah avoided direct eye contact with her sister at all costs instead focusing her attention on the boss.

“You mentioned a moment ago that I’m the new staff writer,” Hannah said with her brave face, feeling that she’s more than earned this.

Mr. Brennan picked up her panties. “You are. Mind if I keep this?”

“Go ahead,” she replied, knowing it would be her first time walking around with no panties underneath.

He twirled the panties and put them in his pocket. “Get to work. There’s a big sale coming and your support is needed. Gina, please show Hannah to her new desk.”

“Right away,” the receptionist replied.

Mr. Brennan headed towards his meeting, giving Hannah a quick congratulatory handshake. The other associates had the same welcoming attitude.

When they left the office, it was just Hannah and her receptionist sister, who said ‘Follow me,’ before guiding her to the workspace.

Fixing her outfit and smoothing her skirt, Hannah followed, doing her best to walk straight down the hallway with a sore asshole.

“Not a word of this to anyone,” Hannah said discreetly, barely moving her lips. “Not to our parents, our friends, or even me. Don’t mention this ever again.”

Gina kept looking ahead as they walked. “Never, ever.”

Ever since she was young, Hannah had dreamed of being a reporter or a journalist. Sure, she had role models. At first it was Lois Lane, with the quiet strength and smarts to support Superman. Later it was Diane Sawyer on 60 minutes. She liked women who stood for something, as opposed to being eye candy.

With cum seeping from her well-used asshole, she was on her way to settling into her dream job. The political topics would come later. She had to earn her status, and with a sore rectum that was still buzzing with pain and pleasure, she had certainly done that.

The End

Co-written by the great and talented Homerun2611.

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