Ken, “Cousin” Connie & Ex-Wife Brandi Pt. 01 by MoMiner64Mete,MoMiner64Mete

“Brandi, that’s great. I really want to see you again after all of this time and I know that the boys will really want to see you again and hug you, too. You know that the boys and I still love you very much, Baby.”

After the phone call, Connie and I talked about it and she said “Ken, I think that I should head back home before the weekend gets here.”

“Connie, you didn’t drive all this way out here to just turn around and start back after just a few days here with me. I won’t allow you to go back before the end of the second week of your visit here or longer if you want to stay longer.”

“Not only that, I have taken two weeks of my vacation to be with you and I want you to be here with me during the whole time of my vacation. I really hope that you’ll stay a whole lot longer than that, too.”

Reluctantly, Connie said, “Ok, Ken, I’ll stay here with you at least until the end of the two weeks I originally came out here to spend with you.”

I continued to tell her, “In addition, I want to take you back up to visit that high altitude camp site again that we briefly visited earlier on our second day of back packing. I want to spend the night there with you, too.”

“I want you to see the sunset, dawn and the sunrise that we talked about when we were up there.” I wanted her to stay here with me longer than that but, that was all she would agree to at the time.

During the rest of the week I took Connie on short trips deep into the mountains on short day trips in my 4WD. We visited some of the small surrounding towns in the mountains to eat lunch and view the scenery there. Of course, she took pictures of the scenery, too, to show her family and her friends.

Nearly every day when we got back to the house we made love and we thoroughly enjoyed each other. I guess I was subconsciously making up for lost time since Brandi had left me. And I think that maybe Connie was also making up for lost time since her husband had died and all the time we could have been making love since we were kids living at home with our Mothers and living together in college.

Connie, giggling at me, even told me, “As many times as we have made love since I have been here I’m about to get so sore between my thighs that I may not be able to walk before very long, Ken. I can’t believe that your big stiffie is not sore like my pussy is.”

She had a broad smile on her face and laughter in her big bright cow eyes. “I haven’t been this sore between my thighs since my husband first took my virginity all those many years ago. I just feel like a new bride, Ken.”

Chuckling back to her I replied, “I want you to feel like a new bride, Connie. The longer we are together the more I want to have you move out here to live with me, Connie. I can easily get used to making love with you. Or maybe I’m already getting used to making love with you.”

She quickly replied, “Ken, you are still very persuasive and the longer I’m here the more I want to move in here with you, too. I love being here with you and I love making love with you, too, Sweetheart, no matter how sore I am between my thighs.”

The big problem that I could see that was looming ahead for me was that I thought, actually I just knew that probably Brandi was going to want to come back home and move in with me again. And I sure as hell didn’t know what I was going to tell her if that was what she wanted.

Before she left I told her that I still loved her and that she was unconditionally welcome back here anytime she wanted to come back home to live with me. I could not and would not go back on that promise to her because it had not changed in any way.

She is still the love of my life and the Mother of our boys. The big question is what Brandi would want to do now that Connie is here and I have asked Connie to move in with me, too. I really found myself to be on the horns of a dilemma. I sure never expected to have this happen but, then I thought maybe it was not necessarily such a bad situation after all. Maybe, I could have it work for me or as they say have my cake and eat it, too.

Saturday morning came and Connie and I got up, had breakfast and we went out to get groceries for the visitors we were expecting later that day. We returned home, put up our groceries, had our lunch and waited for our “guests” to arrive. During the time we were waiting Connie and I sat on the love seat together and talked about each of our families.

About mid-afternoon, Connie happened to look out the front room window and saw a car pull up in our drive way. When I looked out at the car I told her, “Connie that would be our boys. They’ll be in here shortly. They will be happy to be home and happy to meet you, too. Since they have already talked to Brandi they will want to know if she has gotten here yet.”

Both the boys came in and I introduced them to Connie. “Connie, these two are my twin boys, Daren and Derek.” They both said they had remembered hearing about Connie and they each greeted her very warmly hugging her and she greeted them just as warmly as they had greeted her.

I just had to think, ‘I guess I had better watch them. They’ll want to try Connie on for size just like I have already been doing and I’m not certain that Connie would be able to fend off their advances. Of course, as they say one more slice of bread off the loaf really won’t be missed.’

Then Connie said, “Ken, both of your two boys look so much like you. They both sure are handsome young men just like their Daddy. When my Girls meet them they will be creaming their panties like you have been making me cream my panties all week. And I couldn’t blame them for creaming their panties either.”

The boys both asked me about their Mother and I told them, “Your Mother called earlier in the week. She said that she was coming up here to visit with us but, she has not arrived yet. I’m expecting her to arrive at any time, now, guys.”

Both of my boys said, “We really want to see and visit with you and Mom this weekend, Dad, as well as Connie since she is here visiting with us, too.”

An hour after the boys arrived, Brandi arrived and I met her at the door. The Boys and I hugged her and kissed her very warmly. Both of our boys nearly trampled me to get to greet their Mother, hug her, kiss her and tell her how much they loved her. It was very apparent how happy they were to see their Mother back at home with us.

I introduced Brandi to Connie and they each greeted the other very warmly with Brandi saying, “I have known about you, Connie, since before Ken and I had gotten married and it is really good to finally get to meet you.”

We had drinks then Brandi and Connie fixed supper for all of us. It was so good to see Brandi back in the kitchen like she had done for all of the years before she got our divorce. After supper the boys left to go out clubbing with some of their friends that were home from school for the weekend.

When the boys left the house I poured each of the three of us a glass of wine and we sat down to visit. I figured that I needed to take the bull by the horns and meet my dilemma head on. I told Brandi, “Brandi, I have asked Connie to relocate out here and move in with me, Honey.

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