Kylie and the Roommate Ch. 03 by spiderbyte94,spiderbyte94

I noticed on the floor there was a stack of index cards spread out slightly. Some rubber gloves were next to that. I picked up the cards and noticed the ink had smudged on the top one. Looks like something had spilled on it. I could still make out some medical gargin on there though.

“Are these Kylie’s? Where is she?” I asked Jason.

“Oh yea they are. I think she’s in your room. She ran off after I finished — I mean — after we finished studying,” he stammered out.

“Finished studying?”

“Yea she has, like, a second part of her interview tomorrow and she wanted to make sure she was prepared.” His focus seemed to be on the video game. I shrugged and decided to go find Kylie.

I opened the door to our bedroom and Kylie was standing there in a towel.

“Hey honey, how’d the interview go?” I asked.

“Great, sweetie! They really liked me, but I need to go back tomorrow.”

“Yea, Jason mentioned that. By the way, is everything alright with him? He was acting weird,” I said.

“Oh I’m sure he’s fine now. He was helping me study actually,” she responded.

I held up my hand with the index cards. “Yea, what did you need to study? I found these on the floor in the other room.”

“Well tomorrow I need to do a practical. I’m supposed to do some actual examinations of patients, while the doctor evaluates me. I was worried I was gonna be rusty, but Jason came up with a great idea to help me practice.”

She pointed to the index cards. “I wrote down different scenarios on the card and then Jason would pretend to be the patient and I had to figure out what he had based on the symptoms.”

“Hmm yeah, that is an interesting idea.” It was weird to imagine the two of them role playing these scenarios. I looked at Kylie again. Her face seemed shiny. I noticed a glob of something near her hair.

“It looks like you have something on your forehead, honey.” She quickly wiped her face, smearing whatever it was all around.

“Whoops! I was putting on moisturizer before you came in, must have missed a spot,” she giggled.

She continued, “But yeah, the cards worked great. I really tried to imagine I was at the doctors. I even put on my scrubs and had on my rubber gloves. First, Jason pretended to be an old guy with a hernia. I got that one pretty easily. It was obvious from his answers.” She was talking fast. She always got so excited talking about nursing.

“The next one was harder though. Jason said he had an aching feeling in his testicles that had lasted for days! I figured out it was epididymal hypertension. While I was examining him I needed to do a –”

“You mean, pretended to examine him,” I said, cutting her off.

“What? Oh right. Yeah, I pretended to,” she replied hastily.

“Anyway, it was a lot of fun and really helpful. Now I feel much better for tomorrow.”

I wish I had been the one to help her, but I guess it was good if it helped her get the job. She seemed happy about it. I noticed her pink nursing uniform on the floor where she must have taken it off. The front looked all wet. Little drops streaked downwards, making the material turn dark.

“What happened to your uniform?”

She turned to look where I was pointing. “Oh, uhh, that was an accident. I was so clumsy I spilled a drink on myself. That’s why I’m gonna go shower.” The top of her chest did look sticky.

Her tits were barely contained by the towel. I wanted to just pull it off her. I was already on edge. I moved in close to her with a smirk on my face. “Maybe I can join you there?”

She put her hand up and ducked around me. She was blushing. “Daniel, you know Jason is right out there!” With that she quickly left the room and I heard the shower start.

I gave a deep sigh and tried to get my dick under control. I walked past Jason, still completely focused on his video game. I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a strong drink.



I rushed through the door of the apartment. A practical? When was the last time I had to do one of those? Maybe college? Where did I leave those old textbooks?

My interview had gone great, the doctor was very nice and the office was close by. And to top it off when he told me the pay, my jaw almost hit the floor. Everything sounded perfect.

But then he told me he wanted me to come in tomorrow to evaluate my practical skills. On the outside, I said of course, trying to portray an air of confidence. But inside I was panicking. I hadn’t done these kinds of examinations since nursing school.

I walked past Jason sitting on the couch, deep in my own thoughts. He was just sitting there playing on his phone, fully clothed. That disappointment from earlier tried to creep its way up, but I dismissed it. Things were going back to normal. It was for the best.

My thoughts returned to the task at hand when I entered my room. It was empty, Daniel wasn’t home yet. I searched through the closet first, then under the bed, looking for my old university things. Damn, where were those books? I was starting to panic a little, thinking about how terrible it would be if I messed up this interview.

I heard a knock on the bedroom door. I looked up and saw Jason. “How’d everything go? You seem frazzled?” he asked.

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