Ken, “Cousin” Connie & Ex-Wife Brandi Pt. 01 by MoMiner64Mete,MoMiner64Mete

“Ken, I was talking to my Mom and your Mom and they told me they were raised as sisters because your Grandma and Grandpa took my Mom in as an orphan and she was raised there with your Mom. They are the same age and they just told everyone they were sisters because they lived with Grandma and Grandpa and they looked very much like each other.

We are not related by blood at all and we are NOT cousins. So, if we make love it is not incest. Why do you think I was being so risqué with you and would allow you to get so intimate with me? I sure would not have done that if we were actually blood relation.

“Holy Shit, Connie. You mean to tell me all that time we lived and slept together in college we could have been making love and it would not have been incest. Well if that’s the case, I’ve had enough rest to get into your panties and make your head spin like a top with a huge climax. Are you rested enough to make me climax, too, Honey?”

“Just try me big boy. You have never had a woman like me that could draw the love cream right out of you like my love flower can. I’ve wanted to make up for all that wasted time we had when we were living and sleeping together in college.”

Reaching under the covers I firmly fondled her sweet, soft titties and then I reached down inside her panties and cupped her warm, moist pussy with my hot hand. She cooed softly to me right into my ear that was what she had wanted me to do for her the night before. I rolled her over onto her back, got between her thighs and with her help I pulled her panties down over her hips and off of her legs and feet.

Then I asked her, “Do we need protection, Baby.” I was relieved when she said, “No”, because I didn’t have any condoms here with us. I quickly reached down and fondled her furry pussy and found that she was very liberally lubricated with her generous love fluids.

After getting between her thighs I very gently and carefully opened her outer and inner pussy lips, placed my very hard love member at the opening of her hot delicate love flower and slowly entered her sweet, hot love treasure. Gently entering her to our full penetration I was balls deep into her sweet pussy. I paused for a few moments and asked her, “Does that feel OK to you, Baby?”

She quickly whispered back a reply, “I’ll feel a whole lot better if you’ll start thrusting into me fast and hard, Honey. Make me cum and I want to feel your hot love cream squirting deep inside me, Ken.” I did as she asked and soon she was gasping for her breath and moaning as loudly as any woman I have ever made love with and heard.

I told her, “Let it all out, Baby, there ain’t nobody here that can overhear you and embarrass you besides me and I’m not about to embarrass you. I’m really proud that I can make you moan and cry out like that. I really want to hear you moan and squeal each time I bring us to our orgasms.”

After about five minutes of hard fast pounding she squealed, “I’m cumming and I want you to squirt your hot love cream deep inside me, Baby. Cum inside me, Honey” Within moments I started squirting my hot love cream deep inside her filling her tight pussy, and inundating her cervix with my hot cum. Then I collapsed on top of her just after our orgasms had washed over us with both of us gasping for our breath.

I kissed her forehead, her cheek; her neck and then finally her lips as my slowly softening dick came gradually slipping out of her hot, slick pussy. I laid down beside her and held her in my arms.

She could barely whisper to me, “Oh, God, Ken, I have been wanting us to do that since we were both kids at home with your Mother and my Mother and when we roomed together in college. It has been everything I expected it to be and more, Honey. I love you so much, Ken.”

I told her, “I have wanted you for many years, too, Sweetheart, but, too many other things have just gotten in the way and prevented us from doing this. But, now that we have finally made love I think that it has been well worth the long wait. I really loved being inside of you and squirting my hot love cream in you. I really love you more that I can ever tell you, Sweetheart.”

Connie cuddled up next to me, with her arms around my neck, kissed me and said, “Making love with you was well worth the long trip out here to see you, Ken. I should have come out here many years ago. I really loved feeling your hot love cream squirting inside me and I want to feel that again sometime later today or tomorrow or both. My pussy is already wanting to feel your big hard love member deep inside me again.”

“Shut up and go back to sleep so that we can make love again after daylight. I want to see you without your clothes on, Baby.” She just kissed me again, wiggled her cute butt and snuggled up tighter against me. She pulled the covers up over us again and we quickly went back to sleep.

Connie is just like I am in that she goes to sleep very quickly after she has reached her climax. I held her closely and tightly in my arms thinking how lucky I was to have her here with me and then I quickly went to sleep again, too.

Daylight came with the morning and the bright sunshine quickly following, shining in our eyes and it woke the both of us. I pulled her close to me, kissed her tenderly and said, “Good morning, Sweetheart.”

She slowly opened her eyes, returned my kiss and my morning greeting and said, “You need to let me get up so I can go pee, Honey.” She got out of bed and stepped outside the door and immediately turned around and quickly came right back inside the cabin.

I told her trying to suppress a big grin, “It sure didn’t take you long to go pee this morning, Baby.”

“Hell, it’s too cold out there because, there is a light dusting of snow on everything out there, Ken.”

She put her clothes and boots on and started back out the door and I told her, “Keep your eyes out for bears.” I thought that I had scared her and she was going to come back in and pee through her panties on the floor. She stopped and asked, “Are there really bears up here?”

“Yes, there are, Baby. I said very seriously. Then I asked her, “Why do you think that we have those little bells on our back packs and I carry my 12 gauge shot gun when we go out on the trail?”

She just giggled and said, “Oh, Ken, I just thought that they were really just cute little decorations for our back packs.”

Being my snarky self again I said, “Yeah, that’s so the bears can hear us coming and they can find us more quickly to gobble us down without having to search for us.” Then I told her, “There are not likely to be any bears around the cabin now because of the wood smoke coming from the cook stove. They know that smoke means fire and they stay well away from fire if they can.”

However, to make her feel better I need to at least put my boots on. After I pulled my jeans and boots on I picked up my 12 gauge and said, “Come on, Honey. I’ll go out with you and keep an eye out for you before you have to go pee in your pants.”. Two minutes later she finished and I had to pee as much as she did. I handed her my shotgun and told her, “If you see any bears coming for me shoot them.”

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