Ken, “Cousin” Connie & Ex-Wife Brandi Pt. 01 by MoMiner64Mete,MoMiner64Mete

When we got to the summit just before sundown, Connie took a lot of pictures that she said were breath taking.” We watched the sunset and hiked the short distance back down to the campsite before full dark had descended upon us. I lit the camp fire I had laid before we left so we could cook our evening meal and our breakfast in the morning. We ate our supper and then turned in early as we were all tired from the hike up to our campsite.

We had gathered and cut enough fire wood to keep our small campfire burning through the night to make sure that we would not have any unwanted visitors in the middle of the night. Needless to say I kept my 12 gauge at hand during the night the magazine full but, none of the rounds were chambered.

I thought about having a beautiful pair of titties on either side of me for the night. But, all of us were too tired and it was too cramped to do anything like that during the night in the tent anyway. Maybe the next time I come up here I could make love with one or the other or maybe even both of my two sweethearts. I knew I was going to have to pass on that tonight. Since Brandi and Connie were both laying on their backs I did allow myself the luxury of having my hand on two different pussys at the same time, though.

I got up a couple of times during the night to put more wood on the fire and keep it burning through the night until daylight. I woke up at first light just before daylight and I woke the girls so that we could make the short hike up to the summit to watch the sunrise.

The girls both wanted to sleep longer but, they both really wanted to watch the dawn and the sunrise at the summit, too. They both said, “Watching the sunset and now the sunrise made it well worth the trip up here to the campsite and sleeping in the cramped tent.”

After breakfast we doused out the fire, covered the fire pit with fresh moist dirt, scattered the rocks, took down our tent, policed the area and hoisted our back packs up on our shoulders. Then we started back down the trail toward the cabin. We took our time and got back to the cabin toward the late afternoon having taken our time hiking back to the cabin.

I asked the girls, “Do you want to stay in the cabin overnight as the boys and I had done when we camped up here previously then get up in the morning and head home or would you rather drive home, make supper there and sleep in our beds at home?”

They both responded “We would rather stay here for the night, eat a meal, get a good night’s sleep then head back home in the morning.”

I kissed both of them and told them, “Yeah, I agree, Girls.” I built a fire in the cook/heating stove to prepare our supper and to keep the cabin warm during the night. We had our supper and I asked, “Which one of you girls wants to sleep in my bed tonight?”

Brandi responded, “I’ll let Connie sleep with you tonight as I slept with you the previous night at home, Honey.”

Both Connie and I were very tired from our hike but, that did not stop us from making love with each other. After we both had reached our climax she whispered to me, “I love you, Ken.”

I quickly replied, “I love you, too, Connie, and I really loved having my hard love member deep inside you again tonight, too, Honey. It’s especially satisfying since we don’t have to worry about birth control and making you a Mommy again.”

I wanted to continue to make love with her but, we both drifted off to sleep before we could make love any further. All three of us slept until well after sunup then we got up, made our breakfast, loaded my 4WD and headed back toward home.

When we got back to the house we unloaded the 4WD, stowed our gear. We all took a shower and laid down for a nap. When we all three awoke I gathered them both up in my arms, kissed them both and told them both, “Brandi and Connie, I’m the luckiest man in the world to have two beautiful women in my home that I love so very much and who love me, too.”

Later, I told each of them, “Just remember this, Sweetheart, as the Juice Newton song says, “The sweetest thing I’ve ever known is loving you”‘ and probably our Mothers, also.”

The End MMMN0.22

Author’s Note: All of the events and characters in this essay are purely fictional. They are totally a figment of the writer’s imagination and may not be construed as anything other than as they are presented. All characters in this story are over the age of 18.

Category: Romance, Straight, Mature, Oral, Erotic Couplings, Loving Wives,

Short Description: His “Cousin” came to visit and she brought him a big surprise.

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