Kayaking with Mila Ch. 02

An adult stories – Kayaking with Mila Ch. 02 by SensualAndSweet78,SensualAndSweet78 This is the continuation of my Kayaking with Mila story, part of me wanted to leave the story hanging and let my readers imaginations take the characters wherever they wanted, but I feel like Rob, Mila and maybe even Aimee have some more of their story to tell. So here is part two.

I sat between the two beautiful ladies on a very large blanket as we finished eating our lunch, Mila and Aimee had become fast friends and were joking around and even flirting a little, I got the impression that Mila was trying to put Aimee at ease and make sure she didn’t feel abandoned after Derek ran away. Mila was very good at caring for people, I can’t count the number of times I’d found myself on the way home after a rough day at work ready to hide myself away for the night when Mila had called and talked me into meeting her for dinner, and every one of those times I’d gone home feeling much better about my day, Mila had a heart of gold and genuinely cared about people and I couldn’t help smiling as I watched the beautiful brunette coax Aimee into our little adventure and make her feel like she was welcome, and even more, that she had always been invited.

“But I feel bad for crashing your date,” Aimee said as she started packing the blanket back into the backpack.

“It’s not a date.” Mila and I both said in unison and looked at each other with a laugh.

I gestured to Mila to let her talk, “It’s Rob’s birthday and this is our annual kayaking trip to celebrate,” Mila responded.

A flash of regret flashed across Aimee’s face “Oh that makes it even worse, I’m sure all you want to do is make out with your boyfriend on his birthday and I’m here getting in the way.”

“We’re just friends,” I interject.

At exactly the same time Mila responds, “He’s not my boyfriend,” we look at each other and laugh, then she takes my hand in hers and presses it against her bare chest, I feel her nipples harden a little under the palms of my hands as she adds, “I think we’re a little more than just friends,” she emphasizes the word just.

I can feel my shorts start to shrink as I look into her eyes and my hand caresses her breast, I roll her nipple between my fingertips as I step in closer to her and whisper just loud enough so that Aimee can also hear, “and I suppose, I’m a boy who’s done things to you that friends don’t do to each other,” then I lean in to kiss her passionately on her lips.

Mila leans into me and moans as she pushes her tongue into my mouth, her hands reach between us and fondle my hardening cock as our kiss intensifies, I can feel her heartbeat quicken as she moans into my mouth, her hand stroking the outside of my shorts, I let out a soft moan as she pulls away slightly, our mouths separate and she says to Aimee while looking deep into my eyes, “Based on what happened earlier I think it’s safe for you to assume we’re more than comfortable making out in front of you if we wanted to.” I’m so tempted to just fuck her again right now, but I know that would make Aimee feel even more put out, so I dig deep for the last bit of self-control I have and kiss Mila gently on the forehead, knowing that’s probably what she wants too.

My eyes glance towards Aimee and I can see lust in her eyes, at the same time I feel Mila’s body pressing into mine, her heart racing as her nipples harden against my chest and I fell her breath quicken against my neck as my hands rise up to cup her face as if to kiss her again.

“Fuck!” Aimee exclaims, “you two are so fucking hot.” Her eyes roam over Mila and I, as our bodies are intertwined, I could see she was exercising a lot of self-control to keep from touching herself, but she’s not afraid to let her eyes roam over us as we embrace, our eyes meet and for a moment and she knows we can see her lusting over us but she looks anyway.

With a gentle kiss to the lips I fell Mila untangle herself from me and move towards Aimee, I watch her beautiful body as it leaves me full of desire, in that moment it’s as though some familiar part of me has left, I’m missing her touch as she closes the gap to Aimee, her eyes widen in shock as Mila takes her in her arms and starts to kiss her.

Aimee stands there in shock for a moment as Mila’s hands come up to cup her face as they kiss, her fingertips caressing Aimee’s neck and cheeks, then Mila’s hands slide down Aimee’s neck and I can see her body start to respond to the kissing and the touching, Aimee starts to kiss her back and her head turns slightly to the right and her body leans into Mila’s as if to pull herself into her new friend, Aimee’s own hands trace their way along Mila’s red bikini bottoms until Aimee is holding Mila’s ass in both her hands, I fell the slightest pang of jealousy as Aimee squeeze Mila’s perfect ass in her hands. I want to be the one who squeezes that perfect ass and I find myself taking a step closer to the two beautiful.

Mila pulls away from the kiss with a giggle and a mischievous tone, “Oh, you naughty girl, I’m sure Rob doesn’t mind watching us make out either,” and then with a sly look over her shoulder at me she starts kissing Aimee down her neck and along her collarbone, I watch them kiss for a moment and then let my eyes wonder down Mila’s naked back, over her perfect ass to where Aimee’s hands were squeezing her and back up along all their beautiful curves, I find myself getting hard as I watch the two woman making out..

Aimee closes her eyes and moans out load as Mila kissed her way between Aimee’s breasts, one hand groping Aimee’s wonderful breast and teasing a nipple through the bikini top, then without warning Mila stops, turns to me and says, “we should probably start packing up, it’s going to be a long trip down the now that there’s three of us,” with that she starts walking towards the kayak as though nothing has happened.

I can see the cutest look of confusion and lust on Aimee’s face, she is obviously still turned on by what Mila was doing and her mind is trying to make sense of that, as well as understand why it’s stopped, and take in what Mila is saying, it all seems too much for her, and I could completely understand why.

Aimee shakes her head a little as if shaking away the confusion and looks at me for a moment before giving me a sweet smile and asking, “so how exactly are we going to get the three of us down the river in a Kayak made for two?”

“That’s a good question,” I respond as I finish packing up the backpacks and start packing them into the Kayak, “I could always wait here while you and Mila paddle down the river to get help.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Mila says from the other side of the kayak as we both finish packing the backpacks away, I can’t help but look at her uncovered breasts as she kneels in front of me topless, I realize she’s caught me staring but all I get from her is a smile as she says “one of us can sit on your lap the rest of the way.”

“I call dibs!” Aimee says grinning at me.

“You are a naughty girl,” Mila replies smiling, “just a moment ago you were worried about being in our way, and now you want to grind on my man’s cock for the next few hours.”

“I thought you said he wasn’t your man” Aimee teases.

“No, I said he wasn’t my boyfriend,” Mila says stepping closer to me, “but he is definitely…” she says as she leans in to kiss me, I feel her fingertips caress my chest and slowly tease their way down towards my waist, “MY MAN,” she adds just above a whisper as one of her hands grabs my cock through my shorts and squeezes me.

“I think staying here might actually be my safest option,” I joke as Mila steps back towards the kayak. An idea comes to me, “How about you two ride in the kayak and I swim alongside you.”

This time Aimee speaks up, “that’s a long way to swim, are you sure you can swim that far?”

“You’re right,” I say realizing there is no way I could possibly swim to the exit point, we spend the next few minutes discussing how we’re going to get three of us on a kayak made for two and eventually come to a plan where the two ladies sit in the seats, Mila in front, Aimee in the back with me behind her on the very back of the kayak with all our stuff on the front for balance.

Within minutes we find ourselves precariously paddling down the river, I have a growing feeling that we’re going to top over, having me on the back of the kayak has done the opposite of what we thought, instead of balancing us, it seems to be causing us trouble, Aimee giggles nervously as the boat starts to wabble, “Would you stop moving around back there,” she exclaims, “you’re going to topple the boat.”

“I didn’t do anything!” I respond trying to sound offended, and then start rocking my hips side to side to induce more wabble in the boat.

“What are you two doing back there?” Mila laughs and looks back at us, “don’t make me come back there” she adds in a stern parental tone and then starts to rock the kayak with me.

“You two are crazy,” Aimee laughs as she tries unsuccessfully to lean in the opposite direction to our rocking.

I lean forward and start to tickle Aimee by caressing my fingertips up and down her sides, she starts giggling and repeats how crazy she thinks we are, just as I’m building up the courage to cup her breasts, we hit a dip in the river and the kayak turns over, toppling Mila, Aimee, and I into the river, my hands wrap around Aimee’s body as we fall, I pull her against me and cup her breasts as we float to the surface and she pushes her ass up against my hardening cock in response, I squeeze her breasts gently and I feel her take in a sharp breath and press her ass harder against my stiffening cock.

I’m tempted to see where this goes but all our stuff is floating down the river so I have to let go of Amiee so we can collect our stuff and long to get back to the kayak, I have to swim a little to collect one of the bags and I turn around and see Mila and Aimee laughing and giggling at the fun of what just happened as they climb back into the kayak.

“Well that clearly didn’t work,” Mila says with a laugh as she swims over to the kayak and pulls herself back onto it, “Rob clearly doesn’t know how to handle the two of us,” she pauses to emphasize the implication, “on a kayak”

“I don’t know,” Aimee says as she climbs into the back of the Kayak, “I feel like I’m in good hands with Rob” and winks at me, I look over at Mila who has a wry smile on her face.

Despite the temptation to finish what I stated with Aimee, or maybe because of it I decide to float next to them in the river for a little while, with the added benefit of letting the tightness in my shorts fade.

We spend another ten or fifteen minutes floating down the river, talking and joking, getting to know each other and enjoying each other’s company when the topic of how Aimee came to be on the river came up, we found out that Derek was a friend of Aimee’s older brother and she had always had a crush on him, her brother had set this up as a way for her to either overcome her crush or get something started with Derek.

“It looked for a while like things were going well,” Aimee said with a thoughtful smile, “he is definitely into me…”

“Oh, he was into you,” Mila grinned, “over and over again.”

Aimee and I laughed, “oh, he definitely wasn’t afraid to give me a go, but I think we all know which way it’s going to end,” she adds with a nervous laugh.

“You never know,” Mila says thoughtfully, trying to find a positive spin, “he may be waiting for you at the pickup point, it was a lot for him to take in.”

“It’s not every day you get charge down by a gorgeous naked woman,” I joke.

“I doubt it, I think I like the way this has tuned out, long term this is a win for me,” Aimee looks at Mila and then at me, holding our gaze for a moment, “I got to meet you two, and this is the most fun I’ve had in a very long while,” and then in a low whisper to herself, so low I’m not sure she actually said it, “and that orgasm was one for the ages.”

“Oh, the fun is only starting,” Mila laughs and splashes a bit of water behind her onto Aimee.

Before things can escalate, and my hardness returns I decide I need to get out of the water, so I grab the kayak and start swimming towards shallower waters, “I’m getting tired, I need to get back on the kayak.”

“Spoil sport!” Mila laughs and playfully splashes me with water.

“I can swim for a while if you like,” Aimee says.

I pull us to the shallows, “That’s okay, I can try sitting on the front this time to see if the balance works.” We move the bags behind Aimee and I climb onto the front of the kayak sitting so I’m facing the ladies, my legs dangling in the water.

We paddle and float like this for a little while, chatting about everything and nothing, Mila is still topless and I feel like a teenager looking at his first adult magazine as I admire her body, she catches me looking once or twice and secretly squeezes her tits for me while we talk, after another twenty minutes I feel like we aren’t going to topple over at any sudden movements, feeling a little tired I decide I want to try lie down, I shift my weight a little closer to Mila at the center of the kayak allowing my head to lie on the front, I close my eyes as I lean back.

I lie with my eyes closed for what feels like forever, the heat from the sun warming my skin, Aimee and Mila have gone quiet and I’m enjoying the sounds of the river thinking about how lucky I am to have such good friends and a little guilty that the ladies are doing all the work while I doze off, not too guilty that I don’t start to fall asleep though.

I feel myself come back to consciousness as the weight of the kayak shifts a little, I start to drift off to sleep again when I feel fingertips start to caress my inner thighs, they tease their way from my knee all the way up under my shorts, then I feel a pair of lips kiss my inner thigh just below my shorts, the fingers move to the outside of my legs as the kisses move higher and higher, then for a moment I feel nothing, I wait in anticipation and I’m rewarded with a kiss on my stomach, just above the waistband of my shorts, the fingers turn into hands as they press against my hardening cock.

“That’s better,” Mila whispers as she kisses my stomach and one hand tugs at the waistband of my shorts, “It’s much more fun when he’s awake” she says as she squeezes my cock, I lift my hips to allow Mila to pull my shorts down and freeing my cock, I feel her kiss the base of my cock as her fingers tease my inner thighs, she kisses her way up my cock until she sucks on my head, the feeling of my cock entering her mouth sends a pulse of pleasure down my cock and though my whole body.

I hear a moan and realize it’s not Mila’s, I open my eyes and see Aimee topless sitting behind Mila pinching one of her nipples, another pulse of pleasure shoots through my body at that sight and I realize I’m going to cum very soon if I’m not careful, and I want this moment to last a very long time, my gaze shifts down to see Mila looking up at me as she takes more of my cock into her mouth, her eyes are smiling and I can tell she is enjoying herself, “Fuck you’re gorgeous,” I say without even thinking it.

My cock pops from Mila’s mouth allowing her to say “Well thank you Rob, though that thought might have something to do with me sucking your cock,” then she kisses the top of my cock and swallows it whole, her tongue swirly around it as I hit the back of her throat.

I reach down and caress the side of her face with my hand as she bobs up and down on my cock, her tongue sending pleasure through my body, “I’m not going to lie, that definitely has something to do with why I’m telling you now, but you truly are gorgeous Mila, I’ve always thought so.” a moan vibrates through my cock as Mila responds to my words, I hold her gaze as she slowly slides my cock from her mouth.

“Fuck you two are so hot,” I had almost forgotten Aimee was there, my eyes move from Mila’s to Aimee’s, she has one of her hands squeezing her nipple and her eyes lock on mine as the other hand reaches forward and my heart nearly stops as she reaches between Mila’s legs. A low moan vibrates through my cock again as Aimee’s fingers press up against Mila’s bikini bottoms.

“Oh, fuck!” Mila moans as my cock slips from her mouth, she looks back over her shoulder at Aimee and then lowers her head into my lap as Aimee’s hand starts to move faster, Mila’s hips start to move along with Aimee’s as another moan escapes her lips, then as if her pleasure is driving her forward she looks up at me and swallows my cock again, moving up and down, occasionally pushing me all the way down her throat, her eyes never leaving mine.

Mila starts jerking me off with one hand while she gives me the best blowjob of my life, her eyes close in pleasure as Aimee’s fingers perform some magic over Mila’s pussy, I assume Aimee has pulled Mila’s swimsuit aside and is rubbing her clit directly, I look up to Aimee and I can see she has pulled Mila’s bottoms off and has both hands between her legs, Mila’s moaning on my cock tells me Aimee is going good work.

Aimee looks up from Mila’s ass and sees me staring at her and smile, “I couldn’t help myself,” she says defensively.

“Nobody’s complaining,” I respond, “In fact, I think you’ve made the right decision,” I feel Mila moaning on my cock again bringing me closer to the edge, “if you keep doing that I’m going to cum,” I say to both Mila and Aimee as I feel the pleasure build.

“Fuck that’s hot,” Aimee says in a husky voice, “I can make you cum by fingering your girlfriend?” she moans out load and her eyes lock onto mine again, “I want you to fuck me,” the words bursts from Aimee’s mouth, then a moment later her cheeks flush when she realizes what she said but she doesn’t try to take it back.

“I’d love to see that,” Mila says as my cock pops from her mouth, I look at her in shock, “What? I think it would be hot to see you fuck Aimee,” she shrugs.

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” I say and roll off the kayak, luckily the water is knee deep so I wade to the back of the kayak and pick Aimee up and carry her over to the river bank, Aimee wraps her legs around me as we walk and my hard cock presses up against her bikini bottoms, she kisses me and starts grinding herself against my hard cock, I moan loudly into her mouth as we reach the river bank, I look around to find a place to lay down and find Mila has thrown a towel down for us, I think to myself that I do truly have the best friends and whisper a thank you to her as I lay Aimee down on the towel.

I start kissing my way down her body, over her neck and across her collarbone, I kiss my way over her breasts, taking time to suck on her nipples, giving each one the attention they deserve, while my mouth is occupied with her beautiful breasts my hands tease their way over her stomach, fingertips caressing her skin until they reach her bikini bottoms, one of my hands reaches between her legs and starts to rub her pussy through her bikini.

Aimee moan’s loudly as my fingers press against her, my tongue swirly on her nipple, I start to kiss my way down her chest and over her stomach, my fingers teasing their way beneath her bikini, I look up and see she is looking down at me and biting her lower lip, her hips are rocking along with the motion of my fingers, I kiss to the top of her bikini bottoms and then pull them down a little with my teeth, “Stop teasing me!” Aimee breathes out exasperated.

“You have no idea what teasing is girl,” Mila’s voice breaks in from my right, “He teased me for years before giving me what I wanted.”

“I did not!” I say indignantly from between Aimee’s legs.

“Couple’s therapy later, fucking ME now!” I’m a little surprised at the outburst from a usually timid Aimee, I didn’t think she could be so forceful, she was obviously closer to the edge than I thought, so I pull her bottoms off and tease my tongue along her pussy lips, a moan vibrates through her whole body as I push my tongue inside her, “Please Rob, Please fuck me.”

“In a moment Honey,” I say and push a finger inside her and press my tongue against her clit, her back arches as I pull my finger out and suck her clit into my mouth, I start humming and flicking her clit with my tongue as my fingers move in and out of her dripping wet pussy.

I feel her pussy clamp around my fingers and what I can only describe as a growl vibrates through her entire body as she starts to cum, “Oh, My!” escapes her mouth and then she looks at me with eyes full of desire, lust and a little bit of danger and says “Don’t make me ask you twice.”

I chuckle to myself at her use of Mila’s words and resisting the temptation to kiss my way up her beautiful body for fear of what she might do to me if I take too long, I crawl up her body and slide my cock between her legs and push myself inside her, I groan at the feeling of her tight pussy and the second woman I’ve been inside today, I resist the temptation to look over at Mila, I want to give all my attention to Aimee so I lean over and kiss her, pushing my tongue into her mouth as I thrust into her, she moans into my mouth as our bodies collide.

Aimee’s hips start wiggling under me as I thrust, her hands reach down to grab my ass as if to help me thrust into her, I can feel her hands grip me one second then let go the next, as if she doesn’t know what to do with her own body, I lean back so I can pick up the pace and look Aimee in the eyes as I fuck her harder and harder, for a brief moment she looks to one side and I follow her gaze to see Mila completely naked, one hand pinching her nipple and the other flicking her clit then slipping a finger inside herself, her eyes are locked on Aimee’s so I look down at Aimee and fuck her harder.

Aimee looks up at me and between thrusts starts saying “Rob. I’m. Going. To…” then she looks at Mila a second time and I feel her orgasm on my cock, he whole body shakes and her eyes dart back to me as she loses control of her body, I keep thrusting into her, the sound of our bodies slapping together filling the air, her whole body shaking, I feel a second wave of shaking run through Aimee’s body and her eyes roll back, she raises a hand to me in what appears to be a halfhearted wait movement so I slow down till I’m gently pushing my cock in and out of her pussy.

Now that the sounds of our bodies and her moaning have quieted and my focus isn’t totally on Aimee I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, Mila is moving closer to me, she also has her hands out in a stopping motion, with a little bit of concern on her face so I stop and look down at Aimee worried that I may have hurt her but she has the biggest grin on her face, “Are you okay?” I check, just to make sure.

A happy “Mmm,” is the only response I get from her.

“That was so fucking hot!” Mila exclaims and kisses me, almost toppling me over, “I can taste her on your lips” she adds and kisses me again while my cock is still inside Aimee, “Come, lie down next to Aimee, you’ve earned your reward.” Mila says pulling me down onto my back next to Aimee and then she straddles me and in one quick motion impales herself on me, she leans over and kisses me again while grinding her pussy on my cock.

“I won’t last long,” I say as she leans back.

“I don’t want you to last long, I want you to cum for me” she responds and moans as she rides me, my cock slipping in and out of her dripping wet pussy.

Looking up at this gorgeous woman I can’t believe my luck, my hands roaming over her body, the feeling of her skin under my touch excites me, raising my arousal even more, my cock seems harder somehow as I cup her breasts with her impaled on my cock and she rides me faster, I start grunting an moaning as I get closer to the edge, and then without warning I cross the line and start cumming uncontrollably, my hips bucking up into her as she slams down into me, my fingers pinching her nipples as wave after wave flows from my cock through my whole body, I can’t remember ever cumming like this before.

Mila slows her pace, looks me in the eyes and smiles, “You are so hot, you know that?” she slowly grinds against my softening cock before she leans in and kisses me.

The feeling of her tongue in my mouth gives me an idea, in one quick motion I flip her over onto her back and dive between her legs.

“I’ve already cum, Rob, I don’t think I can cum again for another week,” she giggles as I kiss around her pussy.

“You don’t have to cum again,” I say and suck her clit into my mouth for a moment before pushing my tongue deep inside her, her back arches and a moan escapes her mouth as I lick up all the cum inside her pussy, when I have a mouth full I crawl up her body and kiss her, pushing my tongue and my cum into her mouth, she moans again and I feel her hands roaming over my body as we kiss.

After a long moment of kissing, our bodies pressing against each other, I lean back and Mia smiles, “I love it when a man sucks his cum from my pussy and then kisses me, how did you know that?” she asks, “I love to taste us,” she emphasizes the us.

“It was just a hunch,” I say and kiss her again.

“Hmm, what was a hunch?” Aimee murmurs from my side, coming back to the world if the living, “what did I miss?”

“I’ll show you,” Mila says and leans over to kiss Aimee, I feel my cock stirring as the two woman kiss passionately and I know my cum is finding its way into Aimee’s mouth.

The two woman break the kiss and Aimee’s face goes from confusion, to surprise and then a big smile “Oh, so you finished the blowjob.”

“Nope,” Mila says with a smirk,

“Then how did his cum…” Aimee starts to ask looking confused, and then a moment later I can see the realization run naked through her mind, “Oh! Fuck, you two are so fucking dirty! I love it!”

Mila turns to me and smiles and my cock starts to harden pressed against her pussy, she looks down at where our bodies are joined and her smile widens, “there’ll be time for that later, if we don’t take too long to get off the river,” she winks at me and quickly gets up and heads to the kayak looking for her bikini bottoms.

Aimee and I get up to follow, but before I can take two steps Aimee stops me with a hand on my chest, “that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced,” she whispers so that only I can hear, then leans in and kisses me on the lips, her hand dropping from my chest to my cock and jerking me a few times, “I hope we get to do that again.”

“It would be my pleasure,” I respond as I bring my hands to cup her face as I kiss her again.

“Time is short,” Mila shouts back to us, “and I have a date tonight, so we can kiss here or fuck in the car on the way home!”

Aimee suddenly breaks the kiss and runs to get into the kayak, I feel jealousy rise from the pit of my stomach, it’s a strange feeling, I’ve seen Mila with other guys before, and even heard her share intimate details of a few encounters, but the jealousy is a new experience, I remind myself that I don’t own her, she isn’t mine, and I had just fucked another woman in front of her, but the idea of her organizing a date with someone on my birthday still stings, the sting is softened as I watch the two beautiful ladies collect their clothes and get dressed, Mila looks over her shoulder at me with the biggest smile and winks at me as she slaps Aimee’s ass while Aimee bends over to pull up her shorts, my shorts, I remind myself.

“Ouch!” Aimee cries, “What was that for?” she asks, half smiling.

“Because you have such a nice ass,” Mila responds and smacks her other cheek before kissing her again and then opens her bag to get some clothes for the final leg of the journey.

We spend another few minutes getting dressed, it turns out we’re less than 30 minutes away from the take out point and the ladies have decided arriving half naked at a public park on the river is probably a bad idea, “I don’t mind being handcuffed,” Mila jokes, “but not by the police.” Both woman put on a pair of shorts and bikini tops and ready the kayak for the last trip down the river.

I climb into the back seat this time and Mila let’s Aimee sit right up front so she can lay down and get some sun, Mila and I paddle a little and then relax and let the current take us down the river, we spend the next 10 minutes paddling slowly and relaxing as the current takes us closer to our final destination, in spite of what Mila said she doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.

In between paddling we come to a nice quiet spot in the river and Mila stops paddling and leans back, her eyes closed, enjoying the quiet and the sun, I take the opportunity to lean forward and put my arms around her, my mouth next to her ear, “this is nice, isn’t it?” I whisper, trying not to break the silence.

“Mmm.” Mila responds and leans back into me, “We should do this more often,” she says.

“The sex or the kayaking?” I ask with a laugh.

“Both,” Mila says quietly without a hint of humour in her voice, she leans back pressing herself against me.

“I’d like that,” my fingertips caress her stomach, I’m enjoying the feeling of her skin under my touch.

“The sex or the kayaking?” she asks back with a laugh.

“Both,” I mirror to her and kiss the side of her neck.

“Rob?” Mila says my name in a serious questioning tone.

“Yes Mila?” I ask back as I kiss further down her neck to her collarbone, my fingertips teasing the sides of her waist.

“Why haven’t we done this before?” The question is serious and a little unexpected, my mind starts racing trying to think of all the excuses I’ve come up with and all the reasons I’ve given myself and my friends about why Mila and I were just friends and trying to find a way to tell her.

But before I get a chance to respond Mila sits up straight and points to a spot on the side of the river we’re about to pass and exclaims, “Shit, that’s our exit point! Paddle like your life depends on it!” I let go of her and all the thoughts I was having of us, and I paddle as hard as I can to get us to the exit point.

Aimee jerks awake with Mila’s exclamation and the sudden change in direction, looks up at us with alarm just as Mila jumps from the kayak to pull us ashore, “What’s going on?” she asks alarmed and confused.

“It’s nothing,” I say calmly, “the exit point snuck up on us and we nearly missed it, Mila just got a little excited,” I joke hoping to calm Aimee’s nerves, there was no point in telling her the next exit point was two hours away.

“I did not get over excited,” Mila says as Aimee and I get off the kayak and help Mila pull it onto the shore.

“Paddle like your life depends on it?” I ask in my best impression of Mila’s voice.

Mila gives me a dirty look and then adds, “Okay, maybe I panicked a little,” her face changing into a smile.

“So where is your car?” Aimee asks.

“You seem very eager for your round with me,” Mila laughs as she helps me pick up the kayak and we carry it up the slope to the car park.

Aimee blushes, “that’s not what I meant,” she giggles, “I just assumed your car was here at the pickup point.”

“She’s almost as eager as Miss paddle like your lives depend on it,” I offer with a smile, and to my surprise Mila actually blushes.

“Shush, you!” Mila laughs and halfheartedly slaps me on the shoulder.

“We parked at the drop in point,” I say to answer Aimee’s question, “we have a friend who owns the local kayaking spot, and he lets us ride his bus back for free.” smiling I point to the old school bus painted white with Kyle’s Kayak’s on the side.

Aimee smiles in recognition, “Oh, cool, that’s who we rented our kayak from. You have the coolest friends.”

“Speaking of that,” Mila interrupts, “do you see Derek around anywhere? We should probably check in to make sure he made it back, and let them know you’re made it too”

Aimee and Mila make their way to the bus driver and explain the situation to him while I help one of the crew mount the kayaks on the trailer, I can see the driver is agitated and I think about going over to help but I know Mila and Aimee have this in hand, then I hear Aimee say “no, it’s fine, I’m okay,” and I see the tension release from the driver’s shoulders, they talk a little longer before he gestures for the ladies to get into the bus.

When I’m done helping with the kayaks I make my way into the bus, as I climb in the bus driver give me a huge smile and says, “You’re a legend man, a real man,” and give me a fist bump.

I return the fist bump and smile back, “umm, thanks guy,” I respond a little confused.

“No, thank you,” he says as I move to the back and take a seat next to Mila.

“What did you say to him?” I ask as I shift into the seat.

Mila smiles and responds flatly, “Just that you fucked us both and gave us both the best orgasms of our lives,”

“Mila!” I exclaim quietly and look to see the bus driver watching me in the rearview mirror, he gives me a grin and two thumbs-up.

“She’s joking,” Aimee chimes in from where she’s stretched out on the seat behind us.

“You’re no fun,” Mila teases as she look over her shoulder and smiles.

Aimee pulls a tongue at Mila before telling me what happened, “I told him you two were on a romantic kayaking trip and you came across Derek and I fighting because we couldn’t decide which fork in the river to take, and that when you pointed out I was right Derek got upset and paddled away, he thinks you’re a hero for interrupting your date with a hot girl to help a woman whose boyfriend abandoned her.”

“Oh,” I say softly and give a thumbs-up to the driver who is still looking at me in the mirror.

It takes us thirty minutes to get back to our car by bus and then another fifteen before we’re ready to get back on the road, Aimee made sure everyone knew she had returned and confirmed that Derek had left without her an hour earlier. Once Mila and I had finished tying the kayak to the roof I jumped in the car and was surprised to find her climbing into the back seat, I looked at her a little confused and Aimee got in the back seat behind me.

“Am I your chauffeur now?” I ask looking at them in the back seat.

“Trust me,” Aimee says, looking at me but leaning closer to Mila, “It will be worth it.” Then she looks at Mila, raises her hand to Milas face and kisses her.

It was going to be an exciting drive home.


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