Learning about Lilia and Martin

At some point during the night, in the wee small hours, and while I was half asleep in that fuzzy moment between drowsiness and awakening, he was in me once again, his body over mine, but although it was quick I remember the warm enjoyment of what he did, smooth yet effective, it felt nice, warm and oddly comforting. He finished quickly and I went back to sleep in the darkness of the room, contented and fulfilled with a strong sense of wellbeing.

Waking again, as the dawn outside started to lighten the room, I felt them both together next to me on the bed, there was a slow squeaking of bedsprings, matched with the rhythmic rattling of the headboard as they lay with each other, in the missionary position, engaging in one of those long slow delectable screws, which was sweet and heavenly in their mutual enjoyment.

Rising quietly in an attempt to lessen the risk of disturbing them, thwarted by the ripping sound as the sheet which had stuck to my bottom with dried semen and vaginal output. I gathered my clothes from the floor. Glancing over at the two of them as they writhed slowly together, his hips describing smooth round undulating movement as he thrust deeply into her. Her eyes were open and fixed on mine, with a smile of both enjoyment and dignified triumph as she experienced what I’d received earlier. She winked as I stole out of his bedroom and tiptoed along the landing to the guest room where I’d dropped my overnight bag earlier. It was just after 4:30am, so I quickly washed myself, and dressed in a pair of light cotton panties and my pyjamas before climbing gratefully into bed and falling asleep almost immediately.

The knock on the guest room door woke me at just after 11:00am, and Lilia whispered to me as she entered.

“Come down and we’ll have a light breakfast together.”

Struggling to get out from under the warm comfort of the duvet, I stretched and followed her out, walking quietly downstairs to the kitchen. She poured out two glasses of fruit juice, and two bowls of cornflakes with fresh chilled milk, which we enjoyed in mutual silence.

Catching her eye I asked.

“How’s Martin?”

“Flat out, we’ve drained him almost completely between the two of us, he’ll be asleep for hours yet.”

I didn’t say anything, just smiled to myself in reflection of the nights events, reliving the feelings in my groin, as I was still experiencing the afterglow of really good sex. After a few minutes she asked.

“Well Lucy, what did you think of that, wasn’t he good?”

“Oh my god, yes he was, I really enjoyed him, I hope you weren’t disappointed with what you saw either.”

“It was magnificent, to see him disappearing inside you, your tight little pussy taking him in all the way, and watching you reduced to a blubbering wreck as he pounded you until you were almost senselessness. It was both wonderfully exciting, and a little disturbing at the same time.”

“I have to admit, it was a night full of surprises, but a very satisfying one in the end.”

“I suppose you’ll be wanting to go home soon?”

“Yes, I’ll sneak away before he wakes up if you don’t mind.”

“No, that’s fine, I understand, I’m just pleased you enjoyed yourself, and it was worth you coming over wasn’t it.”

I laughed lightly as the enormity of our experience struck me.

“True Lilia, I came over to come, unexpectedly, but I came nonetheless.”

“Take a shower, get dressed and when you’re ready, drive out quietly just like when you arrived, I’ll take care of Martin, I haven’t quite finished with him yet.”

We tiptoed upstairs and she waited in the room as I showered, watching me as I checked my vulva for cuts and tears, thankfully finding none, although I was still slightly swollen there was no damage. She talked lightly as I dressed in comfortable clothing, fresh cotton knickers and bra, cotton slacks, and a sweatshirt. I repacked my overnight bag with my soiled underwear and clothing.

We went quietly back downstairs again, and headed for the back door, pausing before she opened it to let me out. She kissed me, a lingering kiss that made my spine tingle, and looking me in the eye whispered.

“There’s one last secret I have to share with you Lucy, and after last night I trust you implicitly with it.”

“Of course, you know that I respect our friendship, the trust and confidentiality we’ve had ever since we’ve known each other.”

She took on a serious expression, with her voice low and sensually husky, she leaned close as she told me.

“I’m pregnant, only about six weeks, but very definitely pregnant, and I’m carrying Martin’s child.”

“Oh god, what are you going to do? Will you keep it?”

“Yes, of course we’re going to keep it, it’s what we’ve both wanted.”

“How are you going to handle the fallout from your parents?”

“We won’t tell them, and there’s little chance of them finding out, so it’s not a significant concern, yes I’ll tell them about the baby, but I’ll imply it was some other man who is the father.”

“What about your future though, you’re both very young to embark on family life, particularly with such a huge secret to contain between yourselves?”

“We’re going to live together, I’ve put the deposit on a small house near where he’s going to university, the mortgage was granted last week. We’ve exchanged contracts and we’re due to complete in a few weeks. We’ll live together as man and wife. He will attend his course and graduate and start working in his chosen field of electronics. I have got a new job near Southampton which I start the week after mum and dad come back from holiday. It was a recruiting consultant who found the opening, and I have a great reputation in HR, so it was a very successful interview and prompt appointment.”

“But, what about your healthcare, anti natal, post natal, blood grouping and all of that?”

“We’ve got it all arranged, there are people I know who are qualified, and despite the professional risks have agreed to take care of me, we’ve had our genetics tested and we’re completely compatible. There are no inherent gene problems, so we’ll be fine. You’d be surprised if you knew how many people have pregnancies with family members.”

I was a bit doubtful, but she was among my closest friends, and it was making her happy. I said my goodbyes, and got into my car, starting and coasting down the drive, she opened the gates with the remote controller and I drove away, feeling full and contented.

Several week later, I received a text from her, advising me of her new address, and inviting me to visit her before Martin went down to join her. I phoned her back to ask how she was and agreed to go and see her at the weekend.

The new house was very nice, modern, lots of glass, light and airy, it had the advantage that it was close to the university, and only a short drive to her new job. She was now heading towards her twelfth week and starting to show.

“You have the beginnings of a lovely little baby bump there Lilia, and you’re blooming, being an expectant mum suits you.”

“I know, and I’m really enjoying it, my tests have all come back showing normally and there’s nothing to worry about, the baby is healthy, progressing well, and everything is fine.”

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